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Breathe Love & Magic

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Feb 16, 2024 • 34min

How To Create A New Identity After A Transformative Healing

Akashic Reiki Master Katie White shares her journey of leaving a corporate job to help overwhelmed women. She discusses merging masculine and feminine energies in healing with Akashic records and Reiki, shedding emotional baggage, and unveiling inner radiance for personal transformation.
Feb 9, 2024 • 34min

My Secrets to Manifest Love & The Relationship of Your Dreams

Discover the secrets to manifesting love through inner work, affirmations, and raising vibrations. Learn how to align with your intention for love and attract the right partner. Explore the power of affirmations, mindset work, and vulnerability in creating a loving relationship.
Feb 2, 2024 • 29min

Discover The Spiritual Meaning Of Birds And Their Messages

Catherine Bastedo, author of Bird Vibes Meditation Cards, discusses spiritual meanings of birds. From Reiki's impact on her spiritual journey to the significance of bird encounters, she shares how messages from birds influenced her path. A broken winged hawk symbolizes a pivotal moment in her understanding of bird messages.
Jan 26, 2024 • 0sec

Raise Your Vibration To Feel Happier With Magical Self-Care

Discover how to raise your vibration with magical self-care, including a surprising encounter with Merlin on a spiritual adventure. Learn to find joy in the present moment and embrace happiness without fear. Explore techniques like smudging and energy healing to elevate your vibration and enhance well-being for a more joyful life.
Jan 19, 2024 • 30min

Changing The Timeline Of Ancient History, Atlantis & More

Neil Gaur, an expert in ancient history and metaphysical topics, discusses changing the timeline of ancient history, including Atlantis and ancient Egypt. Topics include evidence of Atlantis, connections between Atlantis and Egypt, and the mysteries surrounding ancient civilizations like Lemuria. The conversation also explores divine energies, downfall of civilizations, and the importance of studying past civilizations for humanity's progress.
Jan 12, 2024 • 33min

Animal Communicator Shares Easy Tips To Talk To Your Pet

Sharon Warner, Animal Communicator, shares how she started using her intuition to help pets after taking a class on intuition. From addressing pet behaviors to understanding animal communication dynamics, she reveals heartwarming stories and tips on connecting with pets through visualization and love.
Jan 5, 2024 • 33min

What Does 2024 Mean For You? Listen To The Good News!

What’s happening in 2024? Let’s cut through the cosmic fluff flying around out there and get to the bottom line of what we can expect and look forward to in the year to come. A Spiritual Forecast My guest this week, Melissa Oatman, shares her channeled wisdom to provide much needed insights and inspiration about what’s to come in 2024. First, let’s be honest. Looking back, 2023 was a tough year. Many people felt stuck or almost like you were going backwards! The reason is 2023 was a year for learning lessons, one after another. Melissa said it felt like 50 Mercury retrogrades! Why is that? It was a preparatory year where you were planting seeds that will sprout in 2024. And you were learning about patience because that takes time. Melissa says the first thing to know about the spiritual forecast 2024 is to create greater balance between home and work. You’ll be able to focus more on friends and family and your own life. Who doesn’t want more balance? More Peace There’s a call for more peace in your life and working on forgiveness. It’s time to let go of harsh emotions to raise your vibration and get to that greater sense of peace. Most likely you’ll have to learn to say no to some things, so you can say yes to others. You can’t keep adding to your life. Instead, you have to find a way to winnow out activities that no longer serve you and create priorities. This is where cord cutting can make a big difference. Cutting ties with those who aren’t supportive or don’t have your best interest at heart is an essential part of growth. You don’t need to have a real-life conversation – you can talk to the person’s higher self in your mind, then let them go. Rapid Spiritual Growth This year is about rapid growth, especially with your spiritual gifts. Pam Gregory, a YouTube astrologer has also talked about this as well. She says the year is going to go lickety split! If you are already intuitive, then know more is on the way because the veil continues thinning. This year is also about finding what inspires you. In 2023, most people felt like they were just keeping their head about water. Once Covid hit, many folks realized their life was out of whack and needing several areas to be addressed. But in 2024, a lot of this work is behind you, so get ready to step into what you’ve created. Rissa Miller who offers tea and smoke readings, said for people who might not be as advanced with their spiritual unfolding, there can be big jumps. Here’s the interview with Rissa Miller You might use your intuition more easily, increase your skill, or use it more often. This is a good time to trust your gut and listen to your hunches. Sometimes it’s the little things that really make the difference. New doors will be opening, but you have to listen to your intuition and see the signs so you don’t miss it. Follow those hunches, even if it’s just to go out and get a coffee. You never know who you might meet! View Life from a Higher Perspective Be willing to release fear-based thinking. Today, the news is basically fear-mongering – sensationalism sells. But the Universe wants you to look at life and the world from a higher perspective. Remember we are all one. Ask yourself if what you are doing is for the good of all. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can never put yourself first. But it’s also true that we can co-exist and think about each other and the planet. You can take small steps that make a difference. Like using less plastic wrap and paper plates or planting a garden. Neither Melissa nor I want to dig in the dirt, but we both have gardens which we enjoy. You don’t spend hour upon hour to gain the benefits of gardening. Keep the Lessons, Release the Pain The Universe wants you to let go of the heavy burdens. Remember the lessons of course. But how you look back at it matters. Don’t see yourself as a victim, but recognize what the lessons were and the positive results. It’s so important to celebrate what you have learned and the challenges you have survived. Take time to acknowledge those shifts. Appreciate where you are and what you have overcome. Melissa has been through a lot in the last few years with her mom passing and her ex-husband committing suicide. So, she wrote a book to better handle what she needs to process and has another coming out in 2024. Listen to another interview with Melissa Oatman Being present to where you are right now will help you be open to new opportunities, rather than thinking of yourself as a victim and feeling stuck. This is empowering and the Universe has a good plan for you – trust that. When you take action now in 2024, the energy will flow to you to help create your dreams. If you’ve been waiting for your dream job or the right relationship, it’s coming. This is going to be the year. Melissa has heard this year is going to be so wonderful, you might not recognize your life! Action Steps Sit down and do a review of your life. Think about what brings you down and what you want to let go of. Start saying no to things that interfere with your joy or take up too much time. Next, think about what brings you joy. Is it travel local or exotic? Maybe you’re a foodie and you want to take a cooking class. Make time to do things that make you happy – this helps to create the balance you seek. What’s something you have always wanted to do? Do it! If you don’t like it, you only wasted a little money and time. Try things to discover what you enjoy. 2024 Forecast in a Nutshell More balance between home and work life More family time It’s an abundance year Reap rewards from the work you’ve already done View life from the higher perspective Shift to love and away from fear Listen to your intuition, so you don’t miss new opportunities! What a fabulous look into the new year! BIO – Melissa Oatman Melissa is a healer, channeler, spiritual teacher, and intuitive. She humbly hosts the wildly successful podcast which is in the top 1% of all podcasts, Awaken Your Inner Awesomeness, a weekly program dedicated to improving lives and deepening spirituality. Melissa is the author of Beautifully Broken, the spiritual woman’s guide to thriving after a divorce or break up.  A single mother of twins from Collinsville, Illinois, she’s passionate about travel, education, and family. Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Patreon: Podcast: The post What Does 2024 Mean For You? Listen To The Good News! appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 29, 2023 • 33min

The Magic & Lessons Of 2023 And What’s To Come

My friend Marla, the Mystical Matchmaker and I reviewed the lessons we learned in 2023, including the synchronicities and magic that came to our aid. We moved on to talk about 2024 and how to be open to the most magical life possible. Plus, Marla picked some cards to give us a heads up for the year to come. Notice the Little Signs One thing we both agreed on, was noticing the little signs really helps. The guidance I seek is not always some big message. So, you have to keep your eyes and ears open to notice what comes your way, even tiny messages count. There is help out there and sometimes, it boils down to simply asking for it. Marla was taking care of her dear mom as she was slowly passing at home which was her wish. But that was a lot to handle all by herself. Talking with her cousin Wendy, she was explaining the hardship when Wendy offered to come stay with her to help. She was there for the last six days of Marla’s mother’s life and this made a huge difference. Even though she didn’t ask directly, she had been asking the Universe to send help and thankfully, Wendy answered the call! Another story Marla told was about her beloved dog, Macy. Poor Macy had a tumor that needed to be removed and all the tests plus surgery created a bill of $2,500. Then the very next day, Marla landed a new coaching client for…you guessed it! $2,500! I shared a story about being on a summit of speakers and how someone had sort of copied a talk title from me. This got me all riled up and distracted from practicing my own presentation which was to be delivered the next day. Watch for Confirmation Finally, I woke up in the moment and said to the part of myself who was bitching away, “Hey, let’s figure out what I can do, how I want to present myself, and what I want to share.” I thought of this as redirecting my “Inner Bitch” and getting her to focus on what would be helpful – not complaining about someone else. I only have control of myself, right? That worked! I did a great presentation and stopped worrying about that other woman. Who cares what she does? The next day, my client was talking about a problem at work and her own inner bitch was complaining and worried about not being helpful or nice. I explained that all she needed to do was set a clear boundary and make it fact based, not emotional. She just needed to be bold and say, “I’m sorry I can’t do that for you, but I can do this.” Redirecting her energy to what she could do helped her feel more empowered about the situation and she handled it beautifully. This conversation was the perfect confirmation that I was on the right path with this “Inner Bitch” idea and I’m going to offer something in 2024 using this concept. It’s important to be in charge of yourself to avoid potential chronic health issues. This energy can get stuck in your body and cause problems later down the road. That’s why I always recommend energy clearing. Avoid Piling Up Complaints Marla and I talked a lot about not letting the issues in your life pile up. Avoid allowing the complaining to get out of control and seeing everything as a crisis because this keeps it all active in your energy field. We are not saying you shouldn’t feel your feelings. Of course, you have to process them – this is part of being human. Yet, you don’t have to stay stuck on your problems. If you want to open up your magic, shift your focus to see solutions or focus on what you do want to create. Oracle Card Reading for 2024 Then Marla pulled some oracle cards and chose the card Lady Venus which is about downloads and understanding. It said truth is being revealed and deep insights are coming from the heavens. So, when you release the chaos and worry, that’s when you get the insights. Put away the drama and let the drama queen go, so you can step into your power. I laughed when Marla pointed out that for ladies of a certain age, it’s time to make things count. You don’t have that many decades to waste on drama anymore and playing in the muck. Good point! The next card was Charity – prayer and contemplation. Connect with heaven and receive. Ask and you shall receive. And she picked Archangel Michael – surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur. Switching decks, she picked from the moon cards. The first card was the new Moon in Capricorn which is about your hard work paying off! Yes! Full Moon in Aquarius –  show the world the real you. The last one – the New Moon is about how a new start is coming. Amazing! Show up as yourself, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, and be the real you for a fresh start. Another card popped out, which was the North Node. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone to step up in a bigger way. 2024 has so much powerful potential, so think about where you can step things up. One thing you can do to start the year fresh is to sweep your front stoop and wash your front door. These are tips from Feng Shui. Plus, you can smudge your entire house for the first of the year to clean the energy within your home. 3 Confirming Synchronicities #1. My friend Carrie and I were tuning in to ask how we can have more magic in our lives. We heard from the spirit to simply ask to raise our vibration and set an intention to do that. Do this daily like a ritual. Just as I was telling this story during the taping, my cellphone started buzzing and it was Carrie calling! Talk about coincidence. #2. Since I started doing this practice every day, I had two dreams that my hair had grown really long, like down to my waist. I was so curious what this could mean and then it dawned on me – my hair grew long – GROWTH! I looked it up in Betty Bethards’ book – The Dream Book. Dreaming about hair means power flowing from the crown. The longer the hair the more power! Wahoo! #3. I picked one card from the Goddess deck and I was blown away with what I chose, Abundantia! She is a Roman Goddess of prosperity, success, and preservation of wealth and I have been working with her since the middle of October. Amazingly, Abundantia keeps showing up all over the place in my life. The synchronicities and coincidences with her just keep rolling in and I’m so excited about this. I asked my husband to buy me an ancient Roman coin for Christmas, because she’s on the back of many of them! Abundantia has come into my life in so many ways, it’s really astonishing and I am loving it. Here’s one more fabulous synchronicity for all of us: the year 2024 adds up to the number eight and in numerology, that is all about abundance! Next year is sure to be a good one filled with so much of what you want! We’d love to hear your stories about synchronicities! Contact me here or Marla on her site and maybe we’ll share them in a future episode. Thanks! Happy New Year to all my listeners. May you enjoy as many blessings as you can see stars in deep blue night sky. Connect with Marla! Website: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: The post The Magic & Lessons Of 2023 And What’s To Come appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 22, 2023 • 17min

20 Magical Ways To Reclaim Your Holiday Cheer!

The holidays and all the preparation can be such a drain on your energy. It makes people grumpy, sluggish, and stressed out. In addition to all that, the news is filled with strife and sadness, and fear is rampant in the collective unconscious. How can you survive, and maybe even thrive, to still enjoy the holiday season? The good news is I’ve got 20 suggestions that work like every day magic. They’re super fast and easy. And they work! You only need to try one of two, but listen and to discover which ones have the most appeal. I recommend that you try several. You can even combine some of them for more impact! 20 Magical Suggestions to Turn Things Around With this magical knowledge and valuable, yet easy, methods you are capable of turning things around so you can chill out, lift your vibration, and enjoy what comes your way. Even if you try just one of these suggestions, you can feel a difference. I’m looking out for you and hope you enjoy the holidays as we are quickly approaching the New Year. Happy Holidays!   The post 20 Magical Ways To Reclaim Your Holiday Cheer! appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 19, 2023 • 8min

Winter Solstice Manifestation Party – Podcast Snack

Discover Winter Solstice Manifestation – the most powerful day of the year to manifest your dreams. Let me tell you how this all got started. This is the time of year when Christmas letters come rolling in. They make me realize that everyone’s goals and accomplishments are different. I usually don’t write a holiday letter but if I did, here are some highlights I’d share with you from 2023. 2023 Highlights I’m in the top 5% globally for podcasts Put the garbage out 52 times – yay! Went on a trip to Cape Cod with my husband and came back with Covid Washed and folded 102 loads of laundry Read 29 books Watched the sunrise at the beach with my good friend and went to breakfast Discovered the Sunflower Pose, bringing me joy Learned a new healing technique that has helped a number of clients Hmmm, not quite the same as my friend’s list is it? But what I realized was everyone doesn’t have the same kind of goals. My goals reflect the way I live and how I count on my intuition to lead the way. Magical Moments When it comes down to it, I find that my most memorable moments of the year are the magical ones like: Noticed a lot of synchronicities Received messages from my basil and zinnias plants The moths in my garden came to visit me and did a little dance on my arm Took a Celtic shamanism workshop where I met Merlin, who told me that I was on a journey with no set destination, map, or guide Learning to accept what is, and in turn am finding more joy in every day! These magical moments extend out to my amazing community, which includes you! I’ve been able to help people gain insight into their life to help them find their path, to make good decisions, and to confirm their gut instincts on situations that crop up. What Does Your 2024 Look Like? What kind of magical moments do want to write about in your holiday letter next year, even if you don’t send it to anyone? With the Winter Solstice coming up on Thursday, December 21st,  there’s no better time to start preparing for the New Year! I’d love to get together with some spiritually-minded people and work on what on creating something magical for 2024. That’s why I’m hosting my annual Winter Solstice Manifestation Party and you’re invited! Why the Winter Solstice? Did you know the Winter Solstice is the best manifesting day of the year?  Well it is!  It’s the shortest day, meaning from that point forward, daylight starts to grow longer. Yay! And this continues all the way to the summer solstice in June. That’s why it’s the absolutely perfect time to start formulating your dreams and planting seeds for the next year. I look forward to seeing you on zoom Thursday, December 21 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm Eastern for this inspiring event! Bring your favorite holiday treats and wear something festive while we raise our energy together  for Winter Solstice Manifestation. We’ll start by giving gratitude to all 2023 had to offer. Next, we’ll do an energy clearing to make room for the new things you desire. Then we’ll use a manifesting method to create the magical moments you long for in 2024. It’s always have a fun, inspiring, and uplifting time! Register Now for 12/21! Click here to reserve your spot! It’s just $33.33 to register for the Winter Solstice Manifestation Party, so you can celebrate the days getting longer and attract your heart’s desire for the New Year. I’m personally very excited about this and what’s to come in your future! Please join me for this fun and empowering event. I look forward to seeing you on zoom. The post Winter Solstice Manifestation Party – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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