Brad is a best-selling author who researches, writes, and coaches on performance and wellbeing. His books include Peak Performance, The Passion Paradox, and The Practice of Groundedness, which this interview focuses on.
Some of the key topics covered in this conversation include:
— Brad's experiences with OCD and how they eventually led to writing the Practice of Groundedness
— The importance of prioritising the process over outcomes
— The curious paradox of Carl Rogers, and why, counterintuitively, the best foundation for getting better is when you are coming from a place of feeling "good enough"
— The Dark Horse Path to Happiness
And more.
You can learn more about Brad's work by going to
Brad Stulberg researches, writes, and coaches on health, well-being, and sustainable excellence. He is the bestselling author of the new book The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success that Feeds -- Not Crushes -- Your Soul.
He regularly contributes essays to The New York Times and his work has been featured in other large publications including The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Outside Magazine, Forbes, and more.
In his coaching practice, he works with executives, entrepreneurs, physicians, and athletes on their mental skills and overall well-being. He is also a fellow at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health. His past books include Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. Follow him on Twitter @Bstulberg and learn more at
Interview Links:
— Brad’s Books:
— Brad’s Podcast:
— Brad’s Twitter: