In Re/thinking Religion, a new Integral Stage series, John Vervaeke joins Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal to explore possible points of contact and confluence between their respective approaches to religion and spirituality. For the 9th episode, Bruce, Layman and John continue the themes from the previous discussion and focus in on the roles of art and the imaginal in state training and cross-cultural mediation; the question of normativity and rationality in ritual and contemplative aesthetics; the importance of the participatory dimension of art, and the need to emphasize shifts in tonality, rhythm, time, and structured performance, beyond the typical emphasis on the visual, in religious art and practice. They also touch on the broader social roles (to be) played by integral spirituality or the religion that is not a religion.
John Vervaeke is a cognitive scientist, a professor of psychology at Toronto University, and the creator of the popular YouTube series, "Awakening from the Meaning Crisis."
After Socrates playlist
Voices with Vervaeke: Metamodern Wisdom about Religion with Layman Pascal:
Vervaeke and Hall Begin to Design the Religion That is Not a Religion:
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