Episode 43 - Anticipatory Anxiety with Sally Winston
Apr 1, 2023
Dr. Sally Winston, author of 'Overcoming Anticipatory Anxiety', discusses the concept of anticipatory anxiety and its impact on decision-making. They provide strategies for managing anticipatory anxiety and explore the difficulties of implementing CBT-based approaches. The podcast also explores the concept of fretting and wishing, breaking the cycle of anxiety, and the time it takes for individuals to make an attitudinal shift towards their anxiety.
Anticipatory anxiety is the anxiety you feel in anticipation of something that you expect to cause anxiety or distress.
Changing the relationship with one's mind, adopting an attitude of acceptance, and focusing on the present moment are key in overcoming anticipatory anxiety.
Deep dives
Understanding Anticipatory Anxiety
Anticipatory anxiety is the anxiety you feel in anticipation of something that you expect to cause anxiety or distress.
The Three Layers of Fear
Anticipatory anxiety is considered the third layer of fear, involving fear of fear. It involves worrying about potential negative outcomes in the future.
The Role of Avoidance
Avoidance behaviors, such as constantly debating and struggling with decisions, can perpetuate anticipatory anxiety.
Shifting Attitudes and Perspectives
Changing the relationship with one's mind, adopting an attitude of acceptance, and focusing on the present moment are key in overcoming anticipatory anxiety.
In this episode of the podcast, guest Dr. Sally Winston and I discuss a component of anxiety she has identified as "Anticipatory Anxiety" -- which can be a bear to root out. Enjoy!