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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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May 3, 2021 • 54min

Demystifying Home Cooking with Rachel Mistry, MS, RDN | Ep 153

One of the tenets of the Erin Holt Health practice is you can’t skip the basics. Eating a variety of whole foods is a huge piece of this, and home cooking is one of the best ways to achieve a whole foods diet. However, a lot of folks feel overwhelmed when it comes to the kitchen, and many don’t know where to start. Today Erin sits down with Rachel Mistry, MS, RDN, to unpack the barriers to entry when it comes to navigating the kitchen. They give practical advice for one pot dishes, pantry staples, maximizing time, overcoming uncertainty, and enlisting help. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, you’ll want to tune in to get some great ideas!Rachel Mistry is a registered dietitian specializing in functional medicine. As a soon-to-be grad of Erin’s Funk’tional Nutrition Academy Practitioner Certification, Rachel is well-aligned with the Erin Holt Health philosophy. With her years of clinical experience working in a prominent functional medicine clinic, we are honored and excited to have her on the team.To Rachel, being healthy is more than just what you eat or how much you exercise. It’s about taking care of yourself, nourishing your body, and having fun while doing it! Rachel’s goal is to show people that building a balanced lifestyle while addressing underlying issues is the first step in disease prevention and management.In this episode:-Introduction to the newest EHH teammate: Rachel Mistry, MS, RDN [1:06]-Premise of this episode: back to basics [3:51]-How Rachel got her start [5:21]-Tackling the “I don’t have time” issue [8:06]-Pro tips for keeping protein handy in the kitchen [14:53]-Overwhelming thoughts that sometimes keep us from cooking [17:29]-Barrier to entry: cooking time [18:55]-Sheet-pan, one-pot meals and Instant Pot meals [20:14]-Removing fear surrounding the kitchen [28:58]-Reducing overwhelm with the ingredient list [30:40]-What to do with leftovers or leftover ingredients? [32:28]-Go-to condiments and sauces [34:10]-Struggling with time in the kitchen? [37:09]-How to deal with all those dishes [39:59]-Asking for help [42:22]-Let’s talk about breakfast [45:34]-Ideas to reignite inspiration [48:23]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Carb Compatibility Project™ (LAST DAY to sign up!! Cart closes EOD May 3rd) Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™’s Recipe Index Defined Dish to work 1:1 with Erin or Rachel! Rachel on Insta Erin on Insta
Apr 27, 2021 • 39min

Eating for Candida & Autoimmunity, Sugar Substitutes: A Mixed Bag Q+A | Ep 152

This episode is a mixed bag of blood sugar-related topics, ranging from weight loss to sugar substitutes to Candida to diabetes to immunity to hormones. Erin covers it all! Listen in as she answers questions from the community and breaks down why you have more control than you think when it comes to your health. In this episode:-The question you’re nervous to ask regarding weight loss [2:12]-Kicking off part two of the blood sugar talk [11:27]-What’s the deal with sugar substitutes: are they good or bad? [11:59]-Stevia, Monkfruit, Honey, Maple Syrup [14:19]-Sugar, bloating and SIBO: is there a link? [16:59]-The issue with Candida [18:41]-Diabetes and the differences between Type 1, Type 2 & Type 1.5 [20:43]-Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of adulthood (LADA), aka Type 1.5 diabetes [25:00]-What does balancing the immune system mean? [25:58]-The gut/immune connection & how this relates to blood sugar [27:57]-Type 3 diabetes, alzheimers and the brain [31:02]-How balancing blood sugar lends to hormone balance [32:14]-Healthy aging [32:53]-Insulin resistance with normal thyroid markers? [33:27]-Signs your blood sugar is out of whack [33:48]-The problem Erin kept seeing in 90% of her clients [35:44] Resources:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Carb Compatibility Project™ (SIGN UP NOW! Starts May 3!) Erin on Insta episodes:128: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weight Loss How to Determine the Right Amount of Sugar for You
Apr 20, 2021 • 28min

How to Determine the Right Amount of Sugar for You | Ep 151

Blood sugar regulation is one of the most, if not THE most, important thing to consider when setting out to improve your health. Whether your end-goal is improved adrenal health, thyroid health, hormone balance, weight loss, brain health or increased energy...if you have dysregulated blood sugar, you can’t achieve any of those goals. This is often the first thing Erin addresses with clients in her 1:1 practice, and is THE reason she created her 4-week plan to determine your body's unique carbohydrate needs and end the carb confusion - The Carb Compatibility Project™. This episode is part one of a two-parter from Instagram Live all about blood sugar and how you can begin to tap into your own authority to determine your unique carbohydrate and sugar needs.In this episode:-Details about the CCP: what it is, who it’s for, what it does [2:19]-The one thing that can hamstring all other health goals [2:47]-Changing how you show up in the world [6:27]-Why Erin hates the “how many grams of sugar should I have” question [9:34]-Seeking permission & the importance of knowing your authority [11:30]-Why context (and ingredients) matter [13:35]-Why it’s hard to know who to trust [15:59]-What’s the difference between sugar found in foods & added sugar? [17:48]-Reframing perspective on diets for children, food and comfort [19:28]-Is sugar addictive? [22:18]-Breaking the cycle of blood sugar dysregulation [25:05]Resources:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Carb Compatibility Project™ (Sign up now! Starts May 3rd!) Erin on Insta episodes:150: Breaking Free From Perfectionism & Emotional Eating How to Tell if Your Blood Sugar is a Problem Your Sugar Questions Answered!
Apr 13, 2021 • 24min

Breaking Free From Perfectionism & Emotional Eating | Ep 150

This episode is short, sweet and really gets to the root of what many of us struggle with when it comes to our relationship with food. Erin discusses the connection between over- or under- eating and our desire for a semblance of control, plus how we can shift our mindset around emotional eating and incorporate different intuitive practices into the way we eat and approach food. These are important concepts to think about and apply to your own life - certainly food for thought!This episode is an excerpt from a Q+A session in Erin’s Carb Compatibility Project™ program, an intuitive 4 week plan to determine your body's unique carbohydrate needs. Registration is open NOW - sign up with the link below!In this episode:-How this episode came about [1:26]-What is The Carb Compatibility Project™ & who is it for? [2:21]-Perfectionism, stress and how this relates to new diets [6:22]-What’s at the core of emotional eating and restriction [9:00]-The healing power of self-compassion [14:00]-Breaking the dichotomous thinking around food [17:28]-How to find your truth when it comes to food and diets [20:25]-Using your intuition to guide your decisions with food [22:00]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Carb Compatibility Project™ (Registration NOW open! Starts in May!) Erin on Insta episodes:69: Morals, Stigma, Shame & Food: The Power of Intuitive Eating with Dr. Jillian Murphy Emotional Eating with Psychologist Kim Daniels
Apr 6, 2021 • 35min

Energetics of the Four-Phase Cycle | Ep 149

This week’s episode takes a dive into the four-phase cycle, a concept introduced in a recent interview with Le’Nise Brothers (linked below). It’s been said that the menstrual cycle mimics the phases of the moon and even our four seasons on Earth. While many discussions tend to focus only on the negative aspects of a menstrual cycle, Erin points out that each phase can be an opportunity to highlight things in our lives that need to change. Whether you’re a menstruating person or not, you can tap into this energy. This episode of the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast breaks down the processes that occur within each of these phases, what it means energetically, and how you can harness the wisdom contained in each phase so that what once felt like a burden can be wielded as a superpower.In this episode:-The inspiration behind this week’s episode [1:58]-Triggers, attunement, and how this ties into our cycle [3:17]-Update for the Carb Compatibility Project™ [8:20]-How understanding the energetics of the four-phase cycle helps us in life [14:14]-What if you have unpredictable or no-show cycles? [16:42]-Looking to the moon to help regain and track your cycle [17:36]-Phase one: what this means in terms of energy and intuition [19:38]-Powerful practices for restoration and release [23:48]-Action, growth, and energy during the follicular phase [24:37]-Ovulation: the big one-day show [27:22]-The luteal phase: the time of discernment [30:02]-Why the luteal phase gets a bad rep and how we can harness it to our benefit [31:51]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Carb Compatibility Project™ (next round starts in May!) Hormone Revival™ (next round starts in Sept!) Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™ Erin on Insta episodes:148: Periods, PMS & Hormone Strategies with Le'Nise Brothers
Mar 23, 2021 • 57min

Periods, PMS & Hormone Strategies with Le'Nise Brothers | Ep 148

Menstruation is an inherently inflammatory process, and if you’ve got underlying inflammation going on in your body, this can cause menstruation to feel a lot worse for some folks. On today’s episode of the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast, Erin sits down with Le’Nise Brothers to answer your questions about intense periods, including hormonal shifts throughout your cycle, PMS vs PMDD, pain symptoms to pay attention to, and strategies to help feel better throughout your cycle. If you have PCOS or endometriosis, suffer from painful periods, or are wondering how you can better support your body throughout your cycle, this will be a helpful episode to tune into!Le’Nise Brothers is a registered nutritionist, mBANT, mCHNC, specialising in women’s health, hormones and the menstrual cycle, yoga teacher and host of the Period Story podcast. She works with women who want to get control of sugar cravings, mood swings and hormonal acne, bloating and headaches, as well as increase their energy levels.Le’Nise has helped many women with hormonal issues ranging from PMS, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, heavy, painful, missing & irregular periods, post-natal depletion, perimenopause and menopause.She set up her practice Eat Love Move to help empower and educate women to understand their bodies, advocate for better healthcare and heal.In this episode:-One of the overarching themes of this episode [2:37]-Why Le’Nise started her podcast, Period Stories [6:32]-The opportunity in our menstrual cycles [11:12]-Energy & mood during ovulation & what that means [15:44]-PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) [19:51]-What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD? [21:38]-The effect of progesterone with PMDD [24:28]-Strategies that help PMDD [25:05]-What is “normal” with PMS and periods? [26:22]-Painful cramps during menstruation what to do to help [34:38]-Period pain symptoms that might indicate something deeper at play [37:13]-The importance of advocating for yourself [38:44]-Estrogen dominance & its impact on periods [42:22]-What is seed cycling & does it really help with hormones? [49:24]-Overthinking with food and our cycles [53:13]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) about Le’Nise Le’Nise on Insta Erin on Insta Story Podcast Related episodes:48: Exploring Female Hormones & Birth Control with Dr. Jolene Brighten Using Your Cycle to Plan Your Life: Menstruation, Ovulation & Tracking Hormones Inflammation & What You’re NOT Eating
Mar 16, 2021 • 43min

Inflammation & What You’re NOT Eating | Ep 147

You’ve likely heard all about foods that can cause inflammation in the body, but ever wonder if your inflammation is being caused by something you’re NOT eating? Sometimes we are so focused on the minutiae of what foods to avoid that we miss the big picture of what’s really going on - and what’s needed - within our bodies. This episode is actually a conversation Erin had with Toréa Rodriguez, FDN-P on Facebook Live, and in it they talk shop about things they’ve seen in their practice and experienced personally. They dive into challenges with elimination diets, navigating social situations while on a diet for your health, how the absence of certain foods can invite an inflammatory response in your gut microbiome, plus strategies to try if you know you’ve got inflammation. You’ll definitely want to listen in if you’re a practitioner, someone interested in nutrition or going through your own health struggles.More about Toréa: After completing her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry, Toréa has embodied transformation and self-discovery.She’s worked at some of the leading dot-com Silicon Valley companies, has held executive positions and she used to be a professional pilot flying jets for private families & charter companies out of the San Francisco Bay Area.Her diagnosis of two debilitating autoimmune diseases brought her back to biochemistry, not only achieving full remission, but also certification as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner. During that time she discovered her love of coaching.Today, she coaches her professional women clients through their own unique transformational experience that helps restore health, energy and clarity so they can focus on their priorities without sacrificing their health.In this episode:-The premise of this episode [1:05]-Toréa kicks things off [2:41]-Where to start with food sensitivities and inflammation [4:12]-Hyper-vigilance, stress and food reactions [7:52]-Emotional & logistical challenges with elimination diets [9:03]-Inflammation: looking beyond food [11:13]-Navigating a restrictive diet with friends and family [13:43]-Resiliency and separating your diet from perfection [17:02]-The under discussed factor regarding inflammation [20:15]-The problem with “template medicine” and “niching down” [24:47]-Patterns seen in functional labs with limited diets [29:18]-Taking a big picture approach, and why clinical experience matters [31:04]-The cookie cutter approach and medical gaslighting [34:41]-What to do if you have an inflamed microbiome [36:19]-Using probiotics and polyphenols to reduce microbiome inflammation [39:27]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 20% off one box with FUNK20) Live: What You’re NOT Eating Can Cause Inflammation more about Toréa Rodriguez Torea on Insta Erin on Insta Related episodes:144: Considerations For A Low FODMAP Diet How to Eat for True Gut Health
Mar 9, 2021 • 1h

Intuitive Fasting | An Opinion Piece on Our Wellness Culture | Ep 146

There’s a growing trend in Wellness Culture where opinions and recommendations are increasingly standardized, leaving little room for nuance or exception. Today Erin gives us a peek into how her mind operates in this opinion episode on our wellness and diet culture, and it’s centered on a recently released intuitive eating nutrition book that has a large portion of the wellness world falling into two camps: FOR or ANTI.Unfortunately this leaves a lot of folks who are simply searching for some help to think they have to “choose a side” when it comes to their health. Who’s to blame for this polarization and distortion? Where has our compassion gone? In this episode, you won’t hear Erin take a hard stand for or against this topic, or even defend her own position. Instead she asks questions about our collective reactivity - in the nutrition space and beyond - and attempts to understand what that means about us. How can we utilize that reactivity to affect the change we’re looking for? This one is certainly food for thought...In this episode:-The purpose behind this episode [2:06]-If you’re new here… [4:58]-Erin’s opinion on intuitive fasting [6:52]-Why one book is causing such a rift [11:15]-Will Cole’s approach to fasting for women [16:43]-Thin, white wellness in the greater wellness sphere [18:22]-How standardization of wellness is harmful [20:22]-Is Gwyneth Paltrow harmful to diet culture? [24:22]-Who do we blame for bad/overly simplified diet or health advice? [27:17]-Our cultural obsession with watching women fall from grace [29:38]-The lost art of critical thinking, intuition and processing different opinions on a topic [31:43]-The increasing polarization of diet and food culture [37:30]-Making space for all truths in the field of nutrition [40:02]-The importance of self-auditing [42:18]-Where the problem lies with intuition and food [43:48]-Embracing shame-free inquiry [46:41]-Hyperreactivity & the lack of middle ground in the nutrition world [47:31]-The right to choose your own path when it comes to your healing [52:41]-The importance of paying attention and asking WHY when you’re triggered [54:11]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (NEW CODE! save 15% off your entire order with code FUNK15) On Finding Peace Amid Troll Culture 43: Intersectional Feminism & the Co-opting of Movements: Interview with Chrissy King Unplug Collective Explores How Diet Culture Is Rooted In Anti-Blackness the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia Tee Williams: Foundations of Social Justice Carb Compatibility Project™ (next round starts in May) Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love Erin on Insta episodes:135: Intermittent Fasting: Who It’s For, Who It’s Not For Intuition, Energy Medicine & Personal Power
Mar 2, 2021 • 52min

EMDR, Mental Health & Starting at the Roots | Ep 145

At some point in our adult lives, most of us have experienced a situation where we felt our emotional response was stronger than we anticipated. Ever wonder why that happened? In today’s episode, Erin sits down with Carli Genet, MSW, LICSW to unpack the concept of mental health healing by starting at the roots. If you’ve been here a minute, then you already know that the key to optimal health extends far beyond just diet and exercise. Erin and Carli discuss EMDR therapy, how and where memories are stored, big and small traumatic experiences, attachment styles and why tracing back to the roots for healing is often considered the emotional equivalent to functional nutrition work. If you’ve ever had an experience that triggers a stronger reaction than you thought it should, or notice certain situations seem to cause a stress response that you can’t easily shake off, then this is definitely an episode to tune into.Carli is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of NH and graduate of the UNH Masters in Social Work program. She chose to pursue a degree in social work because in addition to wanting to help people on individual levels, she has always been motivated to understand and effect change within larger powers at play. In fact, she often considers therapy to be a form of emotional activism.Carli offers individual, couples and intensive EMDR therapy for adults. She incorporates both physical and mental treatment modalities including Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Solution Focused Interventions, Motivational Interviewing, meditation, mindfulness and yoga.In this episode:-An experiment for when you’re feeling high strung [1:04]-Why Erin sought out EMDR therapy [4:54]-Carli’s approach to mental health healing, & what it means to start at the root [8:10]-Awareness: tracing back symptoms of stressors to find the root [12:40]-What exactly is EMDR & how it works [14:59]-How EMDR deepens your understanding of stressors and associated memories [18:15]-How memories are stored [22:05]-What it means to have support through trauma [25:35]-Attachment styles: the emotional equivalent to an immune system [28:51]-Parsing through burnout from self work and healing [34:33]-How therapy helps to maintain a connection to the Self [41:07]-A practice for finding a sense of your own Self [43:45]-The importance of doing due diligence in finding an appropriate therapist match for your needs [47:46]Resources mentioned:Organifi supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (3/9/21: NEW CODE! save 15% off your entire order with code FUNK15) Biobehavioral responses to stress in females: tend-and-befriend, not fight-or-flight more about Carli’s work Carli on Insta Erin on Insta episodes:140: Somatic Healing & Breathwork Creating Your Morning Ritual
Feb 23, 2021 • 47min

Considerations For A Low FODMAP Diet | Ep 144

A low FODMAP diet has become the sweetheart of diets in treating SIBO within the functional medicine and even conventional medicine world. However, as with any protocol implementation, one must be sure to ask, “what’s the end game here?” In this episode, Erin answers listener questions and takes a deep dive into the low FODMAP diet, what it is, how it helps to reduce symptoms of SIBO & IBS and why she very rarely implements it with her clients. Erin clears the confusion and helps lay out how to determine if it’s right for you, as well as potential drawbacks to the diet. This episode is great for anyone who is suffering from SIBO symptoms, IBS, or are otherwise curious about transitioning onto or off of a low FODMAP diet. Share with anyone who may find this beneficial!In this episode:-Quick DIY for coconut milk yogurt [3:05]-Erin’s funky relationship with the low FODMAP diet [5:33]-Why Erin very rarely implements a low FODMAP diet with her clients [9:19]-What’s the purpose of a low FODMAP diet? [11:42]-Why Erin won’t go full tilt on a SIBO-specific episode [12:36]-The SIBO misnomer [16:17]-SIBO symptoms [18:00]-The most misunderstood thing about a low FODMAP diet [19:07]-How do these diets work to reduce symptoms [21:53]-Two schools of thought on when to use a low FODMAP diet [23:27]-The nitty gritty on the low FODMAP diet [25:05]-Oligosaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides [27:26]-Why the dose makes the poison [32:12]-Do you have to follow the low FODMAP diet 100%? [34:00]-Is doing a short term trial of this diet beneficial? [35:26]-Using low FODMAP diet as an elimination diet: two steps [36:25]-The important thing to remember when reintroducing foods [38:36]-Transitioning on and off a low FODMAP diet [40:27]-Downsides of being on this diet long term [43:28]-Using FODMAPs as a tool for triggering times [45:05]Resources mentioned:BioKult Boosted probiotic supplement (3/9/21: NEW CODE! save 15% off your entire order with code FUNK15) supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™ University App - trusted source for low FODMAPs website breaks down FODMAP into categories - a really helpful resource! Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach (walks you through FODMAP elimination diet), microbiological and psychosocial implications of the low FODMAP diet that differ in their FODMAP content alter the colonic luminal microenvironment and Recent Developments of the Low-FODMAP Diet Erin on Insta

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