

An HR Vice President with 15 years of experience who worked 8 years at Yale and is currently at a global media company in the area of Corporate Functions.

Top 10 podcasts with Christine

Ranked by the Snipd community
Aug 1, 2024 • 43min

Episode 6: Lumpers and Splitters

Christine and Max are trailblazing female athletes navigating the complex world of modern sports. Christine shares her rigorous training routine as she fights for Olympic qualification, while Max discusses her challenging court case concerning sports regulations. They delve into the emotional and financial struggles athletes face under restrictive policies. The conversation also tackles the broader implications of gender categorization in sports, questioning fairness and inclusion in competitive environments.
Aug 1, 2024 • 43min

Tested: Lumpers and Splitters

Christine and Max are trailblazing female athletes navigating the murky waters of sports eligibility and stigma. They share their personal journeys toward the Paris Olympics and the emotional struggles linked to qualifying. Their stories shed light on the regulatory pressures facing female athletes, particularly around testosterone rules. The conversation dives into broader questions of gender identity in sports, exploring potential solutions for inclusivity and fairness while confronting the systemic inequalities that persist.
Sep 16, 2024 • 1h 2min

Wunder – über die unerklärlichen Momente

Christine wartet auf ein ganz spezielles Wunder, während Mona skeptisch bleibt. Sie diskutieren die Faszination von Wundern und wie sich deren Bedeutung im Laufe der Zeit verändert hat. Christine erzählt von einem persönlichen Erlebnis, das in die Suche nach Wundern einfließt. Zudem wird das Buch 'Wunder' von R.J. Palacio beleuchtet, das die Herausforderungen eines Jungen mit Gesichtsanomalien thematisiert. Mona und Christine empfehlen gleichzeitig Bücher, die das Anderssein thematisieren, und bieten hilfreiche Tipps in ihrer Rubrik.
Sep 16, 2024 • 8min

Mini Edit: 4 Healthcare Adulting Tips

Christine shares her expertise on navigating the complexities of healthcare adulting. She offers practical tips to streamline your healthcare experience, including how to localize providers and effectively schedule follow-ups. Christine emphasizes the importance of integrating healthcare tasks into your daily routine to minimize stress. With her relatable anecdotes and actionable advice, she makes the daunting world of healthcare feel more manageable and accessible for all.
Aug 20, 2024 • 33min

The Power of Diverse Networks in Negotiation: Insights from Jordan Sale

This discussion features Jordan Sale, an expert in negotiation and diverse networks, alongside Christine, a savvy data scientist who secured an impressive $80,000 salary increase. They dive into how varied perspectives enhance negotiation outcomes and the transformative power of data-driven confidence. Jordan emphasizes the psychological dynamics at play and the necessity of preparation. Christine's journey illustrates how understanding cultural influences and leveraging support networks can maximize negotiation potential.
Aug 5, 2024 • 1h 2min

Stimme – über den Klang unserer Worte

Christine, eine Literaturbegeisterte mit einem Faible für intime Erzählungen, empfiehlt das Buch 'Vox' von Nicholson Baker. Im Gespräch geht es um die Beziehung zu unseren Stimmen und deren Pflege. Stimmen-Traumata und die Kunst der Stimmgestaltung werden ebenso thematisiert wie intime Gespräche in der Literatur. Außerdem wird eine skurrile Anekdote über einen Mann erzählt, der in Strumpfhosen verliebt ist. Die Reflexion über Geschlechterrollen und Demokratie rundet das fesselnde Gespräch ab!
Jun 30, 2024 • 4min

Rassismus und Antirassismus: Geht "farbenblind" in unserer Welt überhaupt?

Bratu, Christine www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Sein und Streit
May 6, 2024 • 57min

Scham – über den Wunsch, im Boden zu versinken

Christine teilt ihre skurrile Erfahrung bei der Verleihung des Goldenen Bloggers, während Mona eine überraschende Verbindung zur Zugspitze offenbart. Die beiden sprechen über die emotionalen Facetten von Scham und beleuchten persönliche Erlebnisse. Christine empfiehlt das Buch "Seltsame Blüten" von Donal Ryan, das Themen wie Trauma und Wiedereingliederung behandelt, während Mona das aufwühlende Werk "Scham" von Inès Bayard vorstellt, wo sich die düstere Realität des Familienlebens entfaltet. Publikumsinteraktion und die Bedeutung von Buchhandlungen werden ebenfalls thematisiert.
Dec 24, 2023 • 32min

Episode 342: How to Make Private Pay an Easy Choice for You and Your Clients

Christine, Founder of Mentaya, discusses empowering therapists to charge full fees through out-of-network benefits. They delve into simplifying insurance claims, streamlining reimbursements, and helping therapists stay accessible. The episode also explores timing for filing claims and upcoming regulations for therapists.
Sep 18, 2023 • 51min

Episode 48: It's You, Isn't It?

Christine shares her harrowing journey through unexplained physical ailments and the profound toll on her mental health, leading to episodes of waking up in a terrifying void. She vividly recounts her experiences with insomnia, depression, and the complexities of seeking answers in the medical world. The discussion takes a unique turn as Christine explores the intersection of her struggles with potential paranormal entities, prompting deep reflections on the nature of reality and the unseen forces at play in our lives.