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Ray Edwards Show

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Sep 20, 2023 • 39min

Using A.I. to Grow Your Business - with Matt Wolfe

Ever have that dream of waking up and finding that your most recent video got hundreds of thousands of views while you were sleeping? I have. I have yet to experience this personally, but that's exactly what happened to my guest, Matt Wolfe. In this conversation with Matt, we'll talk about his sudden boom (9 years after launching his channel) - What caused it? How have things changed? What opportunities has it made possible? Matt is a passionate student of A.I. and it shows in his videos. We'll discuss the importance of creating the content you're passionate about, what role A.I. (and humans) play in the future of content creation, and why Matt thinks the human brain is not yet obsolete. [00:00] Matt and I discuss his popularity increase after chat GPT became public, his journey of creating videos, gaining traction, and finding success with AI-related content. ​Overnight success? Hardly. Matt started his YouTube channel in 2009, focusing on WordPress and teaching people how to build websites ​Matt discovered that his videos about AI gained more popularity than his marketing content, leading him to shift his channel's focus. One of his A.I videos has now hit 1.2 million views. ​[04:36] Matt shares his 14-year journey to success and how he is monetizing his business. ​​Matt created his website, futuretools.io, to organize and access useful tools he discovered. This site now serves as an A.I. resource for thousands of visitors each day. ​Lots of copycat sites have emerged since Matt's launch of futuretools.io, but that doesn't bother him. He originally built this site as a resource for himself and not as a business model. ​Matt sees himself as an enthusiastic user of AI technology rather than pretending to be an expert. He believes (and I agree) that has played an important role in his success. ​Matt's revenue streams include: affiliate links, featured listings, sponsorships, a weekly newsletter, a YouTube channel, and a podcast. ​[12:35]  Will A.I. take over content creation? Matt believes that real people creating content on YouTube will always win because the audience connects with a genuine creator. ​[19:46] Creating authentic and passionate content that resonates with you is more valuable than focusing on data-driven strategies, spammy content, or trying to please the algorithm or audience. ​Be real...Let your personality shine through in your content. Focus on creating content that excites and interests you. ​[22:56]  Use AI as a tool to enhance content creation ​Feedly is an AI-powered RSS feed reader that allows users to find and filter articles and news on specific topics. ​[27:54]  What about AI's  potential to create fake content and undermine the credibility of video and photographic evidence What does Matt think about AI replacing jobs? ​[33:19]  Do we still need people? Of course. But not for everything... AI will potentially replace manual labor jobs, but humans will adapt and find new ways to add value. ​[36:47]  Where to find Matt...and when do we get the new podcast? Links ​futuretools.io : Matt's site that "Collects & Organizes All The Best AI Tools So YOU Too Can Become Superhuman!" ​Matt's YouTube Channel : Definitely worth subbing and binging How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice. Get The Transcript and Video https://www.rayedwards.com/635  
Aug 28, 2023 • 11min

The 1 High-Value Skill to Rule Them All

I can think of no more valuable skill than the one that conveys the importance, uniqueness, value, and necessity of everything else you have to offer - Copywriting. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise...but guess what skill you'll need to do that? Copywriting is fundamental to any business because it's how you communicate who you are and why people need you. Any transaction begins with communication, and the quality of that communication dictates everything that comes after. This week's episode is about recognizing that EVERYTHING is copy - Not just sales pages and ads. Social media posts, emails, videos, podcasts...even conversations are copy. Use the techniques and triggers that have been used for millennia to improve ALL of your interactions. You'll also learn how you and I can be "study buddies", working through Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula together. I've bought PLF every year since 2005 because it works, and it gets better every iteration.  We'll soon be launching the updated, AI version of Copywriting Academy using PLF blueprints. Listen to find out how you can get a behind-the-scenes look at our launch, step by step. Key Insights   ​The one high-value skill to rule them all: Copywriting ​AI does NOT eliminate the need for human copywriters ​​Everything is copy - not just sales pages and ads ​Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula changed everything in 2005 ​Get free access to the PLF Masterclass Here ​Emails require stellar copywriting skills to get opens and responses ​Social Media Posts are copy - Treat them as such. Be intentional! ​Your website builds trust and drives conversions, and...it's copy. ​In-Person interactions can be "Conversational Copy" ​Get PLF using my link, and we'll go through it together Soon, we'll be launching the updated, AI version of Copywriting Academy. Get behind-the-scenes access to my own, PLF-Powered launch, step by step. A "vlogumentary" that shows you how my team and I put PLF to work. Links ​Product Launch Formula Masterclass - Your once-a-year shot at getting thousands of dollars in practical, actionable, launch education. Learn the key elements of Product Launch Formula directly from its creator, Jeff Walker. These videos come down this week, so DON'T Wait! Video Of This Episode (Youtube) https://youtu.be/UIiLyWApXGE   How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Aug 22, 2023 • 20min

From Words to Sales: Copywriting Tactics That Amplify Your Business and Foster Connections

This week we review the fundamental differences between marketing and selling, and how to properly execute both. Plus, I introduce you to two of my students, Jason and Melanie Crane. We'll talk about their entrepreneurial journey as a husband and wife team, they're challenges, and how you can achieve success without sacrificing your marriage. I'll also tell you how you can learn the same fundamental sales system that we use for each and every product and service we sell (Product Launch Formula), absolutely free of charge. Key Insights ​Marketing and Selling are NOT the same thing ​Marketing is where you connect with your audience and let them buy in to your worldview, philosophies, and ideas - Marketing is preparing your audience to buy from you. ​The offer is critical. Get it right, or nothing else works. It must be made irresistible to the audience. ​Building a list through lead magnets and email marketing allows for sequential communication and increased chances of making a successful sales offer. ​Building a relationship with customers and being perceived as a helper, rather than someone trying to sell, can amplify your business and foster connections. ​Sacrificing personal relationships for the sake of success can lead to negative consequences and the breakdown of marriages. ​Creating or joining a Mastermind group can provide a supportive and motivating environment for personal and professional growth. ​Being part of a supportive community can be transformational in achieving your goals and overcoming challenges. ​Making the process of improving a marriage fun (even integrating dance in Jason and Melanie's case) can help engage both partners and create a positive experience. Links   ​Free PLF Masterclass - Get the fundamentals of Product Launch Formula, taught by its creator, Jeff Walker. This is my sales system. It's what my company uses every time we launch a new product or service. If you want to sell online, this is the way. These free Masterclass videos are only available for a few days, so get them while you can ​BAM Prosperity - Visit Jason and Melanie's site to learn more about how to build a business without sacrificing your personal relationships How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Aug 14, 2023 • 13min

Content Marketing: How Much Is TOO Much

A lot of people are asking this question when it comes to "Content Marketing": How much is too much? At what point do you saturate your readers, listeners and viewers with so much knowledge that they are no longer interested in buying what you're selling? In this week's episode, I'll give you a solid answer to that question...free of charge. Key Insights ​Giving away valuable content for free in content marketing can help build trust with potential customers and lead to future sales. ​The success of a marketing strategy can be measured not just by immediate revenue, but also by its ability to position your brand in the marketplace and generate long-term results. ​People often don't do what they know because they either don't know how to do it, don't like doing it, or find it too overwhelming. That presents an opportunity for content marketers to provide guidance and support in the form of courses, coaching, and other revenue-generating services. 7 steps do doing this right ​Step 1 - Know your audience and the problem they want to solve ​Step 2 - Give the FULL Answer ​Step 3 - Teach your whole process ​Step 4 - Illustrate the value - Show what your process is worth when you put it to work ​Step 5 - Ask your audience, "Why aren't you doing this?" ​Step 6 - Offer to do it with them. ​Step 7 - Repeat ​Providing valuable knowledge and illustrating the value of your process can help build trust and demonstrate the worth of your content. ​In my latest book, Read This Or Die, I share how I used my skills as a marketer and copywriter to write a sales campaign that helped me overcome the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and change my life. ​Marketing is about changing mindsets and sharing your beliefs, values, and worldview, not selling products or services. ​Next week, we'll talk about the selling process Links ​Read This Or Die: Persuading Yourself To A Better Life There's still time to be part of my upcoming bookclub and workshop - and get your free video mini-course when you purchase the book (click the link for details) Video and Show Notes https://www.rayedwards.com/632 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jul 27, 2023 • 11min

7 Reasons You Need A YouTube Podcast Now

My weekly podcast has been my #1 source for new clients since the beginning of my business. Why? Because it has helped me to build a connection with the right people. Listeners get a dose of my knowledge and personality and then decide whether they should move on, or stay for more. Those who aren't a fit for my style get naturally filtered out. So, the podcast doesn't just get me more clients - It gets me better clients...My right-fit clients. This week, we're talking about the golden opportunity you have that didn't exist when I was getting started: YouTube.  I've got 7 compelling reasons why you should start your YouTube channel, NOW. Key Insights ​Putting your own podcast on YouTube is a great way to build a loyal following and attract high-paying clients, as it allows you to create an emotional bond and forge connections with your audience. ​YouTube is the number one podcasting platform and has invested heavily in video podcasts, making it the ideal platform for connecting with clients and customers. ​New viewers can discover your show organically, so don't miss out on the opportunity to build an audience by consistently creating content. ​Having a YouTube video podcast can provide opportunities for lateral marketing and niche audience targeting. ​A YouTube video podcast allows you to reach new clients in different genres. ​YouTube is now offering a complete ecosystem with ad-free videos, music, and podcasts, giving creators the opportunity to attract new viewers and listeners and potentially earn ad revenue. ​Get a complete Video Podcasting for Copywriters course at https://www.rayedwards.com/vidpod Links Video Podcasting for Copywriters - This is the top-of-market course lead by the great Diana Gladney Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/631 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jul 22, 2023 • 5min

From Unknown to Iconic: The Marketing Journey of Revel 77 Coffee

In this economic reality, you must bring your A-Game when it comes to marketing. No more outdated websites...No more ignoring your "Shadow Brand", or your reputation on social media. You must strive to be Iconic in your market. This week, we're talking about how my son and I are marketing the local coffee shop we co-own together, Revel 77.   Key Insights ​​ The importance of stepping up your marketing game in the current economic reality and moving away from ugly marketing strategies. ​Ugly websites no longer sell, as the competition now includes big players like Disney and AI technology, but this also means more opportunities for those who can create high-quality content. ​Your website is not enough to attract customers, you need to provide a valuable experience and build trust before asking for a purchase. ​Your online reputation, or "Shadow brand," is crucial for attracting customers, so it's important to provide the information they need to make a favorable decision about your business. ​Revel 77 Coffee in Spokane, WA enjoys having control over their coffee product by roasting it themselves, allowing them to tailor it to their customers' preferences. ​Build a sophisticated website and marketing hub to capture traffic and cater to the specific audience of your coffee shop, ensuring customer satisfaction and differentiation from competitors like Starbucks. ​You must think about sales copy, photography, video, writing, and your brand, but the good news is you can watch us do it with our own business. ​Revel 77 Coffee in Spokane, WA roasts their own beans, and if you want to order their delicious Morning Muse roast, click the link in the description. Links ​Revel 77 Coffee - Get the meticulously crafted flavor profile of your choice delivered to your door - Roasted in-house by our resident coffee genius, Sean Edwards. Video And Transcript https://rayedwards.com/630 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jul 14, 2023 • 20min

Start Your 1-Person Business Now

This week, I'm laying some groundwork for an upcoming series about building your own 1-person business. A 1-person business isn't new territory for me - I ran a successful one for many years before I started building my team... BUT - The tools that are available now (specifically the AI-Powered ones) have made doing this on-your-own incredibly easy. You can now build your business by yourself, without neglecting every other aspect of your life...And it's AMAZING. Let's talk about what's possible... And why YOU CAN (and SHOULD) do it NOW.  Key Insights ​Building a one-person business that allows you to work only with people you want to work with, and on your own schedule, is not just a dream, it can be a reality. ​The internet is "The Great Leveler", removing all barriers and providing equal opportunities for success. ​Optimists generally have better lives, with more money, freedom, happiness, and better relationships, while pessimists have a more realistic vision but often end up less happy, wealthy, and with lesser relationships. ​The internet removes gatekeepers and allows anyone, regardless of age, to create a million-dollar business. ​The internet has leveled the playing field, allowing anyone to start a business and connect with potential customers, regardless of their social status or background. ​ Understanding that you are the brand allows you to be your authentic self and stand out in a way that is unduplicable. ​ There is an audience out of the 8 billion people on this planet that can only resonate with your unique perspective and personality, so be authentic and comfortable in being yourself. ​ Don't worry about the market being saturated, there is still room for you to start your 1-person business. Links ​Read This Or Die: Persuading Yourself To A Better Life - Click to find out how you can get a free gift when you order my new book: A 6-part mini-course where I personally walk you through the life-changing process outlined in the book. ​ClarityScribe - The most powerful AI-Powered copywriting tool on the planet. Try it for free (no credit card required) How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jul 6, 2023 • 15min

Personal Brand: Are You More Than Your Niche?

In this episode of The Ray Edwards Show, we ponder on the balance between niching down and maintaining personal authenticity in a brand. While specialized services and products offer a greater focus, personal charisma gives your brand its unique charm. But which one should prevail? Let’s find out. Key Points ​Defining your personal brand does not mean you have to stick to one specific niche. ​While services should be hyper-focused on a niche, personalities should be diverse. ​Ambition and products being pushed by vendors often cause the overwhelm and confusion in branding. ​Everybody has their unique thing to sell, but none of them should dictate your brand’s direction. ​To succeed, your business and personality need to resonate with each other authentically. ​Implement a strategy, set goals, and use the necessary tools for effective branding. ​Also, consider having a guide and companions to help you along the way, but remember that it will take time. ​Always keep being true to yourself and share your true passions with your audience. Links ​[Austin Kleon - Show Your Work] ​[Mike Kim - You Are The Brand] ​[Work With Ray] Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/628 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jul 1, 2023 • 10min

Copywriting Q&A With Ray

This week is another Q&A with Ray episode where I offer my answers to these questions:   How do I get more people to open my emails? ​Can I use copywriting on social media without seeming sleazy? ​Are old-school sales pages dead? Those are some great questions, to which I believe I have some helpful answers. If you would like to win a free, signed copy of my new book, Read This Or Die: Persuading Yourself to a Better Life, check out the link below to get the code I mention in the podcast. I'll be doing more prizes in future episodes, so make sure you're subscribed to my YouTube channel for an even better chance to win. [00:00] Intro - More Q&A [00:22] Question 1: How do I get more people to open my emails? [03:25] Question 2: Can I use copywriting on social media to make sales (without seeming sleazy)? [05:37] Question 3:   Are old-school sales pages dead? [07:51] Win a free, signed copy of Read This Or Die: Persuading Yourself to a Better Life Links Read This Or Die - Learn more about my new book, Read This Or Die: Persuading Yourself to a Better Life Get the Video and Transcript https://rayedwards.com/627 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jun 22, 2023 • 18min

Change Your Thinking & Create Magic

In case you're not familiar with Lee Cockerell, here's a quick snippet from his bio: Lee Cockerell is the former Executive Vice President of Operations for the Walt Disney World® Resort. “As the Senior Operating Executive for ten years Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, a shopping & entertainment village and the ESPN sports and recreation complex in addition to the ancillary operations which supported the number one vacation destination in the world.” When it comes to team-building and leadership techniques, Lee has one of the best resumés on the planet. A few weeks ago, I received a note from Lee saying that he had read my new book, Read This Or Die, and enjoyed it so much that he purchased multiple copies to send to friends and family. To receive a note like that from someone I respect and admire was both humbling, and inspiring.  Lee also extended me the honor of being a guest on his Creating Disney Magic podcast (linked below), which is where this week's audio comes from. [00:00] Intro/explanation [00:14] Welcome back to the show [00:45] How Read This Or Die impacted Lee [02:39] The missing chapter [04:11] It's about the reader's challenges...not Ray's [05:44] Changing your input/output [06:55] Your wife's review (The Cranial-Rectral Extraction Method) [10:04] No need to wait for disaster [12:42] A lesson in brain science [13:48] A trip to Galaxy's Edge [15:25] More about "The letter" Links Creating Disney Magic Podcast - Lee Cockerell shares his wisdom and experience from his time as the Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World. Along with host Jody Maberry, Lee discusses how you can apply lessons in leadership, management, and customer service to create magic in your organization. LeeCockerell.com - The best place to get in touch with Lee. Learn more about his training, speaking, and mastermind group. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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