Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow: If you’ve felt hours fly by like moments or marvelled at a sunrise you’ve experienced flow. In fact, it’s a state we experience surprisingly often, at work, at home and at play. Mihaly’s Flow explores how we can experience enjoyment in our lives by controlling our attention and strengthening our resolve. This is achieved by being immersed in an activity or subject that makes us neither anxious, nor bored. In this “flow state” we lose our self-consciousness, selfishness and sense of time.
Using goal-setting and immediate feedback, we can achieve a state of flow that improves our relationship with work, increases our self-worth and gives our lives meaning.
“The best moments in our lives occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult or worthwhile.” Mihaly
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- Sabiha
- Lars Bjørge
- Edward Rehfeldt III
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- Fabian
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- ola
- Fred Fox
- Austin Hammatt
- Zachary Phillips
- Antonio Candia
- Mike Leigh Cooper
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- Laura KE
- Denise findlay
- Krzysztof
- Diana Bastianelli
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- rahul grover
- Evert van de Plassche
- Ravi Govender
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- Deborah Spahr
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- Kalman Cseh
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- MrBonjour
- Sid
- Liza Goetz
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- Marjan Modara
- Dietmar Baur
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