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The Email Marketing Show

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Sep 30, 2020 • 19min

Write Emails Like A Boss - Even If You Think You're A Crap Writer

Wish you could write emails like a boss but you're worried you're not the world's best or most interesting writer?Did your grumpy English teacher used to give you a hard time because you just couldn’t get the hang of ‘they’re, their and there’?  So many people put off email marketing because they think their writing isn’t good enough. But do you wanna know a secret?Being a poor writer doesn’t mean you can't totally boss your email marketing.In fact, it could actually help make it more successful. How? We’re glad you asked….we're on the case in this week's episode of the show.Give your ears a good time with this ep of the show!Write Emails Like A Boss - Even If You Think You're A Crap WriterEpisode Content(02:15) Not good at something? You can do one of two things...(03:45) Why being bad can actually be good.(04:37) AVOID doing this… (05:21) The best types of emails we send probably aren’t what you’d expect.(06:32) A new bit of AI is almost upon us. It’s a bit freaky to be honest! (07:59) Two AWESOME tips to remember when writing your emails. (09:27) GrAmMaR & SpeLlInG - What to do when yours sucks.(11:00) “We are very much looking forward to seeing you”….says the one-man band.(12:44) This next tip may sound like a p*** take…but we can assure you, it’s not.(12:20) Rules were made to be broken….but how can you use this to your advantage? (14:44) it’s actually more powerful to write in your own tone (16:09) What are you gonna learn with this week’s SLOTW? Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Sep 23, 2020 • 26min

Podcast Email List Growth Strategy with Charley Valher from Valher Media

So you’ve got a podcast. Great! But how the hell do you go about getting your listeners onto your podcast email list?  When much of your audience might be listening to your podcast when at the gym or on the way to work, it can be tricky getting them to go to all the effort to join your list, or even remember to do so.But you’ll be pleased to know that there are ways to make this so much easier for yourself.And this is exactly why we’ve brought the fantastic Charley Valher from Valher media on the show. Charley discusses some incredible tips and insights when it comes to podcast marketing and growing your email list, so much so that we're looking forward to stealing lots of them for The Email Marketing Heroes show..Charley ValherEpisode Content(2:29) It’s two lies and a truth time. This one really has Kennedy scratching his head.(4:17) Getting listeners onto your email list. Mission impossible?(6:32) When should you mention your all-important links in the shows?(7:47) The drop off rates of podcasts may surprise you.(10:24) Charley structure his podcasts in a very unique yet effective way. Get your pens and paper ready!(11:43) Is there a rule for how many CTAs you should have in a single episode?  (13:04) We want to know the best opt in bribes.(15:26) I there a way to promote case study opt-ins without sounding like a total show off? (16:35) How to promote your resources without boring your audience.(19:02) The interview with your guest is over, it’s now time to promote the sh** out of your opt in again….or is it?  (21:44) Separate segments in an episode. Yay or nay?  (23:22) Charley’s most successful subject line ever- luckily, none of his audience members had an actual heart attack….but it probably came very close. Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Sep 16, 2020 • 25min

7 Ways To Give Subscriber Value In Your Marketing Emails (So People Love Receiving Them)

Marketing emails can actually contain value that your subscribers enjoy. What what kinds of things do we mean by 'value'?These seven different 'types' we use are a great source of inspiration when you're sitting down to write a new email to your subscribers.Like most of the world, you’re probably bombarded with emails every single day.But out of all the crap you receive, are there any emails that you actually look forward to getting? Chances are, you can probably only think of one or two people that really stand out in your inbox.But what makes them so special?Even better, how can YOU be that person who stands out in your subscribers’ inboxes. In this episode, we’re going to give you 7 easy ways to deliver massive value in your emails, which people will actually love and look forward to receiving. 7 Ways To Deliver Value In Your Marketing Emails (So People Love Receiving Them)Episode Content(01:59) Why do people join your list in the first place? (05:15) So many people do this way of marketing, but it just DOES NOT work.(06:14) What would happen if you took out your call to actions?(07:20) When it’s ok NOT to add value in your marketing emails.(09:02) Listen up, because Kennedy gives you one of our absolute core mantras.(10:41) What we are not going to be suggesting you do.(11:15) The first type of value you can give - it’s a really obvious one but it’s incredibly effective.(12:42) Once upon a time, the second type of value came galloping along.(13:52) The third type is related to the first, only a little stealthier.(14:59 This one will really increase your status.(17:56) In times of doom and gloom, can you be the light?(18:26) How to make your audience feel like they’re not alone.(19:35) OK, so we admit - we rely on this one a bit too much. (20:56) Find out why we just had to give you this bonus tip!(22.42) When Kennedy received this subject line of the week from Rob, he was a tad nervous, to say the least.Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Sep 9, 2020 • 23min

Launch your Online Course the Non-Traditional Way with Chris Orzechowski

There is SO much work that goes into a new product launch it can be a right bloody nightmare!There’s all the promo videos, the sales pages, the social media content…’s just never ending. BUT, what if there was a way to bypass ALL of that stuff and still successfully sell your new product?In this episode we’re joined by Chris Orzechowski of The Email Copywriter who has been able to find a way of selling his products without all of the faff that usually goes into a launch.His flagship course generated £16k in just 2.5 weeks and he didn’t create a single sales page or promo video. In fact, he hadn’t even created the actual course before launching!We wanted to know the secrets to his success so we decide to kidnap him for the afternoon and get him on this latest episode:Chris OrzechowskiEpisode Content(02:03) Before we get started, we have a SUPER awesome gift for you. (02:53) It’s two lies and a truth time - Can Kennedy start up his winning streak again?(04:32) Are all of the bells and whistles to a launch always necessary?(06:02) Chris flagship course was a great success, but how the heck did he do it? (08:40) The difference between emails and sales pages.(10:05) So how did Chris actually “launch” his course? It certainly wasn’t done the traditional way, that’s for sure. (12:30) OK, we need to know the stages of emails in this type of promo that make this method work.(15:14) Could this quite possibly be one of the best strategies we’ve ever heard of?(16:10) An incredible tip you can use to minimize the process even further but still create a huge buzz.(18:09) OK, OK…but how many emails did Chris send over the 2.5 weeks of his “launch”?(18:53) Found out why Chris’ email frequency has changed over the years. (20:21) This week’s subject LINE of the week will have you hooked.Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Sep 2, 2020 • 24min

How To Build Your List by Speaking At Events Online and Offline

Events can be an amazing way of building your email list, but are you taking full advantage of them?If you’re taking part in any sort of event from a virtual summit to someone else’s Facebook Live, to speaking on stage, you should be using these as opportunities to build your own audience.But how can you do this successfully and more importantly, authentically? In today’s episode, we’re going to go through many of the effective ways you could be using these events to build those all-important email lists of yours.How To Use Speaking To Build Your Email ListEpisode Content(01:59) Find out why this is absolutely one of our all-time favourite ways of getting new subscribers - and no, it’s not just because we love being the center of attention (well….that’s not the main reason.)(03:07) Using events to build your list can be so powerful…but only if you make sure to not do the following annoying thing that we’ve seen so many people do. (04:38) A very basic but utterly crucial point that you need to remember if you’re serious about building your list at events.(06:17) How do you make these people actually WANT to sign up to your list? People don’t like to give their emails away to just anyone these days.(08:44) Who doesn’t love a shortcut? This one is a winner. (09:43) A super simple way of letting people access your information.(12:08) Another great tip to keep things as simple as possible that Rob hilariously tried doing before it even existed. He’s well ahead of his time, this one!(13:09) In our opinion, this is one of the very best usages of Facebook messenger that’s out there. (14:15) Kennedy goes old school but this one is still a very popular method.(14:49) How to make very clever use of email auto responders.(16:02) Make sure you always do this at EVERY. SINGLE. EVENT.(17:20) What’s one of Kennedy’s favourite things to do at live in-person events?(18:44) Kill two birds with one stone with this one. (19:35) Our final tip that audiences always love. And this one doesn’t have to be saved for in-person events only.  (20:06) Our biggest take away of this episode.(22:10) This week’s subject line of the week is a brilliant way of creating curiosity.Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Aug 26, 2020 • 25min

Email AMP and the future of email marketing with Aweber CEO Tom Kulzer

The future of email marketing is here ladies and gentlemen, and it's called email AMP.And we wanted to get someone very special on the show to tell you all about it.Aweber were one of the very first email marketing automation platforms in the world, and they send billions of emails every single month. Today, we’re ridiculously excited to be joined by none other than Aweber’s CEO Tom Kulzer who is here to tell us about something that is going to completely revolutionise how we use and view email marketing.Are you ready? Hold on to your keyboards because you're in for a treat....Email AMP and the future of email marketing with Aweber CEO Tom KulzerEpisode Content(02:22) First off, it’s two lies and a truth and here’s a question for you: how many uses does Santa's belly have?(04:40) Find out why Aweber CEO Tom Kulzer is actually the original email marketing hero, not us….Yes, we know it might come as a bit of a shock!(05:34) Tom gives us the low down on where he thinks the world is at with email marketing. Is it going away anytime soon?(07:14) What is AMP for email and how is it going to revolutionize email marketing?(10:02) How is email AMP going to reach us? (11:32) Tom gives examples of just some of the awesome things you can do with email AMP.(12:35) That all sounds great…. but what about email file size?(13:20) Let’s talk engagement rates. Will they increase or decrease? (14:32) User friendliness. Yay or nay?(16:20) Tracking the level of engagement is massively important but we want to know how will this differ to “normal” emails. (17:50) Find out why this is really opening up (excuse me, Aladdin) “a whole new world”(20:31) And the most ironic subject line of the week this show have ever seen goes to…..Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Aug 19, 2020 • 19min

How To Get People To Buy Your Product Now - 2 Ways To Create Urgency

Would you like to get more people to buy your product without coming across like a pushy, slimy used car salesman?We’ve all had those types of emails…“If you don’t buy my course now, your nan will die” or “Buy this cream right now or you will be hideous forever”OK, maybe they’re not that extreme but you know the ones. The ones that don’t just create urgency but they actually play on your emotions in a pretty brutal way in order to get you to buy their stuff.Well, in today’s episode, we’re going to show you how to use two ways to create urgency that are not only super effective, but will get you sales without coming across like those annoying (and downright immoral!) marketers you’ve had in your inbox in the past.How To Get People To Buy Your Product Now- 2 Ways To Create UrgencyEpisode Content(01:57) There’s no messing around here. Let’s dive straight into the first way to create urgency!(03:30) What's this got to do with the DFS Sofa store?(4:12) How are you always training your email list?(05:03) When this way works best.(06:30) Technology is amazing but it can have its bumps in the road when it comes to using the first method. Luckily for you lovely lot, Kennedy managed to come up with a solution right on the spot!(09:39) The second way to create urgency that you NEED to know about.(11:50) Here’s an example of how we use this type of urgency.(13:40) Learn how you can dig even further into this way.(14:45) Why you need to be careful with this method.(15:31) Find out what one of the biggest and most commonly asked questions we receive in The League relating to this strategy is.(16:20) A subject line to make people uncomfortable? And the best bit?...It really does work!(17:53) Are you struggling to think about how these urgency strategies are going to apply to you? We’ve got you covered. Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Aug 12, 2020 • 24min

Podcast Email List Building with Matt Wolfe from Hustle and Flowchart [Podcast]

It’s simple. Start a podcast, build thousands of new email subscribers and make a fortune, all in time for dinner….right? Is podcast email list building that easy?Well… like us, if you’ve started a podcast you’ve probably realised by now that’s it’s not always that quick and simple.However, there is a way in which you can build your email list and make money, all through your podcast alone, and our latest guest Matt Wolf (from the Hustle and Flowchart podcast) is here to show you how it’s done. Matt's Podcast Email List Building FrameworkEpisode Content(02:18) So people have opted in for your freebie but haven’t bothered to buy anything from you. Cheeky buggers! Fear not, we’ve got something for you that will solve this problem in no time.  (03:06) Is Matt into some strange sort of fetish? Let’s find out what it is in this episode’s two lies and one truth. (04:17) So how exactly did Matt (and his co-host Joe) manage to make their podcast their main list builder and money maker? (07:51) What is the main reasoning behind this strategy and how does it help his listener’s?(09.29) Want to grow your podcast FAST? This is one of the most effective ways to do just that.(11:28) Matt gives another great (still relatively unknown) trick to grow your podcast.(15:02) An alternative to the typical lead magnet…how it works and why you should think about doing it too.(17:53) What else does Matt offer his paying members?  (18:56) We want to find out how many listens on average Matt gets before people start coughing up the money.(20:26) This week’s subject line of the week is certainly not the sexiest you’ve ever heard of, but it led to the most opened and click through rate ever for Matt.Episode ResourcesCheck out Matt's podcast - Evergreen Profits - HEREDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Aug 5, 2020 • 22min

3 Commandments Of Email Marketing

Because there's nothing more self-aggrandising than calling them Commandments...Over the years, we’ve found LOTS of things that you should (or shouldn’t) do that can make a significant difference to how your email marketing performs.  Today we thought we'd share three of them with you.Want to know what they are? Lucky for you, it’s what this episode is all about. 3 Commandments Of Email MarketingEpisode Content(02:20) The First Commandment is so unbelievably simple, yet many people don’t do this, causing Kennedy to regularly fly into a fit of white-haired rage.(06:14) We’ve only recently started to use The Second Commandment across all of our emails ourselves but we love it so much, we want everyone to start using this (if you aren’t already).(06:52) Are you holding your audience hostage? We'll explain.(09:29) Why you should stop asking yourself this question and start asking yourself these instead, with The Third Commandment.(12:14) Let’s get more specific with the last Commandment.(14:39) How fast can NASA get people to the moon and how on earth (see what we did there?) does this relate to email marketing?(15:53) Can your email marketing performance ever be “mind over matter”?   (18:10) Which of the Three Commandments are you going to implement first? (18:56) Remember when your mam and dad would tell you off? This is what this week’s subject line of the week reminds us of! Episode ResourcesDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing contentSubscribe and Review The Email Marketing Show PodcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast, if you enjoyed it we'd really appreciate you Subscribing to and leaving us a Review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there, listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes - not to mention to helps us get discovered by more people.
Jul 29, 2020 • 21min

Run Your Own Online Summit - Profit and List Growth with LeeAnn Marie Webster

You may know what an online summit is (you may have even been on one) but how do you really monetise them and gain hundreds of new subscribers to your email marketing list? Online summit extraordinaire LeeAnn Marie Webster joins us to give her best, super top-secret (OK…maybe not that top secret) strategies to get the absolute best out of these virtual expos.So, if you’ve ever thought about hosting an online summit, this episode will show you exactly how to maximise their potential value by growing your list and bringing in those sales.Episode Content:(02:02) It’s Rob’s turn to guess the two lies and one truth about LeeAnn - Let’s see if he can finally start to overtake Kennedy’s winning streak.(03:12) As technology advances, so have online summits. So how did they start out?    (03:50) We want to know exactly what is involved in a virtual summit and why should you think about hosting (or being a part of) one. (04:42) How niche is too niche? (07:02) One of the biggest mistakes LeeAnn regularly sees virtual summit hosts make.(08:22) There are multiple ways in which you can monetise a virtual summit and use them to grow your list. Let’s find out how.(10:42) LeeAnn shares her own 100% success rate method to get amazing speakers onto your own summits.(13:04) Another amazingly effective (and surprising simple!) strategy to ensure maximum summit success.(14:00) Find out why we are all about “getting your Judie Dench” on board.(16:28) How can you ensure that your speakers become the ultimate key to your summit success?(18:08) This subject line of the week got LeeAnn the highest unsubscribe rate ever.Episode ResourcesLeeAnn Marie Webster's WebsiteDownload The Email Marketers' GamePlanFREE Email Marketing WebinarJOIN The League Of Extraordinary Email MarketersConnect with us on Twitter for podcast updates and email marketing content

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