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Ben Greenfield Life

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Jan 12, 2019 • 1h 28min

Special 2-Part Anti-Aging Podcast - Basic & Ancestral Tactics To Enhance Longevity (No Fancy Biohacks Required).

When it comes to living a long life, demographers, epidemiologists, gerontologists and other researchers on aging have long puzzled over the theoretical question of the maximum potential for human lifespan, along with the host of proposed practices we can implement that help us achieve that potential. There is, after all, in the past decade alone a veritable laundry list of tactics we can use to make ourselves more age resistant, from nutrients, vitamins and pills such as Vitamin D, aspirin, metformin, magnesium, pterostilbene, resveratrol, blueberry extract, nicotinamide ribosideand rhodiola to lifestyle practices such as shivering our asses off, self-imposed starvation, fecal transplants, strict veganism, injecting into ourselves growth hormone, testosterone, stem cells, exosomes, the blood of younger healthy humans and speaking of younger humans, simply “having more children”. Fact is, compared to the Biblical Methuselah, who purportedly lived to the ripe old age of 969, we don’t seem to be moving the anti-aging dial much. In fact, researchers estimate that in the U.S. today, the average adult life expectancy is still only about 77 years and, disturbingly, now plummeting due to high rates of chronic diseases (many of which are preventable with simple lifestyle changes you’ll learn about in this podcast). Currently – despite the Chinese lore of the recently perished “256-year-old” Li Ching Yuen, the longest-lived modern person in the world on actual record is Jeanne Calment of France, who died in 1997 at the exact age of 122 years and 164 days. Yet, when we observe nature, some amount of immortality, or at least a significant amount of enhanced life extension, appears to be achievable. Take the naked mole rate, for example. The naked mole rat’s cells themselves seem to make proteins – the molecular machines that make bodies work – more accurately than us humans, preventing it from developing age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s. Unlike humans, the way these ugly little creatures handle glucose doesn’t seem to change with age either, reducing their susceptibility to diseases like diabetes. The naked mole rat isn’t the only animal scientists are now probing to pick the lock of long life. With a rampant metabolism and a heart rate of 1,000 beats a minute, the common hummingbird should, on paper, be riddled with rogue free radicals (the oxygen-based chemicals that make mammals old by gradually destroying DNA, proteins and fat molecules), but the tiny birds seem relatively bulletproofed against heart disease. Then there are lobsters, which seem to have evolved a protein which repairs the telomere tips of their DNA, allowing for a decreased rate of telomere shortening that most animals are incapable of. Finally, as if rats, hummingbirds and lobsters weren’t enough to make us longevity seeking humans a bit jealous, we mustn’t forget one animal on Earth that may hold the master key to immortality: the Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the “Immortal Jellyfish”. Most jellyfish, when they reach the end of life, die and melt into the sea, but not the Turritopsis dohrnii. Instead, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor, where its body folds in on itself – assuming the jellyfish equivalent of the fetal position – and regenerates back into a baby jellyfish in a rare biological process called transdifferentiation, in which its old cells somehow transform into young cells. So is there a human equivalent of the type of immortality “powers” these animals seem to have tapped into? Many in popular anti-aging and longevity circles have suggested that – in the next several decades – we could indeed unlock the secrets to living to approximately 120 to 140 years old, and many biohackers and anti-aging enthusiasts such as Peter Diamandis, Peter Thiel, Larry Page, Elon Musk and Tony Robbins and even lil ol’ me are striving to live greater than 160 years old. The purpose of this podcast is not to delve into the relatively advanced longevity secrets of these fringe biohackers, but instead to reveal everything you need to know about why the world’s more traditionally living longevity all-stars not only live longer but also tend to live better. They have strong connections with their family and friends. They’re active. They wake up in the morning knowing that they have a purpose, and the world, in turn, reacts to them in a way that propels them along. An overwhelming majority of them still enjoy life. They share these common behavioral and lifestyle characteristics, such as family coherence, avoidance of smoking, plant-based diet, moderate and daily physical activity, social engagement, and situations where people of all ages are socially active and integrated into the community, despite all of them being from different areas of the world and of different races, nationalities and religions. That’s not to say that biohacking for longevity and better living through science isn’t beneficial. After spending nearly two decades deeply immersed in the health, fitness, nutrition and longevity industry, I’ve come to a growing realization that an open embrace of both the modern science and the ancestral wisdom could indeed allow one to live a long and healthy lifespan that rivals and even exceeds that of our ancestors.   Perhaps that’s why my children and I engage in wild plant foraging (a longevity tactic you’ll learn more about in this podcast), but do so using a plant identification smartphone app that allows us to identify everything from mushrooms to plants with incredible accuracy, allowing us to tap into a bit of better living through science to not get poisoned or make fatal mistakes our ancestors might have while foraging; why I own a quaint and simple, off-grid, barn-style home in the forest where we grow most of our own food, yet fill that barn with tens of thousands of dollars of modern anti-aging biohacking equipment; and why the last time I disappeared into a seven day high-country elk bowhunt in the mountains of Colorado, I had a neurofeedback brain training device neatly tucked away into my camouflage backpack. But in this podcast, rather than learning about fancy devices you can spend tens of thousands of dollars or fringe biohacks that will get you plenty of weird looks from your neighbor, you will discover exactly how to use proven ancestral tactics to live a happy, long and fulfilled life. So you can think of today's podcast as a cookbook for longevity that gives you all the low-hanging fruit and teaches you all the basics of living a long and happy life. During this two-part episode, in part one you'll discover... The 12 Ways to Enhance Your Longevity -Don't smoke...10:19 When you stop smoking, your body responds immediately Noticeable improvements within 90 days Sexual performance Cardio vascular After 1 year, like nothing ever happened Adrenal glands need to adapt to the lack of nicotine Use an adaptogenic herb complex Take a taurine supplement once per day for two months Diet rich in pro proanthocyanidine Use a good air filter Don't just stop; implement a strategy to aid your repair and recovery FUM essential oil vaping pen (LINK NEEDED) -Eat wild plants...14:20 Xeno-hormetic effect Not a fan of "plant paradox" diets Book: Eating On the Wild Side (LINK) Higher vegetable, lower meat intake -Avoid processed and packaged foods...18:10 First two ingredients often found in processed "health foods" Artificial sweetener Vegetable oil Difficult to eat processed/packaged foods when you're eating right Aim for 80% real food, 20% p/p foods -Eat legumes...22:37 High in non-meat protein, amino acids, slow burning carbs Eat other carbs (sweet potatoes, carrots, quinoa etc.) alongside the legumes Article: Soaking, sprouting legumes -Low-level physical activity...25:56 Enjoyable exercise; rarely engage in high-intensity training Hack your environment Standing desk Kettle bells in the cubicle Pomodoro breaks Take the stairs! Walking treadmill while blogging, podcasting, etc. Visiting the gym should be optional, unless you're training for an event, pro athlete, etc. Sitting for 8 straight hours negates any efficacy from a gym session -Prioritize social engagement...29:00 Podcast: Growing Epidemic of Loneliness -Drink alcohol (in moderation)...32:15 Podcast: Todd White of Dry Farm Wines Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers Mediterranean diet Boosts benefits of low-level activity even more (these habits build off one another) I haven't been drunk in 6 years, but I have a drink every day (red wine, moscow mule, "Ben and Jitters") -Calorie restriction and fasting...37:38 Intermittent fasting (12-16 hours) Fasting mimicking diet (40% of normal calorie intake) My own practice: Intermittent fast 1-2x per month, 24 hour fast (dinner to dinner) 4x per year, fasting mimicking diet Podcast: The Complete Guide to Fasting w/ Jason Fung Book by the same name (LINK) -Possess a strong life purpose...42:08 NIH funded study correlating purpose and longevity Be able to say your purpose in life in one succinct sentence Quick tips: What did you like to do when you were a kid? What puts you in the flow, or the zone? Podcast with Mastin Kipp Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK (LINK) "Think about the things that make you forget to eat and poop." -Lower your stress levels...45:00 Chronic stress at the root of inflammation, age-related diseases Don't avoid stress; learn to manage it Ruthlessly eliminate haste and hurry from your life -Engage in a belief in a higher power...47:20 Believe there's a story for your life, that you fit into a bigger picture Study: Church attendance, allostatic load and mortality in middle aged adults -Remain reproductively useful...50:17 If you want to replenish the earth, nature will want to keep you around Article: Old, horny Italians (LINK) In part 2, recorded from Runga in the Dominican Republic, I respond to questions from the audience, including: -What are the 2019 health trends...56:00 CBD Keto Stem cell booths Fasting -What is your view about high animal protein and how IGF-1 impacts longevity...58:53 -What's the best way to handle crinkle/crunch when bending at the knees...1:01:50 -What are the top 3 bio hacks for human optimization?...1:03:24 All comes down to the mitochondria Mineral-infused water Sunlight (photobiomodulation) Grounding with the earth (PEMF) -Does high-fat coffee break your fast?...1:05:53 Anything with calories breaks your fast -Top 5 quick tips for raising kids...1:07:11 Don't say "no" unless their life is in danger. Educate, let them learn to make decisions for themselves Adequate Vitamin D and K Genetically test your kids Teach how to deal with the cold Footwear (lots of bare feet) -Top 3 tips for increasing longevity...1:12:52 -What are your thoughts on sunblock and sunglasses?...1:14:50 -The thought of eating a diet only of foods in season and allowing a break from naturally occurring plant toxins for longevity...1:17:38 -What are your top 3 tests in correlating lab/company frequency to monitor your health?... DNA (once in your life) Comprehensive blood panel once a year Dutch test -What type of diet would you recommend for a family of four with a budget of $100/week?...1:23:18 Calorie and nutrient dense foods Invest in half a cow, vertical gardening setup -How do you find the right balance between the physical/tangible elements of what you teach and the spiritual/intangibles?...1:25:44 Episode Sponsors: -Kion's Fasting Bundle. Contains 2 Bags Kion Coffee and 1 Bottle Kion Aminos Tablets. This is Kion’s Favorite Combo to Support Fasting! -JOOVV Medical-Grade, Full-Body Light Therapy. "It's the only light therapy device I'd ever recommend. Give it a try: you won't be disappointed." Use code "ben" at checkout and receive a nice bonus gift with your order. -Organifi Gold combines turmeric with smooth coconut milk, cinnamon, ginger, lemon balm and two super mushrooms to create a warm relaxation beverage. Use discount code "greenfield" at checkout and receive 20% off your entire purchase! Got a question for me about the 12 ways you can increase your longevity? Just leave a comment below and I'll reply!  See for privacy information.
Jan 10, 2019 • 1h 9min

Q&A 393: How To Increase Testosterone After Exercise, Keto For Athletes, Keto Pancakes, Cream Cheese, CBD Gummies & More!

Jan 10 2019, Q&A Episode 393: How To Increase Testosterone After Exercise, Keto For Athletes, Keto Pancakes, Cream Cheese, CBD Gummies & More! During this podcast intro, Ben mentions Thorne Mediclear, The Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, Elemental Health CBD, BioCBD, Thorne Hemp and his new book releasing at Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the button at the bottom of the page (or go to SpeakPipe), or use the Contact button in the free Ben Greenfield Fitness app. News Flashes [6:50] CBD, Keto and Romaine Lettuce? The 5 foods the internet was most obsessed with in 2018: Here’s why the carnivore diet probably works well for may folks: Is a ketogenic diet good for athletes or bodybuilders? (Long article, but scroll to end for good summary): This 70 year old track star is very inspiring, and an interesting diet too - 18 hour fasts…. You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,,, and Google+. Special Announcements [37:34] This podcast is brought to you by: –The Butcher Box Skip the store and spend more time on what's important - family. Get your meat delivered, for free, right to your door. Each box, whether it's chosen by you or curated by us, is perfectly packed and portioned for your needs. Get 2 FREE pounds of wild caught Alaskan salmon. -Kion Coffee What's better than Kion Coffee? Keeping it piping hot at home, in the office, or on-the-go in a stylish Kion Tumbler! -Organifi Red Juice. A “Tart-Sweet” Custom Brew With The HOTTEST Fat Melting And “Skin-Firming” Superfoods In The World. Use discount code "Greenfield" at checkout and get 20% off your entire order.  -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories about his morning, day and evening routine!  Ben's Adventures: [43:40] – January 12, 2019: TEDxCoeurdalene, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. I am thrilled to present topics in longevity and biohacking to in an intimate setting to an inspired audience. Join me! –January 30, 2019: NextHealth FOREFRONT Talk with Ben Greenfield: NextHealth, Century City, CA Westfield Mall 10250 Santa Monica Blvd LA CA 90067 to RSVP and for more information, send an email to – Jan 20 – 21, 2019: Serious Business Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. This conference is going invoke thought and insight and expose you to new ideas and thinking on self-development and business in the beauty industry. Register here. – February 22- 24, 2019: CalJam: The Rebel Yell Tour. California Jam combines a TED talk format with a rock n’ roll show in-between! The driving objective of the event is to get attendees up to date on chiropractic research, scientific studies, and useful practice management strategy. The hope is that attendees bring all they learn at Cal Jam back to their communities to implement real, rippling change. Get your tickets here before the prices go up! – April 6 – 7, 2019: FitCon Summit, Salt Lake City, Utah. FitCon® encourages everyone to Find Their Fit. It does not matter whether it is powerlifting, Crossfit, bodybuilding, roller derby, or even axe throwing. Be sure to visit the Kion booth in the expo! – April 26 – 28, 2019: Paleo f(x) Conference, Austin, Texas. Join me, staff from my company, Kion, and the rest of your tribe at Paleo f(x)™ 2019, the largest gathering of Paleo / ancestral health / keto / functional medicine / strength & conditioning experts in the world… see everything you'll get out of this enriching, enlightening event. Besides, April is a wonderful time of year to visit Austin, TX….Get your tickets here. – June 23 – July 7, 2019: European Detox Retreat, Paracelsus al Ronc, Switzerland. At this 2019 liver detox and R&R at the beautiful Swiss Mountain Clinic (formerly Paracelsus al Ronc) in the Italian quarter of Switzerland, you will stay on-site and receive diagnostics and treatments from the best doctors of biological medicine to detox your liver and your soul. Plus you're going to have a wonderful time hiking, sightseeing and enjoying one of the most beautiful places in the world. Here's the link to more info. *this event is sold out, waitlist is available -View the Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Calendar Here Giveaways & Goodies -This week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick. How To Increase Testosterone After Exercise [47:08] Jim says: You have talked about how testosterone levels can be prolonged if you simply fast after a workout and that they dip if you eat post-workout. I am wondering if eating post-workout just causes a drop in blood testosterone because your insulin takes the testosterone out of the blood and shovels it into the muscle to begin recovery. So I am wondering if eating post workout is actually something we could do to enhance recovery and that blood levels of testosterone are not, in fact, the real desired effect. In my response, I recommend: -My podcast on the benefits of fasted exercise -My podcast with Mark Sisson -Kion essential amino acids -Essential amino acids and muscle protein recovery from resistance exercise How To Fix The School Lunch Program [59:53] Ben says: I would love to hear your ideas for avoiding the epidemic of poor quality food in our public school system. And also if you have any ideas of how we can affect a change in the system so future children don't have to suffer. My daughter's kindergarten offers hot dogs, nachos, corn dogs and an ice cream truck from Hershey's. I would love you hear your thoughts on combating this issue and getting better vendors into the system. In my response, I recommend: -The book "Feeding You Lies" -What Kids Around The World Eat For School Lunch -Healthy School Lunch Campaign -Packing The Perfect Lunchbox by Weston. A Price Prior to asking your question, do a search in the upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! ----------------------------------------------------- See for privacy information.
Jan 5, 2019 • 1h 33min

A Biohacking Clinic Straight From The Deck Of Star Trek, The Minimum Effective Dose Of Exercise, How Ben Greenfield Fasts, Increasing Mitochondrial Density & Much More!

In this podcast, Ben Greenfield talks to Dr. Shah from NextHealth Clinic in LA. They discuss topics such as optimizing longevity through telomere analysis, personalizing diets with genetic testing, the impact of ancestral diets and epigenetics on health, strategies for improving sleep quality, the importance of fasting for longevity, methods to improve red blood cell health, the significance of cardiac exams and cholesterol measurements, and various biohacking treatments available at the clinic.
Jan 3, 2019 • 1h 6min

What You Didn't Know About CBD & THC, Fixing Lyme Disease, The Full Body Blood Change Reboot, Peptides 101, Hyperthermia & Much More!

Dr. Matthew Cook of Bioreset Medical. is one of the smartest, most cutting-edge physicians I've ever met, and this is part 2 of my amazing two-part interview with him, recorded from my home in Spokane, WA. You can listen to part 1 at "Immortal Cells, Biohacking Pain, Killing Lyme, Stem Cell Confusion, How Ketamine Works & Much More With Dr. Matt Cook."  During that first episode we discussed: he's used the nootropic methylene blue to solve a difficult medical case... he's upgrading stem cells to make them far more potent... he's treating depression effectively in as little as 20 minutes with a special brew that includes ketamine, NAD and vitamin IVs... he's reversing musculoskeletal disorders using something called "hydrodissection"... Dr. Cook founded BioReset Medical Corporation and as acting President, operates a Regenerative Medicine and Pain Medicine practice that offers leading-edge non-surgical solutions in orthopedic medicine, sports medicine, regenerative pain medicine, and stem cell medicine. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experience in medical practice. Currently, Dr. Cook is President of California Anesthesia and Medical Director of the National Surgery Center, Los Gatos, CA. In addition, he sits on the scientific advisory board of several high profile medical companies including BM DOC, FREMEDICA & VASPER SYSTEMS. Dr. Cook’s early career as an anesthesiologist and medical director of an outpatient surgery center that specializes in sports medicine and orthopedic procedures provided invaluable training in the skills that are needed to become a leader in the emerging fields of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound imaging, nerve hydrodissection, and stem cell medicine. During this Part 2 discussion, you'll discover: -Dr. Cook's Opinion on the use of beta blockers in preparing for performance...9:30 Gave a talk to over 2,000 doctors early in his career Was given a beta blocker by an associate; Heart rate went down to 25 bpm. Never taken another beta blocker since. Sweet spot for everything. Biohacking too high or too low is problematic Has used beta blockers with anesthesia to calm the heart rate. -Plasmapheresis, what Dr. Cook's considers to be one of the "next big things" in the medical industry...11:58 Plasmapheresis A method of removing blood plasma from the body by withdrawing blood, separating it into plasma and cells, and transfusing the cells back into the bloodstream. It is performed especially to remove antibodies in treating autoimmune conditions. It has also been studied as a treatment for neurocognitive and Neuro degenerative problems like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It’s kind of like an oil change in your vehicle. If there is systemic inflammation, often that inflammation is in the plasma of the blood. Different from parabiosis Same procedure as Dr. Mark Urdahl and I discussed on the podcast a few months ago. (Listen to the episode here.) Most people who seek plasmapheresis have a serious conditions like Lyme, dementia, Parkinsons, etc. Effect on a healthy person: No negative effect. Nothing wrong with a thorough examination Length of the procedure: 2-3 hours, 1x/week for 6 weeks. -Dr. Cook's thoughts on the use of cannabinoids in his practice...18:50 We have cannabinoid receptors in our brains. Part of our nervous system is called the endocannabinoid system. Expect a surge of use in the next 10 years among health optimizers and chronically ill people. "Entourage effect" Unicorn: a company that is purifying cannabinoids and get all the solvents out Delta 8 THC vs. Delta 9. Rick Simpson Oil: highly potent What are terpines? The terpines are the flavor the smell and much of the effect. The effect of sativa or the effect of the indica is from the terpines in that strain. Can be up to 100 terpines in a strainCan also control flavonoids.... Unicorn can make them bioavailability We are going to be studying these blends Do you give a f*ck? Here's how to follow what's up with the Unicorn brand: -Dr. Cook's approach to dealing with gut issues...31:40 Get a sense of symptoms Test for parasites, the microbiome, stool sample Food goes through the stomach, to small intestine. Small intestine is sterile Goes into large intestine, trillions of bacteria Parasites live in the small intestine SIBO: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (Listen to my podcast with Dr. Michael Ruscio here) Anti-inflammatory diets Collagen, bone broth, colostrum is efficacious in healing the gut. Everything is fixable. "Bio Reset" -What Dr. Cook likes and uses in his practice with peptides...43:55 Peptide is a smaller version of a protein BPC 157 used in combination with stem cells and treating GI problems TB 500 Thymosin used for chronic infections Peptides becoming common for treatment of chronic illnesses Immune over response and under response - Immune modulation Nootropic peptides: Seamax, Sealance -What is "hyperthermia"?...51:22 Used for treating chronic infections and cancer. Two options under consideration: High tech sauna Venovenus Malarial treatment: German doctor discovered a way to cure malaria using hyperthermia in the 1920's after WWI. -Dr. Cook's approach to treating Lyme disease...59:17 Similar approach as to the gut. Tick-borne illness Effects similar to syphilis Step back, get broadest possible level. Full assessment food allergies pain in joints Neural lyme What modalities have been successful? Ozone Ketamine NAD Peptides Regenerative medicines: exosomes and stem cells (Listen to my podcast with Dr. Harry Adelson here) -How Dr. Cook teaches other doctors in these practices...1:09:00 -And much more! Resources from this episode: Part 1: Immortal Cells, Biohacking Pain, Killing Lyme, Stem Cell Confusion, How Ketamine Works & Much More With Dr. Matt Cook -Young Blood Institute podcast -Dr. Michael Ruscio podcast -The Swiss Detox Retreat Ben is leading in summer 2019 -Book - Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness -Podcast with Dr. Harry Adelson Episode Sponsors: -The Kion Fasting Challenge Learn The Most Popular Fasts, How To Do Them, And How They Can Boost Your Health. Get my free guide, Fasting Decoded, get in on all the goodness at -Organifi delivers quality nutrition to the world with delicious, easy-to-mix superfood drinks. Hundreds of thousands of women and men use Organifi products to sleep better, get their energy back and achieve their weight loss goals. Use code "Greenfield" at checkout and receive 20% off your entire purchase! -Christian Gratitude Journal Unlock the power of gratitude. When you introduce conscious, mindful gratitude into your day, positivity will begin to pour into your life – along with all the other scientifically proven physical, mental and spiritual benefits you’re about to discover. Get 20% off your order with coupon code "grateful2019" when you purchase 2 or more journals! -Clearlight Saunas is increasing the prices on their saunas next month. So if you've been thinking of getting one, now's the time. Use coupon code "bengreenfield" and get the original pricing, plus free shipping within the U.S. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Cook or me? Leave your comments at and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.
Dec 29, 2018 • 1h 4min

The Hidden Health Epidemic Nobody Is Talking About (& 6 Ways To Protect Yourself From It)

I’m an introvert through and through. A multitude of personality tests that I’ve taken, including the Quiet Revolution test and the Myers-Briggs analysis, have backed this up. Perhaps it’s genetics or perhaps it’s because I was homeschooled K-12 in rural Idaho. Whatever the case may be, I’m “that guy” at busy conferences who ducks away to my room to go recharge my batteries every few hours – something I can only accomplish by escaping the crowds and being entirely by myself. I thrive on long walks, multi-hour hikes and extended bike rides – usually alone. I become exhausted at networking events and cocktail parties and often slip away early to sleep, to curl up with a good book, or simply to meditate and breathe. Even at family events, I can often be found off in some quiet corner reading or strumming on my guitar or ukulele. As a matter of fact, when I was a child, my parents had to coax me, persuade me and yes, even  threaten me with punishment, to actually get my nose out of my book and be gracious enough to ever so briefly emerge from my bedroom to say a quick hello to any guests we had at the house, after which I would subsequently rush back to my room and curl up once again with my book (I’d often read until 3 or 4am and consume several books each day and night!).  But at the same time, even though I’m completely happy being a loner, I now go out of my way to ensure that (as uncomfortable or unnatural as it was for me initially) I spend plenty of time carving out a couple hours each night for a family dinner and nighttime family rituals, for connecting with old and new friends, for attending networking events, for scheduling plenty of book signings and meet-and-greets, for traveling to crowded conferences and for actively engaging in local church, community and charity events. In fact, if one didn't know better, they might honestly mistake me for a bit of a social butterfly. So - aside from my desire to not be an arrogant, hard-to-approach, uncommunicative @$$hole - why have I begun to incorporate such a strong emphasis in my life on optimizing friends, charity, community relationships and love? As it turns out, there is a fascinating link between love, family, social connectedness and relationships and a longer lifespan. I'm about to supply you with a host of practical love tips to include in your own life for a longer lifespan and better health. After all, owning an amazing body and a sharp mind can all be for naught if loneliness, sadness, inflammation, high blood pressure and accelerated aging are all occurring due to a lack of friendships, social relationships, community, charity and love. This podcast will teach you exactly why and how to include these important components into your own body, mind and spirit routine. During this solosode, you'll discover: -How loneliness, or "social isolation" negatively affects your physical health...8:30 Becoming more and more of a problem worldwide Correlated with the increased use of "social" media Physicians are simply not trained how to deal with it Can affect anyone, anywhere. Not limited to a particular demographic, i.e. introverts, socially awkward, depressed, etc. Affects a person physically as well as emotionally Ancestral roots of our social needs; "loneliness" meant the tribe had abandoned you. Dunbar's Number: Total # of companions we can effectively socialize: 150 12 people in an "inner circle" Social media is effective for facilitating community, but lacks the deep connections you get from face to face We don't know our neighbors by name and by face We're not experiencing relationships the way we're programmed to Signals and "vibes" we give off in face to face -The correlation between smartphone prevalence and loneliness...16:15 Smartphone addiction and social anxiety Kids who spend more than 3 hours per day on a phone are at higher risk of suicide and depression "Not an exaggeration to say the iGen is on the brink of the worst social mental health crisis in decades..." Is it possible to develop personal relationships via an impersonal medium made up of algorithms? Book: Reclaiming Conversations (link) Use of email depersonalizes social interactions Emotional intelligence suffers Book: I'd Like You More If You Were More Like Me (link) -Practical things you can do to fight loneliness...24:12 Book: Blue Zones "The power of love" It's more efficacious to give love than to receive love from others Expressing gratitude increases your empathy toward others Altruism: Helping others who are stressed helps with your own stress levels Don't be kind, help others etc. because you think it's going to improve your health; do it because you want to do it. Book: Never Eat Alone (Link) -The chemistry behind face to face interactions...38:20 Pacinian corpuscles; travels to the Vagus nerve Release of oxytocin (don't have sex before buying a used car) Seratonin (similar to anti-depressants) Pheromones -6 ways to enhance your life and longevity with love...47:15 Volunteer your time Parents Local schools Churches Nursing homes Coach sports Tutor Deliver meals Throw dinner parties Find Meetups Reddit Apps: Scout, Excuses to Meet, etc. Church activities Renew forsaken family relationships Family conflicts engender anger, bitterness, etc. Direct eye contact significantly helps to communicate in difficult circumstances Acknowledge your faults; Book: The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Green (link) Reclaim real conversation Louis C.K. with Conan: Digital conversations are less empathetic Real conversation begins with solitude and self-reflection Turn off notifications on your phone Apps: App Detox, Flipped, Onward, Forest -And Much More!!! Resources from this episode: -The Christian Gratitude Journal Episode sponsors: -Kion Ancestral nutrients, modern molecules, clean energy bars and the purest coffee you'll find anywhere! -Onnit 6 Kettlebell Transformation Program. A full-body, transformative workout you can do in the comfort of your own home in just six weeks. Receive 10% off your entire order from Onnit when you use my link! -MVMT Watches Make your wrist a conversation piece. Take advantage of MVMT's year-end sale and take an additional 15% off your order when you use my link! -WHOOP By wearing WHOOP 24/7, you'll unlock the secrets your body is trying to tell you. Get a $30 discount on your first 6 month membership, which includes the wristband, when you use code "ben" at checkout! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for me? Leave your comments at and I will reply!See for privacy information.
Dec 27, 2018 • 53min

Busting the Myth of the Pre and Post Workout Meal: Fasted Exercise and Its Benefits

Consider this... Billions of people around the world don't know what or even when their next meal will be. Because of this uncertainty, they move as little as possible so as to conserve as much energy as they can. Meanwhile, you and I have the luxury of actually choosing notto eat while food is in abundance. And then actually burningcalories while we are in a fasted state. This podcast is the recording of a talk I gave on the topic of Fasted Exercise to the Live It to Lead It conference in Las Vegas, NV this past month. In this episode, you'll learn... -How I got introduced to the concept of pre and post-workout fasting during my years as a body builder...7:05 Conventional thought at the time: Eat a lot right after workout, to get into the "recovery window" Snack and graze Explored other options when I got into endurance training Discovered "ketosis" in 2013 Amino acids Dominic D'Agostino -Busting the myth of snacking and pre/post-workout meals...12:45 Importance of the post-workout meal is vastly decreased if you haven't been fasting prior to the workout. Only benefit from a performance standpoint is if you workout again within 8 hours. After 24 hours, the body naturally replenishes its glycogen levels. If you've eaten prior to a workout, you don't need to replenish aminos, glycogen, etc. I bend the rules if I'm working with someone who needs to build body mass. -What fasted exercise actually is...18:05 Exercising in a state of glycogen depletion A light workout in a fasted state is preferable (in the morning) For evening workouts, you'll have not eaten since lunch, then you can eat after working out, but it's not essential to do so immediately. -The 10 benefits of fasted exercise...25:10 Burning more fat Anti-aging effect Better brain function Increased growth hormone levels Improved insulin sensitivity Increased testosterone Enhanced fat loss Better endurance More stable gut during exercise Hunger management -Practical ways to do fasted workouts...41:15 Exercise before breakfast Need to include carbs in breakfast? Only if you're going to workout again within 8 hours. Don't eat dinner for an hour or two after late-afternoon or early-evening workout. Use supplements Amino acids Ketone salts Potassium Electrolytes -A few cautions...47:10 "Bonking" Decreased intensity (depending on the scenario) Post-workout hyper caloric compensation (stuffing your face) And much more! Episode Sponsors: -Kion Lean Support for normal blood sugar levels and healthy energy metabolism, even after large, carb-rich meals. -Organifi The the best green juice out there, in my opinion, and it tastes pretty dang good too! Use code "Greenfield" to get 20% off your order. -Harry's RazorsTry the shaving company that's fixing shaving. We make it easy to switch, with a trial offer. -Gainswave The best bedroom biohack for men who are hunting down A-1 sexual performance. Use my link and get a free treatment with the purchase of 6 treatments! Got a question about fasted workouts? Just drop a comment below and I'll reply ASAP!See for privacy information.
Dec 22, 2018 • 1h 12min

CBD vs. THC For Sleep, Microdosing Psilocybin, Can You Overdo Modafinil, How To Re-Program Your Body Language & Much More With Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger is back! In my first podcast episode with Jordan we talked about: -What kind of body language mistakes that fit people with nice bodies make which hold them back socially… -How to reprogram your brain to actually like and appreciate things like kale smoothies and ginger juice… -A simple eye trick to get you to “fake it until you make it” with extreme social confidence… -Why bars and clubs are not necessarily the places to go to to enhance your social intelligence and ability to build relationships… -How I went from eating fast food, being ultra-shy and reading fantasy novels to being named as one of the world's top 100 most influential people in health and fitness… Jordan has always had an affinity for Social Influence, Interpersonal Dynamics and Social Engineering, helping private companies test the security of their communications systems and working with law enforcement agencies before he was even old enough to drive. He has spent several years abroad in Europe and the developing world, including South America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and speaks several languages. He has also worked for various governments and NGOs overseas, traveled through war-zones and been kidnapped -twice. He’ll tell you - the only reason he’s still alive and kicking is because of his ability to talk his way into (and out of), just about any type of situation. On his podcast, he gets deep into the untapped wisdom of the world's top performers -- from legendary musicians to intelligence operatives, iconoclastic writers to visionary change-makers, deconstructing the playbooks of the most successful people on earth. Among the many things Jordan and I discussed here in Round 2: -Various drug-related topics...2:42 Hefty CBD doses enhance deep sleep Throw THC into the mix, sleep latency drops Does it affect your health negatively during the day? You are rested, just a little bit groggy. Ultimate coffee mix to turn on the brain during the day Ghee Put in Four Sigmatic Lions Mane extract Salt Trace amount of Psilocybin MiCacao Stevia Jordan's adverse reaction to taking Modafinil and the reasons I use it Erectile dysfunction vs. brain dysfunction Jordan set the record on the Kegel Camp App -About Robert Greene and his book, The Laws of Human Nature...24:40 Non-verbal communication Appearance is more important than words for first impressions Much of what we believe is either flawed or just wrong Jordan called out a former spy because of his NV communication Codified a system of personality archetypes geared toward high performers Why do Athletes and high achievers come across as intimidating? Shame for their own inactivity The more we look at someone and think they're relatable to us, the more any change in them makes us more uncomfortable or resentful Rather than congratulate them, people find excuses why achievers are snobby, arrogant, etc. People don't like their shortcomings highlighted -Non-verbal communication techniques Jordan teaches to be better received if you're an athlete or high achiever...43:40 Hidden anxiety regarding sense of self Motivations change as you progress through life; Comparison can be efficacious to your self-development and also very unhealthy High achievers shirk others because they don't provide any motivation Soon you realize you have no close friends, it's affecting your emotional health. How to behave when you're "that guy" to allow others to be more comfortable around you. Make yourself more relatable Smile more; loosen the jaw -Recreating "authentic" body language, even if it feels inauthentic...57:30 What we think is "authentic" is often us manipulating our body language to give off a desired vibe. -Jordan's observations on an annoying body language quirk that I have...1:03:40 -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Jordan's website and podcast -Jordan's interview with Robert Greene -Jordan's interview with David Buss -MiCacao -FourSigmatic Lion's Mane -The Kegel Camp app -Ben's article on The Private Gym -Book: The Laws Of Human Nature -Dr. David Buss books -Mini Post-It Notes Episode Sponsors: -Kion Check out our steep discounts on product bundles (like the Daily Life Bundle). Check it out if you're looking for ways to use those holiday gift cards! -Organifi delivers quality nutrition to the world with delicious, easy-to-mix superfood drinks. Get 20% off your order when you use code "Greenfield" at check out. -Birdwell Beach Britches "Quality is our Gimmick" isn’t just our slogan, it’s a commitment we honor with every stitch we sew. Use discount code "ben" at check out and get 10% off your order + free shipping on orders over $99. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Jordan or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.
Dec 20, 2018 • 1h 7min

The Most Transformative Process I've Ever Discovered For Crystal-Clear Clarity, Purpose & Direction In Life

Four months ago, my wife and I went through the most transformational process we have ever embarked upon. It was called Lifebook Although you can now go through the entire Lifebook process online, no matter where you live in the world, we did ours in Estonia - jam-packed into a room with over 20 other individuals who, like us, wanted to get ultimate clarity, direction and purpose for each aspect of their lives. I think of my Lifebook as me, in a book. In other words, if I were to, God forbid, get hit by a bus tomorrow, someone would be able to hand my children my Lifebook and say, "Here. Here is your Dad, in a book. This is everything he stands for, believes in and values, and everything he would have wanted to teach to you about life. My Lifebook now holds a precious place in the mantle above the fireplace in our home, and has also been integrated into our family trust. As you can imagine, I'm very proud and excited of this discovery, and I wanted to get the inventor of the Lifebook on the podcast: Jon Butcher - who Chicago Magazine dubbed as "the guy with the most perfect life". Along with his wonderful wife Missy, Jon is a serial entrepreneur and the creators of Lifebook, an extraordinary system that has helped thousands transform their lives from ordinary to a living masterpiece. Jon and Missy have learned how to defy aging, experience long-lasting love, redefine education and build the perfect living environment (trust me, I've been to their home and it is a complete dream house). Drawing from deeply personal experiences, Jon and Missy, along with their partner, Joe Polish, also founded the Artists For Addicts project. Its mission is to change the global conversation surrounding addiction from one of judgment to one of compassion. During our discussion, you'll learn...  -Why Jon and his wife Missy are moving to Hawaii after 30 years living in Chicago...8:25 Consistent with the purpose of the Lifebook: To find clarity in your "life vision". Hawaii has always been a special place for Jon and Missy, even after visiting nearly 100 countries. More leisure, less activity in day to day life. -About Jon's unique philosophy on raising his children...11:45 "Respectful disregard" for the status quo. Look at options, make a decision independent of what others may choose. Underwent a "vision quest" recently with his family. Historical examples of boys becoming men via a rite of passage Underwent Vision Quest with a Shaman in France. Targeted specifically to Jon's 14 year old son, family did it in support The son learned the hard way to remember to pack all your gear. Was a profound experience for Jon personally and especially for his son. The Earth can heal you. Modern kids don't learn to deal with real hardship. Check out my recent podcast on Vision Quest's with Tim Corcoran  -The story of how Lifebook came to be...27:40 Living fast and furious in his 20's; caught up with him in early 30's. Two panic attacks Agoraphobia, nervous breakdown Jon's dad ordered two self-development programs: Attacking Anxiety; Personal Power 2 8 year process of healing Jon kept notes from all his self-development programs in a binder: Breakthroughs, Goals, etc. Eventually focused on 12 categories to create an extraordinary life Evolved over a period of 15 years; never showed it to anyone else. Introduced it to a health and fitness group; others expressed interest in creating one Astounding results Jon and Missy knew they had something special on their hands Didn't want to share; But it was something they couldn't NOT do. -The 12 areas the Lifebook optimizes and why Jon chose them...40:10 "Personal" Health and fitness Intellectual life Emotional life Personal Character Spiritual life "Relationship" Love and romance Parenting (yours and your own parents) Social life - friends and extended family "Professional" Career Financial life Quality of Life Overall Life Vision -The overall strategy by which you accomplish your Lifebook experience...45:55 Four steps to each category Premise Purpose Vision Strategy Four questions for each category: What do I believe about...? What do I want in the realm of...? Why do I want...? What do I need to get...? The primary motivation for each category will probably change, i.e. health and fitness vs. money -Ben reveals his weakest category in the Lifebook process and how his overall life purpose helped strengthen it...53:12 -How to undertake the Lifebook experience online for a fraction of the cost of an in-person event...1:03:00 You can do it for free. The catch: You need to finish the program. Pay a $500 deposit. If you finish, you get it back or apply to another program. -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Click here to sign up for Lifebook today -My Purpose Mountain podcast on Vision Quests with Tim Corcoran -Manex Ibar, the shaman who did Jon and his son's Vision Quest Episode Sponsors: -Kion Check out our steep discounts on product bundles (like the Daily Life Bundle). They make terrific holiday gifts! -GAINSWave The bedroom biohack for guys looking to enhance their sex life like gang busters. Use my link and learn how to earn a free treatment! -Thrive Market Your Favorite Organic Foods and Products...Up to 50% Off...Delivered to Your Door. Get an extra 25% off your order when you order through my link. -Omax 3 The purest Omega 3 supplement that exists on the market. Get 60% off your first month's supply, plus free shipping and a 60 day money back guarantee! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Jon or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.
Dec 15, 2018 • 1h 11min

Billion Dollar Meals, $35 Smoothies, Peptides For Tanning & Erections, Holotropic Breathwork, MDMA, Ketamine, Addiction Recovery & More With Khalil Rafati

Khalil Rafati shares his journey from addiction to creating superfood creations like the billion dollar meal. Topics include luxurious dining experiences, using substances for addiction recovery, and exploring personal transformation through yoga and sobriety.
Dec 13, 2018 • 1h 11min

Immortal Cells, Biohacking Pain, Killing Lyme, Stem Cell Confusion, How Ketamine Works & Much More With Dr. Matt Cook.

Dr. Matthew Cook of Bioreset Medical is one of the smartest, most cutting-edge physicians I've ever met. In one single dinner in San Francisco with him, I learned... he's using the nootropic methylene blue for solving a difficult medical case... he's upgrading stem cells to make them far more potent... he's treating depression effectively in as little as 20 minutes with a special brew that includes ketamine, NAD and vitamin IV's... he's reversing musculoskeletal disorders using something called "hydrodissection"... ...and much, much more... Dr. Cook founded BioReset Medical Corporation and as acting President, operates a Regenerative Medicine and Pain Medicine practice that offers leading edge non-surgical solutions in orthopedic medicine, sports medicine, regenerative pain medicine, and stem cell medicine. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experience in medical practice. Currently Dr. Cook is President of California Anesthesia, Anesthesiologist, Interventional Pain management, and Regenerative Medicine and Medical Director of the National Surgery Center, Los Gatos, CA. In addition, he sits on the scientific advisory board of several high profile medical companies including BM DOC, FREMEDICA & VASPER SYSTEMS. Dr. Cook’s early career as an anesthesiologist and medical director of an outpatient surgery center that specializes in sports medicine and orthopedic procedures provided invaluable training in the skills that are needed to become a leader in the emerging fields of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound imaging, nerve hydrodissection, and stem cell medicine. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What Dr. Cook did with methylene blue, and how he activated it with light...8:55 Met an expert who used it to treat interstitial cystitis, a condition that causes very painful bladder that is difficult to treat. Administered via IV, then uses blue LED light over it. There's a micro biome in the bladder. Blue light causes methylene to absorb into the bladder. Dislocates infections from the wall of the bladder. -Hydrodissection: What it is, and how it differs from prolotherapy...14:35 Sticking a needle under direct vision via ultrasound into a tissue plain in-between two muscles. Operating in a fascial plain: arteries, veins, tendons. Previous procedures involving dissection would cause scarring, sometimes leaving patients in worse shape than when they started. Pressure of fluid separating the tissue plain reduces scarring. How is it different from prolotherapy: Prolotherapy treats ligamentous laxity (joints) Hydrodissection treats the nerves and arteries that go into the joints. Treatments are done in tandem. Combination of ultrasound and x-ray is called fusion. Dr. Cook used this therapy with the Washington Nationals baseball team. -How to think of ground force going through the body...23:45 You must have structural integrity in the nerves. As force (from punching a punching bag for example) moves through the body without structural integrity, you get torque leaking out. Puts stress, wear and tear on the joint. This "leakage" compounded over time causes permanent damage to joints, ligaments, etc. Focus of treatment is to relieve this stress, or leakage, and create high quality movement to create structural integrity and prevent recurrence of the problem. - Dr. Cook's approach to stem cells, and why...28:10 Assess the patient, then tailor an appropriate treatment for the specific problem. Joints, spine, IV treatments Terms to know re: stem cells: Totipotent: capable of giving rise to any cell type or (of a blastomere) a complete embryo. Pluripotent: capable of giving rise to several different cell types. Multipotent: develop into more than one cell type, but are more limited than pluripotent cells. Autologous: obtained from the same individual Mesenchymal: An adult "professional" stem cell from a variety of ways. Here's a handy reference on stem cell terms. Whether adult stem cells can retain their healing properties without repairing tissue. No concrete answer yet. Differing approaches, regulatory apparatus is affecting the ability to answer V Cells (very small embryonic stem cells) Autologous Using umbilical cord blood and Wharton's jelly. You can donate placenta and umbilical cord blood. Wharton's jelly is the tissue that comes off the wall of the umbilical cord. Wharton's jelly, UC blood and amniotic fluid is blended together to make "matrix" of the placenta. Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory "Nature gives us a lot of clues..." Not that many stem cells in the UC blood. PRP (platelet rich plasma) PRP lysate  -Why exosomes may be the most important treatment in the future...55:25 Take stem cells and take to a lab, grow them in tissue culture; immortal cell line. Put stem cells on a ketogenic diet. Why do people still need to go overseas for treatment? "More than Minimum Manipulation": a term created by the regulatory apparatus on stem cell therapy. Must be done in Mexico; can't make there and bring across the border. Culture expanded Stem Cell Culture expanded Natural Killer Cell Therapy - Dr. Cook's unique approach to treating depression and managing pain...1:05:15 Ketamine therapy Turns off a pathway in the brain; turns on receptors (think turning off and on your computer) Makes people feel emotionally safe; gives hope. Your mind leaves "bread crumbs" of this feeling of hope; you remember it the next day, and the next... Creates a parasympathetic state -And MUCH more... Resources from this episode: -Bioreset Medical Clinic -Methylene Blue   -JOOVV infrared light full body panel -Vielight infrared light helmet -My podcast with Dr. Harry Adelson on stem cells Episode Sponsors: -Kion Come check out the fabulous Christmas specials we're running starting Dec. 13, the day this podcast is released. I recommend the Daily Life Bundle, which is what I use everyday as part of my routine. -Onnit Engineered for peak performance, Onnit is the easiest way to get optimized. Use my link and get 10% off your order. -Marc Pro We help you recover right and keep your body healthy, so you can do the things you love now without paying for it later. Use code "ben" at checkout and receive 5% off your order. -WHOOP By wearing WHOOP 24/7, you'll unlock the secrets your body is trying to tell you. Get a $30 discount and join the WHOOP community when you use code "ben" at checkout. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Cook or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!  See for privacy information.

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