In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack break down some song lyrics by famous artists.Transcript:00:00:00JackYou're listening to the A-Z English podcast.00:00:15JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is.00:00:17JackJack and I.00:00:18JackAm here with my co-host social and today we have a song lyrics episode for you where we will read a small section of a songs lyrics.00:00:31JackAnd then we'll explain what the idiom in the lyric means. So.00:00:36JackSo our first song is break free by Ariana Grande.00:00:43JackAnd the idiom is to break free to break free from something, and the lyrics go like this.00:00:52JackThis is the part when I say I don't want you. I'm stronger than I've been before. This is the part when I break free cause I can't resist it no more.00:01:06JackAnd social. What? What do you think? Break for what does?00:01:08JackBreak free mean in.00:01:10JackThis scenario, this situation.00:01:14XochitlI guess she's saying she's breaking free like she's.00:01:21XochitlLiberating yourself or.00:01:25XochitlGaining her independence from a relationship? Maybe.00:01:31XochitlI would say what do you think, Jack? I haven't heard this song before, actually for our listeners.00:01:36XochitlI'm I'm not an Ariana fan, so.00:01:37JackYeah, I don't recognize this lyric, but I my my understanding of what she's saying is that she's she's been in a relationship with this guy, and this is the part. Now she's going to kind of like being handcuffed or shackled to somebody.00:01:55XochitlRight.00:01:57JackAnd when you break free, it's like you break those handcuffs or break the shackles and you and you're no longer.00:02:08XochitlCovered tethered with tide.00:02:09JackYou tether you, you know? Yeah, you.00:02:12JackRight. You're no longer tied to this other person. You're no longer in. You're no longer a prisoner in this relationship. You are free. And so it's like it's like a bird escaping from a cage. You know, it's kind of breaking free. A bird breaks through the cage and gets to fly.00:02:19XochitlRight.00:02:32JackFree into the sky. So yeah, that that's what break free means. It's just break free means you're you're.00:02:40JackYou're imprisoned, and then you're free. You get out, you escape. That's that's all it means. I think. To break free is to escape. I think that's the best. Maybe word. Yeah.00:02:53XochitlI agree. I agree. What's the other song working at First, Jack?00:02:56JackAll right, our second song is by Pat Benatar. This one I.00:03:01JackKnow because I'm old.00:03:03JackHit me with your best shot by Pat Benatar. You everybody? Yeah. You know the song.00:03:06XochitlOh, I do know the song though.00:03:09XochitlBecause my PE teacher used to play this, I think when I was like a like 6 years old or something.00:03:19JackYeah, the lyric is hit me.00:03:22JackWith your best shot, fire away.00:03:26JackAnd the idiom is hit me with your best shot. And what does it mean?00:03:35XochitlI think.00:03:37XochitlIn the US, when we talk about hitting someone with our best shot.00:03:43XochitlOr or getting hit you know.00:03:46XochitlBy someone's it's like in a way you're talking about being. I'm gonna put this, like, shot down.00:03:56JackDo your best.00:03:58XochitlYeah, well, I thought also, yeah, do your best to, like, shoot me down. Kind of right is.00:04:05XochitlTo stop me or like.00:04:05JackYeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In this case, I think what it means, I think you're right.00:04:09JackI think it's she's she's saying.00:04:11JackYou know like.00:04:12JackIt's like in a fight when two people are fighting, one goes.00:04:15JackPunch, punch me. Hit. Give me hit.00:04:18XochitlRight.00:04:18JackMe with your.00:04:18JackBest shot because it's not enough to take me down like I'm stronger than you. Yeah, so.00:04:20XochitlRight.00:04:22XochitlRight.00:04:24XochitlIt's like playing if anyone's ever played the video game well, computer game, Street Fighter.00:04:30XochitlUh. Or maybe you're talking trash to someone I'll be like. Yeah, he needed best shot. And your two characters are fighting it out on the computer screen.00:04:40XochitlYeah, I feel like that's the.00:04:43XochitlWell, that's the thing.00:04:44발표자Yeah, this.00:04:45JackThis is a chat. This is a challenge. This is she. This is her saying to another person challenging the the. I believe it's a a lover or a, you know, an ex or something like you know I'm I'm gonna.00:04:59JackYou know.00:05:00JackYou go ahead and try. Come after me, you know? Try to attack me.00:05:05JackGive it hit me with.00:05:06JackYour best shot because your best is not enough to take me down. You cannot defeat me, so you can try. And so you're challenging the other person like.00:05:18JackYou know ohh you.00:05:19JackGot a problem with me.00:05:21JackHit me with your best shot.00:05:23JackBecause after you hit me, I'll still be standing. I'll still be standing here. You can't. You cannot. You cannot defeat me. That's what I think she's saying in this. Is that the way you read it too?00:05:37XochitlYes, I I do read it that way as well, yeah.00:05:39발표자OK, OK.00:05:42XochitlYeah. All right. Well, if you have any idioms you would like to break us to break down from song lyrics, make sure to shoot us an e-mail at at Leave us a comment down below on our website, and join our WhatsApp group and we'll see you next time. Bye, bye.00:06:01JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:Facebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: