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The Google Ads Podcast

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Jun 25, 2024 • 8min

Search Term Clean-Up Avoid This Mistake!

Valentina Gutierrez, one of our dedicated Account Managers, shares why you should be cautious when optimizing search terms, especially when negating search terms.Listen to this episode as she shows how filtering out specific search terms can negate too many and affect the Shopping and PMax campaigns. She also shows you how she figured out the mistake and improved the performance of the Google Ads account.Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 0:00 Intro0:24 Search Term Clean-Up: Avoid This Mistake!5:01 How the mistake affected the Google Ads campaigns👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here: ⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8   Instagram:   / solutions_8   Facebook:   / solutions8llc   LinkedIn:   / solutions-8   #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 23, 2024 • 11min

Google Ads Lead Generation Problems: Low Lead Volume and Slow Lead Follow-up

Learn how John analyzes lead generation challenges in Google Ads and recommends ways to address them. In this clip from the Solutions 8 internal training, John addresses a client's concern with lead volume and explores various strategies. He even goes beyond Google Ads strategies and checks the client's website, leads forms, tracking, and follow-up team to check for optimization opportunities. John also highlights the importance of working together with clients and. holding them clients accountable for handling leads effectively, especially when you did everything you could as a client manager. He also touches on why you should manage client expectations and optimize ad spend based on actual lead performance and the client's capability to follow up on leads. Listen to this episode to learn more.Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: Related videos:🔥 The Most Important Conversations To Have With Lead Gen Clients:    • 🔥 The Most Important Conversations To...  💰 Google Ads Strategy Using AI To Outrank The Biggest Competitors:    • 💰 Google Ads Strategy Using AI To Out...   🧐 What to Do if Your Google Ads Campaign Is Not Converting on Cold Terms - Part 1:    • 🧐 What to Do if Your Google Ads Campa...   0:00 Intro0:18 Solving Google Ads Lead Generation Problems4:13 Focusing on what works7:58 Aligning your marketing efforts with the capabilities of the client's team👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here:⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website: / solutions_8 Instagram: / solutions_8 Facebook: / solutions8llc LinkedIn: / solutions-8 #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 21, 2024 • 15min

Is Increasing Your Average Order Value (AOV) the Solution?

Are you trying to increase your average order value (AOV)? This episode is for you! Caden Thompson, one of our brilliant Google Ads Strategists, sits down with Nathan Perdriau to discuss AOV—its complexities, common misconceptions marketers have about it, what you should understand, and how you should approach it so you can make informed decisions for the success of your Google Ads campaigns. Listen to this episode to learn about:- How simply looking at the AOV in Shopify doesn't provide actionable insights- The nuances of AOV- New customer AOV vs. returning customer AOV- Strategies to increase AOV - Relationship between initial purchase price and repeat purchase ratesNathan Perdriau is the Co-Founder and Head of Paid Media at Blue Sense Digital; connect with him and Blue Sense Digital here:Blue Sense Digital website: on LinkedIn:   / nathan-perdriau  YouTube channel:    / @bluesensedigital  Podcast:    / @blues-brothers-podcast  Related videos:💣 Deep Dive Into Contribution Margin and Why It's Important in Marketing:    • 💣 Deep Dive Into Contribution Margin ...  💰 Why You Should Increase Your Average Order Value (AOV):    • 💰 Why You Should Increase Your Averag...  🔥 The Move to a One-Click World and How It’s Changing the Agency Space:    • 🔥 The Move to a One-Click World and H...   🚀 Measuring Ad Success: Key Business Metrics Beyond CPA and ROAS:    • 🚀 Measuring Ad Success: Key Business ...   🚀 Mastering Key Business Metrics to Boost Revenue:    • 🚀 Mastering Key Business Metrics to B...   0:00 Intro0:21 Is AOV the Solution?5:23 New customer AOV vs returning customer AOV8:32 The common misconception marketers have about AOV12:56 Relationship between product pricing and repeat purchase rates👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here: ⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8   Instagram:   / solutions_8   Facebook:   / solutions8llc   LinkedIn:   / solutions-8   #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 21, 2024 • 6min

Measuring Ad Success Key Business Metrics Beyond CPA and ROAS

John discusses the critical business metrics beyond CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). In this quick discussion, he explains how these metrics correlate and affect campaign scalability. He also shares the glass ceiling of diminishing, profitable returns misinterpreted by ROAS in different ad platforms. Listen to this episode to learn more about why you should evaluate beyond CPA and ROAS and dig deep into the customer journey across your ad platforms to determine your ad budget and strategy's effectiveness.Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here:👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here: ⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8   Instagram:   / solutions_8   Facebook:   / solutions8llc   LinkedIn:   / solutions-8   #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 19, 2024 • 21min

Consistent Profits for Over 15 Months Using the Facebook Matrix Method

Learn how we achieved consistent profits in 15 months using the Facebook Matrix Method—reaching 437,000 people with a CPM of only $1.32, 1.3 million monthly impressions, and more. Our Specialists Manager, Glen Wilson, sits down with our Facebook Ads and Klaviyo expert, Dan Nikas, to share how the Facebook Matrix Method can enhance overall brand performance and customer acquisition. With real-life account examples and expert advice, discover how this strategic approach to Facebook ads in synergy with Google Ads can be your key to long-term business growth.Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: videos:💰 Maximizing Profits with the New Solutions 8 Services: Google Ads + Facebook Ads + Klaviyo:    • 💰 Maximizing Profits with the New Sol...   🔥 The 7-Step Email System Working with Meta and Google Ads:    • 🔥 The 7-Step Email System Working wit...   More videos on Meta + Klaviyo + Google Ads Marketing:    • Meta + Klaviyo + Google Ads Marketing   0:00 Intro0:25 Consistent Profits for Over 15 Months Using the Facebook Matrix Method5:55 The initial reluctance to run Meta Ads with Google Ads11:17 Measuring ad campaign results16:58 Consistency of profits looking at key metrics21:25 Monthly performance increase with the Facebook Matrix Method👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here: ⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8   Instagram:   / solutions_8   Facebook:   / solutions8llc   LinkedIn:   / solutions-8   #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 17, 2024 • 15min

What to Do if Your Google Ads Campaign Is Not Converting on Cold Terms - Part 2

John Moran, our Senior Client Strategist, continues to dig deep into the Google Ads account that hasn't been converting on cold terms. He doesn't analyze the Performance Max campaign, which only converts on brand terms. He also analyzes their YouTube ad sequence campaigns that don't seem to be getting any sales. He also dives into the important metrics to cover, attribution, and all the traffic sources. Listen to this episode now and discover John's recommended strategies for better targeting and traffic quality to improve overall campaign performance. If you haven't seen Part 1 yet, watch it here:    • 🧐 What to Do if Your Google Ads Campa...  PS: This episode is from a recent internal Solutions 8 training. Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 0:00 Intro0:32 What to Do if Your Google Ads Campaign Is Not Converting on Cold Terms - Part 25:42 Check all ad spend in all traffic sources10:42 Considering the time lag with conversions and conversions (by conv. time)15:46 John’s SOP when running YouTube ad sequence campaigns👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here:⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website: / solutions_8 Instagram: / solutions_8 Facebook: / solutions8llc LinkedIn: / solutions-8 #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 15, 2024 • 16min

What to Do if Your Google Ads Campaign Is Not Converting on Cold Terms - Part 1

John Moran, our Senior Client Strategist, analyzes a Google Ads account that hasn’t been converting on cold terms, and is only converting on brand terms. Learn more about John's process of analyzing why this is happening.In this episode, John also emphasizes the importance of analyzing various channels, tracking conversion paths accurately, and understanding the customer journey to improve conversion rates. Listen to this episode to learn how to optimize your Google Ads campaigns if you're having trouble converting cold traffic and watch out for Part 2 for the continuation of how John troubleshoots the account.PS: This episode is from a recent internal Solutions 8 training. Learn about the Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 0:00 Intro0:15 What to Do if Your Google Ads Campaign Is Not Converting on Cold Terms3:34 Checking channels7:07 SMs is the worst for attribution12:51 Check customer geography and learn more18:00 Reviewing attribution sources👉 Get free guides, templates, SOPs, checklists, and worksheets to help you grow your business:👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our newsletter: 👉 Join our You vs. Google Mastermind to get exclusive access to weekly calls and Q&A sessions, insider resources and training, and a private Slack group: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: 👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: Solutions 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------Connect with Kasim here: ⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:  J / solutions_8   Instagram:  o / solutions_8   Facebook:  h / solutions8llc   LinkedIn:  n / solutions-8   #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 13, 2024 • 25min

Google Ads Strategy Using AI To Outrank The Biggest Competitors

Discover how we used AI to spike up our Google Shopping Ads until they outranked the biggest competitors.Regina Bellows sits down with Glen Wilson as he reveals how the AI tool called FeedGen achieved significant improvements in competitive visibility and ad performance for his clients' campaigns. FeedGen utilizes generative AI to optimize titles, descriptions, and attributes of products in shopping feeds, ultimately improving visibility in the auction and increasing exposure. This is a tool we’re now going to integrate here in Solutions 8 and it’s the same tool Google uses for their shopping ads! Learn more about it now by listening to this episode.GitHub link: Learn more about the new Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 0:00 Intro0:32 Google Ads Strategy Using AI To Outrank The Biggest Competitors2:40 What is FeedGen?9:28 FeedGen updates and info12:20 FeedGen template sheet19:08 Success with FeedGen25:11 Checking spend, revenue, and MER28:13 Utilizing FeedGen for Solutions 8🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: This ULTIMATE GUIDE gives you EVERYTHING you need to know about how to set up, build and optimize your Google Ads Performance Max campaigns: 💰 Have an ad budget that's less than $5,000/month? If so, check out our sister agency, StarterPPC, where you can get Google Ads management for a fraction of the cost! Visit for more information. 🚀We have dozens of free resources, courses, downloads, calculators, and other goodies. You can access all of them on our Free Stuff page! Visit:💯The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for Lead Generation: 🛒 Everything you need to know about Google Ads for eCommerce: 🧲 The only guide you’ll ever need for Google Ads for YouTube: --------------------------------------------------👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our news “Traffic Ahead”: --------------------------------------------------👉 Want to become a Google Ads expert?We’ve demystified how Google works, and laid out everything you need to know in Google Ads–from scratch!Learn how to build, launch and manage high-performing Google Ads campaigns in this Google Ads Course: 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: with Kasim here:⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8  Instagram:   / solutions_8  Facebook:   / solutions8llc  LinkedIn:   / solutions-8  #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 11, 2024 • 24min

The Move to a One-Click World and How It’s Changing the Agency Space

Kasim sits down with Nathan Perdriau, Co-Founder and Head of Paid Media at Blue Sense Digital, to discuss the challenges and implications of moving towards a one-click world in digital advertising. They also talk about the phantom recession no one seems to be talking about and their predictions and advice for the future as agency owners.Listen to this episode to learn more about: - The shift towards automation- Understanding KPIs and financial metrics to improve strategy- Operational issues faced by businesses- Actions to avoid during this phantom recessionConnect with Nathan Perdriau and Blue Sense Digital here:Blue Sense Digital website: on LinkedIn:   / nathan-perdriau  YouTube channel:    / @bluesensedigital  Podcast:    / @blues-brothers-podcast  0:00 Intro0:32 The Move to a One-Click World and How It’s Changing the Agency Space3:42 How Google maximizes revenue10:19 Considerations and KPIs for making strategic decisions 17:50 The viability of a business is dependent upon CAC and the issues faced by businesses24:09 Looking into the future, considering the current economic climateLearn more about the new Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: This ULTIMATE GUIDE gives you EVERYTHING you need to know about how to set up, build and optimize your Google Ads Performance Max campaigns: 💰 Have an ad budget that's less than $5,000/month? If so, check out our sister agency, StarterPPC, where you can get Google Ads management for a fraction of the cost! Visit for more information. 🚀We have dozens of free resources, courses, downloads, calculators, and other goodies. You can access all of them on our Free Stuff page! Visit:💯The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for Lead Generation: 🛒 Everything you need to know about Google Ads for eCommerce: 🧲 The only guide you’ll ever need for Google Ads for YouTube: --------------------------------------------------👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our news “Traffic Ahead”: --------------------------------------------------👉 Want to become a Google Ads expert?We’ve demystified how Google works, and laid out everything you need to know in Google Ads–from scratch!Learn how to build, launch and manage high-performing Google Ads campaigns in this Google Ads Course: 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: with Kasim here:⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8  Instagram:   / solutions_8  Facebook:   / solutions8llc  LinkedIn:   / solutions-8  #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc
Jun 9, 2024 • 10min

Is Google Controlling Your Brand Messaging?

Jason MacLean, one of our dedicated Client Managers, reveals how Google might be controlling your brand messaging with its automatically created assets feature. Learn more about what this feature is, its pros and cons, where you can turn it on and off, and if it’s something we use for our clients here in Solutions 8.Learn more about the new Solutions 8 Digital Marketing Services here: 0:00 Is Google Controlling Your Brand Messaging?1:05 Pros of using automatically created assets3:25 Cons of using automatically created assets5:59 Should you turn on the automated assets feature?7:46 Exploring the feature💣 The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for 2023:    • The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for ...  🔥 Get your copy of You vs. Google: The (Very) Unauthorized Guide to Google Adson Amazon here: This ULTIMATE GUIDE gives you EVERYTHING you need to know about how to set up, build and optimize your Google Ads Performance Max campaigns: 💰 Have an ad budget that's less than $5,000/month? If so, check out our sister agency, StarterPPC, where you can get Google Ads management for a fraction of the cost! Visit for more information. 🚀We have dozens of free resources, courses, downloads, calculators, and other goodies. You can access all of them on our Free Stuff page! Visit:💯The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads for Lead Generation: 🛒 Everything you need to know about Google Ads for eCommerce: 🧲 The only guide you’ll ever need for Google Ads for YouTube: 👉 Do you want to be featured on Daily Google News? Do you have epic value you can offer our audience? You can pitch your idea here: --------------------------------------------------👉 Get our latest content every Monday, straight to your inbox. Sign up for our news “Traffic Ahead”: --------------------------------------------------Get the latest updates, expert tips, best practices, and PROVEN Google Ads strategies every single day. Subscribe here:    / @solutionseight  --------------------------------------------------👉 Want to become a Google Ads expert?We’ve demystified how Google works, and laid out everything you need to know in Google Ads–from scratch!Learn how to build, launch and manage high-performing Google Ads campaigns in this Google Ads Course: 8 is a global authority in the Google Ads space and one of the world's leading PPC agencies. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our most effective marketing strategies to help you achieve your business goals.--------------------------------------------------👉 WOULD LIKE TO SCALE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH PPC?Sign up for a FREE Action Plan today: with Kasim here:⬇️️ You can find us here ⬇️️:Website:   / solutions_8  Instagram:   / solutions_8  Facebook:   / solutions8llc  LinkedIn:   / solutions-8  #googleads #digitalmarketing #googleadsbestpractices #ppc

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