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The A to Z English Podcast

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Mar 19, 2024 • 10min

Topic Talk Game Edition | Kiss, Marry, Kill

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack play a game of Kiss, Marry, Kill with three Disney princesses: Ariel, Snow White, and Cinderella.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the 80s English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are doing a topic talk game Edition Kiss, Marry, Kill.00:00:16JackAnd so social the rules of this game are that you have to, I'm going to give you 3 choices and you have to decide which person you would kiss, which person you would kill, and which person you would marry. And so.00:00:34JackI've got 3 Disney princesses, Cinderella.00:00:40JackSnow White.00:00:42JackAnd Ariel, Ariel is obviously the mermaid from what's the movie called.00:00:50XochitlThe Little Mermaid.00:00:52JackThe Little Mermaid. OK. Sorry. I had a a brain malfunction there for a moment. OK.00:01:00JackAll right.00:01:02JackSo.00:01:03JackKiss Mary, kill Cinderella, Snow White or Ariel.00:01:08XochitlUM, OK, this one's actually going to be really.00:01:10XochitlEasy.00:01:10XochitlFor me, Cinderella, I would kill automatically because she's the most boring of the three choices to me.00:01:11발표자OK.00:01:18JackOh.00:01:20XochitlIf they're talking about the original story.00:01:21XochitlI like I like.00:01:23XochitlPretty much every like reproduction or adaptation in other cultures, but the original like Disney one was boring to me, so I've killed her Snow White. I would kiss on.00:01:32JackOK.00:01:37XochitlI like.00:01:37JackWell, because you gotta wake her, you.00:01:39JackHave to wake her up, you know.00:01:40XochitlOh well, sure.00:01:41XochitlYou do have to wake up. I also.00:01:42XochitlLike your whole.00:01:44XochitlLike.00:01:45XochitlI don't know. I I I thought it was really fun to watch baked pies and stuff when I was a kid and I like the little like culture that she's in because she gets to, like, interact with the dwarves and stuff. So I think that would be fun. I really liked that movie as a child too. And and The Little Mermaid was one of my favorites.00:02:01발표자Yeah.00:02:06XochitlAs a child, and I would definitely marry Ariel, I think Ariel gets a bad rap for being like whiny, spoiled, blah, blah. I don't think any of that is true. I think she had a really bad relationship with her father.00:02:20XochitlAnd.00:02:21XochitlAnd it doesn't get better until the end of the movie, and I think that's where all her issues come from because her father sucked. I'm. I stand by that and I would marry her because she has the most fascinating. She's literally part of another world. And so it would be so cool to get to talk to her about those.00:02:31JackYeah.00:02:37발표자Yeah.00:02:41XochitlExperiences Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever with their family would be so fun. And you know, ideally, you know, trading as a king and see maybe he can use his magical powers to make you guys like half.00:02:49JackYes.00:02:57XochitlMermaids have. Uh.00:03:01XochitlYeah, like in Luca, you have you seen that movie?00:03:04JackNo, no, I haven't seen Luca yet. I.00:03:07XochitlAnyway, you had to see that, but I think that that'd be really cool. And then it's just and she has the spirit of an adventurer, I think. And I think that that would be very compatible with me.00:03:09JackOK.00:03:20JackOK. Yeah. So I'm I'm close to your answers, but I'm off a little bit. I think I would.00:03:22발표자Yeah.00:03:30JackI would. I would. Uh kiss Cinderella.00:03:34JackI don't know. There's something about Cinderella. She's just very charming, you know? And I know that's a weird word to use because she marries Prince Charming. But.00:03:46XochitlCinderella.00:03:47JackYeah. I just, I really, I I really like Cinderella. I I think she, you know she's she has such a a a tough life.00:03:57JackBut she's she's got that kind of, like, plucky spirit. Like she she really. She never gives up. She, you know, I I just, I I don't know. I I I love Cinderella. I love the her relationship with the little mice that she's even.00:04:03발표자So.00:04:15XochitlThat is.00:04:18JackShe's even kind to the mice, you know? Uhm and UM. So I'm going to, I'm going to kiss Cinderella.00:04:26JackI'm gonna. I'm gonna.00:04:27JackKill Snow White because Snow White is I found her boring and she's sleeping for half the movie anyway so.00:04:36JackSo I don't know. Yeah, I just. I don't know. I never. I never was. Never like a big Snow White fan.00:04:38XochitlInteresting. Interesting.00:04:47XochitlI love and my sister would only gifted stuff and I always get gifted Cinderella stuff and made me annoyed because I wanted the Snow White stuff because that was one of my favorites.00:04:58JackI know mine. I'm I'm. I'm more basic. Like I'm. I'm kind of going like for the cause. Cinderella is obviously more famous than Snow White. I I would say probably like more in.00:05:09XochitlLike it's probably it's.00:05:10XochitlOne of the most plastic tails that's also adapted to a lot of different cultures, and I like those. Have you ever seen ever after?00:05:17JackYes, I like that movie with Drew Barrymore. Yeah.00:05:20XochitlThat would be very more. That is a really good representation of Cinderella, and I would have to change my answers if we were doing.00:05:26XochitlIt based on that.00:05:27XochitlBut anyway your last.00:05:27발표자Ohh frickin.00:05:29XochitlYour last one is who you would marry you.00:05:33JackI would marry Ariel because I always thought Ariel was the the most beautiful, the the best of the Disney princesses.00:05:45XochitlHey. So we have two aerial lovers in the house. This is America's. Most people really hate her.00:05:50JackI love them. I guess it's it's part of it is because I just. I love the movie and I love the music in the movie and I love the story.00:05:58XochitlDrive. They do a little.00:06:00JackAnd she's got, like, wanderlust, you know, and which is similar to, like, my. You know what? What I have like I I want an adventure. You know. I'm I'm always curious about what's you know behind that door like.00:06:14XochitlYou want to be where the people are.00:06:16JackYeah, yeah, I wanna. I wanna get away from the fish and I wanna hang out with the people, you know. But yeah. So I always. I always had like a a a crush on on Ariel. And I thought she was the the best Disney Princess.00:06:33JackAnd uh, she's also got uh, I'm using this word. Plucky again. I I don't know if there's a better word for this. Funky. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. She's got, like, a ***** to her. She's she's she's a, you know, she's a heroine. She's a, you know, she's a hero.00:06:39XochitlOh, it's.00:06:40XochitlFunky.00:06:47XochitlYeah.00:06:48XochitlSpicy. She's strong. I like her.00:06:51XochitlYeah.00:06:54XochitlEnthusiasm. And I like that she never fit in in the mermaid world or the people world. But she just blunders through with confident enthusiasm. She's doing her own thing. She doesn't care if everyone else thinks she's weird, you know?00:07:10JackYeah. Yeah. And that I live in a kind of middle space, A liminal space in between 2 cultures. To be honest, you know, in Korea, I'm still American. But in in America, I've lived half my life in Korea. So.00:07:24JackYou know, for me, I kind of live in, in that in between space and she is also trapped between two worlds. Maybe there's something about that that I find attractive in the story.00:07:34XochitlYeah, I could agree.00:07:36XochitlBecause I'm also from 2 cultures, I was born and raised in two cultures. So I I think it's interesting and I.00:07:42JackMaybe that's something. Maybe that's why we're attracted to that story and.00:07:46JackAlso, she doesn't.00:07:47JackNeed a man? Necessarily. The man needs her. **, *** she saves him. But in Cinderella and Snow White, it's like, ohh the man. You know, the wood. The woodsman has to save her or the. Sorry. The king. The Prince. Sorry, Prince has to has to, you know, come in.00:08:02JackSwoop in and save the.00:08:03JackDay and in in aerial story, she actually the the the whole premise of the story begins with her saving the the Prince. So I I I like that she's a strong. She's a strong woman and I've attracted to strong woman. My wife is a strong woman.00:08:14XochitlYeah.00:08:24JackSo.00:08:26JackI I don't know. I I I would definitely marry Ariel. I would kiss Cinderella and kill Snow White. Although I think that kill is pretty harsh, but it's the only choice we have. So yeah.00:08:38XochitlYeah, right, listeners, let us know what you would pick. I find it interesting that Jack and on the page because so many aerial haters. So I want to know, do you hate Ariel or do you side with us? Let us know in are we channel one step groups leave a comment down below at A-Z or shoot us an e-mail at AZ and we'll see you guys next time.00:09:03XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 19, 2024 • 8min

Vocabulary Spotlight | Fine, Good, and Great!

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack explain what it means when Americans use the terms fine, good, and great.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are stepping into the vocabulary spotlight and we're going to focus on three adjectives. Fine, good and great and what they actually mean in.00:00:21JackThe context of a a meal or other situations so social do you want to explain what we're talking about here today?00:00:32XochitlYes. Umm. So I think that fine, good and great are kind of a uh.00:00:40XochitlHierarchy almost of of ratings and sign is.00:00:46XochitlYou know that's the lowest.00:00:48XochitlGood is the one in the middle.00:00:50XochitlAnd great is the highest.00:00:53XochitlIn terms of values, but I feel like in the US cultural context it it switches up a little bit because Jack.00:01:01XochitlIf I ask you how is the meal and you say it was fine, what does that say to you?00:01:07JackIf I say it was fine means it was acceptable but but not.00:01:13JackNothing special. You know, it was just like it was. OK, that's what it means. It was fine. It was. It wasn't. It wasn't below. It wasn't where it wasn't so bad that I would complain about it. Yeah, it wasn't bad, but it it wasn't it. It was average. It just means average.00:01:15XochitlYeah.00:01:25XochitlWasn't bad.00:01:33JackI would say.00:01:33발표자Yeah, it means.00:01:34XochitlAverage, which in the US cultural context means not really good enough anyway.00:01:41JackYeah. Like you go to a restaurant, you're like it was fine. I don't think you're gonna go back to that restaurant again, you know.00:01:48XochitlNo.00:01:50발표자Yeah.00:01:51XochitlYeah. And so then if I ask you, ohh, how was your meal and you say it was good? What?00:01:56XochitlWould that mean?00:01:58JackThat would mean it was better than fine. So it was it was above acceptable range. It was above average, but just barely, you know, just just slightly above average.00:02:12JackYou know good.00:02:12XochitlYeah, it was nothing, really too special. Even though you would normally think.00:02:19XochitlOhh it's a good meal. It's good but.00:02:22XochitlTypically when we use it in that context, it's shifts to mean you know it was an acceptable above average, but not being spectacular.00:02:33JackRight it in. I might go back again, but I might forget about that restaurant. You know, it's it it. It's not memorable, you know.00:02:43XochitlYeah.00:02:44XochitlAnd then if I say Jack, how was your?00:02:45XochitlMeal and you say oh it.00:02:46XochitlWas great. What does that mean?00:02:49JackThat means that I had a really good dining experience like you with the food was was right on point. Maybe the atmosphere was really nice in the restaurant and it was a great meal. And so it's a place that I would definitely.00:03:06JackRecommend to other people.00:03:09JackAnd I would probably go back again to that restaurant.00:03:15XochitlYeah. So I think it's a little different for us in the US because I know that even other English speaking countries like the UK sign good and great take on different meanings. And in the US, we're kind of.00:03:34XochitlWe're very uh.00:03:37XochitlExuberant by nature, which I guess means, you know, easily excitable and very over.00:03:44JackExaggerate, you know.00:03:46XochitlYes.00:03:47XochitlYeah, we do. So if a meal is fine in the US, it's like.00:03:52XochitlIt's not great. So I think that's just an interesting thing about our culture. What would you say?00:03:58XochitlAbout that, Jack.00:03:59JackYeah, it's, it's where Americans really have a hard time being negative. We try to put a positive spin on everything, but what happens when you do that is that basically words take on new meanings, right? You change the meaning of the words. So fine actually becomes just OK.00:04:19JackOr acceptable whereas.00:04:22JackIts original meaning was that fine was a very positive thing. You know, that was a fine meal, but now if you're using the word fine, it just means average, which you know, it just we just have a really hard time being honest in in American culture.00:04:43JackAnd so even when something is not good, we'll assign a positive adjective to it. But what happens overtime is that that adjective comes to mean something completely different than its original meaning.00:05:00JackAnd so it right. Exactly. Exactly. So now basically, fine has been demoted, you know, Lord to meaning average, which means then good gets brought down to a lower level, which means just a little bit better than average. And then we need to use.00:05:00XochitlYeah, it is.00:05:21JackVery exaggerated words like great, wonderful, amazing to actually mean something was very good, you know, like what? And.00:05:32JackSo I I think it's very interesting how it's just it's an insight into American culture how we're kind of always positive about everything even when things are not maybe so positive.00:05:46XochitlRight. And so it's kind of, uh, inflation of the value of words in a way.00:05:51JackYou're right, exactly. We we've inflated the meaning of of right of words that.00:05:59JackThat that originally had had kind of different meanings, and so I think in the dictionary, you know, fine still would be.00:06:08JackA positive thing, you know, but in just casual conversation, as if you really want to understand intimately American culture.00:06:21JackYou'd have. You have to understand that with if, if somebody if you. If you go to a restaurant and somebody says that was that was fine. They're really saying it was OK you know nothing special. And if they say it.00:06:32JackWas good. It was. It was.00:06:34JackYou know better than fine, but not great. And then anything above that great.00:06:40JackWonderful. Amazing. Then you can trust that that's a a restaurant you should visit.00:06:46XochitlYep, I agree. All right, well, listeners, if you have any questions about that or want to hear about similar subjects or want to tell us how it is in your culture?00:06:56XochitlMake sure to leave a comment down below at 8 is the English product or A to shoot us an e-mail at at and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.00:07:09JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 17, 2024 • 10min

Topic Talk | Daylight Savings Time

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss Daylight Savings Time in the United States.Transcript:00:00:02JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are going to do a topic talk and the topic is daylight savings time in America. So. So. So what is daylight savings time?00:00:23XochitlJack, my understanding is that not every country does daylight savings time. But here in America we do it and it's where every spring the time jumps forward an hour and every fall the time goes back an hour and it was intentionally meant to help conserve energy. It's been shown that it doesn't.00:00:44XochitlHelp conserve energy, but what it does simply is that.00:00:48발표자Right.00:00:50XochitlIt kind of makes the days shorter in the winter and the days even longer in the summer, and this is a natural trend anyway, but it just kind of exacerbates that. So here in the US around 4:30 or five in the Midwest in the winter, you'll see the sun going down.00:01:07JackYes.00:01:07XochitlAnd it's summer. Some may not go down until 9:00 PM, basically almost 9:00 PM so.00:01:15JackYeah, I mean I I think the my understanding of it was it's it's a very old practice and it was meant to give farmers a little extra.00:01:15XochitlThat's kind of.00:01:29JackLight, I suppose in the as they worked on the farm because we were mostly in agricultural country back then.00:01:39JackUM.00:01:41JackAnd so am I. Does that make sense to you? Is that is that something that it has to do with?00:01:48XochitlI think that it could definitely. I I do know that it was also.00:01:54XochitlRelated to energy conservation.00:01:56JackOK.00:01:57XochitlSo I think it's supposed to be like.00:02:01XochitlAnd it was, I think it was kind of supposed to encourage us to.00:02:07XochitlI don't know. I don't.00:02:08XochitlKnow how that aspect is supposed to work? I'll be real, but.00:02:11JackWell, it it it, it gives you more natural light so that you didn't need to burn oil.00:02:17JackIn the evenings, as as often as as much in the in the summer months or in the warmer months.00:02:25XochitlYeah, I kind of thought that. But in the winter, it really makes everything like more depressing.00:02:30JackYeah, I know, I know.00:02:33XochitlThat's why it's summer. It's like you don't have any daylight. You get, like the sun doesn't start coming out. I guess it it comes up, but you're like in school or doing whatever and it's like barely out and you're in school or at work all day. And when you get off, this one's already gone.00:02:53XochitlBasically, so Midwest is anyway.00:02:54JackRight.00:02:57JackYeah. I what? What are your feelings about my feelings of daylight savings time? Daylight savings time is that it's just it's an old practice that doesn't really belong anymore. What it does is really just confuses people. People are just late for work or early for work accidentally the day.00:03:09XochitlYes.00:03:17JackAfter because they.00:03:19XochitlYeah, my to have my aunt. She was early.00:03:21JackYeah, you show up an hour early and you're like, where is everybody? And then you go like, ohh daylight savings time. It's only 8:00. It's not 9:00. Ohh. OK.00:03:31JackOK. Or you're late an hour because you're like ohh I I thought it was 9:00, but it's actually 10:00 now.00:03:32XochitlYeah. And then close.00:03:39XochitlYeah. For my generation, it doesn't happen so much because our technology, which is what we use to tell time, automatically switches.00:03:47발표자That's true.00:03:47XochitlBut so I don't even know. Like I don't even notice, especially I don't. I'm still I'm. I work as a freelancer, so I don't even really notice anymore. But with my aunt, it definitely affected her. And then it's like Gen. X and boomers and like, slightly older generations that still use.00:04:04XochitlUse like alarm clocks and you know, go by the actual digit or not digital. The actual manual clocks like on the kitchen or like in.00:04:13XochitlTheir car and stuff.00:04:15XochitlUM, that's definitely that definitely usually affects them I.00:04:18JackOh, that's for sure. My generation. Like I remember, you know, when I was in high school, they would, they would, you know, remind us. And the news would always remind people. Don't forget to set your clocks one hour forward and and then you have to.00:04:36JackYou know, set your clock one hour forward so that your alarm goes off at the right time. Otherwise you're going to be late for school.00:04:42JackCool.00:04:44XochitlRight.00:04:45XochitlI believe Mexico does daylight savings still, but like in a different kind of hour or like different time and only certain areas of Mexico do it like rural areas do not follow daylight saving time. So it makes it even more confusing.00:05:00XochitlUM, yeah, I think we should just abolish it because I don't think it's.00:05:06XochitlReally helpful anymore and most countries don't follow it right. It doesn't happen in Korea. Am I correct in saying that?00:05:12JackNo, it doesn't happen in Korea. We don't have to deal with this at all. In in South Korea.00:05:19JackI I think the the purpose I'm just going to read here, what I've what I've found online. It says the primary goal of daylight savings time is to make better use of data.00:05:29JackThe light during the longer days of summer, thereby reducing the need for artificial lighting in the evenings, which is exactly what you said.00:05:39JackIt is believed to save energy and promote outdoor activities during the extended daylight hours, so it's mostly to benefit you in the summer the the, the, the summer times and and the spring.00:05:53JackThing and in the winter, no one. No one cares, because it's already it's already getting dark early anyway, so.00:06:02XochitlWait, everyone's indoors? People aren't like outside playing or whatever.00:06:05JackYeah, yeah. I just remember growing up in Minnesota because it's quite far north. I would go to school and when I got out of school at 3330 or whatever, and then, you know, the sun was going down like it was.00:06:21발표자Yeah.00:06:22JackIt was so strange because it's almost you spent the whole all of the light.00:06:28JackWas while you were sitting in the school building. And then as soon as you go outside the the the sun is going down already. So it's it's basically time to go sit inside your house. I think we'd be better off just abolishing it like you said. And there's still plenty of light in the summer time. And there's so much artificial lighting.00:06:48JackNow anyway, and it's so much cheaper now because light bulbs are are energy efficient. I don't think it really saves that much energy to be honest.00:07:01XochitlYeah. I also don't think it does either, because I think in the summer.00:07:08XochitlWe're already.00:07:09XochitlWe're we're just going to use as much energy as we use like people are going to be up on Netflix or whatever it's we don't really live in a world that that operates on outside time any longer. You know, we kind of go by our own time because technology is still available to you all hours of the day. So we don't really.00:07:30XochitlWe don't use outdoors as much as we did before. I don't think so. It's not really like a.00:07:36XochitlYeah, I don't know. It's not very necessary.00:07:39JackYeah, our daily habits. Exactly. I'll, I'll. I'll read the controversy here. Daylight savings Time is a topic of debate with proponents. So people that agree with it argue that it saves energy, reduces traffic accidents and promotes outdoor activities. However, critics argue that the benefits are.00:08:00JackMinimal, very small or nonexistent, they don't exist at all, and that daylight savings transitions can disrupt sleep patterns.00:08:10JackAnd have negative effects on health and productivity, which that's where I tend to mean. I I agree with that. The second part of that.00:08:19XochitlI agree with it too. Yeah, alright. Listeners will let us know. What do you think about daylight savings? Is it something that you use in your country? I'm very unfamiliar about which country use it and which countries.00:08:31XochitlDon't, so I'm curious to know, and do you think it's a good idea? Why or why not shoot us a message at it? Is the English leave a comment down below on our website at it is the English and join our chat let's our groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys.00:08:49XochitlNext time, bye bye.00:08:51JackBye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 15, 2024 • 6min

Grammar Zone | Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack explain the difference between the active voice and the passive voice.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are stepping into the grammar zone and we're going to talk about the active voice versus the passive voice. And so social when we use the active voice, that's.00:00:20JackTends to be our typical like subject, verb, object, sentences, right?00:00:25XochitlYes.00:00:26JackYeah, like the cat chased the mouse. The cat is the subject. Chased is the verb and then the object of the of the cat's interest. What the cat is chasing is the mouse.00:00:43JackWhat if we?00:00:44JackPut that into the passive voice. Uhm, where we kind of basically the subject and the object are inverted. Uh, kind of reversed.00:00:56JackSo for example, the mouse was chased by the cat. Can you think of like a reason why we might use that kind of construction, a passive voice?00:01:10XochitlThe mouse was chased by the cat.00:01:13JackYeah.00:01:14JackI was thinking.00:01:15JackLike we want to emphasize the the mouse instead of the cat, right?00:01:19JackWe're kind of emphasizing that, yeah, because it's like technically it's the object of the of the sentence in the active, you know, the cat chased the mouse. But if we want to emphasize the mouse, we can flip it around and use the passive voice. The mouse was chased by the cat.00:01:19XochitlYeah, I was going to say.00:01:21XochitlToo again.00:01:39JackAnd I wanted to throw one more thing at you here. Like there's another reason sometimes we use the passive voice and and it's when the subject is unknown.00:01:51JackSo.00:01:52XochitlOhh.00:01:53JackCan you think I I was thinking of an example like imagine you're, uh, you wake up in the morning, you go. I know you don't drive, but this is a hypothetical situation. You go out, you you grab your keys, you go out to your your front front yard and your car's gone.00:02:13발표자MHM.00:02:13JackSo we could use, you know, the active voice and we could say someone stole Social's car, but we often don't use the pronoun someone instead of instead you would come back in the house and say, oh, my gosh, my car was stolen.00:02:33XochitlYep, Yep.00:02:33발표자That's.00:02:34JackYeah.00:02:36발표자Yeah.00:02:37JackAnd in the full sentence would be my car was stolen by somebody. But in this case we.00:02:43JackJust the the.00:02:44JackSubject is unknown. We don't know who it is.00:02:46XochitlI think sometimes we do. We might come in and be like someone.00:02:49XochitlStole my car though.00:02:50JackYes, yes, we will say that. Yep.00:02:54XochitlYeah. So I think that's where that would come.00:02:55XochitlInto play.00:02:56JackYes, yes, I and and again this this is the the whole point of like active and passive voice is that you get to choose the style that you and tone that you want to use I think.00:03:08JackThis is. That's why I'm not like a a huge fan of teaching this kind of grammar to my students who are beginners because they it just confuses them. But for students that are like a little bit higher level and want to make their writing a little bit more interesting, I think the passive voice.00:03:17발표자So.00:03:29JackCan be a useful a useful tool, but but it's definitely not necessary. Definitely not necessary. You could just say someone stole my car, yeah.00:03:40XochitlYes.00:03:41JackYeah.00:03:43JackAnd umm, I'm also thinking like in the newspaper. Uh, this is very common in like headlines.00:03:51JackAm I wrong about that? I'm thinking like.00:03:55XochitlLike.00:03:58XochitlLike, yeah, like yes, because you would say an office building was burned down by 27 year old male instead of a 27 year old male burned in an office building or something.00:04:06JackYes, exactly.00:04:10JackRight, right. Or you just might say like an office building, but an office building was burned down yesterday.00:04:17JackYou know, and we they don't know who the perpetrator is. The person that did it. And so you, you again unknown subject. We can just use the passive voice. An office building was burned down and elderly woman was murdered last night in the park. You know something like that.00:04:17XochitlYes.00:04:38JackSorry for these dark examples everybody but.00:04:43JackIt it tends to be like in crime, you know, crime pages like that, those kinds of headlines, I think.00:04:48XochitlRight, yes.00:04:50JackYeah.00:04:51JackOK. Well, I think we've we've pretty much dug ourselves.00:04:56JackWell, we we put ourselves in a grammar hole, but I think we dug ourselves out mostly in this. Yeah.00:05:01XochitlMostly yes. Alright, listeners, if you have any further questions, any grammar questions that you want to shoot our way, make sure to leave a comment down below at AZ Shoot us an e-mail at AZ and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to join the conversation. See you guys next time.00:05:21XochitlBye.00:05:22발표자Bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 12, 2024 • 10min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 3 Recently Added Words to Webster's Dictionary

In this episode of the A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack look at three words which were added to Webster's Dictionary in 2023.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the Adas English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are going back to Webster's dictionary and looking at some words that have recently been added to Webster's Dictionary in 2023.00:00:19JackAnd so so the first one, I have no idea what this means here. Uh finsta finsta.00:00:28XochitlOhh a Finn star. You you don't know what this.00:00:32JackIt sounds like some kind of.00:00:33JackTax thing that I have to file or something.00:00:36XochitlNo, no, it's a it's a an insta but for like friends, it's like a private insta which sounds kind of weird.00:00:47XochitlLike friend in store or something, but it's a private insta.00:00:52XochitlCause a lot of people have per public Instagrams now and finsta just has more private content and it's less geared towards like it's not really a, it's a social media page in the same way that your personal Facebook would be a social media page and less in the way that a typical.00:01:11XochitlInstagram is run, which is kind of for like likes and clout and stuff you.00:01:15JackOhh so like on Facebook I because I'm so old. I use Facebook. Uh. Mostly. Uhm I can.00:01:23JackI can make my page public or private, right? I can.00:01:26발표자 3MM.00:01:27JackSo only my friends can see it. But like other strangers out there in the world, cannot. If they if they go to my page, there's no information.00:01:35JackAction there. This is basically like a second Instagram account, but it's it's just for your friends. Like any just for the people that you want to see it, not promoting your I don't know what the promoting yourself image or promoting your whatever you're selling or whatever that would be your public Instagram.00:01:36XochitlYes.00:01:56JackYour regular Instagram.00:01:58XochitlYes.00:01:59JackOK, alright. OK, fenced. Uh, it says here that it stands for fake.00:02:00발표자 3Yeah.00:02:04JackThe.00:02:05JackLike fake and Insta finsta.00:02:07XochitlInstagram, huh?00:02:08JackBut maybe you're you said friend Insta. I think that makes more sense to me. Finsta like friend and Insta Finsta.00:02:17XochitlNow I'm gonna Google it cause.00:02:20XochitlWhat is fenced, which I'm sure our fans will be happy to hear? Yeah, fake Instagram account made so user can post images, interact with other accounts in a more private way.00:02:30JackYeah, I mean, that's exactly what you said.00:02:30발표자 3Usually.00:02:31XochitlFrom the accounts followers to close friends. Yeah. So that's what I thought, friend. Instant. Not fake insta.00:02:36XochitlYeah.00:02:39JackYeah. Well, we're we're quibbling over the portmanteau, but ultimately it doesn't matter. The meaning is exactly the same. Yeah, since OK.00:02:44XochitlBut the meaning is the same. The meaning is.00:02:48XochitlYes.00:02:51JackAll right, so #2, the second one is grammable.00:02:59XochitlUh grammable means able to post on Instagram.00:03:05JackOK.00:03:06XochitlLike if you're if you get some a plate of food and it's just glad that's not grammable, but if you get a a served like a plate of sushi and it's beautiful colors and really neat looking, then that's grammable. You can post it on the gram Instagram.00:03:23JackOK.00:03:25JackSo I should I ask my wife, honey?00:03:30JackAm I grammable? Is my face grammable? Yeah, I don't. I probably don't want to know the answer right to that.00:03:36XochitlYou probably, I think you'd probably be used more for like your outfit. Like if you dressed up like an outfit and a certain outfit and you're like, is this outfit grammable like I think it's it's less about like a person's attractiveness, learning more about like.00:03:48JackYeah, yeah, yeah. It's less about attractiveness. It's more about just like the the situation or whatever the the, you know, the, the, the outfit or the the way the the food is played.00:04:00JackDid the way the sun is hitting the mountaintop or whatever? Yeah.00:04:01XochitlYes.00:04:05XochitlYes, I think it means picture picturesque, you know, picturesque. Like is it picturesque basically.00:04:08JackPicturesque, yeah.00:04:12JackGrammable. Yeah, that's funny. I've just. I've never heard this before, grammable. But it it makes a lot of sense.00:04:19XochitlI haven't really.00:04:21XochitlI hadn't really heard anyone use it. I'll be real, but I just know I know what it means because people say put it on the gram kind of as a joke or do it for the gram. It's kind of ironic, but it's not usually used in a in a literal like people aren't. People are using it in in an ironic way, so I kind of knew to them.00:04:41XochitlFor what it means, but honestly, I've never heard anyone kind of say.00:04:43XochitlIt in real.00:04:44XochitlLife so.00:04:45발표자 4I could the way.00:04:46JackI could see it used to be like a group of friends are sitting around and then the the waiter brings all the food or waitress.00:04:52JackThe food server brings the food and then somebody goes like grammable like kind of as a question, and then everyone goes. Yeah. And then they pull out their cameras and they your phone is.00:05:02XochitlRight, that that could work. Or like Dang, this played a very grammable or something. Then people without their phones or whatever. Yeah, I think so.00:05:03JackInspected.00:05:10발표자 3OK.00:05:12JackOK, awesome. Alright, so that was our our second one that was related to to social media and the last one this one is not but this one is I think kind of.00:05:27JackI think it's it's kind of applicable to like these days, like how people are feeling rage quit.00:05:35XochitlOhh yeah that one is it's. It's usually used in the context of video games where something dumb happens when you're playing a video game and it makes you rage quit like it's like yes into the thing and break it. It's like let's say your video game is lagging and it keeps kind of.00:05:47JackYou throw the remote control.00:05:55XochitlLagging and being slow and taking a long time to load screens or switch screens and so at that point you just get set up and you rage quit because.00:06:04XochitlYou were in a very high, like.00:06:08XochitlIt's got to work out kind of mindset, you know, so I think.00:06:10JackA fit of anger or frustration. Something like that.00:06:13XochitlYes, yes. So I think for I think it can be used now like with anything like you could say. Ohh I rage quit my job yesterday cause we had a line of of 50 customers and I was the only person working.00:06:29JackYeah.00:06:29JackYeah. You, you, you, you push the like the I I forget what you call those the the cash register you just threw it on the ground and walked out of the the you know took your badge off threw it on the floor and walked out and never went back to that job again that would be rage quitting.00:06:29XochitlI am.00:06:50JackRight.00:06:51XochitlYes.00:06:52JackYeah.00:06:53발표자 4Yeah. Have you ever rage quit anything before?00:06:57XochitlI I don't think I've ever rage quit. I'm more of a do it, like, put your head down. Do it. Even though you don't want to, and then quit later.00:07:01JackMm-hmm.00:07:08발표자 4Yeah, I'm a I'm a I'm a quiet quitter. I think there's another. Yeah.00:07:12XochitlI'm quite quitter too, Jack. That's a. That's another one. Our our uh listeners may not know quiet quitting is. Is something used nowadays? Refer to someone who starts doing the bare minimum or under the bare minimum of responsibility at a job in order to.00:07:31XochitlBasically.00:07:33XochitlKind of quit or get fired without having to quit.00:07:38JackYeah, it's a very passive aggressive, but but it's, but it's much easier than like facing the boss and telling them, you know, I hate this job. You know, it's it's when I worked in like.00:07:48JackA lot of.00:07:49JackLike customer service jobs, when I was young, you know, when I was in high school and college and you know, I would quite quit.00:07:58JackYou know, basically like mentally I'm. I'm done working.00:08:03JackSix months before I actually stopped working the job. So you know, I wasn't even doing any of the work anymore or just to just to barely enough to not get fired, you know?00:08:16XochitlYeah, I was quiet. I was quite quitting at the law firm I worked at when I first got out of college and my first job at college was at that law firm. I hated that job and definitely quite, but especially when I worked out how much I was making an hour.00:08:16JackJust enough to not get fired.00:08:32JackRight.00:08:34XochitlNo. No way was I gonna be sitting there working my **** off. It was just a no brainer. I quite quit immediately.00:08:42JackYeah, you gotta you gotta pay me the the the lowest amount legally possible. You're gonna get that level of effort from me. That that's it. Like how hard I try.00:08:51발표자 3Yes.00:08:54JackIs very much. Compares very much to how much you pay me. You know you wanna pay me 50 bucks an hour? I'll work my **** off, you know? So it's just capitalism folks, but yeah.00:09:01발표자 3Yep.00:09:10JackOK.00:09:11XochitlReally.00:09:12JackYeah, that. That's our last one for today.00:09:15XochitlOh great all.00:09:16XochitlRight. Well, if you guys have any questions about these or you have any?00:09:19XochitlQuestions about other new.00:09:20XochitlWords that you would like us to define for you, make sure to leave us a comment down below at A-Z shoot us an e-mail at AZ and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to join the conversation. See you guys next time.00:09:33발표자 3Bye bye.00:09:34발표자 4Bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 10, 2024 • 14min

Topic Talk Game Edition | Kiss, Marry, Kill

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack play several rounds of the game Kiss, Marry, Kill.The "Kiss, Marry, Kill" game is a social game that involves selecting three people and deciding which one you would kiss, which one you would marry, and which one you would kill, usually based on hypothetical scenarios or personal preferences.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we're going to do a topic top topic talk game episode and this game is called Kiss Mary Kill.00:00:17JackAnd social, are you familiar with the kiss Mary kill?00:00:21XochitlYes, it's a game. You play a lot in, like middle school. I would say in when you're a middle schooler, uh. So like, you know, maybe the ages of 12 or 13. Yeah. And you pick a three different people, usually celebrities. And you have to decide who you would.00:00:25JackRight.00:00:42XochitlFish marry or kill out of those three celebrities.00:00:46JackExactly. Exactly so.00:00:49JackI'm going to give you 3 right now. OK, who would you kiss? Who would you marry and who would you kill if you had to? Again, this is the game is you have to choose.00:01:03JackOne for each person. So Santa Claus.00:01:04발표자Hmm.00:01:08JackThe tooth fairy.00:01:10JackThe Easter Bunny.00:01:13XochitlOK. Well, they kind of made they they made this one like a little easy for me. Maybe I would. I would kill the Easter Bunny.00:01:29XochitlBecause he's a Bunny one and two, you can make pretty good rabbits. Stew or fried rabbit. And he's big, so you could make a lot. You could feed a whole family, two tooth fairy. I would kiss and then Santa Claus.00:01:36JackThat's true. That's true, yeah.00:01:41JackYou can see the whole family, yeah.00:01:49XochitlI would marry because, uh, three toys for the rest of your life. That living on North Pole sounds like a bummer, but.00:01:59XochitlUh, you could take his magic sleigh and probably go to the beach or wherever you wanted.00:02:04JackYeah, yeah. Now let me just think about he's kind of like the king of the North Pole. Like you're you. That means you're the queen like you.00:02:06XochitlSo you kind of have.00:02:14XochitlYeah, but who really wants to be the queen of the North Pole, though? It's like they're really close.00:02:18JackI don't know, it just seems like.00:02:20JackAll the you know the the workshops and all the elves and everything. It just seems like a like a bustling little city. I don't know. It might get old but.00:02:30XochitlI think it's cold. I think it's like cold, but you would get to, we did have a conversation like a little similar like would you want to visit the North Pole or something before? And I think it would be cool because you would be like exposed to it, a new culture that you've never been exposed.00:02:44Xochitl2.00:02:44JackYeah, that's true. That's true. I mean, other than like the tooth fairy culture, which is just like you just.00:02:46XochitlWhich I think of you.00:02:50XochitlBut you did too big to enjoy it like, cause you, like, crush all the fairies you could. You couldn't stay anywhere. You could only like, look at them with a magnifying glass or something, I assume.00:02:55JackRight. I didn't think about that. She's tiny.00:03:02JackNow you could study them scientifically.00:03:03XochitlCan you? I have a question actually answer. Can you shrink down to fairy size if you marry the tooth fairy?00:03:13JackYeah, because, I mean, if you, if you even just for a kiss you you're you know it it doesn't work unless you're equal size. I mean, I'm assuming you said kiss the tooth fairy because you know that the the breadth and the and is minty fresh and.00:03:30XochitlI didn't think about that. I was just thinking, I thought you couldn't shrink down the tooth fairy size and in that situation.00:03:32발표자Oh.00:03:37XochitlWhy would I want to be like stuck? You know, I out walked outside of a world that I couldn't access because it's tiny. It's like the size of your hand or whatever. Yeah.00:03:47JackYeah, well, they have to be big enough to carry teeth around, but makes it and leave coins, yeah.00:03:52XochitlOh, OK, that's true. So maybe they're like the size of the baby, or like a toddler or something, but, well, I.00:03:57JackYeah, it's.00:03:59XochitlThought they were.00:03:59XochitlSmaller than that, I thought they were like the size of a Hummingbird, but they just had, like Ant level strength, so they can carry the teeth.00:04:04JackRight. They they I think that's what they're like. They're like hummingbirds. You know, they're almost. You can't even see them.00:04:10JackUh.00:04:10XochitlYeah, but I guess they can. I guess maybe they would be imperceptible because they have special magic. Maybe to shrink the teeth down or something if they. If they can shrink. If I could shrink down to the size of the tooth fairy, I'm it might be more of a debate. But if I can't adjust my size, then I'm cool with marrying Santa.00:04:18JackYes.00:04:30JackOK. No, I I think you, I think you nailed it this one. I think you're right on.00:04:34XochitlOK. Yeah. What's your name?00:04:35JackDefinitely. Bunny Stew, minty fresh kiss and you get to be the queen of the North Pole. So I'm.00:04:43JackI'm down with that. That's that definitely works.00:04:47JackOK, let me see here. I've got a couple of other ones. We'll do a couple more. Alright, Harry Potter.00:04:54JackHermione Granger, Ron Weasley.00:04:57JackThese are the very proud.00:04:58XochitlHarry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley. I always had a soft spot for Ron. Only yes, I always did. I don't know why my ginger. Yeah, I come from a ginger family and I'm kind of I'm. I have my hairs all burned. So. So yeah, I I I I only synthesize with him.00:05:05JackReally.00:05:08JackGinger. OK, interesting.00:05:19XochitlHowever, he wouldn't be the best choice to marry practically just because, uh.00:05:26JackYeah, he's kind of a he's. He's just.00:05:27XochitlAnd this is kind of stupid. Well, supposedly stupid I did. I used to resent that when I was younger, but as I've grown older, he is a little bit on the numb school side and he's poor. So you're not getting a lot out of him. It's not the practical choice.00:05:29JackRight, right.00:05:44JackAnd it's not like in in that in that world, it's like if your if your family is is like.00:05:50JackWere.00:05:51JackThere you, you will be exactly like your family. There's there's no like moving up.00:05:57JackIt's just that's what they are. Like the Weasleys are these kind of bumbling, happy family, but but poor people, it's it's it's very strange, yeah.00:05:57XochitlRight.00:06:07발표자Right.00:06:09XochitlSo Jane or it's like you could marry Hermione, and then no, I don't. I OK, I would not want to marry her mind just because she seems like such a perfectionist. I think it would be hard to be yourself fully because I feel like she'd only be pushing you to better yourself, which can be great, but like at some point you want to be comfortable in a long term marriage.00:06:29XochitlRight. I mean I think.00:06:30JackYeah.00:06:30JackYeah.00:06:31XochitlSo I think for me, I would kiss Hermione and I would marry Ron.00:06:35XochitlUM.00:06:37XochitlAnd I would kill Harry. I never liked Harry that much. I'll be real.00:06:40발표자Yeah.00:06:41JackYeah, he is annoying.00:06:43JackYeah, I'm gonna kill Harry immediately. Yeah, but I'm gonna marry.00:06:44XochitlHe is.00:06:46XochitlOK. OK. On the same page as be interesting, OK.00:06:49JackYeah, well, I'm. I'm. I'm also on the same page, but I think you know, I'm gonna marry Hermione and probably just kiss Ron because he'll appreciate it. You know, even just a kiss.00:07:02XochitlRight. He won't care either way, I guess. Why would you want to marry Hermione? I'm interested.00:07:03JackYeah, you won't care either way, yeah.00:07:09JackI know I I I mean she she's very intelligent, you know. She's got that's why.00:07:14JackI thought she.00:07:14JackWas too good for Ron. You know, when they got together? Didn't they end up together in the?00:07:18XochitlThat's true. Yes, they do end up together.00:07:19JackIn the books.00:07:21JackYeah. Yeah. I always wanted Harry. I thought, you know, Harry and Hermione would.00:07:26XochitlI never liked that. I didn't think they'd be a good match. I didn't like.00:07:30XochitlI I thought Hermione was fine with Ron.00:07:35XochitlI didn't like I I thought that maybe Harry and Luna Lovegood would have been a good match instead of Harry and Jenny.00:07:42JackYeah. No, I agree with that too. Yeah, you're right. You're right. But.00:07:46JackBut but I mean.00:07:47JackI I was, I was kind of cheering for Ron, like like he's he he married way.00:07:52JackOutside of his, you know.00:07:55XochitlWeek maybe?00:07:57JackYeah, he he's he. He's he's he's fighting way above his weight class, we say in.00:08:03XochitlBut but it it's shown in the in the in the movies in the book that if he had more confidence he could achieve a lot. Because remember when he was like a a star Quidditch player and it was really just because.00:08:16발표자This.00:08:17XochitlHe had confidence because they had the little vial that was supposed to make him uhm.00:08:23XochitlMake all your dreams come true or whatever. And he drank it and he was a star colitis player. But then Harry just started refilling it with water or something. And Ron still kept winning. All the quidditch matches cause he was actually just really skilled sportsman athlete.00:08:31JackHi.00:08:35JackRight, right. He just had low. He just has low self esteem, you know. Yeah, yeah.00:08:39XochitlYes. Yeah. So I anyway, I would be happy with with Ron, but I see your point about marrying her money. But don't you think it would get old to have someone that was that much of A?00:08:49XochitlJust gonna be grinding on you.00:08:50JackYeah, I know. But I'm but.00:08:53JackYeah, I mean, I I've been. I already married Hermione. Like already. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So.00:08:57XochitlOh, your wife's like that. Oh, so she's a perfectionist as well.00:09:02JackYeah, yeah, type A, you know, perfectionist married a schlubby. Ron Weasley, type guy. Except I'm not ginger. I don't have ginger.00:09:11XochitlIf you're not, you're bald.00:09:11발표자Yeah.00:09:12JackYeah, I'm bald. So yeah, it's even worse. And yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But when I, when I just had that epiphany.00:09:17XochitlThat's funny.00:09:22JackLike about 5 seconds ago I was like ohh alright I I already married her mine so.00:09:24XochitlOh yeah.00:09:27XochitlYeah, I like being the smart one in the relationship. Maybe most women do. I don't know if if our listeners feel like that, let us know. I like. I think I like being the smart one and the perfectionist and everything in a relationship. I I don't want someone who's like smarter than me, me like, be more perfusionist than me, if that makes sense.00:09:45JackYeah.00:09:47JackI think that makes sense and I think I think a lot, a lot of men appreciate intelligent women. You know, it's not, you know, especially if you're if you have low self esteem like me and Ron, then you, you you're not you're you're not like scared of of intelligent women you're just like oh, I appreciate that you know it's like.00:09:52발표자That's fair.00:10:07XochitlBut I admire that. It's like since I.00:10:08JackYeah, I admire that. Like who? Someone's got to balance the checkbook in in this, in this household, someone has to know where the money is and which banks they're stored in. Do you know, I don't know that information. So.00:10:21발표자Erase.00:10:25JackAlright, let's do one last one, because this is too funny for me. Batman, Catwoman, the Joker.00:10:34발표자Ah.00:10:36XochitlDifficult. It's hard to decide between killing Batman or the Joker because they're two sides of the same coin.00:10:43JackI know.00:10:44XochitlUh.00:10:47XochitlBut at least Batman like.00:10:49XochitlBatman is marginally better, so I would kill the Joker, kiss Batman. I definitely marry Catwoman because she's better than than.00:10:57XochitlEither.00:10:57JackShe's like the least worst option. Like, at least all she does is steal. She's not a killer. She's.00:11:00XochitlYes, you like to leave bad.00:11:03JackNot like a murderer.00:11:05XochitlRight. She's just like, yeah, she's only got something up her sleeve, but she's not as bad.00:11:09XochitlAs the other two who are like the same.00:11:10JackRight. She's she's sneaking out at night, but you're like, OK. All right, at least you're not trying to kill me in my sleep, you know?00:11:20XochitlAnd my food would kill other people or whatever. So yeah.00:11:22JackAnd Batman would just be brooding around all the time. He'd be so depressing, you know, to marry Batman.00:11:28JackIt'd be like, you know, it's like smile once in a while. Come on, man.00:11:32XochitlAnd you said, did you launch you with money and it's like, have you ever seen that meme? That's like, the only reason that Batman mask doesn't cover his whole face is because he needs police to know that he's white.00:11:44XochitlRight, right. Right. That's so true. So he, he just told you with money, so I wouldn't.00:11:47JackYes, yes.00:11:52XochitlThey want to marry him, I don't think.00:11:52JackYeah.00:11:54JackSo yeah, I'm gonna kill the Joker because the the the Joker is just pure chaos. Like he he's a scorpion. You know the Batman? I guess I I'd have to kiss him. Which, you know, maybe he's still not going to smile, you know?00:12:01XochitlYeah, he's a problem.00:12:14JackSo brooding all the time, so angry and I'd marry Catwoman. But I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her because.00:12:23JackYou know, it's Catwoman. She's a a cat burglar, so yeah.00:12:27XochitlRight. Yeah. If she's only got something up her sleeve, she'll probably disappear after a month of marriage. So.00:12:32JackRight into the seat. Just she'll just run away and you get into the annulled and move on with your life and.00:12:38XochitlYeah. So that'd be nice. You wouldn't have to worry about being tied to either the chaos of the Joker playing mind games or to Batman, who's just a nightmare.00:12:46발표자Exactly.00:12:47XochitlShooting.00:12:47JackReally. Yeah. The narcissist, the depressive and the I don't know. What you what Catwoman is but.00:12:54XochitlAnd it's like the avoidant, probably like the avoidance. Yeah.00:12:56JackYou're right.00:12:58JackIt's it's. This is definitely at least worse kind of situation here, but.00:13:03XochitlYeah.00:13:05JackAlright. Well that's it. We I think we we got it done.00:13:08JackToday.00:13:09XochitlAlright, listeners, let us know what you think and this is actually fun if you wanna. If you want us to do more episodes like this, let us know. Tell us who you would kiss, marry or kill in the comments. Join our conversation that we chat WhatsApp groups or shoot us an e-mail at A-Z and we'll see you guys next time.00:13:30JackBye bye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 7, 2024 • 20min

Topic Talk | Why Xochitl Never Learned to Drive

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack asks Xochitl why she never learned to drive.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are going to do a topic talk episode and the episode is why social never learned to drive so social, why didn't you ever learn to drive?00:00:19XochitlJack, this is actually a really interesting thing that I've been thinking about a lot lately because I still haven't learned to drive. Answer those who are not familiar with American culture, getting their license was a main staple of American culture up until.00:00:34JackMHM.00:00:35XochitlAround my generation.00:00:39XochitlRight, so people who are like denzi, millennial cuspers or genzi or very, very young millennials, like still in their 20s can all kind of relate to this. There's a shift. There was a shift in the culture and everyone.00:00:57XochitlIt was so much less common to get your license.00:01:01XochitlVersus it used to be that everyone got their license as soon as they could, because that kind of meant freedom. And I Jack, you can speak more to that than I can.00:01:09JackYeah, like your 16th birthday is a huge landmark in a young man's. Ohh. And and and and for young women too. In in, in my generation I'm 47 now. When I turned 16, I was like the next day I was at the the Department of Motor Vehicles.00:01:30JackTaking my my drivers test, you know to get my license because.00:01:35JackI wanted to borrow my dad's car and go places with my friends and it was like a whole world just opened up.00:01:44JackFor me.00:01:46JackAnd yeah.00:01:46XochitlYeah, crazy. Go ahead. Go ahead, Jack.00:01:48JackYeah, that's it basically. I mean, you're, you're you, you, you, you, you know, you can only walk so far, ride a bike so far.00:01:57JackAnd also it's embarrassing. It was kind of, we'll say, cringy to ride a bike after 16 in in America, which nowadays every people love their.00:02:06발표자Right.00:02:10JackYou know, so that's that's that's changed too. But yeah, when you turned 16 in America, when you turn 16 in America, you are old enough to drive, which is crazy to me because we can't drink till you're 21 and you can join the military when you're 18. But.00:02:30JackIt's it's very strange.00:02:31XochitlIf that I like to think.00:02:32JackYeah, you can go fight and die in a war, but you can't have a a beer, you know, it's.00:02:38XochitlYou can even drive.00:02:39XochitlAt 14, in some states like Iowa.00:02:41JackYeah, there's, I guess some are really young. I mean, my daughter's 15. So she's old enough to get her learner's permit, which means she could drive if I'm in the car with her.00:02:53XochitlRight, which is busy.00:02:53JackUh.00:02:54JackBut she lives near Miami in the South of Florida. I would never let her drive in a million years down there. It's a it's a hot mess down there. It's crazy.00:03:01발표자Thanks.00:03:05XochitlYeah. Dallas. Yeah, I I think the reason the main reasons I didn't get my license was a couple things. One, I had to stay at home, Mom.00:03:16XochitlWhich meant she could kind of give me rides to school most.00:03:20XochitlOr from school most days and I took the bus. Other than that, I think I mostly I took the bus to school so they do. You do? Consider it lame, I guess after a certain age to take the bus to school, but I really.00:03:33XochitlDidn't.00:03:33XochitlCare about that. So I would just think, yeah.00:03:37JackYeah.00:03:38JackThat, that, that separates you from the the fact that you don't. You didn't care is really cool. Actually, I find that that cool. You're like what? I don't care what people think about me. Like, whatever. You know, it's a mature attitude.00:03:50XochitlYeah, I lived there.00:03:54XochitlYeah. So, so that was one thing. So I would just take the bus. And two, we only had one car, so the whole family. So my dad would ride his bike to work, and most days cause his job wasn't too far. And he liked riding his bike to.00:04:11XochitlStay in shape.00:04:12XochitlAnd my mom had the car kind of at home, so whatever.00:04:15XochitlLike in case you need to come pick us up in an emergency or we got sick or whatever. So she was a stay at home Mom. So most of the time until I hit my senior year of.00:04:24XochitlThe school. And so when I hit my senior year of high school, she got a a job outside the home and then she would sometimes drive to work. But other times she would walk. So our family was really big on, like, environmental footprint, which for our listeners who don't know, it's like your.00:04:44XochitlImpact on the environment and being like.00:04:47XochitlEcologically friendly and all that stuff. So like my parents were kind of hippies in that sense.00:04:51XochitlBefore it was.00:04:52XochitlCool and and because of that, that was another reason that.00:04:52발표자Hello.00:05:03XochitlThat I didn't put that much focus on driving, I think.00:05:06JackYeah, yeah, yeah. You kind of. You know, if if it's really important to your if your dad's, like, mechanically inclined and, you know, into cars, you you might be more.00:05:19JackUM.00:05:21JackDetermined to to want to drive, you know.00:05:25XochitlWell, actually, my dad was.00:05:27XochitlReally mechanically inclined, like he had this old car before he got married to my mom and he would spend all his time fixing up on it and he had like all these expensive tools, but he would just also kind of a like a hippie or an original hipster.00:05:39XochitlThey cared a lot about, like his impact on the environment. Yeah, I would. That was probably the big driver behind one of the big.00:05:46XochitlDrivers.00:05:47JackThat's really cool.00:05:47XochitlAnd then.00:05:49XochitlYeah, I went away to college when I was. I just turned 18. When I went to College in Grinnell, IA. And it's a really small campus. And you live on campus, like all four years. So I didn't need to drive anywhere at all because we would just be in town and.00:06:03JackRight.00:06:09XochitlUh people don't know sometimes, but College in the US, you can live in the dorms, which means that your classes are like a block away, and then the dining hall is also right there. If you live on campus, you have to have, like, a dining plan. So you eat all your meals in the dining hall. They're prepared for you, and you just go in there and serve like.00:06:16JackRight.00:06:28XochitlDo for yourselves. So I didn't need to go grocery shopping. There was like nothing I really needed to do.00:06:36JackYeah. Then you kind of miss that window where you know, you go through drivers Ed in high school, you get ready for the test. You take the drivers test, you take the written test, you take the high test, and if you miss that window, it gets really awkward there. When you're in your early 20s and you just never learned.00:06:36XochitlI yeah.00:06:56JackHow to it's kind of like never learning to swim. It's kind of like people that miss that window when they don't learn when they're a kid.00:06:59XochitlThen.00:07:03JackAnd tend to kind of avoid water when they're they're older, they're just like it's too late for me to.00:07:10JackTo learn this, so I guess I'm just not going to do this activity.00:07:16XochitlYeah, cause I just got more and more like less and less important for me to have to drive. I like moved to Mexico for a little bit. I didn't need to drive at all because you could walk everywhere or take public transport everywhere. And then I moved.00:07:28JackYeah.00:07:30XochitlI finished college, so I took a gap year. I finished college and I was again I was in Grinnell again, so I didn't have to go anywhere. Then out the gate from college, I worked at a law firm and my apartment was across the street. This was a coincidence. I ended up renting an apartment across the street from where I worked. So there's a 2 minute walk and there's a grocery store like.00:07:47JackOhh, that's awesome so lucky.00:07:51XochitlAnother two minutes from me, so I also didn't have to learn.00:07:54XochitlThen.00:07:55XochitlAnd then I moved to Korea.00:07:58XochitlAnd I use public transport to go everywhere.00:08:01JackYeah, you don't need a car in Korea. You that has a wonderful public transport.00:08:05XochitlYeah. And then I moved back to Mexico and again, public transport is great and cheap, so I didn't need to drive and now I I'm in the US and I'm like, oh, it would be great if I could drive because it's such a pain to walk everywhere. But I.00:08:21JackYeah, you live in the suburbs, man. You have to walk 5 miles to the grocery store. You know, the nearest Walmart or.00:08:28JackSomething.00:08:28XochitlYeah. So it's kind of like, so I missed the window. But again, I think another thing that's interesting for my generation is like we don't really need to know how to drive that much because there's so many ride sharing apps now like Uber.00:08:41XochitlAnd.00:08:41XochitlLyft and things like that. So it sort of changed things. And the city that I live in, our public transport.00:08:42JackYep.00:08:49XochitlSystem is 3 actually.00:08:51XochitlIn Iowa City, so you can take the bus 3 anywhere, which kind of discourages you from having to drive.00:09:00JackYeah. And if you don't mind, you know, taking extra time on your trip. It's it's it's OK. Like my generation. We're so and it's if I can't get in my car and get there in 5 minutes, it's it's. I'm I'm. I'm whining. I'm frowning. You know, I'm like, oh, woe is me, you know, kind of attitude.00:09:06XochitlYeah.00:09:20JackBut it's just because I'm so used to the convenience of just hopping in my car and just getting where I want to go immediately and.00:09:21XochitlThanks.00:09:29XochitlSo I think one thing that another thing that's really interesting about all of this, Jack.00:09:32XochitlIs like that.00:09:34XochitlI wanted to ask you, since you do drive is.00:09:39XochitlI have all these reasons that make sense, but underneath all of that is that I also didn't ever want to drive because I was. I had really bad anxiety about driving.00:09:51JackHmm.00:09:52XochitlAnd I was scared, too scared to learn how to drive for years. And I'm not the only one. A lot of people in my generation view it this way like.00:10:00XochitlYou're in a metal contraption that goes crazy speeds on on the road with a bunch of other people and the same type of machine. It's just like a recipe for disaster. It's insane that it's so easy to get your license and drive and everything.00:10:16XochitlAnd the reason that I think we all think this.00:10:18XochitlWay I was thinking a lot about it.00:10:20XochitlAnd there were these. There were these public service announcements they would play in, in middle schools and elementary schools and high schools for us. So my generation and they have like, don't text while you drive or don't do this while they drive. And they were just public safety announcements to stop.00:10:40XochitlTeenagers from doing reckless things while driving because you can drive before the age of 18 so they would play these in middle schools and high schools. The problem was it would depict these really horrible car crashes and people dying and like I'm pretty sure that traumatized. I think that may have traumatized.00:10:52JackYes. Yeah.00:10:59XochitlMy generation.00:11:01JackI think you.00:11:02JackThey showed us those videos to you in drivers Ed and uh, you know, to to make us understand the the seriousness of what we were.00:11:11JackWhat we were doing and how you're basically you're, you're driving a giant bullet around.00:11:17JackAnd if you hit someone you it will destroy your life. I mean you you could.00:11:24JackYou could take a life very easily in a car and uh, I mean, you drive long enough. I've I had a a terrible accident, totaled my car on the freeway. I I I I wasn't injured very badly, but I could have been killed very, very easily and.00:11:43XochitlI'll sorry to ask you that random like.00:11:45JackYeah, this this happened. Uh, maybe six or seven years ago on the Korean freeway. And if you know the Korean freeway, it's people are driving, you know, a hundred 100 and.00:11:48발표자Oh.00:11:59Jack2200 and 3000 and 40 kilometers an hour and and I went.00:12:06JackSideways across the traffic, 6 lanes of traffic backwards. It wasn't my fault. I was hit by a truck and then I did a 360 and and smashed into the into a wall. Luckily it was backwards, so it wasn't the front of my car that hit the.00:12:26JackRetaining wall, it was the back of my car, but then the fact that I didn't get hit by other people who were flying you.00:12:33JackYou know who are coming at that same time, it was just a. It was just a I was so lucky. I just. Just.00:12:41XochitlI'm a miracle, yeah.00:12:42JackIt was a miracle that I didn't get hurt or killed in that in that accident.00:12:48XochitlWas effective too.00:12:50JackWhat's that?00:12:52XochitlDid the truck driver also survive this?00:12:54JackThe truck driver didn't even know that he hit me. I think he luckily pulled over and they found paint on the side of his truck that matched my paint. So he what happened was there was a truck that was, that was filled with too many things in it and the.00:13:09JackAnd blew it into my lane and he clipped my my front end or I'm sorry, my back end and caused me to start 360 and spinning around and and lose control of my car and go across 6 lanes of of freeway traffic.00:13:30JackAt 6:30 in the morning in Korea, which is right before rush hour, and it was, it was a miracle. It was an absolute miracle that.00:13:39XochitlThis is, uh, one of the reasons that I don't even want to drive.00:13:44JackYeah.00:13:45XochitlWell, I wanna ask you is is.00:13:49발표자How?00:13:49XochitlDo you get back in your car every day after something like that happened?00:13:54JackYeah, I mean, it was. Well, that car I never did get back in that car that they told that one off to the junkyard. No, but.00:13:58XochitlRight, right, right.00:14:04JackThat's a good question. You know, I I guess I just.00:14:08JackI think what I did was like compartmentalized the the situation. I kind of put that like situation in a box and pushed it far back in my brain somewhere where it was hit.00:14:20JackIn a way.00:14:21JackAnd I knew that if I didn't get back in the car and start driving again, I may never drive. So I just forced myself to.00:14:31JackUh to to drive again and I was just extra extra careful for a long time. I did. And now I drive like a granny. You know, I used to be more aggressive, you know, and really impatient and get really angry. And then I now I really try to be Zen in my car and just be like, OK, someone wants to cut me off, let them go.00:14:51JackJust you know.00:14:53JackJust don't be aggressive when you drive, be a defensive driver, not not an offensive driver. You have to be defensive looking, always looking around. What do you see? Is there like a kid playing with the ball on the side of the road? Alright, let's keep that in my mind because if that ball rolls in front of my car, that kid might.00:15:12JackChase that ball.00:15:13JackAnd you know, I mean you have to be you. You have to really be scanning your environment and really present. And that's why I've got become a much worse driver as I've gotten older is I tend to get tunnel vision. I start to kind of.00:15:28JackMy mind starts to wander and I'm just kind of on autopilot and especially when you drive to work the same way every day, you know, and you can get. Here's a good word for our listeners complacent. It's where you get lazy and you stop being vigilant and you stop being.00:15:49JackFocused and looking out for everything. And so you know, if I. If you told me, you know, Jack, you never have to drive again. But you can always have a ride somewhere.00:16:00JackI would take that deal in a second because I hate driving now. I've been driving for 30 years. I'm, I'm done. You know, like I'm, I. I'm it's not interesting to me anymore, but I I do need a car because I need to get to work.00:16:20JackAnd taking the bus is takes me an hour longer to get there than it would if I just drive my car. So I I do appreciate the convenience of it, but I.00:16:32JackI don't like driving and I do worry about other drivers who are being stupid or what if I don't pay attention at one moment and something happens? Or what if something just happens accidentally? Those things really do freak me out, and so I don't know. Hopefully the future.00:16:53JackIt's like automated driving, where no one's really in control.00:16:59JackAccept.00:17:00JackSome computer system AI system that's just kind of moving your car where you want it, where where it should go at a nice safe speed connected to all the other cars and and and, you know, get rid of this the human element because human beings are very unpredictable and there are some that drive.00:17:21JackLike psychos, you know, maniacs and others that Dr. responsibly and sometimes you just can't avoid an accident. And yeah, you have to. Really. I mean, that's why we have insurance.00:17:35JackBut God forbid I, you know, hurt somebody or killed somebody. I don't know how I would live with that.00:17:44XochitlI know I. That's the things that really kill me about the idea of UM.00:17:51XochitlOf driving. It's like I I really can't get past that. I think I I think because we're so close to fully automated vehicles, I may never drive. I may never drive. I may wait until we get there because I'm OK with walking places.00:18:00JackYeah.00:18:10XochitlGetting Uber or taking public transport. But but I do kind of crave the freedom other people get when they drive, like it would be nice if I had a car and I could just hop in a car and drive six hours. Any place you know, like like a day trip.00:18:25JackYeah, it's really convenient. I I love the convenience of having a car. I I would be lying if I if I said, you know, getting groceries. You know, you could just put them in there. You don't have to carry the groceries half a mile back to your house.00:18:40JackBut you know, New Yorkers, they there's they don't need cars, you know, they can get around people who live in Seoul can get around. People live in Mexico, can get around. I think you're going to be just fine without a car.00:18:55JackAnd.00:18:57JackYeah.00:18:58XochitlYeah. Well, listeners, let us know. Are you scared of driving like me or do you drive like Jack does and.00:19:07XochitlWhat is the driving culture like in your country? Do you feel like it's safe and and have you learned to drive at an age appropriate time or not? Let us know in the comments at Shoot us an e-mail at A-Z, and join the conversation on our WeChat and WhatsApp groups.00:19:28XochitlSee you guys next time. Bye bye.00:19:30JackBye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 5, 2024 • 11min

Idiom Academy | New Idioms

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss three recently coined idiomatic expressions in English.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are talking about new slang slang that is just brand new in the culture. Actually social is my expert when it comes to pop culture and.00:00:21JackModern culture, youth, youth culture. I'm. I'm too old. I'm. I'm out of touch. So some of these that I pulled up may not be as new as I think they are, but let's go through three of these idioms.00:00:38JackTier and so the first one is vibing.00:00:43JackSo what does it mean if you're vibing with someone?00:00:48XochitlBy being biting is hard to explain, but like it's kind of turned into like hanging out, chilling, and also if you're vibing, you're like getting along well, like like sometimes like when I just have this conversation and we're just vibing like we're really on the same page, things are flowing.00:01:10XochitlEverything's going well, and then if you're not vibing with someone, it's.00:01:13XochitlKinda like if you're on a bad day or you're like needing someone for the first time and it's really awkward or things go South. That's like the opposite of vibing.00:01:22JackYeah, you're you're not vibing essentially.00:01:25JackAnd.00:01:25JackAnd this is I think this really makes sense in the in the in the world of like online dating, where everything is immediate, right? Just like Tinder, it's like, OK, I'm going to meet you. Boom. We talk for 5 minutes. If we're not vibing, I'm out of here. You know, dating is almost like.00:01:35XochitlYeah.00:01:43JackIt's so different than than my generation where you had to, like, call someone's house phone, you know, like, make an appointment, you get together. And if you're on a bad date, you just ride that horrible wave all the way to the end of dinner and.00:02:02JackIt's quite torturous, you know. Uhm, and the younger generation is just like, no, we're we're meeting for a drink. If we're not vibing within a couple of minutes, I'm out, you know, and that seems to be the agreement. Am I wrong about that or is that accurate?00:02:22XochitlYou mean like?00:02:24XochitlYou think they're kind of more instant culturally now?00:02:27JackInsofar as dating goes.00:02:29XochitlYeah, even like meeting new people. Was it different before like?00:02:36JackYeah. I mean, I think I think you're more stuck together, right? Like if you made a plan, if you made a, if you made it, if you're your date, if you're going on a date with someone.00:02:46JackYou're you're in for the the date you're in for the long haul. It doesn't mean.00:02:48XochitlThey're spending like 2 hours together, even.00:02:50JackIt's a few hours, right? I mean, you're not going to go like, if it's a horrible dinner, you're not going to go like, hey, do you wanna go get ice cream? You're gonna, you know, you're gonna go your separate ways, but you're still gonna finish the dinner together. I feel like the younger generation is like, no. Let's just meet for drinks.00:03:10JackAnd then you know, then you're only stuck for one drink and then it's.00:03:14XochitlYeah, it's like get a coffee together because then you're only stuck for. Because I've had this situation. I had this situation kind of pop up in Korea where it was like we went. I told you about that, but we went and had, like, a a lemonade. I had a lemonade at a cafe. And then after that, he was like, oh, you want to go get dinner? I was like, I got a dip.00:03:34XochitlI have 4:00 except and it was like not three. I did not want to be stuck with this bozo for another minute.00:03:37JackYeah. Yes.00:03:41XochitlSo I'm glad that like we proceeded it with the cafe kind of thing.00:03:45JackYes, yes, that, that's, it's actually I. I kind of like this. The young generation is just like let's throw all the extra nonsense away because you get it. You know, if you have chemistry within the first couple of minutes. I mean, I really.00:04:00JackDo believe that?00:04:00발표자Yeah.00:04:02XochitlI also believe that, like if it's just kind of awkward, or the person just like a little quiet or something, I would still meet up with them like again like, especially if you're making new friends or whatever. I just wouldn't do it if it's like.00:04:15발표자Yeah.00:04:16XochitlIf it's really bad, then why would I subject myself to spending more time with this embarrassing person or whatever like?00:04:23JackRight, in an awkward you know where the like, labored conversation and stuff. I I think this comes from this comes from the word vibration. And if you the the they used to use this a long time ago there's a Beach Boys song called Good Vibrations.00:04:39JackAnd it's about sharing via vibrations with people, whether you have good vibrations or bad vibrations. And then the word vibration became the word vibe. So good vibes or bad vibes was a very 60s kind of slang, and now they've used. Now they're using it in the present.00:04:59JackContinuous as vibing, so using it as a verb to vibe with somebody and yeah, it kind of makes sense. It's a I think it's a it's a good expression. I I like it. I'll I will use this.00:05:14JackUM OK #2.00:05:18JackUh hot mess.00:05:21XochitlOhh, this one's kind of older hot mess is.00:05:25XochitlUh.00:05:29XochitlIt's usually towards a person, but you can do it towards a situation too. Let's say, like my grandmother passed away, which is really sad, but now I'm cleaning out her house and she was a hoarder and the situation is a hot mess. It's like it's chaos, it's.00:05:47XochitlIt's basically chaos. That's the only way I can describe it. It's kind of like when you're watching a movie and the main character like it opens with the main character having like eating like a piece of cold pizza out of their car for breakfast and like, waking up with trash in their hair and they like.00:06:07XochitlEat the trash they found in their hair. And you know what I'm talking about? Like that? Yeah. Yeah. That person's a hot mess.00:06:11JackThat person's a hot mess.00:06:15JackEveryone has a a friend like, at least in the West. You know, if you're, if you're a college student or whatever, you have a friend, she might he or she might drink too much when they go out. And so, you know, for I'm thinking, you know, she's got, like, a nice, you know, cocktail dress on high heels, her purse.00:06:35JackAnd then two hours later, she's like stumbling. The dress is kind of a skew and wrinkled, and her hair is all messed up and the lipstick is all smeared and and everyone goes. Ohh man, she's such a hot mess when she drinks, you know?00:06:39XochitlBarefoot.00:06:52XochitlYeah.00:06:53발표자Yeah.00:06:54XochitlYep.00:06:54JackOK. And I've got one more and this one is basic and I think everybody knows what basic means, but what does it mean in this kind of like modern youth culture in modern youth culture?00:07:08XochitlBasic is it's funny because it's like basic should mean average whatever, but it actually it's kind of derogatory, which means it has a negative connotation and it's like ohh, you're such a basic girl. Which means like a bland, boring, unoriginal.00:07:19JackYes.00:07:28XochitlDoesn't stand out and it almost pegs you at.00:07:32XochitlWhat?00:07:34XochitlUh below. I mean it's average in the worst way possible.00:07:38JackYeah, like there's nothing special about you, you know, is what they're saying to you. You're so basic, you know, it's kind of a mean girl. Uh, put down.00:07:44XochitlYes.00:07:51XochitlEven though it's funny because it's kind of.00:07:54XochitlIt basically towards Mean Girls because Mean Girls are basic most of the time.00:07:58JackExactly, yes. Yes. The people that use this the most are probably really in their heart. No, they're basic and they're lashing out at people who are more creative or more introverted, but probably have more talent or or skills or other.00:08:06XochitlYeah.00:08:16JackOther interests that just go beyond the kind of mainstream.00:08:21XochitlI think another thing is that it's kind of, it's like a little, it's a little bit of a misogynistic insult cause a lot of times it's like aimed at women like you never really hear people calling men basic, even though most of them are. But sorry, but it's like, it's like calling women. It's kind of used to insult.00:08:35JackThat's good, yeah.00:08:42XochitlMeans interest. So it's like you can't like pumpkin spice lattes cause you're basic and you can't dress a certain way because now you're basic and you can't enjoy this hobby cause now that's basic. It's kind of takes away the enjoyment of like things that are are more women's culture or things that women.00:09:00XochitlEnjoy.00:09:00JackYeah, I feel like there's like a longer version of this with a bad word at the end. A basic BB word, you know, and. And so I I totally know what you're what you're getting at is kind of there is a misogynistic element misogynistic for our listeners out there means woman.00:09:05XochitlYeah, yeah, yeah. Yep.00:09:21XochitlSorry, sorry.00:09:21JackYeah. Ohh no derogatory towards women or negative towards women, yeah.00:09:27XochitlYes. Yeah.00:09:29JackYeah. So, uh, yeah. If someone calls you basic, they're not just saying you're average, they're they're putting you down so.00:09:37XochitlYeah, they're insulting you, Sir.00:09:38JackYeah, it's an insult. Yeah.00:09:40XochitlTreat it as an insulin fight. I'm just kidding. Don't fight them, but yeah.00:09:43JackLike a.00:09:44JackSavage. Yeah, but don't become a hot mess, you know.00:09:47XochitlYes, alright guys. Well, don't take our advice. Please don't take our advice. But yeah, make sure to use these in the sentence and or we chat and WhatsApp groups. We would love to hear how you guys come up with original ways to use these new words in a sentence.00:09:53JackRight.00:10:04XochitlShe does an e-mail at A-Z, leave a comment down below on our website and Jack and I will see you later. Bye bye.00:10:13JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 3, 2024 • 9min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 3 Recently Added Words to Webster's Dictionary

In this episode of the A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack look at three words which were added to Webster's Dictionary in 2023.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are stepping into the vocabulary spotlight and social. I have a list here of 24 new words that were recently added to Webster's Dictionary in 2023.00:00:23JackAnd I thought it would be kind of a fun be fun to kind of go through this list over the next several months and so maybe we'll do like 3 words per episode.00:00:36JackWord and the first word. I'm just gonna kind of test you and see if you know what the the meaning is beast mode.00:00:46XochitlOhh yeah, Beast mode is like.00:00:49XochitlOhh, I went beast mode on it. Like hulking out or like also doing like top of your game at something.00:00:59JackYeah. I I I see it a lot on like uh, because I.00:01:04XochitlGame forums.00:01:06JackYeah. Game forums. Yeah, in gaming and also in like fitness.00:01:11XochitlOh yeah, definitely.00:01:13JackYeah, like like someone would say like.00:01:16JackDid you have?00:01:16JackA good workout today. And you're like, yeah, I.00:01:18JackWent beast mode.00:01:21JackAnd it means they did like a very intense workout. Or I watch basketball highlights. I I love to watch, like NBA highlights and stuff like that. And sometimes the announcer will go whoa. LeBron James went beast mode on the other team or whatever.00:01:41JackAnd so it's kind of like.00:01:41XochitlMm-hmm.00:01:44JackGoing above and beyond the normal expectation to like a very intense and focused mode of being, I guess what about in gaming? What what it, what does, what does it mean in that respect?00:02:02XochitlUM beast mode? Yeah, I think it's just like it's the same as, like with athletics, I honestly think.00:02:08XochitlThat my generation sometimes sees like gaming as an extreme sport. Basically. Yeah, it is. And so it's like you have competitions and all this stuff. And and I think that it's basically it has the same exact meaning, but just applying it to gaming.00:02:13JackYeah, it is now.00:02:24JackYou're just killing.00:02:24JackA lot of people, and you're doing really, really well in the game and you, you're basically you're going to beat mode, yeah.00:02:29XochitlKilling it.00:02:30XochitlYeah, going beast mode.00:02:32JackYeah. OK. So there you go listeners, you can use Beast mode when you study English. Study real hard and go beast mode.00:02:43Jack#2 this one I have never heard before, but I'm curious if you have bracketology.00:02:53XochitlAcology.00:02:54JackBracketology yeah.00:02:57XochitlRocketown energy. I don't think I've ever. I haven't heard of it. I haven't heard of it.00:03:02JackYeah, this is for this.00:03:04JackIs for people who are like.00:03:04XochitlOhh I know what bracketology is. Ohh I do I do I just it just hit me. I remember all those YouTube videos that were trending in 2022 and 2023 where it would like put things into.00:03:16XochitlTo brackets, so do like a BCS level or whatever. Brackets yours kind of. Is that what we're talking about?00:03:25JackExactly. And it's.00:03:26JackIt's mostly comes from, like online gambling on sports or just people who love sports. So, you know, for example, there's a the college basketball NCAA Tournament, which is happens in March. They call it March Madness.00:03:45JackAnd people love to try to predict the outcomes of the of the games. And so bracketology is the practice or study of predicting outcomes of elimination in tournaments or competitions. So.00:04:04JackTechnology is the practice of that.00:04:07JackSo they, you know, I mean it, it didn't really need a name, you know, like filling out a bracket for trying to predict, which, you know, people will do it for the World Cup, for soccer and stuff like that too. But now it has a name. And so they call it bracketology.00:04:14JackMHM.00:04:27JackWhich is kind of interesting I think.00:04:29XochitlOK, I remember actually doing this.00:04:33XochitlIn Kentucky, like when I was growing up in high school during madness. Yeah. Yep. It's a big basketball state.00:04:35JackOhh big basketball state, yes.00:04:41XochitlDuring March Madness, which is like the kickoff of the basketball season, right, we would have these like paper like we would get these during school. They'd give us, like, uh, a paper with little brackets and you would put, like, the sports team, your sports teams or whatever on them they went.00:04:56JackYeah. And what? What did you did you go based on like, the colors of the jerseys or something like I?00:05:02JackWant blue wind and.00:05:02XochitlI could. I honestly think I was. I honestly think I just like.00:05:07XochitlI have no idea. I think I just spaced out or I would just like write down some random stuff and then spend the extra time that everyone else was doing. It was like drawing on the back of the paper.00:05:17JackRight, right. Right, right. Yeah.00:05:19JackIf you're not into sports, I I think bracketology is probably maybe the most boring thing, but the the fact that, like now sports gambling has been legalized in.00:05:31JackErica, I think a lot of people are really getting into, you know, brackets and sports and betting on games and things like that. And so because of gambling, I think that people are taking it much more seriously because there's money involved. Right? And so, so they've actually.00:05:48XochitlOh yeah.00:05:51JackGiving it a proper name. So there you go, listeners bracketology.00:05:58JackAnd our last one is chefs kiss.00:06:05XochitlOhh chef because I is is the one I'm definitely familiar with. It's like the if something's perfect, it's like ohh chefs kiss more and the person kisses their hand. Like when the chef makes a perfect meal. Yeah, that's kind of what it is.00:06:18JackYeah.00:06:22JackRight. Kissing the fingertips of your hand. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, you know, like, yeah, the chefs, chefs kiss with, like, you're, like, throwing a kiss kind of to the chef or celebrate.00:06:34XochitlYou know, to the perfection of the dish or whatever you created or whatever.00:06:38XochitlIs going on.00:06:39XochitlYeah.00:06:40발표자Yeah, I've. I've never, I've.00:06:42JackNever really liked this one. I do use it sometimes when I am teaching a class and you know it's Korean students and I tell them, like my favorite dish. I'll say something like, you know.00:06:58JackI don't know some kind of some kind of Korean dish, and I'll and I'll do the chefs kiss and to kind of emphasize how much I really love that dish and.00:07:11JackEverybody sees it's.00:07:12JackKind of a universal gesture, isn't it?00:07:15XochitlYeah, yeah, I think well, in the US, it certainly is. I don't know if it is other places. Uh, yeah.00:07:23JackYeah, my Korean students tend to understand when I do this, but.00:07:27XochitlOh, when you do this as kids. Oh, interesting. I think because of the propagation of U.S. media culture, like our movies are seen all over the world. And our TV shows are seen all over the world. So I think because of that, a lot of our gestures are like adopted.00:07:28JackYeah, yeah.00:07:41XochitlInto other cultures.00:07:42JackI totally agree.00:07:43JackWith you, I was thinking of like ratatouille or something like that.00:07:46XochitlYes, exactly. Ratatouille, I agree.00:07:50XochitlYeah, alright. Listen as well if you know what her chefs kiss is, make sure to leave a comment down below at A-Z shoot us an e-mail at AZ or join our WeChat once of groups to join the conversation. I would honestly love to hear if there is a similar gesture in your culture and I'll see you guys next time. Bye.00:08:10발표자OK.00:08:11JackMoi!Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 1, 2024 • 6min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 2010s Slang

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack tests Xochitl on her knowledge of 2010s slang.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today I'm going to test socials knowledge of 2000 tens slang and so here's the first one, social. What does lit mean? If something is lit?00:00:20XochitlLit means.00:00:23XochitlWell, has a couple of meanings, but one of them is like I'm lit. Is like getting drunk or tipsy, or like under the influence and the other one is like, oh, that parties lit is like ohh it's awesome. It's a great time like.00:00:37JackWhat amazing fun, exciting.00:00:41JackThat party last night was so lit.00:00:46JackOK. All right. You got it. #2, this is right in your wheelhouse though, so.00:00:51XochitlYeah, this is like right there.00:00:53JackThis is university for you right here.00:00:55XochitlYeah, well, this is a.00:00:57XochitlHigh school, I think. Yeah, right.00:00:58JackOur high school. Sorry, younger than I thought. #2 slay.00:01:05XochitlSlay. Yeah, this is high school for me. Like sleigh Queen is like it's hard to describe. It's kind of like imagine with someone shows up at a party dressed in an amazing outfit and you'd be like sleigh queen. Go off. It's like.00:01:25XochitlIt's like kill him with that awesomeness. Kind of.00:01:29XochitlI don't know if it's.00:01:31JackDo you like to do something or to wear something exceptionally well or to look stunning like you look amazing. There's an example. She absolutely slayed that performance.00:01:44XochitlYeah, yeah, that's a good idea. That's a good way to put it too.00:01:47JackAlright, #3 FOMO.00:01:51XochitlBeer of missing out. Jack and I talk about this all the time. It literally just means, you know, maybe you're at a party and you hear about another party and you want to go to that party. You're always waiting for the next best thing to happen.00:02:03JackRight. I I suffer from serious FOMO. Like fear of missing out of things. Example, I didn't go out with my friends last night because of FOMO.00:02:18JackDoes that make sense?00:02:19XochitlNo, that doesn't.00:02:20JackWait, I'm sorry. I'm I'm reading this off ChatGPT. That makes no sense at all I.00:02:25XochitlThat makes no sense.00:02:26JackIt it's the opposite of FOMO. I I went out with my friends last night because of FOMO.00:02:29XochitlYes, it would, definitely.00:02:34XochitlYes, that's correct.00:02:35JackYeah. Sorry everyone, I've I've chat CPT. Let me down here on this one. Yeah, because if you're, if you have FOMO, then you have to go.00:02:45XochitlYes, if you have phone or you can't miss.00:02:47XochitlOut on an opportunity to go out.00:02:49JackYeah, if you if you don't go out and you stay home, you're suffering from serious FOMO, like fear of missing out, OK?00:02:59Jack#3 squad, like your squad.00:03:02XochitlYour squad is your people, like your friend group.00:03:10JackWhat are you doing tonight? Heading out with the squad.00:03:14JackYeah, my friends.00:03:16XochitlYeah, you're fine.00:03:16JackYeah, my, we we used to call saying my peeps.00:03:19JackBut that's like 90s.00:03:21발표자Right.00:03:23JackSo cringy right. OK.00:03:27JackSo so why are00:03:27JackYou always throwing shade at me.00:03:31XochitlIs that one of the one of the OK throwing shade is like taking a dig at someone.00:03:32JackYeah, throw shade. This is the.00:03:34JackNext one.00:03:39JackRight. Insulting or criticizing someone.00:03:44JackHere's an example sentence. Did you hear her throw shade at him during the meeting?00:03:51JackThese examples are terrible.00:03:53JackBy the way, I.00:03:54XochitlKnow that one does kind of that one works, at least that one is in line with what it actually means. It's just like not the.00:04:00XochitlBest example but.00:04:03JackAt least it makes sense though.00:04:06JackOK. Last one is Savage.00:04:11XochitlSavage Savage is like, Oh my God, you're such a savage. When you go off on someone, it's like it's like how people now say menace. Yeah, yeah.00:04:24JackAnd sometimes it it can be like a like a.00:04:28JackLike you're you're. You're not afraid of anything. You know, like you. You're a savage. You're just. Did you see her comment? She's so savage.00:04:37XochitlYeah, it definitely can be, like, admirable to be savaged.00:04:42JackAll right. Well, that was our last one.00:04:45XochitlOh, OK. All right, listeners. Well, if you have any questions about the.00:04:49XochitlSlang or want to know about?00:04:51XochitlOther slang. Make sure to join us. I'll be making compiling a little list of more Gen. Z slang to be able to quiz Jack. So you guys, we can all laugh together next episode and we will see you guys next time. Make sure to leave a comment down below it. It is Shoot us an e-mail at AZ join our channel, what's up groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys next.00:05:14XochitlTime. Bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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