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The Presentation Boss Podcast

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Mar 23, 2021 • 30min

100. PowerPoint Magic to Make Your Audience Say "Wow, How Did You Do That!"

Celebrate the 100th episode with ninja PowerPoint tips to impress your audience. Learn about under-used transitions, stock icons, and cut-out people for creative slides. Dive into advanced 3D models and Canva-style designs to enhance your presentations.
Mar 16, 2021 • 44min

99. Johnny Quinn on Audience Engagement; Online and Offline

It's the last of the double-digits here on episode ninety-nine of the Presentation Boss Podcast! This week we had a conversation with an expert from New Zealand on presentation skills, audience engagement and facilitation. He reached out to us after listening to the show, promising he had something to offer. And Johnny Quinn, the presentologist has loads to offer. As it turns out, this conversation made immediate change to how Kate and Thomas present their workshops and masterclasses. We cover a lot of ground in this show, delving deep into not just why audience engagement is important, but what it means, and some actual tools to achieve it. Plus, how this translates to the online medium, and some techniques around the use of PowerPoint. It really tickles all our favourites! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: About Our Guest Raised and educated in Ireland, Johnny Quinn arrived in Dubai in 1996 determined to make the difference between presentations that fell flat, and those that sealed the deal. After several years with Philips Middle East he started AudienceAlive Dubai, and then in 2015, expanded the operation to beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand. In 2015, Johnny added to his worldwide portfolio and expanded his business to cover Australia and NZ. He understands you don't get a second chance to make a first impression, so wants your presentation to realise its full potential. Since 2001, Johnny has provided custom presentation services for over 500 local and international clients resulting in over 25 000 slides and too many bullet points to count! Johnny's creativity and professional design experience will result in an effective presentation with impact. What You'll Learn: • What does 'audience engagement mean' and how to tell if you have it • The techniques you can use to engage your audience and build interaction • How to check you have your audience listening if your presenting online • How we can use 'the wisdom of the room' to work smarter, and improve learning outcomes • That one thing about PowerPoint, that if everyone knew, would do Johnny out of a job • The biggest mistakes people make when it comes to presenting data and slides • Some of the tools to build interaction into online meetings Mentioned In The Show: • Johnny Quinn's Website • James Surowiecki | The Wisdom of Crowds • Presentology and Audience Engagement Solutions Download • The Ultimate PowerPoint Guide Download Continue the Conversation: • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn:
Mar 9, 2021 • 22min

98. Speech Breakdown: Ignite Talk by Mark Cohen "How to Eat a Banana"

Hold on for episode ninety-eight of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Here we're listening to a talk from the internet and pausing as we go to evaluate, make comment and highlight what the presenter does. We're looking at a new type of speech; the Ignite Talk. A 5 minute speech where every 15 seconds the slides (which are prepared by the presenter) automatically advance. And we're familiar with this talk, as Thomas has given one himself. This is a fast-paced style of speaking. And this particular example is a beautiful execution of the style. In fact, it's such a clear message and concise delivery that Thomas and Kate both use the message in their vocabulary and training. And both of them think it's one of their favourite talks of all time. It's not without flaws though, and comments are made about pace and language choices. Lots to learn and listen to here! And spoiler alert, the talk isn't really about eating bananas. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: What You'll Learn • Exactly what an Ignite Talk is, and that time Thomas presented one too • How opening with a story builds interest and grabs attention • The difference in preparation between a 10-minute talk, and a 5-minute talk • Being careful to align language and humour use to the audience • Use of explicit language in a talk; if and when it is ever appropriate • Why your conclusion should be the most powerful part of your speech, and how. Watch It Yourself: • Mark Cohen | How to Eat a Banana Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Mar 2, 2021 • 17min

97. How to Crush Your Fears and Stop Avoiding Speaking Up

Let's kick off episode ninety-seven of The Presentation Boss Podcast! A few weeks ago, Kate had a conversation at a social function and spoke to two individuals who confessed they avoid speaking and presenting at all costs, even though they know it holds their careers back. Naturally, she asked some deeper questions and found the reasons, fears and excuses they have that have them avoiding speaking up. That list of fears is five common reasons both Kate and Thomas hear frequently. And while they are real in the mind of some people, we know that they are constructs, and sometimes just an excuse. Speaking can be hard, but holding your career back is hard too. Let us help you identify what may be going on in your head and sort out what's real and what's not. In this episode we walk through those five speaking fears, and how to crush them with a little mindset shift. No more avoiding public speaking and presentations; here's the tools to really get you over the hump of sweaty palms and sleepless nights! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: The Five Biggest Fears: 2:11 - "What if I'm not good?" The worry that your audience will judge you and/or you'll look unprofessional. 3:57 - "What if someone criticises me?" The fear that you'll receive negative comments and be made to feel awful. 7:17 - "But it's not necessary for me to speak; I have nothing unique to share" The idea that you need to create new and exciting ideas before you can speak at all. 10:14 - "I'm not at all qualified to speak; what right do I have to take time and attention?" The concern that you're unworthy to share your thoughts and knowledge on a given topic. 12:07 - "What if I go entirely blank when presenting?" The anxiety around not knowing how to ensure your talk is clear enough in your mind. Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Feb 23, 2021 • 51min

96. Marty Wilson on Why More Funny Equals More Money

Have a laugh on episode ninety-six of The Presentation Boss Podcast. We have another guest expert interview discussion. And today it is with a name that has sat on Kate's bookshelf for years, and a Queensland local too. Marty Wilson is the author of More Funny, More Money all about how to incorporate humour into your business speaking - and why you should do it. He's a past pharmacist, stand up comic and now a speaker on resilience in change. In this enjoyable conversation, Marty re-affirms loads about what we already thought of speaking with humour, but also drops some fantastic new tools that both Kate and Thomas will be employing as soon as possible! This episode is all about getting serious about humour! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: About Our Guest Marty Wilson is a resilience expert who has spoken to over 1000 inspirational people about how to live well - through the good times and the bad. Marty is a pharmacist turned award-winning advertising copywriter turned stand up comic turned bestselling author and speaker. He has spoken to over 500,000 people since he first leapt up on stage in 1997. Within 12 months Marty appeared on The Footy Show and travelled to the UK to become a full time standup. He returned home in 2008 and now lives in Noosa. He is the author of More Funny More Money which is about using humour in business to get more influence, more engagement, and more sales. What You'll Learn: • A way of using the stories you already know and tell in a business setting • The psychology of why audiences will love you for using humorous stories and jokes • Why being serious isn't the opposite of humour. • How to mentally prepare yourself for humour that doesn't work • How to recover if your joke goes really well, or not well at all • When you should separate yourself from your presentations, and how • Three reasons you need to be including humour in your presentations. Mentioned In The Show: • Scott Dikkers' Books • Marty Wilson's Book; More Funny, More Money • Marty Wilson's speaking website Continue the Conversation: • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Feb 16, 2021 • 39min

95. Speech Breakdown: TED Talk by Brené Brown "The power of vulnerability"

We're in the charts for episode ninety-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In this episode, we took another look at the most-watched TED Talks of all time, where we've played before and today chose to tackle the number four on that list. Brené Brown has become a worldwide-known speaking name with a PhD, Netflix special and known for her message of vulnerability, authenticity and courage. This talk is her original TED Talk and has recently turned 10-years old. You're about to listen in to a masterclass in storytelling, data presentation and self-reflection. It's a talk to make you think and feel good. One of Kate's favourites, you'll learn much about careful word choice, pacing and using stories to present research. Listen in as we play the talk and pause to make comment on noteworthy examples of what Brené Brown demonstrates in this warming talk. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: What You'll Learn • Use of conversational, accessible and un-complexed language • Disguising ethos and credibility inside narrative • The constructive use of filler words such as 'um' • Why it's important to be extremely selective about what data to include in a talk • An important phrase to never use if you don't want your audience to feel they're missing out • Which topics you should create humour about in your presentation • How use of some memorisation techniques manifests during a presentation • Whether or not you should signpost the segments of your talk • If visuals make sense without a roadmap, and what slides add to a presentation. Watch It Yourself: • Brene Brown | The power of vulnerability Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Feb 9, 2021 • 16min

94. Five Speaking Myths - Busted!

It's a battle on misinformation in episode ninety-four The Presentation Boss Podcast! Kate and Thomas hear a lot of advice about speaking. Some of it is awesome. Some of it is average. And some of it is between entirely wrong and toxic. No doubt this advice and ideas are shared with the best of intent and comes from the right place, but we just know it to be wrong and unfortunately, unhelpful to recipients. So, in this episode, we list the five scariest myths when it comes to speaking and presentations and discuss why they don't work. And we also discuss the best alternatives you should be doing instead. And we totally have a good giggle along the way; this is a fun episode! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: The Myths We Bust: 00:46 - "Practice in front of a mirror" 03:17 - "You should only have 20 words per slide" and "You shouldn't have more than 10 slides" 06:54 - "Just be authentic" 09:41 - "Imagine your audience naked" 12:07 - "One day you'll no longer be nervous at all" Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Feb 2, 2021 • 49min

93. Anthony Metivier on Presentation Memory Techniques

This is a show to remember. Episode ninety-three of The Presentation Boss Podcast! Today we have back Anthony Metivier, who you may remember from when we did a breakdown of his TED Talk (that Thomas coached). He is known as The Memory Guy, for being an expert in memory, recollection and observation techniques. We know one of the greatest public speaking fears is going blank on stage, so it only seemed right to have an expert in not forgetting share his wisdom and tools on the microphone. We have a great in-depth conversation that clears up what a memory palace is and how to use it, what you can do to internalise the flow of your presentation and exactly what it takes to practice these techniques. Plus, it's a fun show because Thomas has worked with Anthony before, but this was the first time Kate had met him. We get in depth, have a laugh and learn loads. You will too! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: About Our Guest As a bestselling author, Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun. Anthony writes his books and creates video courses for a variety of people who need help with a number of different memory needs. What separates Anthony from other authors on memory skills and development is that he doesn't focus on long strings of digits or training for memory championships. He offers simple techniques for memorizing the information that will change your daily. There's no hype in his training, just techniques that work. What You'll Learn: • How magic, study and mental illness lead Anthony into a life passion of memory techniques • Why most people struggle with 'having a bad memory' • Exactly what the first step is when it comes to boosting what you see and recall • An explanation of the memory palace for dummies, and what most folks get wrong about them • What you can find in your own mind that aids with building memory anchors for when you need it most • How Anthony used memory techniques to flawlessly deliver his TED Talk • The daily habits that can help improve your skills Mentioned In The Show: • Anthony Metivier's website: Magnetic Memory Method • Anthony's explanation of Rhetorica Ad Herennium Continue the Conversation: • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Jan 26, 2021 • 29min

92. Speech Breakdown: TED Talk by Niro Sivanathan " The counterintuitive way to be more persuasive"

Prepare for discussions on episode ninety-two of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In this episode, Kate and Thomas take a look at a TED Talk all about persuasion in presentations - yes it is a bit meta, but we love the double-whammy of knowledge you'll see here. There is a lot to learn here, from excellent use of visuals, careful placement of humour and of course, how to be more persuasive in your communication. While Kate introduces a numerical rating system here, Thomas disagrees with the idea that this talk uses vocabulary that is less accessible than it could be. The simple message however, is clear and well communicated. These are the talks we love to see - great examples of presentations with discussion evolving from what we see and hear. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: What You'll Learn • A perfect time to use PowerPoint to help your audience visualise data • The value in starting your talk with a story and intrigue • Why sharing learning through storytelling is more entertaining and embeds learning • How having hypotheticals that are too similar can be difficult • Beginning your stories abruptly using a time and a place setting • Exactly where to add humour into a presentation • Embedding information and data within a narrative or story • Being super mindful of your choice of language and discourse depending on your audience • How to be more persuasive in your presentations. Watch It Yourself: • Niro Sivanathan | The counterintuitive way to be more persuasive Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Jan 19, 2021 • 14min

91. Healthy Habits to Make You a Better Speaker

Discover the secrets to becoming a better speaker with simple, healthy habits. Learn the power of daily reflections and observing other presenters to sharpen your skills. Explore the benefits of maintaining a humor journal and collecting engaging stories. Prioritize vocal care with practical tips like hydration and vocal exercises. Emphasize mindful speaking to build resilience, all while fostering personal and professional growth through consistent practice.

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