Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kefir have long been a staple in traditional cultures all across the world. Today, science affirms that these fermented foods play an important role in human health by bolstering the immune system, calming inflammation, influencing the nervous system, and much more. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the numerous health benefits of fermented foods and how you can incorporate them into your diet. This compilation episode features some of the top experts in the world, including epidemiologists, microbiome research scientists, nutrition experts, and more. You’re going to learn how eating fermented foods impacts the microbiome, your cravings, your tastebuds, and your mental health. There are a multitude of amazing health benefits you can receive by adding fermented foods into your diet, and this episode is going to arm you with the knowledge you need to create a habit that works for your lifestyle. I hope you enjoy this compilation episode of The Model Health Show!
In this episode you’ll discover:
· How your gut microbes can influence your body composition.
· The power of eating fermented foods, and how many servings to aim for.
· Why sleep and the microbiome are two fundamental pillars of health.
· How fermented foods create bioactive effects.
· The benefits of sourdough bread.
· Types of fermented foods you can make at home.
· The role of kimchi in Korean culture.
· Five specific things you can do to have a healthy microbiome.
· The impact that polyphenols have on the microbiome.
· How to implement time-restricted eating for better gut health.
· Why fermented foods have the power to reduce stress.
· The link between anxiety, neurotransmitters, and fermented foods.
· How consuming vinegar before a meal can impact blood sugar and insulin.
· The power of acetic acid.
Items mentioned in this episode include:
· PaleoValley.com/model Use code MODEL for 15% off!
· Beekeepersnaturals.com/model Save up to 30% on natural remedies!
· How Time Restricted Eating Transforms Your Biology with Dr. Andrew Huberman Listen to episode 524!
· The Truth About the Microbiome with Dr. Suzanne Devkota Listen to episode 644!
· How to Have Boundless Energy & Health with Ben Greenfield Listen to episode 748!
· The Truth About Gut Bacteria with Dr. Tim Spector Listen to episode 683!
· How Food Causes Stress or Reduces Stress Listen to episode 734!
· Get Clearer Skin with These Glucose Hacks with Jessie Inchauspé Listen to episode 681!
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This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Paleovalley and Beekeeper’s Naturals. Use my code MODEL at PaleoValley.com/model to save 15% sitewide on nutrient dense snacks, superfood supplements, and more. Reinvent your medicine cabinet for with clean, effective products powered by the beehive & backed by science. Claim up to a 30% discount at beekeepersnaturals.com/model.