How should our training change or evolve as we age?
Is it time to hang up the old lifting shoes and take up stamp collecting?
Or can we still get in the gym and get after it?
Well if you’re over 40 (or getting there faster than you’d like), then this is the episode for you!
In this week’s podcast, we’re going to cover a ton of concepts to help you stay strong, lean and athletic well into your 40’s and beyond.
Whether it’s dialing in your training, dialing in your recovery, or optimizing your mental health and mindset, I guarantee you’ll take a thing or two away from this episode.
Let’s do this!
You don’t have to test your strength every week. If you train consistently, you know on those good days, the heavy weights are there.
10 Takeaways from the Physical Prep Podcast:
- Aging doesn’t necessarily mean decline; it can mean improvement or expansion in numerous ways.
- Mobility work is essential at all stages of life, but especially as we age.
- Incorporating more frequent deloads can help improve recovery.
- Why you should focus more on “touching intensity” as you get older.
- Conditioning is vital for overall health and longevity, so you have to find ways to get it in your program.
- Rotate training emphases to avoid plateaus, mental stagnation, and never get too far away from any one physical quality.
- Strength training is critical as we age for maintaining muscle mass, strength, and keeping connective tissues strong.
- Recovery becomes more important as we age.
- Active recovery should play a role in your daily routine.
- Connecting with others enhances mental well-being.
Related Links:
Stop the Frustration! Get the Complete Coach Certification
Are you a young fitness trainer or coach?
Are you frustrated by the results you’re getting or the lack of resources available to learn the skills you need to be successful?
Are you struggling to get enough clients or wondering how long you’ll be able to follow your passion for helping others?
It’s time to stop the frustration and stop worrying. It’s time to get certified!
If you’re serious about improving your results, serious about becoming a better coach, and serious about increasing your bottom line, then you need the Complete Coach Certification.
In this massive course, you’ll learn:
- How to use the R7 system to create seamless, integrated and efficient programs for clients and athletes of all shapes and sizes
- How to create the culture, environment and relationships with everyone you train so you can get the absolute best results
- The exact progressions, regressions, and coaching cues I use in the gym – from squatting and deadlifting to pressing and pulling and everything in between
- The assessment process I use to determine the best exercises for a client or athlete on Day 1, and how to set them up for maximal success down the line!
This certification is jam-packed with everything I’ve learned over the last 20 years of my career.
So if you’re ready to get serious about the results you’re getting for your clients and the impact your programs have on your income, head over to www.completecoachcertification.com to sign up for the Complete Coach Certification course today!
Spots are limited, and the next certification is set to launch in March.
To learn more, please join my FREE Insiders List and stay tuned for our launch details to save $200 when the course opens!
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The post Fit Over 40: Adjusting Your Training, Recovery and Mindset to Enhance Your Health appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.