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Mar 4, 2017 • 1h 17min

Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work. Steven Kotler is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist and the cofounder/director of research for the Flow Genome Project. He first appeared on this podcast in the episode, "Decoding The Science of Ultimate Human Performance", in which he talked about his book "The Rise Of Superman – Decoding The Science of Ultimate Human Performance" and explained exactly how to biohack yourself into this state of flow, and how you can tap into this power to achieve amazing feats of physical and mental performance, even if you’re not a “super athlete”. Then, in our second podcast, "Why The Future Of Health Is Better Than You Think", we delved into Steven's book "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think" Steven presented the contrarian view that exponentially growing technologies and other powerful forces are conspiring to better the lives of billions on our planet, that the gap between the privileged few and hardscrabble majority is closing fast, and that this is drastically affecting human access to everything from water to food, energy, healthcare, education, and freedom. In today's episode, Steven is back to to present the fascinating topics in his new book "Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work". Stealing Fire reveals the biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade, Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut. They're harnessing rare and controversial states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition. Steven Kotler, along with high performance expert Jamie Wheal (Executive Director of Flow Genome Project and a leading expert on the neuro-physiology of human performance), spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution: from the home of SEAL Team Six to the Googleplex, the Burning Man festival, Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Red Bull’s training center, Nike’s innovation team, and the United Nations’ Headquarters. And what they learned was stunning: In their own ways, with differing languages, techniques, and applications, every one of these groups has been quietly seeking the same thing: the boost in information and inspiration that altered states provide. Today, this revolution is spreading to the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven by four accelerating forces - psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology - we are gaining access to and insights about some of the most contested and misunderstood terrain in history. Stealing Fire is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life. During the podcast discussion on this episode with Steven and Jamie, you'll discover: -What ecstasis is, and what does it have to do with the SEALs...[7:30] -The ancient, psychedelic, little-known substance called kykeon, and what it has to do with group flow...[11:28] -How the SEALs cut the time it takes to learn a foreign language form six months to six weeks...[18:20] -How meditation practitioners achieve in months what used to take years...[19:05] -Why it is important to be able to shut down your prefontal cortex...[24:30] -The surprising host of actual, measurable chemicals associated with flow state...[27:40] -Why Google is so interested in hiring people who attend Burning Man...[32:45] -For people interested in going to Burning Man, why do you think they should go and what can they expect...[34:35] -How LSD helps people to solve technology problems...[42:40] -How taking mushrooms before church could make church or other religious experiences more meaningful...[47:15] -What you need to know about "The God Helmet"...[50:45] -The big, big problem with Botox...[57:20] -The fascinating tale of how animals use psychedelics to enhance lateral thinking...[61:50] -How entire groups of people in a single room can synchronize their heart rates and brain waves...[65:05] -The shocking impact of music on brainwaves and neurochemicals...[67:50] -A few very important rules to follow if you decide to use psychedelics...[71:25] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Peak Brain Institute in LA -The HALO headset for stimulating the cortex Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Jamie, Steven or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 1, 2017 • 1h 21min

Cupping, Urine Drinking, Dream Interpretation, Open Heart Surgery Using Acupuncture As Anesthesia & Much More. My guest on today's podcast, Dr. Michael Smith, hails from the First Nations in Canada, grew up on the diet of his indigenous ancestors eating wild organ meats from the animals he hunted and feasting from the wild salmon that he caught. He learned many of the medicine traditions and the "Medicine Wheel" of the First Nations people. He studied Martial Arts and taught Canadian Military self defense techniques, and along the way, his Martial Arts teacher took him aside to say to tell him that he was "more of a healer than a fighter". His teacher then began to teach him the Oral Tradition of Classical Oriental Science, or better known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Michael is now a huge pillar in the healing community of Nelson, BC. For example, restaurants in the Nelson area will produce a special menu at certain times of year when he holds the event of cleansing season. He's helped with bringing Medical Cannabis dispensaries to the city and produces supplements paired with Cannabis Medicine sold there. You often see him ushering in folks at open public sweat lodge ceremonies with burning of sage. Michael is an author, speaker, professional martial artist, teacher and clinician, and a respected integrative medicine pioneer with over 20 years experience. In his Nelson, British Columbia practice he combines functional medicine and evolutionary nutrition with the ancient wisdom and vast experience of Traditional Chinese medicine. His primary focus in medicine is complex chronic auto-immune diseases (as a patient, Michael had lived with both Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis for well over 20 years). He is a co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences, the first five year full time doctorate level training program in TCM in Canada. He is also the primary developer of Neuro-Somatic Therapy, a hands on approach to reducing the way people embody distress, illness and trauma. As a Martial Artist, Michael has been training for almost 40 years. He has had the good fortune to train with some of the highest level teachers in the Western world, including a teacher of the late Bruce Lee. After training prison guards, police officers and members of both military and paramilitary organizations, Michael decided to leave traditional martial arts and develop his own approach to resolving physical violence. He has taught this approach, called Applied Combatives, for over 20 years. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The fascinating ancestral health, Dr. Smith learned while growing up in a hunting lodge with the "Mud Clan" First Nations...[9:55] -How Michael got Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis that lasted for well over 20 years, and how he fixed himself...[14:40] -What your body is telling you if you can see vegetables in your poop...[18:00] -Michael's mouthwatering "ancestral" recipe for salmon rillette roulade...[21:30] -Why Michael believes you should drink one liter of water within the first two hours upon waking...[25:45] -The fascinating concept of gently "blowing" on your water before you drink it...[29:45] -How Michael developed something called "neurosomatic therapy", and why some people go into a fit of rage after having it done...[42:40] -How Michael implements blood letting, needling and cupping in his practice...[48:50] -The shocking way that acupuncture has been used during open heart surgery for anesthesia...[56:05] -Michael's thoughts on dream interpretation (e.g. associating teeth falling out in dreams as deficiency of Kidney Qi)...[59:15] -Whether drinking your own urine is really a component of Chinese medicine...[67:20] -How pulse diagnosis and tongue diagnosis work? [72:45] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -Michael's website: Integrative Health Solutions -Michael's podcast: Fusion Health Radio -Michael's book: Returning To An Ancestral Diet -Video of open heart surgery using acupuncture as anesthesia -More about The Medicine Wheel -Integrative Neurosomatic Therapy video -More about "pulse diagnosis" -The Heart Of Listening: A Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Work, Vol. 1: Origins, Destination Points, Unfoldment -NCCAOM website for finding local Chinese medical practitioner -Functional Medicine Practitioner directory -Medicine Wheeling - Native Wisdom for Healthy Relationships -The Four Worlds, Evolutionary Medicine and You Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Michael or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 25, 2017 • 1h 10min

How Modern Lighting Can Destroy Your Sleep, Your Eyes & Your Health (& What You Can Do About It). Light can have a significant impact on your sleep and your health. In today's podcast, you're going to discover the hidden dangers of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting that most people are completely unaware of, including the risk of cataracts, blindness, age-related macular degeneration, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic disorders, disrupted circadian biology and sleep, cancer and more. LED light is currently used in applications as diverse as aviation lighting, automotive headlamps, advertising, general lighting, traffic signals, camera flashes, and lighted wallpaper. Large-area LED displays are used as stadium displays, dynamic decorative displays, and dynamic message signs on freeways. Thin, lightweight message displays are used at airports and railway stations, and as destination displays for trains, buses, trams, and ferries. LED's are also used in traffic lights and signals, exit signs, emergency vehicle lighting, ships' navigation lights, aircraft cockpits, brake lights, submarine and ship bridges, astronomy observatories, night vision, glowsticks and more. My guest is Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is a physician, researcher and lecturer in light medicine and photobiology with particular interest in light effects and beneficial or adverse health impacts of solar radiation and artificial light sources on endocrine and cellular levels in humans. He conducts studies on photobiological effects of optical (UV, VIS and IR) radiation. In his private medical practice in Heidelberg, he uses therapeutic light spectra in combination with other biophysically based treatments and develops light equipment for medical and cosmetic purposes. He is associate lecturer at the Wismar University of Applied Sciences and mentors students in their master theses in light and health-associated topics. Alexander Wunsch presents at international conferences and operates as a consultant for federal authorities, media and industry. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why LED light is so much different than other forms of light, especially with regards to how it affects your biology...[7:10] -The biggest sources of LED in your personal environment...[16:22] -Why monitor and light bulb flickering is such a serious issue when it comes to your health...[19:35] -How LED's (especially when used after sunset) vastly reduces the regenerative and restoring capacities of your eyes...[23:35] -Why near infrared, which is missing from LED light, is so important for you to be exposed to...[38:45] -What the healthiest type of lighting is to use and what should you look for when choosing a light...[53:00] -The two parameters you must look for in a light bulb, and what numbers those parameters should be at...[54:20 & 56:20] -Top recommendations for computer screens that don't damage your eyes...[70:15] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Ben's podcast about the Iristech software he uses with his computer monitor -The ReTimer glasses Ben mentions -The HumanCharger Ben mentions -The RubyLux incadescent lightbulb Ben has on his desk -The LightingScience lightbulbs Ben mentions -The Vielight Neuro that Ben mentions -The Civilights that Dr. Wunsch discusses -The Soraa lightbulbs that Dr. Wunsch discusses -Meanwell AC to DC transformer -LowBlueLights grounding cable -Greenwave dirty electricity filter -The Eizo Flexscan monitor that Ben uses -The Apple CinemaDisplay that Dr. Wunsch uses -Alexander's Vimeo video channel Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Alexander or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply! Addendum I have received multiple questions about the "Joovv" light that I use daily for testosterone enhancement (read more here or watch this video) - specifically whether the LED lights in the Joovv are harmful. Here is my take on that: The guy who makes the Joovv (Scott Nelson) is a friend of mine. Before starting Joovv, he spent close to 15 years in the medical device industry (with companies like Medtronic, Covidien, Boston Scientific, etc) and worked closely with world-renowned physicians, primarily the "who's who" in the fields of interventional cardiology, interventional radiology, and cardiovascular surgery. I do know he's studied the field of photomedicine quite a bit and have learned the following in conversations with him: -There are hundreds of published studies that point to the benefits of LLLT at specific wavelengths (both red and IR). There is a robust amount of clinical evidence that supports both red light (in the mid 600nm range) as well as IR. That's why Joovv offers the ability to add red, IR, or a combination of red/IR to their devices. So I don't *think* it's just "simple red light". -I asked them why LED's are used in Joovv, and they replied that you get 10x the efficiency without the heat loss, and included a graph that compares the WARP 10 device (LED-based red light) to a 250-watt heat lamp. (although way over-priced, the WARP 10 device was developed based on initial funding from NASA.) -With that said, you can benefit from incadescent heat lamps. The first Joovv prototype utilized eight 250 watt incandescent infrared heat lamps (that tripped breakers constantly). Countless studies show that 4-5 Joules of energy is required to get noticeable benefits from red light therapy; many show treatments at more than 100 Joules. You would trip breakers and die of heat exhaustion (LOL) trying to get this from incandescent heat lamps. Their tests using irradiance meters mirror the photon flux and literally, an inch away, you are getting less than 5 mW/cm2 from these lamps because over 90% of the energy is wasted as heat. Alternatively, their Joovv devices deliver over 50mW/cm2 at 6" way. And well over 100 mw/cm2 at an inch away. The efficiency of heat lamps is low in comparison to LEDs. So it would take 100 of these incandescent heat lamps bulbs (and more electricity than a 200 amp residential service can provide) to equal the output from their devices - not to mention the over-heating issue. -The key with any light therapy device is consistency. And the major problem with most light therapy devices (heat lamps included) is twofold: small treatment area combined with subpar output. That's why most of these devices recommend treatment times of 20+ minutes. They designed their devices to optimize for these two gaps in the market - treatment area and power output. The "net net" is that you don't have to use teir devices very long while still receiving benefits over a large surface area. Compliance is king when it comes to light therapy - and they feel their Joovv devices help with this issue. - Their devices emit negligible EMFs. Well below the 2 milligauss threshold. - Regarding red light and its ability to energize mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase - see this seminal piece: - If you're comparing apples to apples, the Joovv devices are under-priced. Look at other players in the space - LightStim, Baby Quasar, etc. - when you consider the treatment size and power output, their devices are priced pretty fair. I mean, the LightStim LED bed is selling for $60k (not joking). The comparable Joovv Light Max starts out at $2395. And then there is this, from one of the lead Joovv engineers: -Regarding the effect of LED lights on circadian rhythms, there have been many studies on the effect that different wavelengths have on the human body and how the time of day is also an important consideration (and I know you've covered this before on your podcast and blog).  I think Mercola has an article that has some interesting information surrounding the wholesale replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED lights (as our everyday light source) that probably merits further study.     -LED lights are not necessarily problematic sources of EMF.  From the testing that I have done in multiple homes with EMF meters, the typical light switch and outlet generate more EMF than a high-quality LED transformer.  Additionally, the majority of studies that review negative effects of LEDs specify that the source of the issue is the heavy dosage of blue and green wavelengths at night that can disrupt sleep cycles.  This is consistent with what would be expected as the natural light we receive from the sun has a higher concentration of blue wavelengths in the morning and midday and then much of this is filtered out at dusk and we see a predominantly orange and red light distribution as our body prepares to rest.  Here is a great meta-analysis that helps explain these concepts -  I have also seen several studies that demonstrate that red light helps with sleep quality (my teenage sons actually do their Joovv Light treatments right before bed).  Here is an example of a study showing benefits of LED-based red light for sleep quality:     -Finally, I think it's important to clarify that the human body receives light, from whatever source, as a distribution of light photons at a given intensity.  Essentially, our cells don't care if the photons were created by the sun, LEDs, lasers, or incandescent bulbs; they simply respond to the wavelength and intensity of the light.  As previously stated, there is an overwhelming amount of clinical research that shows significant health benefits from red light wavelengths as well as other wavelengths.  Joovv constantly get reports from customers, some of which are MDs, that were initially skeptical but now have witnessed the healing effects of red light therapy.     But to play devil's advocate...a physician I highly respect had this to say: "There is no question that LEDs are far more energy efficient, that is why the government banned the incandescent.  They are energy efficient on steroids no question about that.  But you are making the same mistake as the government saying that there is all this wasted energy. It is only wasted from the perspective of being able to provide visible light that can help you see.  BUT that “wasted” energy is primarily FULL SPECTRUM near infrared with a touch of mid infrared in the example of heat lamps as you can see by the graph I sent on the last email.  This “wasted” energy has very powerful biological effects, especially on the mitochondria." Anyways, just threw in these last bits for you true geeks out there. In the meantime, leave your questions, comments and feedback below...See for privacy information.
Feb 22, 2017 • 1h 16min

Six-Egg Breakfasts, Ketosis For Bodybuilders, Resetting Weed Tolerance, Kratom Experimentation & Much More With The Mindpump Guys! Meet the guys from MindPump podcast.  For the second time, the hosts Sal, Adam, Justin and Doug traveled all the way up from San Jose to descend upon my my house in Spokane, Washington to record this podcast. Our previous episodes include: -The Mysterious Micro-Workouts, Turning On Your Butt, Overdosing With Melatonin & More With The MindPump Guys. -The Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew. These guys claim to “pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health.” And as you can see below, they seem to have the body composition and transformation equation pretty well figured out. They include: Sal DiStefano… Sal was 14 years old when he touched his first weight and from that moment he was hooked. Growing up asthmatic, frequently sick and painfully skinny, Sal saw weightlifting as a way to change his body and his self-image. In the beginning, Sal’s body responded quickly to his training but then his gains slowed and then stopped altogether. Not one to give up easily, he began reading every muscle building publication he could get his hands on to find ways to bust through his plateau. He read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Mentzer’s Heavy Duty, Kubrick’s Dinosaur Training, and every muscle magazine he could find; Weider’s Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man and even Muscle Media 2000. Each time he read about a new technique or methodology he would test it out in the gym. At age 18 his passion for the art and science of resistance training was so consuming that he decided to make it his profession and become a personal trainer. By 19 he was managing health clubs and by 22 he owned his own gym. After 17 years as a personal trainer he has dedicated himself to bringing science and TRUTH to the fitness industry. Adam Schafer… Adam Schafer is a IFBB men's physique Pro and fitness expert. Adam made his entrance into the fitness world 14 years ago and has continued to send shock waves throughout the community ever since. He is a man of many talents who wears many hats. He is first and foremost a certified fitness expert who has an insatiable desire to help people in need of major lifestyle changes and daily accountable motivation. He is also incredibly driven entrepreneur and business minded individual with a vision that continually challenges his colleagues and peers to think bigger and achieve more. Justin Andrews… Justin has an incredible passion to disrupt the personal training industry and create ground breaking programs and tools that fitness professionals and clients alike can benefit from. The fitness industry in general needs a massive face lift to speak more to the generation growing up with a more advanced technology tool kit. Justin’s approach is to create programs that utilize technology as it advances and cut through the millions of options people face everyday when seeking specific information relating to their fitness needs. The great thing about where we are today is how easy it is to access information, the bad part about accessing all this information is how much misinformation is out there to weed through. As a health and fitness professional with a proven track record here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Justin Andrews will keep working tirelessly to keep people educated and connected to quality personal trainers long into the future. Doug Egge… Doug received his first gym membership as a gift from his dad when he was 16 years old. Rocky III had just come out and he was determined to build a body like Stallone. It never happened. Despite following the advice of muscle magazines and busting his butt in the gym, Doug saw minimal gains over the next 30 years. Then he was introduced to Sal Di Stefano by his chiropractor who recommended he work with Sal to eliminate muscle imbalances that were causing lower back issues. Sal's unique approach, often 180 degrees different from what Doug had read in books and magazines, produced more results in a matter of months than he had experienced in the 30 years prior. Doug with an extensive marketing and media production background, recognized Sal's unique gift and perspective was missing from the fitness world and suggested that they should join forces. Doug and Sal have since produced life-altering programs such as the No BS 6-Pack Formula and MAPS Anabolic. Doug is very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Adam and Justin as Producer of MindPump. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The craziest biohacks in Ben's office...[5:35] -Why Adam has six eggs for breakfast, along with tons of avocados and bacon, and how his body responded to that when he switched to it from a "high carb" bodybuilding diet...[17:40] -What Adam recommends for stacking with testosterone to avoid things like man boobs and excess estrogen...[24:30] -The difference between THC strains now and THC strains of long ago...[31:40] -The seven secret ingredients in Ben's go-to custom sleep edible that he makes...[33:25] -Why Sal uses a special form of broccoli in his go-to meal, and what it does to his body...[40:00] -Which produce to buy organic, and which not to worry about buying organic...[53:35] -The unconventional, go-to travel workouts each guy from Mindpump uses to stay fit when on the road...[54:25] -What you cran mix with THC or Kratom to make either of these plant-based medicines far more potent...[46:40] -What is the newest MAPS program and how does it work? [61:15] -The most shocking, intriguing, and interesting things the guys from Mindpump have learned from previous podcast guests this year...[71:15] -A special way to "reboot" your tolerance to weed...[73:15] -And much more!   Resources from this episode: -Normatec boots -Halo Neuro Photobiomodulation therapy -Marcpro Electrostimulation Device -Retimer -Human charger -Ben's custom nighttime CBD blend -Rhonda Patrick's video on "How To Increase Sulforaphane in Broccoli Sprouts by ~3.5-fold" -Japanese yam noodles (Miracle Noodles) -Grapefruit seed extract -Kratom -Hypersphere vibration therapy ball -Kettlebell lifestyle -The Halo Sport for TDCS/Motor Cortex priming -Videos of Adam training with his clubs and tension stick "Axon" on Instagram -Steven Kotler's "Stealing Fire" book -Dr. Terry Wahl's "Wahl's Protocol" book -The special form of neurofeedback that reduces weed tolerance -The Mindpump podcast with Zach Bitter -The Mindpump podcast with Brent Mccabe -The Mindpump MAPS Anywhere training programs -The Mindpump MAPS Prime training programs -The training/tension stick that Justin is developing to train and quantify muscle tension -Ben Greenfield's podcast with Mindpump: Biohacking Fitness Icon & NY Times Best Selling Author - Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth. -The Mysterious Micro-Workouts, Turning On Your Butt, Overdosing With Melatonin & More With The MindPump Guys. -The Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for the the guys from MindPump or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 18, 2017 • 1h 1min

Decoding The Mysteries Of Neuroinflammation, Immune Dysregulation, Toxicity, Infection & Beyond. Recently, Dr. Joseph Mercola, who I interviewed in the episode "Killing Fat Cells, Fixing Mitochondria, Growing Superfoods & More", wrote to me and told me about some guy named Dr. Christopher Shade, who Dr. Mercola mentioned was one of the more brilliant minds out there when it comes to neuroinflammation, toxicity, metals such as mercury, and unique delivery mechanisms for getting nutrients into your body, including something called "liposomal delivery". So I reached out to Dr. Shade and he graciously agreed to come onto the show. Who is this guy? Dr. Shade obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees from Lehigh University in environmental and aqueous chemistry. Dr. Shade earned a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois where he studied the environmental and analytical chemistries of mercury as well as advanced aquatic chemistry. During his Ph.D. work, Dr. Shade patented analytical technology for mercury speciation analysis and later founded a company called "Quicksilver Scientific" that now commercializes this technology. Shortly after starting Quicksilver Scientific, Dr. Shade turned his focus to the human aspects of mercury exposure, toxicity and the human detoxification system. He has since developed specific clinical analytical techniques for measuring mercury exposure and a system of products to remove metallic and organic toxins by upregulation of innate detoxification biochemistry. His current focus is at the intersection of neuroinflammatory issues, immune dysregulation, toxicity, and infection - specifically how to peel away the layers of overlapping dysfunction in the sick individual until you get to a point at which the system rights itself. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why Chris decided not to be an organic farmer and instead began studying mercury and the human detox system...[6:40] -Aside from liver, kidneys, skin, the other three detox mechanisms and organs in the body that get underplayed...[12:00] -The unique clinical analytical techniques Chris developed, and why he uses something called "mercury speciation"...[23:00 & 29:30] -Why most tests for mercury give a "false negative"...[30:00] -The best ways to get rid of mercury in the body...[32:30] -How to make your own liposomal delivery mechanism at home...[44:35] -How Chris gets a sick individual to "right themselves"...[50:00] -A simple trick to make compounds like THC and CBD more absorbable...[63:45] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -My podcast with Dr. Mercola: Killing Fat Cells, Fixing Mitochondria, Growing Superfoods & More -Quicksilver Scientific -Sunflower lecithin powder -NatureCBD Capsules (hybrid-nanoengineered CBD oil extract from hemp) -Magical Butter Ben uses for THC Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Shade or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 15, 2017 • 1h 4min

How To Learn Faster, Jump Higher, Increase Explosiveness, Push Harder & Biohack Your Brain Beyond It’s Normal Capacity. Last week, I posted to Instagram the "most dangerous piece of workout equipment I own".   Just posted the most dangerous piece of workout equipment that I own to Snapchat - go check it out. Snapchat name: @bgfitness #dangerous #instagood #amazing #me #crazy #fun #cool #danger #deadly #thriller #awesome #invincible #insane #this #workout #fitness #gym #motivation #fit #bodybuilding #training #fitspo #health #fitfam #lifestyle #exercise #cardio A photo posted by Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness) on Dec 30, 2016 at 9:28pm PST And no, it was not a mace, or a unicycle, or a parachute or any other risky exercise device. Instead, it was a simple piece of headgear that looks like a nice set of earphones. But within that headgear is embedded one of the devices known to modern exercise science when it comes to doing things like making a hard, voluminous workout feel shockingly simple and short, allowing you to acquire skills like a tennis serve or golf swing at double or triple the speed you'd normally be able to, and enabling you to push much, much harder during a workout than you'd ever be able to do without a little bit of help from modern brain biohacking. The device is called a Halo, and I call it "dangerous" because it allows me to push my body and brain to levels I'd never be able to reach on my own. And it's all based on the science of something called "neuropriming". Developed from fifteen years of academic research, neuropriming is basically the process of causing excitability of motor neurons before or during athletic and exercise training to things like improve strength, skill, explosiveness, and endurance. Michael Johnson, 4x Olympic Gold Medalist says that "'s doing something that we've never seen before – something the sports market's never seen before..." We're talking explosive force development, increased propulsive force, enhanced skill acquisition, increased rate of force development, and host of other factors influenced by the ability of neuropriming to put the brain's motor cortex in a temporary state of hyper-learning that lasts for about an hour. During this post neuropriming time, feeding your brain quality athletic training repetitions results in this information being more fully incorporated into your brain. Essentially, the headgear I've been using allows me to push far harder than my brain would normally let me and makes practice of a skill far more productive and efficient for the brain. Normally, athletes require literally thousands of reps to create the neurologic changes necessary to perform at the highest level come game time. But this technology changes all that. It's called a "Halo". Dr. Daniel Chao, my guest on today's podcast, is a neurotech entrepreneur who specializes in devices that improve brain performance. He is the co-founder and CEO of Halo Neuroscience. The company's first product, Halo Sport, is the first neurostimulation system built specifically for athletes. Before Halo, Dr. Chao was the head of business development at NeuroPace where he played a central role in the development of the world's first responsive neurostimulation system that was approved by the FDA for the treatment of epilepsy in a unanimous 13-0 vote. Prior to Neuropace, Dr. Chao was a consultant at McKinsey & Company and earned his M.D. and M.S. in neuroscience from Stanford University. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The special part of the brain mammals possess that other less complex species do not, and how you can target that specific area of the brain...[10:40] -How something called transcranial direct current stimulation, also known as tDCS, can be used to stimulate certain section of your brain...[12:52] -What kind of studies have been done on "neuropriming" to actually show whether or not it actually works...[15:10] -Why workouts and skill acquisition actually feel easier after you "shock your brain"...[18:00] -When shocking your brain can actually be safe, and when you should avoid it like the plague...[21:45] -Whether something like this can be used general cognitive performance such as language learning or focus...[27:30 & 30:00] -How to use tDCS stimulation for video gaming and playing instruments...[32:25] -The super-charged sniper training RadioLab episode on which Ben first discovered tDCS and how the Halo is any different than the 20 dollar "make your own TDCS" threads on Reddit...[39:05] -The pro athletes currently using the Halo and what they have reported for results...[45:25] -Whether or not this type of brain training is considered neurodoping by the World Anti Doping Association...[53:20] -What happens if you wear headgear is too far forward or too far back...[59:50] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Halo (save $120 with code BEN10) -GoatMan: How I Took a Holiday from Being Human -The Reddit tDCS groups -The 9 Volt Nirvana RadioLab episode -The Brain Zapping Olympians episode Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Kane or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 11, 2017 • 1h 21min

The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet (& What They Don't Tell You About The Mediterranean Diet). OK, OK. Let's not beat around the bush here. In health circles, it's kind of old news now that "saturated fat might not be bad for you" and that sugar, starches and vegetable oil might instead be a primary contributory factor to heart disease and other chronic health problems. So when I got the book "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet" in the mail, I figured it would be the same ol', same ol' advice, like eat your egg yolks, don't be afraid of butter, and drink whole milk instead of skim milk. But I was actually surprised. Big, fat surprised. Heh. Why? Because in the book, author and investigative journalist Nina Teicholz not only lays out the most comprehensive history, treatise and full argument as to why saturated fats - the kind found in dairy, meat, and eggs - are not bad for health, but also takes a deep dive into everything from myths behind the Mediterranean Diet, to the heart killing replacement for trans fats you probably haven't heard about yet to the ethics of eating meat and beyond. The Economist named this book the best science book of 2014 and called it a “nutrition thriller”. The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Mother Jones, Library Journal and Kirkus Reviews named it a *Best Book* of 2014. The British Medical Journal praised the book in an extensive review, and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said, “All scientists.. and every nutrition science professional…should read this book.” So who exactly is Nina? Before taking a deep dive into researching nutrition science for nearly a decade, she was a reporter for National Public Radio and also contributed to many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker, and The Economist. She attended Yale and Stanford where she studied biology and majored in American Studies. She has a master’s degree from Oxford University and served as associate director of the Center for Globalization and Sustainable Development at Columbia University. She lives in New York City. And I'm guessing she probably has eggs and bacon for breakfast. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What compelled Nina to spend ten years writing a 500 page book after discovering shocking cover-ups in the nutrition industry...[10:55] -What researcher George Mann found in African populations who were subsisting on a diet of organs, meat and blood...[17:30] -Why Lewis and Clark were so disappointed in the game meat they discovered when traveling West...[27:10] -How Americans used to eat, and why it's a huge problem that we now eat so much poultry...[34:45 & 38:45] -What was the "remarking and troublesome omission" from the Ancel Keys study and why the "true" Mediterranean diet is far different than the Mediterranean diet you've probably seen in popular literature...[61:40] -The surprising truth behind why the Cretans were so long lived...[62:50] -How when trans fats got banned, they may have been replaced with something worse, and what that worse thing is...[68:35] -The biggest mistakes that people make when following a high fat diet...[78:40] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Book: The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet -US Wellness Meats -Book: Deep Nutrition by Cate Shanahan -Chris Masterjohn's podcast on the Kitavan diet and ApoE genotype Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Nina or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 9, 2017 • 1h 27min

5 Reasons You Get Burnt Out From Exercise, 10 Natural Alternatives To Common Medications, The Latest News On Cannabis Health Effects & Much More! February 8, 2017 Podcast: 365: 5 Reasons You Get Burnt Out From Exercise, 10 Natural Alternatives To Common Medications, The Latest News On Cannabis Health Effects & Much More! NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,, and Google+. -Banking extra sleep before sleep deprivation improves physical performance: -Does nutella really cause cancer? -One of the ultimate nutrition biohacks: black pepper + turmeric + just about any fat (in this case, seafood): -New, massive meta-study confirms the health benefits of #cannabis: -Want healthy babies? Chalk one up to “long term relationships”…fascinating... Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -HealthGains - To receive $150 off your first GAINSWave treatment ... text the word “Greenfield” That’s my last name: G-R-E-E-N-F-I-E-L-D to 313131, or to get a discount on GAINSWave at the Florida clinic, visit and tell them I sent you! -YogaBody - Go to and try the Yoga Trapeze for 30 days for just $1. If you pay the full price of $99 today, use the coupon code "BEN" to get a free instructional DVD with your order ($25 value). -Human Charger - Get a Human Charger today at and use code BFITNESS for 20% off -Hello Fresh -For $35 off your first week of deliveries, visit and enter code FITNESS35 when you subscribe! -Click here to donate any amount you'd like to support the podcast! -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. -March 3-5, 2017: Nutritional Therapy Association Conference in Vancouver, WA: Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) offers Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Consultant certifications that teach how to use nutrient dense foods as the key to restoring balance and enhancing the body’s ability to heal. I’ll be speaking at the conference! Tickets are on sale now. Go to to register and tell them I sent you if you want to get their VIP treatment. Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with John Doulliard? It was a must-listen – "Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back Into Your Diet." Click here to listen now or download for later! Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. 5 Reasons You Get Burnt Out From Exercise Fikayo says: He's 25 years old and he's started to plateau with his training and dip in performance. Every time he tries to push beyond the plateau, his body burns out or he feels sick. He's wondering if you have experienced this before, or if you have any advice for what he's going through? Thanks so much! In my response, I recommend: -Fascial adhesions -Low HRV/vagal nerve tone  -Inadequate carbohydrate or calorie intake -Poor periodization -Hidden causes of fatigue How To Use Light To Boost Testosterone & Sperm Production Dave says: He's calling from Australia. He wants to say thank you for all the amazing content you produce. He has a question about testosterone and sperm production as it relates to infrared. His wife and him are trying to have their first child in the next few months and he currently practices hot yoga once per week. It's a far infrared style of hot yoga at 38 degrees Celsius. Do you think that would interfere with sperm production and testosterone production? In my response, I recommend: -17 ways to biohack testosterone -Red light/sperm study -Deep Nutrition book by Cate Shanahan 10 Natural Alternatives To Common Medications Jen says: She's a huge fan of the show and she feels like her quality of life has improved so much since she started listening to you. She has a question. She's trying to do more natural healing - taking turmeric for inflammation etc.  Can you give a quick run down on ways she can replace ibuprofen, heartburn medication, mood enhancers etc- just the basic natural alternatives to everyday medications? In my response, I recommend: -Curcumin (by Thorne) -Sleep Remedy (with melatonin) -Fish Oil (SuperEssentials) -Bergamot Orange and Peppermint oil (essential oil) -Alpha Lipoic Acid (Thorne) -Vitamin D/K blend (Thorne) -Quercetin -Bitter Melon Extract -Ceylon Cinnamon How CytoDetox Works Theresa says: She's wondering if you still like the Cytodetox? In my response, I recommend: -My official 2017 Detox Plan -17 Ways I'm Detoxing My Body in 2017 -What Is Cytodetox podcast  See for privacy information.
Feb 6, 2017 • 39min

Ben Discusses Biohacking Gear and Practices for Optimal Cognitive Performance With Mansal Denton,

This is a special Premium audio episode. Click here to activate a Premium subscription to the BenGreenfieldFitness show and access this and over 300 additional hidden audios, videos, pdf's and more! In this episode, Ben discusses his favorite biohacking practices and gear with Mansal Denton of the Brain Optimization Summit .   See for privacy information.
Feb 4, 2017 • 53min

How To Legally Dope Your Blood (Without Actually Taking Illegal Drugs). In the podcast episode "Shattering World Swim Records On 25-Piece Fried Chicken Buckets, Climbing Mountains While Eating Defatted, Vegan, Grass-Fed, Argentinian Liver Anhydrate & Much More" I interviewed athlete and supplement designer Craig Dinkel about a special blood oxygenating formula called "Biotropic". After that interview, I received an onslaught of questions about everything from grass fed liver anhydrate to cordyceps senesis to hidden benefits of beetroots, the detoxification properties of algae, whether it's really true you can get all the benefits of blood doping without actually blood doping and more. So today, Craig is back to answer those questions, and during our discussion, you'll discover: -The one compound that research has shown to cause a 58% chance of a decrease in catching the common cold and the duration of a cold by 1 to 4 days...[9:20] -The mechanism of action via which algae can detoxify your blood...[14:55] -How algae can convert nitrates to nitric oxide...[19:05] -Why chlorella could be the perfect pre-sex supplement...[20:50] -How the polysaccharides in cordyceps contribute oxygen molecules to the blood...[22:10] -The mechanism of action for corydceps to increase endurance or oxygenation...[28:15] -How echinacea increases red blood cells in four different ways...[30:30] -What it means for grass fed liver to be "anhydrated" or "dessicated"...[35:25] -What it means for the iron in the liver to be "heme"...[38:40] -The studies that have shown liver extract to be able to increase endurance by over 750%...[] -The surprising way that beets support muscle stem cell repair...[44:00] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -BioTropic Blood Oxygenating supplement (use code "ben" to get a 20% discount) -Study: The Use of Echinacea to Improve Oxygen Transport Capacity Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Craig or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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