Balancing photo sharing and present experience enhances enjoyment and memories.
Deep dives
The Evolution of Sharing Moments through Photography
In the podcast, the evolution of photography is discussed, starting with the invention of photography by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1833 and leading to modern-day photo sharing on platforms like Instagram. The story highlights how technology has advanced photography, enabling instant sharing of moments and experiences with others.
The Psychological Impact of Shared Experiences
Psychological research on shared experiences is explored in the podcast, showing that sharing moments with others intensifies our enjoyment of those experiences. Studies reveal that shared experiences contribute to bonding and emotional connections between individuals, making moments more memorable and enjoyable.
The Influence of Photo Taking on Memory and Enjoyment
The podcast delves into the impact of taking photos on memory and enjoyment of experiences. Research indicates that while taking photos enhances visual memory, it can detract from non-visual aspects of an experience. Furthermore, photo sharing for social media can diminish the enjoyment of personal experiences.
Balancing the Benefits and Drawbacks of Sharing Moments
The podcast suggests a balance between sharing moments through photography and fully experiencing moments in real-time. It emphasizes the importance of being present during experiences to fully appreciate and savor them, while also acknowledging the positive aspects of sharing memories with others in a meaningful and personal way.
Sharing a good experience with another human deepens our enjoyment of the moment... but only if we abide by certain rules. Dr Laurie Santos shows us how we often get 'sharing' wrong and explains how we can all derive more happiness from ice cream, sunsets and a night in front of the TV.
For an even deeper dive into the research we talk about in the show visit