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Being Human

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Sep 20, 2022 • 41min

Episode 92: How to Make Good Decisions, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 9 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 92 of the Being Human Podcast: How to Make Good Decisions, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 9 of 12) On this week’s episode introducing content in the third-level spirituality course of our new Certification, Amy Grace takes over as host with Dr. Greg and Dr. Bryan joining in for a conversation about decision-making and discernment of spirits!  Discussed in this episode:   Can we trust our desires when making decisions?;  The moral implication present in each choice;  Making good decisions, and helping others do the same; Can God draw good from our mistakes or bad choices?  What is meant by “discernment of spirits”;  How God uses both desolation and consolation for our benefit;  Deciding between two good options: is there a choice that is best?  The way our personal narratives and wounds impact our ability to make decisions; The danger in spiritual directors being unaware of their patterns of relating;  Our engagement with spiritual content as interpreted through our psychology.   Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the next Open House to learn more about our new Certification! G.K. Chesterton’s Biography of St. Francis of Assisi;  The Personalism of John Paul II by John Crosby;   The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living by Fr. Timothy Gallagher;  Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, including his Catholic Mindfulness 2: Discernment of Spirits course;  Start the Certification Series from the beginning: Episode #84: What Does Catholic Anthropology Even Mean? w/ Dr. Bryan Violette (Certification Series: Part 1 of 12);  Learn about IDDM (Mentorship) and how it can help you; Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss your situation and how we can support you! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you!  Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Sep 13, 2022 • 57min

Episode 91: Exploring a Case Study Through a Catholic Lens, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 8 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 91 of the Being Human Podcast: Exploring a Case Study Through a Catholic Lens, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 8 of 12) Every individual person’s story is completely unique and unrepeatable. So how is it possible that we have predictable patterns of behaving which can be generalized to others? Continuing the series focused on our new Certification, Dr. Greg, Dr. Bryan, and Amy Grace explore this question while opening up the third-level psychology course through discussion of a case vignette.  Discussed in this episode: What is a case vignette?  The impossibility of generalizing an individual’s experience;  Our defenses as crystallized ways we learned to protect ourselves against pain;   The “both and” of predictable patterns of behavior and the unique, unrepeatable ways individuals display that behavior; The family as a school of love where we are meant to learn in that school;   Where does security come from? Attachment theory, and God as our ultimate secure attachment; Learning how to receive God’s love in order to give it to one’s children;  The importance of genuine love for one’s clients in the accompaniment relationship;  How Mentorship locks in on the uniqueness of the person, even in their defenses; The danger of proposing a solution to psychological ills that does not involve the spiritual life; What’s coming up next in our Certification series. Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the next Open House to learn more about our new Certification! Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model by Edward Teyber; Dr. Daniel Amen of the Amen Institute discusses SPECT Scans; More about St. Bonaventure, the patron of bowel disorders;   Start the Certification Series from the beginning: Episode #84: What Does Catholic Anthropology Even Mean? w/ Dr. Bryan Violette (Certification Series: Part 1 of 12);   Learn about IDDM (Mentorship) and how it can help you; Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss your situation and how we can support you! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop , or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Sep 6, 2022 • 44min

Episode 90: Male & Female: Why Would God Do That? w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 7 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 90 of the Being Human Podcast: Male & Female: Why Would God Do That? w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 7 of 12) There’s a tremendous amount of suffering that has happened due to the differences between men and women. What was God’s purpose in creating us so different from one another? In this episode, Dr. Greg, Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace break open content from the third Anthropology course in our new Certification, focusing on the relationship between men and women.   Discussed in this episode: The impact of brain differences between men and women;  Distinctions between the sexes as building blocks that help us grow out of self-centeredness;  How the apprenticeship of marriage transforms us;  The importance of mutual respect when learning from the opposite sex; Openness to the opposite sex’s way of looking at things as a prerequisite to becoming more human; Choosing to grow in the gifts of the opposite sex as an act of the will;  Personal examples of how Dr. Greg, Dr. Bryan, and Amy Grace have each grown from their relationships with the opposite sex; What the Church isn’t talking about in regards to masculinity and femininity; Self-donation as a lifelong adventure that requires sacrifice. Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the next Open House to learn more about our new Certification! The Personalism of John Paul II by John F. Crosby;  ​​Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church On the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World by Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI); On the Masculine Genius (an article by Dr. Greg published in Humanum Quarterly Review); Being Human Episode #75: Gender Fluidity or Complementarity (the first of a 4-part series);  Start the Certification series from the beginning: Episode #84: What Does Catholic Anthropology Even Mean? w/ Dr. Bryan Violette (Certification Series: Part 1 of 12);  Learn about IDDM (Mentorship) and how it can help you; Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss your situation and how we can support you! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Aug 30, 2022 • 38min

Episode 89: Finding Peace in the Presence of God, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 6 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 89 of the Being Human Podcast: Finding Peace in the Presence of God, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 6 of 12) Find out what’s in the second-level Spirituality course of our new Certification! In this episode, Dr. Greg, Dr. Bryan, and Amy Grace discuss the spiritual and psychological importance of Catholic mindfulness, how it can increase peace in our lives, and why it serves as the basis for the spirituality component of our Certification.  Discussed in this episode: Isn’t mindfulness Buddhist or “New Age”?  Abandonment to Divine Providence as the foundation of Catholic mindfulness;  An overview of the purgative, illuminative, and unitive way in relation to anxiety;  How peace is possible even in the midst of a psychological disorder; Dr. Greg’s struggle with severe insomnia and his experience of putting mindfulness into practice;   Why we can have hope in the midst of suffering;   How self-awareness is necessary for discernment. Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the next Open House to learn more about our new Certification! Watch: Mindfulness and Catholic Mystical Tradition;  Watch: Is Mindfulness New Age?  Watch: Mindfulness, Spirituality, and Mental Health: A Conversation with Dr. Gregory Bottaro;  Read: The Catholic Guide to Mindfulness (or Coffee, Satan’s Drink); Read: Catholic Mindfulness is Not Centering Prayer;  Watch: Stop It (MadTV Skit with Bob Newhart) Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development by Fr. Benedict Groeschel; Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe; Learn about IDDM (Mentorship) and how it can help you; Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss your situation and how we can support you! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you!   Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Aug 23, 2022 • 32min

Episode 88: When Things Go Wrong, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 5 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 88 of the Being Human Podcast: When Things Go Wrong, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 5 of 12) Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace join Dr. Greg again this week for a conversation exploring ways that we are wounded in relationships, unhealthy behaviors that can manifest as a result, and the ways our model can help clients gain freedom from problematic patterns of relating. This episode is an introduction to what’s involved in the second-level Psychology course of our new Certification! Discussed in this episode: The hurt we experience in relationships and how it manifests in defense mechanisms, faulty assumptions, and problematic patterns of relating;  Assessing, addressing, and processing the dynamics of interactions with clients; “I hate you – don’t leave me”: conceptualization of cases as a way to aid clients in recognizing unhealthy relational patterns; The goal of Mentorship as helping clients recognize particular ways they were hurt in relationship, current problematic patterns of relating to others, and ways to correct them;  The Certification’s focus on equipping students with what is essential to accompaniment; Differences between the first and second levels of Certification; The weight of responsibility clinicians have to their clients;   The importance of ongoing supervision and seeking out continual growth as a clinician;  Resources mentioned or relevant: Register for the next Open House to learn more about our new Certification! Interpersonal Process in Psychotherapy by Edward Teyber Interpersonal Theory and Psychotherapy by Harry Stack Sullivan Listen to Episode #85: The New Psych 101, w/ Dr. Bryan Violette & Amy Grace Miller (Certification Series: Part 2 of 12); Learn about IDDM (Mentorship) and how it can help you; Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss your situation and how we can support you! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!  
Aug 16, 2022 • 44min

Episode 87: Hell is Not Other People, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 4 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 87 of the Being Human Podcast: Hell is Not Other People, w/ Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace (Certification Series: Part 4 of 12) Dr. Bryan and Amy Grace join Dr. Greg again this week to break open the themes present in the Level 2 Anthropology course of our new Certification! With the conversation focusing around the individual person embedded in a world of relationships, this episode explores various aspects of the ways we connect and commune with others.  Discussed in this episode: What does John Paul II have to say about being in relationship with others?  The paradox of finding oneself through a gift of oneself to others in relationship;  How I become a better “me” because I’m interacting with “you”; Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development; How we learn that people are not objects for our use or means to an end; What’s missing in the antiquated morality of the “marital debt” in relation to conjugal intimacy; The difference between friendship and romantic relationships;  What we can learn about self-gift through our friendships;  How we are made for infinite relationships within the communion of saints;  The contrasting ways both friendship and marriage are foretastes of heaven;  Resources mentioned or relevant:  At the Center of the Human Drama: The Philosophy of Karol Wojtyla/Pope John Paul II by Kenneth Schmitz Person and Community: Selected Essays by Karol Wojtyla (Pope St. John Paul II)  Love & Responsibility by Karol Wotjtyla (Pope St. John Paul II) The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis Episode #85: The New Psych 101 w/ Dr. Bryan Violette & Amy Grace Miller (Certification Series: Part 2 of 12) Episode #61: Being Single (And Not Bitter About It) w/ Amy Grace Miller;  Register for our free Open House to learn more about the new certification! Learn about IDDM (Mentorship), our new model of accompaniment; Need help? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss how we can support you!  Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on the exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Aug 9, 2022 • 29min

Episode 86: How Catholic is Your Spirituality? (Certification Series: Part 3 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 86 of the Being Human Podcast: How Catholic is Your Spirituality? (Certification Series: Part 3 of 12) This week, Dr. Greg introduces the first course on spirituality in our new Certification, breaking open the topic of integration and its importance in the work of accompaniment.  Discussed in this episode: How can this Certification help someone to become a spiritual director?  Errors of Cartesian dualism and its impact on both secular psychology and our modern culture;  Integration as the healing medicine for the disease affecting not only modern culture but the Church as well; An introduction to Fr. Benedict Groeschel and how his writings influenced the development of the CatholicPsych model; The overlap between not only spirituality and psychology but biology as well;  How the anxiety or peace we feel in this life is directly related to our spiritual life;  The danger of presenting objective truth in a way that is divorced from subjective experience; Catholic Mindfulness as a practical way to integrate spirituality and psychology.  Resources mentioned or relevant:  The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment at a Time by Dr. Gregory Bottaro; Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development by Fr. Benedict Groeschel;  The Art of Existential Counseling by Adrian Van Kaam; The Poco a Poco Podcast with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal;   Theology of the Body Institute courses;   Past podcast episode on integration - Episode #41: What Is Integration Anyway? w/ Fr. Louis Merosne; Register for our next Open House to learn more about the new CPMAP Certification! Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on the exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Learn about IDDM (Mentorship), our new model of accompaniment; Need help? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss how we can support you! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you! Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Aug 2, 2022 • 50min

Episode 85: The New Psych 101 w/ Dr. Bryan Violette & Amy Grace Miller (Certification Series: Part 2 of 12)

Dr. Bryan Violette, Clinical Director at CatholicPsych Institute, and Amy Grace Miller, Content Director there, engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the integration of psychological theories and Catholic anthropology. They highlight the philosophical gaps in current psychology and advocate for a deeper understanding of human connection. Topics like childhood relational templates and the work of pioneers like Harry Stack Sullivan are explored, alongside ethical responsibilities in therapy and the importance of self-awareness for mental health professionals.
Jul 26, 2022 • 47min

Episode 84: What Does Catholic Anthropology Even Mean? w/ Dr. Bryan Violette (Certification Series: Part 1 of 12)

Welcome to Episode 84 of the Being Human Podcast: What Does Catholic Anthropology Even Mean? w/ Dr. Bryan Violette (Certification Series: Part 1 of 12) Dr. Greg frequently refers to the importance of grounding our understanding of psychology in a Catholic anthropology. But what exactly does that term mean? And why is it a necessary foundation for the study of psychology? In this episode - the first of a 12-part series geared towards introducing each course of our new certification - Dr. Greg welcomes Dr. Bryan Violette back to the show to unpack these questions and more!  Discussed in this episode: Defining Catholic anthropology and how it can help us understand what it means to be human;   The way experiences in our family of origin impact our psychological development;  Pope St. John Paul II’s personalism as an integration of phenomenology (a contemporary philosophy which emphasizes subjective experience) into objective Thomistic thought; Differences between Thomistic philosophy and Pope St. John Paul II’s personalism; Catholic anthropology as an essential foundation to working and walking with people in an authentically Catholic way;  The role the unconscious plays in our thoughts and patterns of behavior;  The first step of the commandment to love according to Pope St. John Paul II;  The weight of responsibility carried by mental health professionals and the need for proper preparation, training, and personal development to provide ethical care.  Resources mentioned or relevant:   Register for our free Open House to learn more about the new certification! Watch What is Theology of the Body? presented by Christopher West  Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla (Pope St. John Paul II) Greatest Love of All - Whitney Houston song referenced by Dr. Bryan; Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on the exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Learn about IDDM (Mentorship), our model of accompaniment; Need help? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss how we can support you! Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more! Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you!   Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!
Jul 19, 2022 • 48min

Episode 83: Ask Dr. Greg! (Q&A, w/ Amy Grace Miller)

Welcome to Episode 83 of the Being Human Podcast: Ask Dr. Greg! (Q&A, w/ Amy Grace Miller) In this episode, Dr. Greg is joined by the CatholicPsych content and community manager, Amy Grace Miller, to field questions from the community! How do I overcome sloth? Is it okay that my therapist is using CBT to treat my OCD/scrupulosity? Should Catholics abandon the field of psychology altogether? How do I talk to loved ones who admit to experiencing gender confusion? Plus, more information about how Dr. Greg’s new certification can benefit you!  Discussed in this episode: Answering questions from the community related to sloth, the field of secular psychology, what it means to be a Catholic therapist, gender confusion, and more;  The importance of viewing questions through a lens of integration, and why it’s difficult to give simple answers to particular questions;   The psychological dimension of our humanity as overlapping both our material and our spiritual being; Are certain psychological theories and/or forms of treatment (i.e. CBT, attachment theory, etc.) okay to use? Clarififying what specifically is anti-Catholic about the field of psychology;  Why an education in psychology alone is not enough for mental health professionals;  The importance of grounding our education in how to walk with others in the philosophy of Pope St. John Paul II  The Church as a field hospital in the midst of the current culture war, and the need for individuals trained in how to adequately care for victims of this battle;  How the certification offered through CatholicPsych can benefit those in various fields and vocations.  Resources mentioned or relevant:  Register for our free Open House to learn more about the new certification! Instagram post about integration (referenced in this episode);  Hear more about the new certification in last week’s episode: Ep. #82 Changing the Rules: Creating a Catholic Standard for Mental Health;   Sign up for Being Human, our weekly newsletter, to stay up to date on the exciting developments at CatholicPsych; Learn about IDDM (Mentorship), our new model of accompaniment; Need help? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with our staff to discuss how we can support you! Become a member of the Integrated Life Community to get access to every course Dr. Greg has created, AND the opportunity to participate in Integrated Life Intensives: time-limited, group experiences covering topics like boundaries, communication, trauma, forgiveness, and more!  Download The Integrated App for access to free audio exercises, the Catholic Mindfulness Virtual Retreat, courses, prayer resources, and more; Visit our website to read the CatholicPsych blog, shop in the CatholicPsych bookshop, or discover other resources we have available.   Contact us! Have a topic or a question you would like Dr. Greg to address on the podcast? Want to give some feedback about this episode? Email us at - we would love to hear from you!   Rate, review, and subscribe Please help us in our mission to integrate the Faith with Psychology by hitting subscribe and also sharing this podcast with your friends. Please consider rating or leaving a review of our show. It helps us reach other Catholics just like you who want to become more integrated, whole, and happy human beings. For Apple podcasts, click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate 5 stars, and choose “write a review.” Then type your sincere thoughts about the show! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any episodes. Subscribe to the podcast now!

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