
Marietje Schaake

Europarlementariër (2009-2019) en onderzoeker aan Stanford, gespecialiseerd in technologiebeleid en de invloed van technologie op de democratie. Auteur van het boek "De tech coup".

Top 10 podcasts with Marietje Schaake

Ranked by the Snipd community
23 snips
Oct 24, 2024 • 41min

23: The Tech Coup w/ Marietje Schaake

Marietje Schaake, a former member of the European Parliament and Stanford professor, discusses the alarming trend of tech corporations usurping governmental powers, which threatens democratic values. The conversation highlights the shift from an optimistic view of tech to concerns over monopolistic practices and unregulated influence. Schaake emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive governance frameworks and accountability measures to align technology with societal values. She warns of technology's dual potential as a tool for empowerment or oppression.
18 snips
Nov 30, 2024 • 1h 12min

Ep.111: Trump, The Tech Coup, and the EU

Marietje Schaake, former member of the European Parliament and author of "The Tech Coup," discusses the alarming influence of Big Tech on democracy, civil liberties, and the environment. She highlights the dual nature of technology—empowering yet oppressive—and advocates for urgent regulatory frameworks. Schaake explores the tech industry's exploitation of the gig economy, the accountability disparities among tech moguls, and urges stronger negotiation power for governments against dominant firms. Her proposals aim to foster responsible tech practices and combat rising challenges like cryptocurrencies.
12 snips
Sep 26, 2024 • 45min

Can Democracy Coexist With Big Tech? with Marietje Schaake

Marietje Schaake, an international technology policy expert and former European parliamentarian, warns of a looming 'Tech Coup' undermining democracy. She discusses how Big Tech's grip erodes privacy and human rights. Schaake emphasizes the urgent need for regulation to maintain democratic principles amidst rapid technological advancement. She critiques the accountability of tech giants in crises and advocates for grassroots movements to ensure innovation serves the public interest rather than corporate power. This conversation is both enlightening and alarming!
9 snips
Jan 19, 2025 • 51min

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Arnon Grunberg, Marietje Schaake, Eppo Bruins, Çiğdem Yuksel

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, oud-secretaris-generaal van de NAVO, deelt inzichten over internationale veiligheid. Arnon Grunberg, de schrijver, bespreekt de impact van wereldconflicten op persoonlijke levens. Marietje Schaake, expert in cyberbeveiliging, legt de verbanden tussen technologie en democratie bloot. Eppo Bruins praat over de digitalisering van belangrijke archieven, en Çiğdem Yuksel, de fotograaf, getuigt van de schrijnende situatie in Gaza. Samen reflecteren ze op de uitdagingen van onze tijd en de rol van geschiedenis in ons huidige wereldbeeld.
Feb 3, 2025 • 47min

508. Examining Big Tech's Influence on Democracy feat. Marietje Schaake

Marietje Schaake, a fellow at Stanford's Cyber Policy Center and author of The Tech Coup, delves into the evolving dynamics between tech giants and democracy. She critiques the complacency of political leaders regarding corporate power and highlights the historical shift from technology as a liberating force to a profit-driven threat. The conversation also touches on the need for better tech governance, regulatory frameworks like GDPR, and the urgent demand for lawmakers to become more tech-savvy to protect democratic values.
Oct 27, 2024 • 29min

S9E4: Tech Coup with Marietje Schaake

In this engaging discussion, Marietje Schaake, a Fellow at Stanford's Cyber Policy Center and Financial Times columnist, explores her book, The Tech Coup. She delves into the vital connection between Big Tech and democracy, emphasizing the need for tech accountability and regulation. Key topics include the EU AI Act's role in balancing rights and risks, the implications of datafication on society, and India's complex position in global tech governance. Marietje's insights illuminate the path toward centering public interest in technology's rapid evolution.
Sep 22, 2024 • 37min

Resisting the Tech Coup: A Conversation with Marietje Schaake

Join Marietje Schaake, author of *The Tech Coup*, Dr. Alondra Nelson, a distinguished professor and former Biden advisor, and Nobel laureate Maria Ressa as they tackle the urgent issues surrounding technology's threat to democracy. They discuss the concept of the 'tech coup' and its implications for disinformation and governance. Schaake shares her insights from a blockchain summit, highlighting the need for regulation. The conversation also covers tech policy during election season and the complex dynamics of India's tech landscape, emphasizing the need for accountability in tech governance.
Dec 5, 2024 • 1h 4min

Marietje Schaake zag hoe Big Tech macht (en talent) bij de politiek wegkaapte. Hoe krijgen we het terug?

Marietje Schaake, voormalig Europarlementariër en nu onderzoeker aan Stanford, bespreekt de overgang van technologie als democratische belofte naar een bedreiging voor onze vrijheden. Ze legt uit hoe de macht van Big Tech onze politieke structuren beïnvloedt en waarom het zo moeilijk is voor overheden om grip te krijgen op deze sector. Daarnaast benadrukt ze de noodzaak van proactieve maatregelen en strategische investeringen om de democratie te beschermen tegen deze groeiende invloed.
Nov 26, 2024 • 53min

The Tech Coup with Marietje Schaake

Marietje Schaake, a former member of the European Parliament and current International Director of Policy at Stanford Cyber Policy Center, discusses the alarming impact of Big Tech on democracy. She argues that private tech companies are usurping power from democratic institutions. Highlighting concerns about cryptocurrency's destabilizing effects and rising authoritarianism, Schaake emphasizes the need for a 'public stack' to ensure community governance. Her insights provide a roadmap for safeguarding democracy in the digital age.
Nov 8, 2024 • 33min

Siliconsciousness: AI and the Trump Administration: What to Expect

Marietje Schaake, a cyber policy expert and former European Parliament member, joins David Rothkopf to discuss the intersection of AI and politics. They explore the implications of including figures like Elon Musk in Trump’s inner circle for future regulation. The conversation addresses the need for robust AI governance and the impacts of differing U.S. policies compared to Europe. Schaake emphasizes the importance of transparency and public involvement in creating consistent AI regulations, while also touching on the risks of the U.S.-China AI rivalry.