Welcome back to the Nutrition Science Podcast, today I am going to be interviewing one of my colleagues Dr. Taylor Arnold to discuss kids' nutrition.
Taylor and I met while we were getting our PhDs and she is an amazing resource for child nutrition. Most of this conversation is going to be centered around picky eating as this is the issue that came up the most when I brought this topic up.
In this episode you will learn:
- Why picky eating is usually more than a kid just being "picky"
- What to look out for to identify causes of a child's picky eating habits
- .Strategies for talking to your children about nutrition
- Tips for helping your children diversify their food choices
And more...
This is a great episode that I know you will get a lot of value from. Taylor has a wealth of knowledge and free resources so also make sure you go check out her Instagram page, website, youtube, and everywhere else she teaches on this topic.
You can find all of her info here.
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