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Breathe Love & Magic

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Apr 26, 2024 • 29min

My Favorite Essential Oils For Emotional Healing And More

This week I’m talking about essential oils for emotional healing and more, how they are made, some of my favorites and what they do for you. [Don’t forget about the Bioenergectic Clearing special that ends at the end of April – just $50 for 50 minutes, normally $188. Click here to get in on the special before it’s gone!] This is a new series for the podcast called “Ronnie’s Favorites” which obviously is about some of my favorite metaphysical tools. I’ll be sharing a variety of topics like favorite essential oils, energy tips, favorite crystals, favorite books and a few other things. So, let’s talk about essential oils. These plant-based products work to shift your energy, mood and emotions. They also have medicinal properties, but that’s not an area I’m knowledgeable about – you’d need an aromatherapist or herbologist for those details. Who couldn’t use a little help from the plant world to get going in the right direction? Essential oils are made from plant extracts to create an oil to support health and well-being. Many also provide an emotional component, working to shift you energetically and lift your mood. How Are Essential Oils Made? There are three basic ways the scent, flavor and properties are extracted: 1) steam, 2) water and 3) cold pressing. A true essential oil is never created through a chemical process. And the best ones use organically grown plants. Some manufacturers own the farms, others source globally. Either way works. Once the properties have been extracted, they are mixed with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil and bottled. And there you have it – essential oils are born. Many manufacturers like DoTerra, Living Young and Eden’s Garden make a quality product. How to Use Essential Oils for Emotional Healing There are several ways you can work with the oils, but for the most part it’s for aromatherapy. Use a diffuser – many brands will tell you how many drops to use in a diffuser or oil blends that are helpful. Anoint the body – place oils on your body in a ceremonial way. Dot your wrists and thymus, elbow creases, etc. Inhale the aroma – Place a drop or two on your palms, cup to your nose and breathe in. DoTerra makes some edible products but others say you should never ingest them. I don’t really know, so be safe whatever you decide. How Do Essential Oils Work? Now I’m going to get scientific, so hang in there. When you inhale the scent of an essential oil for emotional healing or any reason, this stimulates the limbic system of your brain which is related to your emotions and behaviors, your sense of smell and long-term memory. Since the limbic system plays a role in forming memories, this explains why certain smells can cause memories or the related emotions to pop into your mind. It calls up the memory and the emotion linked to it through your sense of smell. In addition, the limbic systems contributes to controlling unconscious body functions like breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. This explains claims of how oils have a physical effect on the body. But for those of you who accept the mystical side of life, essential oils also work on a vibrational level which affects everything, since everything is energy including the body, emotions and thoughts. My Go-To Essential Oil Book I have a go-to handbook for essential oils related to the emotions. It’s a spiral bound book called Essential Emotions: Your Guide to Process, Release and Love Free. No author is given credit just the website This is a companion to DoTerra oils because it does list some of their premade blends. But the oil properties are not related to a particular brand – the descriptions work for any brand. My Favorite Essential Oils This is in no way a comprehensive list of the oils available. There are so many essential oils – there’s got to be a few you’ll love and benefit from. But this is a list of my personal favorites and the emotional help they provide. In other words, these essential oils for emotional healing address situations and issues that I have found improved with their use. I felt better after using them. These are in alphabetical order if you want to know why I listed them this way. Cypress – Flow with life, trust, flexible. Sometimes I feel stuck and that no matter how I try, I can’t move forward. Take out my Cypress oil! It has a nice mild evergreen pine-like scent. When I’m in the flow, I’m working for my highest good and on the path of my soul. Frankincense – Protected, wisdom, spiritually open. This is a great oil if you want to open to higher levels of consciousness in your meditation. It’s also good for anointing yourself in ceremonies or rituals you might participate in. Very powerful and a great oil in your oil toolbox. Geranium – Emotional healing, forgiveness, loving and tolerance. Working for so many years with women seeking love, I’ve suggested the use of geranium often. If you’ve been emotionally wounded, this is a lovely essential oil for emotional healing that works on the heart. Spicy Ginger! Ginger – Empowerment, capable, purposeful. If you’re on a mission and need to feel confident and empowered, get out the ginger! First of all, it’s a wonderful spicy scent. It will help you get on the path of productivity and getting things done! Grapefruit – Learn to love your body, healthy relationship with food. To me, this oil has the most heavenly scent. It’s just scrumptious. And the idea that it will help me love and accept my body is a great benefit, especially if I’m going somewhere and not feeling the best about myself. Green Mandarin – Pure potential. When I really want to connect during a meditation or work at the highest level I’m capable of on a particular project, I use green mandarin. Another citrus blend, the aroma is divine and I feel excited knowing the scent is helping me achieve my highest potential. Tune into Spirit Guaiacwood – Used for centuries by the Incas, the indigenous people of the Andes, for ceremonies and rituals, this oil is relaxing and calming. But it’s also excellent for inducing a meditative state. Combine it with this shaman drumming in the video below and you’ve got the tools to get deep into the other world. I’ve had great results with this oil for connecting to the other side. Lemon – Focus, get mental clarity, feel alert and joy. Lemon is so refreshing and yummy. I’m a citrus girl and love all the citrus aromas as you’re about to hear. Lemon is also a scent many people relate to cleaning and the oil is good for that I’ve been told. Lemongrass – Spiritual clarity, cleansing, simplicity and non-attachment. When you want to clear your energy, lemongrass is a powerful ally. Mixing lemongrass with lime is a wonderful blend which I’ll explain in a moment. Lime – Zest for life. Yes, I love lime. When I’m feeling a little down, I grab my lime oil and inhale deeply – yes! Let’s remember the zest for life, right? Then when you combine lemongrass with lime – you’ve got a powerful combination for clearing and replenishing your energy with zest for life. Beautiful. Peppermint – Wake up, focus and feel optimistic. In Connecticut where I live, we have a lot more cloudy days then we used to. And when the cloudy days come one after another, I sometimes need a bit of a pick me up. That’s where peppermint is amazing. It will perk you up like a cup of coffee without the caffeine. So invigorating! Love & Healing Rose – Love, compassion, healing and empathy. When you’re working on love, whether that’s self-love, romantic love, or love for humanity, rose is the best essential oil for emotional healing. This one is more expensive side, so even a roller bottle which is a smaller quantity could do. Rosemary – Mental clarity and the ability to adjust. This is another spicy scent. When I’m not feeling clear about a situation, rosemary is my go-to oil. Get that clarity you need to understand what is happening and the steps you need to take next. Wild Orange – Abundance, humor, playful, creative, joyful, spontaneous. The last citrus oil, wild orange is such a mood enhancer. Open a bottle and breathe in that creativity and joy. This always works for me and I’m sure you’re going to love it too. Keep it on your desk where you work so you can remember to enjoy life even when hard at work or lift your mood no matter what. 2 Essential Oil Experts I have two experts that I have followed about essential oils for emotional healing and they are very different. Allison Stillman She calls herself the Aromatic Alchemist.  I interviewed a while ago and I just loved her. Listen here to that episode. She talks about the sacred art of anointing the body and using oils for She explained the process to me which was so helpful. For example, she talks about putting a drop or two of lavender on the crown of your head to declare you are sacred and divine. It’s a way to make a statement to the Universe and carry that with you throughout the day. Allison has done a lot of research about the history of anointing and wrote a wonderful book about it as well called the Sacred Art of Anointing. She also talks about aromatherapy, raising your frequency with essential oils and even why the church burns resin as people enter the building.  Visit Allison’s website here  Desiree de Lunae My other favorite expert to follow is Desiree de Lunae who is an acupuncturist who is an expert on essential oils and combines them with Chinese medicine. Desiree specializes in emotional well-being and has come up with some wonderful protocols She creates a series of essential oils for emotional healing that you apply to different parts of the body. I attended one of her programs called I Am Fabulous in person which was pretty amazing. She had command of the subject matter and the room. She’s quite a personality and is brimming over with enthusiasm about what she tons. Desiree’s YouTube channel is loaded with videos on every topic you could imagine having to do with essential oils. In the podcast I share her protocols for her I Am Fabulous program and also a blend that she calls Magic! The post My Favorite Essential Oils For Emotional Healing And More appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Apr 19, 2024 • 34min

The New Earth Is Here Even If You Don’t Want It To Be

Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, Kerri Hummingbird talks with me about what the so called “New Earth” will be like in real terms I actually understood! Connect with Mother Earth Kerri loves to help people and clients connect with Mother Earth and many do this by hiking in nature. You might get quiet being with the trees, rocks, and birds. But there’s so much more! Indigenous people know that Mother Earth is awake, conscious and a being of light and we exist in her auric field. We are created from her material of fire, water, earth and air and all of life is connected in this way. When that becomes an embodied realization, you can feel it in your body and your body is Mother Earth. She is present inside of you. Then you learn to listen deeply – this is what is studied in any mystery school or by indigenous people. The journey goes inward. When you connect with Mother Earth in this way, you bring your soul and consciousness into the body and operate from a higher consciousness which Kerri calls the Love Mind and the heart. You’ll make very different types of decisions from being connected this way then if you were coming from fear. Decisions for the Good of All Mother Earth helps us make wiser decisions for life on the planet. You might think, “How is this choice creating health, wealth and prosperity for seven generations forward, not only for my descendants but for all life on the planet?” You stop thinking about just you or your family and consider the relevance of all species. For example, if there are no bees, that will impact ALL life on the planet. I asked Kerri why seven generations back but she wasn’t sure of the origin of that number. She did relay a story from her own life – how she’s related to a medicine man seven generations back who walked the Trail of Tears with the Cherokee nation. Having connected with this ancestor has helped her learn about healing and it’s been very powerful. I brought up Jane Robert’s book The Education of Oversoul 7 which talks about how there is no time and the soul fragments to live all seven lives at the same time. This is like what Kerri has gone through connecting to her own soul as her ancestor. She was that medicine man in a past life and is related to him as well! Amazing, right? Higher & Lower Level Minds The Pachamama (from the Karo people in the Andes mountains) is the mother of time and space. When you are embodied in the Pachamama, then you’re living at the  intersection of time and space. A little bit mind blowing. The medicine person learns to transcend time through the hummingbird consciousness and eagle consciousness – both are aspects of the higher functioning brain. Most of humanity today use the limbic and reptilian brains which are lower level functioning and why we have so much human drama. At this level, there is no sense of soul or spirit. Instead it’s “Us vs. Them” for the most part. This demonstrates a lack of awareness. The Great Awakening But now, with the great awakening, people have this higher level brain to open up our consciousness to access beyond the veil. This requires an understanding that we are more than a body with one life on earth. We need to reconcile our past lives and come to peace with it all. This is the opportunity to clean up the karma and the mess humans have made. The point is to transcend the drama. With eagle consciousness, you get the higher perspective with soul eyes, bringing higher frequencies with it like compassion and patience. This helps you make different choices and allows things to shift! Many people here today, have been getting ready for this time through several lifetimes to be hand-holders and wayshowers. They have come from around the Universe to the New Earth. This group studied a variety of modalities to guide people now who are waking up and opening to spirit. Who Will Ascend? We are shifting into the next potential, having prepared to be in service this way for many lifetimes. OK, so what does this have to do with ascension? Kerri explained not everyone will want to come along and ascend, or have the same reality as those who are awakened. They may like suffering for some reason and come from a place of fear. However, those with the awakened mind can accept people from a place of love vs. fear. More about ascension and 5D When you are connected to the earth and are operating from a higher consciousness, you allow yourself to be guided towards love. So, awakened people are already experiencing a different reality. There has been a strengthening of duality. You can just tell when it’s not worth having a conversation with someone who is closed off and chosen to stay at the lower vibration. It’s clear now and easy to see. This is a big part of what it means to live in a different reality. Not that we are actually separated or on different planets, or that the earth will split in two. (Yes, I’ve heard people say this kind of stuff!). Instead, it’s about looking at life through a lens of higher consciousness. I’m Not Buying It Personally, I have a hard time with this idea that we’ll be off to some other world. Kerri explained that people will self-select to be with similar types in similar environments. So, if you come from love, you will work to love and accept people. People who have a fear perspective will ultimately be impacted by the love-minded folks whether or not they want that. Many of them will end up coming along and moving over to this frequency, especially as the fear model dissipates. The Changes She’s Seen Next, I asked Kerri what changes she’s noticed about her clients recently. Kerri said when people move into love consciousness, you are more gracious and compassionate. You start to have access to magical teachings, wisdom, rituals, ceremonies and your own power. And you can use all of it for the benefit of humanity and the world. Rather than confront someone on their short comings, you’ll work on yourself to clear the energy, clear the space, bring love and forgiveness to everything. This is how you’ll resolve things. The other person won’t know what happened or how the change took place, but that’s OK. Kerri’s biggest miracles were with her family. When Kerri started on the shaman journey, her family thought she was crazy and didn’t understand what she was doing. Her dad had a condition that was life threatening, the same thing his own mother had died from. Family Healing So, Kerri asked his permission (always important!) to look into this and she cleared this. As a result, her dad’s condition stayed as is and never progressed for the rest of his life. She also healed the relationship with her mother which she explains in one of her books. They had been at odds after her father passed, and they couldn’t even have a simple  conversation. Kerri’s solution was working her medicine, doing ceremonies, plant medicine, and writing a book about healing the mother wound. This went on for a two-year period, learning to process, forgive and get to a place of love. Now things are wonderful between them. This is a beautiful example of how living in a reality from a place of love and higher consciousness can exist on the planet at the same time as the hate and fear. And how love will influence those people stuck. Love is sort of pervasive and contagious – that’s what it sounds like to me anyway. LOL. Learn about Transformational Shamanism with Kelle Sparta The Love Curriculum Kerri refers to this process as the Love Curriculum! What an interesting time to be alive on the planet. To make this process easier, this medicine woman’s advice is to find a community of like-minded people and take responsibility for yourself. Amen to that! Forget the lone-wolf perspective, it’s time to be relational. If you want to be in the community, consider the Intuitive Mastermind, where we support each other by amplifying our energy and using our intuition for the good of all the members. Last but not least, Kerri asks that we thank Mother Earth for all her efforts and send her grace and love. Done! Get Kerri’s Free Gift, which includes 10 free meditations! Inner Medicine Meditation Pack BIO – Kerri Hummingbird Kerri Hummingbird, Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, is the Founder of Inner Medicine Training, a Mystery School that shares potent ancient traditions from the Andes and Himalayas for owning your wisdom and living your purpose. She is the #1 international best-selling author of “Inner Medicine: Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity” (on the international bestseller charts 29 weeks), Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound, The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama (on the international bestseller charts 237 weeks) and the award-winning best-selling book Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening. As the host of Soul Nectar Show, Ms. Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. As a healer and mentor, she catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. Website & Social Media Website: Podcast: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:   The post The New Earth Is Here Even If You Don’t Want It To Be appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Apr 12, 2024 • 30min

8 Gut Deep Ways To Rely On Your Intuitive Guidance

Learn how to trust your inner wisdom with tips like taking the pressure off and exploring the four main clairs. Discover the magic of intuition in a pinch and strengthen your abilities through trust exercises. Dive into the origins of intuition and the benefits of collaborative intuitive practices.
Apr 5, 2024 • 39min

Past Life Reading Resolves Current Fears And Limiting Beliefs

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m sharing a recorded Past life Reading and Intuitive Coaching Session with Lori. Past Life History This was an amazing session that delved into so much history. The session was sort of a wild ride with really interesting twists and turns. Lori wanted to better understand why she struggles and things seem so hard for her. We also investigated her difficulties with romance and fear of open water, like the ocean. Looking into her past, we discovered she was royalty, although not in line for the throne. Her father’s conniving trespasses left her in bad straits. Unfortunately, she has hung on to those feelings today, even though she was not personally at fault for what transpired. However, she did pay a heavy price that she’s been holding onto for many lifetimes. Find Out the 7 Ways Past Lives Affect Your Love Life Now Since this is not necessary for her soul development, it was time to release these feelings. Today, this includes a feeling of not being good enough that comes from this situation which we discuss in depth during her past life reading. Life at the Time of Caesar As to her fear about open water, like the ocean or the Mediterranean, we found three lives going back to the time of Caesar. So fascinating! Going deeper into her previous incarnations, we also uncovered a lifetime where she was in command of the elements. It was in that lifetime when she lost her respect for the water element which turns out to be the root cause of her fear today. Learn more about Akashic Records Readings The Healing Temple Next, I took her to the healing temple which I discovered through meditation at the library with the Akashic Records. Lori cleared several issues, connected with her angels, and took it all in stride. She felt much lighter after being in the temple. The last issue we addressed is the idea that she thrives on anxiety and moments that really test her. Lori says sometimes she thinks she’s not happy unless she’s miserable. She also mentioned that often her life feels like a marathon that doesn’t have a finish line. In the end, Lori wanted help to shift this perspective and feel more at peace. Together we unraveled where this idea came from and how she can go about being more kind to herself. Spending more time on self-care was one important solution. Past Life Regression Having worked with past lives for over 30 years, I can say that it’s easier than you think to connect with this soul level information. Past Life regression and hypnosis are not at all required to get the information you seek. For Lori, what was great about this reading and Intuitive Coaching session was how everything unfolded so beautifully. Lori is a very open person which made her a fabulous client. As a result, we covered a tremendous amount of ground in a relatively short time and cleared up a number of things that had been bothering her. You’ll hear how she shifted by the end of the Past Life Reading and Intuitive Coaching session and hopefully you’ll enjoy the journey as much as we did. Thanks for listening! Learn about the Magic of Reincarnation Bioenergetic Clearing Flash Sale $50! Want to try Bioenergetic Clearing? I’m running a short-term flash sale! Just $50 for a 50-minute session via zoom. Clear blocks, get unstuck, shift your energy and get to the root cause of an issue. The best part is I do all the work for you! Click Here Now to get your session “HOLY COW! I had a session with Ronnie to help identify and clear any limiting beliefs I have around money. Within 2-3 days, I had a promising new client and a whirlwind of business networking activity that I haven’t seen in a while. Nice results – thanks Ronnie!” –Tammy Types of Clearings: Money issues Parental issues Love and Romance Wanting more energy Lack of Confidence Negativity Lack of luck Career Business Feeling Stuck Lacking clarity/Feeling confused Spiritual Growth And more – whatever you want to focus on! Schedule your clearing now, before the sale ends! The post Past Life Reading Resolves Current Fears And Limiting Beliefs appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Mar 29, 2024 • 27min

The Remarkable Power Of Reframing Shifts Your Life

Volunteer school mentor Jane shares heartwarming stories of connecting with students and the power of reframing challenging situations to uplift and motivate. Learn how mentoring relationships can make a positive impact on academic and social struggles, highlighting the importance of empathy and support in empowering transformation.
Mar 22, 2024 • 35min

How To Use Feng Shui For Business And Life With Kim Julen

Feng Shui Expert and Intuitive Coach, Kim Julen, shares how to create supportive environments for business and life through Feng Shui. Topics include command positions, positioning for safety, and using symbols for power and energy. She discusses applying Feng Shui in daily situations like dinner dates and office setups for success.
Mar 15, 2024 • 34min

Is It Possible To Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs?

Learn how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs with insights from a transformation coach. Discover how beliefs, formed in childhood, can hinder personal growth and success. Explore the power of intuition, belief in oneself, and energy healing to transform limiting beliefs. Empower self-love and positive affirmations to shift your mindset and unlock your true potential. Dive into the importance of self-talk, self-kindness, and connecting with your divine spark for overall well-being.
Mar 8, 2024 • 23min

Self-Kindness – The Art Of Being Nice To Yourself!

The podcast delves into the importance of self-kindness, sharing a personal journey of website traffic growth and sudden decline. It highlights the transformative power of self-compassion and offers practical tips for daily self-kindness practices. The chapter emphasizes the benefits of positive self-talk and introduces the speaker's new book 'Inklings' as a free gift.
Mar 1, 2024 • 34min

Medical Intuitive Christine Lang Talks About Energy Healing

Medical Intuitive Christine Lang shares her journey from attorney to healer, discussing how she discovered energy healing through practices like Reiki, Tai Chi, and meditation. Learn about maintaining energetic boundaries, connecting with nature's healing energy, and overcoming money blocks through spiritual guidance.
Feb 23, 2024 • 30min

My Top Tiny Energy Tips To Create Really Big Results

Discover tiny energy tips to infuse your morning beverage with love and set intentions for a powerful day. Explore connecting with the universe, calling upon angels for guidance, and using Sugar Bowl Magic to manifest desires effortlessly.

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