241: Using EFT/Tapping to Heal and Grow into Your Best Life with Brad Yates
Oct 22, 2023
Brad Yates, author of 'The Wizard's Wish' and co-author of 'Freedom', discusses how Tapping can help release stress and limiting beliefs. They cover the basics of EFT, the benefits of Tapping, and share inspiring stories of individuals whose lives have been changed by this technique. Brad also shares his routine and tips for beginners, and demonstrates a tapping session to release fear and resistance towards goals. They emphasize the importance of self-love as a starting point.
Tapping can help address and clear self-sabotage, allowing us to overcome resistance and make better choices.
Tapping is based on the principles of acupuncture, stimulating a healthy flow of energy and achieving emotional and physical well-being.
Tapping can help us clear emotional blocks and fears, enabling us to step forward with confidence and take action towards our goals.
Deep dives
The power of tapping and emotional freedom techniques (EFT)
Tapping, also known as emotional freedom techniques (EFT), is a practice that involves tapping on specific points of the body to release stress, reduce limiting beliefs, and achieve greater success, happiness, and health in life.
Understanding the concept of self-sabotage
Self-sabotage is a form of misguided self-protection. It occurs when we sabotage ourselves from reaching our goals because some part of us is trying to protect us from potential fears or negative outcomes. Tapping can help address and clear this self-sabotage, allowing us to overcome resistance and make better choices.
Exploring the science behind tapping
Tapping is based on the principles of acupuncture, which suggests that energy flows through our body along specific pathways called meridians. By tapping on these meridian points, we can stimulate a healthy flow of energy and achieve emotional and physical well-being. Modern research supports the effectiveness of tapping and reveals its ability to calm the nervous system and reduce stress.
Overcoming resistance and fear towards goals
Tapping can help us address and release the fears, doubts, and resistance we may feel towards our goals. By tapping on specific points and acknowledging our fears, we can clear any emotional blocks that hinder our progress. This allows us to step forward with confidence and take the necessary actions to achieve our goals.
The importance of self-love and tapping as a tool for personal growth
Self-love is crucial in personal growth and creating a fulfilling life. Tapping can be a powerful tool for cultivating self-love by clearing self-sabotaging beliefs and negative emotions. Through tapping, we can release resistance, embrace self-acceptance, and create a positive mindset that empowers us to live our best lives.
Most of us are walking around carrying ambient stress in our bodies without even realizing it. In this episode, Brad and Aileen discuss how Emotional Freedom Techniques, or more commonly known as Tapping, can help you explore and recognize your internal energy, where you're feeling stuck, and help you work on releasing it so you can take action and move forward into your best life.
Brad Yates, author of the best-selling children's book "The Wizard's Wish," co-author of the best-seller "Freedom at Your Fingertips," is internationally recognized for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or Tapping, to help release limiting beliefs, reduce stress, achieve greater success, happiness, health and more.
02:05 Introduction to EFT
06:40 Brad’s journey to tapping
10:55 What to say while tapping
13:00 What happens in our body and mind when tapping
16:40 Why EFT can be so powerful
19:00 The Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Tapping
21:46 Brad’s routine for tapping
23:57 Tips for beginners
26:40 Brad’s inspiration for starting videos about tapping
30:55 How Brad plans out content for tapping videos
32:50 Favourite stories of people’s lives that have been changed by tapping
37:17 Guided demonstration of tapping to release fear and resistance towards your goals
52:00 Phrases Brad often comes back to when tapping
54:52 Brad’s advice: start by loving yourself