Welcome to Episode 81 of the Being Human Podcast: The Lies of the American Psychological Association In this episode, Dr. Greg tackles the problematic stance taken by the American Psychological Association (APA) on abortion; he also breaks open why it’s important for Catholic mental health professionals to practice from a place of integration, why most psychology programs cannot provide that kind of education, and what CatholicPsych is doing to help. Discussed in this episode: How politics have taken precedence over scientific fact when it comes to the APA’s stance on abortion; The validity and findings of scientific studies done about the mental health impact on women who have had an abortion; Why practicing as a mental health professional under the APA guidelines is becoming untenable; The importance of Catholic mental health professionals starting from a place of integration of psychology, theology, and anthropology; Reasons why even Catholic psychology programs are forced to separate Catholic philosophy and theology from the teaching of psychology; Announcement of the Open House to discuss CathoilcPsych’s new certification launching in the Fall of 2022. Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the free Open House to learn more about our new certification launching in the Fall! Meta-analysis on mental health risks associated with abortion: Coleman, P. (2011). Abortion and mental health: Quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009. British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(3), 180-186; Visit the APA’s website: apa.org; The Embrace of the Proabortion Turnaway Study (cites issues with the study the APA uses as proof for their claim that restricting access to abortion will worsen mental health outcomes); Adverse Psychological Reactions After Abortion - Fact Sheet by Project Rachel Ministries; Ministries offering resources for those struggling from a past abortion: Project Rachel, Sisters of Life, Entering Canaan Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on the exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Learn about IDDM (Mentorship), our new model of accompaniment; Need help? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss how we can support you! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available. Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at beinghuman@catholicpsych.com - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!