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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

Latest episodes

Sep 21, 2021 • 49min

Wim Hof Breathwork for Resiliency & Immune Health | Ep 173

When we think of stress release we often think of relaxing techniques, and while these are beneficial, today Erin talks to Resiliency Coach Robert van der Heyden about why the Wim Hof style of breathwork is beneficial from an immune and overall health standpoint. Robert and Erin discuss how this invigorating style of breathing compares to others, benefits to gut and immune health, cultivating more presence through breathwork, the benefits of nose & belly breathing vs mouth breathing, plus Robert leads us through a 15min breathwork practice that you can do anywhere.Listen in as Robert explains why the goal of this breathwork besides inoculating your immune system, upticking oxygen, and helping you transition from fight-or-flight state to a more parasympathetic state, is to create space for yourself to breathe.Robert will be joining us again next week to talk about cold exposure, so be sure to tune in to gain more tools to help support your immune system!This episode originally aired April, 2020 In this episode:-Plan for podcast for the next several weeks [1:59]-Background to Robert and what is resiliency [4:29]-Why all stress isn’t bad [6:46]-Creating resiliency with a daily practice [9:13]-Benefits of holding your breath + utilizing different patterns of breathing [12:36]-Stimulating vs relaxing breath for acute anxiety [17:00]-Enhancing vagal tone (and why that matters for gut health + inflammation) [20:27]-Why nitric oxide is important (for viral bacteria & more) [22:49]-Parameters of practice: things to know before you breathe [24:18]-A Breathwork session led by Robert begins [29:43]-Where to find Robert (note: some links are no longer active and not listed below) [44:26] Resources mentioned:Eat to Achieve™ (Support your immune system with whole foods - start any time!) Robert on Instagram: van der Heyden’s upcoming WimHof workshops:’s YouTube on resiliency and parenting: Erin on Insta: Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) supplement powder (Use code FUNK to save 20% + free shipping all Sept!) episodes:140: Somatic Healing & Breathwork with Victoria Albina Creating Your Morning Ritual
Sep 14, 2021 • 44min

Vitamin D for Viral Infections & Immune Health | Ep 172

We’ve got big Vitamin D energy in this episode, and there’s a reason why. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the immune system as we navigate changing seasons, back to school, and general current events. Vitamin D status can play a big role in your overall immune health, so today Erin unpacks a lot of data on Vitamin D and what you can do with this information. She’ll dive into Vitamin D deficiency, cofactors that play a role in absorption, and shares practical strategies that you can implement into your life over the next many weeks and months. The information in this episode is beneficial for you, your kiddos, your friends and loved ones, so share with anyone who could hear this, too!In this episode:-The immune system & where you can learn even more [7:04]-The 3 most important things you can do for immune health [8:17]-Updated information about Vitamin D [10:02]-How your Vitamin D status can help protect you from viral infection [16:29]-Checking your Vitamin D status [21:02]-What’s considered adequate Vitamin D levels [25:33]-Vitamin D supplementation & K2: an unsung hero [27:26]-What to look for in Vitamin D supplements [30:24]-Dosing strategies* [33:46]-What if you can’t raise your levels? Things to consider [35:24]-When to consider further testing [40:49]*As always, the information presented in this podcast is not medical advice and should be used for educational and informational purposes only. Please discuss with your practitioner any questions you may have about your own vitamin D status or immune health.Resources mentioned:Eat to Achieve™ (Jumpstart your immune system for less than $100! Start any time!) D At-Home Test Kit:’s Online Dispensary: Digestive Guide Masterjohn, PhD: Vitamin D and COVID-19: The Current State of the Evidence d supplementation to prevent acute respiratory infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data positivity rates associated with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels sufficient vitamin D and albumin level have a protective effect on COVID-19 infection vitamin D levels and prognosis in a COVID-19 pediatric population: a systematic review supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Erin on Insta Related episodes:Get the links to all the below episodes here! Optimizing Gut Health to Optimize Your Immune Function-104: Immune Health, Gut Health & Nature (including Lyme Prevention)-126: Probiotics for the Immune System-92: COVID-19 plan-105: All Your Vitamin D Questions Answered!-37: Liver Health, Bile Production & Intermittent Fasting
Sep 7, 2021 • 43min

A Root Cause Look at Blood Pressure | Ep 171

Today we’re getting into specifics with blood pressure, and Erin really dives into possible root causes of high/low blood pressure such as diet, lifestyle, and other internal factors that can contribute. Blood pressure is considered a vital sign, so if yours is off (high or low), then it’s a signal that something is off balance within the body. Because there are usually no warning signs until there’s a problem, Erin unpacks contributing factors that can lead to this imbalance and offers practices you can incorporate to reduce your risk.As always, the information presented in this podcast is not medical advice and should be used for educational and informational purposes only. Please discuss with your practitioner any questions you may have about your own blood pressure. In this episode:-Differences with an allopathic and a root cause approach [4:26]-What’s happening when you have hypertension [5:53]-Signs of high blood pressure and low blood pressure [8:51]-Hypotension: a less-talked about condition [11:00]-The adrenal connection [12:32]-The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System [13:29]-Blood pressure medication [16:57]-Processed food diets [21:51]-The uptick in the amount of convenience foods we buy [24:45]-High fructose corn syrup [27:12]-Blood sugar issues that contribute to blood pressure issues [29:43]-Lifestyle factors that contribute to high blood pressure [31:36]-Forest bathing and other therapeutic practices for blood pressure [33:29]-A few more root causes of high blood pressure [35:41]-How hormonal imbalances affect blood pressure [37:34] Resources mentioned:Your Hormone Revival™ (LAST DAY to register!) Carb Compatibility Project™ (next round starts in early 2022!) for 1:1 Functional Medicine Nutrition services, by Michael Moss, Sugar, Fat, by Michael Moss Dietary Salt for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (Cochrane Review) supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Erin on Insta
Sep 1, 2021 • 12min

Fatigue, Low Cortisol & Radical Momming | Ep 170

There’s this normalization that, especially as a caretaker, your needs are not as important or relevant compared to the needs of others. We’ve become so fixated on deriving our sense of purpose and self-worth by and through caretaking everyone else around us that we feel guilt or shame if we even consider prioritizing our own needs first. But what if prioritizing your own needs not only helps you take better care of yourself, but also teaches those you caretake how to take care of themselves, too?In this extra mini-sode, Erin is talking about fatigue, low cortisol, and asking the question HOW did we get here? The answer may require you to be radically honest with yourself about your needs, your boundaries, and what is (and more importantly, what is NOT) working in your life.If you’re a mom, a caretaker, or you’re someone who tends to derive your sense of purpose and self-worth through caretaking other people’s needs, you’ll definitely want to tune in to this one! Resources mentioned:Your Hormone Revival™ (Registration NOW OPEN!! Grab your spot today!) Erin on Insta Related eps:167: Fragrances, Hormones & Small Steps to Non Toxic Living 82: Cortisol, DHEA + Adrenal Testing, Part 1 83: Cortisol, DHEA + Adrenal Testing, Part 2 112: All Your Cortisol Questions Answered, Part 1 113: All Your Cortisol Questions Answered, Part 2
Aug 31, 2021 • 53min

Chronic Stress & Breathwork Practices | Ep 169

We know chronic stress is not good from a health perspective, but many of us have a hard time knowing how stressed we actually are. Even if we do know how stressed we are, it can be even more difficult to know what to do other than just “push through.” Chronic stress can have many downstream effects on our mental and physical health, and in today’s episode, Erin focuses on stress hormones, stress-associated disorders, and what she’s found to be extremely effective in helping to downregulate the nervous system.You might see yourself in some of the things Erin unpacks, and you wouldn’t be alone -- these are all things she’s seeing an uptick of in her own practice. Listen in as Erin delves into detail about stress-related health problems that can arise, what to look out for (some of it may surprise you!), and practices to help you better regulate your stress and stress responses. We’re going to hit stress in our lives, but do we have the ability to recalibrate ourselves? Tune in to find out.In this episode:-Let’s talk about stress, baby [6:04]-The uptick of stress-related symptoms seen in private practice [10:53]-Stress, cortisol, glucose and weight gain [14:25]-Markers that could indicate increased risk factors for disease and complications [18:08]-Depression, anxiety and sleep troubles, oh my! (The link between low serotonin and chronic stress) [20:39]-Why melatonin is so important for more than just sleep [22:49]-What can you do about increased stress from external factors? [26:20]-Why practicing stress management is so difficult for us [29:34]-Dopamine and social media [32:46]-Beneficial properties of breathwork [36:31]-Becoming internally driven: a less reactionary way to live [39:15]-Signs of an overly stressed system [43:19]-Is exercise helping or hurting your stress response? [49:23]-The key to reducing your overactive stress response [51:29]Resources mentioned:Your Hormone Revival™ (Enrollment opens Sept 1! Get on the waitlist to be notified first!) concentrations and mortality from COVID-19 Guided Meditations supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Erin on Insta Related eps: 168: Hormones, the Immune System and Autoimmunity Manifest Your Health Somatic Healing & Breathwork with Victoria Albina Creating Your Morning Ritual
Aug 24, 2021 • 47min

Hormones, the Immune System & Autoimmunity | Ep 168

Today’s episode gets into details about hormones and the immune system. Erin unpacks general immunity questions & how hormones can affect immunity, and also gets into the relation between hormones and autoimmunity.If you’re someone who struggles with autoimmunity, this will be an interesting episode to tune into. This episode is geared more towards women, female hormones, and the impact this can have on the immune system, so share this with the women in your life - Erin covers some of the most important things to get under control in regards to overall health, immune health, and to current events.In this episode: -Feedback from the last episode [3:06]-*NEW* details about Your Hormone Revival™ [5:04]-Hormones, the immune system and autoimmunity [10:33]-Why estrogen sometimes gets a bad rep [11:54]-Antigen presenting cells (APCs) [13:08]-T Reg cells & AIRE on the immune system & autoimmunity [17:08]-Pregnancy and autoimmunity [20:18]-Why estrogen might make you feel better or worse depending on your situation [22:34]-Symptoms associated with low estrogen [27:02]-Alcohol intake and hormonal issues [28:24]-Why progesterone is the "chill" hormone [30:03]-What to consider with cortisol [31:55]-Secretory IgA: the body’s first line of defense [34:04]-What’s the best exercise from a hormone standpoint? [38:10]-Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) [42:53]-Signs your CAR might be low [44:17] Resources mentioned:Your Hormone Revival™ (Registration opens to the waitlist Sept 1st!), A Double-Edged Sword: Modulation of TH1- and TH2-Mediated Inflammations by Differential Regulation of TH1 / TH2 Cytokine Production Disease in Women: Endocrine Transition and Risk Across the Lifespan You Th1 or Th2 Dominant? Effects + Immune Response supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) River Hemp Co CBD (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) episodes: 72: Exercising with “Adrenal Fatigue” & Cortisol Dysregulation Cortisol, DHEA + Adrenal Testing, Part 1 Cortisol, DHEA + Adrenal Testing, Part 2 All Your Cortisol Qs Answered, Part 1 All Your Cortisol Qs Answered, Part 2 Is Perfectionism Driving Your Hormone Imbalance? Cortisol, DHEA + Adrenal Testing Hormone Lab Testing, Estrogen Dominance & Balancing Your Hormones at Home
Aug 17, 2021 • 35min

Fragrances, Hormones & Small Steps to Non Toxic Living | Ep 167

A 2016 study found that more than 50% of the population said they’d prefer public spaces like offices, hotels, airplanes and healthcare facilities be fragrance-free. Despite this, fragrance use is ubiquitous: it’s found in everything from perfumes, beauty products, and cleaning supplies to plastics, paints, and disinfectants.The problem with these synthetic and artificial fragrances is the health effects they can have on our bodies. Chemicals used to create or prolong these “fresh” scents often have deleterious effects on our health like neurological, metabolic, respiratory, and hormonal imbalances.Today’s episode continues the summer series, answering your questions about hormones. Listen in as Erin gets into the nitty gritty answering your questions about fragrance effects on hormone health, and lays out what to be aware of in products we often use on our bodies or in our home. This is a topic everyone can benefit from because most people don’t even know how toxic synthetic fragrances are, nor how pervasive they are in products many of us use daily.In this episode:-Small steps we can take to get closer to non toxic living [4:38]-Starting with the basics [6:56]-Fragrance and endocrine disruptors [8:11]-“Overly sensitive” or canaries in the coalmine? [11:30]-A non exhaustive list of product types that contain artificial or synthetic fragrances [13:02]-The real problem with fragranced products [17:16]-How these fragrances can affect our health [19:28]-Why and how synthetic fragrances linger [22:17]-VOCs: what they are and common sources [23:36]-Best way to protect yourself from outdoor pollution [25:27]-Let’s talk about phthalates [26:08]-Xenoestrogens and estrogen dominance [27:58]-How these chemicals impact our metabolism [29:55]-Mitochondrial dysfunction symptoms [32:11]Resources mentioned: Your Hormone Revival™ (get on the waitlist - next round starts Sept 19th!) Cabinets: articles about fragrance: FRAGRANCE IN THE WORKPLACE IS THE NEW SECOND-HAND SMOKE Scientific American’s Scent of Danger: Are There Toxic Ingredients in Perfumes and Colognes The Danger of Toxic Consumer Products, Fragrances Fragranced consumer products: exposures and effects from emissions Investigation of relationships between urinary biomarkers of phytoestrogens, phthalates, and phenols and pubertal stages in girls Phthalates induce proliferation and invasiveness of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer through the AhR/HDAC6/c-Myc signaling pathway Exposure to Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and Child Development Baby Care Products: Possible Sources of Infant Phthalate Exposure Adipose Tissue as a Site of Toxin Accumulation Impact of Bisphenol A and Phthalates on Allergy, Asthma, and Immune Function: a Review of Latest Findings of Urinary Phthalate Metabolites Are Associated with Increased Waist Circumference and Insulin Resistance in Adult U.S. Males and Metabolism: Exposure Correlates with Obesity and Diabetes in Men consumer products: exposures and effects from emissions supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Erin on Insta pods: Ep 48: Exploring Female Hormones & Birth Control with Dr. Jolene Brighten 55: How to Tell if Your Blood Sugar is a Problem 65: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weight Loss
Aug 11, 2021 • 17min

Hear from an FNA Student! | Ep 166

Are you interested in joining the next round of the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy in September, but what to hear what it's *really* like inside the practitioner training? Today Integrative & Functional Dietitian Chelsea Sanfilippo shares her experience of the past 6 months.Learn more & apply here:
Aug 10, 2021 • 26min

Hormone Lab Testing, Estrogen Dominance & Balancing Hormones at Home | Ep 165

Today’s episode is all about answering your questions about hormones. Erin breaks down details about hormone lab testing, estrogen dominance, what to do about low progesterone (as well as a mindset shift on how to approach this), plus at-home ways to balance hormones.This is part of a NEW summer series where Erin answers all your hormone Qs - each week Erin will post a poll to Instagram to get all your specific hormone questions, so join her on Instagram to ask yours! If you’re someone who’s dealing with hormone stuff, you’ll want to tune into this and all of the upcoming episodes! In this episode:-New summer series to answer your hormone Qs [1:08]-New updates to Your Hormone Revival™ [2:48]-Should you treat based on lab results or how you feel? [8:07]-Signs of estrogen dominance, how this occurs & what can happen [11:04]-Unpacking reasons behind low progesterone [16:09]-The progesterone-anxiety connection [18:43]-Sleep: the unsung hero for hormonal balance [19:40]-How blood sugar impacts your ability to balance hormones [20:48]-Why stress overrides hormone function [22:53]Resources mentioned: Your Hormone Revival™ (get on the waitlist now - next round starts Sept!) Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™ (apply today! Registration open to those who qualify!) Erin on Insta supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Erin on Insta eps: Ep 138: How Hormones Influence the Gut
Aug 3, 2021 • 41min

Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth | Ep 164

In this episode, Erin shares the various ways she broke through her self-imposed ceiling to grow and level up her business. She explains why it can be hard to talk about money (especially as a woman), necessary mindset shifts for better returns on your investments, and the value of reciprocity in your business. Erin shares strategies she uses to grow her business and revenue - and it may not be what you think or assume. If you’re a practitioner you’ll definitely want to listen to this because if you’re not thinking about your practice as a business...well, you need to start. Tune in and Erin will tell you exactly why!In this episode:-Talking about money as a woman [1:42]-Tangible ROI examples from the FNA [3:59]-Getting more comfortable with money [8:23]-What propelled Erin through her self-imposed ceiling [11:27]-The act of investing in your business, investing in yourself [15:28]-Where money mindset goes wrong [19:18]-Promoting your work vs promoting yourself [22:34]-The anecdote to practitioner burnout [27:52]-Multiple income streams [32:03] Resources mentioned: The Funk’tional Nutrition Academy™(Enrollment opens to Waitlist on Aug 9th! Apply today!) Hormone Revival™ (Next round in Sept! Join the waitlist now) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) Erin on Insta Related eps:Ep 115 | STRICTLY BIZ: Determining Your Yes From Your No 163: So You Want to Practice Functional Nutrition

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