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The DemystifySci Podcast

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Dec 3, 2023 • 2h 46min

CO2: An Existential Threat? - Dr. William Happer, Princeton DSPod #208

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: William Happer is a Professor of Physics at Princeton University, where he has spent decades working out the details of atomics, spectroscopy, and adaptive optics that are used in telescope arrays around the world to counteract the distortions caused by atmospheric currents. Harper has also served the Bush and Clinton administrations as director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, where he was tasked with allocating DOE funds to promising research projects. More recently, he was appointed senior director of the National Security Council office for emerging technologies by the Trump administration - an position that was cut short due to disagreements within the administration about Happer’s strong stance on the relationship between CO2 and climate. Namely, that there is not a strong relationship between CO2 and warming, and that mitigation strategies that are being rolled out around the world will do more harm than good. On the podcast we talk about science as a refuge from social conflict, leading DOE science policy in the nineties, the questionable success of the Ozone hole story, the future of energy, and the disaster of making the wrong moves. Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted conference tickets: (00:00) Go! (00:00:18) What drives Will Happer (00:09:07) Science as refuge from social conflict (00:15:53) Degradation of free inquiry (00:23:56) Paying attention to paradoxes (00:41:27) Threshold & the quantum of action (00:45:51) Leading the DOE science (00:53:24) The ozone hole controversy (01:03:22) The energy future (01:09:14) The Sri Lanka disaster (01:16:29) Problems with the CO2 narrative (01:29:09) Existential fear as motivator (01:45:38) Reading the CO2 record from the distant past (01:59:29) Hidden motivations (02:13:54) Public v private academics (02:25:51) Science 2.0 (02:37:12) Familials #PhysicsProfessor, #PrincetonUniversity, #AtomicPhysics, #Spectroscopy, #AdaptiveOptics, #TelescopeArrays, #AtmosphericCorrections, #DOEScience, #ResearchAllocation, #NationalSecurityCouncil, #EmergingTechnologies, #ClimateChangeDebate, #CO2andClimate, #SciencePolicy, #OzoneHole, #FutureOfEnergy, #ClimateMitigation, #PodcastDiscussion, #ScienceAndConflict, #SocialImpactOfScience Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Dec 1, 2023 • 2h 38min

Unveiling Unity Of Non-Dual Consciousness - Dr. Judy Cohen, DSPod #207

Former clinical psychologist and advocate of non-duality, Dr. Judy Cohen, delves into the complexities of nature, the transformative power of ideas, and the essence of stories. Explore the illusions of personal identity, the uncharted waters of consciousness, and the eternal substance of the universe. Whether seeking spiritual awakening or curious about existence, this conversation promises profound reflection.
Nov 28, 2023 • 2h 6min

Running Up Against Nine Planetary Boundaries - Dr. Katherine Richardson, DSPod 199

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted tickets: Dr. Katherine Richardson is a principle investigator in the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, where she focuses on the importance of biological processes in the ocean for the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere and how ocean biology, especially diversity, contributes to overall Earth biospheric health and stability. She is also co-author on the Planetary Boundaries initiative. (00:00:00) Go! (00:00:17) Kathleen Richardson’s big questions (00:07:58) The human fingerprint (00:12:25) Planetary boundaries (00:30:55) CO2 & acid (00:45:11) Convenience v. harmony (01:04:10) Limits on land usage (01:20:47) Understanding life itself in the climate discussion (01:33:20) A successful narrative (01:47:02) Voting effectively (01:59:03) Closing thoughts Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: #OceanConservation, #ClimateAction, #MarineScience, #CarbonSequestration, #BiodiversityMatters, #ClimateSolutions, #BluePlanet, #SaveOurOceans, #EcosystemHealth, #OceanDiversity, #ClimateChangeMitigation, #SustainableFuture, #OceanResearch, #MarineBiodiversity, #OceanProtection, #EnvironmentalStewardship, #GlobalWarming, #GreenTech, #OceanicEcosystems, #ClimateResilience. Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Nov 28, 2023 • 1h 15min

Solar Wander, Climate & the Surface of the Sun - Dr. Valentina Zharkova, DSPod 200

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted tickets: Dr. Valentina Zharkova is an Astrophysicist in the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering at Northumbria University. She has published widely on solar radiative transfer, solar seismicity, and the role of sun cycles in climate on Earth and throughout the solar system. Our conversation explores all of these topics in depth and ends abruptly in an emotionally charged discussion about the material basis for the blackbody spectrum at the apparent solar surface. (00:00:00) Go! (00:05:06) Good morning Sunshine! (00:07:37) Zharkova's path to heliophysics & climate science (00:15:04) Studying magnetic fields on the sun (00:19:36) Natural frequency of solar dynamo (00:25:06) Analytic modeling of future & past solar cycles (00:30:09) Wandering sun about the system barycenter (00:35:41) How syzergy matters in climate (00:39:38) The Halstatt bomb (00:43:11) All planets experience our climate change by degrees (00:51:17) How solar wander affects climate (01:01:05) Helioseismicity (01:06:09) Solar surface is dense (01:09:59) Does the sun have a true surface? (01:14:27) The sun isn't a blackbody? Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: #SolarScience, #ClimateChange, #SpaceWeather, #SolarInfluence, #ClimateResearch, #SolarRadiation, #SunspotActivity, #SolarCycle, #EarthClimate, #SolarPhysics, #SolarVariability, #SunCycles, #SolarDynamics, #SolarClimateImpact, #SolarTerrestrialRelations, #SolarSeismicActivity, #SunClimateConnection, #SunspotResearch, #SolarFlares, #SolarSystemClimate. Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Nov 27, 2023 • 3h 9min

Foundational Reality of Minds - Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, Essentia Foundation, DSPod 206

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the realms of metaphysical idealism and artificial intelligence with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, a distinguished philosopher and computer engineer. In this engaging long-form conversation, we delve into the intricacies of consciousness, exploring topics from the philosophical nuances of writing to the cutting-edge possibilities of biomimetic design. Dr. Kastrup sheds light on the challenges of defining life and the origins of selfhood at the cellular level. Join us as we navigate the blurred lines between mind and body, dissect the significance of true parts, and challenge traditional notions of physical versus real. This intellectual odyssey offers profound insights into unitary consciousness, the nature of reality, and the profound interconnectedness of our existence. Whether you're a philosophy enthusiast, AI aficionado, or simply curious about the mysteries of consciousness, this conversation is sure to ignite your intellectual curiosity and leave you pondering the profound questions that shape our understanding of existence. Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted conference tickets: Support the pod and Bernardo when you pick up his books here: (00:00:00) Go! (00:00:17) On Writing (00:17:43) What we seek from books (00:28:30) Conflating being famous with being special (00:37:10) Giving things up to get things (00:44:12) The social butterfly and the sinecured monk (00:51:50) Protecting yourself from powerful, complicated systems (00:57:53) Taking biomimetic design to its farthest ends (01:08:06) Bionic futures (01:16:49) What makes life so hard to define? (01:27:35) Cellular origins of selfhood (01:38:35) Organisms blending lines of identity (01:51:37) Unitary consciousness (01:55:48) The significance of true parts (02:07:13) Placebo effects & unknown awarenesses (02:19:17) Forget mind/body duality, it's body/motion duality (02:26:55) A purely mental world (02:40:54) Physical vs real (02:52:30) Reasoning as a path to the real (03:00:28) Partitioning the phenomenon and the noumenon (03:06:06) Closing thoughts #MetaphysicalIdealism #ConsciousnessPhilosophy #AIandPhilosophy #BernardoKastrup #DeepConversations #MindBodyExploration #RealityPerception #ConsciousnessStudies #CognitiveScience #ExistentialReflections #BiomimeticDesign #BionicFutures #CellularSelfhood #UnitaryConsciousness #MetaphysicalInquiry Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Nov 20, 2023 • 2h 40min

A Billion Wicked Sex Thoughts - Ogi Ogas, Computational Neuroscientist, DSPod 207

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Dr. Ogi Ogas is a computational neuroscientist, former Harvard scholar, and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire contestant. He’s the author of two published books - "This is What it Sounds Like," about the cognitive signatures of individual music preferences, and "A Billion Wicked Thoughts," an analysis of human sexuality through the impartial lens of web searches. He has previously appeared on the DemystifySci podcast to explain how we’ve had a solution to the hard problem of consciousness for decades, ( to discuss his upcoming book, "Large Gods for Small Children," a memoir where he lays out his lifelong relationship with Intex, an extraterrestrial intelligence ( In today’s episode we unpack what Ogas learned about human sexuality, the differences between men and women, power dynamics across society while writing his book on sex with co-author Sai Gaddam. Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted conference tickets: Support DSPod & Ogi when you pick up his books here: 00:00 Go! 00:00:18 Our Upcoming Exhibit at MoSex NYC 00:02:42 A Billion Wicked Thoughts 00:06:22 Sex differences & equality 00:12:02 What all sexes enjoy (in sex) 00:17:01 Accelerationism 00:22:44 Species and hybridization 00:27:46 Fantasies in conflict 00:34:13 Gender fluidity in paranormal encounters 00:57:16 Roles by sex in chimps 01:17:01 Power dynamics & democracy by sex 01:32:59 Unification of culture by internet 01:52:33 A small society of die-hard science nerds 02:06:20 Prize fighting in science 02:20:15 Extraterrestrial contact 02:28:00 DMT parallels to ET contact experiences #SexDifferences #Neuroscience #CognitiveScience #SexualityAnalysis #WebSearches #Consciousness #DemystifySciPodcast #A_Billion_Wicked_Thoughts #ThisIsWhatItSoundsLike #Intex #ExtraterrestrialIntelligence #HardProblemOfConsciousness #PowerDynamics #HumanSexuality #GenderDifferences #Memoir #PodcastInterview Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Nov 16, 2023 • 2h 8min

Lost Model of Electrodynamics - Dr. André Koch Torres Assis, DSPod 204

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Dr. André Koch Torres Assis is a professor of physics at the University of Campinas in Brazil. He has worked on myriad topics including gravitation (Relational Mechanics, Mach's principle and the origin of inertia, absorption of gravity), electromagnetism (Weber's Electrodynamics, Ampère's force between current elements, electric field outside resistive wires carrying steady currents, propagation of electromagnetic signals), cosmology (Hubble's law of redshifts, cosmic background radiation, tired light, infinite universe in space and time) and history of science. Our conversation explores how physics, in the main, seems only to be able to tolerate one theoretical framework at a time. This has the potential to leave many revelations behind on the cutting room floor. We explore the consequences of this dynamic across the past few hundred years. Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted conference tickets: Support DSPod & Assis when you pick up his books here: (00:00:00) Go! (00:00:15) Who is Andre Assis? (00:09:13) Unpacking the history of Science (00:17:27) Cube vs Square of Distance (00:22:52) Strangeness of Conveniently Similar Forms (00:32:15) Cleavage of Mechanism from Reason (00:45:01) Permanent magnets & circuits (00:53:18) The meaning of big G (01:00:37) Experiment in conflict with theory (01:18:05) The larger context of Weber's work (01:26:25) Vortex atoms and the desire for a material explanation (01:41:42) Tensional, vorticular, but in the end a force (01:49:53) A planetary model of the atom (01:54:42) The strange dynamics of attraction (02:04:55) Closing thoughts #PhysicsHistory, #ElectricityModels, #ScienceHistory, #HistoricalPhysics, #VintageScience, #PhysicsEvolution, #AncientElectricity, #ScientificDiscoveries, #ElectricityInventions, #HistoricalInnovations, #ClassicPhysics, #PhysicsJourney, #AntiqueTechnology, #EvolvingPhysics, #ElectricityTimeline, #OldScienceModels, #PhysicsTimeline, #VintageTech, #LegacyOfPhysics Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:
Nov 13, 2023 • 2h 45min

How Finance Capitalism Ruined the World - Dr. Michael Hudson & Dr. Steve Keen, DSPod 203

Dr. Michael Hudson and Dr. Steve Keen discuss the transition from industrial capitalism to finance capitalism, the concentration of wealth, the impact of debt on the economy, and the commercialization of universities. They challenge the false dichotomy of capitalism v. socialism and emphasize the need to prioritize industrial capitalism over finance capitalism. The podcast explores the influence of finance on politics, the rising private debt in America, and the negative effects of debt on industrial development and happiness. The guests also discuss the concept of a post-collapse narrative, the myth surrounding socialism and capitalism, and the commercialization of universities. Additionally, they explore the potential for reconstructing the state after the collapse of financial capitalism and discuss ideas for building a post-money world. The podcast concludes with a discussion on religious influence on sustainable economies and the frustrations in fighting neoclassical economists.
7 snips
Nov 11, 2023 • 2h 41min

How Collective Intelligence Will Rewrite Evolutionary Theory - Dr. J. Scott Turner, SUNY-ESF, DSPod 202

Dr. J. Scott Turner, a physiologist who has contributed extensively to our understanding of collective intelligence, discusses rewriting Darwin's theory with a focus on epigenetics, collective intelligence, and purpose. Topics include the lung-like structure of termite mounds, regulation of underground nests, limitations of Darwinism, complex interactions within termite colonies, humans as organelles in the superorganism, influence of grant money on scientific research, and reification in science.
Nov 5, 2023 • 2h 37min

Navy Antigravity Patents & The Superforce - Dr. Salvator Pais, US Navy DSPod 201

Get your DEMYSTICON 2024 tickets here: Sign up for a yearly Patreon membership for discounted tickets: Dr. Salvatore Pais is an aerospace engineer and inventor best known for being the owner, by way of the US Navy, of several patents for antigravity technology. The technology in the patents is based on what Pais calls the superforce - a Planckian derivation of the zero point energy of the quantum field that Pais suggest could yield nearly infinite amounts of energy. We discuss the first principles behind the math, the possible mechanisms of the technology, the long path from theory to implementation, and try to get to the bottom of who Pais is and where he comes from. (00:00:00) Go! (00:00:17) Path to the Office of Naval Research (00:10:14) Humble beginnings (00:19:28) Understanding the Math (00:27:47) Why treat time as an object (00:38:04) Unraveling the next scale of interactions (00:48:40) What's the value of reductionist thinking? (01:00:58) Securing funding for the superforce (01:11:44) Are we ready for the next stage of tech? (01:21:04) All ideas in their due time (01:30:18) Untangling the meaning of the superforce equation (01:40:22) Holy grail of unification? (01:48:14) The law of large numbers - a measurement bias? (01:58:38) The fluid nature of "plasma" (02:09:47) Superintelligence, reinvention, and "old" technology (02:15:51) Application trumps theory, but theory can drive implementation (02:25:36) Growing up in Romania (02:33:19) Closing thoughts Tell us what you think in the comments or on our Discord: Check our short-films channel, @DemystifySci: AND our material science investigations of atomics, @MaterialAtomics Join our mailing list PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities. - Blog: - RSS: - Donate: - Swag: SOCIAL: - Discord: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: MUSIC: -Shilo Delay:

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