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Nov 22, 2014 • 41min

The Extreme Sport You've Probably Never Heard Of, And How You Can Use It's Renegade Techniques To Become Superhuman.

While on assignment in Greece, journalist James Nestor witnessed something that confounded him: a man diving 300 feet below the ocean’s surface on a single breath of air and returning four minutes later, totally unharmed... ...and smiling. This man was a "freediver", and his superhuman abilities inspired James to seek out the secrets of the little-known discipline of free diving, and to write the new book, Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves. In the book, he embeds with a gang of extreme athletes and renegade researchers who are transforming not only our knowledge of the planet and its creatures, but also our understanding of the human body and mind. He finds whales that communicate with other whales hundreds of miles away through sonar, sharks that swim in straight lines through pitch-black waters using built-in, natural electromagnetic sensors, and seals who dive to depths below 2,400 feet for up to eighty minutes. From each of these strange phenomena are, James shows how humans themselves could be capable of these remarkable feats such as extreme breath-holding, echolocation, and alternate forms of communication. James has written for Outside Magazine, Dwell Magazine, National Public Radio, The New York Times, Men's Journal, The San Francisco Chronicle Magazine, and more, and in today's interview with James, you'll learn: -Why Olympic athletes are learning to hold their breath for more than 5 minutes... -How you can use something called "the Master Switch of Life" to enhance your heart and lung function... -What you can train your body to do to survive as you dive to greater depths... -A new form of air pressure equalization that allows you to go to incredible depths, and how to learn it... -How to use breath-hold walks and other forms of dry land breath training to increase your oxygen capacity... -Why WiFi routers and cell phones may actually be destroying your innate ability to sense your physical location on the planet... -How you can learn to navigate without seeing and instead by using a built-in ability called echolocation... -How you can learn to freedive... Resources From This Episode -The book Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves. -Ted Hardy from Immersion Freediving who can teach you the Frenzel Technique on Skype. -This Frenzel technique .pdf if you want to teach yourself. -Performance Freediving International to learn how to freedive. If you have questions, comments or feedback about how to start freediving, the book Deep, or anything else James and I discuss in the podcast, then leave them at for privacy information.
Nov 19, 2014 • 58min

Does A Vegetarian Diet Reduce Sperm Count, Cell Phones And Brain Cancer, What Is A Good "HRV" Number & More! Nov 19, 2014 Podcast: The Best Place to Live For An Active Lifestyle, How To Naturally Increase HCL Production, What Is A Good HRV Number, Meat Broth vs. Bone Broth, and Breath Ketones vs. Blood Ketones. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. The olive oil video Ben mentions (News Flash: You Really CAN Cook At High Temperatures With Extra Virgin Olive Oil!) News flash that cell phones can give you cancer? Not really. I’ve been saying this for years. New study shows that a vegetarian diet does something terrible to men. Do YOU warmup your breathing muscles? I actually do breathe in a Powerlung when driving to races (use code BGF025 for 25% discount) ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: Need to fix your gut, build new muscle, or enhance the effectiveness of your probiotic? The brand new Greenfield Fitness Systems NatureColostrum has arrived. Click here to check it out now. December 15-19, 2014: Ben interviews 23 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at Go ask your burning Obstacle Racing questions at for the brand new Obstacle Dominator podcast. December 4-5 Ben will be speaking at Mark Divine's Unbeatable Mind Retreat in Encinitas California. This is a life-changing experience for anyone looking to learn about SEAL principles, health and peak performance – with LIVE, hands-on training from Mark Divine and a world-renowned team of experts. January 30th - 31st, 2015, Ben will be speaking in Dubai - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Click here for all details. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. The Best Place to Live For An Active Lifestyle Geoff asks: Given your lifestyle of travel and sport, why do you live where you do? Where do you think would be the best place in the world to live for swimming, biking, running, wellness and living an active lifestyle in general? In my response I recommend: -Breezeometer -10 best big cities for active families (article) How To Naturally Increase HCL Production Cathy asks: She has tried to supplement with Betaine HCL (for all the good reasons you have mentioned in the past) but it gives her major insomnia, a little anxiety and some joint pain. She can't find any information on why this would be happening. She saw that it could be related to suppression of potassium and magnesium. Could it be a mineral imbalance? In my response I recommend: -The Digestion Sessions Summit -The Thorne Digestive Enyzmes with HCL -Gentian bitters -Mastic Gum for h. Pylori What Is A Good HRV Number? Annie asks: She wants to start using HRV to avoid over training. She understands that her LF and HF should be balanced with high power and that her HRV and rRMSD should be high... but she is not sure what numbers she should be looking for. What number is "ideal" and what number is "out of whack"? She is 25, if that makes a difference. Do you have any quantitative numbers that she can go by? In my response I recommend: -The Superhuman Coach Network -This HRV Measurement Explanation PDF Meat Broth vs. Bone Broth Robin asks: She has heard all about how good bone broth is for us and would like to start using it but she has heard that it is also very high in glutamate. She already has high glutamic acid in her blood so she is reluctant to try it in case it raises her glutamate even more. She is confused. Should she be drinking it? In my response I recommend: -The Organic bone broth from the Brothery -Metal Free supplement Breath Ketones vs. Blood Ketones Amely asks: She recently purchased a Ketonix breath ketone meter and is wondering how the measurements from the breath compare or relate to the measurements from a blood ketone meter? She doesn't want to buy a blood ketone meter but she does want to know if she is achieving a state of ketosis or not. She is worried the breath meter is not sensitive enough. Can you give her a sense of what the comparison between the blood and breath meters are? In my response I recommend: -Jimmy Moore's Ketone Clarity interviewSee for privacy information.
Nov 15, 2014 • 35min

Why You Get Cancer And What You Can Do About It

A couple weeks ago, I caught a lot of online flak for publishing a controversial article about how professional basketball player Lebron James' constant use of a cell phone held up to his head probably contributed heavily to his recent development of mouth cancer. And then, just yesterday, here on my wellness visit to Israel, I visited the home of another professional basketball player - Doron Sheffer (the photo above is of me and Doron in his backyard garden as I interview him). Doron was an amazing basketball player. He was an achiever. A hard-charger. A professional person. As a guard for the dominant college basketball team UConn, he fed the ball to star teammates like Ray Allen (recently with the NBA’s Miami Heat) and played for legendary coach Jim Calhoun. Sheffer averaged five assists and thirteen points per game, he hit 40 percent of his three-point attempts and he led the Uconn Huskies to a brilliant 89-13 record, along with NCAA tournament appearances in each of his three seasons. He was the first Israeli ever drafted by the NBA (the Los Angeles Clippers selected him in the second round in 1996), but he instead signed a lucrative contract with the Israeli professional basketball team, Maccabi Tel Aviv - which he then led to four consecutive national championships. But then Doron got cancer. Testicular cancer. All the tremendous pressure, tension, difficulties, frustrations pent-up emotions and stress from the life of a hard-charging professional athlete eventually built up inside him and culminated in disease. --------------------------- Stress Causes Cancer Indeed, scientists have actually discovered that emotional stress similar to what Doron experienced can be a trigger for the growth of tumors. As a matter of fact, any sort of trauma, emotional or physical stress, can act as a literal pathway between cancerous mutations, bringing them together in a potentially fatal combination. In other words, your risk for developing cancer can be positively or negatively affected by your emotional environment, including everyday work, physical, emotional and relationship stress. Now here's the deal: I'm personally a very hard-charging guy focused on personal and professional excellence in everything I do. And as I noted to Doron in the audio that accompanies this article, I truly believe that unless you are able to relax, to breathe, to de-stress and to simply stop and smell the roses, you're going to be the kind of person who eventually develops a disease that puts your fast-forward life into slow-motion. So you have to put the brakes on before your body puts the brakes on and forces you to stop, perhaps with the flu, perhaps with back pain, or perhaps with cancer. Make sense? ----------------------------- How To Slow Down Before Your Body Forces You To Slow Down (Audio And Video) The ultimate question is: how can you do this? How can you slow down before your body forces you to slow down? How can you somehow dig yourself out of a hole of a constant barrage of e-mails, text messages, phone calls, over-exercising, eating to train and training to eat, going to bed late, 24-7 self-quantified biohacking, trying to "have everything", getting up early and still somehow managing to squeeze in some semblance of quality in your friend and family relationships? This is exactly what Doron figured out, and this man's new approach to life, his answers, and his new aura of peace and calm spoke heavily to me, which is why I'm now sharing his story with you. He defied conventional medicine and naturally healed his body of cancer, and his approach to life is now refreshing, relaxed and incredibly peaceful. Myself and the team from Vibe Israel visited Doron at his peaceful home and private health resort "Hyuli" in Amirim, in the mountains of Northern Israel. Amirim was founded in 1958 as a retreat for vegetarians, and it now serves as a residence and hotspot for a community of aromatherapists, massage therapists, herb gardens, spas, a health food shop, an organic olive oil shop, art galleries, restaurants and wellness bed and breakfasts. These mountains are where Doron reinvigorated his body and underwent his own "spiritual cleanse" after winning his battle against testicular cancer. These mountains are also where Doron talked to us for 30 minutes about his new perspective on life - 30 minutes of some of the most valuable content you'll ever listen to or watch (if you're serious about living happy and disease-free). Just do me a favor: don't listen to or watch this one while you're out pounding the pavement, punishing the gym, or doing hardcore intervals on your bicycle. Instead, go sit in your backyard, or at the park, or in a comfortable chair in your living room and just breathe and soak in the message. Ready? Click here to listen to the audio of our talk with Doron, which was recorded in his backyard garden looking over the beautiful hills of Amirim, and eating organic figs, goji berries and sweet local almonds. Click here for the video version, or watch below (video may not yet be fully uploaded). ----------------------------- Summary So that's it. What do you think after listening to the audio or watching the video? What can you change in your own hard-charging life so that you can slow down before you're forced to? Leave your questions, comments and feedback at Click here to check out Doron's private health resort, which is actually open for visitations and retreats for people who want to find the same kind of peace that Doron found, and engage in therapies like Tai Chi, Yoga, Qigong, farming, water treatment, solar healing and simply...playing.See for privacy information.
Nov 12, 2014 • 34min

What You Can Learn From The Burgeoning Health, Wellness And Nutrition Scene In Israel.

Welcome to the official report from Israel, where my wife Jessa and I are touring with Vibe Israel, who have brought international on- and offline opinion leaders in health and nutrition on a weeklong personalized experience of the burgeoning wellness scene Israel, including us,Lee from, Emily from and Kate from If you haven't yet discovered Israel as a country to add to your "must-visit" bucket list, you need to do it. Just check out Part 1: The Israman Triathlon and Ben Greenfield’s Fifteen Fun Facts About Israel, Part 2: Ben Greenfield Engages In Potent Anti-Aging Mediterranean Cuisine Face-Stuffing, and Part 3: Top 10 Tips For Racing Israman Triathlon for my reports from last year, during which I toured the fitness and exercise scene in Israel. As you read, you'll definitely want to click here tune in to the audio podcast episode that accompanies this episode, which has includes an audio version of the article you're about to read, along with a bonus interview from the folks at Scio, the pocket molecular sensor I write about later in this article. The audio is brought to you by Onnit, which is where I buy crazy equipment for my home gym like Zombie kettlebells, battle ropes and sandbags, along with tasty functional foods like Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Organic Raw Walnut Butter. Click here to check out Onnit and save 10%. OK, let's jump into the top 10 things you can learn from the burgeoning health, wellness and nutrition scene in Israel (and by the way, the photo above is me covered in mud at the Dead Sea). -------------------------- 1. Vegan Food Can Be Damn Tasty On our very first evening in Tel Aviv, we stumbled upon "Mezze", a unique vegan restaurant located in the heart of Tel Aviv. From roasted mushroom pate to organic rye and spelt bread to a "sabha" of hot black-eyed peas sautéed with tomatoes, garlic and cilantro on organic tahini (a rich and thick eggplant paste), we dined in style after a long day on the airplane. But the highlight of the meal - by far - was the Mezze spin on "moussaka"- a traditional Greek dish made with layers of eggplant and potatoes with lentil and vegetable stuffing. This stuff literally melts in your mouth. So I twisted the arm of chef Gal Barzilai, a vegetarian and wild plan expert since the age of 13, to hook us up with his custom recipe for moussaka. Here it is. Bon appetit, baby (or as they say here, "be'te-avon"). Mezze Mussaka (as translated from Hebrew to English by Adi Kaplan). Click here to convert from metric to common. Ingredients: -700g chopped onion -2 garlic cloves, crushed -600g orange lentils (soaked/sprouted) - weight after straining and soaking -1 kg mushrooms torn hand into small pieces -100g walnuts + 50g cashew nuts soaked for 30 min in boiled water -1/2 kg sweet potato peeled and thinly sliced -30g sweet paprika -1/4t hot paprika -60g beets -olive oil Vegetables (for layering): -1kg large potatoes, peeled and sliced lengthwise -1 eggplant peeled “zebra” style, sliced thickly (1.5 cm) -handful small tomatoes sliced pretty thick (1 cm) Tahini (put all ingredients in a blender/hand blender; can also mix by hand): -125g raw tahini -150ml cold water -1 garlic clove, crushed -1T wine vinegar -40ml lemon juice -1/2t salt Preparation: 1. Saute 600g onions in white oil (canola, grape seed) when starts to brown, add mushrooms and continue to sauté until nicely browned. Grind in a grinder (thickly, leaving small clump - if needed, add vegetable stock or water), then put aside to chill. 2. Put lentils, cashew and walnuts with the soaking water, final 100g raw onions, beets, 150ml water and both types of paprika in a food processor. 3. Brush potato and eggplant slices with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and put in the oven on very high heat Putting it all together: 1. Brush a pan with a lot of olive oil 2. Layer very densely: eggplant slices, the mushroom/lentil mixture, potatoes, mushroom/lentil mixture, very little tahini, eggplant, thin layer of tahini and top it off with a very dense layer of tomatoes. Brush with olive oil Bake in oven on 190 degrees Celsius for an hour. It is suggested to let the mussaka “rest” for an hour before serving. -------------------------- 2. Dates Aren't Just For Eating The morning after our dinner at Mezze, we headed to the Dead Sea - an area well known for it's extremely mineral-rich water - so mineral-rich, in fact, that it is nearly impossible to get your head under the water. You just...float. Here's a video to show you what I mean: Anyways, while at the Dead Sea, we visited The Synergy Spa at the Ein-Gedi Hotel. The spa is built on a hillside overlooking a the Dead Sea, and the spa facilities not only contain air saturated with oxygen, but also a bromine treated pool (which I'm floating in on the video above) filled with Dead Sea water. My chosen treatment at Synergy was a "Date Wrap", done with Ein Gedi date mud cream. Apparently, the same polyphenols and flavonoids that make dates such a dark and flavorful fruit also have anti-aging and nourishing properties for the skin. As I lay wrapped up and smelling like a giant human date, I was treated to a head and neck massage. Time will tell if I actually look younger, but apparently this is one of the only places in the world where one can get rubbed down with dates. Eat your heart out, Robert Lustig. Anyways, even though I couldn't seem to find date mud cream for you anywhere, this spa did get me thinking about how you can saturate the air in your own house with oxygen, even if you can't smear fruit on your own body. Here's what I found: The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has looked into specific houseplants that can improve indoor air quality by absorbing environmental toxins and increasing oxygen levels. Ferns, particularly the Japanese royal fern, not only release oxygen into the air but also absorb formaldehyde. The Boston fern adds both oxygen and humidity to indoor air. Gerbera daisy purifies and boosts the oxygen level of the air of your home while you sleep at night, making this a good choice for bedrooms. Other indoor plants considered highly efficient in oxygen production and air purification include heartleaf philodendron, snake plant, spider plant, Chinese evergreen and golden pothos. So there you have it. NASA studies indicate that 15 to 18 plants in 6- to 8-inch-diameter pots will adequately increase the oxygen in the air in an 1,800-square-foot residential home. This translates to approximately one large potted plant or two smaller potted plants about every 100 square feet. Now your home can be just like this fancy Dead Sea spa (and here's a photo of me inside this gorgeous spa). -------------------------- 3. You Can Put Coconut Milk In Your Cocktails Yes, you simply must drink some alcohol while in Israel. I of course, have been, every night. Here's an idea of the crazy cocktail concoctions I was served just last night at the famous Taizo Asian Fusion restaurant (this is an advantage of being a blogger - they just brought me a sample platter of cocktails). -Hendrix Masala: Gin Hendrix, Campari, Sake, Red Vermouth, Masala Tea -Lady Gin: Gin, Chartreuse, Cucumber, Fresh Lime, Ginger -Red Old Sage: Sage, Stolichnoya, Pomegranate, Ginger -Green Tai: Stoli, Sake, Litchi, Cream, Green Tea -Sharp Satori: Pineapple, Stolichnoya ginger, Remy Martin, Wasabi, Lemongrass And my favorite... -Punducherry: Strawberry Vodka, Vermouth, Coconut Milk, Lemongrass, Herbal Berries With a mix of herbs, fresh muddled fruits and a few goodies thrown in like coconut milk and green tea, I actually wasn't too guilty after indulging in this alcohol-infused sampling. Go ahead and try one of these recipes for yourself this holiday season (just be sure to detox afterwards). This may come as no surprise to you if you listened to Podcast #267, in which we had the following conversation about the olive oil club I'm a member of and the olive oil martinis I make (read full transcript here): Ben:, I actually I’m part of this club called the Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club. They send 3 bottles of olive oil to my house every quarter from like a different area in the world like Australia or Chile or this last one is from Italy. Brock: You really know how to party, don’t you? Ben: Well, that’s what I’m getting at. You can do olive oil tasting, it’s actually kinda interesting. It’s somewhere a wine and that you start to recognize the flavors and the aromas and whether an olive oil is herbaceous or sweet or smoky, etc. but you can also make drinks out of olive oil and what I’ll do is take a shot of olive oil and put that like in a martini shaker and then I’ll take a really nice vodka and put 1-2 shots of that in there, squeeze a lemon, do a little bit of olive juice, so it’s kind of like a dirty martini with a splash of olive oil and then I’ll just strain that into a martini glass, sprinkle a little bit of sea salt on there, garnish with an olive and it’s olive oil vodka martini and it taste fantastic like the olive oil adds this splash of flavor that you don’t get in a regular martini and the mouth feel, like you’d think it be like oily but it’s actually got this really cool kinda mouth feel, it’s a very enjoyable drink. Anyone who hasn’t tried an olive oil martini before should try one. So there you have it. Now you can add coconut milk into your cocktails too. L'chaim! (photo below is me with the other bloggers and my wife, washing down our cocktails with a tasty glass of Jordanian merlot) -------------------------- 4. You Can Exercise Anywhere When I'm traveling, I have standby workouts, and this trip to Israel is no exception. For example, if I find a gym, I'll often do my twist on a 5x5 workout - which is basically 5 sets of 5 repetitions of 5 different heavy lifting exercises. But I throw mobility and movement exercises in the 90 second to 2 minute recovery periods between each 5 rep lift, like this: -5x5 Bench - Walking lunges while reaching for the sky (10 per leg) for recovery -5x5 Barbell Back Squat - Bird Dog Opposite Arm-Opposite Leg Extensions (10/side) for recovery -5x5 Power Clean - Ab Hollowing With Back On Ground With Deep Breathing (10 breaths) for recovery -5x5 Deadlift - “Quiet” Box Jumps With Silent Landing (10 reps) for recovery -5x5 Push Press - Bicycle Crunches (10/side) for recovery If I'm limited to a hotel room workout, I'll often strap on a Training Mask (use 20% discount code GREEN1) and do a body weight workout for 4-6 rounds like this: -20x burpees -10x lunge jumps for each leg -20x MostFit suspension strap rows -20x mountain climbers per leg -60 second handstand hold against wall during recovery And of course, just like Venice Beach and Miami, they have gyms along the beach here in Tel Aviv, so you can throw down a weight workout with the locals while you're cycling or jogging on the boardwalk along the Mediterranean Sea. Incidentally, whether I'm traveling or I'm at home, I log every workout I do, 365 days a year, for all members of my Inner Circle (if you're already an Inner Circle member, just visit the forum and click "Life Of Ben"). -------------------------- 5. You Can Measure Anything. Really. As you listen to the audio version of this article, you're going to hear a special interview with a start-up located right here in the heart of Tel Aviv: SCiO. SCiO is the world's first portable molecular sensor that literally fits in the palm of your hand. It contains a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your phone. SCiO is based on near-IR spectroscopy analysis method. The physical basis for this method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create its own unique optical signature. The device includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor (the spectrometer) that collects the light reflected from the sample. The spectrometer breaks down the light to its spectrum, which includes all the information required to detect the result of this interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample. Normal spectrometers are big (about the size of a laptop) and expensive (tens of thousands of dollars). SCiO is unique as it is based on a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be mass-produced with low cost optics - with minimal compromise on the analysis capabilities. So based on this technology, SCiO can actually read the chemical make-up of any materials around you, including food, plants, medication, oil and fuels, plastics and wood. For example, you can: -Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: salad dressings, sauces, fruits, cheeses, and much more. -See how ripe an avocado is, through the peel. -Find out the quality of your cooking oil. -Know the well being of your plants. -Analyze soil or hydroponic solutions. -Authenticate medications or supplements. -Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on earth to our database (including your own body). Every time you use SCiO you actually help to build a database of knowledge about the stuff around us. The bigger the SCiO community gets, the more data SCiO will have about different materials and this goes right back to the community of users. Check out the SCio Kickstarter project here, and listen to my podcast interview with the inventors here. -------------------------- Alright, that's it for now...but more to come later, including information about a brand new startup that can analyze and give you instant nutritional facts on any recipe you find on any food blog or website, anywhere, and another startup that allows you to instantly check how polluted the air is where you're at, and the "cleanest air" routes for running, hiking, or cycling. Stay tuned. Shalom - and be sure to check out Onnit if you need killer fitness gear or functional foods that optimize performance, stay tuned for more on what you can learn from the wellness and nutrition scene in Israel, extra entertaining videos from this trip, and tips on taking your own to health and fitness vacation to Israel. In the meantime, leave your question, comments and feedback at! photos by Or Kaplan See for privacy information.
Nov 8, 2014 • 40min

The Little Known Truth About Smart Drugs And Nootropics (Audio & Article)

The following is a guest post by Dr. Andrew Hill, Lead Neuroscientist at truBrain. Click here for a fascinating audio podcast that accompanies this article. featuring Ben Greenfield and Dr. Hill. Dr. Hill received his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA in 2012, studying how attention operates in the brain. He has been employed as a Lecturer at UCLA over the past few years, teaching multidisciplinary courses on both Healthy Brain Aging and courses in Neuroscience and Psychology. Dr. Hill has published chapters on measuring and modulating human attention, and continues to research self regulation. Prior to UCLA, Dr. Hill obtained extensive experience working with both psychiatric and developmental populations as well as gaining experience in high technology areas. He received his B.S. in Psychology/Neuroscience from UMass Amherst, and is a key adviser in the formulation of the truBrain’s cognitive blend (get 20% off on your purchase with the code BEN20). --------------------------------- The Limitless Pill In the 2011 movie Limitless, Bradley Cooper’s character gets his hands on a smart drug (NZT-48) that enables him to be cognitively super human. The only known side effect is that his eyes change color while he is on the drug, but that changes over the course of the movie as side effects, including withdrawal symptoms, begin to get worse and worse. It’s a sci-fi thriller with a not-so-feel-good message about addiction and performance enhancing substances. And goons chasing you. Makes smart drugs sound dangerous, right? Like any good sci-fi , this movie questions our assumption on the limits of science. And some of what it is suggesting is not science fiction today. Smart drugs and nootropics are a current reality, being used more and more not to treat or remediate any active condition or complaint but towards boosting already typical or superior performance, in colleges, board rooms, military theatres, and by forward thinking gerontologists. With the wide variety of compounds available today that have some research support for cognitive effects, it is important for you to understand the risks and benefits associated with usage, or at least how to choose smarter, when choosing things that affect your brain. For example, one of the most popular misconceptions about smart drugs is that they are the same as nootropics. This may be due to similar benefits that people use them for, but ultimately they do not share the same range of effects, mechanisms of action, safety and side effects. So - what are smart drugs? What are nootropics? How do we know if something is safe or effective? What are these drugs actually doing to my brain? Why am I asking so many questions without answering them? Keep reading to get this and more information you need to understand these questions, and start formulating your own answers - and your own strategies for selecting nootropics. --------------------------------------- Smart Drugs vs. Nootropics A smart drug is generally a prescribed medication or off-label drug used primarily to treat some kind of mental or cognitive disorder. The most common are drugs such as Adderall (dextroamphetamine) or Ritalin (methylphenidate) in the stimulant class used to treat symptoms related to ADHD - although legal and illegal off-label use is rampant. And while they may promote focus and energy in some people, others have dramatic side effect, to body and brain. Smart drugs in the stimulant class also tend to be reinforcing, producing spikes in dopamine and norepinephrine. This leads to tolerance and habit formation, including adverse effects on appetite, mood stability, cardiac function, stress levels and possibly many other unwanted effects - especially on younger brains such as teens and young adults. Irritability and mood swings, anxiety, sleep issues, and other forms of emotional or cognitive regulation problems can crop up over time with stimulant use, as well. A popular atypical stimulant “smart drug” includes the narcolepsy agents Modafinil / Adrafinil, although their effects on cognition beyond wakefulness are unproven, and side effects - while rare - can be life threatening. If attention problems are already present the side effect risk appears to be significant increased, as well. (Kumar, (2008), Approved and Investigational Uses, Drugs. 68(13):1803-39.). In contrast to a smart drug, a nootropic is generally a non-prescribed compound, including vitamins, herb, other supplements, natural or synthetic compound that may increase or protect cognition in some way. The preponderance of research in the past 40 years shows some effects on focus, attention, effects on aging, and possibly cellular metabolism. To paraphrase the definition of “nootropic” as initially coined in this article by the researcher Girugea in 1972, it is something that improves cognition without appreciable side effects, or provides from protection to the brain. In a modern context we think of nootropics as something used not to treat any mental condition or pathology directly, but instead to provide support to peak function, protect against long term risk, and provide daily boost. Across the field, true nootropic ingredients and full blends can now be found largely sourced from natural ingredients. Nootropic blends are designed to leverage synergy effects suggested in the research and subjective experiences. The goals with nootropics should always be to allow for greater and more consistent cognitive effort and flow, without the side effects of a stimulant or other harsh substance. ------------------------------ How Do I Know If A Smart Drug Is Safe? As a rule of thumb, it is the nature of science to be wrong at times. We’ve come a long way since we accepted that the theory behind the Earth being the center of the universe was wrong. We understand that new research may overturn old knowledge. So how can we truly know the risks and benefits of long term use of nootropics or smart drugs? A red flag in understanding the harm of a substance is the body’s ability to handle an overabundance of this substance. Small amounts of toxic substances may be beneficial in the short term, but the magic happens when we look at what is happening in the body when we get too much. Something as simple as a cup of coffee may seem harmless, but caffeine in high amounts can cause dizziness, anxiety, and even cardiac arrest or death. Caffeine mimics the action of the neuromodulator adenosine in the body. This leads to higher adrenaline and cortisol levels. Even in typical doses caffeine can deeply affect our sleep and cause heart arrhythmias for some people. Alcohol has even worse short and long term toxicity symptoms at non-moderate doses, and some people struggle to keep their dosing moderate. In better doses - perhaps a couple cups of coffee a day (without sugar) and a drink or so per day on average, these substance are actively health promoting, and reduce risk for many brain and cardiac diseases. When you are picking substances and compounds, dosing should be cautious at first. From this, a couple rules come out - 1) don’t take any compounds, substance, or blends of substances that don’t list all their ingredients out in plain amounts. Proprietary blends with lump-sum amount hiding buzzword-compliant list of magical ingredients known as “fairy dusting” in the supplement industry. Don’t be fooled. Read the ingredients. Figure out why and what is in there, and if you want it. 2) don’t chase suspicious research chemicals without much history of use or safety profile. Experiment on yourself if you like, but you only have one brain - make rational and cautious choices. There are nootropic, smart drug, and cognitive enhancers that have been around for decades - something released last week as a “Research Chemical” with a bunch of numbers and letters for a name and no human studies isn’t worth the risk to you. Not for years. ------------------------------- What About Adderall & Modafinil Safety? Smart drugs such as Adderall can cause dangerous lows, psychosis with extreme use, rebound fatigue, and depression, even at lower use levels. As an amphetamine, Adderall can act as a reuptake inhibitor, meaning that it can compete with other neurotransmitters for reuptake. Specifically it is thought to block the uptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are associated with reward behaviors and our nervous system functions, respectively. This causes a flood of these neurotransmitters onto multiple receptors, causing neurotransmitter depletion and overexcited receiving neurons. This large “signal” is the reason for the focus, but also responsible for some of the side effects that go along with this class of prescription drugs. Existing research is also a bit weak on any improvement that Adderall or other stimulants may have on short term memory or cognitive function, and some actually may impair function. Modafinil, also known as Provigil, is an example of a smart drug that has been used like a nootropic. Modafinil is prescribed to treat sleep disorders, but when combined with a normal functioning brain, can potentially cause increases in cognition and awareness. Just like Adderall, the use of these drugs outside the medical field does not make them a nootropic. Modafinil is also a reuptake inhibitor for dopamine, causing the same type of neurotrasmitter flood as Adderall. However, Modafinil may also affect the histaminergic pathway, which deals with wakefulness and the delicate immune response of the body. Histaminergic neurons in the brain are more active during wakefulness and slow their firing pattern as we rest or sleep. Modafinil’s “beneficial” side effects may come from this heightened histaminergic neuronal activation, but too much activation can cause apoptosis, or cell death. In addition, this has been shown to cause adverse skin reactions that required hospitalization since the histamine pathway also deals with our immune system. Modafinil may increase your intelligence, but can be extremely dangerous to the health of your brain and body. ------------------------------- Enter Nootropics Nootropics, like truBrain’s cognitive blend, and a few other products on the market, have dose-toxicity levels much lower than salt, caffeine, and especially Adderall. There doesn’t seem to be any neurotransmitter depletion, tolerance or habit forming potential, adverse body side effects, or impaired brain function, from most true nootropics, by Girugea’s definition. The mechanisms for nootropics lie within the structural connectivity of the brain, the optimization of blood flow and oxygenation, and the fortification of brain regions over long term consistency. Nootropics act more as a super supplement to protecting the brain. Girugea’s own first synthesized nootropic (in 1964) is still in use today and has been shown to have effects on mitochondrial metabolism, cell membrane fluidity, and functional connectivity in the brain. Piracetam is this poster child for nootropics, and one of the main ingredients in truBrain nootropic blends. It is one of the only compounds used in that formulation that can not be found in nature, however it was originally derived from - and has structural similarities to - the neurotransmitter GABA. Since Girugea bought piracetam to light in 1964, there has been lots of research to support the benefits of piracetam. It has been shown to positively affect our cell membranes and to have neuroprotective and pro-metabolism effects on cells. The fluidity in our membranes changes with stress and old age, as well as moment to moment as one method of regulating receptor activity. By keeping our membranes healthy we can promote the cells ability to communicate. For example, truBrain combines other membrane oriented supplements - including choline. The cell membrane - especially in the brain - relays ongoing control signals and messages from other cells to the inner processes of the cell. Neurons’ membranes in the axon (wiring) and soma (cell body) help generate and propagate electrical signals, sum distant signals, and even have computational and complex learning functions related to changes in membrane function.Healthier and more active cell membranes bring us increased activity and cell communication, and hopefully better cognition. Piracetam along with other truBrain ingredients such as magnesium, choline, and DHA, increases in brain plasticity and are designed to improve cognition and efficiency under processing load - or peak performance, versus remediation. Nootropics may support increased cognitive potential as well as long term protection. The truBrain team added L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine to support neurotransmitters of GABA and Dopamine, respectively. You can use a similar or different strategy when building your own nootropic regimen, but use a strategy. Know why you are putting an ingredient in, know how it might interact with the others, and be sure that dosing is safe. When you are planning your nootropic or nutraceutical regimen, think in terms of nutrition support to cell metabolism and function, amino acids, natural or near-natural compounds, and avoid bad fats and harsh chemicals that give a momentary boost at the cost of later crashing or having other more serious side effects, such as excess sugars and caffeine. And don’t forget what else you put in your mouth - additional DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids (in grass fed meats, deep sea fish) are excellent for brain health. Craft your diet like you craft your brain supplement regimen - or have both catered / curated for you in a high end product. If you do create your own blend, think precise selection, not shotgun approach, and add slowly to your regimen. -------------------------------- The Problem With Instant Gratification As a culture, we often hear false marketing claims or create mindsets about what is possible with our health. We see ads that advertise a pill that gets rid of “stomach fat fast”. Truthfully, fat is lost uniformly in the body and the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight it about 1-2 pounds uniformly a week. So we eat poorly and don’t exercise for 2 years and then criticize our healthy workout plans and diet 1 month in when we don’t get the results we want. The healthiest and most effective things in life are often the ones that we do routinely. Consistency is key. This is true if you are talking about athletic performance, academic or intellectual training, or nutrition and supplement support. While not “necessary” like supplements or medicines, nootropic use follows this principle as well. There is another rule, emerging. If something is strongly “felt” dose to dose - if it gets you high, or wired, or’s a smart drug, recreational drug, or something that may enhancing some aspect of performance (perhaps at the expense of another), but is definitely not a nootropic. And finally, nootropics should be sustainable. With some nootropics there is an initial loading phase followed by a maintenance phase, and while subtle, results can be felt fairly quickly on the timescale of a few days. The contrasting quick highs / crashes of coffee, alcohol, smart drugs, and even quickly digesting carbs are definitely experienced more immediately, but have consequences that make them unsustainable for many people. ------------------------------ Summary So in summary - here are a few initial rules to help select your own nootropic or cognitive enhancing blend: Know your ingredients, and their amounts. Don’t spend your money on obfuscate fairy dusting or expensive blends that are full of caffeine or random research chemicals. It’s not a nootropic if it has side effects. Your nootropic solutions should focus on mild nutritive and metabolic support, for long term gains and protection. Break the cycle peak and crash that you get with too many stimulants, and avoid the more serious side effects that you risk with smart drugs. Nootropics don’t get you high, altered, or wired. And don’t forget the other accessible and evidence-based brain and cognition improving methodologies we have at our disposal today: meditation, yoga, and other contemplative (attention training) practices, biofeedback and neurofeedback, diets high in good fats, and other modifiable behaviors you can implement to take control of your brain health and performance. So take care of your brain - the tools are out there, to support health and shift performance. Leave your questions, comments and feedback at Also, if you want to try the nootropic that Dr. Hill helped design, grab truBrain and get 20% off on your purchase with the code BEN20.See for privacy information.
Nov 5, 2014 • 52min

Part 2: 67 Steps to Getting Anything You Want Out of Life Health, Wealth, Love, & Happiness with Tai Lopez

Welcome to Part 2 of this special podcast series, in which you get to sit in and listen to Tai Lopez coach Ben Greenfield (and you!) using the strategies from Tai's online video series "67 Steps to Getting Anything You Want Out of Life Health, Wealth, Love, & Happiness". You can listen to Part 1 here. In this episode, Ben and Tai talk about how to know when you're actually making enough money, and when you can stop focusing on income, start focusing more on life, love and happiness, and how to strike the ideal balance between being overambitious and underambitious. Books and resources Tai and Ben discuss in this podcast: -The Meyers-Briggs personality analysis -Joel Salatin's books and resources -Book: The Snowball: Warren Buffet and The Business Of Life -Book: A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett -Book: The Five Love Languages -Book: Strengths Finder 2.0 -Tai's online video series: 67 Steps to Getting Anything You Want Out of Life Health, Wealth, Love, & Happiness Do you have question, comments or feedback? Leave your thoughts at for privacy information.
Nov 1, 2014 • 47min

How Dr. Bronner's Magical Soaps Are Fighting Toxic GMO Crop Production.

As you may know from reading my article on "How To Detox Your Home", if I can't eat something without it killing me, I don't smear it on my body either. From liquid soaps, to my bar soap, to lip balms to lotions, I've been using products from Dr. Bronner's as one of my main personal care products sources to follow this simple rule. Unlike most commercial soapmakers, who distill the glycerin out of their soaps to sell separately, Dr. Bronner's retain it in their soaps for its superb moisturizing qualities. They use natural vitamin E from sunflower seeds and citric acid from fermented tapioca to protect freshness. They don't add any chelating agents, dyes, whiteners or synthetic fragrances, and instead use pure and powerful high-quality certified organic essential oils. All their soaps are biodegradable and nature-friendly and their bottles are made from 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic. In today's podcast, I interview David Bronner, the president of Dr. Bronners, and a guy who has been arrested for hemp activism, written a recently polarizing Huffington Post article on GMO's , and who recently championed a drive towards labeling GMO foods in my own home state of Washington, a drive that unfortunately lost by narrow margins, but is now being revived in another form, which you'll learn all about in today's episode, including: -The amazing story of the original Dr. Bronner... -Why there are over 30,000 words on the label of Dr. Bronner's soaps... -What’s in Dr. Bronner’s soap... -Why not all coconut oil is created equal... -Why David Bronner recently penned this controversial article in Huffington Post on GMO’s... -What you can do to stop the toxic production of GMO's on our farmed crops... Do you have questions, comments or feedback about Dr. Bronners or about GMO labeling? Leave your thoughts at, be sure to check out all of Dr. Bronner's products by clicking here, and visit to help fight GMO crop production, to cast your vote, to donate and to stop the spread of toxic herbicides.See for privacy information.
Oct 29, 2014 • 59min

The Best Remedies For Hot Flashes, Does N-Acetyl Cysteine Increase Glutathione, How To Increase Shoulder Mobility And Much More! Oct 29, 2014 Podcast: The Best Remedies For Hot Flashes, Does N-Acetyl Cysteine Increase Glutathione, How To Increase Shoulder Mobility, and Getting Rid of Scar Tissue. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. Would YOU do any of these crazy endurance quests? Which one? Do olympic athletes train like a caveman? The answer may surprise you. Wow. Cold water and chocolate as nootropics, and drinking water before a meal as a fat loss strategy. Good article. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: Need to fix your gut, build new muscle, or enhance the effectiveness of your probiotic? The brand new Greenfield Fitness Systems NatureColostrum has arrived. Click here to check it out now. Go to and use code GREEN1 for a 20% discount on your third lung. November 17-21, 2014: Ben interviews 23 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at Go ask your burning Obstacle Racing questions at for the brand new Obstacle Dominator podcast. Other places you can meet Ben: Nov 2-9 London (meet-up and drinks at Skylon Restaurant, November 8 at 6pm), Nov 9-16 Israel, Dec 4-7 Unbeatable Mind Retreat. January 30th - 31st, 2015, Ben will be speaking in Dubai - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Click here for all details. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. The Best Remedies For Hot Flashes Graeme asks: His wife has been experiencing pre-menopause hot flushes. Most of the supplements focus on eostrogen i.e. Are phytoeostrogens which they are NOT a fan of due to increased risk of breast cancer etc. She has been using Magnesium which is helping a LOT, plus some Vitamin E and they have also heard Kelp powder (iodine) helps. Do you happen to have any other suggestions? In my response I recommend: -This article on acupuncture and hot flashes. -This article on black cohosh and hot flashes. -Black Cohosh/dong quai (e.g. Thorne MetaBalance) -Organic Maca Powder -TianChi -Vitamin E Does N-Acetyl Cysteine Increase Glutathione? Brian asks: He is interested in learning more about N-Acetyl Cysteine. He has read some articles that say it can help with a wide variety of health issues - helping to make things better for the body. One of the major questions he had was how does it work to reduce pre and post exercise oxidative stress? Also, could you recommend a pure quality product? Are there any side effects from taking NAC? In my response I recommend: -PharmaNAC N-Acetyl-Cysteine -Liposomal glutathione How To Increase Shoulder Mobility Mark asks: In June this year he did a Tough Mudder and had fun and felt really good. The next day he played two, back to back, soft ball games. He felt a tweak in his shoulder every time he threw the ball but didn't think much of it. From that day on he has had tightness in his shoulder and his range of motion was very limited (reaching for high things is difficult, playing golf is hard and even playing his dreadnought guitar is painful). It is getting better, very slowly, but it is still very tight in the morning and interrupts his sleep at night. Do you know why this is taking so long to heal, why it is tight in the morning and what he can do to speed up the healing? In my response I recommend: -Becoming A Supple Leopard book mobility page (esp. shoulder flossing and lacrosse ball shoulder) Getting Rid of Scar Tissue Yvonne asks: About a year ago she ripped her thigh muscle doing an aerobic workout. She now has some scar tissue at the top of her leg. Now she gets a burning sensation in her thigh muscle and wonders what it could be. Can you tell her? In my response I recommend: -Active Release Technique practitioner search ----------------------------------------------------- -- And don't forget to go to!-- Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound. Buy this track now!See for privacy information.
Oct 25, 2014 • 48min

How To Find Nutrient-Dense Wild Edibles And Medicinal Plants In Your Own Backyard.

Ever wished you knew if you had plants in your backyard that you could actually eat - plants that might even be good for you, save you money grocery shopping, heal you, provide you with nutrient density and more? Or maybe you just want to know how to survive in the wilderness for a few days on your own. The fact is, if you know what to look for, you can find a wealth of edible and medicinal plants all around you. You just need to know where to look, and which plants to avoid so that you don't poison yourself. Not only that, but you can also survive in the wilderness with just a few primitive skills - fewer than you'd think. In this podcast, I interview Tim Corcoran, an expert on wilderness survival, permaculture, edible wild plants and more. Tim is co-director of Twin Eagles Wilderness School · Nature & Wilderness Survival School, an organization he co-founded with his wife, Jeannine Tidwell in Sandpoint, Idaho (located about an hour from my house. Tim is a certified Wilderness First Responder, a graduate of the Kamana Naturalist Training Program, and a graduate of the Vermont Wilderness School’s five-year Apprenticeship Program. During this episode, we discuss: -3 wild edibles you can find in your own backyard... -Two crucial wilderness survival skills that everyone should know... -How you can quickly die if you don't have the right mindset going into a wilderness survival situation... -Why we've lost our sense of tribe and community and what we can do about it... -How to go through a rite of passage... -Why you should know Gilbert Walking Bull's "Seven Sacred Attributes"... -And much more! Click here for the YouTube videos that accompany this episode, click here to grab the free e-book that Tim is offering on "Top 10 Edible Wild Plants", and leave your questions, comments and feedback about wild edibles and medicinal plants at!See for privacy information.
Oct 22, 2014 • 57min

How Warrior Breathing Works, The Best Way To Use DHEA, Should Kids Drink MCT Oil & More! Oct 22, 2014 Podcast: How Does Warrior Breathing Work, The Best Way To Use DHEA, Should Kids Drink MCT Oil, Natural Remedies for Ingrown Hairs, and Applied Movement Neurology. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. The anti-aging benefits of a 5-minute run match those of a 15-minute walk. Would YOU take a red wine bath? I think this is a great idea to spray plants with a pesticide sprayer…only to put something different in the sprayer. (and how to use seaweed to mulch your garden and organic trace minerals for your garden). ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: Go to and use code BEN2014 for a 20% discount on your third lung. November 17-21, 2014: Ben interviews 23 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at Other places you can meet Ben: Oct 25-26 Sacramento Super Spartan, Nov 2-9 London, Nov 9-16 Israel. Go ask your burning Obstacle Racing questions at for the brand new Obstacle Dominator podcast. January 30th - 31st, 2015 - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. How Does Warrior Breathing Work? Brian asks: He recently attended a level 1 academy at Sealfit. His favorite evolution of the academy was the qigong guy that lead them through warrior breathing. He experienced intense feelings of oneness with all of humanity, crazy visions of flaming zebras, and was crying like a baby by the end of it. When he walked out of the room a teammate killed his metaphysical buzz by saying what they just experienced was oxygen deprivation, similar to altitude sickness. What are your thoughts and experiences with warrior breathing? What is going on physiologically that might trigger this type of psychedelic experience? In my response I recommend: -My SEALFit Warrior Breathing Experience -Wim Hof's fire breathing technique The Best Way To Use DHEA Buddy asks: DHEA. What are your thoughts, concerns, feelings? You once tweeted that if your weren't competitive, you would consider using it. Where would be a good place to start? Trusted brand? In my response I recommend: -The WADA Banned Supplements List -Thorne DHEA Should Kids Drink MCT Oil? Chris asks: He has a 6 month old baby body who doesn't sleep very well. He wants to try giving him some more MCT oil. The baby is breast feeding and Chris has tried adding 1 cc of MCT oil with breast milk in his bottle and it seemed like the baby slept better. What are your thoughts on this idea? In my response I recommend: -Upgraded MCT Oil Natural Remedies for Ingrown Hairs Jasmel asks: He gets ingrown hairs on his face. It has gotten worse as he has aged and also gets worse when he shaves. He has tried antibiotics on his face as a cream as as a medication. Is there anything else he can try?   Applied Movement Neurology Aaem asks: Have you heard of Applied Movement Neurology? It is supposed to increase strength, improve mobility and enhance athleticism. Do you think this program is worth looking into further (he is a progressive calisthenics trainer) and thinks this sounds like something that might pair up with that. In my response I recommend: -My podcast with the folks at Z-Health ----------------------------------------------------- -- And don't forget to go to!-- Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness! Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound. Buy this track now!See for privacy information.

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