
Rachel Greenwald

Executive fellow at Harvard Business School, professional matchmaker, and dating coach. Expert in communication and relationship building.

Best podcasts with Rachel Greenwald

Ranked by the Snipd community
232 snips
May 9, 2023 • 26min

89. Listen, Listen, Listen: How to Build Deep Connections

Rachel Greenwald, an executive fellow at Harvard Business School and a professional matchmaker, shares her expertise in communication and relationship building. She emphasizes how making others feel valued is more crucial than just the words we use. Greenwald discusses mastering small talk and identifies common conversation pitfalls that sabotage authentic connections. The importance of feedback and active listening in fostering deeper relationships is highlighted, encouraging listeners to enhance their engagement and overcome communication blind spots.
59 snips
May 9, 2023 • 32min

A Marketing Professor and a Matchmaker Talk Personal Branding

Unless you're famous - or want to be - you might not think of yourself as a brand. But whether you're in a meeting or on social media, interviewing for a job or asking for a promotion, the way you carry yourself conveys a certain image to the people around you. Jill Avery studies marketing and is a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School, and Rachel Greenwald is a professional matchmaker and dating coach. Together, they explain why a strong personal brand is important for professional success. They walk us through how to think about reputation, identify core values, and project our authentic selves. Avery and Greenwald wrote the HBR article “A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand.”