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Ray Edwards Show

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Dec 31, 2023 • 5min

Plan Your Year

This week I'm giving you a simple, 5-step process to help make 2024 the best year your business has ever had. Of course, I said "simple"...not easy. The toughest pill for most business owners to swallow is this: You probably need to stop doing 20-50% of what you're doing right now. In other words, take a look at 2023 and figure out what things gave you the least ROI. What things took the most of your resources and returned anything less than "worth it". That's the prep work...Listen to get my 5-step plan. Key Insights ​Stop doing the things that don't produce a good return on your time and efforts ​Plan Your Year ​Plan your time off (commit!)   ​Plan for the things you can't control (holidays, etc.) ​Plan your content schedule ​Plan your promotional schedule ​Setup accountability and guidance for you as the leader (e.g. a coach or mentor) Links   The Copywriting Academy Live 2024 - As a listener of my podcast, you have earned a free invitation to experience my flagship training, live, with no investment other than your time and attention. The Copywriting Academy Live happens January 3-6, 2024. If that date has not yet passed, I strongly advise you check this out. Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/646 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Dec 21, 2023 • 4min

The Magic Word That Will Change Your Life

In this week's episode, I'm talking about a single, magic word that has the power to reduce your stress and give you more time to do the things that matter to you. What is this "Magic Word" ? "No" People seem to have no issue asking for our time, our attention, our money, etc. But for some reason, we often feel bad about saying no. It makes us feel like we're not doing our part, or being negative, or a bad person. "No" is just a response. It's neither good nor bad, but learning to use it can have a huge impact on your life. Key Insights ​Saying "no" doesn't mean you're a negative person with a negative attitude...it's just a response ​No need to make up excuses. This is a complete sentence: "No." ​Using the word "because" in your response can lead to less pushback ​Saying No to things you don't want to do gives you more time to say yes to the things you do want to do Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/645 Links ​The Copywriting Academy Live:  Kick off 2024 with radical change and massive progress. Join me for The Copywriting Academy Live virtual event, January 3-5. We'll get your copy finished and ready-for-launch, plus you'll master some incredible tools that will make you more productive than ever before. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Dec 14, 2023 • 7min

Why People Don't Change

It's almost that time of year... Time to declare big changes for 2024! And then abandon those declarations in a few short weeks.  I'm not trying to be negative, but the reality is: It's hard to make significant changes in ourselves. Only 3% of people stick to their big resolutions. But why? That's what we'll take a look at in this week's episode. Change is possible...and it can be much easier than you think. Key Insights   ​ Change happens when the pain of not changing is greater than the difficulty of making the change. ​The fear of not changing is often overshadowed by immediate gratification, making it difficult for people to prioritize long-term consequences over short-term pleasure. ​To change, you need to make the future pain of not changing more real than the current pleasure. ​People don't change unless they associate significant pain with not changing and take ownership of their ability to change. ​Some people can learn to love pain through conscious choice and association with pleasure. ​Choose activities that you enjoy to make change easier. ​Enjoy the process of pushing yourself to achieve your goals, not just the end result. 5 Steps For Real Change Decide what it is you want to do Get clear on why it's important to you Figure out how you're going to get to the outcome Associate massive pleasure to the process of getting there Associate massive pain to not doing the process Links The Copywriting Academy Live - Kick off 2024 with radical change and massive progress. Join me for The Copywriting Academy Live virtual event, January 3-5. We'll get your copy finished and ready-for-launch, plus you'll master some incredible tools that will make you more productive than ever before. Video And Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/644 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Dec 10, 2023 • 15min

PASTOR Masterclass

Learn how to effectively use the PASTOR framework for sales copywriting. Understand the key components needed for successful product or idea selling. Explore elements of the framework, highlighting transformation and possibilities. Maximize sales copy effectiveness by including a guarantee and creating urgency.
Nov 22, 2023 • 8min

Writer's Block!!??

I have previously claimed that Writer's Block does not exist. That was true for me at least...until recently. What happened? How could my seemingly endless well of ideas and words suddenly run dry?  This week I'm sharing the cause, and the cure. Key Insights ​Expressing my gratitude for you in this season of thanks ​Suddenly self-conscious ​Age is NOT a handicap in this arena. There is value in your wisdom ​Accept who you are and embrace your imperfections ​Be a source of positivity online and in the world ​Your influence and impact will live longer than you​ Links How To Write Copy That Sells - Get your FREE copy of my bestselling book (just pay shipping) YouTube and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/642 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Nov 17, 2023 • 15min

Your Shadow Brand

Building your business and your brand requires a particular set of skills. I want to talk about those skills (one in particular), but also issue a reminder about your other brand...the one built by others. Your shadow brand. What is it, and how do you manage it? Key Insights ​ What's the best, must-have skill for creating cash flow and building wealth? ​AI has made it easier to build a business with less human help, but at a certain level you must start hiring people. ​The harder you work, the more money you make... Not True - That philosophy can destroy you ​To achieve true wealth, you must create assets that generate income ​You must learn to communicate strategically and influentially ​Use your writing to build your personal brand - Do not just hand this job over to AI...use AI as a helper, not an author ​How to take control of your Shadow Brand (make it intentional) ​Build a personal brand based on the Real You ​Embrace your Authentic Self - keep your quirks intact to build a personal brand that people connect with and recognize ​Copywriting is the number one skill when it comes to building your brand (Everything is copy) ​A.I. can help make you more productive, but you MUST understand the fundamental principles of good copy in order to use it correctly Links ​How To Write Copy That Sells - Get your free copy of my most popular, bestselling book (just pay shipping) Transcript and Video rayedwards.com/641 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Nov 6, 2023 • 40min

Tiny List Brings MASSIVE Profit - with Nick Pollard

"People Pleasing" is NOT the way to build a brand. You might build a BIG list that way, but you won't build a QUALITY one. Your list, your followers, your subscribers...They need to know the real you if you want to build a meaningful connection. (You know, the kind that brings in revenue for your business.) Your message must align with your brand. My guest this week is known as "the People Displeaser" (a.k.a. Nick Pollard), and he has done exactly that. Nick and I will discuss his journey, and how being authentic with his audience has helped him build a list of actively engaged, loyal followers.  Key Insights ​Nick Pollard's recent video on TikTok has over 1.8 million views (and climbing)...but why "that" one? ​Don't worry about the size of your email list, focus on the depth of your relationship with your subscribers. ​Maintaining a high list engagement with a 50% open rate, even without marketing to them, shows the importance of having a targeted and interested audience. ​Nick's engagement with his audience's list is HUGE. That's a result of building a strong connection with his audience which paves the way for successful marketing. ​The key to building engagement with your audience is being honest and authentic from the start. ​Nick had rapid list growth, going from 1,500 to over 11,000 subscribers, thanks to a little bit of luck, and a viral video. ​The content that performs the best is when the creator is being authentic. ​Nick believes that high engagement on social media comes from sharing only what truly matters and resonates with the audience, rather than bombarding them with irrelevant content. (Don't force it!) Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/640 Links NickPollard.com - How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser, Quit Lying to Yourself About How Miserable You Are, And Finally Build a Life of Freedom Where You Don’t Come In Last Place. ​CopyCrew.net - Unlimited Copywriting for online business. Fast, effective, and 100% Guaranteed. A copywriting subscription to grow your business. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Oct 29, 2023 • 22min

Be a Word-Nerd - The Psychology of Good Copywriting

Check out this incredible conversation I had with my fellow word-nerd, Molly Rouse-DiCioccio. Molly has an amazing insight as to (as she puts it) "why people do stuff". Once you understand the psychology of your audience, the right words become obvious. And, of course, if you're a copywriter that can "connect", you can charge appropriately (6-figures in the case of the project we discussed), and are free to work from wherever. ​Molly's fascination with human behavior and psychology drives her passion for marketing and helping people with marketing psychology, influence, persuasion, and mental triggers ​​The importance of copywriting skills (and where to learn them) ​How Molly ​used the PASTOR formula to write a proposal that secured a $120,000 deal ​Language is powerful!  Mastering it is important not just in copywriting, but also in ALL communication​ ​ "It's better not to speak at all unless what you're going to say expresses compassion, inspiration, or mutual benefit." ​Mind your mental state: Don't write when you're angry​ ​AI is a powerful tool to give you a start, but human understanding of how words are perceived and the psychological impact is still crucial.   Links ​WhyPeopleDoStuff.com What makes people listen to you? To trust you? Buy from you? Contact you? What makes YOU stand out more than anyone else? - Check out Molly's site to answer those questions. ​Start Your Own Writing Business - Check out some free training, and a special offer from Ray.   Watch the Video and get the Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/638   How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments?Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Oct 18, 2023 • 29min

From Part-Time Copywriter to Empire Builder

Amanda Foust is a shining example of someone who turned their passion into a profitable business. Her love of writing inspired her to learn a skill that she's used to build TWO successful businesses — Copywriting. She'll explain how important copywriting has been in BOTH of her businesses (including the one that has nothing to do with writing). Because, as she puts it, "I just don't know how you sell otherwise." Key Insights ​Thank God for teachers ​Understanding the importance of framing and presentation in copywriting is crucial for success ​Focus on finding "the whos" (the right people) to help, rather than getting caught up in the details. ​Amanda became a certified, high-performance coach after being inspired by receiving coaching in college. ​Give us some numbers...Amanda talks about the growth of her company, Homegrown, going from part-time work to achieving six-figure earnings and retiring their husband within five years ​Knowing how to write good copy (or partnering with someone who can) is crucial for success​ ​AI-generated copy still needs human help to be more than mediocre ​Coaches help people navigate imposter syndrome, loneliness, and lack of clarity by focusing on time management, productivity, and finding meaning in their work ​Creating a community for learning is more effective than just offering a course ​AI For Copywriters can help improve your marketing and learn to use AI as a tool to amplifiy your own voice, not replace it Links   Wake Up To Your Life - Want to learn more about Amanda's coaching and other services? Check out her brand new site Video and Transcript https://www.rayedwards.com/637 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Oct 11, 2023 • 34min

From Zero Dollars to $300,000 in One Year

Many entrepreneurs start their journey out of necessity. An unforeseen set of circumstances gives them the push, and then it's sink or swim. My guest this week was facing some major family and financial challenges. She fought through the fear and built a successful, 6-figure business in less than a year...That's a story worth paying attention to. Listen and learn from my conversation with Anita Anello. Key Insights Anita's career success and achievements left her feeling unfulfilled, questioning if there was more to life than just titles, money, and accolades, emphasizing the need for a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. ​​Be impeccable with your word and build a reputation of reliability and trustworthiness. ​Everything Is Copy - Anita discovered the importance of copywriting through the idea that "everything that we say and do​ is all copy." ​Build your business around the deep desires in your heart and be rewarded with freedom.​ ​Anita's passion lies in helping other successful women of faith who have reached a pinnacle in their careers and have a God-sized idea inside of them, guiding them towards fulfilling their potential. ​Creating a movement of women who champion each other, meet each other where they're at, and have no tolerance for complainers or those who don't take responsibility for their lives. ​Anita and her husband were able to pay off over $40,000 of debt in just a four-month period, demonstrating their commitment to financial stability. ​Anita's journey of finding work-life balance and being present for her kids while still making money and pursuing her interests is inspiring. ​"Being a person of Integrity is one of my core values...whatever you say you're going to do, that's it because all I have are my words." ​Anita's list of necessities for her family's survival and thriving included not just financial aspects, but also time, health, and other non-monetary factors. ​Overcoming challenges and declaring one's accomplishments can empower individuals to walk confidently in their journey, leaving a ripple effect for generations to come. Links TheRippleAffect.net - The place to connect with Anita Anello, and "Turn Your Corporate Skills into a Consulting Business You Love" Video and Transcript rayedwards.com/636 How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify, and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. Questions or comments? Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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