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The Better Man Podcast

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Mar 6, 2025 • 38min

122: How John Used Man Flow Yoga to Recover from a Stroke

Can yoga help you recover from a stroke?  Well, it was a massive help to today’s guest, John…  About two years ago, John suffered a mini-stroke due to a hole in his heart that never completely closed. While John’s been overweight for most of his adult life, he was still active: Lifting and doing yoga. And so the mini-stroke shocked him—especially because it happened at the ripe age of 37.  But his recovery was even more shocking. At least it was to his NHS doctors. About a week after his stroke, he picked up his yoga habit again, keeping it light by following the Absolute Beginners Challenge. And when he went back for his follow-up check-up, his doctors told him that he didn’t need physical rehab because of his yoga practice.  While this is the most impressive benefit John unlocked with Man Flow Yoga, it’s far from the only one.    In this episode, John shares:  Why yoga is the perfect complement to weight lifting  How yoga protects him from aches and pains and even strokes  The importance of family and community for staying motivated    And more, like these highlights:     How yoga can make even overweight men flexible enough to do an “almost split” (5:06)  John’s secret for getting through an 8 or 9 hour kitchen shift in a pub without any aches and pains in his muscles or joints (6:20)  Why “active stretching” can help you set new PRs in deadlift, bench press, and squat (9:12)  How John shocked his medical team to the point that they didn’t recommend physical rehab while he was recovering from a mini-stroke because he did this… (13:29)  Why your mirror might be a better barometer for weight loss than your scale (30:25)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:  (5:06) Man Flow Yoga is not just stretching. It's also training. I quite enjoy that it’s also building muscle and being more flexible than I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve never been flexible. And being flexible and overweight isn’t something that you ever think you would be. (6:20) Yoga affects everything. I haven't had a bad back in months. I work at a kitchen now, in a pub, and even though I'm bending over and it's on my feet all day, I haven't had any problems muscle-wise or joints-wise.  (9:12) I realised that the added flexibility rather than just the normal passive stretching made me stronger. I was lifting heavier.  (13:29) The yoga actually helped me with the physical side of recovering from a mini-stroke. It was the point where the NHS doctors said you don't need any physical rehab because you've already got the yoga. Other important links:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Feb 27, 2025 • 37min

121: How To Get Back Into Exercise After A Total Hip Replacement with Christopher

When today’s guest, Christopher, turned 40, he had a total hip replacement due to an undiagnosed bilateral hip dysplasia he suffered from his whole life.    And ever since, Christopher had an on again and off again relationship with his fitness. He was particularly good at joining a gym, being consistent for six months, then falling off for a year before going back.    And his biggest obstacle was actually leaving his home to go to the gym. Once he left his house, he completed his workout, and always felt better after. But leaving the house felt impossible for large stretches of time.    Then, one day, he discovered Man Flow Yoga, signed up for the Members’ Area & App, and had the single longest consistent streak of his life: He did yoga at least three times a week for nearly two years (at the time of recording this episode).    I recommend listening to this interview if you need an extra boost of motivation to crush your workout today.    In this episode, Christopher shares:  His story about having a total hip replacement surgery—at age 40 How to leverage community to fast track your fitness journey  A few dieting obstacles Christopher has encountered recently  And more, including…  Why doing yoga is even more important after a total hip replacement surgery than before it (7:59)  How following a structured workout plan eliminates inaction, improves focus, and even reduces stress (11:31)  Why yoga can fix an awkward “Frankenstein gait” walking pattern within weeks (even if you’ve had both of your hips replaced) (13:34)  How to train your brain to enjoy the discomfort of deep stretches instead of dreading it (15:31)  The trick for using your natural competitive spirit to inspire your own consistency (17:30)  The “One Step” secret for starting a massive transformation without overwhelming yourself or burning out (32:52)  Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:   (3:46) I was feeling much older than I actually was. You know, at 40, you know, I was starting to walk with a cane and had a limp. I just felt more like I was 90 as opposed to 40. (11:31) The programs are a huge help for me. Because if I know, okay, I'm gonna go do this exercise, then this exercise, it keeps me on track.  (14:50) My whole life I've never been a person that could touch their toes. I could maybe get past my knees. And so, being able to bend over and touch my toes or tie my shoes without sitting down has been a huge improvement. (22:12) Man Flow Yoga as a group of routines is great. But what really has kept me coming back has been the Man Flow Yoga Community.    Other important links:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Feb 20, 2025 • 33min

120: Darrell’s Almost Step-By-Step Guide to Losing 45 Pounds with Man Flow Yoga

A few years ago, Darrell was walking up a hill, and noticed something that has never happened to him before:    His hip writhed in pain from this seemingly simple task!    At the time, Darrell was overweight. But he also stayed relatively active, and despite being heavier, his weight never caused such an urgent and alarming issue before.    He knew at that moment he had to make a change. And so, he scheduled an X-ray, but his X-ray said nothing was wrong with his hip. Next he went to a physical therapist who actually recommended yoga designed for men (even though he was not aware of Man Flow Yoga).    Darrell signed up rapidly and immediately started doing Man Flow Yoga three times a week.    Within a week or two, his hip pain vanished. Within a month or two, he became aware of Fit Father Project, and started doing both in tandem.    And today?    He’s down 45 pounds, he’s peppier, happier, and more confident all around.    If you let Darrell’s story inspire you, it will lead you to a happier, more peaceful, more rewarding life.    In this episode, Darrell shares:    The trick to become consistent even when you’re just starting How mindfulness exercises puts weight loss on “easy mode” And he even shares some baking and grocery store tips if you have a few extra pounds you want to lose    And more, including…    2 things you can start doing today if you suddenly start feeling old and sense aches and pains creeping up (1:47)  The “sticky note” consistency secret that could snowball into losing 45 pounds (4:51)  How yoga challenges obesity in a way that no other workout modality can (7:58)  A real life story about how the Better Man Podcast inspired Darrell to lose 45 pounds—here’s what he did (9:52)  Darrell explains the incredible feats you can accomplish when you combine Man Flow Yoga with Fit Father Project at (12:11)  How to use rest in a way that makes you more excited for your next workout instead of dreading it (14:54)  The insidious way processed foods hijack your body’s natural hunger rhythms (and how to stop eating it) (16:14)  3 healthy baking tips from Darrell so you can—literally—have your cake and eat it too (21:40)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (2:22) And then I asked my physical therapist what I could do to keep this from happening again. And he told me two things. Number one, lose weight because I was grossly overweight at that point. Number two, find yoga. And he's qualified that by saying find a yoga design for men and find a yoga that will customize things to fit what's what's hurting you and in my case it was my hips. (4:05) I started doing it three days a week. I put it on the calendar, and did it three days a week. And in the beginning, it was a little difficult. But over time, I started feeling much better in my hip. (13:20) And I gave myself permission, though, to rest. (14:50) I realized stress was my unhealthy habit and I was putting more stress onto myself. So, I had to be more mindful about saying, "I'm too stressed right now. I can stop.”  (18:57) I lost about 45 total. The first 20 pounds or 25 pounds came off really easy, came off fast. Really easy. The next 20 or 25 were not so easy. And I still would like to lose 10 more. And I'm kind of stuck there a little bit right now. I'd like to go down, I'd like to hit the 199 number on the scale. Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Feb 13, 2025 • 32min

119: Staving Off Diabetes with Steve

When today’s guest, Steve, was 27, his dad fell at work and was rushed to the hospital where he had his right leg amputated from the knee down.  Turns out, Steve’s dad had diabetes. But nobody in the family knew it because his dad never got diagnosed—until after he lost his right leg.  Determined not to follow in his father’s footsteps, Steve decided to do something a lot of men neglect: He decided to go to the doctor regularly.  And good thing he did too. During one checkup in his 30s, Steve discovered that his blood pressure and cholesterol were very high. After this doctor’s appointment, he made a commitment to himself to exercise...  And he stuck to his commitment: He just hit his 10-year anniversary for his group exercise class. He’s been doing Man Flow Yoga for several years (even after getting both hips replaced). And he’s been able to stave off diabetes, and worse.  In this episode, Steve shares:  Why making small diet tweaks instead of large sweeping changes results in more weight loss  How going to yoga classes with a female instructor aggravated his joints  Common sense advice men need to hear (but don’t want to hear)  And more, including…  Why something as simple as an annual blood check can save your life (2:18)  How to leverage surging blood pressure and cholesterol levels to “snap” you into creating a healthier life (3:53)  The most beneficial, yet barely noticeable tweak Steve made to his diet which staved off diabetes (4:21)  How to best prevent the post-hip surgery weight gain that can cause you to accidentally gain 30 pounds (6:32)  Why female-led yoga classes at your local gym can actually cause more injuries than it helps prevent (10:09)  How to trick your brain into doing yoga five times per week (and why it’s easier than you think) (13:51)  Dealing with a lot of soreness and pain after workouts? Here’s the best Man Flow Yoga Program to follow to eliminate your pain (15:02)  3 dirt-simple things to try to help you fall asleep within 5 to 10 minutes of laying down (31:46)  Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:  (1:33) When I was 27, my dad was diagnosed with diabetes. He had been at work and he had been having pain off and on, but hadn't really gone to a doctor. So he wound up falling down at work and being brought to the hospital where his right leg was amputated from the knee down. We didn’t know he had diabetes, so that was the point for me where I decided I needed to just check on my health. (4:27) The most important diet tweak for my health was to eat a larger meal in the middle of the day, instead of eating a big meal at supper time. (10:09) I used to go to a yoga class at the gym and I know I stopped doing that. It was a female instructor and I was having knee pain and hip pain. I didn't realize that my hips were as bad as they were but a lot of the poses were aggravating my joints. So I decided to look for something more geared towards men. (14:08) I feel better after doing yoga. And I think it helps when you do other exercises afterwards to have the yoga first. That makes it easy to do five days a week.  (15:02) The Flexibility Beyond Challenge really took care of a lot of the pain I've been having after the workouts. (25:13) It's definitely easier for me to get around without pain as much thanks to Man Flow Yoga.  Other important links:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
Feb 6, 2025 • 35min

118: How To Be A Doer Instead Of A Sayer with Mark

Today’s guest, Mark, is a bit different than past guests—and not just because of his accent.    Mark only joined Man Flow Yoga about three months ago. But he’s made a lot of progress in those three short months:   He’s consistently doing between four and six sessions a week (after being a self-described “start-stop” person who has always struggled with inconsistency).    He’s more flexible, mobile, and doesn’t have as many random aches from his job as a cabby..    And he even shocked his chiropractor in a recent appointment at the stark improvements he made.    Best part?   As I alluded to, Mark has always struggled with consistency. He even struggled being consistent with Man Flow Yoga at the beginning—but he’s found his stride and offers hope if you’re in a similar situation.    In this episode, Mark shares:    How to crack the code of consistency (after being inconsistent for your entire life)  Simple ways to shift your mindset to get through a workout when you’re not feeling up to it  What Mark did to build consistency after failing to complete the Strength Foundations Challenge    And more, including…    The trick for not letting your days of missed workouts pile up so much it becomes overwhelming (3:09)  Why being too hard on yourself after missing a workout or two backfires and makes it harder to restart (and what to do instead) (4:28)  Does yoga really make you taller? Well, not exactly, but it does THIS (5:29)  The #1 most helpful Man Flow Yoga Program for turning yoga into a habit (6:29)  How this simple “better than” mindset shift prevents you from beating yourself up (10:04)  How Mark shocked his chiropractor after only 3 months of Man Flow Yoga (14:16)  Addicted to your morning cup of coffee? Here’s the weird way Man Flow Yoga might help… (18:07)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (3:06) I suppose I'd done about three and a half weeks of the Strength Foundations Challenge. And then I started slipping back into the well, “I can miss today, then I can miss tomorrow.”  And then I was sitting at home and beating myself up about it and then I thought you know what, I keep saying to my partner don't be a sayer be a doer, don’t keep saying tomorrow or the next time and just do it.  (4:39) I told myself, you haven't got to do it every day. If you could do it three times a week, four times, maybe more. And now I’m averaging between four and six sessions a week instead of zero.  (10:14) Don't be too hard on yourself if you can't make too many sessions. Don't beat yourself up because you're the one suffering. If you can do two, that's better than none. If you could do three, that’s better than one or two.  (11:54) Don't be a sayer, be a doer.   (18:07) Since Man Flow Yoga, I’m drinking a lot more water as well. In the morning, I don't put the coffee on. I've got two pints of water. And again, that's something else I feel so much better for. Why drink coffee in the morning to wake up when I’m awake?  Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Jan 30, 2025 • 40min

117: The Snowball Effect of Small, Consistent Change with Russ

Russ first discovered Man Flow Yoga like many other men do:    His back ached, he was out-of-shape and carrying a few too many pounds on his person, and he has long known he needed to exercise. But the traditional approach to fitness never interested him.    He needs to be active in his career, so being sore from lifting wasn’t an option for him. But as the years passed by, the weight tacked on, and he started paying the ultimate sacrifice: bodily pain that made life just a little bit harder each day.    Well, after discovering the Man Flow Yoga YouTube channel, Russ experienced a snowball effect that completely transformed his life—one small step at a time.    First, he reversed the physical problems he had: He eliminated his pain, improved his posture, and shed a few pounds of fat.    But then, as he became more and more consistent, he unlocked his awareness and uncovered an inner sense of calm.    His life transformed from a ball of stress into a peaceful oasis.    From there, he had realized the root problem of all of his troubles: He let his life pass him by without even realizing it!   But everything changed when he found Man Flow Yoga…    Not only did he take back complete control of his life, but he’s a healthier and all-around better man because of one small step he took three years ago.    In today’s show, Russ shares all sorts of brilliant insights like:   Why smaller, less significant changes actually produce bigger and better results long-term What actually happens in your life as a result of consistent exercise  How to get started right now instead of procrastinating    And so much more.    Other highlights from this show include:    Why yoga is the superior form of exercise if you’re nagged by aches and pains all day (2:14)  The “small steps” secret for becoming more fit in your 50s than you were in your 30s (2:34)  Why gentle intensity, like you find in Man Flow Yoga workouts, fundamentally improves your muscles and posture (without making you too sore to move the following day) (3:27)  How to trick your brain into wanting to work out when you’re exhausted after work (4:59) Can yoga make you more productive at work? Here’s why this chemistry teacher says so (10:49)  Why physical activity is so wildly effective for calming emotional energy (even if high-stress situations) (11:04)  The most effective way to boost your confidence—with almost no risk of injury—if you’re overweight and out-of-shape (14:08)  How simply cutting low-fat foods can reduce your appetite and make weight loss less frustrating (19:01) The “Macro Mentality” for weight loss for eating healthier without starving yourself (28:00)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (2:15) So I got onto Man Flow Yoga and I thought, “This is amazing - the changes were like literally instant, the day after, two days later, I felt so much better. And I thought, wow, this is really, really good.”  (3:52) The gentle approach of yoga really surprised me with how intense it could be. And I thought, ‘This is brilliant and exactly what I want.’ Something that's making a change, I can feel the difference in my muscles, I can feel the difference in my posture and things like that. (5:05) What is it that makes you want to do it? And it's that feeling afterwards. That really has been a game changer for me. If I get home from work and I'm tired, I think, ‘oh, I've got to do some yoga. It's like, yeah, but you know damn well you'll feel better after you've done it.’  (9:17) If you want to improve, you've got to do something consistently.  (12:29) In terms of physical stuff from doing yoga, my posture’s better. I stand taller. I ache less. I move better. I’m much more flexible than I used to be.  (13:59) I have some definition in my muscles. Again, not a massive amount, but I could see it. As a guy that’s always been overweight and a little bit self-conscious about how I look, yoga’s been a really big confidence boost.  (14:54) Smaller, less significant changes actually produce bigger, better results long-term because it's more sustainable.  (33:28) Your life can be gone so quick. And I think we just need to slow down, chill the F out.  Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Jan 23, 2025 • 46min

116: How Yoga Turned Tragedy Into Triumph for Jerome

A few short years ago, Jerome’s life was completely different: He was obese, he never worked out, his stress levels were sky high, and his lower back was in constant pain.    But then his best friend suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away. And Jerome realized that if he didn’t start exercising, his life would also be at stake.    And so, he completely upended his life, one facet at a time.    Despite never being able to stick to fitness programs before, after discovering Man Flow Yoga (and specifically, the Absolute Beginners Challenge), he cracked the code to consistency—even at age 66.    Within a month, his back pain vanished—and never returned. Within a couple of months, he lost 20 pounds, improved his mental health, and restored his self-image.    Today, Jerome is chock-full of wisdom about improving your mental health, your physical fitness, and becoming more consistent.    And he shares a wealth of knowledge in this episode, like:    Why taking personality test can finally make you consistent  How men over 60 can improve their sleep and stop relying on caffeine  The definitive way to address and improve your mental health    And more!    Other highlights from this show include:    The weird way Jerome found consistency with his fitness by taking the Big Five personality test (4:08)  3 reasons Jerome was able to finish the Absolute Beginners Challenge when he’s never been able to finish any other fitness program before (8:29)  Why something as simple and obvious as changing the time you exercise can unlock your longest streak of consistency in your adult life (12:39)  The admittedly bizarre, yet effective “Cork Mat Consistency Secret” that makes you look forward to doing yoga (15:53)  How to eliminate all of your back pain in the next 30 days—for good (17:09) Why consistently doing yoga can replace your reliance on coffee and energy drinks for energy (19:59)  The most overlooked Man Flow Yoga program for reducing your stress at work (25:24) The “4 Quadrants” mental exercise for improving your mental health in a hurry (31:11)  How to improve your sleep hygiene and quality—especially if you’re in your 60s or 70s (32:08)  The “third person” technique from journaling that instantly obliterates any negative self-talk (38:46)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (3:59) My best friend passing made me think about trying to focus on fitness because my life literally was at stake. (7:38) But I realized my problem was that since I'm so low in conscientiousness I really had a problem in persevering and sticking to a program until I found Man Flow Yoga.  (12:47) Well, the first thing I have to say is I adjusted the time that I was doing yoga because as you know, motivation is a finite resource. So during the day, the less physical energy you have, the less mental energy you have to tackle a challenge.  (14:18) Shifting to the morning gave me a lot more motivation.  (17:09) By the end of my first month, all my back pain went away.  (18:27) If anybody has been to one of your programs knows that the real problem, for example, with back pain is due to the back, but the support structure of the core that supports the back. (20:52) And now I'm at the point that even for my regular workdays, I don't drink coffee in the morning. I don't need to because I have so much energy.     Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Jan 16, 2025 • 43min

115: How to Become Happier In Your Own Skin (with Jesse Lee, MFY Community Manager)

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you already know Jesse Lee, Man Flow Yoga’s Community Manager. But it wasn’t all that long ago that Jesse lived a completely different life.    In 2016, after tragically losing his best friend, Jesse soothed himself like many guys do. With booze and food.    He quickly ballooned up to 330 lbs, strained his relationship with his wife and kids, and found himself in a world of self-hate, regret, and shame. Jesse wanted to change the trajectory of his life, but didn’t know where to start. And he didn’t want to run the risk of injury that came attached with weight lifting and running—especially at his size. (He wasn’t just 330 lbs, he’s also a giant who stands at 6'7”.)    But then he discovered an old Man Flow Yoga DVD. And the rest is history.    Jesse lost 60 pounds and became a model. He quit drinking (and has been sober for 7 years). He attended my Be The Better You retreat and started working for Man Flow Yoga. And he’s even gotten his own yoga certification!   Despite the gigantic (pardon the pun) improvements he made, he started small. He stayed consistent. And he proved that any man—no matter how big or out-of-shape—can achieve life-changing results by making one small decision today.    In this episode, Jesse shares:    How to be happier in your own skin (even if you’re consumed with self-hate, regret, and shame right now)  Jesse’s secret for staying motivated enough to workout that he wakes up at 5 am  How to start your fitness journey right now    And more!    Other highlights from this show include:    How Man Flow Yoga turned a 330 lb version of Jesse into a model (and saved him from a deep bout of depression) (1:08)  Why yoga is the superior way to exercise if you’ve been inactive for as long as you can remember (6:01)  This ancient, even somewhat cheesy Taoism maxim can fill even the emptiest motivational tank (7:08)  The “Find Your Why” motivation technique for starting your fitness journey today (and sticking with it tomorrow too) (8:33)  How to trick your brian into working out on days when you have zero motivation (13:09)  What to do if self-hate, regret, and shame overwhelm you (22:45)  The “Share Your Struggles” secret for feeling less alone and isolated (27:56)  How to improve your mental health, reduce your stress, and boost your productivity by doing absolutely nothing (34:55)     Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (6:12) I did what everyone else does: I googled “yoga for men.” I wanted to just start something simple because I knew that if I started running or lifting weights that I would probably overdo it. And so I decided to start slow. (17:09) When it comes to fitness, you have to start small because if you start big, you end up getting overwhelmed or burning out or hurting yourself.  (21:20) My head benefits better from yoga more than my body. (22:03) More people should be doing yoga. At least give it a try.  (22:45) I want people to be happier in their own skin. That's it. And, for me, when I was at 330 pounds, there was a lot of self-hate, a lot of regret, a lot of shame. And the yoga helped me be okay with that and know that it's a stepping stone towards a better self. But it's hard to start that journey without a little bit of self-love.  (25:43) This journey is really hard. The beginning is really hard, especially when you're not happy. But it gets better.  (26:57) Different versions of community will give you different forms of support.  (37:52) Do it now. Like right now. Because you're not to be this young again. (39:09) If you make excuses now, you're going to make excuses later. There's always going to be an excuse.  (41:55) Dean, what you created helped me through some of the roughest times of my life.  Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Jan 9, 2025 • 38min

114: How Steve Used Man Flow Yoga to Recover from Cervical Radiculopathy At 65

Plenty of men turn to yoga when the aging process catches up with them and causes a world of pain. Today’s guest, Steve G., a 67-year-old Man Flow Yoga Member is no different.    A few years ago, Steve noticed a pain radiating from his neck into shoulders that he described as oppressively bad. And during his evaluation, his X-rays showed that he had been dealing with an advanced version of osteoarthritis in his C spine (the top seven vertebrae in the spine, located in the neck and connecting to the thoracic spine).    Since Steve’s been lifting weights since his 40s, he thought that it was the beginning of the end. The aging process had finally caught up with him. Father Time is undefeated after all.    But that’s where Steve’s story takes an interesting turn…    After his diagnosis, he scheduled a massage with his massage therapist, who also happened to be a yoga instructor. So Steve asked him if yoga could help, and his massage therapist gave an enthusiastic yes.    Shortly after, Steve found Man Flow Yoga and started following the Strength Foundations Challenge.    And you know what?    His massage therapist was shocked by how much Steve’s condition improved the next time they saw each other (which was only two months later)!   Since eliminating his pain, Steve’s been consistently following Man Flow Yoga programs. He’s added weight lifting back into the mix too.    And today, Steve’s stronger, more flexible, and in less pain at 67 than he was two years ago.    In this episode, Steve shares…    How adding yoga to your weight lifting routine protects you from injuries (especially after you hit your 60s)  Steve’s “obvious” way of tracking his progress in his yoga workouts that keeps him consistent  How to know when to ask for help (and how to be okay with asking for help)    And more!    Other highlights from this show include:    How Steve got blindsided by advanced osteoarthritis in his neck (without showing any symptoms) (2:20)  The story about how Steve, after being diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy, shocked his yogi massage therapist after completing the Strength Foundations Challenge (6:14)  The best way to avoid weightlifting injuries (18:35)  Why repeating tough Man Flow Yoga workouts demonstrates how much progress you’ve made (20:09)  How to unlock a deep sense of energetic, focused calm that makes you more productive and fulfilled (21:57)  Why simply having fun when working out is the best way to become more consistent (32:07)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (2:28) I had plain X-rays of my cervical spine, which to my great surprise, showed pretty advanced osteoarthritis in my C spine, which I've had no symptoms from, and it was very worrisome to me because I was 65 at the time, and I'm thinking, “wow, this is like the beginning of the end.” (5:10) Having a program to follow is like having a personal trainer.  (9:29) My muscular awareness now is so much better. Just going back to deadlifts, I really understand how to engage the muscles and how to really push into the floor through my feet. (37:50) I just love being a part of this community, Dean. I've just gotten so much out of your program. It's become such a positive habit. I stumbled upon it, nobody had recommended it. And I'm just a huge supporter and really super grateful I found Man Flow Yoga. Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Jan 2, 2025 • 49min

113: How to Become Consistent with Fitness After Yo-Yoing for Years (Cody S.)

Cody, today’s Better Man Podcast guest, has been obese for most of his life. Even as a kid, Cody was always bigger than the other kids. But after graduating nursing school in 2014, he realized he had to lose weight.  And so, he lost 70 pounds in short order.    But there was one problem: He didn’t do it in a sustainable way—and so the weight returned.    Cody had another “oh shit” moment after he became a dad. He wanted to not only be around for his kids, but he wanted them to admire him. He wanted to watch them grow. And he wanted to meet (and play with) his grandchildren one day.    But as he started getting back into fitness, the pandemic hit. All the gyms were closed, and he was worried about losing the spark of motivation he had after becoming a dad.   That’s when Cody joined Man Flow Yoga—and the rest is history. Well, kinda…    Even though Cody consistently followed his Man Flow Yoga workouts, having another kid rocked his world, and his routine fell by the wayside. He yo-yoed again with his fitness, but this time around, he developed a mindset that allowed him to not fall off the wagon so hard. Or take so long to get back onto it.    And in this episode, Cody shares…    How to become more consistent with exercise (even after life gets in the way) The single most important mindset shift that empowered Cody to not give up completely after falling off the wagon Why addressing his mental health first made fitness and weight loss easier And more!    Other highlights from this show include:    How to overcome lifelong obesity (even if you still yo-yo with your diet and fitness) (2:35)  The dark side of shedding 70 lbs of fat that most men ignore (3:01)  The insidious “happy fat” trap young men fall into (and how to prevent it) (3:17)  Why this nurse practitioner recommends exercise and weight loss to help avoid lifeline medications and chronic pain (5:40)  Do you have too much inflammation in your body? Here’s why your food might be to blame… (12:29)  Why addressing any lingering signs of anxiety and depression makes weight loss easier (16:16)  How changing one word in your vocabulary makes you actually look forward to working out (22:12)  The single most deadly “pandemic” that only affects men (37:53)    Listen now!   Quotes from this episode’s guest:    (2:57) When I first graduated nursing school in 2014, I realized that I needed to make a change. And I lost 70 pounds at that point, but I didn't do it in a way that was sustainable. (3:17) I went from 270 down to 190 and I thought I was invincible. And then something happened in my very young adult life that I wasn't prepared for: I met my wife. I got happy. I got what I call “happy fat,” like many of us do. (16:34) It finally clicked that if I did not address my anxiety and my depression, that I would never make any permanent long-term success in my weight loss and my health and wellness would continue to deteriorate. (21:08) But after that first workout, I felt stronger. I remember feeling sore - in a good way. Like I got a good pump.  (28:16) Doing anything is better than doing nothing. (37:05) When I first started on my fitness journey, I joined a few men's like weightlifting and weight loss Facebook groups and they were good. They were really good. But I remember when I joined the Man Flow Yoga Community, I've never experienced an outpouring of support and of guidance like that.    Related Article:   How Man Flow Yoga Unlocks PRs In Running, Weight Lifting, and even Mental Health (Member Highlight: Cody Sliger)   Other important links:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   

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