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Apr 23, 2021 • 10min

How to Burn Calories Without Exercise - Diesel Dad Episode 4

Busy Dads 👇👇 2 Steps to Start building a strong, lean, and athletic body you are proud of. Join my free Facebook group: Or Schedule a call with me here and will see if I can help you: What is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis Exercise is not enough. In fact, when it comes to exercising, you are overemphasizing its importance on fat loss and body composition. Despite the social capital you receive for the blood, sweat, and tears of grueling workouts, these brutal sessions can be detrimental to you reaching your goals. Wouldn’t it be great if you could spend less time in the gym, more time doing leisure activities, and lose fat faster? This flies in the face of conventional wisdom. TV commercials, Facebook Ads, and elite athletes lead you to believe the only way to achieve your goals is to train 24/7. Those hours on the gym floor should be a near death experience and we all know the only way to finish a good workout is laying on your back, praying you don’t throw up, while the rest of class cleans up their equipment. In reality, cutting your grass, vacuuming your house, and going for a walk is equally beneficial for fat loss as your 1-hour HIIT class. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the sum total of all activity in your day that is not sleeping, eating, or training. Yes, training, and training hard is important, however, it is impossible to keep that intensity throughout the day and overtraining can be detrimental to achieving your goals. Think of your body as a high performance vehicle. Hitting the gas and flooring it (High Intensity Exercise) sounds cool in the short term but a terrible decision for long term performance. You burn a lot of gas but things are going to break down quickly. NEAT is the slow burn, keeping the engine revved all day, burning fuel at a steady pace, all day, without the exploding engine. Waking up 10 minute early and completing the Diesel Dad 100. Pacing while you talk on the phone. Going for walks with your family. Fidgeting, not sitting still, and looking forward to “Non-Exercise” just as much as training time.. This is the beauty of the Diesel Dad Diet. Your body will be a furnace that burns fat around the clock without spending countless hours in the gym You will build more muscle. Burn more fat. Eliminate the crippling confusion about your metabolism. Stop feeling slow, soft, and sluggish. "Optimize Your Metabolism, Lose 13 Pounds in 13 Weeks, and Build a Strong, Lean, and Athletic Body You Are Proud of."
Apr 21, 2021 • 57min

Strength Training for Warriors w/ Senior Master Sergeant Trent Seegmiller, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #570

The outcome of any military mission often comes down to the quality of intelligence acquired beforehand. That’s where Air Force Special Reconnaissance comes in. These highly trained Airmen are the ones who go behind enemy lines to provide it. On the next installment of the Barbell Shrugged podcast Anders Verner sits down with Senior Master Sergeant Trent Seegmiller, a member of this elite Special Warfare team. Hear how they deploy by air, land, and see to reach some of the most remote and dangerous locations on earth to prepare for battle and help secure a successful result. Anyplace, anytime, anywhere is more than a motto, it’s how they approach their job and what sets them apart. To learn more about Special Warfare, visit at and make sure to check out the latest Barbell Shrugged podcast available at   In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:   What goes into a special warfare team Training for war  Special warfare’s role in the military Preparing for combat in the gym What are the physical demands of training for special warfare   Anders Varner on Instagram   Doug Larson on Instagram   Coach Travis Mash on Instagram   ————————————————   Diesel Dad Training Programs:   Training Programs to Build Muscle:   Nutrition Programs to Lose Fat and Build Muscle:   Nutrition and Training Bundles to Save 67%:   Please Support Our Sponsors   U.S. Air Force. Find out if you do at   Organifi - Save 20% using code: “Shrugged” at   BiOptimizers Probitotics - Save 10% at   Garage Gym Equipment and Accessories: Save 5% using the coupon code “BBS5OFF”
Apr 20, 2021 • 13min

Want to Lose Fat? This is Over 60% of the Equation - Diesel Dad Episode 3

Join my free facebook group: Or schedule a call with me here and will see if I can help you: Diesel Dad 100 (Free Download): What is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis Exercise is not enough. In fact, when it comes to exercising, you are overemphasizing its importance on fat loss and body composition. Despite the social capital you receive for the blood, sweat, and tears of grueling workouts, these brutal sessions can be detrimental to you reaching your goals. Wouldn’t it be great if you could spend less time in the gym, more time doing leisure activities, and lose fat faster? This flies in the face of conventional wisdom. TV commercials, Facebook Ads, and elite athletes lead you to believe the only way to achieve your goals is to train 24/7. Those hours on the gym floor should be a near death experience and we all know the only way to finish a good workout is laying on your back, praying you don’t throw up, while the rest of class cleans up their equipment. In reality, cutting your grass, vacuuming your house, and going for a walk is equally beneficial for fat loss as your 1-hour HIIT class. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the sum total of all activity in your day that is not sleeping, eating, or training. Yes, training, and training hard is important, however, it is impossible to keep that intensity throughout the day and overtraining can be detrimental to achieving your goals. Think of your body as a high performance vehicle. Hitting the gas and flooring it (High Intensity Exercise) sounds cool in the short term but a terrible decision for long term performance. You burn a lot of gas but things are going to break down quickly. NEAT is the slow burn, keeping the engine revved all day, burning fuel at a steady pace, all day, without the exploding engine. Waking up 10 minute early and completing the Diesel Dad 100. Pacing while you talk on the phone. Going for walks with your family. Fidgeting, not sitting still, and looking forward to “Non-Exercise” just as much as training time.. This is the beauty of the Diesel Dad Diet. Your body will be a furnace that burns fat around the clock without spending countless hours in the gym You will build more muscle. Burn more fat. Eliminate the crippling confusion about your metabolism. Stop feeling slow, soft, and sluggish.
Apr 19, 2021 • 1h 3min

How to Break Through Training Plateaus w/ Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #569

In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:   Why plateaus exist in training Increasing and decreasing volume strategies Playing the long game and expecting setbacks Eliminating imbalances and additional accessory work The mental strength to keep going   Anders Varner on Instagram   Doug Larson on Instagram   Coach Travis Mash on Instagram   ————————————————   Diesel Dad Training Programs:   Training Programs to Build Muscle:   Nutrition Programs to Lose Fat and Build Muscle:   Nutrition and Training Bundles to Save 67%:   Please Support Our Sponsors   U.S. Air Force. Find out if you do at   Organifi - Save 20% using code: “Shrugged” at   BiOptimizers Probitotics - Save 10% at   Garage Gym Equipment and Accessories: Save 5% using the coupon code “BBS5OFF”
Apr 16, 2021 • 12min

Four Ways to Burn Calories and Optimize Your Metabolism - Diesel Dad Episode 2

2 Steps to Start building a strong, lean, and athletic body you are proud of. Join my free Facebook group: Or schedule a call with me here and will see if I can help you: What is Your Metabolism? Metabolisms are confusing. Everyone knows they have one but nobody truly understands how they work. Wouldn’t it be awesome to unlock the keys to how your body burns calories? Wouldn’t it be empowering to know exactly much to eat to build a strong, lean, and athletic body you are proud of? I get this process can be daunting. I am not a scientist, have never worn a lab coat, and have an undiagnosed allergy to academia that has haunted me my entire life. Lucky for you, this means I get to talk to you like a real human, without all the jargon that confuses the hell out of people. So what is your metabolism? It is the total amount of energy expended by your body in a given day. This number is represented by an acronym, TDEE, which stands for “Total Daily Energy Expenditure.” There are four major ways your body expends energy. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): All the chemical and hormonal reactions that keep you alive. This is the amount of energy you need for brain and organ function, repair, and rebuilding of cells with absolutely ZERO movement in your day. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): The amount of energy needed to walk, talk, raise your hands, type emails, and move throughout your day. NEAT is the sum total of all non-exercise movement in your day. Physical Activity: This is the one everyone understands. This is the dedicated time you spend in the gym, lifting, conditioning, and training. Thermal Effect of Food (TEF): Every bit of food that enters your mouth undergoes a digestion process turning protein into amino acids, carbohydrates into glucose, and fat into fatty acids that can be used by your body. What’s great about understanding these four components of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure is that all four are not created equal. BMR = Roughly 60% of your TDEE NEAT = Roughly 15% of your TDEE Exercise = Roughly 15% of your TDEE TEF = Roughly 10% of your TDEE These numbers are the key to success. With so many people focusing on more exercise, they miss the largest goal of increasing their baseline metabolism. This is the key component to the Diesel Dad Diet Over 13 weeks you will lose 13 pounds by systematically increasing your baseline metabolism. You will: Reduce the total time spent in the gym. Build more muscle. Burn more fat. Eliminate the crippling confusion about your metabolism. Stop all the negativity of feeling slow, soft, and sluggish. Build a strong, lean, and athletic body you are proud of. 
Apr 14, 2021 • 1h 13min

Special Warfare: Do You Have What it Takes w/ Tyler Christiansen, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #568

To become a member of the U.S. Air Force’s elite Special Warfare team, you have to be a part of the top one percent of the top one percent.    And no one knows better about what it takes to do that than Tyler Christiansen, Human Performance Director for the Special Warfare Training Support Group.    On the latest Barbell Shrugged podcast Anders Verner talks with Tyler about the intense training these Airmen go through and how the Air Force prepares them both mentally and physically for the types of missions no one hears about.    These specialists are often embedded with other special ops teams like the Navy Seals and Army Rangers so they have to be able to do everything they can and then some.    To learn more about Special Warfare, visit at and make sure to check out the latest Barbell Shrugged podcast available at   In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:   How do you prepare for special warfare training What performance metrics are monitored by try USAF What lifestyle metrics are tracked How to build a strength training program for special warfare How is that program built for performance with such a broad skill set   Anders Varner on Instagram   Doug Larson on Instagram   Coach Travis Mash on Instagram   ————————————————   Diesel Dad Training Programs:   Training Programs to Build Muscle:   Nutrition Programs to Lose Fat and Build Muscle:   Nutrition and Training Bundles to Save 67%:   Please Support Our Sponsors   U.S. Air Force. Find out if you do at   Organifi - Save 20% using code: “Shrugged” at BiOptimizers Probitotics - Save 10% at
Apr 13, 2021 • 13min

Fitness: An Ethical Responsibility - Diesel Dad Episode 1

Schedule Your Diesel Dad Discovery Call Fitness: An Ethical Responsibility  I hate the term “motivation.” Motivation is overrated. The entire fitness industry is built on short selling aesthetics. Looking good naked is awesome but the goal you have in mind is rarely attainable without a lifestyle you cannot sustain. Performance plays to the long game until your joints despise you, consistency wains, and you’re telling stories of yesteryears bench press. In the last year, over 42% of Americans gained an average of 29 pounds. Millennials, age 25-40, gained an average of 41 pounds during lockdowns. As an industry, it is time to move past motivation, aesthetics, and performance. I believe you have an ethical responsibility to being strong, lean, and athletic. Fitness is a conversation of ethics. A conversation about being an asset, not a liability. Increasing strength and decreasing fragility. Carrying a low body fat percentage to reduce the risk of disease. Athleticism to be an active participant in life. These are learned behaviors modeled by leaders in our own lives. Before teachers, coaches, and mentors, there were parents that laid a foundation for right and wrong. Fitness is an ethical responsibility in the same manner that we have agreed lying, cheating, and stealing are detrimental to a functioning society. This is accepting that over time, motivation, aesthetics, and performance will vary. However, the ethical responsibility is a constant. Accepting this requires developing a physical education on movement, strength, and conditioning. An education on metabolic health, macronutrients, and muscle. An education on running, jumping, playing, and physical freedom. Accepting fitness as an ethical responsibility requires leadership. It requires you to get off the sidelines, step into the arena, and lead by example. Because strong families, raising strong kids, are led by Diesel Dads.  
Apr 12, 2021 • 1h

Upper Body Strength: Vertical and Horizontal Pressing Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #567

Apr 9, 2021 • 1h 3min

Defining the Diesel Dad Life w/ Joe Bracamonte, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #566

Metabolisms are confusing as hell.   You’re in the gym training hard and it’s frustrating not seeing the results.   Over time, that frustration beats you down and you start losing motivation to train.   Training is the fuel that brings fire to your life.   Getting strong and looking strong shouldn’t be such a daunting process.    Register for the “Diesel Dad Diet”   Inside the “Diesel Dad Diet” you will receive:   “Diesel Dad Diet”: Your guide to optimizing your metabolism. Diesel Dad Nutrition: Personalized macros to lose 13 pounds in 13 weeks Three Training Programs: Strength, Hypertrophy, and Conditioning to Build Mus C&K “Diesel Blend”: 3-Months of free coffee Register for the “Diesel Dad Diet”   In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:   Battling depression and quarantine Why kids inspire us to be better versions of ourselves How to get your kids involved in a healthy life Why the Diesel Dad 100 is the best start to the morning How to change your mindset towards fitness and nutrition   Anders Varner on Instagram   Doug Larson on Instagram   Coach Travis Mash on Instagram   ————————————————   Diesel Dad Training Programs:   Training Programs to Build Muscle:   Nutrition Programs to Lose Fat and Build Muscle:   Nutrition and Training Bundles to Save 67%:   Please Support Our Sponsors   U.S. Air Force. Find out if you do at   Organifi - Save 20% using code: “Shrugged” at   BiOptimizers Probitotics - Save 10% at   Garage Gym Equipment and Accessories: Save 5% using the coupon code “BBS5OFF”
Apr 8, 2021 • 1h 22min

Caffeine, Kilos, and the Diesel Dad Life w/ Danny Lehr, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash - Barbell Shrugged #565

Danny Lehr, Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Coach Travis Mash discuss topics such as the squatting debate, competing at the national level in weightlifting, training with fatherhood, the benefits of waking up early for success, sponsorship and support for weightlifting organizations, the importance of experienced coaches in competitions, and content marketing and promotion of the Caffeine and Kilos brand.

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