On today’s show, I was joined by Jessica Gunn, also known as Gunning4Fitness on Instagram. We had a phenomenal conversation about aligning your desires with how you want to move, feel and look. We discussed how to know If you are pushing yourself hard enough in the gym and she gave a fantastic tip to gauge that. This was one of the better conversations yet on the podcast. Here is more about Jessica: Hey, I’m Jess! I want to share my story with you to show you that change is always possible. I didn’t start my own fitness journey until age 37, after having 4 kids! I had never been in a gym before. I was never an athlete. I ate horribly because it was convenient to just eat what my kids were eating. I was a tired and irritable stay-at-home mom. Fed up with feeling crappy, I decided I needed to start making healthier food choices and exercising in order to feel better. Up to that point, I had followed a few workout videos at home using my 5-8 lb dumbbells. My goal had been to lose weight – to hit a certain number on the scale so I could have a better-looking body. I always gave up within a few weeks, though, because it was too hard and I wasn’t seeing results fast enough. Eventually, after beginning yet another new workout program, I realized I had to do something different. This time, I began to focus more on changing my lifestyle rather than on losing weight. I stopped eating all the sugar, treats, chips, etc that I ate every day. I got rid of my scale, and I just focused on surviving the three HIIT workouts that I began doing from home each week. I had to do them in front of the TV in order to distract myself because I hated doing the exercises so much! The workouts kicked my butt, and in the beginning, I could only get through one round of each circuit with long pauses in between each exercise. But in time, the workouts got easier, my confidence grew, and I lost most of my weight. I was so proud of myself because I never gave up! I soon realized that I didn’t want to be skinny…I wanted to be strong. So my next challenge became learning how to lift weights. My goal was to gain the strength to do toe push-ups and one pull up! I enrolled in a gym, and my first visit there was completely overwhelming because I had no idea how to grow muscle. I spent hours on YouTube and read many books in an effort to learn how to create a program that would work for me. I will be forever grateful for a friend at the gym that answered so many of my questions. He also invited me to lift with him so that I could better understand the process of growing muscle. I spent my first year of lifting figuring out what worked for my body both in the gym and in the kitchen. It was time-consuming, and at times really frustrating, but I tried my best to stay consistent with my plan and trust the process. Eventually I began seeing strength gains and enjoying the workouts! I found that when I challenged myself, I was capable of doing so much more than I ever thought I could do. I decided to get certified as a personal trainer so that I could help other women gain confidence and realize that they, too, can do hard things. You are never too old, tired, busy, over/under weight, or weak to start your health and fitness journey. To help you reach your goals, I created this website so that you can have all of the tools that I didn’t have when I first started. Next Level Experience Application – https://e7i1zgf52lc.typeform.com/to/sAXwlqol Get a Free Consultation – https://keynutrition.com/free-evaluation/ Free Community Circle -> https://calendly.com/michelleraines/breathe Podcast Q&A Submissions –> https://bit.ly/3c74i7A Cured Nutrition Discount code: Brad Order from Cured Nutrition -> https://bit.ly/3z0mkBv Discount code: keynutrition for 20% off your first Legion order. Order Legion Supplements -> https://bit.ly/3mHRqYV Connect with us on Instagram Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder Guest Jessica Gunn - @gunning4fitness Key Nutrition – @keynutrition