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Ben Greenfield Life

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Apr 5, 2017 • 1h 26min

How To Cure Yourself Of Cancer: An Epic Interview With A Man Who Defied Conventional Medicine & Cured Himself Of Prostate Cancer. My guest on today's podcast, Eric Remensperger, has been a practicing attorney for over 30 years. He is a partner at a major law firm, Proskauer, where he heads up the West Coast real estate practice. But that’s not the most interesting part. Eric is also a major-league biohacker who has cured himself of cancer. I first met Eric at the PaleofX conference last May, and you may have seen his “daily shake” ingredients which appeared at the end of a blog I posted in July of last year entitled “6 Crazy, Exotic Superfood Cocktails, Shakes & Mind-Bending Recipes”... I ran into Eric again in December at the Runga event in Costa Rica, where he told me an incredible story about how his life had changed. In a nutshell, his decades long obsession with health and wellness hit the fastlane when he was diagnosed last spring with stage IV prostate cancer (with a Gleason score of 9), and as a result of that he did an incredibly deep dive into the science behind cancer and the various treatment protocols, some of which I’m sure we’ll get into on the podcast. For those of you who are concerned about cancer, or have been touched by it, I think you will find this a very interesting conversation. As a non-health-care professional who has gone from stage IV metastatic cancer to full remission, Eric can speak freely about his experiences and what he has learned (and continues to learn) about the theories on the causes of cancer and the premises behind the various treatment modalities. His goal is to assist those who wish to take charge of their own care by providing the information needed to better assist them in working with their doctors and healthcare professionals to find the best path to manage the disease by shifting from “cancering” to the body’s natural state of “healing”. Eric lives in Santa Monica, CA, where he is an advanced yogi and a health nut. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Eric went from a cigarette-smoking, divorced lawyer to a complete yogi enthusiast and health nut, far before he found out he had cancer...[10:22] -The one book that stood out from the 21 books Eric read in the 14 days after discovering he had cancer...[24:05] -How "Qi" stagnation and emotional issues can cause cancer...[28:50] -The fascinating experiments by Wilhelm Reich in which he discovered something called "bions" that can precede cancer...[42:00] -The way that quantum physics and vibrational energies can allow you to believe yourself into a state of sickness (and vice versa)...[49:20] -The importance difference between nutritional ketosis and therapeutic ketosis...[52:25] -What Eric discovered about deuterium depletion and it's link to cancer...[54:25] -The one pharmaceutical anti-fungal drug that Eric takes and recommends looking into for anyone who has cancer...[57:40] -Why Eric swears by a one-two combo of hyperbaric oxygen and ozone therapy via rectal insufflation for killing cancer cells...[59:05] -Why Eric completely shut down his testosterone levels and chemically castrated himself...[66:45] -The role of apricot pits and wormwood toxins for shutting down cancer cells...[71:10] -The Pau D' Arco tea blend that both Ben and Eric drink every day to support their mitochondria and cellular health...[74:00] -Why sunlight is crucial to producing something called "GcMAF", a crucial component of your immune system...[76:42] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Eric's Quest to Cure Cancer website -6 Crazy, Exotic Superfood Cocktails, Shakes & Mind-Bending Recipes -Book: Tripping Over The Truth - The Metabolic Theory Of Cancer -Book: Bion Experiments by Wilhelm Reich -Book: The Cancer Biopathy by Wilhelm Reich -Book: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender -Podcast: Podcast On Fixing Your Mitochondria With Dr. Joe Mercola -Podcast: Why You've Been Lied To About Cancer & What You Can Do About It -Podcast: The Mold-Cancer Link, Resetting Your Nervous System, Dry Fasting, Nanonutrients & More With Ian Clark Article: Do Muscle Building Supplements Really Cause Cancer? Article: Why You Get Cancer And What You Can Do About It Article: Did Lebron James’ Cell Phone Give Him Mouth Cancer? -Deuterium-depleted water Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Eric or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Apr 1, 2017 • 1h 1min

Why Millions Of People Are Paying To Suffer Through Ice, Fire, Electricity, Barbed Wire, Mud & More: Rise Of The Sufferfests Review.

Last year, after racing the AT&T Spartan Stadium race in San Francisco, I took my wife and twin boys to a private screening of one of the only movies I saw during the entire year last year (I'm not much of a Hollywood guy). Actually, this wasn't even a movie. It was a documentary, a genre that I really only tap into when my assistant sends me an audio download of some documentary somebody tells me I "must-see" and then I listen to it while I'm walking through the forest and imagine what is going on  from a visual standpoint (as a film nerd, my guest on today's podcast would probably throttle me for this). Anyways, I walked out of the screening incredibly impressed. I laughed, I was inspired, I was on the edge of my seat, my kids were howling with laughter, and my wife loved it. So what did we see exactly? The documentary is called "Rise Of The Sufferfests". It's all about the global obstacle course phenomenon, and in a highly entertaining and funny way, it explores the history of the sport, the psychology behind it, the personalities that drive it, and asks what it says about the world we're living in. Here's the trailer: Director Scott Keneally is my guest on today's show. This self-proclaimed “beta male” has been stuck in the mud since the fall of 2011, when he tackled his first Tough Mudder. Back then, the first-time filmmaker had no idea he’d be making a movie about any of this stuff. He went into it with a simple plan: to suffer and write a story about the suffering. Keneally had previously confessed to things like bedwetting and sweaty pits in places like the New York Times Styles section, and figured the one about training up and tackling a paramilitary assault course would make for funny material. That essay was featured on the cover of his local alt-weekly, but more importantly, while researching the history of the company, he stumbled upon a “Social Network”-style scandal surrounding its origins. He quickly reinvented himself as an investigative journalist, and his story ultimately landed on the cover of Outside. The exposé received widespread media attention, opening doors to a consulting gig with 60 Minutes Sports, a speaking engagement at Stanford Business School and—by kismet or luck—an unlikely new career path as a filmmaker. When he’s not running in mud, Keneally works as a treatment writer for some of the top directors in music videos and commercials. Over the past 15 years, he has collaborated on videos for Rihanna, Madonna, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, as well as Paris Hilton’s infamous burger commercial. He has also been known to play didgeridoo with the criminally under-discovered rock band OURS, through which he has toured with Marilyn Manson and recorded on the band’s Rick Rubin-produced record, “Mercy.” He received his B.A. from Boston College (’99) and his M.F.A. from University of San Francisco (’04). He lives on a vineyard in Sonoma County, CA, with his wife and little boy. During my discussion with Scott, you'll discover: -How raves, micro-dosing with LSD, and rebelling against being a preppie turned Scott from wanting to be the president of the United States to instead making music videos and eventually obstacle course racing...[13:45] -The crazy, eccentric man named "Mr. Mouse" who inspired Scott to make the Sufferfests movie... [19:45] -Scott's take on why millions of people are suddenly paying to suffer through ice, fire, electricity, barbed wire, mud and more...[28:20] -The concept of "The Strenuous Life" and why humans are hardwired to want to get out of our comfortable lives...[31:20] -Why a shocking number of people are doing obstacle course racing to get a good profile pic...[35:20] -The intriguing link between the "masculinity crisis" and obstacle course racing...[47:05] -Why you must have some aspect of fear and discomfort in your life...[52:00] -What were the craziest adventures you embarked upon while filming Sufferfest? [59:35] -What Scott thinks is the next "big thing" in OCR...[62:20] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -"Rise Of The Sufferfests" -A.J. Jacob's books on Amazon -Theodore Roosevelt's "The Strenuous Life" -Book: Generation Me - Revised and Updated: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled--and More Miserable Than Ever Before -What Doesn't Kill Us podcast with Scott Carney -The World's Toughest Mudder Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Scott or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 29, 2017 • 1h 16min

4 Ways To Eat Yourself Beautiful: Meat On The Bone, Fermented & Sprouted Foods, Organ Meats, Deep Nutrition & More With Dr. Cate Shanahan.

Two years ago, Cate Shanahan came onto the podcast as a guest for the episode "How To Use Food As Your Body’s Fat Loss Language".  During that episode, we delved into into how the way your body interprets the food you eat in a manner that can make you either lean or fat – depending on your food choice. We also discussed Cate's book, which is one of the nutrition books that I find myself recommending most often, Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. This month, Cate published a brand new, updated version of the book, and we take a deep dive into it on this podast. In writing this book, Cate examined diets around the world known to help people live longer, healthier lives―diets like the Mediterranean, Okinawa, and “Blue Zone”. She identified the four common nutritional habits, developed over millennia, that unfailingly produce strong, healthy, intelligent children, and active, vital elders, generation after generation. These four nutritional strategies―fresh food, fermented and sprouted foods, meat cooked on the bone, and organ meats―form the basis of what Dr. Cate calls “The Human Diet.” Cate is a board-certified family physician. She trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. For ten years, she practiced medicine in Hawaii, where she studied ethnobotany and the culinary habits of her healthiest patients. She currently runs a metabolic health clinic in Denver, Colorado and serves as the Director of the Los Angeles Lakers PRO Nutrition Program. Not only do the LA Lakers follower her nutritional protocol (we discuss their snacks in today's show) but I just found out that the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA basketball team has been following a Deep Nutrition style diet for 3 years, Villanova won the college basketball championship in 2016 after adopting this diet the season prior. Do you think this might be good info to add to the show notes? Especially because the Lakers have been sucking, which can make a good diet look bad and sometimes draws ridiculous comments that don’t benefit anyone. Rooted in her experience as an elite athlete who used traditional foods to cure her own debilitating injuries, and combining her research with the latest discoveries in the field of epigenetics, Cate shows in this new book how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The shocking story of what happened when Cate and her husband visited the Culinary Institute of America...[8:50] -Why vegetable oil is your brain's worst enemy...[14:05] -The little-known toxin called 4HNE and the havoc it wreaks on your brain...[18:07] -Why cutting vegetable oil from the diet potentially just as good for the gut as a fecal transplant...[24:20] -What happened at a Filipino buffet in Kuaui that got Cate seriously thinking about dynamic symmetry...[30:55] -What nutrition has to do with beauty and symmetry (and the fascinating reason why should women space their children out if they want to have beautiful women)...[37:30] -Why men should take preparation for pregnancy just as seriously as women...[45:15] -What the world's elite and rich people eat, and why that leads them to higher amounts of beauty and success...[51:10] -Why the total amount of LDL you possess can be practically irrelevant...[53:50] -Why Cate says that calories don't always count...[59:25] -How fat cells really become something other than fat cells...[66:00] -The dietary habits of the LA Lakers that allow them to follow these same principles...[70:50] -Five easy ways to get started with Deep Nutrition concepts...[74:35] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Cate's book: Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food -Kettle & Fire Bone Broth -USWellnessMeats Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Cate or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 25, 2017 • 48min

A Cool, New Way To Scan, Interpret & Fix The Human Body's Electrical Field. Last week, I placed my right hand on a fancy scanner that arrived in the mail and did what is called a mapping of my body's "energy field". I then plugged the scanner into my computer and uploaded the results to my friend Wendy Myers, who is a functional diagnostic nutritionist (FDN), a certified holistic health coach (CHHC), and the founder of Liveto110. Wendy attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. Wendy is certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry with customized targeted nutrient therapy and a previous podcast guest on the episodes: "Why My Barber Thinks I’m A Freak (& Crazy Health Discoveries You Can Get From Your Hair, Your Urine & Your Stool)." and "Everything You Need To Know About Hair Mineral Analysis." Anyways, this scanner, called an "NES Scanner" is designed to read electrical signals produced by the body. The skin is an indicator of what’s going on underneath it, plus it has a magnetic quality to it. So wherever there is a blockage in the energy flow or some other problem, the skin in that area becomes more magnetic or sticky, which is detected by the scanner. Then as you stimulate that particular area with specific therapies like pulsed electromagnetic fields (using another device called the miHealth), the body’s magnetic quality will begin to change, indicating to the device when the body has responded and created its healing reaction. Another way of looking at this is that cells have an electrical potential. Sick, tired and malfunctioning cells have a low electrical potential and this is what surfaces as magnetic or sticky quality on the skin. By putting energy back into the specific area at issue, this system can apparently then raise the electrical potential of those cells, restoring them over time to their normal, optimal functioning. This also stimulates the nervous system, sending a signal to the brain to direct resources to that particular part of the body as part of the natural healing response. The scan that I did reads the electrical information of the body and then uses the information to make a map of the human body's electrical field. The entire scan is completed in a few seconds. Once the scan is completed, the software returns a graphical representation of any located distortions in the body’s information, as well as recommendations for therapy that then stimulate the body’s healing response and correct the noted distortions. During our discussion, Wendy and I go over my scan results and you'll discover: -The science behind scanning the human body and how the NES scanner actual works...[7:30] -Whether any research actually exists when it comes to scanning and adjusting your body's electrical field...[9:30] -How you can "biohack" your body in the same way that an acupuncturist would, without needles and acupuncture...[19:55] -The shocking effects of airline travel on the body's electrical energy fields (and a simple way to fix the effects)...[22:45] -How you can "imprint" water with specific frequencies, and the new science of something called infoceuticals...[24:10] -How a small, portable handheld pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) device can be used to adjust the body's meridians...[29:25] -An easy DIY technique you can use to banish constipation and large intestine issues...[44:50] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -The MyoBuddy Ben uses for self-vibrational massage -The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton -Wholetones: Unleashing The Phenomenon Of Using Sound & Music For Performance, Recovery, Healing & More. -Wendy's new book: Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue -Nobel Prize Winner Discovers Quantum Field Effect of DNA -Correlating Physiology with Bioenergetics: An Overview of Space Resonance Matching -Bridging Orthodox Medicine with Bioenergetic Science -Seven Major Principles of the Human Body-Field -Information Physics and Global Scaling -Coherence and the Physics of Traditional Chinese Medicine -The Human Body-Field & Information Transfer in Biology -Drivers and Integrators: The Primary Systems of the Human Body-Field -The SuperCharged movie:   -NES Health: The 21st Century of HealthCare (14 min)   -NES Health Explained: Overview and Testimony (19 min)   -The Future is Now Film Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Wendy or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 23, 2017 • 1h 20min

How Females Can Lose Body Fat Fast, How To Fix Your Vision Naturally, 4 Science-Based Superfoods & Much More! March 22, 2017 Podcast: 367: How Females Can Lose Body Fat Fast, How To Fix Your Vision Naturally, 4 Science-Based Superfoods & Much More! NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,,, and Google+. Fascinating concept of "geopathic stressors" What the REAL Mediterranean diet looked like 4 science based superfoods you should be eating Would you wear Nike’s new “magic shoes”? A new self quantification smart condom…would you wear it? Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -HealthGains - To receive $150 off your first GAINSWave treatment...text the word “Greenfield” That’s my last name: G-R-E-E-N-F-I-E-L-D to 313131, or to get a discount on GAINSWave at the Florida clinic, visit and tell them I sent you. -Organifi - Get 20% off the best tasting greens superfood powder on the planet with code BEN at -Kimera Koffee - Best nootropic-infused coffee on the planet. Save 10% with code "BEN" at -Human Charger - In-ear white light device for improving mood, beating jet lag and much more. Visit and use code BFITNESS for 20% off. -Click here to donate any amount you'd like to support the podcast! -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. Ben will be racing on the Spartan Pro Team for 2017! You can catch him at any of these races below and you can click here to register: -Emerald City Open, Seattle, April 22 -Golden State Classic, Monterey, June 3 -Blue Mountain Challenge, July 8 -Southeast Showdown, Asheville, July 29 -The Ascent, West Virginia, Aug 26 -May 5-7, 2017: Join Dr. Mercola, Dr. Pompa and I, along with many more health experts at this year's HCF Seminar in Atlanta, for health professionals, chiropractic docs, dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers and beyond. Learn everything you need to know about ketosis, heavy metals, nutrition, marketing, how to build your practice and much more! Get your heavily discounted, early bird ticket now! Click here to register before special pricing disappears next week. -May 19-21, 2017: PaleoFX in Austin, Texas. Paleo f(x)™ is the Who's Who gathering of the ancestral health movement, with world-class speakers including New York Times bestselling authors, leading physicians, scientists, and practitioners, athletes and fitness professionals, health entrepreneurs, activists, bloggers, biohackers, and more! Are you ready to learn, connect, and take action? Join our tribe! Click here to register. -May 26-28, 2017: Infinite Man Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria. It’s my great pleasure to say that I’ve been invited to speak at the upcoming Infinite Man Summit 2017, where alongside speakers from around the world,  we'll cover the four key pillars of a successful life: health & fitness, dating & relationships, business & entrepreneurship, and passion & purpose. Click here for tickets! Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Richard Aiken? It was a must-listen – "How To Fix Your Brain And Biology With Plants: An Interview With Neurodietetics Author Richard Aiken On The Best Diet For The Brain." Click here to listen now or download for later! Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. How Runners Can Lose Muscle In A Healthy Way (And Calorie Cycling 101) Des says: She's big fan of the show and she's learned so much its overwhelming.  She has a strange question. Over the winter she managed to increase her muscle mass a lot, but now it's running season and she's too heavy. She needs to lose some of it but it's mostly muscle. What's the safest way to go about losing added weight while maintaining the benefits of the bone density, better hemoglobin, etc. Do you have any tips? Thanks! In my response, I recommend: -John Kiefer's Carb Backloading Protocol -CoolFatBurner -NatureAminos Natural Ways To Maximize Eye Health Dave says: He's calling from Bloomington, Indiana. He's an active 29 year old and recently been diagnosed with Open-Angle Glaucoma. He takes a pressure regulating eye drop as recommend by his Ophthalmologist and he's also tweaked his diet to increase his intake of eye healthy food like sweet potato, carrot and dark leafy greens to help manage eye pressures. He's curious if you have any additional protocols that you recommend to combat the pressure of glaucoma specifically or promote better eye health in general? He loves the show and hopes to hear a response on the air. In my response, I recommend: -Organic bilberry extract or organic bilberry capsules or organic bilberries -Astaxanthin/fish oil (recommend Superessentials) -Thorne CoQ10 or Thorne Resveracel -Natural Calm Magnesium -Frankincense / helichrysum oil / cypress essential oil -Brewer's Yeast  -Vision Gym -My podcast on healthiest computer monitors How Females Can Lose Body Fat Fast Heather says: She's calling from Michigan, she loves the show! She has a question regarding food. She's competing in her first body building competition in twenty weeks. She's doing the fitness division and the training is going really well. However, food has been a place of struggle. She frequently binges and its really uncontrollable and it feels primal. She was wondering if you have any advice, tips, supplements, things she can take to get it under control, so when she gets closer to competition she can get her body fat down to what it needs to be. There's two caveats, she's vegan, and she's been dealing with candida for five years. Any thoughts and tips are appreciated! In my response, I recommend: -Thyroid support in the form of a natural thyroid supplement like Thyrogold -Progesterone support in the form of magnesium, whole foods vitamin C, L-arginine, Superessentials fish oil, chasteberry, DIM, and a full spectrum multi-vitamin -DHEA support in the form of Thorne DHEA -John Kiefer's Carb Backloading Protocol -Candida Cleanse protocol -My entire chapter on vegan athletes here  See for privacy information.
Mar 18, 2017 • 1h 11min

How To Fix Your Brain And Biology With Plants: An Interview With Neurodietetics Author Richard Aiken On The Best Diet For The Brain. A couple years ago, I released a podcast episode with Dr. Richard Aiken entitled “How Blenders Can Destroy Food, Why I Eat 20-25 Servings Of Vegetables Each Day, The Vegan-Paleo Debate & Much More“.  During the show, Dr. Aiken explained the potentially damaging effects of high-speed blending on food and referenced a recent experiment he performed on bananas. Later, Dr. Aiken was kind enough to send me the complete results of that experiment, published in their full, scientifically nerdy details at "How To Biohack Your Green Smoothie (And Can High Speed Blenders Really Damage Your Food?)". Now, after publishing his new book "Neurodietetics: The dietary science of human flourishing", Dr. Aiken is back. Dr. Aiken, MD, PhD, is a chemical engineer and physician, and studies how diet has a profound influence on our minds and how, using food, we can relieve suffering and possibly help reverse pathology. He highlights in the book how - even if we don't have clinical signs or symptoms of physical, cognitive or emotional decline - we can achieve a profound state of mind-body wellness, eudaimonia – human flourishing with proper lifestyle choices. This book is about the science of mind flourishing through dietary choices that Aiken calls “neurodietetics”. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What exactly is Xenohormesis when it comes to consuming plants...[9:30] -Why you should eat cucumbers that have been exposed to high amounts of heat, grapes grown in poor soil and water deprived turmeric...[19:00] -The "Cinderella drug" you can find in plants that barely anybody knows about...[23:05] -The hibiscus and green tea workout drink that Dr. Aiken considers to be a physical and mental performance game-changer...[38:00] -The two crucial ingredients to add to a blender to "biohack" your smoothie and concentrate the antioxidants...[40:20] -The single seed that Dr. Aiken recommends most highly for mental performance...[50:30] -Why Ben threw out a 60 dollar bottle of liquid fish oil...[58:30] -How to "rescue" any smoothie from tasting bad (even when you add the potent one-two combo of turmeric and black pepper)...[62:35] -The brand new sleep hack Dr. Aiken has been experimenting with very successfully...[70:30] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Neurodietetics: The dietary science of human flourishing -My podcast on "Fit Vine Wine" -Lithium discussion with Kevin Rose -My article on "The God Pill" -How To Biohack Your Green Smoothie (And Can High Speed Blenders Really Damage Your Food?) -Organic green tea leaves -Organic hibiscus leaves -Study: Is docosahexaenoic acid synthesis from α-linolenic acid sufficient to supply the adult brain? -Omica Organics stevia -Circadian rhythms, time-restricted feeding, and healthy aging -Alteril Sleep Aid -Dr. Kirk Parsley's Sleep Remedy Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Richard or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 15, 2017 • 1h 2min

The Thyroid Connection: Why You Feel Tired, Brain-Fogged, and Overweight (& How to Get Your Life Back).

Explore the correlation between thyroid health and common issues like fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain. Learn about the enzymatic conversion of T4 to T3 and the importance of nutrients like zinc and selenium. Discover the risks of heavy metals on thyroid health and the benefits of plant-based products for energy and pain relief. Get insights on genetic testing, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments for optimal thyroid wellness.
Mar 12, 2017 • 44min

Kava Extract, Quantum Physics, Filtered Water, Mushroom Coffee & More: A Special Weekend Podcast Episode! In this special podcast, recorded from the "CalJam" event I recently attended, I join forces with Dr. Dan Pompa and Warren Phillips to geek out on mushroom coffee, kava extract, quantum physics, filtered water, biodynamic wine and beyond, including a very special conference in Atlanta from May 5-7, 2017, where Dr. Pompa, Dr. Joseph Mercola and I will be speaking! Dr. Pompa, D.PSc., is a global leader in the health and wellness industry, traveling across the country educating practitioners and the public on the root causes of inflammation driven diseases such as Weight Loss Resistance, Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders and other chronic conditions. He received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life University, graduating second in his class. His authority today, however, is rooted in his own personal battle, having overcome serious neurotoxic illness and heavy metal poisoning using the cellular detoxification strategies learned in his journey back to health. Warren Phillips is the CEO and Co-founder of Health Centers of the Future. As a credentialed geologist, his background in environmental studies led him to understand the impact synthetic chemicals and environmental toxins have upon the human condition. A career shift landed him a position as VP of Sales and Marketing for a prestigious supplement manufacturer, but after a short run of success, Warren felt limited and knew he had to grow further. In order to have greater impact upon those in need, he pursued partnering with independent Health Care Practitioners to empower people, to protect them from being compromised by environmental factors the mainstream medical field didn’t yet understand. Because of the deep pockets and marketing power of the conventional medical marketplace, Warren fast learned his best resource for sharing vital information was the internet, and with a determination to “get the message out” he became an expert and renowned 21st century marketer for the medical field. His simple solutions to outperforming old, tired health-based marketing has landed the doctors Warren’s worked with on Page 1 of Google driving streams of new patients in search of answers. In founding Health Centers of the Future with Dr. Dan Pompa, Warren availed his extensive marketing know-how to committed practitioners committed to making a difference in a field where true health restoration is rare. He’s found unprecedented inroads into reaching people with serious conditions including thyroid illness, weight loss resistance, diabetes, and the diseases we’ve mistakenly come to associate with aging. Warren also owns and operates Revelation Health, a company with a commitment to helping people cut through the nutritional confusion and find real answers to their health needs. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, Warren lives with his wife and two daughters living the lifestyle and walking the talk. Resources from this episode: -The Live It To Lead It conference where Ben, Dr. Dan and Dr. Mercola are all speaking in Atlanta, May 5-7, 2017 -The Most Effective Detox You’ve Never Heard Of (And Exactly How To Do It) -book: Biology of Belief -book: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender -The biodynamic wine that Ben drinks -Mushroom coffee -Berkey Sport Water filtered water bottle Ben travels with -Kava powder Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Dan, Warren or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Mar 11, 2017 • 1h 15min

A Little-Known, Highly-Effective Hack To Heal Your Spine, Get Massive Mobility Improvements & Change The Way You Move Forever.

In this podcast, Ben Greenfield discusses the ELDOA Method with Jacob Schoen, a new form of stretching that can heal the spine and improve mobility. They explore the benefits of foam rolling, specific joint decompression, Camara coffee, and jaw realignment therapy. They also discuss the effectiveness of foam rolling, muscle tone normalization, and the importance of finishing the day with the L5S1 stretch.
Mar 9, 2017 • 1h 27min

Float Tanks, Strobe Goggles, Hacking The Vagus Nerve, Natural Marathon Fueling, How To Know When You're Recovered From Adrenal Fatigue & More! March 8, 2017 Podcast: 366: Float Tanks, Strobe Goggles, Hacking The Vagus Nerve, Natural Marathon Fueling, How To Know When You're Recovered From Adrenal Fatigue & More! NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: Steph Curry's Secrets To Success: Brain Training, Strobe Goggles & Float Tanks One of the best bone broth articles I've ever read (and why I drink this stuff every day) Good to see that pop culture is finally catching on to the concept of biological lighting. Here’s the info on all the different natural compounds out there than enhance effects of THC/CBD: my favorite secret weapon? Copaiba oil. The neurobiology of grace under pressure. Great article on the vagus nerve, psychology and beyond. You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,,, and Google+. Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -HealthGains - To receive $150 off your first GAINSWave treatment...text the word “Greenfield” That’s my last name: G-R-E-E-N-F-I-E-L-D to 313131, or to get a discount on GAINSWave at the Florida clinic, visit and tell them I sent you. -Organifi - Get 20% off the best tasting greens superfood powder on the planet with code BEN at -Harrys - Get a free razor trial set. To redeem your free trial offer, go to -Hello Fresh -For $35 off your first week of deliveries, visit and enter code FITNESS35 when you subscribe! -Click here to donate any amount you'd like to support the podcast! -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. Check out the intimacy course Rachel spoke about, and remember, it's not for the faint of heart: Fearless Intimacy with John Wineland and Kendra Cunov. Ben will be racing on the Spartan Pro Team for 2017! You can catch him at these races, click here to register: Emerald City Open, Seattle, April 22 Golden State Classic, Monterey, June 3 Blue Mountain Challenge, July 8 Southeast Showdown, Asheville, July 29 The Ascent, West Virginia, Aug 26 Join Dr. Mercola, Dr. Pompa and I, along with many more health experts at this years HCF Seminar in Atlanta. Get your heavily discounted, early bird ticket now! Click here to register. Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Steve Kotler and Jamie Wheal? It was a must-listen – "Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work." Click here to listen now or download for later! Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. What Is Simulated Altitude Training? Aussie says: He's from Perth, WA - he loves the show. His question is regarding simulated altitude training and it's benefits and drawbacks. He'd love to know your thoughts on training high and living low, rest periods, benefits for weight loss and benefits for type 2 diabetes. In my response, I recommend: -Fingertip pulse oxygenation measurement device (pulse oximeter) -Altitude tents and altitude training devices on Amazon -How To Legally Dope Your Blood podcast -The Altitude Centre in London How To Fuel A Marathon Naturally Leanne says: She's a big fan. She's calling from London in the UK. She's training for the London marathon and she'd love to know what you recommend for nutrition both for prep and recovery, before long training runs (12 miles up) and also for after training? What are the best foods and drinks for during the marathon, and what do you recommend to take as snacks to keep their energy going? She wants to avoid glucose and sugary stuff and be as natural as possible. In my response, I recommend: -Fat based energy gels -How to get into ketosis -Iskiate Endurance by MyNaturalForce (use code BEN10) -Feed Zone Portables Cookbook How To Know When You're Recovered From Adrenal Fatigue Ray says: He's a huge fan. He has a question on adrenal fatigue, he knows we have covered it in a bunch in the past but he was wondering when about 80% of the time he's feeling good, and the other 20% the symptoms are still present, what would be your take on how to get rid of these last few hurdles? He sees that he when he works out super hard the next day he has a longer period of time when he's not feeling greatest his because his body shouldn't be pushed this hard or because he's doing other things wrong, like not using adequate supplementation etc? In my response, I recommend: -How to know if your body is recovered -DUTCH test How Fasting Is Different For Females Janelle says: She wants to thank you for years of great podcasts. As she wants to lose some weight, she's interested in intermittent fasting, but she's hesitant due to some research on how it messes with females hormones. She's post-menopausal, so her hormones are already low, but her morning cortisol is 24 which is high. What are your recommendations to pre and post-menopausal females with regards to intermittent fasting and would you suggest it for someone with elevated AM cortisol? In my response, I recommend: -DUTCH test Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! Ask Your Question [gravityform id="2" name="Ask Ben" title="false" description="false"] ----------------------------------------------------- Related articles across the web Oklahoma update See for privacy information.

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