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Jan 18, 2024 • 6min

Revealing the Unmatched Dynamics of In-Person Masterminds

Are you a lawyer who is interested in being a part of a community? In this podcast episode, Becca Eberhart, CEO of Maximum Lawyer, details the guild mastermind events, emphasizing their exclusivity for guild members and the advantages of attending. Becca shares details of what the Guild Mastermind event is. The Guild Mastermind are quarterly, in person events hosted in different cities around the United States. They take place over the course of a day and a half, with presentations and sessions. One of the key highlights is the hot seat session, which involves all members getting a turn presenting a current challenge to the group and then receiving feedback from the coaches and other members. Guild members are lawyers at different stages in their careers from different areas of the country. This brings a unique perspective to these events as other lawyers can learn from each other and network.Listen in to learn more about the Guild Mastermind!00:24 Welcome to the Guild!1:11 Details about the quarterly in-person events3:25 The advantages of networking with ambitious law firm owners 4:34 Comparison of guild coaching and mastermind membership levels Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. 
Jan 16, 2024 • 27min

The Most Challenging Times: Navigating Layoffs

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a firm owner who is struggling with layoffs? In this episode, Jim and Tyson discuss the difficult layoffs as well as the tough reality of letting people go due to a downturn in business.Jim and Tyson delve into the reasons why layoffs occur. Jim identifies the issue with spreading yourself too thin, in which too many responsibilities are given to too many people, when it doesn't have to be that way. Consolidating where necessary is a good way to keep responsibilities simple and not lead to paying for more employees when less are needed. Layoffs can also occur when a firm owner is thinking too far into the future instead of thinking about what is needed in the moment. For example, many firms experience fast growth. With fast growth comes more clients and therefore more lawyers or support staff. But, firms also experience downturns in work and if this is not documented and that fluctuation is not talked about, it can lead to issues with paying for staff.Listen in to learn more!7:04 Analyzing the factors contributing to the need for layoffs18:42 Discussing the consideration of shifting employees to different roles19:10 Discussion on the considerations and movements within the firmJim's Hack: We aren’t creating enough content! Create more content for marketing your firm. People are not going to get tired of you! Do more! Tyson's Tip: You can work harder and it’s not going to hurt you. Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. 
Jan 13, 2024 • 13min

Lessons Learned From Bad Hires

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a law firm owner who is thinking about hiring a new staff member? In this podcast episode, Tyson shares insights on the critical role of hiring in a law firm. Whether you are hiring attorneys, virtual assistants or office staff, it is so important to hire the right people for a law firm. Bad hires can really disrupt the energy and success of a law firm. Tyson delves into what causes bad hires and how to avoid hiring the wrong person. A bad hire can stem from a variety of reasons. It can be from rushing into the process, ignoring red flags on resumes or during the interview process as well as the values of both sides being different. When you face a bad hire, Tyson shares that it is good to have a pipeline of candidates that you can go back to and consider if needed.Tyson shares how assessing cultural fit is an important thing to look for in a candidate. Think about what your team values, the personalities that exist and how the team works best. Make sure to consider that when interviewing candidates. Another thing to do to avoid a bad hire is to not rush the process. Rushing the process can lead to the wrong person being hired because you have too many other things going on and just need someone. Tyson emphasizes the importance of creating a good, well thought out hiring process to avoid this.Listen in to learn more about how to avoid a bad hire!00:23 Discussion on the significance of hiring the right people for a law firm1:09 Exploration of the various reasons behind bad hires 4:38 Emphasizing the significance of assessing cultural fit in the hiring processTune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.
Jan 11, 2024 • 11min

Recognizing and Combating Decision Fatigue

Are you struggling with making decisions in the new year after the holidays? In this podcast episode, Becca Eberhart, CEO at Maximum Lawyer, tackles the issue of decision fatigue and its toll on business owners. The end of the year is a time where many people have decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is when there is a decline in the quality of decisions after making too many decisions in a row. Becca delves into what causes this, especially during the holidays. This season is full of holiday parties, shopping, cooking, and events. Making decisions can become overwhelming when there are so many to make for different people and different things.Becca shares how decision fatigue can affect the growth of a business. Running a business and being a leader means making a lot of decisions. Whether it be how to market your company, if you need to hire staff to help with the growth or what vendors to work with, decision fatigue can lead to feelings of overwhelm. This is more so if you want to be innovative and different in how you run your business. Becca provides some tips to use in order to avoid decision fatigue. One tip is to plan out and schedule your day according to the decisions that need to be made. For example, if you are thinking about working with some new vendors, schedule chats with those vendors in the morning. From this, you might be more inclined to be more alert and can make a decision on who to work with after all meetings are complete. Another tip Becca provides is to really think if a decision needs to be made at that moment. If not, tell yourself to come back to it at a later date so you can relieve some of that stress.Listen in to learn more tips on decision fatigue from Becca!00:24 The impact of decision fatigue during December2:20 The impact of decision fatigue on business growth4:38 Strategies to manage decision fatigue Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.
Jan 9, 2024 • 28min

Unleashing the Power of Legal Tech with Colin Levy

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a law firm owner who is looking to integrate more technology in your firm? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson discuss legal tech with Colin Levy, a lawyer and legal tech expert as they explore the role of artificial intelligence in law.Colin provides his thoughts on practical tools that law firms can use to become more efficient. One of these tools is Clio. which is a practice management software that is accessible, easy to set up and is great when it comes to the learning curve. This means it is easy to teach first timers. Other tools like Joseph and Brighter (which are code and no code tools) are a bit more advanced and allow users to set up workflows for their teams. Time is money, so these tools are great to get things moving quickly!Colin shares how many law firms are resistant to using technology and AI because of the misconception that it is expensive and time consuming. The biggest fear many lawyers have is using technology that will give them incorrect information and make their job harder. Most choose to stay within their comfort zone and use tools or methods of working that are not that efficient. AI and technology can help any business grow and innovate the way things are done.Jim, Tyson and Colin talk through the ideal tech package that firms need if they are just starting out. Clio is great for administrative tasks like invoicing and billing, which is such a crucial part of any business and a good, reliable tool is needed to ensure things are kept in order. Having a tool to streamline intake forms or feedback forms is important so they are collected, received and actioned out to whoever needs to work on it. Another tool is some sort of project management tool that shows workflows, what needs to be focused on or what needs attention.Listen in to learn more from Colin!6:10 Accessible tools like Clio16:01 The fear of technology in the legal field18:16 Recommended tools for new law firmsJim's Hack: Read the book called “Extremely Online” by Taylor Lorenz, which talks about the history of different social media channels.Colin’s Tip: Take time for yourself as the world moves very quickly. Take a few minutes to relax and listen to what your body is telling you.Tyson's Tip: Experiment with building GPT’s through OpenAI.Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.Connect with Colin:Website LinkedInX
Jan 6, 2024 • 12min

What to Ask When Interviewing Vendors for Your Firm

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a business owner who needs to hire a vendor? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Tyson discusses what to do when you are ready to hire vendors for your business.Choosing the right vendor can really make or break a business. It is important to think about a few different things when considering a vendor. Tyson shares how it is important to ask the right questions. One of these questions is to ask about a trial period, so you can test and see if the vendor is the right fit and meets all of your business needs. Another question is to ask if their product or service works with the systems of your business. This will allow you to find out if the vendor is compatible and has everything your business needs. Questions like this will ensure you are not wasting money on a vendor that is not a right fit. If you plan on working with a vendor for a long time, it is crucial that you are covering all of your bases and getting all your questions and concerns addressed.Researching a vendor is another important thing to consider before signing a contract. Ask the vendor for their annual reports or data to show their results. Reach out to individuals or other companies who have worked with them and who have provided good and bad reviews. This will give you a first hand account of how the vendor has worked with other companies. If you are hiring vendors for copywriting or research, find out if you can get samples of their work as part of the research to see if they are telling the truth when it comes to how good they claim to be.Take a listen.00:24 Ask the right questions when interviewing vendors4:00 The importance of insisting on a trial period5:52 The significance of doing thorough research for potential vendors7:55 Importance of ensuring that vendors have experience in the specific nicheTune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.
Jan 4, 2024 • 5min

Stop Doing This for Lasting Change

Are you someone who has a goal for the New Year but unsure if you will achieve it? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, CEO Becca Eberhart discusses the importance of keeping promises to oneself for personal growth and goal achievement. A new year means new goals and achievements. For many people, they are confident that they will achieve their New Year's resolution. For others, they make that promise and then let things fall behind. Becca shares how important it is to not break promises to yourself. In order to see change or growth, the key is to make commitments that are possible in order to get to your goal. For example, if you have a goal to lose 10 pounds in 3 months, make a commitment to go to the gym 1 hour a day or meal prep for work days. The follow through is the only thing that will keep that promise. If you struggle to keep promises to yourself, Becca shares a few ways to change this. One way is to change your mindset to respecting yourself the way you do others. Most times, people will not let a friend down so don't do it to yourself.Following through with promises is more realistic if it is documented. It is so easy to just say in your head that you will lose 10 pounds or eat healthier. Write the promise down on a sticky note or in your notes app on your phone. This is a good way to hold yourself accountable and turn the promise from a thought into something tangible. Holding yourself accountable also shows in being realistic in your goals and what you can actually achieve. Don't set too big a goal if you truly know you can't deliver!Take a listen to learn more!00:24 Becca discusses the significance of keeping promises to oneself2:24 Becca offers advice on how to make changes3:25 Becca explains the importance of writing down promisesTune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. 
Jan 2, 2024 • 27min

Law Firm Owners and Accounting with Jessica Gonifas

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a law firm owner who needs help with managing finances? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson converse with Jessica, a CPA from Silver Peaks Accounting Service, who specializes in accounting for law firms. They discuss common accounting mistakes that law firms make.As a CPA who works with attorneys, Jessica shares things that lawyers should not be doing when it comes to keeping their books straight and finances in order. One thing is not having accurate trust accounts. It is so important to ensure accounting firms specialize in law firms because if not, the numbers will not be accurate. Getting monthly reports will allow for law firms to stay on top of what is happening and ensure their numbers match. Another thing that many people fall behind on is creating a system to keep and log receipts for expenses. It can be as simple as taking a photo of a receipt and sending it to an assistant or adding it to a folder on your phone. Find a system that works for you!Jim, Tyson and Jessica discuss what law firm owners need to do when it comes to profit. Jessica emphasizes the importance of ensuring expenses are not higher than the profit a firm is bringing in. To find this out, law firm owners can look at their profit margin percentage over time. Understanding this will also help decide if a firm can afford to bring in more employees to help the profit margin increase. The profit margin will also show if it is time to cut expenses. With that said, it is important to have a good balance when it comes to focusing on the profit margin. Jessica shares an example of a client who was so focused on cutting expenses for their firm, that the firm made less profit that year because the focus was not on making money.Finding a tax professional that shares the same goals and morals as you is key to having great finances. Think about the kind of business owner you are. Are you conservative, aggressive or frugal? It is best to find a tax professional that shares those same ideals. The worst thing a law firm owner can do is find an aggressive tax professional when the firm is looking to save money. The business relationship will not last long if both sides don't agree.Take a listen to learn more financial tips from Jessica!2:57 The common trust account issues that law firm owners have7:57 Practical tips for managing expenses and receipts10:15 The importance of profit margin and tracking financial metrics11:40 Exploration of being overly focused on cutting expenses13:07 The concern of adding employees and the need to develop a planJim's Hack: Write down on a notepad what he wants to change about the direction of his firm. Spending 15 minutes everyday has brought more insight to bring change.Jessica’s Tip: Keep things simple. Do what works for you and what will bring you happiness and success.Tyson's Tip: Watch this Youtube video where Chris Williamson interviews Alex Hermosa. There are some great and valuable insights given.  Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. Connect with Jessica:Website Instagram Facebook Page Facebook Personal  Linkedin TikTok
Dec 30, 2023 • 7min

The Secret Plan To Launch Your Firm Into 2024: Finances

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you a law firm owner who needs more financial tips to grow your firm? In this final episode of a five-part series, Jim and Tyson discuss financial strategies for law firms. Jim shares how it is a great financial hack to diversify revenue streams so you are able to get cases from different areas. There are probably dozens of cases that would never enter the door if you did not seek them out in different sectors. This will allow for a wide variety of cases and clients that could be beneficial for your firm. Another way to diversity is something called “white labeling”. This is when you offer something to a client in partnership with another law firm. This could be offering your client a package from another firm, where you get a percentage of what is sold.Tyson shares a tip of cutting costs where it makes sense. Review all of your expenses, which includes subscriptions and softwares and really iron down what you are actually using for your firm. If you know something is not useful, cancel that subscription so more money goes into your pocket.Listen in to learn more!1:16 The importance of exploring new sources of income4:08 Tips to save money and increase profitability6:00 Emphasizing the importance of having a work-life balanceTune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. 
Dec 29, 2023 • 5min

The Secret Plan To Launch Your Firm Into 2024: Systems

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREDo you know how many softwares and subscriptions your firm is using? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Jim and Tyson discuss the importance of implementing systems in law firms. This is part four of a five part series where Jim and Tyson help firms launch in 2024.Jim and Tyson delve into the best ways to systemize firms. A lot of firms spend money on softwares and subscriptions to help with workflows and organization. But, some firms are spending too much on duplication or systems that are no longer helping the firm succeed. A great tip is to do an inventory of all the softwares that your firm uses and think about what can be removed. Another thing to do is keep track of renewal dates. Maybe there is a software that has a renewal date on January 1 and you realize you no longer need it. Go ahead and cancel that to save your firm money in the New Year.Tyson shares the importance of coming up with a process for system checks. There can be times where something goes wrong that you are not aware of. Are your birthday texts being sent to clients? Are your monthly newsletters going out? Make it a habit (maybe once a month) to go in and check systems to make sure they are functioning properly. Take a listen!00:45 Discussion on the importance of systems2:05 Advice on reviewing and assessing software subscriptions and monthly expenses3:22 Ensuring that all systems and processes in the law firm are functioning properly Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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