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Ben Greenfield Life

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Dec 27, 2014 • 41min

How To Dominate Cognitive Tasks, Think Faster And Get More Done.

I was a bit jet-lagged, tired and slightly below my desired cognitive capacity prior to hopping on stage this year to speak at the Bulletproof Biohacking conference. So as I wandered through the expo, I thought to myself - why not try a new-fangled smart drug I haven't tried before? As you'd probably suspect, that's not something I advise to do prior to getting on stage in front of hundreds of people, but I occasionally live life on the wild side, so I grabbed a handful of some stuff called "CILTEP" (which is basically a mix of artichoke extract and forskolin), washed it down with a glass of water, and then gave my presentation. I did not get sick, vomit, or die, and things went pretty well during the presentation. I also got an email a few weeks later from the folks at NaturalStacks (the developers of CILTEP) asking me if I'd like to interview their co-founder Roy Krebs, who is a former college football player, an ex-sushi chef, and is now in charge of helping to develop smart drugs and designed strategies for hard-charging individuals to mentally dominate cognitive tasks. Roy sounded like a fascinating guy, so I said yes. And now you get to listen in to our discussion, during which I ask Roy: -How does one become a developer and designer of smart drugs? -What is your approach to developing a smart drug? -What are your top strategies for people to dominate cognitive tasks? -What's the best way to get things done faster: routine or randomness? -Do you use to-do lists, or do you just "flow"? -I've heard you're into sensory deprivation and float tanks. What's the best way to use those? Resource we discuss in this episode: -CILTEP -FocusAtWill -RescueTime -Inversion Table -Marinara Timer for Pomodoro Technique -Float Seattle Do you have questions, comments or feedback about CILTEP, thinking faster, enhancing cognitive performance or anything else that Roy and I discuss? Leave your thoughts for privacy information.
Dec 24, 2014 • 58min

The Problem With Paleo: Why It's OK To Eat Bread, Grains, Legumes, Cheese & Milk.

A few weeks ago, while I was in Israel, I posted the photo above to my Instagram page, with the comment that... "A Paleo person could never survive in Israel - local popped corn sprinkled with moss from the rooftop, freshly grown spelt and rye, falafel with soaked chickpeas, amazing lemons and guavas you simply bite through the skin, carob picked straight out of the desert, local raw sheep’s cheese and goat milk cheese sprinkled with fresh herbs, and omega-6 fatty acid packed tahinis blended with beets, freshly pressed olive oil and cilantro. Oh well. More for me." I have to admit that I stuffed my face with huge portions of nearly every food listed above when I visited a home in Galilee for a traditional weekly Jewish Shabbat feast. During that dinner, I sat next to Uri Mayer-Chissick (also known as "The Israeli Locavore"), who is a food historian and wild edible plant expert, and we had an interesting about traditional agricultural foods like bread and cheese, and the surge in popularity of the strict avoidance of these foods by those who adhere to a "hunter-gatherer" Paleo-esque diet. Uri and I delve deeply into this discussion today's audio podcast. And this guy is the real deal. Not only does he cook amazing food, but he also leads hikes and tours of the Israeli countryside to find local wild edible plants, and he teaches outdoor cooking classes, gives food history lectures and prepares gourmet meals in nature, reconstructing historical recipes with wild plants. When he's not traipsing through the valley of springs in north-eastern Israel with a pot and pan in his hand, Uri lectures about food, the history of local food preservation, ways that ancient medicine used nutrition as a way to achieve balance, and the traditions of foraging, healing and cooking in the Mediterranean and Middle-East. During our discussion, you'll learn: -How a Paleo diet that adheres to the philosophy of no-bread, no-grains, little to no dairy, etc. has been received in a Mediterranean culture where it seems that bread, legumes, wheat, cheese, etc. are such staples... -How “traditionally prepared” bread is so much different than modern bread, and how you can find or make easy-to-digest bread... -How you can prepare things like lentils and chickpeas to make them more friendly to the human gut... -What it is it some dairy causes health problems, but some dairy is no nourishing and digestible... -Why a rise in celiac disease is due to a difference in the way wheat is grown... -And much more! Resources: -Nourishing Traditions -The Art of Fermentation -Goat whey protein -Vertical gardening towers By the way, even though I'm not Paleo, you can click here to come hear me speak at PaleoFX 2015, which is a Who’s Who gathering of the ancestral food and exercise movement, with world-class speakers including best-selling authors, physicians, nutritionists, research scientists, professional athletes, trainers, sustainability and food activists, biohackers, and more. Question, comments or feedback about the problem with Paleo? Leave your thoughts at!See for privacy information.
Dec 20, 2014 • 47min

How To Keep Running From Destroying Your Body

For the past 28 days, I've been trying out a new protocol. Each of my days starts with about 5 minutes of a mobility overhaul program I've been following. For example, on Mondays I do something called a "Couch Stretch", followed by a "Two-Ball Smash & Floss" on my shins. On Tuesdays, I have a T-Spine Global Smash and a Global Gut Smash. Wednesdays is a Plantar Blitzkrieg. I've grabbed all these weird, new moves from page 250 in the new book "Ready to Run", in which author Kelly Starrett lays out a month long, day-by-day Mobility Overhaul Plan. Kelly, who is also the author of The New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller "Becoming A Supple Leopard", just wrote this new book for runners, and it's designed to help you cross the bridge from the injury-ridden world of the modern runner to the promised land that the new fad of barefoot running has led us to believe exists, to live a running life free from injury, to unlock all the athletic potential that may be hidden within and to allow you to run faster, more efficiently and for longer periods of time. Kelly travels the world teaching his wildly popular Crossfit Movement & Mobility Course and also works with elite Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard forces, athletes from the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, and national and world ranked strength and power athletes. He also consults with Olympic teams and universities and is a featured speaker at strength and conditioning conferences nationwide. Kelly believes every human being should know how to move and be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves, and in our discussion we talk about neutral feet, flip-flops, couch stretching, VooDoo flossing, Kelly's daily mobility routine and much more! Do you have questions, comments, or feedback about how to keep running from destroying your body? Leave your thoughts at, and be sure to grab the new book "Ready To Run". Also, you can click here for the previous "How To Crush The Beef Jerky In Your Quads & Become A Supple Leopard" mobility podcast I recorded with Kelly last year. See for privacy information.
Dec 17, 2014 • 1h 14min

How To Reverse Tooth Cavities, The Healthiest Cookware, How To Use A Squatty Potty And More! Dec 17, 2014 Podcast: How to Use A Squatty Potty, How To Reverse Tooth Cavities, Natural Tooth Whitening Remedies, Does Roundup Cause Gluten Intolerance, What Is The Healthiest Cookware, and How To Prevent Overheating During Exercise. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. I’ve been coaching athletes like this for years. Glad pro athletes are finally catching on that it helps them last longer. This is SICK. Cool new technology to breathe underwater. Baking soda at 0.3 g·kg-1 BICA - a FOUR MINUTE improvement in time to exhaustion in endurance cyclists. Quick, eat that post workout meal within 20 minutes! OR not. Based on research, 5-6 hours. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by Onnit. Just click here to see a video of Ben Greenfield and top Spartan athlete Hunter McIntyre punishing maces, steel bells, primal bells, medicine balls and much more. You save 10% at December 15-19, 2014: Ben interviews 24 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at January 30th - 31st, 2015: Ben will be speaking in Dubai - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Click here for all details. March 6-9, 2015: Come on the Spartan Cruise with Ben Greenfield and family! Use code BEN10 to save 10% when you book this cruise to a private island in the Bahamas for the ultimate tropical Spartan Race. This cruise includes free travel for kids and a kid's Spartan race, along with a sprint Spartan for the adults, tons of partying, beautiful beaches and new, exclusive island challenges. April 24-26th, 2015: Come hear Ben speak at PaleoFX 2015. Below is just a taste of what to expect at this can't-miss conference that is the Who's Who gathering of the Paleo movement, with world-class speakers including best-selling authors, physicians, nutritionists, research scientists, professional athletes, trainers, sustainability and food activists, biohackers, and more. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. How to Use A Squatty Potty Jeff says: During your presentation at the Unbeatable Mind Retreat, you briefly touched on how something like the Squatty Potty can help align your body for better pooping... but somehow a number of audience members got the wrong idea about how it works and thought it was more like a child's potty or a commode that needed to be emptied into the toilet. So, when you mentioned that when you are travelling you just drag a hotel room chair in to the bathroom to use, people were horrified/perplexed. Can you explain how it REALLY works so everyone is not terrified to stay in a hotel room after you? In my response I recommend: -The Squatty Potty How To Reverse Tooth Cavities Anne says: She recently went to the dentist and found out that she has a cavity forming between two of her back teeth. The cavity is just in the enamel, so she doesn't need a filling. The dentist said that these types of cavities can stabilize or even reverse. Do you have any suggestion on how to stop this cavity from getting worse or even help reverse it? In my response I recommend: -Cure Tooth Decay book Natural Tooth Whitening Remedies Ellie says: She has a vanity question - do you have any natural remedies for whitening your teeth? She has heard that the over the counter whitening strips can really damage your body. Is there a better way to improve your finish line photo smile? In my response I recommend: -Charcoal Tooth Powder -WaterPik Does Roundup Cause Gluten Intolerance? Deb says: She was recently reading information about Roundup (Glyphosate) and how that may be the reason why so many people think they are gluten intolerant but may just be ingesting some pretty toxic chemicals. She is celiac and so doesn't believe in gluten anyway...but is interested to know your thoughts on the potential issues with Roundup. In my response I recommend: -Activated charcoal What Is The Healthiest Cookware? Jerrod says: (He saw you in Vermont by the memory test before the rope climb. He wants you to get out for the ultra beast.) He spent stupid amounts of money on "good" pots and pans that turned out to be total crap and is wondering what he really should be using to cook with. What kinds of pots and pans do you use (or do you just put things on a stick over a fire, now that you live in the forest)? He is worried about the potential stuff that is seeping into his food. In my response I recommend: -Cast Iron Cookware -MetalFree link How To Prevent Overheating During Exercise. John says: A couple weeks ago he suffered severe heat stroke after a marathon. His temperature reached 108 degrees, they packed him in ice and it took 20 minutes to get back down to 102 degrees. The doc said he showed signs of heart problems and maybe stroke. His vitals returned to normal after a couple hours but he has had a constant head ache for 10 days. Is there anything he can do to avoid this overheating issue in the future? Hydration or electrolytes? Also he wants to make sure that he is ok (especially the heart issues or stroke) and would like to know what types of checkups/tests he should get to make sure he didn't do any permanent damage. In my response I recommend: -The Hidden "Heart" Chapter in Beyond Training Book -Gatorade Sport Science Institute articleSee for privacy information.
Dec 13, 2014 • 53min

Beyond Dehydration: Why Cramping Really Happens And What You Can Do About It.

Last month, I read one of the best scientific treatises on cramping that I've ever seen. The title of the article was "Cramping In Sports: Beyond Dehydration", and was written by today's podcast guest, Andrew Buskard. If you've ever scratched your head about why the heck you won't stop cramping during your workouts or races, this episode is for you! During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why a cramp during exercise is way different than a medically associated cramp... -What's really happening inside your body when you cramp... -Why the traditional theories of what causes exercise associated muscle cramping are incorrect or have been mostly disproven... -Why neurologically related cramps are the primary cause of cramping during exercise... -Why simply tasting something very salty can reverse a cramp... -How your environment, your relaxation level and even your genetics can affect your susceptibility to cramping... -Strategies to stop cramping when you have adequate electrolytes and hydration but you're still cramping... Do you have more questions about why cramping really happens? Leave your comments and thoughts at for privacy information.
Dec 10, 2014 • 1h 14min

Special Podcast Episode: How To Biohack Your Home And Create An Unbeatable Environment

Last week, I spoke at former Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine's Unbeatable Mind Summit. During my presentation, I showed how to stop electrical pollution, enhance your cognitive performance, detox your surroundings, and do everything possible to create an unbeatable environment in your bedroom, kitchen, gym, office and bathroom. In today's podcast, you get to sit in and listen to the whole presentation. Click here to download the slides, and see below for all the resources. Enjoy! ------------------------- Resources For Your Bedroom Lighting Science DPL Infrared Light Therapy Essentia Natural Organic Mattress BioMat Infrared Sleep Mat Cold Thermogenesis Passionflower Sleep-Enhancing And Anxiety-Reducing Extract Young Living Essential Oils Earthpulse PEMF Sleep Machine Binaural beats Melatonin Sleep-Enhancing Patch Heart Rate Variability Tracker ------------------------- Resources For Your Office Rebel Desk. Use the code BEN to save $40 on the desk and code GREENFIELD to save $20 on the adjustable height chair that comes with the desk. True Form Treadmill. Negative Ion Generator. Purely Products Negative Iron Generator Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp GreenfieldNaturals - use code “friendofben” for discount AllerAir Air Filter Less EMF Grounding Cable Unplugged WiFi Irden Glasses Screen Dimmer GreenWave Dirty Electricity Filters Lapka Personal Environment Monitor Tianchi Chinese Adaptogenic Herbs ------------------------- Resources For Your Kitchen No Microwave Excalibur Dehydrator OmniBlender Hurom Slow Juicer Mason Glass Jars Natural Cleaners ------------------------- Resources For Your Gym Elevation Training Mask Pure Fitness Weighted Vest Hypoxico Air Generator Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium Rumble Roller Inversion Table ------------------------- Resources For Your Bathroom Squatty Potty Greenfield Naturals Water Filter - use code “friendofben” for discount How To Detox Your Home And Personal Care Products Bulletproof Coffee Enemas ------------------------- Questions, comments or feedback? Leave your thoughts below!See for privacy information.
Dec 6, 2014 • 1h 5min

Five Simple Steps To Turning Yourself Into A Fat Burning Machine.

Almost every day, I get an e-mail, comment, tweet or Facebook message about how to become a fat burning machine. And the fact is, become fat-adapted goes way above and beyond adding a stick of butter to a cup of coffee or eliminating carbohydrates from your diet. So in today’s podcast, I’ve brought back Greenfield Fitness System’s performance nutritionist Barry Murray, who was originally a guest on the episode “The Ultimate Guide To Combining Fasting and Exercise: Everything You Need To Know. In this episode, Barry gives us five simple steps to becoming a fat burning machine, including: -How to increase your ability to use your body’s own fat stores… -Why it’s actually a good thing for your muscles to have fat stored in them… -The best menus, recipes, meal plans and all the “coping” strategies you need to make the shift into fat-burning… -The best way to time your meals for fat oxidation… -How to structure your diet so that you can trigger the adaptations you need to increase the rates of fat oxidation… -How to benefit from depleted training and intermittent fasting… -How stress or inflammatory factors inhibit overall physiological fitness, and which hidden lifestyle factors keep you from becoming a fat burning machine… -How to compete or do hard workouts in a fat adapted state… -And much more! Do you have questions, comments or feedbacks about these steps to becoming a fat burning machine? Leave your thoughts at, and click here if you’d like to hire Barry for a consult or nutrition coaching!See for privacy information.
Dec 3, 2014 • 53min

Is Sprouted Bread Bad For You, Can Weed Help You Sleep Better, How To Fix Damage From Birth Control Pills and More! Dec 3, 2014 Podcast: Is Sprouted Bread Bad For You, Can Weed Help You Sleep Better, How To Fix Damage From Birth Control Pills, and How To Use Cascara As A Coffee Alternative. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. I guess this explains why so many endurance athletes get sick or have suppressed white blood cells. And this, my friends, is why you should use probiotics when you’re traveling. People who say organic fruits and veggies aren’t any better than non-organic counterparts need to read this. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by Harry’s Shaving. is gifting all listeners of my show $5 off with promo code benHOLIDAY. That’s right, even if you're already a loyal Harry user, you will still get $5 off a Winter Winston set with the promo code benHOLIDAY. You’ll get the razor, three quality blades, and a tube of their foaming shave gel or shave cream for just $25! This podcast is also brought to you by Onnit. Just click here to see a video of Ben Greenfield and top Spartan athlete Hunter McIntyre punishing maces, steel bells, primal bells, medicine balls and much more. You save 10% at As part of the celebration of our 300th podcast episode (last week), the Great Biomat Giveaway ends today, Dec 3. Click here to get in now and maximize your chance of $1750 worth of detox prizes! December 15-19, 2014: Ben interviews 23 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at January 30th - 31st, 2015: Ben will be speaking in Dubai - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Click here for all details. March 6-9, 2015: Come on the Spartan Cruise with Ben Greenfield and family! Use code BEN10 to save 10% when you book this cruise to a private island in the Bahamas for the ultimate tropical Spartan Race. This cruise includes free travel for kids and a kid's Spartan race, along with a sprint Spartan for the adults, tons of partying, beautiful beaches and new, exclusive island challenges. April 24-26th, 2015: Come hear Ben speak at PaleoFX 2015. Below is just a taste of what to expect at this can't-miss conference that is the Who's Who gathering of the Paleo movement, with world-class speakers including best-selling authors, physicians, nutritionists, research scientists, professional athletes, trainers, sustainability and food activists, biohackers, and more. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some!  ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. Is Sprouted Bread Bad For You? Bill says: Hey guys, how's it going? I just recently bought a sprouted bread and it has soy lecithin in it and I was just wondering what that is and is it harmful or OK to be taking in? That's about it. Thanks for all you guys do. In my response I recommend: -The Digestion Sessions (the episode with Sayer Ji) Can Weed Help You Sleep Better? Cara says: Hi Ben and Brock, this is Cara again from Columbia Maryland again. Got another quick question for ya. I tried the CBD oil last night and it really helped me get to sleep, which I've been struggling with the past couple weeks. However I woke up, startled two hours later. I did fall back asleep but I did wake up again and again, probably about every couple hours... so, I'm not sure what was going on. I'm wondering if you had any experience using the product for sleep? Any insight would be great. Thanks again. In my response I recommend: -CBD Rich Hemp Oil -Vaporizer -Melatonin Patch -Passionflower How To Fix Damage From Birth Control Pills Megan says: Hi Ben and Brock, I had a question about birth control. About four months ago I stopped taking Yasmin after 15 years. I found some of your prior podcasts that talk about why you shouldn't be on it but had some trouble finding out what to do to deal with the aftermath of going off of it. I've been to the doctor and their suggestion is to go back on it, which is not something I intend on doing. I feel like my ridiculously crazy mood swings are finally starting to level out somewhat but now, you know, I have the acne to deal with that just comes at any given time. My biggest concern is my hair loss. It's really starting to thin now. I'm 37 years old and I'm really working on cleaning up my diet and, just overall, trying to improve my lifestyle. I'm currently running about 15 to 20 miles and I'm just about to begin training for my first half marathon this fall. I'm just looking for any advice that you can give me to get myself back on track and keep moving in the right direction. Love listening to the podcast - thanks a lot. In my response I recommend: -USWellnessMeats -Bone Broth -Honoring Our Cycles book -Mineral Rich Sea Salt -Gut Fixing Protocol How To Use Cascara As A Coffee Alternative Michael says: Hi Ben, this is Michael in Austin Texas. I was interested in a product called Cascara Tea. It was a follow up to one of your previous podcasts about Coffee Flour. I started looking up Coffee Flour and Coffee Flour seems to really only be available from the coffee flour website, as far as I can find. And it's not going to be available until 2015. So, I'm just trying to get my hands on some of that. It sounds really interesting and I don't want to wait until next year. So, I found a product called Cascara Tea which is basically the same thing and it's kind of a traditional tea, people have been drinking and consuming it for a while in other cultures. It's made from the cherry of the coffee plant, after the bean has been discarded. So I procured some of this through some means on the internet (was a little bit difficult, but got some) and it's pretty cool. Real earthy and interesting flavor. But I was just curious if you knew anything about this and particularly any sort of benefits of the cascara tea over traditional coffee or even traditional tea? I've got all this ground up cascara tea leaf kinda lookin stuff and am curious if I can even further grind it by throwing it in my Vitamix and getting into a really fine grind and use it as a coffee flour and basically eat it? What sort of unique nutritional benefits might that provide? Thanks and I appreciate the podcast and take care. Bye. In my response I recommend: -Cascara Tea on AmazonSee for privacy information.
Nov 29, 2014 • 43min

The Little-Known Test That Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Your Metabolism.

Last year, I interviewed pro mountain biker Chris Kelly in the podcast "7 Signs Your Cortisol And Adrenals Are Broken.". While that podcast went into lots of detail about how you can measure for adrenal fatigue, the fact is that you can delve into far more detail about what is going on inside your body, especially when it comes to your cellular metabolism. This little known test that tells you everything you need to know about your cellular metabolism is called the "Genova Organix Comprehensive Metabolic Profile", and in today's audio podcast, Chris and I cover everything you need to know about it. During our discussion, we discuss this .pdf print-out - so download it if you'd like to follow along as you listen in. I've also included helpful shownotes below, along with the questions that I ask Chris in this episode. --------------------------------- Q. What is the organic acids test and how did you discover it? A. About three years ago I wasn’t doing so well in terms of life outside of training: Loss of sex drive. Brain fog. Fatigue. Mild depression. I ran a saliva hormone panel which showed low cortisol, low DHEA and low testosterone. Adrenal fatigue if you like. That was a red flag but it didn’t really say anything about the underlying cause. This was shortly after I met Dr. Dan Kalish and he persuaded me to take the organic acids test. Organic acids are metabolic byproducts of cellular metabolism and they can be measured from a urine sample. There’s no need to go to a lab for a draw blood, you just collect urine at home. It’s a bit like when you put your car onto the rolling road and the mechanic analyses the exhaust gases. You can learn a lot about how well an engine is running like that. I got really excited the first time I saw the test. At the time I was working at quantitative hedge fund as a computer programmer but my real passion was bike racing. The result looks very complicated to most people but to me it was like a programming problem. --------------------------------- Q. What biomarkers does an organic acids profile actually test? A. Fat burning Everyone wants to be a fat burning beast, right? This test will reveal show how well beta-oxidation is working, this turned out to be very important for me. Blood sugar stabilization This test was originally developed to help chronically ill patients, many of whom were pre-diabetic. The strange thing is those people have a lot in common with some athletes because (I suspect) of all the sugary sports supplements. This test can show you how well you’re burning carbs. Energy production Some of you listening will remember learning about the Citric Acid or Krebs cycle in biology. Basically it’s the process by which you convert food and air into energy. Each step of the process requires certain enzymes and nutrients to be in place, and when they’re lacking it shows up on this test. Once you know, it’s not hard to fix with supplements like CoQ10 for example. Methylation This gets complicated fast, and you’ve talked about it in length on the show. Methylation is the way in which our body turns off the genes that are the blueprint which defines us. It’s also critically important for detox. If you’ve done a 23andme saliva test and worried about the MTHFR mutation, do this test as it will help you understand how well your methylation is actually working. One of the most sensitive markers for vitamin B12 deficiency is methylmalonic acid. That’s an organic acid that’s on this test. Toxins and detoxification Everybody is exposed to toxins, it’s in the food we eat, the air we breathe. That’s why we have a liver, but sadly it’s becoming increasingly overburdened. 2-methylhippurate is an organic acid is on this test, it’s a breakdown product of xylene from paints, varnishes, carpet. New car smell. The scary thing is that it’s not on this test to detect accidental exposure, it’s on because everyone is exposed to xylene and therefore it’s a reliable marker of liver function. Once you know you’re liver’s struggling you can support the liver with extra nutrients. Oxidative stress/antioxidants This is a very difficult area. When the brain is starved of oxygen during a stroke the neurons are killed by factors relate to oxidative stress. In animals and tissue culture a great deal of careful work has been done. Some would argue that oxidative stress plays a role in Alzheimer's disease and aging. In healthy people the role of oxidative stress is far from clear but there is no doubt that many doctors believe a vegetable based diet rich in antioxidants is useful. Athletes create more oxidative stress through increased energy production, but I suspect there comes a point where enough is enough. Some level of oxidative stress is required for cell signaling and to elicit a training response. Neurotransmitter turnover The first thing I should make clear is that this is not a direct test for neurotransmitters. I learned from Dr. Kalish that neurotransmitters measured in the urine are made locally in the kidneys have no relationship with the levels in the brain. The blood brain barrier keeps everything separate. It’s confusing. This test measures the metabolic ashes of dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline. Usually the solution to problems found is stress reduction and lifestyle modification but in many cases amino acid therapy can be extremely helpful for insomnia, anxiety, depression and addiction. Intestinal bacterial overgrowth Certain bad bacteria in our gut, specially in the small intestine produce chemicals that can be measured on this test. It’s a crude test for SIBO. If you have an overgrowth of these bacteria then it’ll show up as bloating and on this test. Sometimes you can crowd out these bacteria with probiotics but sometimes a short killing phase works better. --------------------------------- Q. Who should take it, and why would someone take this test? A. In short, anyone looking to produce more energy. My original goal was to upgrade from the age group categories to pro, but now with hindsight I see it’s everything outside of racing and training that matters. So if you’re like me and you spend lots of time trying to concentrate hard, the neurotransmitter turnover section is going to be really interesting to you. The serotonin, melatonin pathway is very interesting to anyone suffering from problems with sleep. Or if you’re an athlete looking to ensure that your metabolism is running as efficiently as possible you’re going to love this test. It’s funny, people spend all kinds of money on equipment. You think of that like the chassis of a race car. But what use is that if the engine is not running right? My advice is to spend less time waxing the bodywork and take a peek under the hood. --------------------------------- Q. Is it a standalone test, or is it used in conjunction with other tests? A. You can think of this test as a whole bunch of pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle. It’s important, but it’s not a standalone solution. I analyze these results for a living now and in a way my work hasn’t changed. I’m still debugging. I’m still asking why. The hormonal component is the foundation, that’s still the best place to start. And sometimes stool testing to detect smoldering gut infections can be really important too. I routinely ask people to track their blood glucose, basal morning temperature and heart rate variability which can also give tremendous insight. That which gets measured gets managed. --------------------------------- Q. What are the optimal ranges for each of the biomarkers, and why? A. There’s two ways you can interpret this test. The first is to look at each individual marker and notice that’s it’s high or low. The second way is to look at the big picture. Take orotate for example. That could be elevated due to excessive protein intake, or it could be the result of bacterial overgrowth. --------------------------------- Q. How can I implement what I learn from this test ‘in real life’? A. Sometimes there’s a very specific reason why something is going wrong, like an infection or too much stress. Or it could also be because you’re doing too much training. Finally, you might have some genetic abnormality. Either way, it allows you supplement with confidence. Sometimes the test pays for itself in this way, supplements get expensive really fast. --------------------------------- Q. What are a few common markers that are ‘way off’ for a lot of people (i.e. athletes, health-conscious, workaholics)? Why? Kyurinate tryptophan pathway. Carnitine and fat burning. Neurotransmitters and stress. (Chris explains each of this in more detail in the podcast.) --------------------------------- As he mentions in the audio, you can book a half-price phone or Skype consult with Chris by using the code GREENFIELD at the NourishBalanceThrive website. If you have questions, comments or feedback about the organic acids test, then leave your thoughts at!See for privacy information.
Nov 26, 2014 • 1h 4min

The Bill Clinton Diet, Saving Your Gonads From Laptops And Bikes, Reasons For Early Puberty And More! Nov 26, 2014 Podcast: 5x5 Workouts, What Is Glycobiology, Is Sitting On A Bike Bad For You, What Is Best Plastic For Water Bottles, and Can You Increase Growth Hormone With Fasting? Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right, use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on, and Google+. Bill Clinton’s gone from vegan to low carb paleo. Lack of sun can increase diabetes risk. (this may also be why you can eat MORE carbs when in tropical climates). But sleeping naked can decrease diabetes risk. And this, my friends, is why I use an EMF, heat blocking pad under my laptop. (I use the HARAPAD) ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by Generation UCAN. Just go to to save 15% on the stuff that keeps you in fat-burning mode all day long. This podcast is also brought to you by Onnit. Just click here to see a video of Ben Greenfield and top Spartan athlete Hunter McIntyre punishing maces, steel bells, primal bells, medicine balls and much more. You save 10% at As part of our celebration of our 300th podcast episode, the Great Biomat Giveaway goes live Nov 26-Dec 3. Click here to get in now and maximize your chance of $1750 worth of detox prizes! December 15-19, 2014: Ben interviews 23 of the world's leading experts in performance, recovery, nutrition, fat loss, brain, sleep and hormone optimization, and you get a free all-access pass. Check it out now at Go ask your burning Obstacle Racing questions at for the brand new Obstacle Dominator podcast. December 4-5 Ben will be speaking at Mark Divine's Unbeatable Mind Retreat in Encinitas California. This is a life-changing experience for anyone looking to learn about SEAL principles, health and peak performance – with LIVE, hands-on training from Mark Divine and a world-renowned team of experts. January 30th - 31st, 2015, Ben will be speaking in Dubai - Talise Fitness and Jumeirah Emirates Towers, proudly invite you to take part in an exclusive two day seminar held by the renowned nutrition and fitness expert, best selling author, coach, speaker, ex-bodybuilder and Ironman triathlete, Ben Greenfield. Click here for all details. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some! ----------------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Brock Skywalker Armstrong, the Podcast Sidekick and Audio Ninja. What Is Glycobiology? Bryan asks: He recently has been hearing the term glycobiology. He is wondering what your thoughts are on the subject and whether you agree that it is as important as some people are saying to the future of our health?   Is Sitting On A Bike Bad For You? Jonas asks: He rides a mountain bike to work everyday and is wondering how he should be sitting on it, not necessarily to go the fastest but to ensure he doesn't get injured or create any issues later in life. He doesn't want to wake up 10 years from now and find out that he shouldn't have been "sitting like this". In my response I recommend: -ISM Adamo Saddles -Core Foundation exercises What Is Best Plastic For Water Bottles? Mark asks: He has been reading recently that even BPA free plastic water bottles can be harmful to your health. Do you have any recommendations on what water bottles are safe to use? In my response I recommend: -Lunchbots -Klean Kanteen Can You Increase Growth Hormone With Fasting? Johan asks: He has read that the positive effects of fasting (24 hours or more) are quite evident with HGH and "rebooting" your immune system. If you are fasting and training to get the positive effects of testosterone, is that a powerful way to combine health and training? Could this also be helpful for kids to help control IGF1 and thus stop them from entering puberty too early by relying on HGH instead of IGF1?See for privacy information.

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