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The Presentation Boss Podcast

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Jan 12, 2021 • 34min

90. The Best of Guests: Highlights from 2020 Conversations

Time to reflect on episode ninety of The Presentation Boss. One of the proudest products of 2020 for Kate and Thomas was the quality of this podcast. And that was hugely driven by the fantastic guests who agreed to be on the show. Regardless where they were in the world, we managed to reach out, get connected and record. Each of them is an expert in their field, and most we've both followed for years. What an amazing opportunity to have these conversations where they've generously given their time and shared their priceless advice. Seventeen guests overall, and in this episode Kate and Thomas share their favourite snippets from some of them. The lessons that stuck the hardest or were most memorable. Kate, Thomas, a guest.. why not pull up a fourth chair and listen in as we listen back on the year. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: Episodes we listened to: • Episode 40: Grant Baldwin • Episode 86: Vinh Giang • Episode 64: Nolan Haims • Episode 43: Andrew Tarvin • Episode 68: Colin Kinner • Episode 74: Scott Stratten • Episode 83: Chris Huet • Episode 49: Neen James Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Jan 5, 2021 • 15min

89. A Look Back at 2020, and Ahead to 2021 for Presentation Boss

It was a massive year for The Presentation Boss Podcast and we're talking all about it in episode eighty-nine today. It's convenient, as hindsight is always twenty-twenty! Kate and Thomas sat down to reflect on the year behind us, how the business changed, what the weekly podcast achieved and where we've pointed for the next twelve months. This is always the time of year to set goals and we're sure some of our learnings will be valuable to you too. "If I asked you what was the biggest news story from 2019, or 2018, or 2017, or almost any other year, there'd be some debate. But not in 2020." Covered in this episode: • 2020 was a year unlike any other, but it afforded us some great opportunity to change. We explain exactly what fueled that and what it has meant for you listening to the podcast • The world's biggest working from home experiment affected us too, and while online isn't the same as in-person, it gave us all a new skill and we share exactly how it's best leveraged • What we have planned for the year ahead, both for this podcast and in the business. And it's not all about us; we're totally making stuff too! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: Mentioned In The Show • Thomas' Ultimate Guide to Online Meetings: How to Stay in Control Online Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Dec 29, 2020 • 12min

88. Speech Breakdown: TED Talk by Senna "Lemons to Lemonade" - With Felicity!

It's summer holidays on Episode eighty-eight of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In our last episode, we shared our best techniques for kids to get going with their public speaking. Today we chose to double-down by breaking down a TED Talk delivered by a child. And then we tripled down as we have Kate's eldest daughter, Felicity age 6 also in the studio to share her thoughts of the talk too. Our first ever break-down guest! We know one of the best ways to become a better speaker is to watch other speakers. And today's talk is short, super sweet and simple but still displays some of the core foundations of what makes a great talk. Plus we get to hear the insights from Felicity on what her young mind sees when she watches this TED Talk. Prepare to learn all about sea lions, protecting sea mammals and a lovely metaphor for turning a bad experience into positive action. All from a speaker aged just 8 years old. Should be a quick and easy listen while you enjoy your end of year break! And yes, Thomas knows he accidentally called this episode 89 in the recording. A resolution for him in 2021 is to learn to read spreadsheets better. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: Watch It Yourself: • Senna | Lemons to Lemonade Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
7 snips
Dec 22, 2020 • 19min

87. Essential Public Speaking Techniques for Kids, Teenagers and Gen-Z

It's the end of the year for episode eighty-seven of The Presentation Boss Podcast! And with the world population of kids and students home for the holidays, Kate and Thomas figure it might be a good time to share the basics to help them get ahead in their speaking skills. The newest generation has such an advantage as they grow up in this connected world, but presentation and public speaking skills are just as critical, if not moreso than ever. And already, Kate is seeing how education around speaking is changing with her first-grader. Here's what two millennials wish they knew when they were the age that Gen-Z is now. Kate and Thomas could not have had more different experiences in early life with speaking, which they share in this episode. Then cover the methods that are worth practicing to build the confidence and foundations for future speaking brilliance. Kids who speak better become adults who speak brilliantly. So, have a listen and if you have kids in your life, why not consider sharing this episode with them? Twenty minutes is a nice investment to feel great speaking, and do well in that next oral assignment. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: The topics we cover: • Why the ability to speak with clarity and confidence is so important • The reasons Gen-Z will easily become the leaders and changers of our world • Our greatest fear, and why we ought to never mention it to kids around us • Four foundations to ensure every presentation from here until forever just rocks • The three habits to build so your speaking improves faster than those around you Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Dec 15, 2020 • 51min

86. Vinh Giang on Using Your Voice to Change Your World

It's an inspiring time on episode eighty-six of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Kate and Thomas have been following the work of Vinh Giang for years, and earlier this year completed his online vocal course. He has a beautifully uplifting philosophy around your communication skills, but also the deep understanding to help you get there. After a year or so of trying to feature Vinh on the show, he's our last guest for 2020. This episode is a true conversation and we reckon you'll want to listen to it at least twice and take notes on the techniques he shares, steps you need to take and precisely what skills all of us need to work on to be able to communicate effectively. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: About Our Guest With only 6 months to graduate, Vinh Giang left his degree in commerce and law to become an online magic teacher ultimately building a hugely successful online business, which now serves over 800,000 students all around the world. This earned him the award of Top Young Entrepreneur in Australia. He is now a motivational and inspirational keynote speaker and uses magic as his metaphor when he speaks - he's found a way to make the medicine taste good! Vinh believes that presentation ability is the skill that often separates those that succeed from those that do not. Often underestimated, it is one of the core traits of all leaders and influencers, and is what gives them a key point of difference. What You'll Learn • Why Vinh Giang started life as a magician, and why he transitioned to speaking • The inescapable, and universal reason why the ability to communicate effectively is important • What skills you'll need as a technical aspect to be able to make changes in your world, and change the world • How you incorporate a unique skill or lessons from another skill into your presentations • The three instruments a speaker plays, how to play them and why • How to think about your voice as an instrument and the five foundations you need to work on • Using a three-way mirror to get a good perspective of yourself, to know what skills you need to improve • Whether content or delivery is more important, and why • How does being an introvert or an extrovert change how we should communicate. Mentioned In The Show • Vinh Giang's Workshops: STAGE Communication Workshop Continue the Conversation: • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Dec 8, 2020 • 27min

85. Speech Breakdown: TED Talk by Dan Ariely "How to Change Your Behaviour For The Better"

It's just a nice time on episode eighty-five of The Presentation Boss Podcast. In this half hour together, we're watching a TED Talk that was recommended to us by a listener and doing a live breakdown. Both Kate and Thomas love this talk for it's effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity. You'll hear the quote "This talk doesn't waste any words". Should you know of a speech that we should break down on the podcast, we'd love you to get in touch. But right now, listen in for how Dan Ariely keeps a talk moving, gets the audience involved and adds humour to his otherwise data-driven talk. Show your support for this episode on Patreon: What You'll Learn • How to call out distractions early in your presentations • The use of conversational, interactive questions early in a talk • Why repetition of a key point emphasises your message for the audience • Being aware of generic pronouns and how the use of them can lead to confusion • Metaphor use and why it is so powerful for reducing friction • Building humour by setting up expectations and not ruining surprise • If you don't have time for detailed transitions, what you can do instead • When a simple slide can assist when you've got a few ideas active Watch It Yourself: • Dan Ariely | How to change your behaviour for the better Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Dec 1, 2020 • 20min

84. Simple Solutions to Make Your Slides Stand Out

Warm yourself up for episode eighty-four of The Presentation Boss Podcast! This entire episode was inspired by a single comment Thomas made when he noticed in a business presentation some beautiful slides. Kate inquired what the differences are in the design of average slides compared to awesome slides. And the answer is some surprisingly simple techniques that will take you no time at all to implement. In this episode we cover exactly what those few steps are that you can start doing right now and make sure your slides look different (and better) than the next guy's and have that bonus 'wow factor'! It's a few clicks in the set-up, a small mouse wiggle and careful addition of some storytelling techniques. It doesn't get any better than this. We discuss what to do with your hands when you: 00:50 - The genesis of this entire discussion and why we asked what makes a great PowerPoint 01:44 - Where to start, the basic set-up of your slides to keep you out of simple design traps 08:25 - Two simple design tips to make you look professional and deliberate 15:27 - A simple philosophy to make sure your audience stays with you in your presentation Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Nov 24, 2020 • 39min

83. Chris Huet on Creative Language and Communication

Strap yourself in for episode eighty-three of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Today on the show we have a guest and all round cool dude from Canberra, Chris Huet. If you could imagine a Venn diagram where 'fighter pilot', 'poet', and 'communication consultant' all overlap, then you've got a good idea where Chris lives. Kate and Thomas have known Chris for some time and followed his content which is always valuable. He even appeared in their live storytelling show! And of course he is bringing a load of value to another conversation. His direct answers don't stray too far from entertaining and gripping too. We cover the use of creative language, analysing audiences and lessons learned from a career in aviation and how those apply to public speaking. And you'll hear Kate learn a new word too! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: About Our Guest Chris Huet is a communications coach with over thirty years' experience in public and private sector leadership and technical and creative communication. He draws on practical knowledge and the latest research to help leaders speak more effectively. He believes that everyone can be confident speaking in front an audience. We can all improve the way we connect with other people and get our messages heard. Chris has led a fighter jet squadron, negotiated billion-dollar contracts and performed his poetry on stages around the world. As well as being a fighter pilot, successful consultant and business development manager, he is an award-winning spoken word artist and two-time TEDx presenter. His unique combination of experience with technical, business and creative communication has taught him the power of words in all their forms to inform, excite and persuade others. What You'll Learn • The biggest roadblocks to effective communication, and what you can do about them • How the rhythm and word choice of poetry makes it so emotionally powerful • Exactly how you can use poetic devices to make your presentations more memorable • Where to draw the line between too abstract and attractive language • Why knowing your audience should change your language choices, and how • The one time Chris came close to losing his life in the air, and what he learned that day. Mentioned In The Show • Chris Huet on LinkedIn • Chris' consulting website: Understood Consulting Services • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzler Continue the Conversation: • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn:
Nov 17, 2020 • 32min

82. Speech Breakdown: Steve Jobs Introduces the iPhone at MacWorld 2007

It's another big one in episode eighty-two of The Presentation Boss Podcast. Thirteen years ago the late Steve Jobs introduced the world to a revolutionary new product, the iPhone at MacWorld in January 2007. In an 80-minute keynote he presented some of the most iconic techniques and skills in the speaking word, and the product launch world. We've made reference to this talk in a few recent episodes, and it has been requested a few times too. Time for a speech breakdown right here! As usual, Thomas has seen the talk before, and you'll hear the speech for the first time with Kate. From a full-length keynote, we take a look at just the first 15 minutes and extract so many fantastic skills and clever strategies employed by Apple's biggest launch. And total disclaimer, both Kate and Thomas are android users (but also not apple haters)! Show your support for this episode on Patreon: What You'll Learn • The benefits (and risks) of expressing emotion in your opening sentence • What to do when you make a mistake or stumble over your words in a presentation • A non-intrusive method for sharing company history and your personal credibility • Using lists in the ideal order to build interest and tension • How to allow your audience to make discoveries for themselves • Choosing between holding physical props, or slides to display key visuals • Avoiding technical detail, and knowing what your audience needs to hear • The power of the issue/solution contrast structure • Where metaphor can help to anchor ideas in the minds of your audience • Like, a zillion other beautiful techniques. Watch It Yourself: • Steve Jobs at MacWorld 2007 | Introducing the iPhone Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:
Nov 10, 2020 • 10min

81. What Do I Do With My Hands?

Put your hands together for episode eighty-one of The Presentation Boss Podcast! In this episode we give you the answer to one of our most asked questions; "What do I do with my hands when speaking?" We get it, as you speak and nervousness kicks in, nothing feels comfortable and natural and you become hyper-aware that every movement seems strange and unnatural. What Kate and Thomas discuss in these few minutes is what you should be doing when you don't know what to do with your hands. As you become a more comfortable speaker, either over time or throughout the presentation, you'll become comfortable. But here we share where to start, exactly where to put your hands so you don't have to worry about looking like an awkward octopus! We discuss what to do with your hands when you: • Have empty hands, and are just speaking au naturale, • Need to hold something like a whiteboard marker or PowerPoint clicker, • Are handed a microphone and have to hold it the entire time, and • End up needing to speak from behind a lecturn. We also laugh at how Kate finds it impossible to use her left hand with a microphone! The Promised Links: • Join the community in our new facebook group: Presentation Bosses • Show your support on Patreon: Resources and Links • Email us: • The Presentation Boss Podcast: • Show your support on Patreon: • Join our online community: Presentation Bosses Facebook Group • Kate on LinkedIn: • Thomas on LinkedIn: • Presentation Boss on facebook:

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