“The ship is sinking, the people in charge are in denial and they’re making a lot of money,” says Dr. Leland Stillman, who returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss the proliferation of autoimmune diseases—including unfamiliar ones—-and the $1.3 trillion that the pharmaceutical industry is set to make in the coming months, just as people are abandoning the traditional medical paradigm–and its system of perverse incentives—in droves. Today, Dr. Stillman will break down how autoimmune diseases—including POTS and PANDAS, both of which are becoming increasingly common in young people—actually form and function in the body, and how we can begin to take control of our own health.
It begins with identifying and addressing the toxins—both internal and external, from our diets and EMF exposure to our thoughts and relationships—that ultimately erode our cells and their ability to function.
In today’s discussion, Dr. Stillman gets candid about the machinations of the pharmaceutical industry, the burden placed on most physicians.
“The pharmaceutical industry is really gaming the system, and I would say this is quite intentional, by saying OK, we’ve studied this drug for ten years, there was no increase in the risk of XYZ, therefore we can unleash it on the public with no black box warnings and complete confidence. And as we’ve seen with one drug, and drug class, after another, oftentimes the system is just set up to not find the bad outcomes.” (17:13 | Dr. Leland Stillman)
“Many…have essentially said that the pharmaceutical industry indirectly owns the major medical publishers and journals, and those journal articles, and studies that are published therein, are what is ultimately submitted to the FDA, and they control the process, really, soup to nuts. And there are actually no consequences for them. When they make a mistake and they hurt a lot of people, they actually don’t pay any penalties in excess of their profits.” (17:49 | Dr. Leland Stillman
“It’s a completely different paradigm. You have to take charge and ownership of your diet, your lifestyle, your daily routine, the thoughts you think, the words you speak. I’ve seen all of that make a difference in patients’ care. Let alone supplement protocols, medications, everything we’re going to build into our autoimmune recovery program.” (25:11 | Dr. Leland Stillman)
Connect with Leland Stillman, MD:
Website: stillmanmd.com
Socials: stillmanmd
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