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UTOKing with Gregg

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Jan 24, 2022 • 1h 37min

Ep 44 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #4 | Trans-justificatory Reflections

In Episode 44, Gregg continues his ongoing exploration of UTOK with Layman Pascal. The previous episodes explored UTOK's framing of DSM-type pathology and "higher" form of pathology, as might be found in visionaries or so-called crazy geniuses. This conversation explores UTOK's Justification Systems Theory and then moves to reflect on what might be "trans-justificatory". That is, once we understand humans as justifying apes from a naturalistic perspective, what kinds of conscious evolution might be considered from that vantage point and can humans in some ways transcend their immersion in justification space.    --- ℹ️ Find out more about Layman Pascal ℹ️ --- previous conversation: Ep 2 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal | The Greatest Conversation in the History of Discourse: https://youtu.be/5viX0P_Kbrc Ep 36 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #2 | The UTOK's DSM: https://youtu.be/d1jlZ3K2vh4 Ep 39 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #3 | Higher Pathology: https://youtu.be/nMZJOVRaZvo   Substack: https://laymanpascal.substack.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liquidsyntax The Integral Stage on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaA4zkLRnR3lGm8Y7c5Tvdw   --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx   --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Jan 17, 2022 • 1h 43min

Ep 43 | UTOKing with Bernardo Kastrup | Analytic Idealism

In Episode 43, Gregg welcomes Bernardo Kastrup. He is the executive director of the Essentia Foundation, and his work is leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has doctoral degrees in philosophy and computer engineering, and he has authored many works and given many interviews delineating analytic idealism and why it affords the best ontological view. In this conversation, Bernardo provides an overview of analytic idealism, and he and Gregg explore its relation with UTOK. They demonstrate some key areas of alignment, especially in their shared critique of reductive physicalism, explore some overlap between Bernardo's concept of Mind-at-large and the Energy Information Implicate Order on the Tree of Knowledge System. They also riff on how UTOK frames metacognition, and Gregg introduces Justification Systems Theory to Bernardo and the two explore possible future domains in which the two systems might complement each other.    --- 📘 Resources mentioned in this episode 📘 --- 🌐 Essentia Foundation: https://www.essentiafoundation.org/   --- ℹ️ Find out more about Bernardo Kastrup ℹ️ --- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDZCa3VrRQvzBlVR-oVVmA Twitter: https://twitter.com/BernardoKastrup Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BernardoKastrup/ GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4552692.Bernardo_Kastrup GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=wFypi3MAAAAJ&hl=en   --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx   --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Jan 10, 2022 • 1h 27min

Ep 42 | UTOKing with Brad Kershner | Toward a Holistic Philosophy of Education

In Episode 42, Gregg welcomes Dr. Brad Kershner. Brad is the Dean of the Kimberton Waldorf School. In addition to being an educational scholar and leader, he is the author of Understanding Educational Complexity: Integrating Practices and Perspectives for 21st Century Leadership. His research, teaching, and writing cover a wide range of topics, including education, leadership, parenting, race, technology, metamodernism, integral theory, meditation, developmental psychology, complexity, and sociocultural emergence. In this conversation with Gregg, Brad shares his narrative and the sync up on the themes necessary to cultivate a philosophically rich, holistic approach to education.     --- ℹ️ Find out more about Brad ℹ️ --- Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradkershner LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradkershner on The Jim Rutt Show: https://www.jimruttshow.com/brad-kershner/   --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx   --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Dec 27, 2021 • 1h 23min

Ep 41 | UTOKing with Carla Groom | The Problems with a Methods-Based Approach to Psychology

In Episode 41, Gregg welcomes Dr. Carla Groom. She is a "behavioral science pioneer" who works as Deputy Director for the Behavioral Science Unit in the Department of Work and Pensions in the United Kingdom. She received her doctorate in social psychology from Northwestern University, during which she realized there was a serious structural problem with how the methods-based approach to empirical research framed issues in psychological science. She went on to become a leading thinker in policy and organizational decision-making. In this conversation, she recounts her narrative, which includes major policy successes in the UK, and she and Gregg converse about why the empirical, methods based approach to behavioral science is flawed and how an approach grounded in the ontology of human mental behavior mapped by UTOK affords a radically different, and more helpful view.   --- ℹ️ Find out more about Carla ℹ️ --- LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/carla-groom-5bb77031 Twitter: https://twitter.com/carla_groom --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Dec 20, 2021 • 1h 22min

Ep 40 | UTOKing with Fanny Norlin | Gracefully Syncing Feminine and Masculine Energies

In Episode 40, Gregg welcomes Fanny Norlin. She is a leading coach and business consultant who specializes in feminine leadership, strategy, grasping complexity, scaling ideas and systems thinking, and the relationship between the feminine and masculine energies. This conversation explores Fanny's perspective, narrative, and history in developing her evolving perspective on feminine leadership, and then lines it up with UTOK's frame for understanding the Living, Mental and Cultural dimensions, as well as the kind of healthy, productive dance that can emerge between the masculine and feminine when they are positioned in right relationship to each other. --- ℹ️ Find out more about Fanny Norlin ℹ️ --- LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/in/fannynorlin Medium: https://fannynorlin.medium.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fannynorlin/ --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Dec 13, 2021 • 1h 44min

Ep 39 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #3 | Higher Pathology

In Episode 39, Gregg once again welcomes Layman Pascal back to the program (see Episode 2 and Episode 36). In this episode (which will be jointly shared on the Integral Stage) they continue their exploration into the implications UTOK has for human functioning, transcendence, transformation, and psychopathology by exploring the concept of "higher pathology." The conversation started with reflections on Nietzsche's character structure and reflections on the complicated relationship between brilliance, wisdom and pathological ways of being in the world, and what are the kinds of reflective questions that can be brought to bear to explore these issues.    --- ℹ️ Find out more about Layman Pascal ℹ️ --- previous conversation:  Ep 2 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal | The Greatest Conversation in the History of Discourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viX0P_Kbrc Ep 36 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #2 | The UTOK's DSM: https://youtu.be/d1jlZ3K2vh4 Substack: https://laymanpascal.substack.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liquidsyntax The Integral Stage on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaA4zkLRnR3lGm8Y7c5Tvdw --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
Dec 6, 2021 • 1h 33min

Ep 38 | UTOKing with Zak Stein #2 | Making Consilient Choices

In Episode 38, Gregg welcomes back Dr. Zak Stein (see Episode 8). Well-known in the metamodern space, Zak is educational philosopher and author of many well-known articles and essays, and the book Education in a Time Between Worlds: Essays on the Future of Schools, Technology, and Society. He is also a contributor to the Consilience Project, where among other things he has taken a lead role on a powerful four-part series of essays on propaganda and the current social media environment (see here, here, here, and here). This conversation reviews Zak's analysis of education, propaganda and the concept of undue influence, and syncs it up with UTOK's frame, especially regarding the dynamics of justification, investment, influence and the nature of thought control. --- 📘 Resources mentioned in this episode 📘 --- The 4 part Series on Propaganda: 📃 Part 1: It's a MAD Information War: https://consilienceproject.org/its-a-mad-information-war/ 📃 Part 2: WE DON'T MAKE PROPAGANDA! THEY DO!: https://consilienceproject.org/we-dont-make-propaganda-they-do/ 📃 Part 3: The End of Propaganda: https://consilienceproject.org/the_end_of_propaganda/ 📃 Part 4: Social Media Enables Undue Influence: https://consilienceproject.org/social-media-enables-undue-influence/ 📘 Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media by Joel E. Dimsdale: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57220251-dark-persuasion 📘 Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'brainwashing' in China by Robert Jay Lifton: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/549257.Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism 📃 Taiwan's Digital Democracy: https://consilienceproject.org/taiwans-digital-democracy/ 📘 The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26195941-the-age-of-surveillance-capitalism --- ℹ️ Find out more about Zak Stein ℹ️ --- Education in a Time Between Worlds: Essays on the Future of Schools, Technology, and Society: https://www.amazon.com/Education-Time-Between-Worlds-Technology/dp/0986282677 Zak's Homepage: http://www.zakstein.org/ Zak's LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zachary-stein-757b528 --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system --- 🕰️ Timestamps 🕰️ --- 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:25 Recapping "Towards a Metapsychology that is true to Transformation" 00:04:48 The Consilience Project 00:19:03 Renting Time With the Brainwashing Machine 00:27:31 The Undue Influence of Social Media 00:39:13 The Problem With Regulating the Brainwashing Machine 00:55:59 Differentiating Between Propaganda and Education 01:17:40 The Race Between Heaven and Hell 01:27:57 The Critical Path
Nov 22, 2021 • 1h 19min

Ep 37 | UTOKing with Tim Freke | Building the Science-Spirituality Bridge

In Episode 37, Gregg welcomes Tim Freke. Tim Freke is a pioneering philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing events have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. He has been recognized as one of ‘The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People,’ and is the author of 35 books, including a top 6 Amazon ‘Surprise Bestseller’ and Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year'. In this episode, Tim shares with Gregg his spiritual journey from his childhood into his current picture of an evolving spiritual cosmic vision. He discusses his concept of "unividualism" and he and Gregg discuss how it aligns with the UTOK cosmology. Indeed, in this conversation there are striking parallels in how Tim moved from spirituality to being more scientifically grounded, where Gregg starts in science and finds his way toward a spiritual worldview. --- 📘 Resources mentioned in this episode 📘 --- 🌐 on Unividualism: https://timfreke.com/UNIVIDUALISM-.aspx 📘 Soul Story by Tim Freke: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31863045-soul-story 📘 The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? by Tim Freke, Peter Gandy: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/223887.The_Jesus_Mysteries 🌐 The International Community of Unividuals: https://timfreke.com/ICU.aspx --- ℹ️ Find out more about Tim Freke ℹ️ --- Tim's Homepage: https://timfreke.com/ Tim on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimFreke/ Tim on Twitter: https://twitter.com/timfreke Tim's latest Book: Soul Story: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31863045-soul-story --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge --- 🕰️ Timestamps 🕰️ --- 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:48 About Tim / Existential Awareness 00:10:13 Evolutionary Narrative 00:29:00 The Autodidactic Universe 00:46:34 The Unividual 00:52:31 Toward an Emerging Perennial Philosophy 01:10:15 Tim on Spirituality 01:12:14 International Community of Unividuals (ICU) 01:16:27 Tim's outlook on the Future
Nov 15, 2021 • 2h 3min

Ep 36 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal #2 | The UTOK‘s DSM

In Episode 36, Gregg welcomes back Layman Pascal (see Episode 2). This is a special episode, that will be cross posted on the Integral Stage, which is hosted by Layman and Bruce Alderman. This episode focuses on how the UTOK frames mental disorders. Layman developed a series of questions about how the UTOK frames what mental disorders are and how they frame specific categories, including psychotic disorders, character neurosis, anxiety, depression, and many others, and Gregg runs through the view from UTOK. As such, this episode serves as a useful overview for understanding UTOK's approach to mental illness and psychological well-being and how it both overlaps with and is substantially different from psychiatry's approach as framed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel (i.e., the DSM). --- ℹ️ Find out more about Layman Pascal ℹ️ --- previous conversation: Ep 2 | UTOKing with Layman Pascal | The Greatest Conversation in the History of Discourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viX0P_Kbrc Substack: https://laymanpascal.substack.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liquidsyntax The Integral Stage on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaA4zkLRnR3lGm8Y7c5Tvdw --- ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ --- Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx --- 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 --- Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge --- 🕰️ Timestamps 🕰️ --- 00:00:01   Intro 00:00:47 What is Pathology / DSM 5 00:07:03 A structural and etiological Model of Pathology 00:18:00 How the UTOK addresses Schizophrenia 00:25:47 Nuances in Pathology 00:31:40 Magalomania, Grandios Ideation & Psychic Inflation 00:40:53 A proper Understanding of Psychosis 00:45:51 personal & inpersonal Pathologies 00:49:49 Borderline Personality Disorder 00:53:18 Psychopaths/Sociopaths & Anti-Social-Personality 01:01:30 What about Serial Killers? 01:04:32 Histrionic Personality Disorder 01:09:45 Conflict between Systems 01:14:17 Personality, Traits & Character 01:19:33 Depression through the UTOK Lense 01:24:41 Manic Depression/Bipolar Personality Disorder 01:29:28 Panic Attacks vs Anxiety Attacks 01:38:08 on Clinical Narcissism 01:47:34 on Dysmorphia 01:53:34 a Metamodern Approach to Psychotherapy 02:00:00 to be continued...
Nov 8, 2021 • 1h 36min

Ep 35 | UTOKing with Michel Bauwens | Toward a Wisdom Commons

In Episode 35, Gregg welcomes Michel Bauwens. Michel is a theorist and developer in the emerging field of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) collaboration. He is also a writer, and conference speaker on the subject of technology, culture and business innovation. He founded the P2P Foundation, a global organization of researchers working in open collaboration in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property. In this episode, Michel recounts the twists and turns in his professional life and how he developed the vision and structure for the Peer-2-Peer Foundation. He also discusses his strong critique of the "woke" movement and how recent political battles have impacted the direction of the P2P Foundation. Near the end, he and Gregg sync up on a possible vision of a future wisdom commons. here is Michel's Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Bauwens here is the P2P Foundation homepage: https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Main_Page here is the P2P Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/p2p.open/ --- Resources mentioned in this episode: 📘 Empire by Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26694.Empire

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