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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Nov 30, 2021 • 38min

Looking For A Functional Approach? Where to Get Started | Ep 183

Today’s episode is for you if you are interested in getting started with a functional approach for your health, but not really sure where to start. Erin recognizes that the cost of functional medicine can be a limiter for some, so she makes a case for starting with ONE budget-friendly intervention. This is the ONE PLACE Erin recommends everyone start before jumping into her 1:1 practice!Listen in as Erin discusses the difference between functional medicine/nutrition & the conventional/allopathic approach, and uses real world case examples of clients as it relates to all of this - where conventional medicine can fall short, where to start with the functional approach, and why you should start there.In this episode:-The chief differences between the functional and conventional approach [3:58]-Specific blood markers you should be aware of [10:19]-Where the functional approach should always start [12:00]-How to know if your blood sugar is a problem (without lab testing!) [14:20]-The body-wide impact of poor blood sugar regulation [17:47]-Real world case studies that showcases the power of food & how it can move the needle on [23:16]-When your healthcare providers have no options for you [24:29]-Why weight should not be used as the primary health marker [25:20]-Hormonal issues, fatigue, anxiety & how blood sugar strategies & changing diet made a huge impact for one client [28:34]-Common finding in hormone labs [29:07]-Food’s impact on metabolic health [31:59] [31:59]-The positive impact of investing in your health & how it can change the rest of your life [33:02]Mentioned in this episode: - The Carb Compatibility Project™ (next round starts on January 10th & enrollment officially opens on Monday, December 27thFOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Nov 23, 2021 • 29min

The Risks of Low Vitamin A & How to Increase Your Levels | Ep 182

If you have skin issues, immune issues, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, food sensitivities, or get sick often - you’ll want to listen in, because Vitamin A is crucial for all of these things!In today’s episode Erin explains the Beta Carotene/Vitamin A connection and differences, and why a vegetarian or vegan diet may not give everyone the Vitamin A their body needs. To break down the importance of Vitamin A, Erin dives into the conditions often associated with low Vitamin A, the benefits of having healthy Vitamin A levels, and what you can do to increase your Vitamin A if you have secured the data that you’re low (hint - the first step is to find the reason why!)In this episode:-The Nutrition Scoring System episode & Erin’s concerns with the villainization of meat [5:09]-The difference between Vitamin A / Beta Carotene & why you might not be able to get Vitamin -A from vegetables [10:51]-Why should we care about low Vitamin A? How it affects skin, immunity, inflammation & more [16:40]-How to test your Vitamin A status [20:08]-Reasons your Vitamin A might be low & One way you can support your nutrition [23:52]-Supplementation for Vitamin A [26:55] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
31 snips
Nov 16, 2021 • 1h 1min

SIBO & IBS: The Latest Research & Testing Options with Dr. Mark Pimentel | Ep 181

Dr. Mark Pimentel, renowned gastroenterology expert and researcher, discusses the latest research on IBS and SIBO, including new testing options. Topics include leading causes of IBS, the overlap between IBS and SIBO, diagnosing these conditions with blood and breath tests, debunking widely accepted concepts about SIBO, and the limitations of the low-FODMAP diet. A must-listen for clinicians, practitioners, and anyone interested in gut health and research.
Nov 9, 2021 • 1h 8min

Beauty Industry Brainwashing & Holistic Skincare with Lee Zavorskas | Ep 180

Today Erin sits down with her own esthetician and friend, Lee Zavorskas. With a lot of overlap and instant clicks on similar outlooks, this episode is full of energy and passion when it comes to the beauty industry and skin care. Tune in as Lee and Erin discuss how skin is often an inside job with a gut/skin connection (for example, start by paying attention to your diet!) but sometimes you need to approach the skin outside-in. Listen to Lee take the mic and jump right into what is broken in the beauty industry, what to avoid when it comes to skin care, how important it is to embrace aging - and natural and safe ways to give you and your skin the love and care they deserve.Rollinsford, New Hampshire-based Holistic Skin & Tonics focuses on whole skin health and the direct connection between nutrition and our skin. Combining specialized massage techniques and plant based skincare, wellness is not just one treatment; it’s a lifestyle and commitment that Owner and Licensed Esthetician, Lee Zavorskas, is devoted to instill in each client. As a Certified Nutritional Aesthetics Practitioner, who is also certified in Gua Sha, Face Cupping, and Facial Reflexology, Lee’s priority is to teach clients how to properly care for their skin—not just from the outside, but from the inside as well.In this episode:-Introduction to Lee and an overview of this episode [2:28]-Lee’s Rage with the beauty industry [6:44]-The acid mantle, how to keep it safe, & the dangers of over-exfoliation [9:46]-Deprogramming the “Beauty Industry Brainwashing” [15:26]-The three-way between your face, gut, and brain [18:08]-Rosacea, the many causes/triggers and an outside-in approach [20:22]-Why your friend’s skin solution might not be yours, internal factors that may be affecting your skin, & the holistic approach [23:40]-The normalization & long term risks of the Botox industry [30:15]-Facial massage, the lymph system, and lymphatic drainage [42:32]-The difference between Gua Sha & lymphatic drainage [48:57]-Resources, causes and natural techniques to help scarring, hyper-pigmentation, dull skin, puffiness and wrinkles [52:59]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Nov 2, 2021 • 45min

Natural Options to Support Your Period with Berrion Berry | Ep 179

Dealing with period problems is common for so many women, and today Erin sits down with menstrual health educator Berrion Berry to discuss why this is the case. Listen in as Berrion and Erin get back to basics on common culprits behind period pain (spoiler alert: stress is a big one!) and talk strategies to help relieve problematic periods in a natural way. Tune in to hear how anything that can influence your overall body can influence your cycle, and how implementing certain strategies and principles can not only change your health, but also change your life. Hint: these things don’t have to be hard, overwhelming, or scary! Berrion helps break this all down for us!Berrion Berry is a Menstrual Health Educator, Practitioner & the Founder of Optimize Your Flo. She teaches modern women to transform their periods and life through menstrual mastery. From hormone balancing to cycle syncing, to mood enhancing and self healing, Berrion covers it all and is excited to help you have your best period yet.In this episode:-Premise of today + related past episodes for deep dives [3:07]-Berrion explains a normal vs abnormal period [8:31]-How to figure out what’s “normal” for us [11:57]-Natural options to support painful periods [16:07]-Why do we collectively struggle with periods so much? [21:06]-The things that can influence your cycle [26:12]-Cooking based on your cycle [29:17]-What’s the deal with seed cycling? [31:51]-Menstrual cups, period underwear, & other alternatives to pads & tampons [36:39]-The importance of using fragrance-free, organic cotton menstrual products [40:52]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Oct 26, 2021 • 52min

My Thoughts on the New Nutrition Scoring System | Ep 178

We’ve been fed a lot of wack nutrition advice over the years⁣.When I saw the new Tufts Food Compass scoring system claiming that Lucky Charms is healthier than eggs I nearly pooped my pants - like the time I ate too many Fat Free Lay’s chips (remember Olestra? Remember in the 90s when they told us that fat was bad but poop-your-pants fake fat was good?!)⁣Today on the podcast I am giving you my thoughts on the “new tool” developed by Tufts to help consumers, food companies, restaurants, and cafeterias choose and produce healthier(?) foods and officials to make public nutrition policy.TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen)These scores aren’t perfect and they continue to vilify certain nutrients & foods (like fats & meats), which can have negative health consequences.In this episode: -The new “food compass” and why we need to talk about this [1:04]-What is the new Food Compass, who it’s for, and potential uses for it [8:41]-How these food scores are created [11:42]-Looking at sugar and fiber levels within the scoring system [14:34]-Foods that score high vs low on the scoring system and why this is a problem [19:13]-The perplexing scoring behind Lucky Charms [25:27]-Why is meat being vilified in this scoring system? [28:57]-Spotlighting the connection between mental health and meat consumption [31:58]-The nutrition benefits found in meat versus veggies [38:44]-Health benefits of cholesterol, including brain and hormone health [41:28]-Problems linked with low hormone levels [43:09]-The health importance of minerals [44:19]Resources mentioned:FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Oct 19, 2021 • 54min

Alternatives to Refined Sugars & Seed Oils | Ep 177

Awareness is always the first step to change. When it comes to our diet and our health, we have to become aware of our consumption before we can change it. This episode helps shed awareness on the omnipresence of low quality ingredients in our packaged foods - even the ones coming from stores we think of as “health food” stores - and gives you actionable steps you can take to get them out of your diet.While moving away from eating the majority of food out of a bag or box and starting to eat more whole foods is a really big shift for some, Erin helps reduce the overwhelm by breaking down confusing food ingredients and offers up swaps to help you start taking action and make big improvements quickly.In this episode:-Low quality ingredients in snack foods [1:07]-Awareness precipitates change [2:49]-The various names for sugar and vegetable oils [3:26]-A pep talk for making change [8:57]-Answering listener questions about importance of quality oils & fats [17:30]-Why “heart healthy” vegetable oils are problematic [19:40]-Sun butter vs sunflower oil [20:26]-Why opinions on “the right diet” differ so much [29:01]-Are saturated fats the scapegoat for refined sugar? [32:06]-Why quitting refined sugar is difficult + associated health problems [33:30]-Sweeteners & oils Erin uses in her home [35:37]-Let’s talk about quality snacks [40:00]Resources mentioned:FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Oct 12, 2021 • 45min

Reducing Dinner Overwhelm with Cassy Joy Garcia | Ep 176

A lot of us are aware that eating a more whole foods-based diet is something we should be doing, but we often get tripped up in implementing this by common roadblocks that get in our way: namely time and general kitchen/cooking overwhelm. It may be doable to cook ONE healthy meal, but what about the rest of the week? What about work or kid commitments, dietary restrictions, or picky eaters?The truth is cooking dinner is something that a lot of people struggle with. In this episode, Erin sits down with bestselling author Cassy Joy Garcia to discuss ways to cut down on cooking time and overwhelm. Listen in to hear more about meal planning versus meal prepping, how your partner can actually help, and navigating cooking for picky eaters. Cassy Joy doles out real, actionable steps to simplify healthy eating so we can create meals for our families that we feel good about.If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of cooking, planning out your weekly dinners, or creating more whole foods-based meals, this is definitely the episode to tune into!Cassy Joy Garcia is the bestselling author of Cook Once Dinner Fix, Cook Once Eat All Week, and Fed and Fit as well as the creative force behind the popular food blog Fed + Fit. Eager to share her healthy living secrets with the world, she started Fed + Fit in 2011. Since then, she became a holistic nutrition consultant and transitioned her personal blog into a tremendously supportive and nimble online wellness editorial, backed by a small but mighty team of writers, researchers, and editors. After realizing that her own struggles to get a healthy homemade dinner on the table overlapped with the same struggles experienced by her readers, she decided that there must be a better way. The Cook Once method was born and it has revolutionized how people cook. She lives in San Antonio, TX with her husband and two children.In this episode:-Building on the importance of a whole foods diet with actionable steps [2:00]-Cassy Joy’s attitude check that helped her reach her goals [5:57]-The evolution in Cassy Joy’s business [10:28]-Where to start when approaching dinner making overwhelm [16:54]-The difference between meal planning and meal prepping [19:09]-How the Cook Once method gives you more kitchen confidence & know-how [27:03]-Cutting down on mental load and decision fatigue [29:32]-If your partner is asking how they can help [30:56]-Animal protein: pre/post cooking storage + defrosting tips [33:12]-Gluten free + special dietary needs adaptations [35:47]-Navigating cooking for picky eaters [38:08]-A simple way to take the overwhelm out of cooking dinner [41:25]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Oct 5, 2021 • 50min

Our Food, Our Immune System & Our Kids (A Town Hall on Health) | Ep 175

Today Erin takes a more of a town hall approach to discuss our modern food system and how this plays a role in not only our immune and overall health, but also our kids' health. This episode packs plenty of food for thought: stats and information surrounding our rapidly changing food system, chronic illness, autoimmune disease, access to food, and key factors for a solid health foundation. While Erin points out many problems seen between our modern way of food production and consumption and disease, she also reminds us we all have more power than we think when it comes to informed food choices to positively affect our (and our children’s) health. Tune in to hear this powerful forum on the state of our nation's food and health.In this episode:-Update from last week’s podcast episode [3:08]-Town hall about food, our health, the immune system, our kids [5:34]-The nutritional gatekeepers of the home [11:26]-Stats about rising chronic illness & health care costs [12:18]-The new major health hazard of the modern world [14:41]-Metabolic Syndrome and the role of the Standard American Diet [17:29]-Nonnegotiables for a good health foundation [22:48]-Why our modern food is such a problem for health [28:18]-The purpose (& outcome) of chemical additives in processed foods [30:24]-Evolutionary Mismatch & the steep rise of chronic immune dysfunction in children [35:05]-When people ask if changing your diet & lifestyle is hard work [39:17]-The lack of access to good food [43:12] Resources mentioned:Erin’s ideas and inspo for dinners and feeding:’s online supplement dispensary Basic Immune Support Boosted Immune Support Global Epidemic of the Metabolic Syndrome Gut-Immune Connection by Emeran Mayer, MD from the cytokine storm: Healthy living is a vital preventative strategy in the COVID-19 era Trends in Body Mass Index Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Persons Aged 2–19 Years — United States, 2018–2020 (CDC website) by Michael Moss NH: Farm Shares for Families for Gather Emily Gaddis egaddis@gathernh.orgSNAP for Farmers Markets Seacoast Fridge supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) River Hemp Co CBD products (save 10% & free shipping on your order with code FUNK10) Related eps:116: The Problem with Food Dyes (and why you shouldn't buy Kellogg's new waffles) Fragrances, Hormones & Small Steps to Non Toxic Living
Sep 28, 2021 • 43min

Benefits of Cold Exposure Therapy | Ep 174

Robert van der Heyden returns to the podcast to expand on his and Erin’s last conversation regarding therapy practices for increasing resiliency, and today they dive into Cold Exposure Therapy.Cold exposure builds on the resiliency created through the Wim Hof breathwork style, and in this episode, Erin and Robert discuss what cold exposure is, why you want to do it, and how to get started. Robert explains the health benefits behind cold exposure from stress management to increased focus and clarity to better circulation and immune responses.If you’ve been curious about cold exposure or are looking for ways to better manage your life stressors, this is an important episode to tune into!Be sure to listen to Robert’s last interview, which includes a guided breathwork session! Find the link below!In this episode:-How this episode builds on last week’s [1:03]-What is cold exposure training and why do it? [4:37]-How cold exposure therapy helps the immune system [6:39]-How your stress response changes with this practice [8:07]-Increasing fat loss & athletic recovery through cold exposure [14:51]-Raynaud’s + autoimmunity [18:59]-Strengthening the circulatory system through cold exposure therapy [24:20]-How circulation affects GI dysfunction & inflammation [26:14]-Boundaries around self care to benefit you, your family, and others [27:25]-Shying away from constant comfort to support our genetics [30:15]-Where and how to get started with cold exposure therapy [32:40]-Specific steps for a therapeutic cold shower [36:15]-Best practices for contrast therapy [39:12]Resources mentioned:Find Robert on Insta River Hemp Co CBD products (SALE for pod listeners!!! Get 50% off 500mg tinctures with code FUNK50. Sale ends 10/1!) Shop NH Boosted probiotic supplement (save 15% on your order with code FUNK15) supplement powder (save 20% on your order with code FUNK) Erin on Insta eps:173: Wim Hof Breathwork for Resiliency and Immune Health

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