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The A to Z English Podcast

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Apr 28, 2024 • 20min

Topic Talk | My Dream House

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack describe their dream homes.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:56JackWelcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack, and I'm here with my co-host, social. And today we are doing a topic talk and the topic is, what does your dream home look like? So social describe your dream home.00:01:15XochitlWell, I really like this one because I had my dream home picture for a while.00:01:18XochitlNow, but it would ideally be on a big plot of land, like a big land plot of land, because I don't really want to have any like close by neighbors or anything. So I do want to be on a big plot of land and it would be, I think there'd be two sections would be like 1 main home and then one like little home in the back.00:01:28JackHmm.00:01:39JackLike a guest home.00:01:39XochitlBut.00:01:40XochitlYeah. The guest home. Yeah. The guest house. So the main home would be two floors. Uh, I really. I thought two floors with no basement. I never really thought about the basement aspect, but it would be. You would like, walk in. There would be a little place to, like, take your shoes off.00:01:52JackOK.00:02:00XochitlAnd then it'd be like the living room and the dining room. Then it'd be the kitchen, and then it'd be like stairs to the second floor. And then there'd be a guest room right here.00:02:11XochitlAfter that and then there'd be a big open space type room in the back where you could with like a whole panel of windows in the back. So you could like do art or music or anything back there.00:02:23JackOhh, like a flex room like like whatever it you could make it whatever you want it to be.00:02:29XochitlRight. Yeah. It's just like a huge open space, like running the whole back length of the.00:02:30JackOK.00:02:33XochitlHouse.00:02:36XochitlAnd then upstairs it would be like a bedroom.00:02:41XochitlAnd the back bathroom upstairs. Ohh, the guest bedroom would also have bathroom downstairs and then it would be like a.00:02:50XochitlUp front balcony type of area with a small.00:02:56XochitlLike landing after the stairs and then two rooms between that front balcony and the UM bedroom bathroom situation. And I guess one of them would be like a spare room and the other one would be like a music room or Art Room or something like that. So.00:03:12JackOK. Is there a city approval in this House?00:03:13XochitlAnd.00:03:16XochitlThe backroom has, like, uh, the back house I think would have like a little like a pond or something nice. And then like pond or something. And then.00:03:24JackOh, OK.00:03:27JackNot swimming in there a koi pond. OK, it's more of a beauty. Looking beautiful being, you know, peaceful. Not not a, not a party house. This is like a peaceful house, OK.00:03:29XochitlNo.00:03:34XochitlYeah.00:03:37XochitlNo.00:03:38XochitlYes, a people house and then it would have like it would be a little.00:03:43XochitlJust like a little guest house, like a one story. Cottage looking guest house.00:03:49JackYeah, we call this the mother-in-law suite sometimes.00:03:52XochitlYes, that's really what it would be for actually. So that like if I get married and their parents want to stay or my parents.00:03:58XochitlWant to stay?00:03:59XochitlOr my my parents get sick or their parents get sick, they can stay back there.00:04:03JackYeah.00:04:04XochitlDo like a small house.00:04:06XochitlSeparate from the main house.00:04:07JackIt's got like a little kitchen in it and it's got, you know, it's on the bathroom and it's on like.00:04:11JackLiving room and but small.00:04:12XochitlAnd it's on bedroom. Yeah, but it's kind of a small. Yeah. Like a mother-in-law suite. That's exactly what it would be. And and I want it to be like.00:04:18JackOK.00:04:22XochitlCake.00:04:24XochitlColonial Mexican style like us.00:04:26JackI was going to ask you that is this modern? Is this like, uh, a ranch house? OK, so yeah.00:04:30XochitlIt's an ocean, yeah.00:04:34XochitlWe're going to send us at home, so it's kind of like.00:04:35발표자For morning.00:04:40XochitlInside the lot of the floors would be.00:04:43XochitlLike clay tile, red clay tile and like.00:04:48XochitlUM.00:04:50XochitlIt have a lot of windows and have the arches that colonial thousand homes have and it be built.00:04:56JackI'm thinking a lot of like pastel colors or something like that.00:05:00XochitlNo, no, actually it would be a lot of like uh jewel tones. So it'd be like kind of a clay kind of, uh, what's that color?00:05:05JackOh, OK, yeah.00:05:10JackMosaics, like mosaics kind of stuff.00:05:12XochitlYeah, and how difficult you slipped again, it said orange terracotta.00:05:18XochitlLike terracotta color wars and then the bedroom would be like an emerald green and the bathroom would be kind of a jade green color. And then the guest bedroom would probably be like a pastel kind of lavender or lilac color. But other than that, the kitchen would be like yellow and it would have, like, mosaic.00:05:18JackThat's your problem, yeah.00:05:25JackOK.00:05:38XochitlAnd.00:05:39XochitlYeah, it'd be full of a lot of like jewel tone kind of colors.00:05:44JackYeah, I kind of get the the feeling I can kind of understand what you're talking about because I watched a movie called Frieda about the Frida Kahlo the the an artist and they had like, this amazing house that they lived and painted in. And I'm kind of thinking like that those.00:05:54XochitlAh.00:05:56발표자Yes.00:06:03JackColors. I think there it was a very bold kind of.00:06:09JackHouse with the home, but maybe yours is a little bit more subtle, like it's not quite as loud.00:06:10XochitlHome.00:06:15발표자I think that would be.00:06:16XochitlA little traditional kind of like what food you grew up in in the movie, but the courtyard and stuff like that maybe. But yeah, it would have some bright kind of jewel tones, kind of like a a lot of vintage style.00:06:21JackMm-hmm.00:06:23JackYeah.00:06:30XochitlWell.00:06:31XochitlHard to explain, but that would be my ideal home and it would be a relaxing home. No swimming pool. I think the biggest things I'd want is like a home theater type of situation.00:06:41JackYeah, yeah.00:06:42XochitlI never use swimming pools or anything, but I would like a big bathtub because we have a swimming pool in the house I grew up in and like I barely ever, no one, barely.00:06:50XochitlEver uses a pool, so like.00:06:51JackThis is the. This is exactly what happens to everybody that.00:06:55JackHas a pool.00:06:56JackIs that you think you're going to use it every day and you use it like if if I add it up like all the time that I spent in that pool in my life, it was probably like 4 hours, you know?00:07:08XochitlYeah. And then like when you're a kid, you use it probably more, but as soon as you grow into, like the teenage years, you don't use it as much and then everyone else wants to use your pool.00:07:19XochitlAnd there's always people like trying to use your pool. That's literally what it's like to have a house with the pool. It's like there's always other people asking if they can come over and use your pool.00:07:20JackHoney.00:07:29JackHere's a hint to our listeners out there if you have. If you get a pool, everybody's going to want to use your pool, and if you buy a truck, everybody's going to ask you to help them move. So don't buy a truck and don't get a pool. Just don't do it. It's not worth it.00:07:41XochitlYes. Yeah.00:07:47XochitlHe usually just never use a pool. I think a home theater is something I would use much more than like a pool.00:07:52JackYeah, yeah, yeah, maybe a hot tub. Actually, I would use a hot tub. Yeah.00:07:55XochitlYeah, like a Jacuzzi kind of situation. Or, like a hot tub or just a nice big bath. Like for me, like, the bathroom would be kind of jade tile colored like jade colored tile and the bathroom. The tub would be the same color and it'd be pretty big. So you could just really chill in a tub. Like it's a hot tub.00:08:14XochitlSomething, but because I even I'm short and tiny and in the homes in the US.00:08:16JackYeah.00:08:21XochitlLike I still most of my body sticks out of the tub when I'm taking a, you know?00:08:25XochitlWhat I mean like it's?00:08:25JackI I'm 6 foot eight. I'm 2 meters tall. I haven't taken a bath in since I was a child. You know? It's it's not a thing, you know? Yeah, it's pointless. Yeah.00:08:28발표자Yeah.00:08:34XochitlRight.00:08:37XochitlViolent.00:08:38XochitlAll right, Jack, what would your dream home look like? I'm curious.00:08:43JackOK, well mine is more in like a modern kind of like modern styles, you know, new architecture, modern.00:08:51JackUM, uh. But it's still it's still, you know, nothing crazy but like, uh, I'm thinking like a like a two-story house. I like that.00:09:04JackI do. After you know, we just talked about hating pools. I want a pool with a hot tub attached to it in the backyard.00:09:10발표자Cool.00:09:13XochitlBack, Oh my gosh. The amount of upkeep that my dad is always doing on the pool too. It's such a pain.00:09:19JackI just figure like if I can buy my dream home, I can pay someone to to deal with my pool.00:09:20발표자Say.00:09:25JackI'll just be a cool guy.00:09:25XochitlOK. I'll be real with you. Like you like Gen. X and boomers. Like you'd rather just do it yourself than pay like in the reality of it, you're like, oh, I can do that.00:09:26JackYeah, he can come.00:09:38JackThe chemicals and all that sort of stuff. I'm like, you know, you got to get it just right. Like it if it's wrong, you can burn your, you know, your eyes with the chlorine in the pool. It can, you know, can cause problems.00:09:49XochitlYeah. Or you could get with your headache spill muriatic acid on yourself and burn your like limb off so.00:09:55JackYeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta be really careful. So I think I would just pay. This is this, by the way. This is like in Florida. So this is like you.00:10:03JackA warm climate. So. So we're in Florida. It's kind of like a modern style house. It's not not like a colonial or a, you know, traditional home or anything. It's just a, a kind of modern style and.00:10:04발표자Ah.00:10:23JackYeah, it's got two stories. There's a pool in the back with, like, a a cage. What? They call it a cage in Florida, but it's actually like a net that covers the whole back area. So no bugs can.00:10:32발표자Hmm.00:10:35JackAnd then.00:10:36JackAnd there's a barbecue and a bar and a hot tub. And like tiki torches. And, you know, like, it's got the whole, like, you know, hanging out in the back by the pool vibe. You can hang out at night or you can have a pool party during the day.00:10:36XochitlYeah.00:10:57JackAnd so maybe there's like, a a pool table out there because it's kind of like indoor outdoor. So it's covered, but it's not covered.00:11:07XochitlHmm.00:11:08JackI know this is the most Gen. X description of that.00:11:11XochitlYou know, it's just crazy to me because it's like you actually are thinking of a luxury home. And I realized how simple minds sounded. And it's just funny because between our generations, there's a huge gap where, like my generation, doesn't even own property. So for me, like, thinking like, that's like a luxury home. Like what I thought of. And then what you're talking about is, like, a real luxury home.00:11:30XochitlThat didn't even cross my mind.00:11:32JackI know this is like a my dream home is like is is like a a real home. Like they sell these homes, you know it's it's not even I'm not even using my imagination.00:11:38XochitlRight.00:11:43JackYou know, I don't really care about like the I. I guess what we what I want is like high uh high ceilings with arches inside. So definitely in like Spanish style. I love Spanish tile like it's Spanish tile. Roof is really cool in that like you terracotta.00:12:02JackColor that you're talking about. I like that. And I like big arches because I'm really tall. So when I, you know, go through my house, I don't want to be, like, ducking my head down.00:12:14XochitlRight. You want like high ceilings and stuff.00:12:16JackYeah, I want really high ceilings. I've actually, I don't even care about the 2nd floor. I'm OK with like, a a ranch style home where it's just like a one story.00:12:27발표자Hmm.00:12:28JackAs long as there's like, you know, a master bedroom with a with its own bathroom and then access to the pool outside and then like a nice big open kitchen with like, a Big Island, we call the island is like a a big kitchen table type thing.00:12:46JackLike it's not a table, but do you know what I?00:12:48JackMean like uh?00:12:49XochitlYeah, we have one in my home and in Kentucky, while my parents home, it's like in the middle of the kitchen and it's like a table, kind of. But it's like part of the.00:13:01JackYou don't really eat there at the island. You can. I mean, you could put, like stools and eat at the island, but it's not a dining room, you guys.00:13:01XochitlCan't move it.00:13:06XochitlWe do eat. We. Yeah, we used to eat at the island. Like it was a dining room because it.00:13:12XochitlWas just the most.00:13:12XochitlConvenient. So it's like high schools on it and we would just all eat at the island.00:13:13JackYeah, that's true.00:13:18JackThat's what we have to we have an iron and we put high stools in there. We eat there like a kitchen table. So I guess it is actually.00:13:25XochitlLike people do, you have too high on?00:13:28JackAnd now that I think about it, yeah, I I do the same thing.00:13:34JackThat and I.00:13:35JackWould I like a nice big living room with a huge TV like a big, you know, projector TV or something like that? Where?00:13:41XochitlYes, I want a big TV.00:13:43JackYeah, I would like a movie theater, but I don't need it. I don't need, like, a proper movie theater. You know, some people build, like, a movie theater in their house with, like, theater chairs. Yeah.00:13:51XochitlThat's ridiculous to me. Well.00:13:54JackThat's just like a it's it's a.00:13:58JackGodly rich person thing, you know.00:13:58XochitlToo much?00:14:00발표자Yeah.00:14:01XochitlPlease say.00:14:03JackYeah, but I I. But I I want like, a Big L sofa. Like a really big one. So that like.00:14:09XochitlOhh yeah, those comfortable ones. Sorry, go ahead.00:14:12JackYeah, big fluffy ones where I can, like, lie down on one and my wife can lie down on the other and we don't have to. Like, over intersect. You know, like we.00:14:22XochitlHey.00:14:23JackYeah.00:14:24XochitlThey're both like comfortable.00:14:25JackYeah. Yeah. So we're, you know, you're sitting at.00:14:27XochitlBoth like sleep on this cell sofa, yeah.00:14:29JackExactly. So as we watch Netflix, we just drift off and fall asleep because we're getting old.00:14:37XochitlAnd like the couch, she's just as comfortable as the bed. Yeah, that that's not.00:14:40JackYeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, half the time you sleep on the couch anyway, like you don't you just spend half the time there.00:14:47XochitlRight.00:14:49JackUh, yeah. So, you know my my, that's my dream home. You know, I would love to.00:14:55JackTo just have a big, comfortable, nice house where lots of people can come over and we can enjoy our time together, barbecue and the by the pool, maybe play a game of billiards in my billiards table. That's kind of in the outside. Like the the pool area is kind of like has is covered with the roof.00:15:11XochitlMHM.00:15:15JackSo it's like indoor outdoor. It's kind of like.00:15:18JackBetween.00:15:19XochitlAh, OK.00:15:20JackYeah, yeah. And then there's like a little bar there, but I don't drink. But, you know, my friends do. So I can, like, mix cocktails.00:15:27XochitlYou have cocktails too, and you can have mocktails for yourself.00:15:30JackYeah, yeah, I could have mocktails. Yeah, I can. Just juice and, you know, soda and spritzer and all that stuff. Yeah. So that that's my that's my dream home.00:15:42JackI feel like as we describe this, we we need to provide blueprints, you know, in the description.00:15:47XochitlI know next episode we'll like, do a little drawing or like I can take a I can make one in The Sims and take a screenshot of it. I was like, yeah. So yeah, I get you a lot of my.00:15:56JackYeah, yeah.00:15:58JackThat's a good idea.00:16:02XochitlRooms like the rooms I'm thinking of would be taken up by like.00:16:05XochitlOf these, like, I'd have a sewing room, an Art Room, a music room and like, maybe a gym, so I wouldn't have to go to the gym. I could just do it in my home.00:16:13JackOhh yeah and I.00:16:14JackTotally forgot my man cave, one of the rooms.00:16:19JackYeah.00:16:19XochitlYou did very good.00:16:21JackI know because I'm such a I'm such a Gen. Exer I need a I need a podcasting room, you know? So it's like it's got my desk and my all my computer and all my stuff so I can do recording.00:16:24XochitlThat's.00:16:25XochitlJerk.00:16:33JackAnd play music and my guitars. And you know, all the stuff that my wife hates, I can put it all in one room and then you know that that's like my secret, you know, spot where I I can go and, you know, just play play my guitar, record podcasts.00:16:53JackDo all that all that kind of work.00:16:55JackThat I love.00:16:55JackTo do so, I got to have my man cave. We call it, and for our listeners out there, Man Cave is kind of like a a a joke. It's like a bear cave, you know, like a cave where a bear.00:17:07JackLives, we call it a man cave, which is basically like a room where it has all the men, things that men would love, you know? But I think it's a little bit.00:17:19JackSexist to to call it a man cave because I think women enjoy playing music and having their own space. You know, I I but but that's the name.00:17:28XochitlRight.00:17:31XochitlThese are hobby where there's like a better name for it.00:17:33JackYeah, Hobby Room is a much more politically correct name to use. I like that one.00:17:38XochitlYeah, but a man cave is something that people used to say it. It was kind of back in the days. It was kind of like a like a.00:17:46XochitlJerky kind of thing because it was like you have your beer in there and you're like tacky stuff that your wife doesn't let you have in the main area and like, so it's kind of like in a place only for the guys to hang out and whatnot.00:17:55JackYeah.00:18:01JackWatch football, drink beer and play darts and do that kind of.00:18:05JackStuff I I think.00:18:07JackYou know a long time ago they used to call it a den.00:18:11JackBut a den was much more sophisticated, right? Like a den.00:18:15XochitlSpace where it's kind of like a living room but more private, like a living room like people will come visit you and they can sit in your living room and your den was like more where you had your TV and your like space and stuff.00:18:27XochitlBut it was like a fan.00:18:28JackYou know.00:18:28XochitlLike room, sort of.00:18:31JackYeah. Yeah. Or even, like, a father's den. Even way back in the 50s was like, where your, like, your dad's off?00:18:37발표자This.00:18:38JackIs like like my father's den, you know? And it's like the you. You don't go there, you just. It's got the leather, the sofa, chair and cigar smoking cigars and, you know, reading books and stuff like that or smoking a pipe or whatever. But.00:18:38XochitlAlright.00:18:54XochitlI would definitely have an office still.00:18:56JackYeah, I think in office that's probably the best way to call it, just just call it an office or a hobby room. I think those are.00:19:03JackBest descriptors, yeah.00:19:06XochitlAlright, listener as well if you liked and enjoyed this episode, make sure you leave a comment down below at A-Z shoot us a message or an e-mail at AZ and join our we chat WhatsApp groups to talk to Jack and I directly. We would love to hear what your dream home would look like and maybe next week.00:19:25XochitlWe will show you guys a little blueprint of what our dream homes look like. See you guys next time. Bye bye.00:19:31JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 25, 2024 • 13min

Culture Corner | Dos and don'ts when meeting your significant other's parents

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack give you a list of dos and don'ts when meeting your significant other's parents for the first time.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and today we are and I'm with my co-host social of course. And we are in the culture corner and we're talking about what do you do when you meet the parents of your, of your boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time, you know?00:01:14JackWhat's the what kind of etiquette do you like behavior? Should you display? What? What should you do? What shouldn't you do so social? Do you have like a list of dos and don'ts?00:01:24JackFor for our our listeners out there who may be like meeting their significant others parents for the first time.00:01:33XochitlYeah, I know. I we just had an episode talking about how you can dress like a slob anywhere in America, but a first date and also meeting a parent. Parents are two occasions where I would.00:01:39JackYes.00:01:44XochitlNever do that.00:01:46XochitlSo you want to go and kind of business casual attire, which means a nice dress shirt usually, or a polo. Or it could be a crisp, a clean looking solid color, no logos, no designs well fitted T-shirt and then neutral.00:01:54JackYes.00:02:06XochitlDone.00:02:07XochitlAnd a pair of either nice clean, no tears, jeans or a pair of slacks. Kind of casual khaki, black, neutral tone slacks. And you can wear, you know, a pair of clean, crisp white sneakers or some casual dress shoes. Don't.00:02:19JackYeah.00:02:26XochitlGo in as a man wearing like rocks or like sandals. And and if you're a woman, just go in a nice.00:02:37XochitlKind of also neutral toned or it can be.00:02:42XochitlPattern and it doesn't really have to be a neutral tone, but just kind of a tasteful dress. Nothing too crazy, nothing too extravagant.00:02:51XochitlMight wear something neutral, might wear something in a light pink or blue or something like that, but just a simple casual floral dress with a little cardigan is and your footwear is also more relaxed. You can wear a pair of clean tennis shoes like white, crisp tennis shoes, a pair of.00:03:01JackYeah.00:03:11XochitlLittle sandals if it's hot anything, but just make sure you look presentable.00:03:18XochitlAnd that's a big one for.00:03:21XochitlLooks duos.00:03:23JackAnd I'm going to say most of the time we we have an expression. Don't don't judge a book by its cover, but in this situation your, the, your boyfriend or girlfriend's parents are definitely.00:03:38JackJudging the book by its cover, so make your cover look good.00:03:40XochitlYes.00:03:44XochitlYeah, want to look.00:03:44JackBecause you are being judged.00:03:47XochitlYeah, you want to look presentable. You want to look clean. Clean cut is the phrase we use really often in the US, which means somebody who is, they're, well, shaved, their hair grew.00:03:57발표자 3No.00:03:57JackLook like me right now is.00:03:59XochitlYeah, don't have this crazy beard. Or like, if you're a woman like, you know, do your hair nicely. You don't have it, like, looking really disheveled, show up, clean, fresh, showered, looking simple, easy makeup for women and.00:04:14XochitlAnd just keep it really, really simple. Don't over complicate it, but just look nice. And then for other does for cultural and social does, I would say they're gonna ask you questions about yourself. So be prepared to answer questions like what your major in college is what you do for work.00:04:35XochitlHow long you've been working there, questions about what your parents do. They might ask you, oh, you know, what does your dad do? What did your?00:04:41JackAnd you what are your ambitions? What are your goals? Yeah.00:04:45XochitlYeah. One of your inventions, it's kind of old fashioned to be like. What are your intentions with my daughter back in the day, people did that. But and now I think you can be relaxed. They know that if.00:04:50JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Well.00:04:59XochitlYou're bringing someone to meet the parents is usually a serious relationship in the US and and so.00:05:06XochitlYou know, don't be too intimidated. Get to know them. Ask them questions about themselves too. What do they do for?00:05:12XochitlWork and and humor them. They're probably going to tell embarrassing stories about your significant other or show you embarrassing pictures. Just kind of chuckle along. Be a good sport.00:05:24XochitlDon't get into politics. Don't get into religion.00:05:27JackYeah, no politics, no religion for sure. Yeah, avoid that.00:05:29XochitlNever. Never. If they try to beat you. Like if you're from a different religion or other politics and they try to bait you into a conversation, which means they try to say something to upset you.00:05:41XochitlJust ignore it and change the subject.00:05:44XochitlIf they keep trying to do it, look at your SO.00:05:46발표자Like.00:05:48JackYeah. Get Me Out. Help me out there. Yes.00:05:49XochitlThat, yeah, you don't have any, you know, reason to stay if you're being disrespected. And I know it.00:05:55JackRight.00:05:55XochitlCould be but.00:05:56XochitlAlso keep an open mind because a lot of times.00:05:59XochitlPeople are going to be meeting you with the best intentions and they're not going to do anything to be intentionally rude, but because you're from two different cultures, they might accidentally offend you. So just keep a an open mind and if you find anything weird or offensive, just ask your significant other about it later.00:06:15JackYeah. And go see, listen to our other podcast about table manners, because all those table manners apply.00:06:22JackYou know, again, no slurping, no burping, you know, no chewing loudly with your mouth open, no cursing. Don't swear. Watch your language. OK, some people.00:06:22XochitlPlease.00:06:34XochitlIt's OK to accept a drink because a lot of times they'll offer you a drink. It's OK to say yes if they offer you to drink, but don't get drunk. You know, this is like a one drink of.00:06:43JackDon't get drunk. Yeah.00:06:45XochitlThere maybe a 2 drink. I would say one just stick to 1 drink. You know you won't get drunk and just stick to that.00:06:52JackYeah. And you and most likely you drove there. So you know you, you know, drinking and driving is you know it it might be a test like you know ohh is this person going to drink and drive with my daughter in the car or my you know that that could be another another thing so you know there there could be traps.00:07:13JackSet for you.00:07:14발표자 3That.00:07:15JackDon't fall into these traps, you know.00:07:15발표자 3Yeah.00:07:18XochitlRight. I think it's OK to accept one drink, especially if it will be a while before.00:07:21XochitlYou drive, I think.00:07:21JackYeah, yeah, yeah, one like you said. One, it's a one drink affair. It's not a party. It's not a party. It's not a cagar. Yeah.00:07:25발표자 3The one in one? Yeah. Instead of. Don't get lost. Don't.00:07:34XochitlCompliment do do compliment their home. Say oh you have such a nice home. Bring a gift if you know they drink. You can bring a bottle of wine or you can bring some flowers for them.00:07:44XochitlMom, those are two gifts that usually go over well, or you can bring something from your home country, like traditional candy, something like that. So.00:07:54JackYeah. Don't show up empty handed. That's terrible. Bring a gift. Yes, that's a good point.00:07:58XochitlIt's a bad match.00:08:01XochitlAnd gift and.00:08:05XochitlUh.00:08:07XochitlI guess that's pretty much it. Do a firm handshake. This is if you're a man. This is a really big thing in US culture. When Father offers a hand for a handshake, it has. You have to do a firm handshake. Don't give him a death grip like you're trying to rip his hand off, but don't give him this limp, weak handshake. They won't make a firm handshake.00:08:12JackYeah.00:08:25JackYeah, we call that the dead fish where your hand is like a dead fish, you know? No, you gotta. You gotta squeeze back. You gotta give a firm handshake back. That's uh, that's important. Yeah.00:08:26발표자 3Thing.00:08:28발표자 3But.00:08:35발표자 3Right.00:08:38XochitlAnd if you don't drink, UM, it's OK to say no. Like, if you are a person who doesn't drink and they are free to drink, it's it's OK to be like, Oh no, thanks. I don't drink. That's fine. And if you have any kind of restrictions of your diet because of your religion or your culture or your allergies or whatever, it may be, make sure to let them know ahead of time if you're going to be eating there. So, like, tell your significant other so they can.00:09:02XochitlInform their family.00:09:04XochitlAnd then you won't have to worry.00:09:07JackYeah. Don't let the mom prepare a a huge meal of pulled pork and then you show up and go ohh. By the way, I'm vegan. It's like that should have been told to her a long time before. So.00:09:14XochitlRight.00:09:18XochitlYeah, or I'm Muslim or something. And then they're like, oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. And they're embarrassed. You can watch that if you've ever seen twilight the movie, you can watch the scene where she meets Edward.00:09:20JackYeah.00:09:31XochitlFamily for the first time. And then she eats before going because she knows they don't eat because they're vampires and they're making this big Italian meal for her and then everyone gets angry. So yeah, just avoid. That's a great example of how to meet the parents because she dresses nicely and they're trying to be polite and everything. So just kind of.00:09:52XochitlGo with that.00:09:54XochitlNo, not too much PDA.00:09:57XochitlIt's kind, it's inappropriate, so please first time.00:10:00JackMaybe holding hands about, that's about it. That's the most you do, yeah.00:10:02XochitlYeah, holding hands is even like that's that's that's a good level to keep. Only at that you know.00:10:09JackThat's the highest level. Yeah, holding hands.00:10:11XochitlThat's the highest level.00:10:15XochitlYeah. And again, just just take it as an opportunity to get to know them. If there's a serious relationship, you'll probably be seeing a lot of their families. So you want to get to know them and complement, Slattery gets everyone places you want to flatter the mother. That's the easiest route.00:10:28JackYeah, this is this. Food is amazing. This is delicious. Thank you so much. You know? Yeah.00:10:29발표자 3So.00:10:34XochitlHave such?00:10:34XochitlA beautiful home. This food is amazing. You.00:10:37XochitlLook so young.00:10:39JackYeah, you don't wanna. You don't wanna. You don't want to. You don't want to pack it on too thick there or whatever. But.00:10:40발표자 3Look at.00:10:46XochitlYou don't want to be too obvious, like if the lady looks 80, then don't say wow. You look so young. But if she actually looks young, like if she's 15, she looks 35. She's gonna be over the moon to hear that. You know, so don't do the cheesy line. The man walks and he goes. Oh, are you your sister? Please.00:10:48발표자Yeah.00:10:56JackYeah.00:11:06XochitlDon't do that. That's so cheesy.00:11:06JackYeah, don't do that. Yeah, that one.00:11:12XochitlAnd yeah, just you know, compliment her on her home, her food. Uh, thank them for their generosity at the end.00:11:19XochitlOf.00:11:19XochitlThe night? Yeah. And try not to overstay your welcome. Be that a reasonable hour.00:11:25JackThat's usually not a problem usually. Usually you want to get out of there as soon as you possibly can, yeah.00:11:28발표자 3There's still.00:11:31XochitlYes, you smell good, right? But you know, so, yeah, I think those are the big meeting, the parents dues and don'ts. If it, how does meeting the parents go in your cultures? I'm really curious to know because in the US, once it's a serious relationship.00:11:46XochitlThat's when we progress to meeting the parents. I know in other cultures you might meet them right off the bat. The parents might actually meet each other, and then you'll meet your significant other later. You might not meet the parents at all until the wedding. It just depends on the culture. So we're very interested to know, leave us a comment down below at AZ Shoot us an e-mail at AZ join the WeChat. What's the group? So you can talk to Jack and I directly and see you guys next.00:12:12XochitlTime. Bye bye.00:12:14JackBye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 23, 2024 • 15min

Topic Talk | What cartoons did you watch as a kid?

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about the cartoons they used to watch on television as children.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the 80s English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my Co social. And today we are talking about what cartoons did you watch when you were a kid. And we'll try to keep it at like 3. I think 3 each if we can. And so I grew up. I was a kid in the 80s and in the 80s.00:01:10XochitlYes.00:01:16JackThere was this thing called Saturday morning cartoons and every kid.00:01:23JackCouldn't wait to wake up on Saturday morning and watch Saturday morning cartoons. This is because this is before the Internet, right? I mean, we're talking 5 channels on the television and the whole Saturday morning is just for you. Yeah, just cartoons.00:01:41XochitlCartoons.00:01:44JackSo.00:01:45JackThe ones that I watched the first one that I watched was, uh, Transformers. I loved Transformers. Yeah, and now you can watch those movies, those ridiculous.00:01:54XochitlInteresting.00:01:58XochitlThose came out like when I was a kid. Ish. Those transformed? Yeah, I.00:02:01JackYeah, right. And I I remember having the toys in the 80s and watching the original cartoon in the 80s, and it was great. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee and all the all the main characters. But that was that was a.00:02:21JackA A definite staple when I.00:02:24JackAs a kid, uh, another one that I watched was GI Joe. My brother and I loved GI Joe. And GI Joe is now a famous movie series as well because they take all these 80s cartoons and they turn them into, you know, big blockbuster movies.00:02:42XochitlMovies, real action, live action things. Yeah. So now I understand that live action isn't new because I I was like, why are they turning all these Disney classics that I watched when I was a kid into live action? And now I see that life actions that I saw when I was.00:02:56XochitlGrowing up were things that were cartoons when you were a kid, so it's not a new thing.00:02:59JackYeah, right. You you're saying the copy of the copy of the copy? You know what I mean? Like you're.00:03:04XochitlRight, yeah.00:03:06JackYeah, because all the all the directors and the writers were were kids that were my age. Watching these these Saturday morning cartoons going, these would make great movies. I can't wait to grow up and make this into a movie, which is funny because people that are watching those movies have no idea that those used to be cartoons.00:03:27XochitlRight, it's weird.00:03:28JackYeah, it's, it's weird.00:03:30JackUh #3. I used to watch uh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.00:03:35JackWhich is yeah.00:03:35XochitlOhh, let's let's.00:03:37XochitlDo a thing. When I was a kid.00:03:38JackYeah.00:03:40JackAnd you know, I was choosing. I was trying to decide between that and dungeons and Dragons because I love the Dungeons and Dragons.00:03:47XochitlNo dungeons and Dragons was a cartoon.00:03:49JackYeah. Yeah, it was a. It was like a game and it's it was a cartoon.00:03:54JackThere was also a show called.00:03:58JackThe the gummy bears? No. Is it? Yeah. The gummy bears. Yeah.00:04:02XochitlCare bears the care bears.00:04:04JackNo, no, no. The gummy bears they used what they called the gummy bears. Wait.00:04:09XochitlAre you sure it's not the care bears?00:04:12JackNo, it's the gummy bear. They were like, they would. They would drink this like gummy bear potion and then they would jump around. And I used to watch that show all.00:04:15발표자Through Google.00:04:21JackTime The Smurfs, OK.00:04:24XochitlOh yeah, adventures of the gummy bears. Oh, this looks cute. It's on Disney. Plus, I'm gonna watch it later.00:04:26JackYeah.00:04:30JackYeah, it's it was. It was the.00:04:32XochitlThe Smurfs. My aunt is like around your age. My youngest aunt, and she watched The Smurfs. And because she's short, people called her.00:04:43XochitlSmurfette.00:04:43JackYou rather Smurf Smurf at? Yeah. Yeah, I'm. I'm kind of look like Papa Smurf these days with my beard. I've. I've got a beanie and a white beard.00:04:44XochitlWith that, there's not much.00:04:49XochitlYou do and your beanie. You just need, like a white beanie. You just publisher for Halloween. That would be so cute. And your wife can be Smurf that. Yeah, that's good.00:04:56JackYeah, I should.00:04:59JackYeah.00:05:01JackSo you know I want I, that's my generation, right? The Smurfs, the gummy bears. I used to watch Uncle Scrooge. Like the adventures of Scrooge Mcduck. You know, like those kind of Disney ones. Yeah, all that stuff, you know.00:05:13XochitlOh yeah.00:05:16XochitlBy the time I was a kid, a lot of these have been made into life live actions like.00:05:20XochitlPerformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Smurfs had also been made into live action, so that happened. I didn't like them. I liked the cartoon ones when I was a kid, the most iconic cartoon of all time for my generation has to be sponge Bob Square pants.00:05:26JackYes.00:05:38JackYeah, yeah. And I used to watch that because my daughter, that's my daughter's, is 15 now. She watched Sponge Bob when she was young, and I watched it in Korean, which is really funny because I was learning. So in Korean, it's like nemu baggy, spongy Bob Nemu baggy, spongy Bob.00:05:39XochitlYes.00:05:44XochitlRight.00:05:48XochitlYes.00:05:51발표자Oh.00:05:58XochitlUh.00:05:59JackSponge Bob.00:06:02JackNate Chingu, my friend. Do you know so something like that? I don't know. I can't remember exactly. Yeah.00:06:06XochitlAnd then that's funny. Yeah. So Sponge Bob is the definitely one of the number one most iconic cartoons we saw as a kid. #2. I really like scooby-doo. They've done, like different ones for every generation. But when I was a kid, they had one. And I loved scooby-doo.00:06:16발표자Yeah.00:06:24XochitlThat was the one I saw the most, scooby-doo.00:06:26JackThat's funny because I watched the old one, the original one I.00:06:30JackWas a huge.00:06:30JackScooby-doo fan as well. I watched. Yeah.00:06:33XochitlYeah, I love scooby-doo, I.00:06:35XochitlThink I might have.00:06:35XochitlSeen that ohh Gee one because my mom is a Gen. Exer and I believe she would. She popped in the the OG ones actually because we had them on like VH. So that must have been her old VHS or something.00:06:44JackYeah.00:06:51JackThe real the the real old ones are the best ones because they're they've got Casey Kasem as as shaggy with his voice.00:06:59XochitlYeah.00:06:59JackYou know.00:07:00XochitlYeah, yoinks. Yeah. So that SpongeBob, scooby-doo, and I was thinking of another one that when we were talking about them.00:07:04JackYeah, that kind of thing.00:07:14XochitlAnd I was like, oh, that'd be a great one to bring up. And I was, like, blanking on it now because I wasn't allowed to watch a lot of cartoons.00:07:22JackMm-hmm.00:07:23XochitlSo but I remember.00:07:24JackWas it like uh, not Ren and Stimpy or Phineas? Phineas and Ferb were the ones that my daughter used to watch a lot.00:07:28XochitlNo, I will not understand mine.00:07:32XochitlI didn't like minions for that much. I did it did. I was a kid when it came out and I I was around the age, but I didn't really like it too much.00:07:41JackOK.00:07:43XochitlAh yeah, it looks like another 2000s cartoon. Come on, sponge Bob. scooby-doo. I watched some international ones like Shaman King, which was like an anime, and that would come on Saturday mornings. And I also watched someone that like some like The Simpsons, which is.00:07:56XochitlClassic and still run.00:07:57JackOhh Simpsons is great. Yeah, but that's not a Saturday morning cartoon. Really. That's more of a.00:08:01XochitlNo, that's like a more of a adult. It's it, it's an, it's like a PG13. It's not a super inappropriate or anything. It's not like.00:08:08JackYeah, yeah. I mean, it's just, it's just the humor is definitely for adults. Like kids, kids might might find it cute, but they they're not gonna understand the judge. No.00:08:12XochitlYes. Yeah.00:08:15XochitlYeah, they don't understand the full the humor. They definitely don't. So also SpongeBob is the same way when you see it as an adult, you're like, wait stuff, I'm.00:08:24JackYeah, SpongeBob is is made for the kids, won't get the the the subtle jokes, but it, you know, keep the parents interested while they're taking their kids to go watch the, you know, movie, SpongeBob or.00:08:29XochitlYeah.00:08:36JackWatching it on TV, parents can enjoy it too, because it's just bizarre and strange.00:08:42XochitlYeah, I yeah, I think that was one of the staples of, I mean, I think that was mainly the things I watched. Dooby Doo, SpongeBob. I obviously saw the Disney Classics as a kid, like the movies.00:08:54JackMHM.00:08:55XochitlThat they kind of turned to live action and there were some weird cartoons that I remember. There was one that I don't remember anymore. That was like she was a robot teenager robot.00:09:10XochitlAnd those she had these like, pigtails. And she was like blue and white. And I just, I don't even remember what it's called anymore. But I did watch quite a bit of that when I was a kid, and it was kind of.00:09:21JackI I used to watch the my parents generations cartoons. The Flintstones, the Jetsons.00:09:28XochitlOhh I did see the Flintstones as well. I saw the Flintstones and the Jetsons. I've I've seen both of those. Those are such classic American cartoons that I feel like every generation I've seen them because.00:09:38JackAnd what is the Jetsons? Is like 2015 or something? It's like, not even?00:09:43JackIt's not, it's.00:09:43XochitlRight, yes. It's like we've already surpassed it here. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. So we for surpassed the year that it aired on. Yeah. But yeah, I think those are the big ones. Phineas and Ferb was one that I did watch sometimes.00:09:45JackLike 2002 or something.00:10:00XochitlAnd I think that's pretty much it. I was in a big cartoon watch when my mom claimed it was like ohh, I watched some Arthur.00:10:07XochitlYeah, that was more like my sister's age though, like.00:10:10JackOhh yeah, what about Rugrats? Did you watch that one?00:10:12XochitlOh my God, I love.00:10:13XochitlRugrats and all grown up, they like Rugrats, was like at its tail end when I was a little kid. And so when I was kind of a little bit older, they had all grown up, which was the Rugrats. When they were all older.00:10:27JackOhh OK. I never got into it. My daughter watched a little bit of it, but not much so.00:10:28XochitlYeah. And so.00:10:29XochitlWatch that.00:10:33XochitlYeah, I really like. Yeah, I yeah, I I like the the Nickelodeon shows quite a bit.00:10:37JackWhat about Doug? Did you ever watch Doug?00:10:41XochitlNo, I think that was a little, yeah, I don't remember. I didn't. I didn't watch Doug. I watched one called like teachers PET where the dog is smarter than the kid.00:10:53XochitlEverything else.00:10:53JackWhat about Rick and Morty? Rick and Morty? Are you a fan?00:10:55XochitlOh yeah, that's more like adult one, though, right? And Leanne Lee Pepper and pepper. And that's what it was called. She was a redhead with, like, glasses. Pepper ran or Pepper ran or something. And I saw that one.00:10:59JackYeah.00:11:11XochitlYeah, I don't know. Those are kind of all ones that were kind of more in my generation. They're making live actions out of a lot of them.00:11:17XochitlNow.00:11:17XochitlLike the Disney Classics, and they turn a lot of the Disney Classic movies into series. When I was a kid.00:11:18JackYeah.00:11:22XochitlSo they have.00:11:23XochitlLike a little and stitch series or like a.00:11:28XochitlAladdin series and they had different things like that that you could watch when I.00:11:31XochitlWas a kid.00:11:32JackYeah, there's still milk in that and making money after that, franchises.00:11:36XochitlI know because now they're making the live actions and Danas and then it's just bad and then a a really famous one. When I was a kid was Shrek.00:11:46JackOhh sure. Yeah. Big time. Yeah, love it. First one is great. Yeah.00:11:47XochitlYeah, I love Shrek. I still watch.00:11:50XochitlFor this like.00:11:51XochitlYeah, my 24th birthday. I was like, I want to watch Chuck one and my dad complained and I said.00:12:01XochitlAnd I just popped on Shrek for my 24th birthday and that's what we watched. So.00:12:07JackThat's great.00:12:08XochitlAnd I would say my generation was like getting international already. So I watched a lot of cartoons like thought I am on Studio Ghibli, like the movies, like Spirited Away Howls with all of those.00:12:18JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Give yeah, sure.00:12:20XochitlThings.00:12:23XochitlYeah, I would say my generation saw like content from all around the globe a lot already.00:12:31JackYeah, because of the Internet, yeah.00:12:33XochitlThat's what I was thinking of. Adventure Time. Adventure Time was super popular.00:12:37JackOhh yeah, I my daughter loved that show. It was so weird. It's the weirdest show ever.00:12:42XochitlIt is weird. I just started watching it and it's so weird. It's like I remember thinking it was when I was a kid. That's so weird and kids like normally don't really pick up the same way because the world is weird to them. And I still thought it was weird when I was a kid.00:12:51JackYeah.00:12:59XochitlYes, I didn't see.00:12:59JackYeah. No, it's it's a. It's a bizarre, bizarre show. It's almost. I almost wouldn't let my daughter watch it because it was so strange.00:13:00XochitlIt.00:13:00XochitlBut I.00:13:08XochitlSome stuff.00:13:08JackBut then I was like, well, it's not.00:13:11XochitlThat's it. So go ahead.00:13:12JackLike this? It's not dirty or anything, it's just weird.00:13:16XochitlYeah, it's some of it is kind of like mildly inappropriate, like the ice king, like.00:13:16JackJust now.00:13:22XochitlLocks the princesses up or whatever and present. I mean, that's the kind of stuff that you've seen all throughout history of. Like what kids content is, but it is just kind of a weird. It's a weird show, but yeah, it is weird. Yeah.00:13:31JackYes.00:13:38XochitlThat was a big one. All right, well, if you guys have specific cartoons that you saw as kids, I would really like to hear about that. If you saw any of the cartoons.00:13:47XochitlWe're talking about.00:13:49XochitlI'm interested in hearing about that too. Leave us a comment down below at A-Z, shoot us an e-mail at at and join the meeting and WhatsApp groups.00:13:59XochitlIn conversation and we'll see you guys next time.00:14:01XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 22, 2024 • 16min

Culture Corner | First Date Etiquette in America

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss etiquette surrounding first dates in the United States.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and today we are and I'm with my co-host social of course. And we are in the culture corner and we're talking about what do you do when you meet the parents of your, of your boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time, you know?00:01:14JackWhat's the what kind of etiquette do you like behavior? Should you display? What? What should you do? What shouldn't you do so social? Do you have like a list of dos and don'ts?00:01:24JackFor for our our listeners out there who may be like meeting their significant others parents for the first time.00:01:33XochitlYeah, I know. I we just had an episode talking about how you can dress like a slob anywhere in America, but a first date and also meeting a parent. Parents are two occasions where I would.00:01:39JackYes.00:01:44XochitlNever do that.00:01:46XochitlSo you want to go and kind of business casual attire, which means a nice dress shirt usually, or a polo. Or it could be a crisp, a clean looking solid color, no logos, no designs well fitted T-shirt and then neutral.00:01:54JackYes.00:02:06XochitlDone.00:02:07XochitlAnd a pair of either nice clean, no tears, jeans or a pair of slacks. Kind of casual khaki, black, neutral tone slacks. And you can wear, you know, a pair of clean, crisp white sneakers or some casual dress shoes. Don't.00:02:19JackYeah.00:02:26XochitlGo in as a man wearing like rocks or like sandals. And and if you're a woman, just go in a nice.00:02:37XochitlKind of also neutral toned or it can be.00:02:42XochitlPattern and it doesn't really have to be a neutral tone, but just kind of a tasteful dress. Nothing too crazy, nothing too extravagant.00:02:51XochitlMight wear something neutral, might wear something in a light pink or blue or something like that, but just a simple casual floral dress with a little cardigan is and your footwear is also more relaxed. You can wear a pair of clean tennis shoes like white, crisp tennis shoes, a pair of.00:03:01JackYeah.00:03:11XochitlLittle sandals if it's hot anything, but just make sure you look presentable.00:03:18XochitlAnd that's a big one for.00:03:21XochitlLooks duos.00:03:23JackAnd I'm going to say most of the time we we have an expression. Don't don't judge a book by its cover, but in this situation your, the, your boyfriend or girlfriend's parents are definitely.00:03:38JackJudging the book by its cover, so make your cover look good.00:03:40XochitlYes.00:03:44XochitlYeah, want to look.00:03:44JackBecause you are being judged.00:03:47XochitlYeah, you want to look presentable. You want to look clean. Clean cut is the phrase we use really often in the US, which means somebody who is, they're, well, shaved, their hair grew.00:03:57발표자 3No.00:03:57JackLook like me right now is.00:03:59XochitlYeah, don't have this crazy beard. Or like, if you're a woman like, you know, do your hair nicely. You don't have it, like, looking really disheveled, show up, clean, fresh, showered, looking simple, easy makeup for women and.00:04:14XochitlAnd just keep it really, really simple. Don't over complicate it, but just look nice. And then for other does for cultural and social does, I would say they're gonna ask you questions about yourself. So be prepared to answer questions like what your major in college is what you do for work.00:04:35XochitlHow long you've been working there, questions about what your parents do. They might ask you, oh, you know, what does your dad do? What did your?00:04:41JackAnd you what are your ambitions? What are your goals? Yeah.00:04:45XochitlYeah. One of your inventions, it's kind of old fashioned to be like. What are your intentions with my daughter back in the day, people did that. But and now I think you can be relaxed. They know that if.00:04:50JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Well.00:04:59XochitlYou're bringing someone to meet the parents is usually a serious relationship in the US and and so.00:05:06XochitlYou know, don't be too intimidated. Get to know them. Ask them questions about themselves too. What do they do for?00:05:12XochitlWork and and humor them. They're probably going to tell embarrassing stories about your significant other or show you embarrassing pictures. Just kind of chuckle along. Be a good sport.00:05:24XochitlDon't get into politics. Don't get into religion.00:05:27JackYeah, no politics, no religion for sure. Yeah, avoid that.00:05:29XochitlNever. Never. If they try to beat you. Like if you're from a different religion or other politics and they try to bait you into a conversation, which means they try to say something to upset you.00:05:41XochitlJust ignore it and change the subject.00:05:44XochitlIf they keep trying to do it, look at your SO.00:05:46발표자Like.00:05:48JackYeah. Get Me Out. Help me out there. Yes.00:05:49XochitlThat, yeah, you don't have any, you know, reason to stay if you're being disrespected. And I know it.00:05:55JackRight.00:05:55XochitlCould be but.00:05:56XochitlAlso keep an open mind because a lot of times.00:05:59XochitlPeople are going to be meeting you with the best intentions and they're not going to do anything to be intentionally rude, but because you're from two different cultures, they might accidentally offend you. So just keep a an open mind and if you find anything weird or offensive, just ask your significant other about it later.00:06:15JackYeah. And go see, listen to our other podcast about table manners, because all those table manners apply.00:06:22JackYou know, again, no slurping, no burping, you know, no chewing loudly with your mouth open, no cursing. Don't swear. Watch your language. OK, some people.00:06:22XochitlPlease.00:06:34XochitlIt's OK to accept a drink because a lot of times they'll offer you a drink. It's OK to say yes if they offer you to drink, but don't get drunk. You know, this is like a one drink of.00:06:43JackDon't get drunk. Yeah.00:06:45XochitlThere maybe a 2 drink. I would say one just stick to 1 drink. You know you won't get drunk and just stick to that.00:06:52JackYeah. And you and most likely you drove there. So you know you, you know, drinking and driving is you know it it might be a test like you know ohh is this person going to drink and drive with my daughter in the car or my you know that that could be another another thing so you know there there could be traps.00:07:13JackSet for you.00:07:14발표자 3That.00:07:15JackDon't fall into these traps, you know.00:07:15발표자 3Yeah.00:07:18XochitlRight. I think it's OK to accept one drink, especially if it will be a while before.00:07:21XochitlYou drive, I think.00:07:21JackYeah, yeah, yeah, one like you said. One, it's a one drink affair. It's not a party. It's not a party. It's not a cagar. Yeah.00:07:25발표자 3The one in one? Yeah. Instead of. Don't get lost. Don't.00:07:34XochitlCompliment do do compliment their home. Say oh you have such a nice home. Bring a gift if you know they drink. You can bring a bottle of wine or you can bring some flowers for them.00:07:44XochitlMom, those are two gifts that usually go over well, or you can bring something from your home country, like traditional candy, something like that. So.00:07:54JackYeah. Don't show up empty handed. That's terrible. Bring a gift. Yes, that's a good point.00:07:58XochitlIt's a bad match.00:08:01XochitlAnd gift and.00:08:05XochitlUh.00:08:07XochitlI guess that's pretty much it. Do a firm handshake. This is if you're a man. This is a really big thing in US culture. When Father offers a hand for a handshake, it has. You have to do a firm handshake. Don't give him a death grip like you're trying to rip his hand off, but don't give him this limp, weak handshake. They won't make a firm handshake.00:08:12JackYeah.00:08:25JackYeah, we call that the dead fish where your hand is like a dead fish, you know? No, you gotta. You gotta squeeze back. You gotta give a firm handshake back. That's uh, that's important. Yeah.00:08:26발표자 3Thing.00:08:28발표자 3But.00:08:35발표자 3Right.00:08:38XochitlAnd if you don't drink, UM, it's OK to say no. Like, if you are a person who doesn't drink and they are free to drink, it's it's OK to be like, Oh no, thanks. I don't drink. That's fine. And if you have any kind of restrictions of your diet because of your religion or your culture or your allergies or whatever, it may be, make sure to let them know ahead of time if you're going to be eating there. So, like, tell your significant other so they can.00:09:02XochitlInform their family.00:09:04XochitlAnd then you won't have to worry.00:09:07JackYeah. Don't let the mom prepare a a huge meal of pulled pork and then you show up and go ohh. By the way, I'm vegan. It's like that should have been told to her a long time before. So.00:09:14XochitlRight.00:09:18XochitlYeah, or I'm Muslim or something. And then they're like, oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry. And they're embarrassed. You can watch that if you've ever seen twilight the movie, you can watch the scene where she meets Edward.00:09:20JackYeah.00:09:31XochitlFamily for the first time. And then she eats before going because she knows they don't eat because they're vampires and they're making this big Italian meal for her and then everyone gets angry. So yeah, just avoid. That's a great example of how to meet the parents because she dresses nicely and they're trying to be polite and everything. So just kind of.00:09:52XochitlGo with that.00:09:54XochitlNo, not too much PDA.00:09:57XochitlIt's kind, it's inappropriate, so please first time.00:10:00JackMaybe holding hands about, that's about it. That's the most you do, yeah.00:10:02XochitlYeah, holding hands is even like that's that's that's a good level to keep. Only at that you know.00:10:09JackThat's the highest level. Yeah, holding hands.00:10:11XochitlThat's the highest level.00:10:15XochitlYeah. And again, just just take it as an opportunity to get to know them. If there's a serious relationship, you'll probably be seeing a lot of their families. So you want to get to know them and complement, Slattery gets everyone places you want to flatter the mother. That's the easiest route.00:10:28JackYeah, this is this. Food is amazing. This is delicious. Thank you so much. You know? Yeah.00:10:29발표자 3So.00:10:34XochitlHave such?00:10:34XochitlA beautiful home. This food is amazing. You.00:10:37XochitlLook so young.00:10:39JackYeah, you don't wanna. You don't wanna. You don't want to. You don't want to pack it on too thick there or whatever. But.00:10:40발표자 3Look at.00:10:46XochitlYou don't want to be too obvious, like if the lady looks 80, then don't say wow. You look so young. But if she actually looks young, like if she's 15, she looks 35. She's gonna be over the moon to hear that. You know, so don't do the cheesy line. The man walks and he goes. Oh, are you your sister? Please.00:10:48발표자Yeah.00:10:56JackYeah.00:11:06XochitlDon't do that. That's so cheesy.00:11:06JackYeah, don't do that. Yeah, that one.00:11:12XochitlAnd yeah, just you know, compliment her on her home, her food. Uh, thank them for their generosity at the end.00:11:19XochitlOf.00:11:19XochitlThe night? Yeah. And try not to overstay your welcome. Be that a reasonable hour.00:11:25JackThat's usually not a problem usually. Usually you want to get out of there as soon as you possibly can, yeah.00:11:28발표자 3There's still.00:11:31XochitlYes, you smell good, right? But you know, so, yeah, I think those are the big meeting, the parents dues and don'ts. If it, how does meeting the parents go in your cultures? I'm really curious to know because in the US, once it's a serious relationship.00:11:46XochitlThat's when we progress to meeting the parents. I know in other cultures you might meet them right off the bat. The parents might actually meet each other, and then you'll meet your significant other later. You might not meet the parents at all until the wedding. It just depends on the culture. So we're very interested to know, leave us a comment down below at AZ Shoot us an e-mail at AZ join the WeChat. What's the group? So you can talk to Jack and I directly and see you guys next.00:12:12XochitlTime. Bye bye.00:12:14JackBye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 21, 2024 • 13min

Vocabulary Spotlight | Canadian Slang

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack tests Xochitl on her knowledge of Canadian slang.Canadian Slang Terms: Toque - A knitted winter hat, often with a pom-pom on top.Double-double - In the context of coffee from Tim Hortons, it means two creams and two sugars.Mickey - A small bottle of alcohol, typically 375 ml.Loonie and Toonie - The Canadian one-dollar coin and two-dollar coin, respectively.Keener - Someone who is overly eager or enthusiastic.Poutine - A dish originating from Quebec consisting of fries, cheese curds, and gravy.Hoser - An affectionate term for a foolish or inept person, made famous by the comedy sketch "Great White North" on SCTV.Chesterfield - a term that used to be more commonly used in Canada to refer to a sofa or couchPodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 18, 2024 • 12min

Culture Corner | Table Manners

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl an Jack talk about table manners in America.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack, and I'm here with my co-host, social. And today we are doing a we're in the culture corner. I believe we're in the the culture corner and we're talking about table manners in America, American table manners and we.00:01:14JackWe kind of made a list of five kind of golden rules and uh, what? What are they? So. So what's #1?00:01:22XochitlDon't put your elbows on the table, so if there's like the tablecloth surface, don't eat with your elbows like on the table. And that's so different in other countries and cultures because like in Mexico, there's no issue with putting your on table. In America, your wrist putting your wrists on the table is OK, but elbows is.00:01:28JackYeah.00:01:42XochitlIt's just considered rude for some reason. I'm not really sure why.00:01:45JackIt's so arbitrary. It's so dumb, like there's no reason for it. You know? It's like my why? Why, you know, don't be comfortable, you know.00:01:49XochitlAnd then there's.00:01:50XochitlA children.00:01:54XochitlYeah, yeah. There's a children's line that's like in certain name, like Amy. Amy, Amy, if you're able to take your elbows off the table, this is not a horse's stable.00:02:06JackYeah.00:02:07XochitlAnd it's like, I don't know why that even exists. I didn't know it was rude until I read it in like a book sometime in like the third grade.00:02:11JackYeah.00:02:16XochitlUM.00:02:18XochitlSo whatever.00:02:19JackI'll. I'll do it. I I don't really care. I I find that, like the least offensive of the of the table manner crimes. So you know when I'm eating, I'll. I'll probably do it. You know it it depends on where I am. If I'm in like a fancy schmancy.00:02:35JackWearing a tuxedo. OK, I'm going to follow the all the taper table manners. But you know, if I'm, like, eating at a friend's house and some, you know, the.00:02:46JackThey're.00:02:47JackThey don't really care. I'll. I'll. I'll put my elbows on the table.00:02:50XochitlYeah, I don't care if you're if you're, like, meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents for the first time and they're American, like your elbows on the table, or if you're going to like a fancy dinner or like a work party or like a work party for your significant other or your own work party or whatever. Some kind of formal event, then I would say, like, steer away from it because there's some people in the older generation.00:03:12XochitlLike boomers and older that still?00:03:14XochitlHair. But otherwise, if you're just at a casual house party or hang out with some friends at house warming or something, but it doesn't really matter, I don't think.00:03:24JackYeah. Keep your knees off the table. That's a bad thing. Yeah, your feet. Yeah. Don't put your feet on the table.00:03:27XochitlYeah, that's better. Your feet altered. The other cultures don't. That's like even more American to, like, put your feet on stuff like other cultures don't really do that, but yeah.00:03:37JackI know, and I've learned that the hard way, yeah.00:03:41XochitlI knew that already. Thank.00:03:43XochitlThank you, mom. Mexican mom.00:03:46XochitlTwo, don't talk with your mouth full if you absolutely have to. One way that I do is like I cover my mouth when I'm talking, like when I'm eating, I'm talking. I just do this because no one like the worst thing that can happen to you is that you're chewing and talking and like a piece of food flies out and hits someone else.00:04:06JackOhh, right in there glass or something, you know?00:04:09XochitlOhh God are like in their face on their hand. It's just or in their plate. It's just it's so cringy. So you you want to avoid that and that's why it's like no one wants to see.00:04:20JackYeah, this is a tough one because you know what will happen is that as soon as you put take a bite of the food your you know your boyfriend or girlfriend's mother or father will ask you a question immediately.00:04:20발표자Your soup.00:04:31JackSo what do?00:04:32JackYou do for a living, and you've got this mouthful of mashed potatoes and the best thing you can do is you'd like social set, take a take a.00:04:40JackA napkin and put it up over.00:04:41JackMouth two. Finish, Swallow, take a little time and you know usually people will try not to ask you questions right as you're.00:04:51XochitlAlways happens, like always happens for me. I'll be like.00:04:53JackAll this.00:04:54JackYou know.00:04:56XochitlLike once I can please kind of thing like signaling that and and finish or like another thing if I'm in a less formal setting I just kind of cover my mouth like if I'm talking with friends or something like yeah blah blah and just have my hand over my mouth.00:04:59JackYeah.00:05:13XochitlWhat's the other one using a coaster? Not every country has coasters because we yes, we use a lot of wood designs and like wood and tables and stuff.00:05:23JackWith tables, yeah, yeah.00:05:26XochitlYou your glass can sweat. We also have, like, a lot of cold drinks or hot drinks and so.00:05:32XochitlYour glass can sweat or or the bottom brim of your cup can be hot, so you want to make sure that you use like a coaster, which is just like a flat little usually round, sometimes square piece of like tile or what have you. That's like set there for you to put your glass on. So like if a restaurant or someplace.00:05:53XochitlHas a coaster available or you go to someone's house and they have coasters like just make sure you use it before you put your glass down on like their wooden table because it can leave a mark.00:06:03JackYeah, that's right. It leaves like a ring around the the wood and then they have to refinish the table.00:06:09XochitlYes.00:06:10JackI just. I just.00:06:11JackThought of a couple other ones, this is your pet peeve. Push your chair in after you're done.00:06:15XochitlYes, yes, yes and.00:06:17JackThat's good at it, yeah.00:06:19XochitlMake sure push your gear in. The other one is is eating noises. I know in Korea, Jack. It's like that's showing that you're enjoying the food kind of anyway like.00:06:26JackRight, slurping noodles, right the. Yeah.00:06:30XochitlAll good. You know, like that the huge Koreans are so animated when they eat. And I really enjoyed that about Korean culture. But if you're from a culture where people are pretty animated when they eat, like when you go to the US, don't don't make those like slurping noises.00:06:46XochitlDon't make loud chewing noises like smacking like.00:06:50JackYeah, chew with your mouth closed and keep it as quiet as you possibly can. Like, that's basically the.00:06:50XochitlWe're like 15.00:06:56XochitlYeah.00:06:57XochitlBecause being loud and stuff and making these eating noises, a lot of people in the US are so offended by it. Like there's even a word for it, which is like misophonia.00:07:07XochitlOr something like.00:07:08XochitlThat I I'm not super super believe that's right. And when people.00:07:08JackOh, right.00:07:11JackThey get nauseous or sick from like food. Sounds like they can't take it, yeah.00:07:15XochitlSome people snacking. I honestly think that's.00:07:17XochitlIt's. I'm sorry. I think it's ridiculous.00:07:20JackYeah, they're just weak people, like. Yeah, they deserve the suffer. Yeah.00:07:23XochitlOhh your phone. You can. Yeah, but for some people it can be really serious. Like I I knew kids who would, like, eat lunch at the principal's office because they could not be around it, like around listening to other people eat. So yeah, the US is a weird culture in that way. So just try to keep it as quiet as possible.00:07:42JackOhh, one more. Uh, don't clean. Don't pick your teeth. No, no toothpicks.00:07:47XochitlOh well, sometimes there are toothpicks up, but.00:07:48JackAt the table that's.00:07:51XochitlDon't. Yeah, don't do it at the table. Sometimes you'll see toothpicks available to you at a restaurant, but yeah, just do it like in private because it's like very cringy.00:08:00JackWell, in Korean.00:08:01JackSometimes I'll I'll cover my mouth. You know you can cover your mouth and and do it, yeah.00:08:03XochitlYeah.00:08:05XochitlI think that could be OK my dad does that.00:08:10XochitlBut uh.00:08:13XochitlYes, it can be very cringy and.00:08:17JackYeah.00:08:18JackYou don't wanna you you wanna make a good impression with the, you know, with with.00:08:22JackYour, your, your yeah.00:08:22XochitlIf you are.00:08:24XochitlSeeing in laws or at a work party or having lunch with your boss, don't do it. Don't even cover your mouth and do it. It's just it's not worth the risk. You know what? Yeah, it's not worth the risk to be in the bathroom or something. Yeah, I think that's fine. But no, if that is such a rude one.00:08:31JackNo, just take it into another, into the bathroom or something. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.00:08:41JackYeah.00:08:41XochitlUhm.00:08:43XochitlYou can go wrong quickly, so yeah.00:08:46XochitlI think that's pretty much.00:08:48XochitlIt I would say there are other ones like.00:08:50JackYeah. No, no, no. You know, body sounds, you know, like belting. Yeah.00:08:52발표자7.00:08:56XochitlBirthdays helping at the table. People try to keep their mouth closed and either cover their mouth like this or with a napkin. Like if you burp, you know, don't like burp loudly and.00:08:58JackRight, right.00:09:04JackHmm.00:09:07JackIt doesn't mean you're enjoying yourself, or it might mean you're enjoying yourself too much. You know you're too.00:09:10XochitlNo, it's.00:09:14XochitlYeah, people are definitely going to make a face at you if you burp at the table, so.00:09:20발표자Yeah.00:09:21XochitlYeah, I think those are those are it? Well, let us know if you have any other cultural questions. I would actually really love to hear whether any of these things are rude in your country, in your culture, or what things are considered rude in your country, your culture, and even things specifically that you notice Americans doing like in movies or American.00:09:41JackYeah.00:09:42XochitlThat you have that are considered root in your culture. I'm I'm really interested to hear and know about that. I know in in Japan there's something that they say horse laugh.00:09:51XochitlAbout Americans, cause we laugh with our head back, like ha ha ha. Like there's like a horse. Yeah. So I I definitely do that horse laugh. Apparently in Japan is in play. You're supposed to, like, cover your mouth when you laugh and do kind of a dainty laughs.00:09:56JackI just. I just did it.00:09:57JackI'm like.00:10:07XochitlI have that boisterous laugh though.00:10:10JackYeah, that one's going to be hard to change. I don't know. I guess would just be the the horse. Laugher. Yeah.00:10:13XochitlYeah.00:10:16XochitlYeah. So yeah, just let us know what it's like in your in your country. I'm very curious to know.00:10:22XochitlLeave us a comment at A-Z it really helps with visibility. Also shoot us an e-mail at A-Z,, Jack and I would love to have an episode dedicated to talking about things that are rude in your culture and we can definitely do that through and it can be easier sometimes to sort through the emails than it is to sort through all your responses in the group chat.00:10:43XochitlAnd make sure to join the group chat, the we chat and the WhatsApp group so that you can talk to us directly. And we love chatting with you guys on there. See you guys next time. Bye bye.00:10:51JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 18, 2024 • 48min

Culture Corner | My Interview with Johnny from China

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack talks with lifelong English language learner Johnny from China.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become a an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:56JackWelcome to the AC English podcast. My name is Jack, and today we have a very special episode for you. I am doing an interview with Johnny and Johnny is from China and we're just going to have a conversation today. And, you know, leave and see where it leads. So Johnny.00:01:16JackTell us a little bit. Like where, where?00:01:17JackAre you from in China? Exactly.00:01:19JohnnyHi. Hi, Jack. Hi. The audience of AZ English podcast. My name is Johnny and I'm from China and I'm living in China at the moment, so it's a it's a great honor to me to be on the show with Jack. Yeah.00:01:35JackIt's. It's an honor to have you here. You're a long time listener and you know you always, you know, send us, you know, comments and things like that. And we really appreciate your support. It's it's.00:01:39JohnnyExactly, yeah.00:01:46JackAwesome.00:01:47JohnnyWell, that yeah, yeah, yeah.00:01:49JackWhere where in China?00:01:50JackAre you from exactly like what city?00:01:51JackDo you live in?00:01:52JohnnyOh, I'm. I'm from. I'm from the city called Fuzhou. That's like the the southern part of China. And so I'm in the South of China, basically. Yeah. It's like the coastal city here. Yeah. Yeah.00:02:00JackOK. OK. OK.00:02:04JackYeah. Oh, I'm. I'm sure they've got amazing seafood there.00:02:08JohnnyYeah. Yeah. So I don't know if you heard of the place, but we've actually got a lot of fellow countrymen, everyone, especially you, will find a lot of my people from my hometown in in New York. OK. So in Chinatown, a lot of them.00:02:23JackOh. Oh, really.00:02:25JohnnyAre from Fuzhou.00:02:26JohnnyActually, yeah. Yeah. So and they speak.00:02:26JackOK. Interesting.00:02:28JohnnyAnd and they speak still speak the the, the native native language. And it's like a dialect, yeah.00:02:37JackRight. So, so a lot of people there speak that dialect. OK, you sing. That's fascinating. OK.00:02:40JohnnyYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.00:02:43JackYeah. Well, Johnny, a lot of our listeners would love to know, you know, they just from listening to you talk right now they're they're probably in awe because you have such a strong command of the English language. And when we do interview episodes like this, we'd love to, like, ask our our guests.00:02:57JohnnyThank you.00:03:03JackLike, how did you like? What was your language journey like starting from when you were young? When did you Start learning English? What was your trajectory?00:03:14JohnnyYeah, like on uh, so, you know, in China. So I think it's pretty much the same in in Korea. So we started learning language in perhaps in in our primary school. So we have like text.00:03:25JackI think it's third.00:03:26Jack3rd grade in Korea is when they start.00:03:28JohnnySo great. Yeah, the same. No, it's it's. It's just thing to find out. Korea is the same. Yeah. So it's like third grade and we'll learn it all the way up to.00:03:38JohnnySome people to high school high school, so we have the in the in the big exam, you know for entering university you will be tested in your English, just like Korea, right in Asian countries.00:03:41발표자MHM.00:03:47JackJust like Korea, but but that test, am I not mistaken? Because I do teach some Chinese students that test is very grammar based. I mean, so it's a lot of just grammar, grammar, grammar, right.00:03:58JohnnyExactly. Yeah, that's the.00:04:02JohnnyYeah, and well, actually, we don't really learn spoken English in China. So it's not that focused on spoken English, so.00:04:13JohnnyThey can. Well, like it's, you know, I've been.00:04:16JohnnyPreviously I I have been learning English for many years, but I can barely speak three words of English because I've never spoken to anybody in China, so we don't really have the, you know, the the language environment here in China. That's that's the problem. The same in Korea.00:04:31JackI think it's the same in Korea. I think that they've they've implemented certain strategies to try to overcome that problem.00:04:39JackBecause there are a lot of private academies in Korea, which I'm sure there probably are a lot of private schools in China as well, where students can Start learning English at a younger age and have exposure to like a native English speaker from Australia, America, Canada, whatever, yeah.00:04:55JohnnyHmm.00:04:59JackUmm, but you know those are expensive. You know, not everyone can afford those. So you know, some kids are stuck with the public school system where it's like a.00:05:10JackA Korean teacher or a Chinese teacher lecturing in Chinese or in Korean, but they're teaching English, which is doesn't really make a lot of sense. You know when you're, when you think about it.00:05:22JohnnyYeah. So I I still, I I think we're we're we're in desperate need for some good English teachers like you in China so.00:05:30발표자But.00:05:30JohnnyUnfortunately, we don't. We don't have that many.00:05:33JohnnyOf native speakers who teach spoken English in China. Really. So that's. That's basically the situation here and.00:05:39JackOK. So take us back. So you're so Johnny's in primary school. And are you going to a private Academy or are you using the public school system?00:05:42JohnnyYeah.00:05:51JohnnyYeah, I'm. I'm pretty much using the the the public school system. Yeah. So just like, just like anybody else in in China. OK. So I wasn't in any language training school or anything. I didn't.00:06:02JohnnyUh, I I didn't like English all that much, to be honest. I was like, yeah, right, that was. That was just a.00:06:06JackI was just gonna ask you that question. I was like, I bet you hated it passionately being, you know.00:06:08JohnnyLot of fun, yeah.00:06:11JohnnyYeah, in, in a sense. Yeah, in a sense like it was just another subject for me, OK. And I and I, well, I think I I did OK in in middle school, but in.00:06:23JohnnyIn in high school like it fell, it falls off, I think pretty badly in in high school. So. So I didn't do so well in the the college entrance exam.00:06:34JohnnyFor my English.00:06:35JohnnyOK so so I didn't didn't wasn't a really good English speaker.00:06:42JackYeah, that's that's.00:06:43JohnnyProbably.00:06:43JackShocking to us, you know, because listening to you right now, this conversation I'm like, how is this possible? Like what?00:06:45JohnnyProbably not. Not even.00:06:49JackSomething, obviously something.00:06:51JackHappened along the way there. That was like a a real watershed like moment for you where you you did something dramatically different than you know.00:06:54JohnnyYeah, right.00:07:02JackFollowing the school curriculum.00:07:05JohnnyYeah, like, yeah, I I I wouldn't say I, I I wasn't even a good English learner, let alone a speaker. OK. So I think things got changed when I.00:07:16JohnnyUh, when I decided to go to Australia and for for a further study. So and so I think and I started learning English like proper learning.00:07:29JohnnyEnglish before that because you have to, you know, you have to pass the exams, you have to pass English exam before you can go there. So.00:07:40JohnnyI I think that's that's where I got started. But I notice, OK, so this this is actually kind of interesting so.00:07:47JackSo did did you make the decision to go to Australia before you started learning English, you know, or were you already in the process of learning English, you know?00:07:56JohnnyNo. So that was, you know, that was all after the.00:08:00JohnnyAfter I decided to go to Australia.00:08:02JackWow, that's real. Like trial by fire. You're like, oh, my gosh, I've made this commitment and now?00:08:08JohnnyYeah. Then you're sort of, you know, force yourself to, to be committed to this.00:08:13JackYeah.00:08:14JohnnySo you got to do.00:08:16JohnnyWhatever you can you.00:08:17JohnnyKnow to because this is the. So you, you. This is the choice you made so.00:08:21JohnnyYou've got to commit to that.00:08:23JackRight, right. Umm, what was it like when you first arrived in Australia? How was your? How was your English at that time?00:08:29JohnnyWell, uh, I think I think things got changed. Uh, a bit after I I uh, you know, I went to the language school before I go to Australia so.00:08:39JohnnyI think I can't discover that I have this interest in in spoken language because I decided to started to really see if if if your English Movies OK, I think that's.00:08:45JackMHM.00:08:53JohnnyWhat? What, what?00:08:54JohnnyWhat started me off in the first place?00:08:57JackWhat kind of movies were you into I like.00:08:59JackLike.00:08:59JohnnyOh, OK, that that, that's it. That was great because that was so many years ago. OK, so the the one I I can. Well, you know this sort of giving it away. Well, how how many years ago. So I I think that was like.00:09:05JackOK.00:09:19JohnnyUh movies? Well, actually, I when I started off I I watched some of the older movies, OK like that the the the movies from from someone from the 90s like Terminators because that's one of my favorite. Yes. So Terminator two. Yeah.00:09:28JackOhh yeah, sure. Terminating. Well, Sonny, that that I was in high school when that came out. So that gives away how old I am.00:09:40JohnnyYeah, and terminate that because that was the all time classics. So I started seeing all those classic films like I, I don't remember. This one's called the negotiator. I don't know if you have seen this one.00:09:51JackYeah. Sam Jackson. Yeah, that's a.00:09:53JackGreat one, yeah.00:09:54JohnnyYeah.00:09:55JohnnyYeah.00:09:56JohnnyRight, Samuel Jackson and and Kevin Spacey. I, if I remember right. Yeah. So that that was the the sort of the movies that I I watched that at the time. OK. And then I kind of started me off and I and I think I followed a a TV program in China and that that was called Learning English with movies.00:09:59JackYeah, exactly.00:10:16JackOhh, I like that. That's cool.00:10:18JohnnyOK. So yeah, that was that was many years ago. OK. So and I I stumbled across that that that show on TV and I think that kind of started my you know that was that was very that was really mind blowing to me.00:10:33JohnnyYeah, I can. I can actually learn something through movies when watching movies.00:10:37JackSomething fun language learning can actually be enjoyable. It doesn't have to just suck all the time, you know? Yeah.00:10:39JohnnyIt can be fun, right? It's like studying is fun.00:10:46JohnnyYeah, it's because to me English is all about exam before, so you know about exams before. So yeah.00:10:54JohnnyThat that kind of.00:10:57JohnnyUM introduced me to a whole new world.00:11:01JackYeah. Yeah, that's that's great. I'm. I'm so glad that you brought because I think these like.00:11:02JohnnyIf you like, yeah.00:11:07JackThis idea that like if it's fun, it's not learning, and if it's painful, it's learning and I I I really I I just, I get disgusted by that kind of philosophy where if it doesn't, if it isn't boring and it isn't painful and tedious, then you're not really learning anything.00:11:26JackAnd it's so funny because it's like when you really started learning is when you actually started enjoying the process and and discovering.00:11:36JackEnglish language movies and you know things like that where you can actually be entertained and also learn something along the way. That's a really great.00:11:46JohnnyExactly. Yeah. That's how I felt. That's exactly how I felt. So that's.00:11:51JohnnyNelson with mind blowing to me at a time so going.00:11:54JackYeah, I'm just picturing you. Sorry to interrupt you. So just to get back, so you, you you went to Australia?00:12:03JackAnd you, you you had a pretty, like decent command of the language when you got there, you felt pretty comfortable.00:12:03JohnnyYeah.00:12:08JackWith like like.00:12:09JohnnyI I wouldn't. I wouldn't say that I had a good command of the language. I still, you know, I would. I I was able to I I guess I was able to order something in McDonald's, yeah.00:12:22JackOK. OK. OK.00:12:24JohnnySo I was I didn't have to staff myself. That's I think I I I would say that's the level I've I've gotten. And at the time.00:12:30JackKind of a we.00:12:31JackWe would call that like in. Yeah. So like a surface level of understanding where you can kind of navigate, you can get around in taxi, go straight, turn right, turn left. This is my house. This is my stop. Give me the 2 cheeseburgers with large fries. You know that.00:12:42JohnnyYeah.00:12:46JohnnyYeah, probably even.00:12:46JackKind of stuff.00:12:48JackThat's where my Korean is right now, you know.00:12:50JackTo be honest, I've been stuck there for a decade.00:12:51JohnnyOK.00:12:52JackRight. So yeah.00:12:54JohnnySo I probably I I I couldn't even like name the the correct cheeseburger that I wanted. Yeah, I I can order a cheeseburger. Yeah, I I you know the the first thing I say is that you can even say.00:13:01JackYou could just point.00:13:06JohnnyThis one, that one is something like that.00:13:08JohnnyYeah, yeah. I didn't even know how to say how to how to get a straw, you know? So in, in, in our language, we we call it a sucker. So The funny thing, you're.00:13:16JackSo yeah, you don't want to ask for a sucker at McDonald's in Australia, you might you might get in trouble over there to see if.00:13:17JohnnyNot not get a.00:13:22JohnnyYeah. Can I get a sucker or something like?00:13:23JohnnyThat. So that's quite funny.00:13:25JackThat is funny. Yeah, that's that's that's hilarious.00:13:29JackSo how long in?00:13:30JackAustralia, before you really started to like, you know, feel like you were in your groove, you know, really like making progress.00:13:37JohnnyHmm.00:13:38JohnnyI I think that was I think the first major change or you know it's it's gone to a point where you realize that OK, something has changed. OK. So I have I have improved, OK that that moment came, I think about half year after I arrived in Australia 6 months later, OK.00:13:56JackYeah.00:13:58JackSix months, yeah.00:13:59JohnnyHmm.00:14:00JohnnySo I I think I you know the the the the sentences that that came out of my mouth was a little different. You know I can I think I can sort of.00:14:09JohnnyUse the the relative cost in my in my sentences. So that was a big that that was a that was a big change.00:14:12발표자MHM.00:14:17JackYeah, this is the place where that's the person who.00:14:20JohnnyThis is a place where, yeah, so you can actually add a little description after the after the NUM.00:14:25JackRight.00:14:26JohnnyAnd and that that was, uh, that, that that was like a game changer.00:14:31JohnnyOK, so you can add significant amount of information to your to the, to the things that you say.00:14:31JackYeah.00:14:38JackAbsolutely. Absolutely. And that because it's instead of short, choppy sentences all the time, you're able to, like you said, add description to a noun and to, you know, build on that and and make your sentences longer and longer. So it's really funny that you bring up like relative clause because it's like.00:14:54JohnnyYeah, it's still longer.00:14:58JackYou're going back to your grammar roots, you know, in China.00:15:02JackWhere you learn.00:15:02JohnnyYeah.00:15:02JackFrom relative clauses, but you're like now I can use a relative clause, which is. You know, that's really different to me. Yeah. And you know what it means exactly. Yeah.00:15:07JohnnyNow I really understand what it means.00:15:13JohnnyAnd I understand.00:15:14JohnnyWhy they did native speakers use it OK, because you need to. You need more. You need depth in in your language you need more information description.00:15:17JackYeah.00:15:24JackAbsolutely.00:15:24JohnnySorry, yeah.00:15:26JackI'm so yeah, I'm. I'm just, you know, I'm. I'm thinking about your your your story is really.00:15:32JackMaybe making a lot of like I'm making a lot of connections to other students that I've that I've met and that I've talked to and interviewed. They find that like when they, I I I equated to like learning the guitar or something. When you're learning the guitar or learning a language.00:15:53JackYou improve quickly in the beginning.00:15:55JackAnd then you hit a plateau.00:15:57JackAnd you get kind of stuck on this one level and you feel like you're never going to.00:16:02JackBump up another level and then suddenly one day out of the blue, like you said, you're just making sentences that are longer and more descriptive. And it kind of does that kind of light a fire with within you to be like, wow, this makes me wanna learn this even more because I'm seeing the improvements.00:16:23JackObjectively, you know.00:16:24JohnnyYou know. Yeah, certainly. Yeah. So I think I've, I've got more confidence after after I I know I what I can do.00:16:36JohnnyBut interestingly enough, like not long after that, you know, I think I kind of hit another ceiling.00:16:43JackOK.00:16:44JackThat's normal. That's normal. Normal, yeah.00:16:45JohnnyThat's not. Yeah, that's that's not there for. So I I I can.00:16:52JohnnyYou know, I I.00:16:54JohnnyI think I passed that phase where I can only, uh, say very simple sentences. OK, so uh, so I can have, uh, more meaningful conversation with, with some with a native speaker.00:17:07JohnnyOK, but I still uh, I'm so.00:17:12JohnnyUh, I'm still not confident. I'm not confident enough in in some of the the more deep conversations, right. And I think I I kind of stuck there. It's just like you said, you know, so yeah, that was a really good analogy like learning guitar. It's like kind of stuck there for for a long time again.00:17:32JackGood.00:17:33JohnnyOK, I didn't see any. I didn't see any improvements in my language. So I think that that's that, that that lasted.00:17:39JohnnyAbout I think maybe.00:17:43JohnnyA good one or two years. OK. So that was, uh, kind of suffered because.00:17:49JackBut I I wanna. I wanna just talk about this a little bit because I I think I I don't want to listeners to misunderstand that you're.00:17:58JackYou felt like you're not making progress and maybe when it comes to like producing utterances, but but things were happening inside of your brain during that entire period of time there were you were you were immersed in English language, you were internalizing rules and patterns and things like that. You just weren't able to.00:18:19JackKind of convert it into utterances that were, you know, you know, speech perhaps. But I think that you were improving. I I just think.00:18:30JackLike it's it's part of the process is like you feel like you're stuck, but you're actually not. Things are happening and and progress is being made. It just might not be as obvious as you know. Perhaps we would want it to be, you know, because we we want like in two weeks later we want to.00:18:50JackYou know, show people look what I can do, you know? But it's it takes.00:18:53JackA long time.00:18:55JackTo get to that next level. And so I think a lot of people give up during that time. And it's sad because they're actually they are improving, it just maybe isn't showing the way that they want it to.00:19:01JohnnyYeah.00:19:06JohnnyThat I think that that's a fair point because.00:19:08JohnnyProbably you know, I I I I would have given up at A at a point, but you know I was.00:19:16JohnnyI was not in China, you know, I was in another country, so there's no way. There's no way you can get around.00:19:18JackYou couldn't give up you. You were in. You were swimming with sharks. You know you. You were. You. Like sink or swim right here.00:19:27JohnnyYeah. So there was, there was so everything. Everything you do, every every time after you, you know, you wake up, you have to speak English, otherwise you you know, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do anything. So. So I I kind of got lucky there. So at at that point.00:19:39발표자Sure.00:19:44JohnnyYou you're in that environment, so there's no.00:19:46JohnnyWay you can give up.00:19:48JohnnySo I kind of got me through that period where you feel, you know, a little disappointed about yourself, OK, about not making any progress.00:19:58JackSo Johnny, we talked about that you're like long plateau. That was like maybe two or three years.00:20:03JackOr maybe one?00:20:04JackOr two years where you got kind of stuck. Yeah. And so how how long were you in Australia by the?00:20:04JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:20:06JohnnyOne or two years.00:20:10발표자OK.00:20:12JohnnyJust a couple of.00:20:12JohnnyYears like three to four years, yeah.00:20:14JackOK, OK. And and what did you like when when you made that second jump up after that one to two year plateau, were you able to like have deeper conversations with people? Did you feel like like when you're sitting in a circle at a coffee table in there, you know the native Australians are are kind of you know?00:20:34JackBantering back and forth and you before you were kind of lost in the conversation, did you feel like now you understood what was going on? You were able to understand kind of a more on a deeper level what they were talking about?00:20:47JohnnyActually, no, actually no. No, because you know, you know Aussies because they have this very strong Australian accent. So as long as they they have the, it's like almost like they.00:20:48JackOK, OK.00:20:55JackRight.00:21:00JohnnyYou're not really speaking English, right? So there's systems like totally different use different words, you know? So they are a lot different when the slings are strong and slang so.00:21:05JackThey use a lot of different words, yeah.00:21:11JohnnyYou will not be.00:21:12JohnnyYou get.00:21:14JohnnySo that was that was the problem there.00:21:16JohnnySure, sure.00:21:18JohnnyYeah, and no. You have problem with overseas students. So the overseas students usually hang out.00:21:25JohnnyWith the overseas students.00:21:26JackYes. So you we always tell them that we always, I always tell my students, don't hang out with your Korean friends like, don't do it.00:21:27발표자I didn't really.00:21:31JohnnyExactly.00:21:33JohnnyI I tell I tell myself that but you.00:21:35JohnnyKnow it's just.00:21:37JohnnySometimes it's, uh, it's uh. Well, you know, you know, uh, it's something you should do, but you just not be able to do it, right. So you.00:21:43JackRight. And it's comfortable and it's familiar and it's comforting and it's so it's so tempting. It's so tempting.00:21:46JohnnyIt's kind of, yeah, it's familiar, right? So you? Yeah.00:21:51JohnnySo when you.00:21:52JohnnyWhen when you, when you talk to the native speakers and you when you hear so many words that you don't understand, it's just so frustrating. Right? I I guess it's frustrating for for anybody. You know, it's funny thing is I I found like a French class.00:22:00JackSure.00:22:05JohnnyThey they they hang out with friends as well. That's what happened.00:22:09JackOhh yeah, this is not yeah, this is not like a Korean or Chinese. You know, I don't wanna say problem, but like situation, you know it's it's something that a lot of exchange students will do because when you're when you're feeling lost and completely rudderless, you know just you alone in the ocean.00:22:18발표자Yeah.00:22:29JackThe first thing you're gonna do is is go towards something that's comfortable and familiar.00:22:34JackAnd you're gonna find people who are from your, you know, your country, and you're gonna latch on to them and hold on for dear life, you know, because it's. It's.00:22:44JohnnyLike. Yeah, yeah, I I guess because I think you you probably share the same experience cause you're you're in career. Yeah, so you.00:22:44JackScary. You know to do that.00:22:51JackYep, Yep.00:22:53JohnnySo I don't know about that. When you put the life there.00:22:54JackMy my I hung out with a lot of Americans and Canadians and.00:22:58JackThe.00:22:59JackWent to a lot of places where there were a lot of other Canadians and and Americans and.00:23:04JohnnyExactly.00:23:05JackYeah.00:23:06JohnnyYeah.00:23:07JackI guess I tell my students do do as I say, not as I do you.00:23:08JohnnySo.00:23:11JackKnow so yeah.00:23:13JohnnyYeah. Well, that that's basically what happens everywhere. Yeah, so.00:23:16JohnnyI guess that's that's why you know, I I hit the second ceiling because I.00:23:20JohnnyDon't have enough conversations with the real native speakers. Now I go to classes. OK, yeah, we we use English in the classroom, and we'll probably do some food assignment scaling and uh, you know that that's it. OK, so so you don't actually. So.00:23:34JackYeah.00:23:38JohnnyYou, you, you have a lot of input.00:23:41JohnnyBut not not enough output. I understand this like in many years. Many years later. I don't understand the the understand the theory at the time.00:23:43JackYes.00:23:49JackRight, right. Not so many students don't understand the theory, and there are a.00:23:53JackLot of lot of.00:23:54JackTeachers have kind of older I'm going to use a big word here, antiquated for our listeners out there just means like old fashioned. Yeah, old fashioned kind of philosophy on education where.00:24:01JohnnyWhat does that mean? Old fashion OK.00:24:09JackYou know, the students are sitting in a desk pointed at the teacher, and the teacher is speaking English to them.00:24:14JackThat they're supposed to, you know? Shut your mouth, be quiet. Listen and and don't disturb my classroom, you know.00:24:21JohnnyYou know what that that that's the the. That's the kind of educational system we've been using for more than 100 years and still going.00:24:29JackI know it's still going. You could put a PPT. You know you can put a a projector in a classroom and but it's still. I still find myself standing in front of a room full of people with their chairs pointing at me. And I I wondered to myself, why are we doing this? You know, 100 years.00:24:44JackTwitter it's it's it's terrible. So.00:24:46발표자Yeah.00:24:48JohnnyOh yeah, I almost fell. You're. You're a universal teacher.00:24:52JackRight. I teach university here in Korea. But yeah, it's still, you know, the this whole setup is is very familiar. Yeah, it it's it's the same almost everywhere. So how do we get to Johnny today, you know, with, with your wonderful eloquence and and speaking ability?00:24:57JohnnyIt's 9.00:25:11JohnnyYeah, I can only say I'm still learning, still learning to go still long way to go.00:25:14발표자Well.00:25:16JackYeah, sure. I mean, it's a, it's a, it's a never ending journey. You're never going to get there. There is no final destination.00:25:22JackAnd you know there, there's always, there's always even for me as a native speaker, there's still more words for me to learn and more things for me to read and understand and and to. But but that's kind of the beauty of of teaching I find is like.00:25:32JohnnyExcellent.00:25:40JackYou you realize that?00:25:43JackThe more you learn about something, you think that it's going to get closer to you. But as you look on the horizon, it just gets farther and farther away. It's like the deeper you that you go into English, the the horizon is moving away from you, the you know, it's getting farther away. And and you realize, oh, this is a never ending process.00:25:59JohnnyYeah.00:26:01JohnnyYeah.00:26:04JackUntil you know the day I die, I'll still be learning English, you know, and.00:26:08JohnnyYeah, we call that the A lifelong learner. OK, so you're learning for a lifetime.00:26:11JackYep.00:26:13JackAbsolutely. Absolutely. And I think that's that's a better way to look at yourself as or a better way to.00:26:18JackLook at it then to say ohh this is my destination and when I get there I'm going to stop.00:26:24JackIt's like, no, you it it's be a lifelong learner. It's a much better way to think of yourself.00:26:26JohnnyYeah, no.00:26:31JackSo how how did you?00:26:32JackGet how did you get to where you are now?00:26:34JackLike what? What was your? What's your secret?00:26:36JohnnyI think the uh the 2nd, so now I'm coming to the the the second big game changer in my journey in my journey in in Australia. OK so.00:26:42JackOK. OK, right.00:26:43JackRight.00:26:44발표자OK.00:26:50JohnnyI a well I I got a a part time job at the time. OK? So because I I think, OK, so something has to change.00:27:00JackYeah.00:27:00JohnnyYou have to work out. You have to work out your comfort zone. You know, sometimes you just have to push yourself a little to work out the comfort zone so that I found myself a part time job there.00:27:10JohnnyYou know, uh, which is a salesperson at uh at a mobile phone store.00:27:14JackOh wow. OK.00:27:15JohnnySo yeah, so and.00:27:16JackNow you now you need some technical English because.00:27:19JohnnyYou have to learn. Yeah, you.00:27:21JackYou're not going to get by with hamburger and.00:27:21JohnnyHave to learn a lot of 2nd.00:27:23JackYou know. Yeah, that's not gonna cut it.00:27:27JohnnyMy name is. You're not getting away with those simple words. So because not only do you have to talk to the customer.00:27:34JohnnyOK.00:27:36JohnnyBut you also have to sell your products, OK? Otherwise you'll get fired.00:27:40JackRight, right.00:27:41JohnnyWell.00:27:42JohnnySo you not only have to to, uh, speak to them, you have to sort of get them hooked, you know, get them, listen to you. So so they'll they'll buy things right. So so establish this kind of connection.00:27:56JohnnyYeah, right. So again, it it really allows me to get into a deeper conversation with them and and you know, because it's a paid job, right? So it's a paid job. So. So you're more serious about this, not like you're fooling around with your mates, right? Yeah.00:28:12JackRight. It's not like the classroom, you know, project where you're.00:28:15JackJoking around and you know, you know.00:28:17JohnnyYou know.00:28:18JohnnySo sort of force myself to think about.00:28:19발표자Absolutely.00:28:24JohnnyThe some of the grammar, some of the the the terms that I use and I think I learned a ton from my my colleagues, OK, so.00:28:32JohnnyI think 1.00:28:32JohnnyOf my colleague is the is the best son. He's like 16 years old or something at the time, you know? So and.00:28:42JohnnyUM.00:28:46JohnnySo actually he he was using a lot of the teenager language, you know, still a lot of slang, the teenager slang saying and.00:28:50JackA lot of slang and yeah, yeah.00:28:54JohnnyI I still, but still you.00:28:56JohnnyYou learn, you learn a.00:28:57JohnnyLot.00:28:57JohnnyYou know from that experience.00:28:59JackYeah. Actually I think that might be the perfect kind of like practice partner is someone who's, you know they're they're not necessarily professional or established yet, you know, so they're not.00:29:06JohnnyYeah.00:29:11JackGetting and you know, he's they're also probably way more relaxed and chill than like, you know, the an older person might be someone in their 40s and so.00:29:22JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:29:25JackIt's much more comfortable.00:29:26JohnnyYeah.00:29:27JohnnyMuch more comfortable exactly.00:29:29JohnnyAnd and and I'm you know.00:29:31JohnnyI'm really thankful that he's not judging because I'm not so fluent in English. You know, because sometimes the teenagers, they're, they're the they, they can be, they can be the.00:29:41JohnnyUh, some little demons, but they can be can also be the nicest person in the world, so you know, I just happened. I'm just so glad that I that I met the the, the, the the nicest person.00:29:46JackRight.00:29:51JohnnyIn the world.00:29:52JohnnyThey will be not judging and but it could be daunting sometimes, you know, to still face the face the customers, because they they can ask your questions, right. And they're they well. And I mean, I wouldn't. I don't want to say.00:30:02JackABC.00:30:02JackAbsolutely.00:30:06JohnnyBut sometimes, as customers, they don't, they do not forgive you because because your native language is not English, right? Because.00:30:14JackThey're just going to get frustrated. They're going to complain.00:30:16JohnnyYeah, if you can't. Yeah, they they. If you can't explain something thoroughly, they're just gonna get complaint. It's very natural.00:30:23JackWell, it's a we we call them. That's a a Karen behavior social and I talked about. Yeah. One of our podcast well, I mean, but you you're gonna eventually you're going to get a Karen. You know what I mean? Like you're gonna get someone who's gonna.00:30:30JohnnyThe shopping game.00:30:39JackThe.00:30:39JohnnyOK.00:30:40JackVery impatient and frustrated because maybe they're not going to give you that extra like I don't know space to like kind of catch up in the conversation. They want to be understood immediately, and if you're not meeting their demands, they're going to start complaining. And so that that could be scary.00:30:57JohnnyYeah. Yeah. And it was. It was. Yeah. And I'm going to just. I'm just going to.00:31:04JohnnyThis, on behalf of all our audience here I are. You, a male, Karen Jack.00:31:10발표자I'm like, yeah.00:31:11JackTo be honest, actually I'm I'm very far from a male. Karen, you know I'm not. I'm not. I don't, I don't.00:31:20JackI I don't practice Karen like behavior in my in my regular day I'm pretty. I'm pretty patient and pretty, pretty laid back when it comes to those things. So yeah, yeah.00:31:26JohnnyAnd I'm just joking, just playing.00:31:32JackYeah. So that was that sounds like that, that job, your part time job was again.00:31:38JackYour philosophy is kind of like, I mean, I'm starting to see a pattern here in like your in your life.00:31:44JackYou first you decide to go to Australia, then you're like ohh. Now I have to learn English, you know. And then you're learning English in Australia and you're like, I'm gonna get a job. Ohh my gosh. Now I have to start speaking on a deeper level to these customers. It's like you put yourself in these situations that are very high stress and then you.00:32:05JackRise to the OK.00:32:06JackVision, which I think is you know, I mean that's like a a trade for of like very successful people will do that they'll they'll jump in first and then they'll be like now I have to figure this out whereas cautious people will you know I'm going to study for 10 years and then maybe I'll apply for that job it's it's much better to just do it your way.00:32:27JackRight. Just jump in and go for it or swim.00:32:29JohnnyWell, I I I guess I I I.00:32:31JohnnyGuess I I I got lucky. I got lucky that I have this opportunity.00:32:36JohnnyMy as my family has been able to support me financially and which allows me to go to another country.00:32:40JackYeah.00:32:44JohnnyTo study so that that's what you know when you're in this country, when you're in this environment. So you could sort of.00:32:51JohnnyTake away your your safe, safe net so you don't have the safe net to fall back on. So you, you.00:32:55JackRight.00:32:59JohnnyYou you have to, you have to.00:33:02JackAnd but you know it, it doesn't have to be extreme like what you did. I mean, what you did is pretty extreme, but.00:33:08JackI'm going to.00:33:09JackI'm going to say to our our listeners out.00:33:11JackThere, you know.00:33:12JohnnySo.00:33:14JackIt's also scary to introduce yourself to a native speaker.00:33:18JackYou know, if you if you see one in your neighborhood, you know, like, that's scary. But you know what? Go introduce yourself. Just take that leap of of faith. And so that's like kind of doing it on like a micro level of what you did. And you don't have to move to Australia. You don't have to get a job.00:33:26JohnnyYeah.00:33:35JackYou know selling mobile phones, but you could just introduce yourself to someone who speaks English, try to befriend that person and and that could be another Ave. to success that doesn't require money. It might require a little bit of time and energy and you, you know.00:33:53JohnnyExactly, yeah.00:33:54JackBut I think.00:33:55JackI think these little things are, there are little ways to do to be, to take risks that will actually benefit you.00:34:02JohnnyHmm. Yes, totally agreed. Yeah. So. So I I think it has to. Yeah. Yeah, I heard this. You have to start somewhere, right. Everything has to start somewhere. So.00:34:14JohnnyI think it's the the, it's. It's really crucial that.00:34:18JohnnyI think it's better.00:34:19JohnnyIf you're determined to to learn this language.00:34:23JohnnyYou better start somewhere or say whether that's uh, that's a really simple sentence. And maybe just saying hello, just like you're saying hello to.00:34:30JohnnyThe to the foreigner in your.00:34:31JohnnyIn your neighborhood? Yeah, something.00:34:34JohnnyYou know, we're not gonna eat.00:34:35JohnnyYou right, so why not? Why not?00:34:37JackThey're.00:34:38JackGonna.00:34:38JackEat you. That's. I like that. That's.00:34:39JohnnyNo. Why not? Yeah.00:34:40JackTrue.00:34:42JackYeah.00:34:43JackUM, that's fascinating. And So what do you? Are you a teacher now? Is that if if.00:34:47JackI'm not mistaken.00:34:47JohnnyI am. Yeah. I I I, I.00:34:49JohnnyAm a teacher. I have a.00:34:51JohnnyI am the Niles teacher.00:34:52JohnnySo I think from that you know.00:34:54JohnnyYeah.00:34:55JohnnyUh, from a mobile phone job many years ago, and I found my interest in learning the language and speaking the language so.00:35:05JohnnyI you know.00:35:06JohnnyWell, I you know, I.00:35:07JohnnyWound up in different.00:35:07JohnnyJobs later, you.00:35:08JohnnyKnow so that that's a long story, but anyway, so I eventually I was able to.00:35:09JackYeah.00:35:15JohnnyFind a true interest which is language and language teaching, I guess.00:35:20JackYeah.00:35:20JohnnyHmm so so I am a teacher now.00:35:21JackThat's amazing.00:35:23JackYeah, I I love your story. I think it's fantastic and I think it's very inspiring. A lot of our listeners out there are going to appreciate it. And and I think some of them have had similar experiences and maybe you know, like you said, a lot of it is luck too, right? The fact that you met the.00:35:24JohnnySo this.00:35:39JackRight, people at the right time.00:35:41JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:35:42JackBut you know, if you.00:35:44JackPut yourself out there. Opportunities are they're floating around, you know, and if you don't try you, you you 100% chance of failure. So you know you you you got to take you got to take a risk.00:35:55JohnnyExactly, yeah.00:35:58JackUM, so Johnny, you're you're interested in podcasting, if I'm not mistaken, this is something that you're aspiring to do. Yeah. And you said you had some questions for me, so yeah.00:36:04JohnnyYeah.00:36:09JohnnyNot only not. Yes, and thank you, Jack, for.00:36:15JohnnyYou know, actually, I want to thank you to inviting me and thank you for inviting me today here. So I could be on the show and ask you about all these questions.00:36:24JackAbsolutely.00:36:25JohnnyAnd so, yeah, you're you're saying that exactly. I'm. I'm I'm interested in starting a podcast. You know, I've been thinking about that for a long time and actually not not only broadcasting because.00:36:39JohnnyI'm I'm I'm actually.00:36:40JohnnyQuite new to podcasting because it's not the I guess it's not as popular as it is in.00:36:46JohnnyAnd you know basically.00:36:48JohnnyOutside China. OK, so in China it's, it's not a thing.00:36:50JackYeah, yeah. And and these days it's always evolving because what I've noticed is that podcasting without youtubing or being a YouTuber or in China, Billy, Billy, you know, without doing something like that, you know, people want to be able to see you and listen to you. That's what I've I've, I've I've come to realize, is that they really want to see.00:37:03JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:37:12JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:37:12JackAnd listen.00:37:14JackAnd so I I would recommend if you do, you know if I were to do it all over again, I would have made more of an effort to be a podcaster slash like YouTuber and really put the effort into like the video as well, which we haven't, you know, for the last couple of years, we've been mostly just an audio podcast.00:37:14JohnnyExactly.00:37:25JohnnyOK.00:37:34JackI don't know how you did. How did you find us, by the way?00:37:38JohnnyOh, oh, yeah. That's that's an interesting word as well. I think the first summer class.00:37:46JohnnyYour channel on the on the channel, unbelievably.00:37:50JackOh, OK.00:37:51JohnnyYeah. So I was. Yeah, I yeah. So because I was, I was trying to find some of the some of the materials for my students because I don't think they have enough input. So I think they should listen to more of the native speaker conversations and.00:37:52발표자All right.00:38:05발표자Right.00:38:10JohnnyWell, trust me, I I've tried a few a bunch of different. I've tried different things, try different channels. OK so. But you know, because I I teach out.00:38:15발표자Sure.00:38:17JackYeah, yeah.00:38:20JohnnyRight, so I'm not speaking. It's sort of a, it's very conversational English, you know.00:38:27JackRight.00:38:28JohnnyRight, so a lot.00:38:29JohnnyOf students are familiar with the the sort of uh monologue type of uh speech type of English.00:38:36JackMore toic or something like that, where it's like a a kind of presentational or something like a.00:38:42JackLike a.00:38:42JohnnyPresentation or. Yeah, yeah, yeah, something like that. Right. So, but not not, you know, the conversational English. So that that's that's.00:38:48JackRight.00:38:50JohnnyI came across your channel and I and I think wow this so this is just fantastic.00:38:56JackThank you so much. We are the least like academic of the podcast that I've come across.00:38:57JohnnyThis is this is.00:39:02JackYou know we.00:39:02JohnnyAnd that that.00:39:04JohnnyHappened to be exactly what I needed.00:39:06JackThat's fantastic. I I love hearing that. It makes us, you know it. It kind of validates, you know, things for, for social and me because we do we have kind of found our lane in which is it's not the most beautiful polished you know kind of podcast.00:39:25JackBut we do just love to have, like, real, genuine conversations with each other. And I feel like that's something that's missing. It's everything's all planned out. It's so clean and so crisp and, you know, conversation is messy and ugly sometimes it's not, you know, it's it's not this like.00:39:43JohnnyYeah, but that's, you know.00:39:44JackBeautiful, yeah.00:39:47JohnnyWell, it doesn't have language, doesn't have to be beautiful. That's that's my take.00:39:49JackRight. Yeah, exactly. We can't all be Shakespeare. It's not all poetry, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. So if you, you know, if I. If I were in your your shoes. Well, let me ask you a couple of questions. First are are you thinking of doing like an aisle?00:39:55JohnnyNo, no, no, no.00:40:06JackThe style of podcast or something are you are you going to focus on?00:40:08JohnnySo yeah, that that you.00:40:09JackSomething specific like that.00:40:11JohnnyKnow Jack, that that's where I got stuck. You know, that's kind of where I got stuck because.00:40:17JohnnyThere are some many.00:40:19JohnnyThere are many competitors out there who are doing this kind of content already. OK, so.00:40:25발표자Right.00:40:27JohnnySo if I were to do it now, OK, would I be able to ever compete with them because they started earlier?00:40:34JohnnyOK, so and and and and in doing that I kind of limit myself to uh, you know, to this group of audience that that they are only interested in in outs knowing you know this kind of small group of people you should know that.00:40:35발표자Yeah.00:40:47JackYeah.00:40:49JohnnyYeah. So that's that's that's what I've done.00:40:53JohnnyThat's that's what I'm worrying about. OK, so I I I, you know, in a way, I don't want to.00:40:55발표자Mm-hmm.00:40:58JohnnyLimit myself to only.00:41:00JohnnyThis screwed up audience and I want to. I want a bigger audience but.00:41:04JackYeah, exactly. I, no, no, you got to be greedy because it's there's only, you know, there's only so much bandwidth out there that people have, you know, for for this kind of.00:41:06JohnnyIs that not too greedy?00:41:15JackContent and uh, you know, I mean social and I were still plugging away two years later and we've made some progress. But you know, there are times where our downloads are not as as good as some months. And you know we wish we were more successful like some of the bigger, you know, ESL podcast. But you know we stayed.00:41:36JackYou know, we try to be genuine. We try to be authentic, we try to be true to ourselves and what we enjoy doing.00:41:43JackAnd I guess that's what I think that's my the best advice I could give you is find out like what your what do you authentically enjoy doing, you know like what are are you you know, if if teaching a lesson is your thing then then you know you could take some of your lessons from your alts class and you could actually.00:41:55JohnnyYeah.00:42:03JackYou know, convert those into like podcast form, you know, and do it that way, if you're you're a conversationalist because we're have we had, it's already been 45 minutes. We've been talking. So we're we're having this great conversation.00:42:20JackSo you could go down that lane and or you could do all of those things, you know, and and just and and see what clicks with the, with the audience as well. Because once you get something that people like, you have to follow that, you know, follow that lead that trail because they're they're telling you what they want.00:42:33JohnnyYeah, yeah.00:42:39JackAnd you have to follow it. You know, sniff it out.00:42:42JohnnyYeah, yeah, I know. It's not. It's.00:42:44JohnnyIt's not about, yeah.00:42:45JohnnyDoing the right thing the right time.00:42:47JohnnyAnd uh, so I I guess, uh, videos, uh, the the the short videos are a thing you know since since the.00:42:55JohnnySince TikTok I guess.00:42:57JackYes.00:42:57JohnnySo you have seven other point, yeah, I was.00:42:59JohnnyThinking about maybe I should do a TikTok or should I?00:43:01JohnnyDo TikTok.00:43:02JohnnyOr YouTube, or because YouTube is isn't really a you know, available in in China. So so should I be a YouTuber or so?00:43:07JackRight, right.00:43:12JohnnyA lot of things you have to take into consideration at the moment so.00:43:15JackYeah. Yeah. Well, I I would tell you, you know, honestly do it for a while because you'd love to do it.00:43:23JackAnd don't worry about the downloads and the success, because if you, you know, you find that that you really enjoy doing it. Like for me this is like very much.00:43:35JackA kind of a hobby. I I always call it a job. It's a jobby. It's like a.00:43:38JohnnyYeah. OK. Is that is that a word?00:43:42JackI just made that up, but it's it's between, yeah.00:43:44JohnnyOK.00:43:47JackYou know it. It's it's, it's something that I would love to do and generate income and survive on, but I'm not there yet. But I keep doing it. Not for for money or for fame or anything like that. I just really enjoy it, you know, it's just something that is really, really good.00:44:06JackAnd I think it's and you're you're doing something good for.00:44:10JackYou're not just wasting people's time, you're actually giving them something that they they need, which is, you know, more, you know, content for language learning. Cause I think there's just, there's never. There can never be enough of that. To be honest, in my opinion, because people are always looking for more ways to learn English and they're connecting with certain personalities.00:44:30JackAnd you know it, you may just resonate with with certain people and and but I would, you know, follow your instincts, be yourself. Don't try to be you know somebody else.00:44:36JohnnyYeah.00:44:41JackI am.00:44:42JackYou know, I tried that in the beginning of podcasting where I tried to have a better broadcasting voice, but the truth is, I stammer. And I I I, you know, repeat myself and I, you know, you know, I do all that kind of stuff. And and that's just who I am, you know. And if if people don't like it, then you know, they they'll tune.00:44:55JohnnyJust feed yourself.00:45:03JackNo, but I I think people will forgive you if they think you're being authentic and genuine as as a, as a presenter, as a podcaster.00:45:12JohnnyYeah, I think.00:45:13JohnnyBeing genuine that that's that's really crucial.00:45:15JohnnyYeah, well, you know, I share the link of your your podcast to many of my students, and I think they they think it's absolutely fantastic. So a lot of my students been listening to. Well, thank you, Jack. Well, thank you for creating such a great.00:45:26JackOh man, thank you so much.00:45:31JackYeah.00:45:33JohnnyAll these great content. OK. Thank you for you. And socials and Kevins and effort. You know, we're actually listening to some of these earlier, earlier episodes where you feature.00:45:46JackYeah.00:45:47JohnnyKevin and I mean.00:45:49JohnnyMaybe someone else. I don't remember the name.00:45:52JackYeah, you're you're going into the deep cuts. Yeah, we had some really good conversations at the beginning, you know, Kevin and I started it together, and then he got too busy and social was a guest on our our podcast. And then she became a my full time podcasting partner. So. Yeah, just kind of funny how that happens.00:45:53JohnnyAre you sure? Yeah.00:46:08JohnnyOh, OK.00:46:12JackUM, but uh, you know. Thank you, Johnny. It means a lot to us. And thank you so much for spreading the word and for our listeners out there. This was my my conversation with Johnny. John. If Johnny gets a podcast started, I will be the first to promote it to all our listeners out there. Of course. Of course.00:46:29JohnnyThank you. Thank you, Jack, my name is.00:46:33JackAnd if you guys want to listen to this episode, go to our website A-Z if you want to leave us a message, you can send us an e-mail at at Oz English podcast at Gmail.00:46:43JackCom you can talk to us in our WhatsApp group or in our WeChat group for our our Chinese listeners out there. And with that said, Johnny, thanks again man and listeners. We'll see you next time. Bye bye.00:46:53JohnnyThank you.00:46:55JohnnyThank you.00:46:57JohnnyBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 16, 2024 • 7min

UNLOCKING THE VAULT | Vocabulary Spotlight | Phrasal verbs with the verb "give"

We're unlocking the vault and inviting listeners to enjoy this exclusive episode.Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this exclusive episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss three phrasal verbs with the verb "give."Give up - to quit or stop doing somethingExample: "He decided to give up smoking for his health."Give in - to surrender or yield to someone or somethingExample: "After hours of negotiation, they finally gave in and agreed to the terms."Give back - to return something to its ownerPodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 15, 2024 • 12min

Dear Jack | I'm embarrassed to speak English

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack give advice to a listener with a problem.Dear Jack and Xochitl,I recently moved to a new country and am struggling with learning English as a second language. I feel embarrassed when I can't express myself clearly, and it's affecting my confidence in social situations. Do you have any tips or resources to help improve my English skills and boost my confidence? I really want to integrate better into my new community.Sincerely,Lost in TranslationPodcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 14, 2024 • 18min

Topic Talk | Dogs

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about dog ownership in the United States, Mexico, and Korea.Transcript:00:00:55JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we have a topic talk episode and today's topic is dogs and like dog ownership in different cultures, like how people think about their dogs and.00:01:10XochitlYeah, yeah.00:01:16JackTreat their dogs and so soap. So why don't you kick it off here for us? And UM, like, what is your generation people your age? How do they feel?00:01:26JackAbout their dogs.00:01:28XochitlOK, so I would say I kind of grew up in a culture where dogs are dogs and people are people.00:01:35XochitlAnd this is a very Mexican thing. And it's also a very.00:01:41XochitlReal staple of older American culture. My dad is a boomer, and in those days, you know it. Dog culture was similar to how it is in Mexico. You kind of let your dog roam free.00:01:54JackRight.00:01:56XochitlIn the streets, he like has his own pack of friends.00:01:59JackRight. And if there's if there's like an order, it's like the dog is the last. You know, there's no, there's no babying the dog and stuff. Like it's an animal.00:02:04XochitlYes.00:02:10XochitlAnd they also kind of hold.00:02:11XochitlTheir own independent life, like they go out kind of independently. That's still a thing in Mexico. And also it used to be a thing in, in the US and my dad was a kid in the 60s and.00:02:23JackHmm.00:02:24XochitlYep.00:02:25XochitlAnd and they they're very independent. They're not really babied. And they're kind of seen as like the lowest caste working member of a family because you have them for protection or sometimes you have farm dogs just or, you know, it's a companion animal. But most of the time it it has a job to do.00:02:46XochitlAnd it has a plate on the pecking order, as we say in the US, which is like the top dog is, you know, maybe the mom and dad of the household and the kids and then the dogs at the box.00:02:56XochitlAnd and I would say that was very, very true for the older generations. But now my younger generation, I've see, I've seen it as a global phenomenon in Korea and the US in Mexico, that people treat their dogs kind of like babies. I'm.00:03:12XochitlI'm a little guilty of.00:03:14XochitlThis when I first had Wendy, I swore I wouldn't be one of these people. I didn't even want to sleep in the same bed.00:03:19XochitlHis.00:03:20XochitlBut he's so cute. It was like hard so.00:03:24JackHe worked his way into the into the bedroom, up on the bed. Yeah.00:03:26XochitlHe worked his way up into his then. Yeah, because he got big enough to be able to jump onto the bed. And then after that, just kind of game over because I couldn't keep him off. I tried to keep him off and he was smarter than me and found out how to get through every obstacle course that I've placed for him. So that's how a.00:03:32JackOK.00:03:46XochitlLike 4 LB. Dog outsmarted me my whole.00:03:48JackYeah, I I feel.00:03:50JackLike Americans now, and maybe Canadians, too, are dogs are like their four legged children.00:03:59JackYou know there's.00:03:59XochitlYeah, and I.00:04:00XochitlThink it it it? Sorry, Jack didn't mean to cut you off. I was just going to think because a lot of people are having kids later or choosing not to have kids at all. And I think that really affects the way that we see.00:04:02JackNo, no, no. Go ahead. Go ahead.00:04:08JackYeah.00:04:13XochitlDogs and for me, I kind of people only say the older you get, the more sure you are that you're going to want kids and actually the opposite has happened. Now that I'm well into my 27 bear on this planet, I have started to become pretty sure that I don't want kids actually and.00:04:30JackHmm.00:04:33XochitlDue to that, Dwayne is basically my kid and.00:04:38XochitlHe plays the part of my child, you.00:04:41XochitlKnow I medical everything.00:04:41JackHe feels that the void or whatever, that maybe not not void, but like if you were, if you're thinking that you wanna take care of of a child, you're like, well, if I take care of this dog, it it it kind.00:04:54JackOf feels.00:04:55JackLike I'm taking care of something.00:04:56XochitlI I never.00:04:56XochitlHave the desire to take care of a child. In fact, I've really never had a desire to take care of a dog. But when they kind of fell into my life and and I, you know, decided to take him in, so then I became responsible for him. I've never had a desire to take care of a kid. So for me it's kind of more like.00:05:12XochitlLike.00:05:13XochitlIf I barely have the energy and financial resources to take care of this dog, not barely. But like it's somewhere in my mid range of possibilities, I'm definitely not having kids. Like, if I can, at least I can put Glenn in back or I can put him in a room. I can leave him at home alone. I can go party for a few hours.00:05:27JackSee.00:05:28JackOK.00:05:33XochitlYou can.00:05:35XochitlPut a kid if you did.00:05:35JackYou cannot leave a toddler at home alone and just with a bowl of food and water and be like alright, enjoy yourself, you know, take care of yourself.00:05:40XochitlYeah, hours.00:05:44XochitlActually, yeah. Or like if he gets really annoying, I give him the timeout by just. I put him in the bathroom and close the door and he just chills out in there and stops barking like crazy. If the kid is crying and screaming, he can't walk them in the bathroom. That's like a child abuse and but so.00:06:02JackYou can, but you may go to prison. You may end up locked in a room yourself.00:06:06XochitlYou care, but you shouldn't. And you? Yeah. You probably will rightfully go to jail. So, you know, it's kind of.00:06:13XochitlIt's like that. It's like this is the the most I'm willing to expend energy on taking care of something else. And he already limits my possibilities a little bit as far as travel and stuff.00:06:25XochitlWell, I just it's an extra step I have to think about and I can't even imagine with kids. It's like a whole other obligation, especially when they're little, you know.00:06:33JackHmm I I feel like in America the the.00:06:36발표자The.00:06:38JackIt's very strange. It's like the, UM, expectations for taking care of a dog really increased in the last like 30 or 40 years. It's like if you don't walk your dog every single day twice a day, you know, yeah, you're a criminal. You're just you're a rotten human being.00:06:47발표자Yeah, yeah.00:06:52XochitlThey're a criminal animal.00:06:58JackAnd not and it's. It's weird because like in in Korea that that doesn't.00:07:03JackThey don't have that feeling. I I feel like this is a very kind of American thing, cause I'm I'm assuming Mexico. You're not gonna get judged too badly if you're if you're not like, let's say you skip a day to take your dog for a walk or you.00:07:16JackTake your dog for a walk. Couple times.00:07:17XochitlI don't even walk blending here because it's kind of dangerous because there's a lot of big dogs, but a lot of people let just open up the gate and let their dog out into the street to rob kind of freak.00:07:26JackThat's crazy, because that means they're gonna. They could bite somebody or hit by a car.00:07:28발표자Yeah.00:07:30XochitlYeah. And some people go to recipe. These dogs are really friendly and at that point it's OK, but some are pretty aggressive and but it's kind of part of the culture. People just let their dogs out for a few hours. The dog comes.00:07:41XochitlBack and they have like their own intention life.00:07:43발표자If it comes.00:07:44JackBack. It's mine. If it doesn't come back, I guess it wasn't meant to be.00:07:48JackYou know, yeah.00:07:48XochitlGo on to the streets or someone else picked it up any already got hit by a car and died. Sad but true. So it's.00:07:55JackYeah.00:07:58JackThey're animals living in, in, in, in Mexican culture and Korean culture. They are animals and and and that that's the thing that I came to realize when we had a dog and then.00:08:08JackWe had a kid.00:08:09JackAnd I was like ohh this is just a dog. Like this is not even you know close to the value of a human being like a human life. And I feel like that line is that that distance is a little bit shorter in American culture. It's like, no.00:08:29JackIt's still, it's still your child. You need to take care of it, even though it's a dog. And I'm like, I just. I can't get there. You know? I'm like, no, it's.00:08:35Xochitl1 * 3.00:08:38XochitlSorry, my dogs running out here. People sometimes treat.00:08:44XochitlDogs better than they treat human children in the US, and sometimes they have like more privileges than the US and people like like them more than human children. And that is crazy. Another thing I think is that's really different. And I don't know if it's the same way in Mexico and Korea. I mean, in Mexico, it's still fairly like.00:08:47JackYes.00:09:04XochitlOK. For I wouldn't say it's OK, but I would say it's still commonplace for especially the older generations to hit their dogs. Nothing crazy like people aren't beating.00:09:15JackLike smack it on the snout, it was a.00:09:16XochitlTheir dogs up.00:09:17XochitlYeah, yeah, yeah. You know, or snacking on his **** with the newspaper if it pees in the house and in the US, like, you've been yelling at your dog is like you're an abuser.00:09:17JackNewspaper or whatever, yeah.00:09:25발표자Like you.00:09:26JackI know.00:09:27XochitlYeah, and.00:09:29JackAnd here's the thing. It's like, OK, like animal abuse is wrong. It's it's it's not good. I I'm. I'm totally against animal abuse, obviously, but abusing a a human child is worse than abusing an animal. Like I'm gonna. I'm gonna level. I'm gonna put those on different levels, you know? And it's like, I feel like it's getting all blurred.00:09:29XochitlYeah, go ahead.00:09:47XochitlRight.00:09:49JackTogether in American culture, it's like it's to the point where almost people care about animals more than they care about human beings. There's like, yeah, you know, a whole orphanage of of kids that, like, don't have.00:10:00JackEmily's and yet everyone's like, you know, you gotta rehome this dog, you gotta, you gotta.00:10:06JackAdopt this dog.00:10:06XochitlPeople say the criminals are rehoming a dog in the US Now. It's like if you if you don't have, let's say you adopted a dog and then you realize it was more obligation than you had or or something came upon you and you no longer have the financial resources or the physical capacity to really care for your dog the same way or something happen, whatever.00:10:26XochitlAnd you have to rehome it and you're trying to rehome it responsibly. People will eat you alive.00:10:31JackWow.00:10:31XochitlUhm, I had a friend. Who?00:10:33XochitlTo her baby, her dog bit her baby.00:10:38JackYeah, that's it. I'm done.00:10:40XochitlYeah. And she she's like I I'm going to rehome him because I can't. And I understand completely where she's coming from because you just don't feel safe with your baby and your dog in the same home anymore. Even if you try to keep them separate or whatever. It was kind of what she'd been trying to do up to that point. And it's just so hard living in the same home in a smaller space.00:10:59XochitlAnd UM.00:11:01XochitlShe was getting.00:11:02XochitlEaten alive for lying to rehome the dog, even though the dog bit her baby.00:11:06JackThat's crazy to me, because a dog bites my baby that that dog will find a new home on the moon when I.00:11:17JackLike kick it.00:11:20JackAll the way up there. No, I'm. I'm joking, of course. But I mean.00:11:25XochitlIt would be hard to.00:11:25JackI don't know. I just.00:11:27XochitlTemper about it, it would.00:11:28JackIt would be so it would make me so angry. And it's it's my fault. I didn't train the dog properly or I left the dog alone.00:11:37JackI mean, I mean, I do think that we blame dogs for for bad owners, you know, for being bad owners. But at a certain point, it's kind of like, well, yeah, maybe I didn't train this dog properly, but this dog is bit my kid. I'm done like this dog is out of here because.00:11:51발표자Hmm.00:11:56XochitlYeah, and they can be kind of unpredictable like she adopted that dog. She was the second home and he I was actually, she was my roommate when she first adopted the dog, and he was a menace. Like when he came from the first home, he would just, like, attack randomly. He had serious issues.00:12:14XochitlAnd aggression. And she worked with him and trained him really well over a number of years. But when she had her baby, he kind of regressed, which is can be normal because they get jealous and.00:12:25JackStuff, but he's like he's now. He's different on a different pecking order, you know. Down. Yeah.00:12:30XochitlYeah.00:12:31XochitlAnd he bit her and bit her baby. And that was it for him. Well, she rehomed him, but she got rid of that and I think that's absolutely insane.00:12:34JackWolf.00:12:37JackYeah.00:12:43XochitlI just can't fathom that.00:12:44JackNo, they're, you know, ultimately at the end of the day, they're animals to. To me, it's like, I love my dog. My dog is very sweet, but it's an animal, and it's not a it's not a human. So I'm I'm OK with that. You know, if my daughter needed, you know, a $5000.00:13:03JackLife saving surgery without even batting an eye. I'm getting. I'm paying for that surgery. You know what I mean? Like, whatever it.00:13:12JackTakes, but if my dog needs a $5000 surgery, my wife and I are having a conversation. You know, it's like you've had a good life and you know, like, let's, you know, maybe it's it's, you know, nature takes its course, you know, cuz I think people will spend a lot of money to just keep their.00:13:20XochitlIt's like what?00:13:27XochitlMaybe it's time to go.00:13:33JackDogs limping along.00:13:35JackAnd I'm like, you know, it's a it's a dog. It's an animal, so.00:13:39XochitlAnd their quality of life really decreases and it's different than for a human because they don't have like that capacity to rationalize and find new ways to enjoy the quality of life either. So it really affects them negatively too. But a lot of people just keep them.00:13:50JackReddit.00:13:56XochitlTrotting along for the sake of it.00:14:00JackYeah, I don't know. I hope I don't get a lot of hate mail from this this episode.00:14:01XochitlAlright.00:14:04XochitlI don't. We will. I I I don't think we will cause I think the US culture is really unique about it, about how we think about like dogs and you know animal abuse and.00:14:16XochitlThe culture around dogs is just completely different than it is like anywhere else in the world. And again, my generation is getting more.00:14:25XochitlWe're becoming more kind of like dog and cat parents because we don't have children.00:14:31JackYeah, that's an interesting insight. I think you're right about that. I think you, I think you.00:14:31XochitlAnd most of the.00:14:36JackNailed it, yeah.00:14:37XochitlYeah. It's like most of us don't want to have children. I blend is pretty much the the He's the my maximum capacity for what I can take care of and I didn't. I didn't set out to take care of him. It was like he kind of fell on my doorstep and at that point, you know, I'm still going to do everything I can. I I cover his medical expenses, his travel expenses and everything but.00:14:57XochitlWhen I see him running around barking in a circle and grabbing shoes and chewing on them and stuff, I'm like.00:15:04XochitlCan you imagine having a kid do this for like 6 years or eight years? And essentially I know they don't chew on shoes.00:15:10JackWelcome to my but.00:15:13JackNow my kid's 15, so I'm done. I'm through. You know, the gauntlet. But you know, yeah, it was.00:15:18XochitlYeah. And that's the thing though. It's like your dog is like in your home with you all the time. And when it passes, it passes. And with a kid, like, they're gonna outlive you, and you're going to worry about that kid for the rest of your natural life until you die. And that's something I don't think I'm ever going to be prepared for because.00:15:20JackIt was tough.00:15:33JackYeah.00:15:38XochitlI don't want to sound like a pessimist. The world can be such a a horrible place.00:15:43XochitlAnd.00:15:44XochitlAnd I'm so scared to have kids and them to go out into the world and potentially suffer, especially women, all the horrible things that can happen and and are not exempt, you know, but.00:15:55JackYeah. No, I don't. I don't blame you. Yeah. No, these are these are things that keep me up at night, you know?00:16:00JackSo just the parent.00:16:01XochitlYes. Yeah. You have a daughter, not, you know, not trying to scare you.00:16:04XochitlAnything but.00:16:04JackNo, no, no. I've you. You couldn't scare me more. I've I again. You know, I my my a lot of the real estate in my brain is dedicated just to worrying about my daughter.00:16:06발표자But.00:16:08XochitlYeah, you're right.00:16:16JackSo and very little is is worrying about my dog, so.00:16:22XochitlYeah, it shows the difference. Alright, listeners, we'll let us know what is the culture around dogs in your home country. I'm very interested to hear. And also for your generation, does your generation or does your country treat dogs differently based on which?00:16:37XochitlGeneration the person or the owner might be because for me I do notice a difference in in between probably people, millennials and Gen. ZI would say, which are our generations like 35 and under. I would say in the US people mostly like in their 20s to very early 30s.00:16:58XochitlIt's kind of a different.00:17:01XochitlBreed of.00:17:03XochitlLine of thinking. Cultural thinking. So yeah, I'm curious. Let us know in a comment down below at A-Z shoot us an e-mail at AZ English podcast at Gmail.00:17:13XochitlCom or join the conversation? Or we chat. What's up groups and we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.00:17:18JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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