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Breathe Love & Magic

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Jun 21, 2024 • 0sec

How To Infuse Magic & Happiness Into Your Life

What Marina loves about being a hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner is being able to help clients in a short amount of time to shift, change, and reinvent themselves to bring magic into their lives. Are You Willing to Play? Her biggest surprise with client success was one woman who had a significantly sized cyst that had been around for seven years. She had scheduled surgery and wasn’t looking forward to the process. Marina asked her if she was willing to play to see what happens and her client responded, “Yes, I’m in!” So, they did four sessions. The first few were about helping her feel better about herself, healing the trauma that seemed connected to the cyst. In the fourth session, Marina had her client go into a trance, but she also went into an altered state herself. She saw the mass in her clients body and was suddenly handed a light-saber scapel and she removed the dark mass in her vision. There was also a spirit she recognized that came to help her. Finishing up by adding lots of light into the affected area, the session was complete. Create Magic Together According to Marina, both the client and the practitioner need to work together to create the magic. She shared with her client what she had seen during the vision and what transpired. Later that day, the client went to her pre-op exam and the tech told her there was no evidence of the cyst which had been documented and carefully watched for seven years! It had completely disappeared! They were both thrilled. Was it spirit? Marina? The client? Yes, Marina says all of it contributed to this incredible story. Marina facilitated the energy and acts as a conduit for the energy. St. Germain’s Violet Flame Next, I shared an experience of watching a healing take place. A friend of mine had cancer and was under going chemo prior to surgery to shrink the mass. She was very dedicated to meditating during her chemo treatments, imagining the chemo winning the battle and eating away at all the cancer in her body. I had been experimenting with St. Germain’s Violet Flame which is supposed to be a strong healing energy. I picture my friend standing on a massive purple lotus blossom with a wire arc like an arbor that she stood beneath. It was sort of shaped like a light bulb. And this wire had little purple flames all along it. Then I invited the Violet Flame to come in and heal her and what shocked me was in this vision, my friend was totally engulfed in these flames. They burned for several minutes and then the flames started to disappate and finally stopped. Somehow I knew this meant she was going to or had healed herself. A couple months later, she called to tell me a story. Half way through the surgery, the doctor came out to talk to her husband. She explained that the hysterectomy had been completed, however there was absolutely no evidence of cancer. That’s why the surgery took half the time expected. What? That blew me away. I don’t take credit for that healing because my friend did a lot of work on her own. But Marina pointed out I contributed by faciliating the Violet Flame with her. Amazing, right? What Do You Want? Moving on, I asked Marina how she can help people with more every day stuff vs. the catastrophic. She explained the first thing to do is to ask her clients what they want. This is the hardest thing because she said most people are very familiar with what they don’t want, but unsure of what they do want. Then she works to identify the fear or trauma that is interfering with the client’s desire by going into trance. What is behind the behavior they want to change. The subconscious mind works to figure this out. The client doesn’t have to dig in the muck, but simply identify what happened as the source. And they don’t even have to share the details with her. Next, they work to change the perspective about what happened that holds them back, so they can shift the behavior. Lastly, She assists the client to see the future they want to live and create, which leaves the person in an empowered and positive state. The magic is to see themselves thinner, sober, or happier (whatever they want) and this improved future pulls them foward to it. Your Mind Is Like an Orchestra Everyone is madeup of many parts like an orchestra – the drums, the horns, and the string section. Marina asks the subconscious which part is not playing in harmony and then they work on that part to get back into harmony. Plus, there are ways to calm yourself if anxiety or fear are getting in the way. NLP is practical and designed to look at solutions. Marina noticed that most self-help books talk about the problem but offer few solutions. But that’s what NLP is great at. You imagine the scene you don’t like and you create a scene you do like, shake them up and focus on the unpleasant scene shrinking into non-existence. What remains is the scene you do want! How Marina Got Started I asked Marina how did she come to this place of doing this work. For many years, Marina admitted her spirituality and metaphysical interest was in the closet, so to speak. But then her mother asked her to help get her book published. Her mom was very spiritual too and she felt comfortable being open to that with her. That was the start of her journey to be more public with her beliefs. For herself though, she had a good business and didn’t want to go in the spiritual direction – thinking it wasn’t for her. Letters requesting to buy her busienss started to come in and she resisted this idea feeling that her busienss was good and she would keep going. However, the Unvierse had other ideas and Marina thinks because she didn’t listen, her business started to fail and she had to close it. Distraught over how this impacted her employees, she felt shame and guilt over leaving them in a lurch. The Big Moment One day while jogging, she felt suddenly like she was having a heart attack. Grabbing her chest, Marina was so upset and scared. But she heard a voice say it was just a warning, yet if she kept up with the guilt, it could be real next time. Marina needed to release the shame and guilt which were holding her back. She also heard to follow her path – “her father’s” path. To Marina this was clearly the heavenly father being spoken of and the spiritual path. The next step was to get some tools and she learned several, but then found the clinical hypnosis and NLP combination training which was perfect for her. There’s more to this interview, but you’ll hvae to listen to get the rest. BIO – Marina Shakour Haber Marina Shakour Haber is a life coach dedicated to transforming life’s breakdowns into magical new chapters filled with purpose and meaning. Drawing from her personal experiences, Marina has developed a repertoire of tools and techniques to guide her clients through change and self-reinvention. She expertly incorporates NLP and clinical hypnotherapy into her solution-focused coaching, helping clients achieve their desired outcomes. Marina empowers individuals to overcome phobias, fears, and anxieties; reduce stress and depression; conquer addictions and weight issues; enhance relationships; and boost confidence and self-esteem. As a motivational speaker and the author of Dream A Better Dream, Marina calls on readers to transform their thoughts and beliefs from toxicity and fear to enthusiasm and love. Her latest book, Your GPS to Happiness, provides a roadmap to navigate from where you are to where you want to be—achieving fulfillment, prosperity, and the life of your dreams. Free Gift: Daily Destress Exercises (coming soon) Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram:   The post How To Infuse Magic & Happiness Into Your Life appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 14, 2024 • 0sec

If Your Manifesting Is Not Working, Try This!

I’m very excited to share something new I learned today. If you’re into goal setting and manifesting, this essential step is about why it’s important to set realistic goals and what you need to focus on. I was listening to Kevin Schmidlin from Grow the Show podcast and his message totally resonated with me. It’s like all the pieces fell into place. Or the tumblers clicked to crack a safe. Yeah, it’s really that good. Kevin did an amazing job of explaining how to set goals in a way that makes a huge difference. His point is that most people set goals the wrong way which leaves them disappointed, devastated, and often leads to giving up. Throwing in the towel and doing that too soon. I’ve been there – what about you? You set a goal, you do your manifesting and then…nothing. Focusing on the Wrong Thing Here’s how Kevin explained it. He used the example of losing weight. Let’s say you have a goal like he did to lose 50 lbs. It’s all he could think about. He’d get really serious, focus on taking the steps needed, lose about 20 lbs. and then, he’d stop. It was taking longer than he thought and instead of being excited that he lost the 20 lbs., he was mad he hadn’t lost 50. He set a goal but never seemed to get there. What is that about? Has that happened to you? I’ve been there not just for weight loss, but also for other goals. The truth is this applies to anything you want to achieve. Any goal you set. Any manifesting you put your mind too. So what went wrong? It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to feel what it would be like to lose 50 lbs. Kevin could imagine and visualize that. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to lose weight or what would be required, because in fact he did lose weight. The same 20 lbs. over and over again. Okay then, what’s the real problem here? Well, Kevin said he focused on the wrong thing. He focused on the end result – the 50 lbs. This is why it’s important to set realistic goals. Maybe 50 lbs. was just too much and was taking too long. Turns out that demotivated him every time he thought about how he wasn’t there yet. Every time he stepped on the scale! And he’d give up. Sounds crazy but I really get it. I’ve been there too. Instead, Focus on the Action Steps Kevin did eventually lose not 50 but 120 lbs. How? He changed his mindset. And it worked. He changed his goals to 1) Run a mile three times a week and 2) Eat smaller portions and fewer snacks. These are the goals that worked for him. When his goal was to lose 50 lbs. he couldn’t do it. Why? Because every time he stepped on the scale and hadn’t reached his goal, he felt like a failure! He was sad about his goal. That goal made him feel bad about himself every single time he stepped on the scale. This put him into a lower vibration. His goal was counterproductive and totally undermined his ability to get there. Kevin explained that here is nothing wrong with lofty goals. I’d say use that for your manifesting focus. However, for the day-to-day, what works far better, is to keep your eyes on the actions you need to take. For Kevin, this was to eat less and exercise three times a week. When he kept his focus on the actions he needed to take, he found he stayed motivated and kept going. He was happy with himself that he kept his word to himself and follow through on these two actions. Focusing on the day-to-day actions allowed him to stay motivated by a long-term goal and number that was far away. Can you see how this might apply to almost anything you want to achieve? Setting Business Goals Maybe you want to make six figures. Okay, that’s a great goal, right? That might be a stretch for you or you might already be at $80K and it’s not that far away. Focus your manifesting there. But for the day-to-day, what steps do you need to take? What actions are required to make $100K? Maybe you need to post on Instagram stories every day and do three reels a week. Or you want to become an awesome newsletter writer and send them out 2-3 times a week. Maybe you need to do five podcast interviews every month. You get the idea. These are action steps that lead you to getting clients and earning $100K. Now, if you only focus on the number $100K, and by September of that year you are nowhere near your goal, what will happen? As you look at your sales and you haven’t hit the target time after time, how will you feel? You might be sad, disappointed, angry, or unhappy. The target feels too far away. You start to perceive it as impossible. This is why it’s so important to set realistic goals. Look at What You Did Do But if you focus on hitting your social media goals, your podcast interview numbers, or writing killer newsletters, then you can feel success. Why? Because you did those things! You kept your promise to yourself, followed through, and took the actions. You can count on yourself and that is another way to look at your success. It’s a way where you can win every month or even every week. You can hit those targets and feel good about yourself. You can be a success in these daily ways. So, while you are manifesting the big picture – your audacious goal of $100K, you can have win after win based on your daily efforts. Why This Matters Because as humans, we tend to beat ourselves up. We’re really good at it, right? You know what I mean? You are likely well practiced at giving yourself a hard time and feeling bad about yourself. That’s why shifting to actions steps vs. the end goal makes such a dramatic difference. Because it provides a surefire way for you to succeed in the short term on the way to the big goal. All you need to do is set action goals and complete them. See why it’s important to set realistic goals? If you do this, you’ll feel good about yourself. Your vibe stays higher. That makes you even more attractive and magnetic for your bigger manifesting picture. You get a hit of dopamine, which is the feel-good hormone. Feeling good about yourself happens as a result of taking action and following through. You kept your promise to yourself that’s awesome! You have wins all along the way. That makes you a winner. Can you see that? Dating to Find Love Okay, let’s look at another area. Dating and looking for love. My goal when I was 40 and looking for love was to meet lots of men, so I could find the one partner who was right for me. I dated 30 men in 15 months. Now obviously, most of those dates didn’t work out. The majority were just one time. That’s it. A few guys came back to 2-3 dates. A couple did more than five dates. In case you want to know more about my love story, click here. Then #30 was totally consistent, kept asking me out and calling. He was nice, fun, and I felt good around him. That’s the man I married. However, there were some pretty horrible dates where I came home and cried. Dates who were rude, awkward, not interested in me or I wasn’t interested in them. I’d wonder what was wrong with me and why I couldn’t get anyone to stick. About halfway through my dating journey, I had a mindset shift. I would dust myself off and cheer myself up with these thoughts: “I’m taking action. I’m meeting men. And every man I meet brings me one man closer to the right man for me. It’s a numbers game and I’m playing to win!” I knew the only way to find lasting love was to keep dating. Every man I met was more evidence that there were plenty of men and I just had to meet enough to find that one good one for me. That’s part of my manifesting love method that lead to success! Don’t Quit! Yet, many women I know and past clients wanted to quit after 5 or 10 dates. They want to meet the right partner fast and don’t want to really go through this process. They are focused only on what they think of as the prize – the ideal partner for lasting love. After every date where things didn’t work out, they felt bad and felt like a loser. They were miserable because they hadn’t found the one yet and threw in the towel. It felt too hard and they gave up too soon. On the other hand, my clients who kept going – they found lasting love with the right partner. Because they didn’t quit. They knew that it was just a matter of time. A matter of numbers and they kept meeting new prospects. This is the same mindset shift Kevin used to lose not 50 lbs. but 120! This is the same goal business owners use to make 6 figures and more. Your Vibe Let’s get back to how this works. No matter what your goal is, if it’s a long game, make that your manifesting goal. Then think about what steps will get you there. What do you need to do consistently to achieve your long-term goal? Decide what the actions are and then promise yourself you will do them. Focus on the action daily. It’s important to set realistic goals so you can count your wins for every day, week and month and the actions you complete. Celebrate all those wins and feel really good about yourself. The more time you spend feeling good and taking action, the higher your vibe goes, the easier it is to manifest your big goal or outcome. When people talk about manifesting, they make it seem like all you have to do is believe it. But is that really enough? On occasion I have seen it happen or heard about it. The truth is, for most goals, you have to believe you can do it, and then you have to do the work to get there. Identify the action and take it. Are you with me? You can tell I’m very excited about this How About You? What do you want to accomplish? Is there a big goal you’ve been dreaming of? Take yourself seriously. Now you know why it’s important to set realistic goals. Think about the steps you need to take. Research if you have to so you can learn what needs to be done. Ask experts, read articles, use AI, get a coach and use your intuition! Pull out all the stops and then get it done. I hope I got you fired up like I am. I’m very excited and my goal today was to share that with you. I sure hope you’re feeling positive and energized and come up with the actions that are right for you. The post If Your Manifesting Is Not Working, Try This! appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 7, 2024 • 0sec

Earth Medicine Can Heal Your Womb, Cycle, & Divine Femininity

Have you heard of cyclical living or womb work? Are you fully connected to your body? In this episode, we talk about earth medicine and the 3Ms – Mindfulness, Meditation, & Mushrooms, which can help you heal and reconnect with the divine feminine and your body! Psychedelic Guide & Embodiment Coach I asked Leslie how she became a psychedelic guide and sensual embodiment coach. For 20 years, Leslie had been numbing out as a result of being in a spiral of shame after contracting the herpes virus at just 18. Growing up with a father who was a preacher from the deep south, having herpes made her feel was worthless. She got addicted to achieving, hustling and proving to the outside world that she was worthy, good enough and lovable. Leslie landed a job as a TV news anchor, so from a societal viewpoint, it looked like she had it all together with a great job and salary. Yet, she was seriously stuck and burned out. She tried western medicine with a therapist and a psychiatrist, taking prescriptions and doing talk therapy. Mindfulness, Meditation & Mushrooms Later, Leslie found mindfulness, meditation, connecting with her menstrual cycle. Then she discovered magic mushrooms (also referred to as earth medicine) which helped her come home to her body and get sober. This is how Leslie forged a path to connect with who she is on the inside and live from a place of grounded, sensual embodiment. I was curious what the biggest contributor was that moved her from shame to the empowered woman she is today. Leslie explained it started with reclaiming her sensuality and connecting to her feminine energy through her cycle. She was on hormonal birth control for 16 years and that was the epitome of living in the masculine with overachieving, people pleasing and perfectionist tendencies and behavior. Coming off the pill she had a lot of hormonal issue afterwards. She had to come back to her body and understand what sensuality and pleasure really is. This caused her to revisit some of her beliefs adopted while growing up in the church. Ideas like pleasure is sinful or dirty. Live More Sensually Leslie started to understand how much pleasure and sensuality allows you to be present in the moment. This discovery helped her tackle anxiety, depression, and the PTSD she was diagnosed with from her TV career. Living in her head most of the time, she was often thinking about the future or the past, rather than living in the present moment. That’s the beauty of connecting with sensual pleasure (vs. sexual pleasure) which helped her come back to herself. The shift was magnified by working with earth medicine – magic mushrooms. Her Spiritual Awakening In January of 2019, Leslie had her spiritual awakening. Under the wolf full moon, she felt totally activated with the crown to the root chakra completely lit up. Today she understand this was kundalini energy. She spent the year learning about meditating, crystals, tarot, astrology, and more. Leslie stumbled on a group called the Golden Yoni membership from Australia, which is a wonderful community focused on sensuality, pleasure, and how that can be healing. This is where the gate started to open for her, as she began integrating her mind and body. The real shift, however, came from the magic mushrooms (earth medicine), when she stopped intellectualizing everything and finally embodied the healing and learning. Leslie learned to slow down and be present in the now and feels she was divinely guided to these amazing teachers. Earth Medicine & Microdosing Microdosing is about taking a very small amount with a session lasting about 90-minutes without any tripping. Yet, this is still highly effective. Microdosing is a slower, more gentle and compassionate way to work with mushrooms. While I’ve never taken mushrooms or Ayahuasca, I know many who have. People are astonished by what they learned about themselves, life and the world. Leslie had a coach to help her through the trip and integrate the learning which she feels was a must. Becoming educated about what she was doing allowed her to participate safely. Having grown up in the 90s with the D.A.R.E. program, where police spoke at elementary schools about drugs, she had a strong fear of taking mushrooms. Now here she is teaching people how to work therapeutically with things that society still labels as drugs. Emotions Stuck in Your Body What she discovered was how much women internalize and hold inside the facia (muscle tissue). Your body holds a lot of emotion, including your cycle, the womb and sex. After seeing how much psychedelics can help women uncover these layers, Leslie was driven to get educated and become a coach in this field. There’s a difference in using mushrooms for recreation vs. therapy, which boils down to the intention behind what you’re doing. If you’re looking to heal, then you want to do the prep work before consuming the earth medicine. The next step is the journey or trip and the last part is the integration which happens last. Therapeutically, Leslie helps people to think about what you want to find and what your intention is. Then she creates a safe environment and uses a controlled amount of mushrooms to provide a positive experience. Patriarchy & Hormones Leslie explained how living in a patriarchal society means you’re expected to maintain the same emotions every day the way men’s hormones work. That was an eye opener! This is what male hormones are like – very constant. Men have a 24-hour cycle, so from day to day they are far more consistent than women are. Female hormones are more similar to the moon, where month after month women are consistent. However, day-to-day it can be quite different. As Leslie came off hormonal birth control, she began to understand the important phases of the feminine cycle. Learning about her own cycle, she changed her lifestyle, diet and workout schedule which helped tremendously, so she felt more at ease with herself When you choose to live with “Cycle Sync,” that makes life easier, but may look pretty wild to people who don’t menstruate. Syncing with your cycle makes it easier to handle mood swings, get more done and live a life that feels good. Isn’t that better than dreading your period every month? You’ll understand why you feel blah, energized or sexually driven at different times. Discover how to be confident in your body Take Change Slowly One important message Leslie shared was trying not to do everything all at once. Change one or two things and see how it goes rather than do everything in one fell swoop. There’s no rush to get to a place of healing. Mindfulness and journaling helped her process tremendously. The microdosing earth medicine helped with healing the shame around her body and being female. Those beliefs deeply impacted her physical life and experience on the planet. She had many epiphanies through the mushrooms that allowed her to speak her truth and make big changes in her life. There’s much more to this episode like the four phases of your cycle and how to leverage each one. Enjoy Leslie’s entire interview, which is insightful, inspiring, and helpful. Get Leslie’s Free Gift – 2 Months FREE in The Sanctuary (Use code SISTER, regular price $55/month) BIO – Leslie Draffin Leslie Draffin is a somatic psychedelic guide, sensual embodiment coach, and menstrual cycle educator focused on helping women embrace their bodies, sex and psychedelics. She supports conscious women and menstruators who want to heal themselves. Women who want to connect more deeply with the divine through intentional micro-dosing, womb reconnection, pleasure activation and cyclical living. Leslie believes sacred Earth Medicine has the power to bring us home to ourselves. It awaken our authenticity, and heals the trauma locked within our subconscious. Want to learn how to microdose and live in tune with your cycle, try Leslie’s free 5-day email course The Cyclical Microdosing Method. Website & Social Media Website: Instagram: The post Earth Medicine Can Heal Your Womb, Cycle, & Divine Femininity appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 31, 2024 • 0sec

Notice Synchronicity And Coincidences To Guide Your Journey

Did you ever have synchronicity and coincidences that don’t seem to connect and then somehow magically it all becomes clear? That’s what I’m talking about in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. This is a new installment of my spiritual journey to nowhere with no map and no guide, that began last summer. I did another shaman journey which provided incredible insights to help me see how much I needed balance. It seems to be relevant to many people right now and you might see that for yourself. Spiritual Journey Episodes The Tipping Point How to Find Joy Magical Self-Care Talking to Plants in My Garden Tips to Let Go from My Journey A Web of Synchronicity and Coincidences This is a convoluted story that rambles a bit. There are many pieces that tie together for a happy surprise ending, so I hope you’ll be patient with me and hang in there to hear how things miraculously came together. It started with those momentous solar flares between May 3-9. Solar flares definitely influence people’s moods and I sort of felt the brunt of it in a couple of difficult family exchanges that were unsettling. These conversations disturbed me because I could not understand what these people were saying, frankly, or why they said those things. I spent far too much time pondering what this was about. When you have uncomfortable interactions with more than one person in a few days, you have got to look at yourself. I wondered how I was contributing to these unpleasant exchanges. Did I do anything wrong that caused the altercations? Nothing came to me. However, as I later discovered, the reason for the arguments was not at all what I thought originally. Inspired Art Journaling The next piece of the story definitely appears to be unrelated. It’s not, but you won’t see the connection yet. I often get together with a good friend, Dawn, who moved to the other side of the country. One way we stay in touch is to have zoom calls where we both create art journal pieces. I had this photo showing a woman from the back in a flowy, pale lavender dress walking on a path between lavender plantings. It looks like Italy or maybe Southern France and is so beautiful. The photo has a peaceful feeling and I wanted to be in that photo myself. I framed this photo with a border, adding a bird, a fairy, and some other flowers with leaves. I wanted to give it a title and wondered where the woman was walking. Finally, it hit me – it looked like the Path of Ease and Grace. Trust me when I tell you this is spirit inspired. I don’t know much about the path of ease and grace, but I sure would like to get familiar with it LOL. A Shaman Journey A couple days later, I sat down to listen to a shaman journey from a class I signed up for. At 8:30 in the morning, I was listening to this hour-long recorded class and meditated, going on a shaman journey. By 9:30 I was finished with loads of insights that were astonishing! So much was revealed I can’t wait to share all the pieces with you. You Need Balance The first thing was to ask Mother Earth what I need to work on and the message I heard was “Balance.” Then I remembered I’d heard it before about 6-8 weeks earlier when I was doing intuitive work with my friend, Carrie. Oh yeah – that’s what I’m supposed to be working on! How did I forget that? Talk about synchronicity and coincidences! I also heard to walk the earth to feel balanced more easily and to be unbothered, steady and filled with grace. Oh that connects with my piece of artwork – with its title The Path of Ease and Grace. How synchronistic, right? Release Indignation The next piece of the shaman journey was to connect with jaguar and ask what I need to let go of. Immediately I heard “Indignation.” Indignation? I decided to Google it. The definition is “Feeling irked because you feel like you are being treated unfairly.” Bingo – how right on the money was that? Having all these upsetting discussions with family was causing me to feel indignant. What I learned was that if I’m constantly shocked and upset with people, then I’m always in a state of indignation which is not balanced. Oh synchronicity and coincidences! It would help if I was more like the willow, bending and swaying and not be bothered by people so much. Too much time is spent trying to understand why things get said that upset me. If I want to be more balanced and on the Path of Ease and Grace, I have to let go of indignation. I get it! This is why I had several unpleasant exchanges. Each one gave me another chance to stay balanced and let go of indignation. Yet, I did not do that. Instead, I frittered away my energy feeling bad, wondering why this was happening, and desperately trying to understand. I’m human. Indignation Vs. Contentment The next thought that came into my head was, what is the opposite of indignation? So back to Google where I discovered that antonym is contentment! I am giving up feeling content because I’m so focused about being indignant about how people treat me! Is that a tradeoff I want to make? No! I do not want to miss out on contentment! What Holds Me Back? The next animal was hummingbird. I asked what holds me back from my child-like playfulness, joy and having fun. The vision that came showed me metal bars around my heart and throat chakras, protecting me. At the same time, this protection prevents me from childlike fun. My solution was to melt the metal bars and allow the liquid metal to flow out of my body, freeing me up for more playfulness! Next, hummingbird gave me a gift, which was freedom! Imagine that! Freedom from wasting time on indignation that brings me no pleasure or playfulness. Freedom from being bothered by others, so I can get on the Path of Ease and Grace. Thank you, hummingbird. I’ll take freedom any day! What Do I Need to Release? Next up was the eagle who has a higher perspective given how high they fly. I asked what I need to let go of and I heard the answer loud and clear. “Let go of my lack of trust.” Oh that resonated deeply – it’s so true. I do not 100% trust the Universe or my path to get me where I want to go. But that is another situation showing me why I do not walk the Path of Ease and Grace, right? How can I if I don’t trust that the Universe has my back? Obviously I do have a good amount of trust or I couldn’t do this intuitive work. Yet, there’s a part of me that worries and doubts, just like anyone else. And the part of me that is frustrated with how things are going which impinges on my ability to believe for sure. Walk My Path With Trust What becomes available if I release my lack of trust? Trust of course! How amazing would that be to walk my path with trust? What if I truly believed on a deeper level that the Universe had my back and everything was working out perfectly for me? That would be the Path of Ease and Grace, wouldn’t it? It sure would. Perhaps you’re starting to see why this feels so earth-shattering to me. This is the web of synchronicity and coincidences and it’s quite magical! Next, I asked my soul for insight about what had been revealed and I got a message. I heard that when I release lack of trust and the distraction of indignation, I can walk a higher path – the one my soul is meant to take. Stop Limiting Joy I hold myself back by worrying, trying to understand, and feeling indignant about these altercations. That’s why all these disagreements were happening! Not because I did something to bring them on. Each one was another opportunity for me to stay balanced rather than be distracted or allow my life force to be drained. How much time is wasted that limits my joy? Holy moly. To stay more balanced, I have to learn to not be as bothered by these eruptions. That’s big isn’t it? Quite a revelation thanks to synchronicity and coincidences. When I spend my time in indignation, it’s draining, exhausting and depressing. I lose focus and clarity as I focus on other people instead of myself. Duh? Of course there’s no pleasure in walking the path of indignation! How can there be? More Synchronicity and Coincidences There is one last area that spirit or my soul shared with me, but before I tell you that I have to fill you in on another part of this web of synchronicity and coincidences. I had been waiting 10 days for this appointment with a representative of a doctor who claimed to have a solution for some health symptoms I’ve been having. This appointment was the same day I did the shaman journey, just two hours later. I paid $97 for the appointment. Honestly, I was a little unnerved by the whole thing so I decided to be honest with the guy on zoom and tell him how I was feeling about the whole thing. First I told him I felt the marketing was heavy-handed. They sent me 3 reminders that morning for an 11:00 a.m, appointment. Do they think I’m an idiot? I also shared I was worried the program would be more than $5,000, and not too sure how I felt about this doctor, since I got him off the web. All that got said in less than five minutes. Time for a Refund How did the health consultant respond? He said, “I think I’m going to give you a refund.” Are you kidding me?  Now I’m mad. I said to the guy, I waited 10 days for this appointment, I paid the money and we are here right now on zoom. Just give me the pitch.  What are you, chicken? Apparently yes, because he said we couldn’t work together. Then he gave in a little and said, “What if I tell you the doctor will not work with you unless your husband joins you on this call?” OK, I’ve been in the coaching/online marketing world for 22 years. I know a high ticket sale pitch when I hear one. That question about my spouse had been on their questionnaire which I responded by saying this was a private matter and my husband would not join me. This is a sales technique that is used for expensive things like a timeshare – they want both people there so they can get agreement upfront because it’s a high-ticket sale and they don’t want to hear later that the husband said no. I’ve even seen this done by some high-end business coaches. Light Bulbs & Miracles That set me on fire. What a chauvinistic practice! What if I was single or a widow? Would I need a husband’s permission then? I felt fury building and indignation brewing. All of a sudden, the light bulb went on and I took a deep breath. I looked this guy right in the eye and said, “You’re right, please give me a refund.” The call ended and I gave a huge sigh of relief. I finally got it! I figured out why this annoying appointment came to me. It wasn’t to handle my health concern. It was to give me yet another chance to avoid draining my life force on indignation! And I did really well – yay! I was shaken but also excited. Somehow, I had returned to a calm place and rather than feeling all fired up, I agreed a refund was the best thing. Finding my center, I remembered that I’m working on balance and let it go with ease and grace. It’s a miracle! Message from My Soul As soon as I hung up from that guy, I went back to my journal where I had recorded the shaman journey. Then I reread the last message my soul had provided. This is when the intensity of synchronicity came on full force. Here’s what I wrote which I did not remember or think about once I closed the journal after finishing writing about my shaman journey experience two hours earlier. “Today when you talk to the health consultant, hold yourself strong, contain your energy, and remember to stay balanced. No one says he’s right, or his way is the only way. There are many ways up the mountain to heal yourself and his is not the only way. Stay balanced, do not give your power away through fear or indignation.” Talk about synchronicity and coincidences! Such incredible advice and I thought – wow, that’s major and I did it. When I wrote that I didn’t think much about it. But after that call, when I reread the passage, I could not believe what a magical message that was. Perfection! Something for You in This Message I share this with you today, as part of my spiritual journey to nowhere because there might just be something in this message for you as well. What do you need to return to balance? What’s happening in your world that you don’t understand? What might be an opportunity for you to work through something on your soul path? So, that is my amazing story of seemingly unconnected synchronicity and coincidences that helped me understand why I was having trouble with family members. I got a great reminder to stay balanced and avoid indignation so I can walk a higher Path of Ease and Grace. The post Notice Synchronicity And Coincidences To Guide Your Journey appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 24, 2024 • 0sec

Do You Believe in Life After Life? Connecting With The Other Side

Have you thought about what happens when you pass on? Do you believe in life after life? That’s what this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast is all about. Is There an Afterlife? I started by asking my guest, Annette Marinaccio, author of Your Soul Focus, how she came to be a believer in the afterlife. She said she assumed that when you were dead, you were dead. That’s it. She hadn’t really even considered if life went on after that. Then her mother-in-law (Lucille) crossed over and things started to happen. She had been close to her mother-in-law, who became insistent on proving that she was still around. To think that you go on and can be actively involved with the people you leave behind on earth was not something Annette had ever thought about before. Spirit Left Her Breadcrumbs Breadcrumb #1 Lucille enlisted other ancestors and spirit guides to help Annette open up to this idea of the afterlife. Annette hadn’t thought much about spirit guides being real either. This determined group left her breadcrumbs, one after another, helping her catch on that there was something more after crossing over. Annette was quite grateful that her helpers in spirit approached this awakening slowly, giving her numbers-oriented, accountant mind time to get used to the idea. It took her a long time to accept this and admit that there was truth to the afterlife. Before that Annette had never thought much about how or if the dead communicated with the living. Curious about speaking with those on the other side? Then in 2006, her mother-in-law passed. A few days later, her daughter at the breakfast table told Annette that Grandma Lucille had left her pompoms at school the day before which she called a gift. Her daughter was making a handmade card and selected 11 red and 11 green pompoms. She left them on the table and when she returned, two more that mysteriously appeared. One lavender and the other ivory which were the same colors as the balloons the family had released at the gravesite. This was the first breadcrumb! Now Annette felt worried about her daughter. Was this some kind of grieving thing? She started telling everyone to get feedback on what she assumed was a hallucination. Breadcrumb #2 When she told this story to her long-term friend, the woman asked her, “Do believe in life after life Annette?” That was the second breadcrumb. Now she’s discovered that a dear friend of 10 years believed in the afterlife. Breadcrumb #3 The third breadcrumb was when this same friend mentioned a medium, Josephine Ghiringhelli, that she had visited several times to speak to her deceased loved ones and get practical answers to questions. Annette tucked that away. Soon after, she went to dinner with the family and saw a poster at the restaurant promoting dinner and show with the very same medium! Coincidence or synchronicity? Annette went to that show and her mother-in-law came through with flying colors and lots of details. There was no doubt about who was providing the message – it was Lucille for sure. Reading Everything Once Annette came to believe in the life after life, she started reading everything she could get her hands on about reincarnation and the afterlife. She took a lot of metaphysical classes as well because she needed to learn and understand the other side. Her main question was, “If we go on, what are we doing here, now?” Good question, right? One of the most important messages that often comes from relatives on the other side is to simply let their loved ones know they are OK after passing. Annette said she heard a lot of negative comments about how mediums are praying upon those in grief. But she wasn’t in deep grief – she was anxious to learn and no one was taking advantage of her. That wasn’t her experience at all. We talked about the different ways the information comes to the mediums – through all the clairs, including seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, smelling, touching and even taste! Listen to more on mediumship Your Family Is With You What I understand about spirit is that we are light beings, so we can fractionate ourselves and be in many places at the same time. That means your soul could be in many bodies living different lives at the same time, different times and in other realities. It’s such a different level of existence, sometimes its hard to fathom. This is why your deceased family members can be learning and doing things on the other side and still visit and help you! Do you believe in life after life? I hope you do by now! Annette and I talked about so many things in the podcast including: Dreams about people alive or dead How your guides and angels are called in when you’re very emotional Our favorite books on this topic How a story from her book ended up in a Saturday Night Live skit! How Annette’s grandmother taught her baby daughter to sing a song after she passed! And so much more! Listen this weekend to enjoy the entire fun interview. Bio – Annette Marinaccio Annette is a Certified Public Accountant, an accomplished healthcare executive, and the author of Your Soul Focus. Annette’s mother-in-law led her on a path after she died to prove to her that there is an afterlife. After understanding that the afterlife exists, Annette learned how intricate and extensive our souls and our journeys are. It’s fascinating! The information that Annette has accumulated and conveyed has a clear and deep benefit to others during their times of need, grief, or curiosity, and Your Soul Focus will pass that knowledge to you. Website & Social Media Website: Book on Amazon: Instagram: The post Do You Believe in Life After Life? Connecting With The Other Side appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 17, 2024 • 0sec

Intuitive Style And Spirituality Redefine Fashion Rules

Does your sense of style accurately reflect the real you? Imagine feeling fabulous in your clothes. Now you can with an Intuitive Stylist! Becoming an Intuitive Stylist I started by asking Susan Padron, how she became an intuitive stylist. She answered that she always loved dressing people and finding clothes that allow people to see themselves as she sees them. The outfits reflect how they appear to her on the inside. In her youth as she started going to the mall with friends, that’s where it all began. But she didn’t know she could even be a personal stylist. So, she became a middle school music teacher. However, style stayed in her orbit. After she had a son and took time off, a friend told Susan she liked what she picked for her better than anything she got from her subscription box. The friend suggested Susan get a job with one of those clothing services. That’s when the lightbulb went on about being a personal stylist! Susan dove in exploring how to become a personal stylist, working with mentors and taking classes. Finally, she left teaching and started out on her own. Right about then, she also began her spiritual journey and it all just somehow came together. That’s why today she uses her intuition to select some of the clothing and help with style. Style and Spirituality Susan taps into her guides who explain how the options will help her client. Sometimes the items help clients to see what they are capable of or the outfit makes the person sparkle. Style is a different aspect of spiritual growth versus intuition or healing. Yet, your personal presentation represents how you feel about yourself and influences how you vibrate. It sends signals to the Universe, saying what you are ready for and what is to come. Susan doesn’t talk about trends much or body types. Instead, she sees personal style as an outward expression of yourself. It’s about how to feel your best regarding what you wear. During a transitional period in a client’s life, how they react to their clothing can change. A power dress from an old job might not work the same way in a new position. Clothing Holds Energy Your old clothes hold energy and when you evolve or shift, you are no longer in alignment with that outfit. It’s a past version of you that you evolved out of. It can no longer support you in the same way today, so let it go! I asked Susan, “Isn’t fashion today more about self-expression rather than what looks good?” We talked about some outfits I’ve seen that I thought were awful because they did nothing to enhance a person’s looks. Susan responded that she wants to challenge the term “flattering” which is typically rooted in a fat-phobic mindset that women are flooded with. It’s usually about what makes you look thinner and that smaller is better for a feminine body. She disagrees with this premise. Also as a stylist, she knows everyone isn’t going to like every style. But instead of hating it, simply say, “That isn’t my style esthetic.” That’s a positive way to go, although I might have a stronger opinion, but it’s okay to disagree. For example, there are parts of my body that I would prefer not to enhance which is why I make certain fashion choices. To Susan, this positioning of what I said about style and my body was more PC and acceptable. Got it! Learn more about body confidence in this episode Body Positive She did say that body neutrality is so important vs. hating your body. Susan feels no one can constantly stay in body positive energy all the time, but at least you fluctuate between loving it and being neutral. That makes a lot of sense. This intuitive stylist insists that there’s no reason to feel bad about changes in your body because that is just how things go. This is part of learning to love yourself as you are today. That’s certainly healthy. She says get rid of those size 4 jeans and stop constantly microdosing on what no longer fits you. Those are low vibes of longing for what used to be. Those “goal jeans” are a constant reminder of what you don’t like about yourself! So true! I never thought about how this could negativity impact your mindset or vibration, but I can really see that now. Who needs to be reminded that you’re not OK just as you are? As a stylist, Susan wants you to feel good in your body and your clothes and stop judging yourself about the size you wear. She thinks no one is going to think less of you for being a size 14 if you used to be a 10. How Her Clients Transform I asked Susan for a client example about how they shifted or transformed as a result of working with her. She said she works with her clients for months. They start out with certain beliefs about who they are and what they can wear. She challenges them about these ideas to break out of these confines. Susan slowly expands her clients’ comfort zone for colors and styles. As they try new things and have new experiences, they lose concern about judgement and build confidence in themselves. How nice! Her clients learn to make themselves a priority and be their true selves. Susan sees this as letting go of stuck energy in the energetic body as they stretch to try new things. Cool, right? Then Susan mentioned a client she’s worked with for three years. When they started together she only wore oversized, clothing that was flowy with soft fabrics and always in neutral in color. However, the client expressed that she wanted to embrace the person she was uncomfortable or afraid of being. She hadn’t been able to connect her personality with her clothes. In the past, the client gravitated to drapey, soft fabrics in muted colors because she was toning down her personality. This was a reflection of her relationship with her soon to be ex-husband, where she held her self back by turning down the volume on who she was. It’s Time to Show Off Now, after divorce, the client was ready to be her true self. Susan encouraged her to think about showing off her body rather than covering it up and to try bolder colors. The client was ready to embrace this new sense of style and her new self. The change was incredible! Susan loves to help facilitate that kind of transformation and growth for her clients as they come into their own. Giving them permission to be who they want to be and go for it. See how fashion can impact someone’s entire outlook on life? The Impact of Color Personally, I consciously choose the colors I wear based on my mood and emotional state. Sometimes I need the soft love of pink or the peace of sky blue. Other days I need the power of red. Susan says a lack of color in the wardrobe could be an indication about a troubled chakra. For example, if there’s no yellow in the closet, is the person having a problem with the solar plexus, confidence, or showing up for themselves? That’s so interesting! Celebrate Your Body Her last piece of advice is, the next time you’re shopping, instead of thinking about what parts of your body you want to hide, think about what part you want to celebrate. This will help you be more present day to day. Ask yourself, “What part of my body is my favorite today?” Wow, what a positive question! BIO – Susan Padron Susan Padron is an intuitive personal stylist, an award winning author, podcast host, and has been featured in InStyle and many publications accessible all over the world. She works with her clients to find a personal style that is a true reflection of who they are as a unique individual, while simultaneously helping them to navigate through their limiting beliefs. Rather than focusing on fashion trends and body types, Susan curates a style for her clients that is accessible, versatile, all while dressing their soul. She is a tattooed, queer mom, who is always ready to give you the gentle nudge or emotional hug, whichever you need, so that you can give yourself the permission to be you. Website & Social Media Website: Instagram: The Susan Padron Podcast: Calendar Link: The post Intuitive Style And Spirituality Redefine Fashion Rules appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 15, 2024 • 6min

Call In Your Angels, Guides, & The Unicorns – Podcast Snack

In this podcast snack, I share how my friend Beth was worried about a meeting she had to attend today. Sometimes things didn’t go so smoothly with this person and she was stressing about the upcoming meeting. In this short episode, you’ll learn about my suggestions to call in her spirit helpers and ancestors, and well as calling in the unicorns who pave the way with harmony and fill the space with that energy as well. You’ll find out how you can do this yourself and that it can help with business meetings, friends, or even family gatherings that might normally make you nervous. Call in your helpers who are more than happy to oblige but need your request first. This is especially true of your angels. In a previous podcast, I interviewed David Winter who had extensive experience working with unicorns and I mention him in this podcast snack. If you want to hear about his view on unicorn magic listen here. The post Call In Your Angels, Guides, & The Unicorns – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 11, 2024 • 9min

How I Manifested 3 Gifts from the Universe-Podcast Snack

This is just a quick episode sharing how I manifested three gifts from the Universe! It was so much fun and completely unexpected. That’s why I want to share how it all happened with you. This way, you can try it for yourself and get your own gifts- yay! I found this prayer or blessing on instagram and although I don’t know who the author is, I’ll just admit it sure wasn’t me. Give this a try for yourself at the start of any day. My apologies to the author for not properly acknowledging you. I asked to find the author but it came up empty. It did however attribute the concept, but not the exact words to Alan Watts. “Universe, I trust that you have a gift for me, one that will bring me joy,abundance, and alignment with my soul’s purpose. I surrender my desires to your divine plan, knowing that you always have my back. I am open to receiving your blessings ad guidance, and I trust that my highest good is on it’s way to me.” The key is to set aside any expectations and trust the Universe to deliver. Don’t ask for anything specific. That’s why trust is key. Hey – the Universe knows you, what you want, adn what is for your highest good! Have fun with this and please let me know how it works for you in the comments below. Thanks! The post How I Manifested 3 Gifts from the Universe-Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 10, 2024 • 29min

Are You a Spiritual Class Junkie? How Many Do You Need?

Are you curious about how many spiritual classes, trainings and certifications you need to take? Here’s what you need to know… The Spiritual Advice I Question I was just listening to a podcast where the host was doing a live reading for a client. We’ll call the client Sue and the host Reilly. Sue’s question for the reading was what to do about the spiritual gifts that were coming to her since she did Reiki 1 training. Reilly asked a few questions to clarify which is all good. Then she told Sue that she’d been a healer in many lifetimes and she didn’t really need to take a lot of classes. The host/reader explained she hadn’t taken many classes herself. She just knew stuff. Okay that’s cool and I get that. It’s like when people ask me if I’m certified to read the Akashic Records and I respond that I was doing this a decade before Linda Howe’s first book was even published. There were no certifications back then. Reilly went on to say that taking a bunch of classes can actually mess you up because it can get in the way of you remembering and learning your own stuff. Hmm, really? I’m not so sure about that. Here’s what I can tell you from what I learned years ago. Taking spiritual classes, trainings and certifications is an awesome thing to do for LOTS of reasons. Here are 15 that I came up with. 15 Wonderful Reasons to Take Spiritual Classes Meet like-minded people and share the experience. Make new friends – I made two good friends in classes 30 years ago! Discover other things from new people you wouldn’t find out about on your own. Learn a method that lots of people have learned – so you know it works. You’ll know the language and techniques everyone uses. Meet people to practice with so your learning becomes exponential! Taking classes actually can wake up your memories of doing similar things in past lives. It’s like an activation of sorts. I took an Akashic Records course during COVID and discovered I’ve been working in the records for three decades!I took a beginner course with a big-name teacher. But it wasn’t until I worked with two friends and made up my own prayer to open the records that I had a major initiation. It was complete with sparks of light circling my head and long-lasting full body chills that went on for several minutes. Whoa! The structured environment of a class helps you know the steps to follow in the proper order, building upon the next. Learning in a group setting enhances the experience because other people ask questions you might not think of or share cool stuff too. Groups amplify the energy, learning, community and fun. Learn in an organized manner – reference material so you don’t have to remember it all or rely on your budding intuition which you may not even be totally sure of yet. Learn what you don’t like – discernment is important. I took a Celtic Shaman program that I didn’t like, but the instructor’s materials were life changing! Combine what you learn with what you already know and integrate. Get new ideas about how to use the stuff you learn from the other people. Meet practitioners you can collaborate with, cross-promote, offer workshops together and more. Make what you learn your own thing, but first learn how to do it the original way – that’s a biggie. You can always change and improve things, but it really helps to know how things work before you start changing them. Often there’s a method in a particular order for a reason. I’m sure there are plenty more reasons why taking classes is a great idea at the start of your journey. Still Taking Spiritual Classes! I’m still taking classes! Last year I learned Soul Intelligence which is Bioenergetic Clearing that I love and adore. It just works in such amazing ways for my clients. Mediumship was another class I took this year. I don’t know everything, so I’m still willing to learn. Taking classes happened in waves. First, I took a bunch of psychic development classes because that was what I most wanted to learn. Next, I took that year-long past life class that was awesome and opened me up intuitively. Then I started taking other energy healing classes. How many spiritual classes do you need to take or how many certifications do you need to get? That’s a very different question. What’s Your Motivation? If you’re taking classes because you feel a bunch of certifications will help you feel “good enough” about yourself, that’s another story. In that case, I would love for you to take a class on building your self-esteem instead. When you feel good about yourself, everything changes and no amount of spiritual classes, trainings about healing or mediumship will help with that. You can be highly proficient and still feel you aren’t good enough. That is a mindset or belief that needs to be addressed. If this sounds like you, please find a way to build yourself up, so you do feel good enough. In fact, good enough isn’t the goal. My hope for you is that you feel fabulous. Find Reasons to Feel Fabulous! Can you imagine what life would be like if you felt fabulous about yourself every day? First of all, you’d be a magnet for good things coming into your life. Your vibration would be higher, which is why you’d be so magnetic, attracting what you want more easily. This is what I’m working on. While I know I’m good enough, I’ve put a lot of years into getting there.  Still, I want a bit more than that. I want to feel fabulous as often as possible. Just thinking about that makes me feel fabulous! If you’re taking class after class and certification after certification, hoping to feel good enough, my wish for you is to instead focus on yourself, your confidence and self-esteem. Build yourself up because doing this helps all the other pieces fall into place. Now in case this doesn’t work for you, no problem. Please find something that does work for you. That’s all I want is for you – to be happy, feel good about yourself and even feel fabulous. Education is Expansive Education is a wonderful thing. It expands your mind and gives you more ways to work with people and serve. Plus, you can make new friends! Can’t go wrong with any of that. The only thing to watch out for is when you take classes because you’re under the impression that you are not good enough without them. Somehow you don’t feel worthy or you think if you just took one more program, that would give you the thing you need to feel good about yourself. Otherwise, I’d say take what you want! Some classes will be outstanding, others won’t be as good. Regardless, there are people to meet, experiences to have, growth to discover, and fun to enjoy. Go for it! The post Are You a Spiritual Class Junkie? How Many Do You Need? appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 3, 2024 • 0sec

How Hypnotherapy Can Enhance Your Spiritual Growth

If you’re tired of being Negative Nelly and long to turn your life around to be more productive and happier, discover the power of hypnosis! Worrying and feeling like nothing is going your way can easily get you down, but with hypnotherapy and positive self-talk you shift your mindset and outlook! In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I have a fascinating conversation with Matan Cohen-Citron. We talked about how hypnosis can help you on your spiritual path. Every day you get hypnotized when you watch TV or do other daily activities. Many things bring you into a light trance state which lowers your normal critical thinking and powers of discernment for decision making. What Is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is the art of using the trance state to remove limiting beliefs that are not serving you, trauma and behavior that is no longer wanted. Then you follow up by stimulating the unconscious mind with beliefs that support the behavior you DO want. The News Is Hypnotic You do not need to close your eyes or be in some deep trance state to be hypnotized! In particular, the news can be very hypnotic and this is a good reason to think carefully about what you watch and the messages being conveyed. How do those messages impact your psyche and subconscious mind? The news is crafted to be sensational so you pay attention and feel like you might miss something important. This keeps you watching or listening, enabling advertisers to reach you. Today, it’s all about the advertisers, whereas in the days of Walter Cronkite, the news was not a profit center, but seen as a public service. There was no advertising pressure back then on news programs. The focus was on journalism and sharing information. Created to Be Edgy Thinking about the usual messaging from any news program today, most stories are edgy and sensationalized. Do they make you feel… Anxious about bad things happening on the planet? Worried about the future of our planet? Fearful that no good will come your way, given the situation? Angry about injustice and the unfairness of the world? Unmotivated and feel ready to just give up? Even if you just have the TV on with low volume in the background that too can influence your mind. Yikes! Your subconscious mind is like a sponge. The same is true for the radio or whatever you listen to. That’s why these things can worsen your outlook if you sometimes feel like a Negative Nelly. Positive Self-Talk Shifts Your Perception What can you do instead that will move you into a more positive zone? Learn how to talk to yourself! When you change up your normal internal chatter into something encouraging and positive, you’d be amazed at the changes that can happen. In fact, with a little time, you just might let go of being Negative Nelly and shift to Positive Patty! Imagine what your life would be like if you could shift your outlook to feel more optimistic? You can use hypnosis and positive self-talk to attract and create the life you want. Simply focusing on what you want as if it’s true, like you would use affirmations, shifts you into a receptive place for that to happen. Positive self-talk, even for just three minutes a day can create a huge shift in your life. When you encourage yourself and spend time thinking that everything is working out for you, this can become a self-fulfilling prophecy! Thoughts for Manifesting Money For example, if you want to manifest money, rather than worrying about it or complaining that you don’t have any, try saying things like: Every day I learn more about manifesting money I am good at manifesting things I manifest money with ease I am going with the flow to manifest everything I need Money finds me Matan also encourages people to remind themselves of the positive things you accomplish each day before going to sleep. He says this sets your mind up to be more receptive during sleep. You might get messages from spirit or your own subconscious mind, relaying important guidance for your life. We covered a lot of interesting territory in this fun conversation and talked about how hypnosis is a powerful tool for your spiritual growth and development and to be more of your authentic self. To get the full picture of how to leave Negative Nelly behind and feel more positive and empowered, listen to the podcast and enjoy! BIO – Matan Cohen-Citron Matan is a body-mind practitioner and hypnotherapist.  He helps people reduce stress, improve mindset, get moving and work towards longevity. He offers workshops to groups and businesses in the field of stress management, resiliency, productivity and leadership. Matan also works one-on-one with clients regarding movement, longevity and hypnotherapy, helping people overcome stress, anxiety, trauma and limiting beliefs. Website and Social Media Website: Facebook: Instagram: The post How Hypnotherapy Can Enhance Your Spiritual Growth appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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