In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack test Xochitl on her knowledge of 90s slang!Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm with my co-host social today and we are doing a vocabulary Spotlight episode and to continue the theme of the last couple of weeks we're doing 90s slang this week.00:00:22Jack90 slang so social. Are you ready?00:00:27XochitlYes, I am ready.00:00:28JackThis is straight up. This is little Jack in high school talking with his friends, using expressions like this first one.00:00:38JackAll that and a bag of chips.00:00:42XochitlUh. Cringe. Expressions, in other words.00:00:48JackWhat does it mean?00:00:50XochitlUM, all that in the bag of chips. Actually, I heard my millennial sister use that and it means.00:00:59XochitlIt's like, uh, if you see a really pretty girl and she's really popular, she's a cheerleader captain, and she's really smart and everything. And you say, man, she's all that and a bag of chips.00:01:13JackIt's really a dumb expression. I mean, when I think about it.00:01:17XochitlI know, I guess. I guess like it comes to when you eat stuff and you have like all that food and a bag of chips on.00:01:24XochitlTop of that maybe so.00:01:26JackI think it I think it, I think it just means like a bag of chips are like something good. Like chips are good, right everyone likes.00:01:32JackChips. And so you're everything.00:01:38JackEven a bag of chips on top of that like.00:01:41JackLike you're you're more. You're just like Infinity plus one. You know, you're all that.00:01:48JackPlus, a bag of chips.00:01:51JackI don't know. What do you think about my what's how does my theory hold up there?00:01:57XochitlUM.00:01:58XochitlI don't know. I don't that one does confuse me, Jack. I'm not gonna lie that.00:02:02XochitlOne gets me.00:02:03JackAlright, I I I still I'm. I'm still holding on to. I think like your Infinity, you're everything. Plus you're even more than everything. You're like everything and.00:02:14JackA bag of chips.00:02:15XochitlYeah, I guess I think that that is I agree with that with that theory.00:02:21JackOK.00:02:23JackUM #2.00:02:28JackPHAT.00:02:31XochitlUM, fat PHAT. That's a good thing. Ohh man, that's fat. Like that's cool. That's it's a positive. It's a positive thing.00:02:42JackYeah, right. Exactly what, that's what the definition here says. Excellent. Cool or attractive? Ah, that's fat.00:02:53JackBe careful where you use this one. You know, uh, but uh, my understanding is that this is an acronym that means pretty hot and tempting.00:03:05XochitlOhh interesting. I never knew about that.00:03:08JackI have no idea if that's true.00:03:09JackOr not, but that's.00:03:10JackWhat I heard through the Grapevine.00:03:13JackPretty hot and tempting. Excellent. Cool. Attractive fat. OK, fly.00:03:22JackThat girls fly.00:03:26XochitlThat girls fly.00:03:29XochitlIt just means cool again, like she's cool. She's there. There was a song that would go like, so hot, so fly or something. And that came out in like the 2000s or early 2000s, I think. But yeah, it just means cool. She's cool.00:03:43JackI think people still use it right, like.00:03:46JackMiss floss? No, maybe not.00:03:49XochitlThey but but they I think they probably did like in the two 2000s.00:03:55JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Here it just says stylish or fashionable, like fly, like you like well dressed, well presented. Very attractive. Yeah. Fly.00:04:07JackCool, yeah.00:04:10JackAll right. How can I do? OK, maybe I should start doing this at the end of every podcast. I should say Boo. Yeah.00:04:23XochitlYeah, I know what this means, but it's hard to define it. It's like, let's say that you turn around and shoot a basketball over your head and it goes into the basket and you're like, yeah, Boo. Yeah. Like, and Kim. Possible bone stoppable. Used to say this.00:04:42XochitlAll the time like like like it just means like he got it like it's like.00:04:43JackOK.00:04:48XochitlYou know what I mean? Like.00:04:49JackIt's it's such a basketball. It's so it's so like NBA related to me in my mind, like when someone shoots a basket, shoots and they and they score a basket and as it falls through the hoop, they're like Boo. Yeah, you know, I got it. I did it.00:04:55XochitlYeah, I agree.00:05:05XochitlThat's money that both of our examples were basketball related.00:05:08JackYeah, that's really the only place I ever really heard it often, you know.00:05:12XochitlI heard it in the in the UM.00:05:16XochitlThe cartoon Kim possible. Ron stoppable? Uh. Anytime he would do something right, which is rare, he would go.00:05:18JackOK.00:05:22XochitlBoo. Yeah, like.00:05:24JackYeah, yeah, I do. I used to say it to my daughter. It's just like a joke and be like, you know, like, I would do something, you know, like, throw, throw a piece of paper into the basket, into the garbage, you know. And then if it or throw a can into the recycler box, and then if the can goes in.00:05:44JackI I always say Boo. Yeah, you know, like I got it. I made it.00:05:51JackOK.00:05:52JackUM, social talk to the hand.00:05:56XochitlOh, my God, that's so cringe. Jack. That is so cringe it no, please don't make me to find this one in like, 2000 and 90s movies. It's like the mean girl. Oh, my God, I thought.00:06:13JackYeah, we used to do it all the time because you can see right now the the gesture that I'm making too is I'm putting. I'm putting, like, my hand up in front of my and I'm kind of shaking it back and forth a little bit.00:06:22JackI'm like, talk to the pain, yeah.00:06:24XochitlThere was a a meme recently that I saw where someone said that we really used to let Mean Girls bully us by saying talk to the hand. Ohh, it's so crazy. It just means like talk to the hand because the face is not listening or whatever it is.00:06:42XochitlCause like we just tell someone to get lost basically, but it's.00:06:45JackIt's a.00:06:45JackA it's.00:06:46JackLike dismissing someone, right? It's like I'm not listening to you talk to my hand because my face is. I'm not. I'm not even listening to you. Just talk to my hand. It's a very disrespect.00:06:57JackCool. Although if somebody did it to me today, I would just laugh, you know, because.00:07:05JackIt would be. You might as well use 1940s expressions. At this point, you know.00:07:12XochitlMm-hmm. Yeah.00:07:13JackYeah, I don't know. I don't think anyone understands it anymore or uses it.00:07:17XochitlMany people do understand it, but it's like so cringy. It's like it's chuggy, as Jensen would say. It's just like, Oh my God, it's really cringe. It hasn't pulled too far. It hasn't cycled far enough to just be like.00:07:25JackThere you go.00:07:30XochitlLike a gag me with a spoon or something. It's still really cringe to me anyway.00:07:35JackYeah, I mean it's it's it'll it'll someday reach gagging with the spoon level of cringing Ness.00:07:43XochitlRight. It's not there yet.00:07:44JackYeah, it's not there yet, but it's it's close.00:07:47JackAll right, this one is from a very popular Budweiser commercial.00:07:53JackAnd is what's up?00:07:58XochitlUM.00:08:00XochitlOhh right, it's just it's. It just means what's up, basically. But I remember that commercial everyone like.00:08:07XochitlWhat's up?00:08:08JackWhat's up? What's up? Yeah.00:08:11XochitlYeah, people would still like, well, my sister's friends would, like, do that joke sometimes, but none of us, like, knew where it was from, I think.00:08:19JackRight, because it.00:08:20JackWas a Super Bowl commercial from like 1997 or something.00:08:24XochitlI'm sure it's like their parents would do it, like as a joke or something. And then.00:08:29JackOh, I've got my parents. Joke is coming up soon. What they what they do like? They're what they cause the. That's their not their generation, but them trying to do 90 slang is is coming up soon.00:08:41XochitlOh my God, cringe.00:08:42JackOK. Then then it's it's, it's super cringe the the cringiest of the cringe, this one is alright, like the bomb.00:08:52XochitlOhh, the bomb. It just means like ohh that's so cool. That's so great. Like Ohh that restaurant with the bomb. Yeah. There's food was really good.00:09:02JackI still use this one. I might I might, I might throw it in there once in a while just to spice things up. I might say that meal was the bomb. That was. Yeah, I don't. I say the bomb because, duh, bomb sounds a little is I I don't feel like I have the privilege.00:09:06XochitlSome people like you.00:09:14XochitlYeah, you're the whitest man ever is so cringe like I say being bum because the bum feels a little like. Sorry, Jack, I'm not trying to laugh.00:09:26JackIt feels like cultural appropriation to me, so yeah.00:09:32XochitlIt's so funny though. No, but you're such a dag.00:09:37JackI it's true. I I, I've I, I embrace it. I accept my, my, my, my cringe. So the bomb definitely not cool.00:09:45XochitlYou're Jimmy, dad roll.00:09:49JackWhy that meal was the bomb. Let's get the bill. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. That was crazy.00:09:59JackBut it'd be worse if I said alright, homies, let's go. That meal was the bomb.00:10:06XochitlYeah, that would be work.00:10:08JackWhat is a homie, homie?00:10:10XochitlYeah, a homie is like a friend. Yeah, basically chilling with the homies. People still say that it just means to the friends.00:10:18JackYeah, my homie. Yeah, no, I don't say this one because I I don't know. It just feels like I I don't know. I I've never really.00:10:26XochitlLike if you don't have home, you have friends.00:10:28XochitlLike, let's be real.00:10:29JackI have friends I don't really have homies. Yeah, exactly, exactly.00:10:33JackUM, it's weird. It's weird that I used the bomb, but I won't use homey. Hmm, I should probably invert those. OK.00:10:44JackThis is the worst, OK?00:10:46JackUM. If somebody said to us put uh social, nice podcast not.00:10:57발표자What does it mean?00:10:57XochitlOhh yeah, it just means.00:11:00XochitlIt's so cringe again. It's so chuggy and like freaking ridiculous, but it's just like they're making fun of us. Like, ohh, they're being like sarcastic. Kind of, but not really. Like it's like it's like the skim milk of sarcasm or something.00:11:19JackYeah, it's the the wonder bread of of sarcasm.00:11:23JackI mean, it's basically you just say something nice to someone and then you just totally reverse it by saying not so like like a mean girl in school, like a bully might walk up to the like, you know, not cool girl and.00:11:36JackSay I like your shirt.00:11:39JackNot like that. And So what it means is I don't like your shirt. It's but you. You make someone feel good for a second, and then you negate it by saying not meaning. I take it.00:11:52발표자Right.00:11:53XochitlRight. Yeah, basically, yeah.00:11:55JackBut anyone that uses those jokes so that those are those are my parents and and like uncles and aunts will throw a not joke in once in a while.00:12:05JackAnd uh, and every time they do, you can just like the the younger kids and you know, the the next the the kids in the family.00:12:14JackJust their eyes almost roll out of their heads, you know, because we're just like, it's so like you said, cringey to, like, listen to a boomer make a not joke. Ohh.00:12:27XochitlOh, God. Oh my God. That would be so bad.00:12:29JackGag me with a spoon. Bars. Barf. Exactly. OK, the last one is chilling. And what are you doing if you're chilling?00:12:45XochitlChilling we we still use that like chilling with the homies, like hanging out, just hanging out and having a good time.00:12:53JackChilling out relaxing.00:12:56JackHanging out. Yeah, yeah, I use this one. Chill. We. I mean it's it's it's party. It's part of our podcast. The Jack and chill.00:13:05XochitlYeah, yeah. Can show podcast.00:13:07JackRight, it's a pun because your name is social, but you're also too, too chill is to like, hang out to chill. Relax. So yeah.00:13:16JackPerfect.00:13:18JackAlright, that's our last one.00:13:22XochitlOh, OK, that's a lost one. Alright, listeners. Well, if you have any more questions or you'd like to hear about more slang, let us know. We'll definitely be continuing this series. So TuneIn next time to listen to Jack question me about 2000 slang. And then after that I'm getting him back with 2020 and 2020. So don't worry.00:13:40JackRight, right.00:13:42XochitlAnd we will see you guys next time. Make sure to leave a comment down below at our A-Z English podcast dot.00:13:48XochitlCom shoot us an e-mail at AZ and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys next time. Goodbye.00:13:57JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: