In this episode of Jack & 'Chill, the two answer some Christmas related "this one" or "that one" questions. Then they talk about some annoying holiday traditions. After that, they discuss The Grinch. Finally, they share what makes their hearts grow three sizes.Transcript:00:00:00XochitlYou are listening to the Jack and Chill podcast alright, Jack. For this episode of Jack and Chill I have a fun game of this or that which for viewers.00:00:20XochitlMeans that I will ask Jack whether he would prefer one option or a second option and he will tell me which one he prefers and then I will also answer.00:00:30XochitlSo Jack, do you prefer fruit cake, which is a holiday dessert that is kind of unpopular in the US? It's basically a kind of like a loaf of cake with candied fruits incorporated into it. Or ambrosia salad, which is a creamy.00:00:50XochitlSweet salad with several different types of fruit and fruit flavored marshmallows in it.00:00:59JackYeah. You know, when I was a kid, I would have said ambrosia salad. I would prefer that because it's kind of the texture is kind of like it's kind of like jello jello or, you know, kind of a Jelly.00:01:14XochitlYeah, like a sweet whipped.00:01:16JackYes, sweet whipped, very light. It's it's you.00:01:20JackYou know the expression.00:01:21JackThere's always room for Jello, you know? So at the end of of a big meal, you could still eat a little bit of ambrosia salad and it's not going to fill you up too much. And it's sweet, but now I've I think it's disgusting. It's way too sweet. It's just.00:01:40JackI would rather have a a slice of fruitcake.00:01:43JackTo be honest.00:01:45JackI don't mind fruitcake that much. I mean, I know that it's it's not my favorite dessert, but it's got some nuts in it. It's got some.00:01:56JackA little bit of candied fruit and a little bit of cake, so you know it's not. It's not too much, it's it doesn't overload the senses like ambrosia salad does.00:02:10JackI don't know. What do you think?00:02:12XochitlUhm, I never liked ambrosia salad, even as a kid I had kind of weird taste buds, like I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Even from being a little child and.00:02:23XochitlI I would drink.00:02:23JackYeah, that's sophisticated.00:02:25XochitlBlack Coffee, also as a child, is the Mexico kids drink coffee. I had. I did add some sugar into it, but I wouldn't put any milk and I didn't like it. Very sweet because I like the like kind of bitter flavor profile.00:02:40XochitlSo I always had weird taste buds and.00:02:42XochitlI hated hamburger salad. It was just horrible and I would say I would pick fruit cake even though as a kid I also didn't like the texture of like the candied fruits, raisins and like nuts in it.00:02:54XochitlI would pick. I would pick those out, but now as an adult, I think I could just eat the whole thing. I think with like a coffee.00:03:00XochitlBe or like a.00:03:04XochitlOne chip which we make in Mexico, which is like the hot.00:03:06XochitlFruit punch. Drink, I think.00:03:07XochitlThat it would be tolerable.00:03:10JackYeah, I would.00:03:11JackI would be right now I would be very satisfied with a slice of fruit cake and a a latte.00:03:18JackLike that would be. That would be nice like with my neck but a.00:03:22XochitlI'll be hitting on Jack.00:03:22JackLike a bowl.00:03:23JackOf a bowl of marshmallows with you know, Jello and whip and whipped cream does not.00:03:27XochitlWith green.00:03:30JackIt doesn't sound good to me. It's just a. Yeah, it's nasty.00:03:35XochitlRight now, yeah, I can't imagine it would be, like, hard to get a spoon down and then with the food cake, it's like, yeah, I could do it. You know, I I wouldn't mind, actually. Yeah.00:03:44XochitlI got you. All right, Jack, for next one. Do you prefer eggnog or hot chocolate?00:03:50JackYeah, I know we're going to have a a bitter argument about this one, but I love.00:03:56JackI love it.00:03:56XochitlYou know what? I've come around to eggnog.00:03:59XochitlI'll let you finish, but I'll let you finish.00:03:59JackOh, OK. Yeah. I'm a big eggnog fan. My dad used to buy because they only sold it seasonally. And where I go.00:04:09XochitlUh-huh. It's still only sold seasonally.00:04:11JackYeah, and it was. My dad used to buy one called Holly Nog. That was like the name of the company and dog. It was just like you. Like a milk carton, but instead out came this, like, think. I don't know how to describe. It's so thick. Like it's just thick, thick.00:04:17XochitlSo I yeah.00:04:31JackLike and a thick liquid and and you drink it cold and it's not milk, but it's kind of it's Milky.00:04:40XochitlIt's kind of.00:04:40XochitlLike a custard, like a liquid custard.00:04:43JackYeah, exactly. It's very much like a liquid custard, but I.00:04:47XochitlIn fact it is. It has eggs very good.00:04:47발표자Always found.00:04:50JackYeah. Well, I just like to take, like, a coffee cup with a half a coffee, coffee cup of eggnog, and. And it's so heavy. And it's so rich that you could just take little sips. And it feels like you're taking a whole bite of some kind of dessert. It's like drinking a dessert based.00:05:10JackAm I? I know the calories.00:05:12JackIn there have to be astronomical like.00:05:14XochitlOhh it's bad because I had like it said for like 4 oz. It's like over 200 calories and I definitely have like 2.00:05:21Xochitl8 oz cups today so I I just found like 800 calories of.00:05:26XochitlThe eggnog in one day.00:05:30JackI mean, I could drink a whole carton of it, to be honest. Like I I tried to make it once even and it didn't turn out too well. I put too much vanilla extract in it and it made my throat hurt.00:05:40XochitlOh yeah.00:05:44JackSo yeah, it can. It burned, but I you know, I love. I love eggnog and I'm not. I'm not a big hot chocolate drinker. I just don't. I've got a bunch in my house and it just expires because no one drinks it.00:05:44XochitlOhh burn.00:05:58XochitlIs it like the Swiss news type that you have though, like the instant hot cocoa?00:06:02JackYeah, it's not like real. It's not real hot chocolate. It's just the the exactly, it's the powder.00:06:04발표자That's what.00:06:09JackThat you mix with hot.00:06:10JackWarm milk or or water if you.00:06:14JackI think the water, it tastes the worst. You know, if you mix it with milk.00:06:17XochitlYeah, but if you hate yourself.00:06:19XochitlAnd drink it with water.00:06:20JackYeah, yeah. I mean, that's just it's just sugar water and it's really gross. But with milk it it's it's a little bit better. I just, I just don't like to get my calories from drinks. Usually. Yeah, unless, you know, I do, I do drink milk, but I drink it with my coffee.00:06:41JackCause I love ice lattes, so I will drink. You know, a lot of coffee with with milk.00:06:42발표자Right.00:06:50XochitlBut it's like a splash.00:06:51XochitlOf milk in your coffee. Not like.00:06:53JackOhh no, I drink like full actually I I just lied to you. I drink a lot of calories. Uh, actually if you count milk because I'll put like I'll make a really strong like 3 espresso shots and then fill up a cup with ice and then the rest is milk. It's probably it's only half a cup of milk. It's because there's so much ice.00:07:14JackDinner but.00:07:15XochitlRight.00:07:16JackI'll drink those. Like I'll drink like two or three.00:07:18JackA day because.00:07:19XochitlOK, but that but milk does have some nutritional value. You're not really getting sugar like sugar calories for that, which is something I do admire because I definitely drink a lot of my calories lately. I mean, I had a full I have like a 16 ounce coke and.00:07:36Xochitl28 oz cups of eggnogs just today, so I definitely drink my calories. I try.00:07:41발표자Yeah. Yeah. Well.00:07:42XochitlTo be more mindful that in the new.00:07:43JackYear it's so it's so easy to do and I mean I do. I do sometimes drink calories too because like I said, I I drink, I drink milk and.00:07:56JackAnd but I you know I.00:07:57JackDrink diet soda sometimes. So that's, you know, got its own problems related to it so.00:08:06JackI'm I'm by no means like Mr. healthy.00:08:09JackOver here on my high horse, you know?00:08:12XochitlYou know, I as I've gotten older, I have come around to eggnog, so it's not the horrible choice I would have vilified you for before, but I don't like the like the Holly nod. Like I don't like the brand that you're talking about. It tastes. There's, like, a really strong nutmeg flavor to that brand that's like overpowering.00:08:32XochitlAnd it's like too thick and too sweet.00:08:35XochitlAnd and I like when I was younger, I used to prefer silk, not like the the the I guess vegan option that was made with soy milk because it was thinner.00:08:51XochitlAnd it wasn't so thick. It was like a texture thing, and it had less of a really intense, like eggy and not Maggie type of flavor. So I put, I would ask my parents to purchase some milk. Not is what I would drink. I would not drink the regular eggnog because it was.00:08:59JackOK.00:09:06XochitlNasty because.00:09:06XochitlIt was like thick and.00:09:08XochitlMy sister really loved.00:09:10XochitlEggnog and I just was never a fan.00:09:13XochitlAnd in recent.00:09:14XochitlYears I've actually come around to it. Only specific brands I like. There's a brand here in Iowa called Kelowna, Supernatural, and it's like an organic, I guess, milk, but it's like the eggnog is pretty thin and it has like cinnamon and stuff in it.00:09:34XochitlAnd it's it's very kind of like thin. It's so creamy, but it doesn't have that custardy like flavor or thickness.00:09:40JackYeah, it's almost comfy.00:09:43JackThen it comes up, yeah.00:09:44XochitlYeah, it's not like clumpy or like thick. So I really enjoyed that actually. And I've come around to it. But that being said, I do prefer hot chocolate and that's because I don't drink the little sweet.00:09:59XochitlPackets. I always bring chocolate from Mexico and.00:10:03XochitlYou dissolve that.00:10:04XochitlAnd milk.00:10:06XochitlAnd drink it. And I like to add some marshmallows in the bottom of the cup and then put like, some whipped cream on top and go to town on that.00:10:15JackYou just make real hot real hot chocolate. Like the way it's supposed to be made you mix. You put real chocolate in with milk and and then you can add the the sugar. You don't even have to add that much sugar, probably because the marshmallows are sweetening it up.00:10:31JackEnough. Yeah, I don't add.00:10:33XochitlAny sugar actually? Because it's like dark chocolate. But it is sweetened some.00:10:37JackOh, OK, so it's sweet and dark chocolate. OK. Yeah, that sounds really nice. That sounds wonderful. Yeah.00:10:43XochitlYeah. And the Mexican one had it comes with like cinnamon and some other like spices in it incorporated into it.00:10:52발표자OK.00:10:52XochitlSo yeah, it has a really rich, nutty flavor, cause it's like the actual cocoa beans that have been like, crushed and processed. Yeah. So it's tasty.00:11:04JackI mean, I would be OK with either option to be honest, but The thing is, I haven't had eggnog for.00:11:10JackProbably 20 years, so I just miss it. You know, they don't sell it where I live. Here. I live in Korea so that we don't have eggnog here. You have to make your own and.00:11:22JackI don't know. I'm too lazy to do that so.00:11:25JackI think just buying Holly Nog in America would be would be kind of nice just one time.00:11:33XochitlYeah. And it's so special because it's like you can only really have it around the like very specific like from November to December maybe or like November to the very beginning of like the end of November to the very beginning of January is when you can find eggnog on the shelves and.00:11:50XochitlYou kind of get like a a month and maybe a couple of weeks like six weeks of eggnog time at at the Max. And then it's just completely gone off the shelves and you can't buy it anywhere. So.00:12:03JackYou can go to McDonald's and you can.00:12:04JackGet an eggnog shake, which are amazing those are.00:12:08XochitlIs that a real?00:12:09XochitlThing I've never had that before.00:12:10JackYes, yes, they have the Shamrock shake, which is around Saint Patrick's Day, which is.00:12:16JackMint and then they have the around the holiday season, they've got the eggnog shake.00:12:24XochitlI may have to try that. I'm sure it's going to be like 1000.00:12:27XochitlCalories in.00:12:27XochitlOne I got I have.00:12:27JackOhh yeah, it's a.00:12:29XochitlTo give it a try though now.00:12:30JackYou gotta try it though.00:12:31XochitlThat you've talked about it. Gotta try it. Alright, Jack. Now what about Christmas? Ham or Christmas Turkey? Which do you prefer? And which did you grow up with? I'm curious as well.00:12:44JackBoth we've we've done turkeys and we've done hams.00:12:48JackUMI think maybe we did more turkeys than hams. If I'm not mistaken, but I'll take a Christmas ham any day of the week like over a A Christmas Turkey. You.00:12:59XochitlKnow Turkey is.00:13:00JackNice on Thanksgiving, but it's very dry. It's kind of, it's a dry meat. It's not like it's not necessarily.00:13:09JackThe most delicious bird meat or poultry that you can that you can eat. I I love it but I eat it for nostalgic purposes but a ham. Ohh man. A really nice ham is is so good like ohh man. Couple slices of ham with some potatoes and.00:13:29JackYeah, it's just a beautiful.00:13:33JackMeal. Yeah, I I miss. I missed the Christmas ham, to be honest.00:13:38JackWhat about you?00:13:39XochitlYou know.00:13:41XochitlIf I could choose anything, I would choose Doc. I think to make on Christmas, but that wasn't one of the.00:13:46JackOh yeah. OK.00:13:48XochitlOptions so I will go.00:13:50XochitlWith ham as well, I think Turkey, it's just pretty bland. The only time I had really good Turkey was my grandpa, and I think my cousin like made a recipe together.00:14:02XochitlThere where it was like Turkey Al Pastor, which is like a Mexican Taco kind of seasoning, but not like what you would typically think of as Taco seasoning in the Midwest as like chipotles and like some other dried chilies and adobo, like, mixed in a spice.00:14:22XochitlMix and then.00:14:23XochitlRubbed on the Turkey and it was really good. It made the Turkey super super flavorful.00:14:31XochitlBut besides that, I've just never been a huge tricky fan. I'm OK with the leg as well, like I prefer the leg over the breast or anything, but I just. I'm not a Turkey fan. I mean, as you said, go ahead.00:14:42JackYeah. No, I'm sorry. It was just, it's easy to make it to. It's easy to dry out the Turkey if you if it's cooked properly, where people aren't adding water, basting it, you know, a couple sticks of butter, you know, all over it, you know, it can really make it.00:15:00JackMake it delicious.00:15:01JackThis so it it depends on how it's prepared I think.00:15:06XochitlYeah, I mean, I've definitely had it. The most delicious Turkey, and it still wasn't it just it's harder to make that delicious and like it if you just put a ham in there, you know, rub some spices or some hot honey on it or something and stick it in the oven, you know, it's gonna come out good.00:15:23JackAnd it even just even just it just bakes in its own fat.00:15:28XochitlYeah. And it comes out like good every time pretty much it's just lots of a hassle. I I just.00:15:30JackYeah, right.00:15:33XochitlPrefer it to cooking the Turkey so you know.00:15:40XochitlI I am also a a ham fan. What about?00:15:45XochitlCandy canes or chocolate oranges. Now, candy canes uh for viewers who are unfamiliar are these little.00:15:53XochitlCane shaped candies that are white and red, and they have a strong peppermint flavor. A very strong peppermint flavor, and then the chocolate orange is very popular here in the US and it's just a chocolate shaped like an orange. It even has little wedges that come out of its.00:16:13XochitlWhole and it's just kind of orange flavored, but it does have like an artificial orange flavoring in my opinion.00:16:21JackYeah, I mean the, the, the when it.00:16:24JackComes to like eating.00:16:26JackI'd probably rather eat the chocolate orange.00:16:29JackThen the candy cane.00:16:31JackBut if you're if you're talking about aesthetics, you know, like like the the look of it like I'd rather have a Christmas with candy canes and no chocolate orange.00:16:42JackIs if that makes sense, because we used to decorate our tree with candy canes and we put them on the tree and then you could, you know, if you're, like, need a mint or something and you're, you know, you could take one and break off a.00:16:57JackPiece but to eat?00:16:58JackA whole candy cane is is.00:17:01XochitlKind of overwhelming.00:17:02JackYeah, it's too much mint. It's it's not good.00:17:09XochitlI kind of only like could glean in white ones. They're they come in different colors and the green and white ones have the like experiment flavor. Have you had those?00:17:16JackYeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, they have fruity ones they have.00:17:18XochitlLittle different.00:17:20JackAll kinds of different.00:17:21XochitlThey have bubble gum flavored ones. I do like those, actually bubble gum ones and the lemon ones like the lemon ones that are. But yeah, I think the aesthetics are very Christmas thing. The red and white are the green and white are the red and green and white candy canes. But.00:17:40XochitlI even though.00:17:42XochitlI don't really like the chocolate orange because.00:17:44XochitlIt's it's kind of artificial tasting, I think I'd still rather eat it just because the candy cane gets so overwhelming after a while.00:17:52JackYeah, yeah. I'm not gonna do the.00:17:54JackCandy cane. Take my I don't.00:17:57JackThink my teeth could handle it anymore, you know?00:18:00XochitlIt's like burning your mouth too, and it's.00:18:03XochitlYeah, I don't know.00:18:03JackSugar. It's just eat. You're just eating a.00:18:05JackSugar like if I'm.00:18:07JackGonna eat that much sugar? I want to enjoy what I'm eating. Like. I don't want to. I'm not going to just open a bag of sugar and start, you know, taking spoons of sugar. I'm gonna eat something decadent. You know something? You naughty a dessert.00:18:24JackThat I really enjoy, and so I wouldn't, I just wouldn't waste the calories on a candy cane, but a piece of chocolate, like one slice.00:18:32JackOf chocolate orange. I kind of like that. It's it's. It's like an interesting flavor. Like you said that you you said use the expression flavor profile and it's got like orange zest in it, but it's also chocolate. I don't mind that. I wouldn't be able to eat the whole thing obviously, but one slice of it would be.00:18:52JackYou know, kind of perfect.00:18:54XochitlRight.00:18:55XochitlYeah, for sure. How about Christmas cookies or gingerbread man? Now, Christmas cookies are like a sugar cookie with a sugar icing. It's literally just like cream or water and powdered sugar and food coloring that we put on top of Christmas cookies. And the base is just kind of like a vanilla butter sugar.00:19:17XochitlCookie base and then gingerbread men have a gingerbread base. Which are it has ginger as one of the seasonings and then it.00:19:28XochitlHas like treacle or molasses, so like a thick dark sugar as another seasoning and it has a much more spicy.00:19:39XochitlKind of flavor. It's heavily spiced.00:19:42XochitlYeah, yeah. Which do you prefer?00:19:45JackYou know, I don't mind gingerbread. I mean, I like it. I I can eat that. I think it tastes interesting, but.00:19:55Jack100% give me a Christmas cookie any day. Any day like I I would love. I love Christmas cookies, especially one shaped like a tree.00:20:04JackOr Santa Claus.00:20:06JackOr a star.00:20:08JackUM, you?00:20:10JackKnow those are I I love Christmas cookies. I I like them for the nostalgic purposes and I like the way they taste too. So.00:20:22JackThat's my choice. What about you?00:20:24XochitlYeah, I.00:20:25XochitlI would also.00:20:26XochitlPick Christmas cookie just because like you said, Gingerbread. You know, it's interesting. I could. I could.00:20:32XochitlOne and I would enjoy it, but I think Christmas cookies are just they can be too sweet. Which is why when I make my own, I prefer to just do like an outline of icing instead of covering the whole cookie and a sheet of icing. But it's just one of those delights that you could just.00:20:53XochitlYou could eat.00:20:53XochitlFive in a row easily and not real.00:20:56JackOhh yeah yeah yeah, I.00:20:59JackI I I indulge.00:21:02JackThat's why we don't. I don't have. I don't. We don't. We don't make them here around.00:21:08XochitlCan't have them in your house? Yeah, usually.00:21:09JackNo, no, no, no, I can't. I can't. It's. But it's such when my mom used to.00:21:13JackMake them she would make like.00:21:14Jack100 You know I.00:21:15JackMean they were. They were everywhere they were.00:21:19JackYou you every time I walk past the kitchen, I I'd grab one or two.00:21:24JackAnd head down to watch TV and that's why they call it the holiday 15 or whatever you gain. Like, I guess that's not no, that's the freshman 15. Sorry, I'm using that holiday 5 is what it's called.00:21:35XochitlShipping the holiday five, I think maybe.00:21:40JackThe 5 lbs.00:21:40XochitlYeah, nowadays it.00:21:41XochitlDoes feel like it could be more like 15?00:21:44JackWell, it used to be 15 for me probably, but.00:21:46JackYeah, I mean.00:21:47JackI would I always gained a ton of weight around the holiday season because I just ate whatever I wanted and there were. It was. Everything was around. You know, there's just every corner you turn. There's some new treats that my my mom was preparing Christmas cookies.00:22:03JackChocolate covered cherries, almond bark.00:22:07JackI mean, how are you? What?00:22:09JackAre you going to do is say no to?00:22:10JackThat I mean it's.00:22:12XochitlYeah, just especially as a kid. There's, like, so many treats. I remember one time I was at like my.00:22:19XochitlDad's like.00:22:22XochitlDepartments Christmas parties. My dad is a professor, and I remember I grabbed like another cookie I already had, like two or three, and then one of the other professors.00:22:32XochitlHe was like watching his children kind of, and he said.00:22:38XochitlHow many have?00:22:39XochitlYou had and I said one.00:22:40XochitlAnd he was like, oh, that's the well that.00:22:42XochitlHe's like well.00:22:42XochitlThe perfect answer is 2 because no one will tell you that you can't have another one. And I said, well, the perfect answer is one because.00:22:47XochitlThen I can have two more, not just.00:22:49XochitlOne and I have. Yeah, I have lied and said only had one already, but I already have three. I'm.00:22:56XochitlIt's just such a kid.00:22:57XochitlBecause there's just like, there's literally mountains of different desserts, like holiday cookies and brownies and.00:23:04JackWhy was that guy? What was he the?00:23:06JackCookie please or something.00:23:07XochitlThat's kind of why he was like, I don't know what, why he was on my **** about this, but he was kind of messing with all the kids in the same way. But it was kind of annoying. I was like, bro, you didn't even bring these my laughs as many as I want.00:23:20JackYeah, yeah. I don't like that at all. I don't like that. That's like a form of shaming, shaming stuff. Yeah, yeah.00:23:26XochitlYeah, for sure it was.00:23:29JackElse you like to do that to kids and I.00:23:33JackI never understood.00:23:34JackWhat? Why they do that? It's it's really annoying.00:23:38XochitlRight. What the power trip is about. I mean, kids are there to enjoy the holidays.00:23:43XochitlThey don't, really.00:23:43XochitlHave to worry about calories the same way we.00:23:45XochitlDo either they're like.00:23:46XochitlRunning around burning that off pretty much constantly, yeah.00:23:49JackSure. Of course, of course.00:23:52XochitlYeah, and yeah, it's just it's such a joyous experience because really there's like mountains of brownies, mountains of.00:24:01XochitlDifferent types of cookies? Cake. Ohh yeah fudge. There's like the least popular desserts which are like, you know, bourbon cake, fruit cake, bread.00:24:04JackOhh fudge my mom used.00:24:05JackTo make comments too.00:24:18XochitlPudding with raisins in it.00:24:21JackYeah, yeah.00:24:22XochitlThings like that. Yeah. And then there's like.00:24:24XochitlThe ones that are kind of like sugary snacks like candy covered pretzels or chocolate covered strawberries, or you know, whatever.00:24:33XochitlBut yeah, there's just such an assortment of different snacks, and I think it's just such a great time, great time to be a.00:24:39XochitlKid, because you're like so.00:24:42XochitlAwestruck by all of this delicious food, and you don't even you're not worried because you didn't have to bring anything to the party. That was your parents job.00:24:47JackYeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.00:24:50XochitlSo you're just enjoying it.00:24:55JackIs is the best part of it? I mean, usually those those kinds of holiday parties, nobody cares. Everyone's the adults are are getting drunk and you know, they're drinking. They're drinking a different kind of eggnog, you know, eggnog with some bourbon or. Yeah.00:25:13JackAlcohol in it, which I always thought was disgusting. I tried that when I was an adult. I I drank the alcoholic eggnog and I was like, why would you?00:25:23JackEver ruin eggnog with alcohol?00:25:27발표자You should have.00:25:28XochitlThe one in Mexico's called Rompope and it's like it's much tastier than the eggnog spiked with alcohol here in the US. It's like it's it's thinner and it has, like, more different spices in it. And it's really in the kind of vanilla flavored and it's very tasty. It tastes like a Bay leaves Irish but like.00:25:46JackOhh OK then I could get on board probably.00:25:49XochitlYeah, it's.00:25:50XochitlGood. Yeah, but the one here, it's like the texture is kind of wrong for for like the alcohol as well. It like makes it thick and it's already thick. And then it's just like thick and burning your throat at the same time.00:25:51JackOK.00:26:02JackYeah, it's just. Well, it just.00:26:04JackHas a horrible after taste. It's just like, Oh no thanks.00:26:07XochitlYeah, yeah. What did I drink for sure? Alright. Which brings us to our next talking point. Terrible Christmas traditions. Jeff, what is something you think is a terrible Christmas tradition?00:26:21JackMy terrible Christmas traditions. Alright, well, let's see here. I think one terrible Christmas tradition is.00:26:31JackLike caroling is annoying, right? Like.00:26:36JackIf you're participating in caroling, you're you have to go outside in the freezing cold weather and then you're going to people's houses and singing.00:26:47JackUh to them. But they didn't ask for it, so it's unsolicited singing.00:26:57XochitlAnd they're kind of interrupting your, like, holiday time.00:27:00JackYeah, you're eating dinner or something, and then it's like, oh, hey, Carol, the carolers are here, and then we all have to run out and pretend that we enjoy that they came by, but we're just, like, really hoping they'll leave really soon. And, you know, it's just, it's like, and the carolers are so excited and they think that everybody loves it.00:27:20JackAnd it's like, you know, it's like when you're.00:27:22JackWhen your toddler.00:27:24JackGives you a a artwork from kindergarten or whatever and.00:27:29JackYou like. Look, look what?00:27:30JackI made you know, and you have to be, like, pretend that it's the most amazing painting ever painted of.00:27:38JackA horse or.00:27:39JackWhatever and and, but really, you know it's, you know, it's not genuine.00:27:45JackI I don't know. I mean maybe.00:27:46JackSome people enjoy it, they like genuinely enjoy caroling. I just frankly think it's more of like a movie thing. It's like.00:27:55XochitlA performance thing to like? Uh.00:27:58XochitlLike we have.00:27:59XochitlFor full term, it's just like a a tradition that people perform it even if they don't want to. Kind of.00:28:07JackWell, you know the the the thing that.00:28:09JackMy problem with it again is just the intrusion, like going to people's houses and doing it. I kind of like like maybe.00:28:17JackIf you go to.00:28:18JackA performance like if you go to a church service or something like that and then there's a choir singing some of the Christmas songs.00:28:27JackThen I I'm like, that's great. I that's what I signed up.00:28:27XochitlRight.00:28:30JackFour, but.00:28:31XochitlOr, if you're like, if Carol, you know.00:28:33XochitlI think it'd be better if, like the Carroll Group, like went downtown or something, and they were just like downtown kind of busking like, because if you're in the downtown area or whatever, then you would expect to see stuff like that on Christmas and.00:28:45XochitlIt kind of.00:28:45JackI don't mind that either.00:28:46JackI don't mind public, public singing around the the holiday season. I'm not a total Scrooge. I'm not like a Bahama bug. I just think it's like the personal intrusion, like I'm in the middle of die hard, you know, it's like a really cool part coming up and then I hear these people singing outside. I can't be rude and ignore them.00:28:52XochitlRight.00:29:06JackBut I have to humor them, but I don't really appreciate it as much as they think that I appreciate it so.00:29:13JackYou know, you know who appreciates the carolers, our elderly people.00:29:18JackThey just love.00:29:18XochitlThat's true.00:29:18JackThat stuff. So they should just go to elderly people's houses and just put a.00:29:23JackSmile on on.00:29:24XochitlOr like Elder like.00:29:26XochitlThey should go to nursing homes. And just like saying I that would be like the most appreciating.00:29:28JackYes, go to nursing homes. That's what they they love that don't. Don't.00:29:33JackCarol on my.00:29:34JackSt. No one, no one cares. Hey.00:29:36XochitlYeah, get off my freaking St. we're like.00:29:38발표자Get out of get.00:29:39JackOff my yard and shake my cane at them.00:29:41XochitlYeah, you know, I I I'm not a fan of carolers either. I I the interruption, you know, I think would be a really funny comedy sketch is if you're like, in there arguing with your family and Carol or, like, knock on the door and you have to, like, open the door and like, stop. Yeah, you have to, like, stop for through it.00:29:56JackWhat? What do you want?00:30:01JackHack the horse with balls of Holly. Shut up.00:30:05XochitlYou hear like glass breaking in the.00:30:07XochitlBackground people like this fighting.00:30:07JackYeah, yeah.00:30:09XochitlI mean, yeah, the intrusion aspect is something that's hard, especially because I think American culture is very individualistic and we don't like, have community in the same way that other cultures do. And I think we.00:30:24XochitlI I mean, I'm not ********.00:30:25XochitlOn your perspective, I have the same.00:30:26XochitlPerspective as you I don't want anyone like knocking on my door.00:30:29XochitlI probably won't answer and.00:30:34XochitlWe don't like, we don't really have that kind of of community aspect and it does feel like an intrusion and you have to suffer through this and then oftentimes part of the tradition is like, you have to offer them like hot chocolate or something to drink.00:30:50JackYeah, right. Yeah, some some piggy pudding, yeah.00:30:51XochitlAnd then I'll standing around.00:30:54JackAnd I'm.00:30:55발표자Like I don't even.00:30:55JackKnow what figgy pudding is? I'm sorry. Like I've never seen it. I've never had it before.00:31:03JackI couldn't pick a fig out of a police lineup. Probably so.00:31:11JackYeah, get off my lawn, you carolers.00:31:14JackWhat else is?00:31:14JackThere. What? What's another like horrible Christmas tradition?00:31:14XochitlYeah, that is.00:31:18JackI I I. I'll. I'll.00:31:19발표자Right.00:31:20JackGive you an example, I have one. I think that you would agree with is like I think this like this idea of parents that just go way.00:31:28JackOver the top.00:31:28JackWith presents is just is getting out of hand like.00:31:33JackYou know.00:31:36JackIt's like keeping up.00:31:38JackWith The Smiths, we say, right, that expression or.00:31:41XochitlLike keeping up with the Joneses, you mean?00:31:43JackAs Joe Jones.00:31:44JackIs sorry not The Smiths. I'm thinking of something else. Maybe I'm thinking of the movie. Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yeah. Keeping up with the Joneses. That's what I meant to say. It's the the idea that you have to, like, match what your neighbor's doing and do a little bit better. Just, just just to prove to everyone watching how.00:31:49XochitlYou probably are.00:32:04JackHow well you're doing, you know, as far as like, financial?00:32:08JackReally being financially successful and so you know, I got my kids, an Xbox and new, you know, video game, PlayStation and Ohh well then I got mine, the newer one and you know.00:32:23JackThere's there's one up 11.00:32:25JackUpsmanship, I don't. I don't like it.00:32:29JackI I feel like the Christmas has just become and this has been for a long time, way too consumer based, you know, it's just it's all about consumerism. How much can we consume and and stuff that will be in a closet two months from now.00:32:47JackNo, just collecting dust. Just jump.00:32:51JackAnd I that that's.00:32:53JackThat's one aspect of of Christmas that I really I I don't know. I I just, it's it's really gotten out of out of control I think. So I I don't like that aspect of of the of the Christmas. I I want I want to get back to to a more.00:33:13JackTraditional approach to it, which is the the family time it's, you know, a time to not work a time to decompress, spend time with family and really make connections. And like what you said, you're always about the experience presence.00:33:31JackWhy not do something like that, like go skiing or do something as a family and use the money to like do something instead of just buy something. Just always buying dumb stuff.00:33:44JackPlastic garbage that's gonna end up in the middle of the ocean. A year and a half from now, you know.00:33:51XochitlRight.00:33:52JackYeah, that's my. I'm on my I'm on my soapbox this morning.00:33:56XochitlI you know, I agree. I agree. Because as you know, I'm a huge proponent of the experience gift. I think experience is there's so much more valuable to us than.00:34:08XochitlAnd item like actually getting physical material goods and those memories are something you get to keep forever and in its value only increases with time. Looking back and with the junk you get on Christmas, it's like, OK, well, I'm 30 years, it's going to be any good or.00:34:28XochitlIn you know in 20 in just five years now with with planned OPS leases is probably going to.00:34:33XochitlBe in the trash.00:34:34JackI have a Nintendo Wii. It's just collecting dust.00:34:38XochitlYep, we gotta pee.00:34:38JackNo. Yeah.00:34:39XochitlAs well, it also collects stuff. We gotta wee for Christmas one.00:34:42XochitlYear it's collecting dust. We barely we we didn't play it that much to be honest. At the time there weren't that many games for it in the US and like I don't know, I just there's I think.00:35:00XochitlIf I ever have kids, I would like to include them on what would they like to have for Christmas? What would they like to do? You know, if they want some juncture, maybe they can have some junk, but like, wouldn't you rather travel or would you rather go on a ski trip or would you rather?00:35:21XochitlGo. You know, do something else and and spend that time together and that money more wisely.00:35:30XochitlThen yeah, they're buying a bunch of junk. I actually haven't gotten presents for anyone this year, and I and I don't want presents from anyone either. I have enough stuff. I just don't want more stuff. I mean, there's.00:35:43XochitlA couple things.00:35:44XochitlThat people in my life like can need that I'm like oh.00:35:46XochitlYeah, I'll get them that.00:35:48XochitlBut like.00:35:51XochitlIf I already have enough things, I don't want more clothes. I don't want like physical items, especially in someone who travels so much it just clutters up your space and.00:36:02XochitlI don't have like the.00:36:04XochitlThe space to be storing perpetually, storing tons and tons of clothing items. So.00:36:09JackRight.00:36:11JackAnd I find that I I wear the same.00:36:15JackThing over and over again anyway, like the the of of my clothing choices.00:36:20JackI there's a very narrow scope of what I will wear anyway.00:36:24JackI I mean, I I spent a lot of my time.00:36:26XochitlRight.00:36:28JackJust at home wearing like Adidas, an Adidas tracksuit, you know it's like.00:36:33XochitlRight.00:36:34JackIf I'd have.00:36:34JackKnown. That's all I'd like. I would have just bought like 5 track suits in every color of the rainbow. And that's that's all I'm going to wear.00:36:41XochitlRight.00:36:45JackUM.00:36:46JackYeah, it's very strange. Why? How we collect stuff that we think we need and then you start to look, go through your stuff and you're like, wow, I I I don't need any of this stuff. I just.00:36:59JackSo I I'm.00:37:01JackI think the consumerism is 1. You know terrible aspect of.00:37:06JackChristmas, the the and you know.00:37:08JackIt's been like that for.00:37:11JackI don't know, 50 years, probably, maybe longer, but it's. But it just seems to get more out of control every every decade. You know, it just gets ridiculous.00:37:23JackUM.00:37:24JackAnd yeah, the other one was, I guess I was, I'm really anti caroling, although compared to consumerism. I'll I'll take caroling over consumerism.00:37:37XochitlAny day I for me, I guess mine are.00:37:43XochitlMy tradition that I really don't like is in Mexico. There's something called Christmas like salad. I don't know why it's called this. It's a soup, not a salad to begin with. And it's.00:37:56XochitlIt's cold, sweet beet juice.00:38:01XochitlAnd that's like the base for the soup. So like bright red and inside it has like chunks of.00:38:09XochitlFruit like apples, oranges, jicama and then it has.00:38:15XochitlLike candied peanuts floating in it too.00:38:19JackWell, why not at this point?00:38:21XochitlYeah, right. And a couple of.00:38:23JackWhen it's not there, yeah.00:38:25XochitlYeah, a couple other things I don't remember. And and I've just hated it ever since I was a child. I don't think there'll ever be a time where my taste buds will actually like this. And my mom makes a big old pot of it every year. When I was a kid, she would force me to eat a certain amount of it, and I would.00:38:43XochitlIt would be so hard not to barf because it was just the, you know, beat. Jews just doesn't work. It's like.00:38:49JackYou lost me. You lost me at beach juice. To be honest. Like after that. It didn't matter. What was it? It you could be gold bar gold bullion in there. And I don't care after.00:39:00XochitlThat's how I felt. I did not want especially sweet beet juice as like a base it.00:39:05XochitlWas just it's so.00:39:06XochitlBad and and I've never liked this, and my father actually really likes it for some bizarre reason.00:39:12JackYeah. Dad's always like that weird have strange palettes like, yeah.00:39:18XochitlYeah, they have weird *****, but weird that taste buds for sure but.00:39:24XochitlI just.00:39:26XochitlThat's probably the worst tradition I can think of is.00:39:30XochitlIs that and then another I'll I'll add in a little another one here and the last one for me. I think it's having to see family that you don't want to see. And I think this is changing with each generation and my generation does this less now.00:39:47XochitlBut just the idea of how packing your kids up and forcing them to go see Grandma and Grandpa or you know, and it's kind of a time we have such little time off these days, so little vacation time and.00:40:03XochitlIt just feels like it'd be so great to be able to spend that time decompressing or traveling or doing something that you want to do, and instead we spend it seeing family that we sometimes don't even want to see.00:40:18XochitlYeah, for real and family, that doesn't necessarily see eye to eye with us or doesn't respect us.00:40:28XochitlIt can be demoralizing to have to spend that little time off seeing people that you don't want to see.00:40:34XochitlIn the first place.00:40:36JackYeah. No, that's that's a good point. You know, I don't have that problem. I live in South.00:40:40JackKorea all.00:40:40JackFamily live in America, so I I never see them, but I know that several of them will not speak to me because of our political differences. And so, you know, it would be.00:40:55JackVery awkward to try.00:40:56JackAnd a have a a a Christmas holiday get together because I know that, you know eventually.00:41:06JackThe conversation will go to politics and I'll express my opinions and they'll, you know, denounce them as.00:41:17JackEvil and it'll be he'll turn into a huge a huge fight, a huge argument. So yeah, it's it's funny how families are kind of split right now over the very.00:41:33JackIn English, we say polarized political landscape in America.00:41:40JackAnd so I I yeah, I I I think you're right like why, why put yourself through that it's like.00:41:48JackBe because it's a tradition.00:41:50JackIt's like, well, that's a dumb reason to do something you don't want.00:41:54JackTo do you know.00:41:56JackIt's just out of tradition. It's like, well, make a new tradition.00:42:01JackAll right, my new tradition is not putting myself through that painful experience and uh, going on a ski vacation with my, you know, best friend or something. Whatever. You know, there's, there's, I, I think we get, we get stuck in these these ideas like you.00:42:18JackWe have to do it.00:42:20JackBut why?00:42:22XochitlRight.00:42:23JackIt's not making anyone happy. That's the and the whole point of it is to be joyful and and happy holidays. But if if you, if you're not, if you don't want to be around certain family members, why put yourself in that situation so?00:42:39JackYeah, it's it's a. It's an interesting thing. I I think like you said, I think younger generations are starting to go. You know what? I get very little time off. I'm not even going to go home for Christmas. I'm going to spend it with my friends or with my boyfriend, my girlfriend, or whatever. My significant other. We're going to make our own traditions and.00:42:59JackThe heck with the all all the the.00:43:02JackOld traditions from the 1980s or the 1990s.00:43:06JackWhen we don't have to do that anymore and I respect people to do that, I I like that.00:43:13XochitlYeah. So Jack's moving on.00:43:20XochitlI have some other gifts or that type questions.00:43:24JackNow, yeah, OK.00:43:26XochitlWhich do you prefer? The Grinch movie?00:43:29XochitlThe Grinch cartoon or the new animated Grinch movie, I would guess which of all the Grinch series or movies do you prefer?00:43:39JackOK, so I.00:43:40JackSaw the 1969 one. I think it's I I can't remember what year it was, but it's the old Grinch cartoon. It's about 1/2 an hour long. It's about 30 minutes.00:43:50JackOr 25 minutes long. Then there's the Grinch movie with Jim Carrey, which is a full feature length movie, and it's a live, you know, live action movie of The Grinch. And then they also recently released a kind of Pixar. I don't know if it was Pixar, but like.00:44:09JackThe CG animated Grinch movie.00:44:12XochitlYep, I saw that.00:44:14JackOK. And I never, I haven't seen that one because.00:44:17XochitlIt's not part of it. I've turned it off after a while. I didn't like it.00:44:20JackYeah, it looked boring to me and it was like I I think the perfect length for the Grinch story is about 20 minutes or 25 minutes, which and so the Grinch cartoon, I love the animation. It's very loyal to the book, Doctor Seuss's animated style.00:44:39JackIt's it's got a great message. It's funny. It's got really good music. It's got the whole thing. So, and it's also creepy.00:44:49JackAnd my my.00:44:50JackDaughter used to be very scared of.00:44:52JackThe Grinch from that cartoon.00:44:55JackBecause he does look very creepy.00:44:58XochitlHe doesn't.00:44:58JackThat's not as creepy as.00:45:00JackThe Jim Carrey one that's even worse.00:45:03XochitlRight. The one slur like is the one that got me for Doctor Seuss. I had a dream that the one slur was choking me when I was about like 8 years old. And after that, I never wanted to. I never wanted to read The Lorax again, which is another famous Doctor Seuss story. And I I love The Lorax. Prior to that, I would force my.00:45:23XochitlI would force anyone who would offer to read to me to read me The Lorax as a child.00:45:29JackYes. Again, conservation story, a story of conservation and and you know a great message, but done in a in a super creative way that's this amazing.00:45:41XochitlYeah, a very, very creative and fun way.00:45:44JackYeah, they they tried to make that into a movie recently too, and it didn't really work again. Like it, it doesn't quite do it.00:45:53XochitlYeah, it's like they.00:45:54XochitlKind of messing it up. It just doesn't work the same.00:45:59XochitlYeah, I I actually am going to go a little against the grain and say my favorite of all the Grinch.00:46:06XochitlRemastering stations or whatever, it's just the original story.00:46:10XochitlI just. Nothing beats.00:46:13XochitlYou know, as a kid sitting in, you know, your parents laugh or whatever, having them read you, the Grinch, and just following along with the illustrations, the original illustrations, which are very well done, and you kind of imagine all the different foods they talk about and.00:46:30XochitlWell, you know and and the Grinch and what he's like. And it just like, nothing beats how vivid A child's imagination is. And I think that that's something really special. So I think for me personally, I would have my kids read the story. I would read it to my kids because.00:46:46XochitlIt's just such a special.00:46:49XochitlLittle story.00:46:50JackYeah, go to the source. Yeah. I I think you're probably right. I mean, I can't argue with that. I think the Grinch cartoon from the 1960s is is the second best choice. But yeah, I think reading the story.00:47:07JackIs is the best?00:47:09JackEspecially when you're.00:47:10XochitlAnd I mean.00:47:11XochitlOhh sorry, didn't mean to yeah check.00:47:12JackWhen you're a.00:47:12JackChild I. It's the best. It's great.00:47:14XochitlYeah, for sure. I I was gonna chime in and say as an adult, I actually watched the Jim Carrey one, but they did not see it as a child. I saw it.00:47:27XochitlAnd seeing it as an adult.00:47:31XochitlIt is pretty funny, at least to me, so I did enjoy it. I mean, Jim Carrey kind of has a really physical comedy aspect, so he's kind of wacky, you know, and I think the whole concept worked pretty well with his acting and.00:47:48XochitlYeah, I got some laugh out of me seeing it as an adult. I mean as a.00:47:51XochitlKid, I think it's like.00:47:54XochitlIt's not going to be as funnier as like.00:47:59XochitlEntertaining, maybe, but.00:48:02XochitlAs a as an adult I it's kind of similar to watching ELF or something. I really enjoyed it.00:48:07JackYeah, yeah, the movie elf is probably one of the best Christmas movies of the last 20 years.00:48:14Jack25 years, yeah, yeah.00:48:14XochitlYeah, that is a great Christmas movie.00:48:17XochitlYeah. And then Speaking of the Grinch as.00:48:22XochitlOur listeners may or not.00:48:23XochitlOr may not be familiar with the Grinch's heart grew three times at Christmas, meaning that he became a much better, warmer, kinder and more empathetic person by the.00:48:35XochitlEnd of the story.00:48:37XochitlSo Jack, what makes?00:48:39XochitlYour heart grow three times during the holiday season.00:48:44JackOhh that's a good question. What makes my heart go, Teresa, I'm.00:48:49JackI'm going to go back to uh, I'm going to go back to the cartoons.00:48:55JackBecause there's one cartoon that makes my heart grow 3 sizes and you, you know this one. It's the Charlie Brown Christmas.00:49:06XochitlUh-huh. Never thought all the.00:49:07JackHave you? Oh, you've never seen the whole thing? Oh, my gosh. OK, this one is.00:49:13JackIt's got the.00:49:15JackIt's got the story and at the end when all the you know, all the kids are singing around the the little Christmas tree that Charlie Brown had bought.00:49:25JackIt was a.00:49:26JackSuch a sad tree, but they dressed it up and and made it look nice.00:49:30JackSir. And then they were all singing. I don't know. I I really love that. I think because I I watched it with my daughter when she was young. I would I I somehow downloaded it off of the Internet like 20 years ago or something and or 15 years ago. And so every Christmas, my daughter and I would watch this.00:49:52JackIt's kind of a tradition. We'd watch the Grinch. She didn't like the Grinch that scared her when she was young, but she did love the Charlie Brown Christmas, especially the music.00:50:05JackAnd and then that story always kind of gets me, you know, it always kinds of it kind of tugs at my heartstrings and so it kind of makes me my heart grow 3 sizes larger.00:50:20JackDuring the holiday season so that I I've kind of, I kind of tightened the our last section to this this last segment here. What about you, what makes your heart grow 3 sizes?00:50:33XochitlWell, I think.00:50:34XochitlThis Christmas it was. I was just in the shop with my aunt. We were getting like some last minute Christmas lights for the for the.00:50:45XochitlBush is outside because some of ours burned out and getting a couple other things we needed at Target, and I walked past these little kids, really little kids who I think were with their grandparents and kids must have been like three and four or something. And the little boy was asking.00:51:04XochitlYou know. Oh, well, you know, if we do this, how will Santa know that this one's for me? And how will Santa know? Like he's asking how Santa would know or be able to figure out.00:51:14XochitlCertain things and.00:51:17XochitlIt's so cute because you know, as an adult, we know that Santa isn't real.00:51:24XochitlAnd it, but it's like such a joy to hear.00:51:29XochitlChildren like.00:51:31XochitlCaught up in that.00:51:33XochitlKind of fantasy of Santa.00:51:37XochitlIt's just so it's so.00:51:38XochitlCute and like warm and and fuzzy.00:51:42XochitlAnd you hope that they it's almost like it's just the Christmas magic. It's just so real when you're a kid and you're, like, waiting for something to calm and you're so excited you can't even sleep. It's just like the world is such a great place when you're.00:51:58JackI know, I know that.00:52:02JackI I missed that that your eyes just wide open at midnight on or, you know, 1159 on Christmas Eve because.00:52:11JackYou're just too.00:52:11JackExcited to to go to sleep.00:52:15XochitlI wish you could bottle that.00:52:16JackAnd yet you still fall asleep. And then you wake up in the morning and you rub your eyes and you're like, and then you remember it's Christmas morning and you run to the tree. I mean, how great is that? That is the greatest.00:52:30JackThat memory also makes my heart grow 33 sizes, just remembering what it's like to be a kid and then remembering what it was like for my daughter to wake up on Christmas and trying to give that to her. That was.00:52:42XochitlHow did your daughter find out Santa wasn't real?00:52:45JackUh, my wife said that. I just.00:52:46JackTold her one.00:52:47JackDay and uh, I don't remember doing that, but I probably did. I.00:52:50XochitlI have to.00:52:51XochitlBe brutal.00:52:52JackI know, I just. I just said like, Oh yeah, he's not real.00:52:57발표자Yeah, I don't.00:52:58JackKnow I don't know.00:52:59JackWhy I did that? I.00:53:00JackThink I felt like she was.00:53:01JackOld enough to where it was like.00:53:03JackYou know the the the mystery is, is gone. Now it's, you know.00:53:09XochitlHow old do you think she was?00:53:12XochitlWhen that happened?00:53:14JackAccording to my wife, she was probably.00:53:17Jack9 or 10 but I how about think? Maybe she was like 11 or something. Me a little bit older, you know, in in elementary school it wasn't like she was four or five. And I just, you know, ruined.00:53:24XochitlRight.00:53:29XochitlRight. Ruined the match.00:53:30JackIt for.00:53:30JackHer it was getting close to the time where you start to, you know, they start to hear rumors and innuendo around the.00:53:38JackThe school that uh, Santa may not be real.00:53:41JackSo I just kind.00:53:42발표자Right.00:53:43JackOf told her. Yeah, it's not real.00:53:45XochitlYou wanted her to hear it from.00:53:47JackYou. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I want her to know that I was the one that stayed up till 2:30 in the morning trying to put the, the, the, the kitchen set together. It was very difficult. I was like, sweating. And it took you needed.00:54:05JackAll these crazy tools to and it would.00:54:07JackWeigh a ton.00:54:08JackAnd you know, it's like a A A.00:54:11JackFake kitchen kitchenette.00:54:12JackYou know, area with a refrigerator and all this stuff.00:54:16JackAnd ohh man.00:54:18JackThose days, building those toys, I I do not miss that at all.00:54:25XochitlRight. Yeah. Well, that's wild. I don't know how. I think my dad also just told me.00:54:29XochitlSaying I wasn't real.00:54:30XochitlI was like, I was like ohh. I was like 13 though. But it's not that I didn't think Santa wasn't real already. It was like my sister was older than me and she kept pretending Santa is real so she could keep writing her list to Santa and just like, have my.00:54:44XochitlParents give her presents and. Yeah, and so she.00:54:47JackShe's smart.00:54:52XochitlWas like keep writing your list to Santa and so then we just kept doing that. My dad I think was fed up with us doing that. So he just told that Santa wasn't real. I was like 12 or I must been 12 or 13.00:55:00XochitlAnd she was like, 15 or 16/12/15?00:55:03JackHe's like, what do you?00:55:03JackWant just tell me what you want.00:55:06XochitlGrow up or whatever, but even.00:55:10XochitlWhen I was like 10 or 11, I think I still believed in Santa because.00:55:18XochitlI remember asking Santa Claus for an older brother because I was tired of my sister picking on me and I was like, you know, if I.00:55:23XochitlHad an older sibling, I bet that would fix it.00:55:26XochitlThen have someone to pick on.00:55:28XochitlHer. So that was my thinking and.00:55:32XochitlI think it was like probably 10 or so, and I thought of that genius plan.00:55:35JackYour dad said like I can't deliver.00:55:37JackThis one. So yeah, sorry.00:55:40XochitlYeah, younger sibling, maybe older siblings and out of the question.00:55:42발표자And it's not, yeah.00:55:43JackYeah, yeah, younger might be possible, but older.00:55:46JackWe're not adopting a A.00:55:50JackA kid, yeah.00:55:51XochitlRight. Adopting a child. So yeah, that.00:55:53XochitlWas all the question.00:55:55XochitlAll right, listeners.00:55:55XochitlWill let us know what your favorite holiday traditions are in your neck of the woods. And yeah, tell us what you think about our holiday traditions here in the United States. And and yeah. What are some of your favorite holiday movies? Are there certain foods they eat during this time of year?00:56:17XochitlYou know what is something that really warms your heart during this holiday season? Let us know at AZ Drop us a comment on our website, and join our WhatsApp Group A-Z English podcast and our WeChat Group and we will see you guys next time.00:56:38JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:Facebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: ID: atozenglishpodcastIntro/Outro Music: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: