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PT Profit Podcast

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Feb 3, 2022 • 49min

The Pre/Postnatal Athlete with Kim Perry

As many of you know, prior to my big shift into the marketing world, I worked with a lot of moms as a personal trainer, and as a mother myself, I know the importance of finding trustworthy sources that you can adapt to your own specific needs.The truth is: up until a few years ago, finding a space for pregnancy workouts that was more than prenatal yoga but not as intense as workouts meant for bulking and shredding. Thankfully prenatal workouts have come a long way, and pregnant people have more great choices than ever before.Joining me today to unpack that fit pregnancy journey the industry has taken is Kim Perry. Kim is a mom of three, and we dive into all sorts of myths and expectations that pregnant women face when it comes to both health and wellness as well as navigating the fitness industry. It was my pleasure and privilege to invite her on, compare our fitbiz journeys, and hear how she helps expectant mothers stay fit and healthy.Kim joins me to talk about:- The wide variety of options pregnant people have nowadays in everything from nutrition to exercise to how they go through labor.- Having easily attainable goals while pregnant and how important those become during some of the more challenging times.- How stretching can make all the difference heading into labor.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestKim Perry is an entrepreneur, fit pregnancy coach, mom of three, and strong believer that new and expecting moms can be both fit and happy. After becoming Pre/Post-Natal Certified, she began to share her workouts online and slowly built a close knit community. She went from recording and editing videos in her basement at 5am before work to eventually quitting her full-time teaching job.Kim PerryKim on InstagramKim Perry's Fit Mamas Facebook GroupJoin the Facebook community!Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals g This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Feb 1, 2022 • 51min

The High Ticket Evergreen System with Rose Radford

Launching a product can be stressful.We put hours upon hours of work into each new training, series, and program. When it comes time for launch week, waiting to see if the product soars or sinks can be a nerve-wracking experience.Sure, there are lessons to be learned no matter what happens, but coaches, what if you could confidently turn those successful limited time offers into open enrollment systems that consistently bring in $3,000 or $5,000 or $20,000?Today I have Rose Radford joining me today to talk all about implementing evergreen systems using your high ticket programs because each time we close our program down and follow the Open Cart model, we are potentially losing money. Rose and I dive deep into the contact sport that sales can be and unpack how making your services evergreen will be not only attractive to potential clients but also make things easier on yourself.Rose talks with me all about:- What a customer journey is like for her client-base.- The power of having your materials readily available and on-demand.- The ease of selling high ticket vs the difficulty of selling low ticket items.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestRose Radford is a business strategist and coach. After leaving her Strategy Consultant role at McKinsey & Co. aged 25 with no plan, Rose has created a multi-6 figure online business helping women unlock their income potential online. Rose has made it her life’s mission to financially empower women through entrepreneurship and is committed to helping 100,000 women unlock their income potential through online entrepreneurship by the year 2025. Since building a multi-6-figure business herself, Rose discovered only 12% of female-led businesses ever reach this level of financial success. In fact, the income gap between female- and male-led businesses is bigger than the gender corporate salary gap! Through her private mentorship, programs and speaking, Rose helps high-achieving women turn their expertise into successful online businesses. Her client results include doubling and tripling business revenue in 6 months or less and reaching $50K months, as well as helping new entrepreneurs launch their business and sign their first clients. Before taking the leap to start her own company aged 25, Rose worked in Kenya supporting new entrepreneurs in creating businesses with minimal resources, then went on to serve CEOs and leaders within global companies and Government to help them solve their most difficult problems as a Strategy Consultant at McKinsey & Co. When Rose isn't helping women unlock their earning potential, she's bungee jumping, diving with sharks, jumping&nb This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 27, 2022 • 46min

Justin Janoska on the Autoimmune Revolution

It is undeniable that our personal journeys are constantly being influenced by experiences dating all the way back to our childhood, and they are constantly being refocused and redirected by what we experience as adults.Such is the case with Justin Janoska, who I am thrilled to introduce you to on today's new episode of the PT Profit Podcast if you are not already familiar with his work.If you're a return listener, then you know I love unpacking the invisible components of business, training, care, and health & wellness, and Justin and I dive deep into both big T and little T traumas today. Justin talks me through his work with his company, the Autoimmune Revolution, and how such trauma can translate into autoimmune disorders. Justin unpacks the various ways exposure plays a part in shaping our proclivity to these conditions in modern day and how that exposure starts while we are still in the womb.This is a deep episode that really peels back how outside influence affects not only our health but our entire being.Justin and I talk all about:- His process on helping his clients identify traumas and unburden themselves.- The healthcare industry and why seeking a variety of opinions can be a good thing.- The importance of awareness and taking ownership of your story.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestJustin Janoska is on a mission to help revolutionize the way we recover from autoimmune disease after watching his mother suffer from incapacitating symptoms of Hashimoto’s for over two decades. Hence, the birth of his company, The Autoimmune Revolution where he guides women to regain control of their body, discover a sense of wholeness and remember what it feels to be alive. He holds a Master’s in Human Nutrition and has spent the past 3 years doing post-graduate work studying mind-body medicine and trauma.What he has found is that once pockets of pain and untouched traumatic wounds have been reconciled, even the most seemingly insurmountable autoimmune diseases are able to be tamed. Transformation and transcendence is within anyone’s grasp if we are only willing to face painful truth and step outside of the conventional medical model. As a wounded healer himself, he supports clients to acquire a deeper understanding of their life story, how they got here, and guides them to come home to their authentic self. Justin and his team of trauma-informed autoimmune experts have transformed hundreds of humans who possess Hashimoto’s, Psoriasis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, PCOS, Infertility, Anxiety, Eating Disorders and Trauma.The A This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 25, 2022 • 41min

The Life & Business of Coaching with Lindsey Heiserman

If you're listening to this podcast, then you probably already understand that coaching is a diverse and meaningful field whose impact is constantly underestimated. The transformation provided by fitness coaches might often be the initial focus, but the personal benefits of that transformation that crop up in other areas of your clients' lives are plentiful.Coaches, it is vital to recognize the support you give your clients not just in their fitness trajectory but also how they take those lessons into their real life.How many of you go through leading a workout, training, or appointment and end up realizing, "Oh, wow, we talked about a lot!" during the session?Today I have Lindsey Heiserman with me here to talk me through her fitness journey, what led her into counseling, and how that has translated into coaching. Lindsey is not only a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT-NASM) but also holds a Master's in Psychotherapy, and we take a deep dive into the nuances that the personal impact that coaching has.Today, you'll hear all about:- How the one thing you might be afraid to teach is the one thing that could make the biggest impact. - How you can make group coaching sessions comfortable for all involved.- Lindsey's recommendations for coaches who have just gotten certified....and more!   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestLindsey Heiserman is a personal trainer and life coach with over a decade of experience working with a wide variety of clients. She completed her undergraduate degree at Truman State University with a focus in exercise physiology and emphasis in psychology. Over the last nine years she has held a variety of positions including a leadership role as an assistant department head, she has taught group personal training classes, and connected with clients in individual sessions. In 2013, she graduated from Adler Graduate School with a Master's in Psychotherapy and an emphasis in Career Coaching. She also holds a Professional Life Coaching certification and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer.When not working with clients you can find her training for obstacle course racing, adventuring and traveling around the United States, hanging out with her fur babies, drinking coffee, and hunkering down for the upcoming cold Minnesota winter.Lindsey Heiserman CoachingMind Muscle and Movement Podcast This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 13, 2022 • 34min

Build Your Breakthrough Year in 2022

Coaches, I know it's Fitness Thursday, but let's mix things up a bit.I'm coming at you again with another Marketing ep today because it's launch week, and I am so pumped heading into '22 that I wanted to recap the good, the bad, and the ugly of '21 today.Chances are, if you're listening to this podcast, you are a well-educated and fiercely driven trainer or clinician who strives to build your personal business and client list. My goal is to help my clients and my listeners not make my missteps and help you all overcome my obstacles before you even have to face them yourself.Today I'm encouraging you to take a moment, reflect on the past year, and recalibrate so that you can make 2022 your business's breakthrough year.Today I dive into:- The importance of being present.- Persevering through fear and discomfort to push your business to the next level.- Being enough.PT Profit Formula closes its doors today.  Are you in yet?  Visit and say yes to yourself, your business, and the revenue you deserve.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.BSimpsonFitnessLinks & Coaching Opportunities Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Formula - A 12-week step-by-step community coaching program utilizing a proven process to help you build an effective, repeatable system that consistently generates leads and customers inside your fitness business so that you can fill your client schedule and sell out your products.Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Accelerator - A 12-month coaching mastermind intensive designed for high performing health and wellness professionals who are ready to scale to multiple six figures without working harder.  This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 6, 2022 • 53min

Bringing the Personal Back to Personal Training with Semaj Hunter

The grind of training and the constant noise of how we "should" be doing things can bog us down as coaches and clinicians. We can lose our way and diverge from the mission we set out on.Without keeping our authenticity intact, staying on message becomes increasingly difficult, and coaches, our clients are with us for a reason. Staying true to yourself and to them will help you continue to provide the quality service they are seeking.Thankfully today I have my friend and PT Profit Formula member Semaj Hunter joining me to talk about cutting through all of that to remain authentic. We have a fantastic conversation about remembering who we really are and the importance of treating human beings like humans.We also discuss why your individuality is worth compensating. As you build your business and market what sets you apart, you should not be afraid to charge for those special s only you can bring your clients.In addition to fitness, Semaj is a passionate traveller, and we dive into the importance of consistent exercise and fitness in your daily life. It can be easy to let your fitness goals slip through the cracks while working or traveling, but Semaj strives to make sure each of his clients is able to meet their needs despite their hectic schedules and busy lives.Semaj joins me today to talk about:- Missing and invisible components within the fitness industry.- Learning how to pivot and evolve when you hit a point of resistance.- Authenticity and the steps you can take to make sure you convey it.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestSemaj Hunter is a Remote Fitness and Nutrition Coach currently based in Mexico. He works with clients who are ready to let go of the stories they have been handed for what fitness and nutrition are and helps them develop their own framework for achieving their goals.Semaj has been in the industry for almost 10 years and continues to find passion for the work he does with each client. He is constantly on the move but will regularly stop for a good meal, a stiff drink or to make meaningful connections.Semaj Hunter on InstagramSemaj on TwitterJoin the Facebook community!Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my  This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Jan 4, 2022 • 31min

Determining Your Value and Pricing Your Services with Jen Gitomer

Price. Cost. They can be scary words. A wide belief (or fear) among entrepreneurs, especially earlier in their careers, is that the more things cost, the harder it is to tell.An increase in cost? Forget about it! Why would you want to scare off your existing clients.No. No, no, no! Let's reset that mindset ASAP, coaches.Coaches, today I have master of sales Jen Gitomer joining me to unpack all of that and more. Essentially born a saleswoman, Jen talks to me all about the complex relationship between price, value, yourself, and your business. It is so important that the customer believes they will be better off by working with you, and how can they do that if you do not believe in the value of your services to begin with?I ask Jen to start off at the beginning for new entrepreneurs, and we dive into a way you can build that belief in yourself to appreciate your value and set your price accordingly. Once you decide on the price, Jen walks us through exactly why you should not be afraid to announce that and tell potential customers when asked. Or even before you are! You can't be afraid to sell unless you want to stay the best kept secret.You do not want to miss this empowering episode, especially those of you who have an uncomfortable relationship with sales.Today, Jen and I talk about:- The potential trade-off between increasing cost and losing customers. (Spoiler: Sometimes it balances out.)- The intense power of belief and how that translates to pricing and purchases.-  How important testimonials are.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestJen Gitomer is obsessed with helping service professionals, coaches and entrepreneurs like you make more money.After selling millions of dollars throughout her 15+ year career in sales, writing a best-selling book on sales, and growing 3 businesses, she knows exactly what it takes to grow your business from just barely surviving to thriving.But it wasn’t always easy. Jen had a defining moment that changed everything. There she was, on the ground, consciously aware that she had just blacked out.  From the outside, it looked like she had built a successful career, but on the inside, she felt like she was no longer living - she was existing. Realizing that your financial success does not have to be dependent on working 100 hours/week and that your mind, body and spirit deserve more, Jen’s business and her life.Your biggest breakdown may be the catalyst for your biggest breakthrough. And that breakdown was just the break she needed.Jen has made it her mission to help female entrepreneurs make a lot of money without having to work ALL.THE.TIME.Jen This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dec 30, 2021 • 55min

Heart-Centered Coaching NBA Athletes with Mike Guevara

Coaches, it is my pleasure and my privilege to introduce you to the passionate and kind-hearted Mike Guevara. Coach Mike G serves the competitive playing field that is the NBA. During our conversation, he dives into his athletic background and experience moving into the world of professional sports. If I've got any aspiring pro basketball players listening, then this episode is definitely for you because Mike and I discuss the process of being drafted into the NBA.Coach Mike G exudes qualities that all great personal trainers should have: compassion, kindness, and overall caring nature. During our talk, he talks to me about client-trainer relationships and how things such as trust and compliance need to be earned. It is important to meet your clients where they are at when they are celebrating and in pain.We also went into early specialization and accessibility. We all know that not every one has access to high-level sports clubs and teams growing up. Mike and I talk about how someone can be resourceful getting their younger athletes beneficial training and inspire their kids to be the best athletes and people they can be.In this episode, Mike and I discuss:- How proper training makes a true impact...which includes properly preparing your own child in grade school sports.- Compliance, trust, and the importance of interpersonal communication.- Why you should not do personal training solely for money.Don't forget to sign up for my upcoming free live training: FitBiz Bootcamp. The training begins on January 3rd. Join me, and learn to master the same pillars of performance that have helped me and my clients generate consistent $10k-$40k months.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestMike Guevara started coaching in the performance field in 2008. Upon graduating from Cal State Northridge with a B.S. in Exercise Science in 2010, he worked as a performance intern and ultimately a coach at The Factory Training for 5 years. He was then offered ownership and served as Director of Performance at The Factory Training where he oversaw and serviced multiple NFL, NBA, and MLB athletes along with youth, high school, and college athletes.In late 2011 to 2013, Mike received an opportunity to work and travel with Belarusian pro tennis player Victória Azárenka as her personal Performance Coach. After 2 1/2 years, Victória captured 51 weeks of a world #1 ranking and two Australian Open Titles among many other career accomplishments. He was asked to return to the team in Jan 2016 and helped her achieve the “Sunshine Double” which only two other woman in WTA histo This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dec 28, 2021 • 26min

4 Ways to Quantum Leap Your Business

Coaches, today we are back in the first of many brand new PT Profit Podcast episodes. We're continuing to hunt around for the best guests, the best topics, and the newest tips and tricks of the trade with the goal of inspiring and educating. You're not going to want to miss me dive into four lessons to help jumpstart your biz and send it into the stratosphere, making 2022 your breakthrough year.This coming year, I'm taking big strides and expanding my company, and my business plans were the inspiration for this episode. As I take stock of my past achievements, hurdles and setbacks, I'm bringing you that information because I don't want you to struggle. I want you and your business to take a quantum leap forward.Today I'm veering away from both the dogmatic and bro marketing extremes and diving into four tangible actions that you can take.In today's episode, you'll hear me:- Unpack goal setting and how to gauge the reality of your goal.- Address the curse that business decisions can sometimes feel like the necessity of stepping back and letting the chips fall as they might once you make a choice.- Dive into the need for answers and strategy.Don't forget to sign up for my upcoming free live training: FitBiz Bootcamp. The training begins on January 3rd. Join me, and learn to master the same pillars of performance that have helped me and my clients generate consistent $10k-$40k months. Let's make 2022 your breakthrough year!   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.Join the Facebook community!Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or celebrate your wins with us.BSimpsonFitnessLinks & Coaching Opportunities10-Day Content Calendar  - A free social media content calendar that helps you discover exactly what to post for the next 10 days so that you get your next few high paying This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Dec 16, 2021 • 50min

Pre-hab for Dancers with Richelle Stevenson

Today we have the brilliant Richelle "Ricki" Stevenson, founder of the Barre and Beyond, joining us! Ricki and her research team are looking at injury prevention and how we define "injury." Their goal is to ultimately bridge the gap between artistic leadership, dancers, and medical providers. Ricki shares with us:- The importance of symbiotic cross-training.- Ways to navigate the nuanced conversation of pain vs discomfort.- How readily available medical access is changing the overall trajectory and longevity of dance careers....and so much more! Richelle If you are a dancer, dance medical provider, or otherwise work with dancers, email Ricki to see how you might be able to help her and her research team. You can find her contact info at her social media pages and Linktree in the section below.   Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.About Today's GuestRichelle "Ricki" Stevenson is a licensed athletic trainer (LAT), certified Pilates instructor and professional ballet dancer.  In 2015, she graduated summa cum laude from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor’s degree in athletic training and a minor in dance education. While in college, Ricki competed nationally in dance and graduated with honors through the National Honors Society of Dance Arts (NHSDA). She has several years of experience in sports medicine caring for athletes of all ages, covering emergency situations and developing rehabilitation programs. Ricki joined Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet in 2017, and is now the Assistant Director.  The company regularly tours using dance to initiate discussion about ecojustice, mental health and caring for the community.  She and her husband now live in Connecticut with their dog, Kiira, and cat, Islay (I-lah).Ricki founded The Barre and Beyond, LLC to bridge the gap in healthcare between injury recovery and fitness, helping dancers and non-dancers a-like. Her numerous certifications and skills include Therapeutic Cupping, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), Pilates Mat Certified & Pilates Reformer, Kinesiology Taping, Concussions RTP (return to participation), Sports Medicine, and Dance Medicine.The Barre and Beyond This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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