
Susan Pawlby

Developmental Clinical Psychologist and visiting senior research fellow in the School of Life Course Sciences at King''s College London. Undertook research in the South London Child Development Study.

Best podcasts with Susan Pawlby

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5 snips
Feb 19, 2025 • 1h 7min

Classic Debate: Parenting Doesn’t Matter (Or Not As Much As You Think)

Joining the discussion are Robert Plomin, a behavioral genetics expert; Susan Pawlby, a developmental psychologist; Ann Pleshette Murphy, a parenting counselor; and Stuart Ritchie, a social genetics lecturer. They delve into the hotly debated topic of parenting's influence versus genetic factors in child development. The conversation highlights key insights from twin studies, the importance of nurturing environments, and the psychological aspects of parenting. Ultimately, they challenge conventional narratives and urge parents to embrace their children's unique traits while focusing on love and support.
Jun 19, 2022 • 1h 7min

The Sunday Debate: Parenting Doesn’t Matter (Or Not As Much As You Think)

We delve back into the archive to 2018, when we held a debate getting to the heart of nature vs nurture. How much do our parents influence the people that we eventually turn out to be? We were joined by Professor of Behavioural Genetics Robert Plomin, the Developmental Clinical Psychologist Susan Pawlby, therapist, parenting counsellor and broadcaster Ann Pleshette Murphy, and Stuart Ritchie, lecturer in social genetics and developmental psychiatry and author of Science Fictions. Hosting the debate was Doctor and broadcaster, Dr Xand van Tulleken. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices