How to Address Picky Eating and Raise Intuitive Eaters with Dr. Taylor Arnold
Mar 18, 2024
Exploring the reasons behind picky eating in children, including medical conditions and sensory needs. Discussing strategies for empowering kids through positive food experiences and promoting healthy eating habits. Navigating neurodivergent conditions and picky eating, along with teaching children basic cooking skills for a well-rounded diet.
Picky eating can be influenced by various factors beyond just being selective, including medical conditions and sensory needs.
Extreme picky eating may indicate underlying medical conditions like Eosinophilic Esophagitis, distinguishing between normal picky eating and serious disorders is crucial for appropriate interventions.
Deep dives
Focus on the underlying reasons for picky eating
When dealing with picky eaters, it is essential to consider the underlying reasons beyond just being difficult. Factors like medical conditions, sensory needs, stress, and changes in their lives can all contribute to selective eating habits. By exploring these additional factors, parents can better understand and address the root causes of picky eating in children.
Understanding the spectrum of picky eating
Picky eating varies and does not have a standardized definition. It can range from normal selective eating habits to more severe cases like Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) or Pediatric Feeding Disorders (PFD). Professionals emphasize the importance of considering medical or functional factors contributing to a child's picky eating behaviors in order to provide appropriate support.
Addressing extreme picky eating with medical considerations
Extreme picky eating behavior, often labeled as ARFID or pediatric feeding disorder, may have underlying medical conditions contributing to food aversions. Conditions like Eosinophilic Esophagitis can lead to discomfort and avoidance of certain foods. It's crucial to differentiate between extreme picky eating and medical issues to provide suitable interventions and support for children.
Balancing discussions on healthy eating and processed foods
Encouraging a positive approach to nutrition discussions with children involves emphasizing balance and education rather than restriction. Teaching children about the benefits of different foods and involving them in meal preparation can promote healthy eating behaviors. When it comes to processed foods, considering moderation, offering alternatives, and maintaining a balanced diet can help children develop a positive relationship with food.
Welcome back to the Nutrition Science Podcast, today I am going to be interviewing one of my colleagues Dr. Taylor Arnold to discuss kids' nutrition.
Taylor and I met while we were getting our PhDs and she is an amazing resource for child nutrition. Most of this conversation is going to be centered around picky eating as this is the issue that came up the most when I brought this topic up.
In this episode you will learn:
Why picky eating is usually more than a kid just being "picky"
What to look out for to identify causes of a child's picky eating habits
.Strategies for talking to your children about nutrition
Tips for helping your children diversify their food choices
And more...
This is a great episode that I know you will get a lot of value from. Taylor has a wealth of knowledge and free resources so also make sure you go check out her Instagram page, website, youtube, and everywhere else she teaches on this topic.