
Jonas Olofsson

Professor i psykologi vid Stockholms universitet. Forskar på luktsinnet och har skrivit boken "Det underskattade sinnet".

Top 3 podcasts with Jonas Olofsson

Ranked by the Snipd community
18 snips
Jan 13, 2025 • 52min

Why Couples Hate to Talk About Money & How Scents and Smells Affect You

Rahmit Sethi, an accomplished author known for his books on personal finance, discusses the challenges couples face when talking about money. He shares strategies to transform these conversations into constructive dialogues, helping partners create a shared financial vision. Jonas Olofsson, a psychology professor, reveals fascinating insights into how smells influence our relationships and perceptions. From the science of scent to emotional connections, the discussion uncovers the surprising power aromas have in our lives.
Feb 10, 2025 • 43min

75. Blommor och bajs – vad gör dofter med oss egentligen? (A-kursen i luktsinnet)

Jonas Olofsson, professor i psykologi vid Stockholms universitet och författare till "Det underskattade sinnet", dyker ner i den ofta förbisedda världen av dofter. Han diskuterar hur luktsinnet påverkar vår hälsa och välmående, särskilt efter covid-19. Missade dofter kan leda till depression och ångest. Olofsson betonar vikten av luktträning för att återfå doftförmågan. Dessutom tas den känslomässiga kopplingen mellan lukt och minnen upp, och hur dofter kan forma självkänslan och våra sociala relationer.
Jan 10, 2025 • 32min

Why smell is our most underrated sense

Jonas Olofsson, a Professor of Psychology at Stockholm University and author of "The Forgotten Sense," dives into the remarkable capabilities of the human sense of smell. He debunks myths about our olfactory abilities, revealing how humans are sophisticated sniffers. The conversation tackles the link between scent, memory, and emotion, explores how genetics and culture influence our odor perceptions, and discusses the fascinating world of pheromones. Olofsson also highlights the trained skill of sommeliers in identifying complex wine aromas.