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The A to Z English Podcast

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Feb 8, 2024 • 15min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 90s Slang

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack test Xochitl on her knowledge of 90s slang!Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm with my co-host social today and we are doing a vocabulary Spotlight episode and to continue the theme of the last couple of weeks we're doing 90s slang this week.00:00:22Jack90 slang so social. Are you ready?00:00:27XochitlYes, I am ready.00:00:28JackThis is straight up. This is little Jack in high school talking with his friends, using expressions like this first one.00:00:38JackAll that and a bag of chips.00:00:42XochitlUh. Cringe. Expressions, in other words.00:00:48JackWhat does it mean?00:00:50XochitlUM, all that in the bag of chips. Actually, I heard my millennial sister use that and it means.00:00:59XochitlIt's like, uh, if you see a really pretty girl and she's really popular, she's a cheerleader captain, and she's really smart and everything. And you say, man, she's all that and a bag of chips.00:01:13JackIt's really a dumb expression. I mean, when I think about it.00:01:17XochitlI know, I guess. I guess like it comes to when you eat stuff and you have like all that food and a bag of chips on.00:01:24XochitlTop of that maybe so.00:01:26JackI think it I think it, I think it just means like a bag of chips are like something good. Like chips are good, right everyone likes.00:01:32JackChips. And so you're everything.00:01:38JackEven a bag of chips on top of that like.00:01:41JackLike you're you're more. You're just like Infinity plus one. You know, you're all that.00:01:48JackPlus, a bag of chips.00:01:51JackI don't know. What do you think about my what's how does my theory hold up there?00:01:57XochitlUM.00:01:58XochitlI don't know. I don't that one does confuse me, Jack. I'm not gonna lie that.00:02:02XochitlOne gets me.00:02:03JackAlright, I I I still I'm. I'm still holding on to. I think like your Infinity, you're everything. Plus you're even more than everything. You're like everything and.00:02:14JackA bag of chips.00:02:15XochitlYeah, I guess I think that that is I agree with that with that theory.00:02:21JackOK.00:02:23JackUM #2.00:02:28JackPHAT.00:02:31XochitlUM, fat PHAT. That's a good thing. Ohh man, that's fat. Like that's cool. That's it's a positive. It's a positive thing.00:02:42JackYeah, right. Exactly what, that's what the definition here says. Excellent. Cool or attractive? Ah, that's fat.00:02:53JackBe careful where you use this one. You know, uh, but uh, my understanding is that this is an acronym that means pretty hot and tempting.00:03:05XochitlOhh interesting. I never knew about that.00:03:08JackI have no idea if that's true.00:03:09JackOr not, but that's.00:03:10JackWhat I heard through the Grapevine.00:03:13JackPretty hot and tempting. Excellent. Cool. Attractive fat. OK, fly.00:03:22JackThat girls fly.00:03:26XochitlThat girls fly.00:03:29XochitlIt just means cool again, like she's cool. She's there. There was a song that would go like, so hot, so fly or something. And that came out in like the 2000s or early 2000s, I think. But yeah, it just means cool. She's cool.00:03:43JackI think people still use it right, like.00:03:46JackMiss floss? No, maybe not.00:03:49XochitlThey but but they I think they probably did like in the two 2000s.00:03:55JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Here it just says stylish or fashionable, like fly, like you like well dressed, well presented. Very attractive. Yeah. Fly.00:04:07JackCool, yeah.00:04:10JackAll right. How can I do? OK, maybe I should start doing this at the end of every podcast. I should say Boo. Yeah.00:04:23XochitlYeah, I know what this means, but it's hard to define it. It's like, let's say that you turn around and shoot a basketball over your head and it goes into the basket and you're like, yeah, Boo. Yeah. Like, and Kim. Possible bone stoppable. Used to say this.00:04:42XochitlAll the time like like like it just means like he got it like it's like.00:04:43JackOK.00:04:48XochitlYou know what I mean? Like.00:04:49JackIt's it's such a basketball. It's so it's so like NBA related to me in my mind, like when someone shoots a basket, shoots and they and they score a basket and as it falls through the hoop, they're like Boo. Yeah, you know, I got it. I did it.00:04:55XochitlYeah, I agree.00:05:05XochitlThat's money that both of our examples were basketball related.00:05:08JackYeah, that's really the only place I ever really heard it often, you know.00:05:12XochitlI heard it in the in the UM.00:05:16XochitlThe cartoon Kim possible. Ron stoppable? Uh. Anytime he would do something right, which is rare, he would go.00:05:18JackOK.00:05:22XochitlBoo. Yeah, like.00:05:24JackYeah, yeah, I do. I used to say it to my daughter. It's just like a joke and be like, you know, like, I would do something, you know, like, throw, throw a piece of paper into the basket, into the garbage, you know. And then if it or throw a can into the recycler box, and then if the can goes in.00:05:44JackI I always say Boo. Yeah, you know, like I got it. I made it.00:05:51JackOK.00:05:52JackUM, social talk to the hand.00:05:56XochitlOh, my God, that's so cringe. Jack. That is so cringe it no, please don't make me to find this one in like, 2000 and 90s movies. It's like the mean girl. Oh, my God, I thought.00:06:13JackYeah, we used to do it all the time because you can see right now the the gesture that I'm making too is I'm putting. I'm putting, like, my hand up in front of my and I'm kind of shaking it back and forth a little bit.00:06:22JackI'm like, talk to the pain, yeah.00:06:24XochitlThere was a a meme recently that I saw where someone said that we really used to let Mean Girls bully us by saying talk to the hand. Ohh, it's so crazy. It just means like talk to the hand because the face is not listening or whatever it is.00:06:42XochitlCause like we just tell someone to get lost basically, but it's.00:06:45JackIt's a.00:06:45JackA it's.00:06:46JackLike dismissing someone, right? It's like I'm not listening to you talk to my hand because my face is. I'm not. I'm not even listening to you. Just talk to my hand. It's a very disrespect.00:06:57JackCool. Although if somebody did it to me today, I would just laugh, you know, because.00:07:05JackIt would be. You might as well use 1940s expressions. At this point, you know.00:07:12XochitlMm-hmm. Yeah.00:07:13JackYeah, I don't know. I don't think anyone understands it anymore or uses it.00:07:17XochitlMany people do understand it, but it's like so cringy. It's like it's chuggy, as Jensen would say. It's just like, Oh my God, it's really cringe. It hasn't pulled too far. It hasn't cycled far enough to just be like.00:07:25JackThere you go.00:07:30XochitlLike a gag me with a spoon or something. It's still really cringe to me anyway.00:07:35JackYeah, I mean it's it's it'll it'll someday reach gagging with the spoon level of cringing Ness.00:07:43XochitlRight. It's not there yet.00:07:44JackYeah, it's not there yet, but it's it's close.00:07:47JackAll right, this one is from a very popular Budweiser commercial.00:07:53JackAnd is what's up?00:07:58XochitlUM.00:08:00XochitlOhh right, it's just it's. It just means what's up, basically. But I remember that commercial everyone like.00:08:07XochitlWhat's up?00:08:08JackWhat's up? What's up? Yeah.00:08:11XochitlYeah, people would still like, well, my sister's friends would, like, do that joke sometimes, but none of us, like, knew where it was from, I think.00:08:19JackRight, because it.00:08:20JackWas a Super Bowl commercial from like 1997 or something.00:08:24XochitlI'm sure it's like their parents would do it, like as a joke or something. And then.00:08:29JackOh, I've got my parents. Joke is coming up soon. What they what they do like? They're what they cause the. That's their not their generation, but them trying to do 90 slang is is coming up soon.00:08:41XochitlOh my God, cringe.00:08:42JackOK. Then then it's it's, it's super cringe the the cringiest of the cringe, this one is alright, like the bomb.00:08:52XochitlOhh, the bomb. It just means like ohh that's so cool. That's so great. Like Ohh that restaurant with the bomb. Yeah. There's food was really good.00:09:02JackI still use this one. I might I might, I might throw it in there once in a while just to spice things up. I might say that meal was the bomb. That was. Yeah, I don't. I say the bomb because, duh, bomb sounds a little is I I don't feel like I have the privilege.00:09:06XochitlSome people like you.00:09:14XochitlYeah, you're the whitest man ever is so cringe like I say being bum because the bum feels a little like. Sorry, Jack, I'm not trying to laugh.00:09:26JackIt feels like cultural appropriation to me, so yeah.00:09:32XochitlIt's so funny though. No, but you're such a dag.00:09:37JackI it's true. I I, I've I, I embrace it. I accept my, my, my, my cringe. So the bomb definitely not cool.00:09:45XochitlYou're Jimmy, dad roll.00:09:49JackWhy that meal was the bomb. Let's get the bill. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. That was crazy.00:09:59JackBut it'd be worse if I said alright, homies, let's go. That meal was the bomb.00:10:06XochitlYeah, that would be work.00:10:08JackWhat is a homie, homie?00:10:10XochitlYeah, a homie is like a friend. Yeah, basically chilling with the homies. People still say that it just means to the friends.00:10:18JackYeah, my homie. Yeah, no, I don't say this one because I I don't know. It just feels like I I don't know. I I've never really.00:10:26XochitlLike if you don't have home, you have friends.00:10:28XochitlLike, let's be real.00:10:29JackI have friends I don't really have homies. Yeah, exactly, exactly.00:10:33JackUM, it's weird. It's weird that I used the bomb, but I won't use homey. Hmm, I should probably invert those. OK.00:10:44JackThis is the worst, OK?00:10:46JackUM. If somebody said to us put uh social, nice podcast not.00:10:57발표자What does it mean?00:10:57XochitlOhh yeah, it just means.00:11:00XochitlIt's so cringe again. It's so chuggy and like freaking ridiculous, but it's just like they're making fun of us. Like, ohh, they're being like sarcastic. Kind of, but not really. Like it's like it's like the skim milk of sarcasm or something.00:11:19JackYeah, it's the the wonder bread of of sarcasm.00:11:23JackI mean, it's basically you just say something nice to someone and then you just totally reverse it by saying not so like like a mean girl in school, like a bully might walk up to the like, you know, not cool girl and.00:11:36JackSay I like your shirt.00:11:39JackNot like that. And So what it means is I don't like your shirt. It's but you. You make someone feel good for a second, and then you negate it by saying not meaning. I take it.00:11:52발표자Right.00:11:53XochitlRight. Yeah, basically, yeah.00:11:55JackBut anyone that uses those jokes so that those are those are my parents and and like uncles and aunts will throw a not joke in once in a while.00:12:05JackAnd uh, and every time they do, you can just like the the younger kids and you know, the the next the the kids in the family.00:12:14JackJust their eyes almost roll out of their heads, you know, because we're just like, it's so like you said, cringey to, like, listen to a boomer make a not joke. Ohh.00:12:27XochitlOh, God. Oh my God. That would be so bad.00:12:29JackGag me with a spoon. Bars. Barf. Exactly. OK, the last one is chilling. And what are you doing if you're chilling?00:12:45XochitlChilling we we still use that like chilling with the homies, like hanging out, just hanging out and having a good time.00:12:53JackChilling out relaxing.00:12:56JackHanging out. Yeah, yeah, I use this one. Chill. We. I mean it's it's it's party. It's part of our podcast. The Jack and chill.00:13:05XochitlYeah, yeah. Can show podcast.00:13:07JackRight, it's a pun because your name is social, but you're also too, too chill is to like, hang out to chill. Relax. So yeah.00:13:16JackPerfect.00:13:18JackAlright, that's our last one.00:13:22XochitlOh, OK, that's a lost one. Alright, listeners. Well, if you have any more questions or you'd like to hear about more slang, let us know. We'll definitely be continuing this series. So TuneIn next time to listen to Jack question me about 2000 slang. And then after that I'm getting him back with 2020 and 2020. So don't worry.00:13:40JackRight, right.00:13:42XochitlAnd we will see you guys next time. Make sure to leave a comment down below at our A-Z English podcast dot.00:13:48XochitlCom shoot us an e-mail at AZ and join our WeChat WhatsApp groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys next time. Goodbye.00:13:57JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Feb 4, 2024 • 17min

Culture Corner: Is it true that you can shoot and kill and intruder in the United States?

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss whether or not it is legal to shoot and kill an intruder in the United States.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are in the culture corner. And so so we've got a really weird question today from students. But I mean, it makes sense. Like, if you watch the news in America, I kind of understand why they would.00:00:21JackBe interested in this topic and so I think you and I can do our best. We're not law enforcement experts or anything like that. We're just going based on our understanding of our own.00:00:32JackCulture. But the question is, is it true that in the United States, if an intruder comes into your home, you are allowed to kill the person and you won't have to face any charges, so you won't go to jail for killing that person?00:00:54XochitlI think in general it's true, but I do want to like, say, a caveat that it really depends like state by state states have stronger like standard ground laws and like gun laws and stuff like ones that you in the right more so, but other ones are like a little more strict because the US doesn't have a central government.00:01:15XochitlLike, it's not like the federal government dictates.00:01:18XochitlThings for every state across the board, the states kind of make their own legislation and a lot of the federal laws are just like guidelines. So.00:01:28JackAnd it's a federation of states since and, which means that each state can experiment with with laws that are a little bit different than other states, but they're still federal law, which is the the which is is the law for everybody. So it's kind of weird. Some laws apply to every every state and some laws.00:01:44XochitlRight, that's.00:01:48JackAre just in one state or another state.00:01:52XochitlRight, right. And so there are certain things that are like federal crimes, obviously doesn't matter what state you're in, but there are other ones that it does vary by state and gun laws and standard ground laws and things like that and self-defense laws do vary by state. So that makes it a little complicated. But on the whole, I would say.00:02:16XochitlYou're probably more likely to get away with claiming self-defense by shooting an intruder that entered your home. Then you would be in many other countries.00:02:28JackYeah. Now I agree with everything you just said. I think it's great then and there's a couple of other things that I want to add to this too. Statistically, if you have a gun in your house, you are much more likely to instead of killing an intruder, you are much more likely to kill a member of your family or yourself.00:02:48JackLike statistically, uh, you know.00:02:52JackYou hear some sound in your in your kitchen. You grab your gun.00:02:57JackYou walk in there, you see a shadowy figure. You shoot that person. Ohh, no, that's not your that's not your an intruder. It's your your husband or wife making a midnight snack. You know. I mean, how many times has that happened? I think this is like a real problem.00:03:17JackWith, with with the guns in America, the, the, the way we think about guns.00:03:24JackAs a good guy, shooting a bad guy. Yeah, it's it's easy in the movies, it's very clean and simple. But in real life, it's very dangerous and and often it doesn't work out the way we think it will.00:03:39XochitlYeah, there are tons of super sad stories. Like there's some that I've read. For example, there was one where a girl was hiding in a closet to prank. I think her friend who was like in the house, who was cleaning his gun and they were. I want to say like they were.00:03:58XochitlTeenagers, I think.00:04:00XochitlAnd he was cleaning a gun in the household and she jumped out of the closet and scared him, and he shot her and killed her.00:04:09JackYeah, this happens all the time in America. Little little children will find a gun and and and shoots. You know their brother or sister or themselves accidentally playing with a gun that they found. It's it happens all the time in America.00:04:11XochitlAnd yeah, it happened.00:04:28JackI mean it is.00:04:30JackReally a travesty and a tragedy. There's something called the in America. We have something called the castle doctrine. Every person's house is considered their castle and you have the right to reasonably defend yourself.00:04:50JackNow there's another case in Minnesota, which is really interesting. I don't know, maybe, you know, this social. I listen to a lot of true crime, so I know a lot of stories.00:05:01JackLike this and this man's house. He had been uh. People, had young teenagers, teenagers in the city had broken into his house several times, so maybe three or four times. And he called the police and they never caught the the kids. So what he did was he parked his car behind his house.00:05:23JackTo make it look like his house was empty for Thanksgiving.00:05:27JackAnd then he got his gun and he went into the basement and he just was reading a book for a couple of hours, waiting for someone to break into his house. He knew they were going to come into his.00:05:38JackHouse once they came into it, then the two kids broke into his house.00:05:44JackOne kid walked down stairs. He shot and killed that kid. The other one came down. She screamed unarmed. She didn't have a gun.00:05:54JackAnd he shot her anyway. And then while she was injured, he executed her.00:06:01JackAnd recorded the whole thing on audio and it. And in Minnesota, that was considered murder. He murdered those kids. He did not. It was not reasonable for him to kill them. They they did not need to die. He could have just stopped them with his gun.00:06:22JackYou know, called the police, had them arrested, but instead he decided that he was going to execute them and kill them. And in that case, which is an extreme case, I I feel sorry for him that his house had been broken into, but his actions were considered murder. So in that.00:06:39JackCase breaking an invader came into his house. He was not allowed to kill them. So it, like you said in the beginning, state by state it's different. It's different in Texas. I think he might have been acquitted and not and found not guilty but it.00:06:56XochitlYeah, I think maybe in Texas or Florida, some of those states that have pretty lenient laws and you probably would.00:07:04JackYes, yes.00:07:05XochitlWhich I personally I don't know how you feel, Jack. I personally think I do think it sucks that people.00:07:09XochitlWere breaking into.00:07:10XochitlHis home. But I I don't think you should execute teenagers.00:07:15JackNo, I don't think you have the. You don't get to be judge, jury and executioner in America. You know, you get to regionally, you reasonably defend yourself, scare them away, get them out of there, call the police and let the police take care of it. It's not your job to to be a a judge and A and an execution.00:07:21XochitlShouldn't get to but a.00:07:22XochitlLot of people have.00:07:34JackSo I, you know, and I'm also.00:07:36JackVery, very anti gun. I don't think we need guns. I I think we have this.00:07:45JackWell, let's not get into the whole gun.00:07:46JackDebate right now.00:07:47JackThat's another conversation.00:07:48XochitlNo, but no. I agree. Jack and I are on the same side of this gun debate, though. It's just as Jack says. I think just in a reductionist way. It you're just much more likely to kill some yourself or someone in your family than you are. Or make a grave mistake that you will.00:07:53JackI see.00:08:06XochitlGreat. Then you are to really.00:08:10XochitlSave or protect yourself in any way, and as I say, a having a gun or owning a gun is an invitation to get shot as well. So you.00:08:19JackAbsolutely. And also like you said, that's you're much more likely to die by your own gun than you are by the gun of some intruder. So, I mean, I know it happens. People break into your house and stuff, but this idea that we're going to be, you know, getting gunfights like the Wild West like Cowboys, you know, back in the 1800s is.00:08:37XochitlRight.00:08:39JackIt's ridiculous.00:08:41JackAnd it needs to change, you know.00:08:41XochitlRight.00:08:44XochitlI do. I do want to make the last point on this for sure because some of our students, I imagine, may come to America someday or may come as exchange students or as international students. If you do so, you have to be extremely careful because there have been cases there was a case in Florida, for example, of a Japanese student.00:09:04XochitlWho? Umm, walked up to the wrong house for Halloween party and just they told him like Ohh just walk in when you get here. I think he he.00:09:08발표자Right.00:09:15XochitlOpened the door or something and was shot and killed. And obviously you don't want to be alarmist. You know, this isn't going to happen to any person, but I'll tell you myself when I actually realize that I've actually knocked on the wrong door. Whatever I do, book it out of there because you just never know what kind of nut case is going to be living.00:09:35JackYeah, and book it means means run away quickly. Like get out of there, you know.00:09:36XochitlIn the house.00:09:40XochitlRight. And in that case, means someone who's a little crazy. So you do want to get out of there because you just don't know.00:09:48XochitlWho could be living there and what their situation might be and what they think about intruders and stuff? So yeah, it is a case by case basis and there are some states where people own a lot more guns and the gun culture is a lot more insane, like in intense like Texas.00:10:05XochitlYeah, just.00:10:05JackAnd and unlike.00:10:06JackUnlike the the, you know what the what, the.00:10:09JackCommon like myths. You know that if you go to America, everyone's just, you know, shooting, you know, guns everywhere, you know, you're it's not like that. But but there is there are moments of of extreme gun violence that occur in America because there are so many guns and because the the.00:10:14발표자Pew Pew.00:10:19XochitlNo, no.00:10:29JackLaws surrounding guns are, quite frankly, crazy. If you ask me, I think we have crazy gun laws. So.00:10:35XochitlVery last.00:10:40JackJust be be be smart, keep you know, be be, uh, understand the situation, but you don't need to be in a full panic all the time.00:10:50XochitlRight.00:10:50JackYou know, while you're.00:10:51JackVisiting, you know?00:10:52XochitlRight. You, you you just need to be aware of your surroundings and just kind of aware of the situation. One last one that I think goes with this as well is that Jack, we're I'm curious, were you taught?00:11:07XochitlIn school, like how were you trained for school shootings as a kid? Because.00:11:12JackNo, this was not a thing. I'm I was born my graduated before Colon.00:11:16JackCombine so we we before the the first school shooting the not sorry not the first school shooting, the first kind of major school shooting that was really alarmed people was the Columbine shooting in 97. And and I was in college at that time.00:11:18XochitlOhh right.00:11:36JackAnd that was a a wake up call. You would think it was a wake up call for the America, but now we just have gotten used to these happening every week. You know, which again is in is is crazy that we live like this.00:11:54JackUM, so I never received that kind of training. We had tornado drills. That was it. And when I was young, but no school shooting drills, you must have experienced them all the time, right?00:12:06XochitlYeah. I grew up with.00:12:09XochitlShooting girls like we knew it would be like you would. They would announce over the intercom like there's a shooter or whatever and they wouldn't. So apparently they don't tell teachers whether it's fake or real, so you have to just pretend that it's real because you don't know and what you would have to do is.00:12:30XochitlUM, they would like lock the door and then everyone would like hide in the corner in the classroom where, like, you couldn't see. And so, like, The thing is also that classroom doors have one very tiny spin window in Kentucky because.00:12:48XochitlUh, that prevents like a shooter from being able to like shoot through the glass and open the door. And yeah, we would all have to hide and stuff and then they would like train you on like, if in your in the bathroom, put your feet up on the toilet and like, sit there and like have this like, lock the stall door.00:13:09XochitlAnd yeah, we were. We were trained and then the a police officer would knock on our door and then they would, like, open it with their own.00:13:19XochitlKey I think.00:13:19XochitlOr something like that and they would come in and and tell us one by one that the that it was over and.00:13:29JackThis is petrifying.00:13:29XochitlThat was it. That was.00:13:31JackEvery, every, every kid in your generation has post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD from this.00:13:37XochitlYeah, people wonder why we're such an anxious generations as the old Gen. Z and millennials. And it's because we were raised like this. This was something that was just par for the course, and we'd have these, like, probably once a month. So yeah.00:13:55JackSo listeners out there think about, just think about the insanity of that, that we have instead of making laws against taking people's guns away, we're just going to come up with.00:14:08JackHiding in a corner and locking the door of the school classroom, I mean. And now they're thinking about giving teachers guns so that they can fight back again. I mean, it's it's insane. It's insane.00:14:21XochitlWhich we know is just gonna end up with a teacher being way more likely to accidentally shoot a student or students shooting each other because also like I can only imagine that some students could just take the firearm off the teacher.00:14:36XochitlIt just would just.00:14:36JackThere's so many in in just dumb.00:14:40JackPolicies. Uh, policies that are that are.00:14:44JackPut forward.00:14:45XochitlIt's like just take the guns away in South Korea, the gun policy is so strict that even officers have to check out their own guns, even if you have a gun license, you have to check out your own gun and only have a certain number of bullets. And the first bullet chamber in South Korea on the guns for police officers is empty.00:14:45JackAround this issue.00:15:05XochitlIt's a blank chamber.00:15:07JackSo they can't accidentally just shoot you. Yeah, alright. Welcome to America, my friends.00:15:10XochitlYeah, exactly.00:15:14XochitlYeah, alright, listeners. Well, don't be too scared by our learned this conversation, but let us know what you think in the comments below and tell us what are the gun laws like in your country? I'm really curious to know how the gun laws are and how they operate in your country. If you have had anything like school shooter drills or anything at school.00:15:35XochitlOr any kind of other drills for natural or man made disasters. Let us know in the comments down below at A-Z shoot us an e-mail at AZ or join the WeChat or WhatsApp groups to join the conversation and we'll see you guys next.00:15:49XochitlTime bye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Feb 1, 2024 • 7min

Idiom Academy: Fit as a Fiddle, A Blessing in Disguise, and A Watched Pot Never Boils

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack explain the meanings of the following three idioms:Fit as a fiddle: In excellent physical condition.Blessing in disguise: Something that initially seems bad but turns out to be good.A watched pot never boils: Time seems to move slower when you're anxiously waiting for something.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 30, 2024 • 12min

Topic Talk | Ambition

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss their future ambitions.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 29, 2024 • 13min

Vocabulary Spotlight | 80s Slang

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss popular slang terms from the 1980s.Rad: Short for radical, meaning cool or awesome.Tubular: Another term for cool or excellent.Bodacious: Remarkable, outstanding, or attractive.Valley girl: A stereotype describing a fashionable and materialistic young woman, often associated with the San Fernando Valley in California.Cowabunga: A catchphrase popularized by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, expressing excitement.Totally tubular: Extremely cool or awesome.Fer sure, fer sure: Definitely, absolutely.As if!: Expression of disbelief or sarcasm.Barf me out: Expressing strong disapproval or disgust.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 28, 2024 • 9min

Grammar Zone | there, their, and they're

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack explain the differences between there, their, and they're.The words "there," "their," and "they're" are homophones, which means they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Here's a breakdown of each:There:Definition: Used to indicate a place or location.Example: "I left my keys over there."Their:Definition: A possessive adjective indicating ownership by a group of people.Example: "The students forgot to take their books home."They're:Definition: A contraction of "they are."Example: "They're going to the movies tonight."To remember the difference:"There" has the word "here" in it, and both refer to a place or location."Their" has the word "heir" in it, suggesting ownership by a group."They're" is a contraction of "they are," so if you can replace it with "they are" in a sentence and it still makes sense, then you're using it correctly.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 28, 2024 • 9min

Culture Corner | What kinds of music do Americans listen to?

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss what kinds of music Americans like to listen to.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 26, 2024 • 11min

Topic Talk | How can I learn English by myself? (Spoiler: You can't!)

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack explains why it's not really possible to learn English alone. Interacting with other English speakers should be your goal and is a necessary part of the process of learning English.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the agency English podcast. My name is Jack, and today I have another solo episode, and today's episode is a topic talk episode.00:00:12JackThe question we're trying to answer today is.00:00:16JackHow can I learn English alone?00:00:20JackHow can I learn English alone?00:00:25JackAnd my answer to that.00:00:28JackI'm going. I'm going to answer that with a an English expression or an English saying. It's very. It's a very old expression.00:00:38JackAnd it goes like this. We say no man is an island, OK? No man is an island.00:00:49JackAnd I think what that means is that we are all connected or.00:00:57JackNo one person can completely disconnect from.00:01:03JackOther everyone else, you're always connected to some person through your work, through your family, through your friendships, whatever it may be, we're we're all connected.00:01:19JackWe can't. We cannot help it.00:01:23JackIt's just one of and I think that's why you know, we use those expressions on social media, you know, making connections on Facebook.00:01:33JackHow many can you know how many friends do you have? Oh, I connected with this person on Facebook and then and then that person connects to another person who connects to another person that connects to maybe somebody else that you know and.00:01:47JackAnd it's all about connections, right? So when students ask me, you know, Jack, how can I learn English alone?00:01:59JackMy answer is you can't.00:02:02JackUM, you can't learn English alone.00:02:08JackAny better than you could learn how to be a friend.00:02:14JackWithout talking to any people you know, like reading a book called how to be a friend.00:02:21JackChapter one.00:02:23JackBe kind.00:02:26JackChapter 2. Listen to your friend.00:02:29JackYou know chapter 3. I mean, it's ridiculous, right? Trying to, you know, learn to learn how to be a friend. I I think learn to how to learn, you know, learning English alone is almost as ridiculous as.00:02:50JackLearning how to be a friend alone. I mean you learn how to be a good friend by.00:02:57JackBy befriending people and having relationships and experiencing those things.00:03:06JackAnd the exact same thing.00:03:08JackCan be said about English. It's about.00:03:13JackInteracting and using the language with other people.00:03:17JackCreatively trying to communicate, trying to be understood. Now, obviously there are times where you could.00:03:27JackStudy certain things by yourself, like you could learn some new vocabulary, or you could do some reading by yourself. You could listen to a podcast by yourself. You could do some grammar exercises, but if you don't, if if you don't take all of that, work those.00:03:47JackThat homework type stuff, you know, grammar exercises, listening to the podcast, and you don't apply that to some kind of actual real life speaking situation where you're talking with other people. It doesn't have to be native speakers, it could be other language learners if you don't.00:04:07JackTake that next step and actually use the language creatively. Then all the other stuff is pointless. There's.00:04:16JackNo, there's no point in.00:04:19JackPracticing grammar if you're not going to go out and use the language and that's, you know, the hardest part, and we're making that easier here at the edges. The English podcast, because we are associated very closely with something called World English.00:04:40JackAnd world English is a a community that I that I started with a YouTuber, Robin Shaw.00:04:51JackAnd we started this, this community, so that students can join the WhatsApp group. They can come in there and they can talk to each other. Now, talking to each other doesn't necessarily mean you're you're talking using your voice. You could be typing and communicating that way.00:05:09JackThrough text messages or voice notes. But we also have Google meets classes and you're allowed to go to the Google meets class classes for several weeks for.00:05:21JackFree and we have Google meets classes almost every day, so at 1:00 PM GMT.00:05:32JackThat's Greenwich mean time.00:05:35JackUM, we have a free class. Uh, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every day, every week. The only days we don't do our Fridays.00:05:49JackAnd then we also have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. We have another class that is that that takes place at. That would be 1:00 AM.00:06:05JackGreenwich mean time.00:06:07JackOK. And so we've got these two you know, so that's 44 classes that you can attend and what we do in these classes is students get together in Google meets on Google meets. So you have to have a Google account, you have and you need a smartphone.00:06:28JackAnd then in the Google meets you get together and you join other other members of our of our community in breakout rooms and you discuss a topic.00:06:40JackAnd sometimes the native English speakers are in there. Sometimes I'm in there.00:06:46JackSometimes our teachers are in there and you're, you know, talking and having a conversation. And and this is the final piece of the puzzle that's the most important part that so many people.00:07:00JackShip. They OK? I'm gonna study for my IELTS test. I'm gonna study for my Duolingo Duolingo test and I'm just gonna memorize this grammar. I'm going to memorize this vocabulary. I'm going to but. But when it comes to speaking, I'm just going to say, oh, it's too hard. I.00:07:19JackSo how can I?00:07:20JackFind anyone to talk to. So I'm just not going to do that part. Well, that's the whole point of the of all of the work that you're doing is to speak with other people. That's it.00:07:31JackLike I said, no man is an island. You cannot be a language learner.00:07:38JackAnd be an island, you need to be connected to other people. You need to use the language creatively in a social setting. That's it. It has to be that way. And if you're not doing that, then you're not really learning English.00:07:56JackYou might be studying some of the rules you might be picking things up, but you're never going to actually be able to communicate and function as a bilingual speaker until you actually put yourself in social situations where you're using.00:08:17JackEnglish as the target language to communicate ideas.00:08:23JackAnd listen to other people's ideas and share opinions and go back and forth and do that. You know that tennis match, which is a conversation.00:08:33JackThat's it. That's what. That's the ultimate.00:08:37JackYou know that's the ultimate goal, or that's what your ultimate goal should be, not some score on an exam. Not getting some kind of grammar questions correct.00:08:52JackIt's a totally different ball game when you're actually using the language to communicate with other people. So.00:09:00JackI gave you if you're interested in joining our WhatsApp group and want to learn more about our Google meets classes, you can. You can contact me. You can leave a comment on our our website A-Z You can send me an e-mail A-Z can join our WhatsApp group. I'll put the link right in there and that'll take you right to our Google meets classes.00:09:30JackOr if you are using WeChat, you can communicate with me that way and I will point you towards the Facebook link for the Google meets class. So you still need a Google account if you want to participate in our online classes because we're using.00:09:50JackGoogle meets to have these classes, but like I said, you can do it free for several weeks and see if you like it. If it's, if it's good for you. If the time works, then you may want to think about joining, joining costs $10 a month. That's it.00:10:07Jack$10 a month and you get almost 5050 classes a a month. So you do the math. It's it's such a good deal.00:10:18JackUh, it's amazing. So alright guys, with that said, I will see you next time. So thanks everybody.00:10:27JackBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 25, 2024 • 12min

Topic Talk | What should I do when I get stuck?

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Jack gives students three strategies they can use when they get stuck.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and today I have a solo episode and today I'm doing a topic talk episode and the topic is what to do.00:00:17JackWhen you are stuck. OK, So what to do when you are stuck and what I mean by that is.00:00:27JackWhenever you try to learn something new, like if you're trying to learn the guitar, or if you're trying to learn a new language like learning English.00:00:37JackThere's gonna be times where you get stuck. OK, we call this a plateau and a plateau is like a a flat surface, right. You go up, up, up and then you hit a a kind of ceiling.00:00:54JackAnd then you hit a plateau and you're you. You don't improve for a while. You get stuck, OK?00:01:02JackAnd I've got 3.00:01:04JackStrategies that you can employ when you when this happens to you during your English language journey.00:01:13JackAnd the very the first one is the first strategy that I would use if I were you and you're you're studying English, you're learning English, and then you just feel like you're stuck. You're not getting better.00:01:28JackWalk away. Take a break. OK? Just take a vacation.00:01:33JackBecause sometimes you're just your your brain is overstimulated, right? You've just been studying, studying, studying and and going to online classes and and everything has just been your whole world is just English, English, English and you're so.00:01:52JackYou're so focused on it.00:01:56JackThat you're.00:01:57JackThat you're you're overwhelmed. OK, you're you're overwhelmed and over stimulated. And that's actually not necessarily a good state to to be in if you wanna. If you want to improve.00:02:10JackIn something when you want to improve in something, you want to be in a flow state, right? A flow state is where you're having fun. It's challenging, but it's not too easy and not too difficult. And when you're just overloaded with too many things and you're putting too much focus and too much pressure on yourself.00:02:29JackThen you you're actually not in a flow state, you're not in a good place to improve. So what I would do in that situation is just take a break, maybe two days, maybe 3 days, maybe a week, and just walk away from the whole thing and just be like I'm done, OK?00:02:48JackI used to be an athlete when I was in high school and college. I was a basketball player.00:02:54JackAnd The funny thing is, we would practice every day, but during the vacation, the Christmas vacation, we would have about five or seven days off, which is that's a long vacation for in the middle of a season, right? If you're if you're supposed to be playing, you know, every weekend, you don't really, you don't usually take.00:03:14JackFive days off in a row.00:03:16JackThough, but The funny thing is, is that what I noticed is that after 5 days of not playing basketball, when I came back I was able to jump much higher than I was before because my legs were not tired anymore. My legs had had had basically rested.00:03:37JackAnd they've got they got stronger, or at least they were more rested. So when I came back, I actually found that when I was jumping, I was able to dunk the basketball much easier than I was when I was playing every day.00:03:54JackAnd so that's kind of an interesting. An interesting thing is that when sometimes when you walk away, you get a little bit stronger because you start you, you start resting, your brain is resting, your mind is resting. And then when you come back, you're much sharper. So your English might actually be better. So sometimes taking a break and just walking away from something.00:04:17JackIs not a bad thing that can be a good thing.00:04:21Jack#2 change up your strategies, so if you're focusing a lot on on conversation, do go to listening.00:04:31JackOK, just stop doing conversation and do something else. Do something completely different.00:04:37JackI also play the guitar as a hobby and my friend told me the strategy, he said. Sometimes when you're and in the guitar, people get stuck all the time, you know you get, you get to a certain point, a skill level, and then you just can't seem to break through to the next level.00:04:57JackMy friend recommended to me, he said.00:04:59JackSometimes when I get stuck, what I'll do is I will.00:05:05JackPut my guitar in a different tuning. So what that means changing the strings the sounds of the strings into like a different tuning and just play. You know, using a different tuning. It's like a whole other.00:05:19JackBasically like a whole different vocabulary of of of, of guitar music and.00:05:28JackAnd he says by do by by playing in a different tuning by tuning my guitar differently, I can just. I don't have to worry about chords and things like that because I can just.00:05:40JackTune it into like an open chord, so where you just strum the guitar and it sounds.00:05:44JackGood. And and then you can just play around with different you know picking styles and and things like that. And so basically he just he'll change the whole the whole situation, the whole you know the whole.00:06:01JackBasically, uh, structure of the of the standard guitar playing to something.00:06:08JackDifferent and then play around there for like a week and then come back to the standard tuning and then he'll find that he's able to kind of improve a little bit because he had that break and now he comes back with a fresh mind, fresh eyes and a different set of skills. So if you're focusing on speaking and you feel like ohh.00:06:30JackJust my speaking is not getting any better. Don't do more speaking. Do something different. Go work on. You know pronunciation practice or go listen to some podcasts and improve your vocabulary. Read.00:06:44JackSomething do something different than speaking.00:06:50JackOK. And or do something different than listening. You're like, oh, my, listening is not very good. OK, well, then, why don't you go and focus on something else, like reading or writing? So change it up whenever you get stuck.00:07:03JackMake a change and.00:07:06JackThe last piece of advice that I have is sometimes when you get stuck, it's because either the material that you're studying is too difficult or it's too easy, OK.00:07:26JackAnd so sometimes we have to be careful about what we're, you know, like what we're, what we're using to to learn English, right. If if what you're doing is the same thing every day.00:07:41JackYou're just doing like you know. For example, if you were to learn English and every day you just practice ABC's, you know, ABCDEFGHAK, I'm gonna pee if you just do that every day. Of course your English is never going to get any better because learning the alphabet is. It's too easy. You're not challenging.00:08:01JackYourself. OK, but if you go and watch a YouTube Ted talk.00:08:10JackI don't know physics or something like that.00:08:15JackThat's gonna be way too hard. The vocabulary in there is gonna be.00:08:19JackIncomprehensible to you and so you're not going to get any. You're not going to gain anything from watching that very difficult Ted talk. And you're not going to gain anything from practicing the ABC's either. OK. So as I mentioned earlier, what you want to do is put yourself in a flow state.00:08:40JackWhere you're giving yourself material that is just slightly challenging.00:08:47JackOK, a little bit beyond your level, not too challenging, just so that it's, it's fun and challenging and not too easy and it should also be enjoyable. And if you're if you're having a good time.00:09:00JackYou're not bored. You're being challenged. Not too, not too hard, but not too little. Not not too much, not too little. Just the right Goldilocks. We call it the Goldilocks space, the perfect, the perfect amount of difficulty.00:09:18JackThen in that case you're going to.00:09:23JackShow improvement. OK, so it's it's about getting into a flow state. OK, so number one, you can walk away from the.00:09:30JackThing, just take a vacation. OK? Five days. I'm done. I don't want to even look at English for five days, and that's totally acceptable. #2, change up your strategy. Just work on something.00:09:42JackIt's just a different one of the different skills. If you're doing a lot of reading, do listening. If you're doing listening, do do speaking. If you're doing speaking, do writing, OK, just switch it up. And if that doesn't?00:09:55JackHelp #3 make sure that you're in a flow state. OK? You're being challenged by material that you think is interesting and fun. It's not too challenging, and it's not too easy, and so you could run those three tests and you know, or you could try all three strategies and see which one works.00:10:15JackBest for you, but there you go. There's some my advice when you get stuck.00:10:21JackOn your English journey and you're not improving and you're not moving up, you can try one of those three things and see if that helps. And let me know, give me some feedback about this. This is did my advice actually help you? Send me an e-mail leave a comment on our website.00:10:42JackA-Z Sorry, our e-mail is A-Z English podcast at Gmail.00:10:47JackDot com our website is A-Z You can also join our WhatsApp group or WeChat Group and you can leave a comment in there and I will get.00:10:59JackBack to you.00:11:00JackAnd with that said, I will see you next time. Thanks everybody.00:11:05JackBye bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Jan 23, 2024 • 24min

Topic Talk | Game Edition

In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack play another game where they try to test their knowledge about each other.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we're going to do one more topic talk game edition. How well do you know your podcasting partner?00:00:20JackAnd #1 the first question, social is what kind of music?00:00:28JackDo I enjoy the most?00:00:36XochitlSorry. What was that, Jack? I didn't hear you.00:00:38JackWhat kind of music do I enjoy the most? What do you think? What's what music? What kind of music? What genre do you think that I enjoy the most?00:00:46발표자Right.00:00:49XochitlSome variation of rock.00:00:52JackOK, OK. I'll give it to you. I'll give it.00:00:53JackTo you, I'll give it to you. I grew up in the 90s, so grunt.00:00:58JackYeah, that's my, you know, Nirvana program.00:01:01XochitlYeah, I was going to think that's what I was going to say like so. But I just wanted to.00:01:05XochitlBe more broad just in.00:01:06XochitlCase because.00:01:07JackYeah, you covered your bases. Yeah, cause I love Pink Floyd. I love Led Zeppelin. I love The Rolling Stones. I love The Beatles. I mean, it's it's not just that, but, but my the the music that defines my my high school years, you know, and college years is definitely.00:01:26Jack90s grunge rock Stone Temple Pilots Alice In Chains Earl Jam, Nirvana.00:01:35JackThe Pixies. I those. That's the music that I loved the most. Now I'm going to try to answer this for you.00:01:45JackOK.00:01:47JackUM.00:01:49JackLatin pop like Shakira.00:01:54XochitlYeah, uh, well, no.00:02:00XochitlIt's it's not really Latin pop. It's uh.00:02:05XochitlBoletos, which is like traditional Latin American music genre.00:02:11JackOK, OK.00:02:13JackSo it's not.00:02:14XochitlMore like 1950s Latin American music.00:02:18JackOhh, OK, OK.00:02:21JackUM.00:02:23JackOK. OK. So so that's your, that's your favorite genre then? So that's more, you're more in the traditional type of Latin music than the more modern kind of version of it or whatever like the, OK.00:02:40JackOh, interesting. OK, all right. All right. So one point for you 0 for me.00:02:46JackI was I.00:02:47JackWas only off by like 60 years so.00:02:50XochitlYeah, only though only.00:02:52JackShe's been only 60 years.00:02:53XochitlYou're in the right vein though, because present.00:02:58Jack#2, can you recall a specific goal or aspiration your friend mentioned recently?00:03:07JackOK, so something.00:03:08JackA goal that you have recently, a goal I feel like you've talked about this.00:03:14JackUM.00:03:18JackI want to say that you aspire to create some music like record something, because I know that you're a very talented musician. In particular, you have a an excellent singing voice because I've heard you sing on your Facebook.00:03:38JackYou've posted some of your compositions and stuff.00:03:42JackAnd I feel like like one of your goals is to is to do it more seriously, you know, maybe not professionally, but to take it more seriously, am I. Am I on the?00:03:56JackRight to track here.00:03:57XochitlYes, that is, that is the right track. Yeah, I I'm giving that to you for sure.00:04:03JackOK. OK. OK.00:04:05JackAnd what about?00:04:06JackWhat the question was, yeah, can you recall a specific goal or aspiration your friend mentioned recently?00:04:15XochitlOK, I was confused about the recently part OK recently.00:04:23XochitlI believe that one of your goals for this new year.00:04:27XochitlWas to.00:04:30XochitlImprove your health overall. Is that correct?00:04:34JackYeah, lose weight.00:04:35JackYeah, exactly, exactly.00:04:39JackBut I I started with my New Year's resolution was to lose lose weight.00:04:46JackTake a cold shower every day, like 30 seconds ice ice shower and not drink coffee for the first hour and I failed. I did 3 days of cold showers. I did it and it is brutal.00:05:06JackIn the winter.00:05:08JackOh man.00:05:09XochitlIs your how warm in the winter is like the thing I'm curious about? Because in Korea a lot of times it's windows, right, floor heating.00:05:18JackBut the bathrooms are not heated, though.00:05:21XochitlSo the bathroom is cold.00:05:23JackYeah. So when you walk in the?00:05:24JackBathroom. It's kind.00:05:25JackOf like walking outside, it's so weird, you know?00:05:28XochitlRight. Well, that was my question.00:05:29XochitlBecause I find that.00:05:30XochitlA lot of people don't turn though I I might be saying that wrong on the.00:05:34XochitlOn the floor heating.00:05:35JackYeah, floor heating, right? Right. Yep.00:05:37XochitlIt don't turn a lot of people don't turn it on that much during the winter or only for like a limited time, because it's quite expensive, right? So that's why I was like, is your house like actually warmer? Like, is it probably kind of on the cooler side, right.00:05:43JackYes, yes.00:05:52JackYou know, it's not like like.00:05:54JackThe American system everything is goes through event right? So so it warms the air and the the air in the room gets warm. Here they warm the floor and it kind of trickles up. But it's never really like.00:06:07JackIf you lie on the floor, it feels fantastic. If you could find a hot spot on the floor. I used to do that in my old apartment when I was single. I would find a hot spot and I would just sleep there at night. Put a blanket.00:06:17JackDown and sleep on a hot spot like a.00:06:21JackLike a dog, you.00:06:23JackKnow finding a like a warm spot. But now we kind of keep it at a certain level where it's just enough to be comfortable but we but conserve energy because it's very expensive.00:06:42JackBut uh yeah, I I I failed on two of those, but I'm. I'm still exercising every day, so I figured but make 3 New Year's resolutions and then, you know, throw two of them away. You still got one. You're doing all right.00:06:57XochitlRight. Yeah, I think you're doing OK. I.00:07:01XochitlI honestly kind of ohh right? I do remember what my resolution was but I I want to.00:07:08XochitlI want to kick him up a notch like I'm trying to to actually have a little more direction, but actually remember, Jack, I I think we might have to rewatch the episode, remember?00:07:14발표자What was your New Year's?00:07:15JackResolution again, I forgot.00:07:22XochitlI think it.00:07:23XochitlWas I I think I wanted, I think.00:07:27XochitlUh, I don't remember Jack. Maybe I want to be more assertive or some.00:07:30XochitlSaying that, I can't really remember.00:07:33XochitlOr maybe like stop?00:07:33발표자I think you.00:07:34JackWanted to win a Grammy, wasn't it? Something like that.00:07:36XochitlHa ha, I wish that would be resolution.00:07:40XochitlI better get on that then.00:07:42JackYou got it. Very yeah, yeah.00:07:44XochitlTo win the Grammy so.00:07:47JackOK, #3, what is your friend's or podcasting partners? Favorite book or author?00:07:56XochitlI don't think you've told me this about yourself.00:07:59JackI know and I don't.00:08:00JackThink I.00:08:01XochitlWait, wait. Uh.00:08:03XochitlI know you.00:08:03XochitlLike, Oh my God. Howard then.00:08:07JackOhh I do like how.00:08:08JackIt's in, yeah, yeah.00:08:08발표자I know you. Yeah, I know.00:08:10XochitlYou like him? I don't think. I don't think he's a favorite, but I know you.00:08:14XochitlLike him and then?00:08:14XochitlI know you like God was.00:08:17XochitlIt Warren peace or it was one of those long books.00:08:23XochitlThat's like classic literature.00:08:25JackYeah, I think you're thinking a farewell to arms.00:08:28XochitlYes, they're well, the arms. That's the one, yes.00:08:32JackThat's maybe my favorite book, one of my.00:08:34JackFavorite books by Ernest.00:08:36JackHemingway. Yeah, he's my favorite author. I.00:08:38JackWould say.00:08:39XochitlWhat you have?00:08:39XochitlTold me your favorite author is yes.00:08:41JackYeah, yeah, you're close, though. I mean, like, war and peace farewelled arms, there's this, this similar, you know, genre.00:08:49XochitlKind of, yeah, I suppose.00:08:52JackWar and peace was more of a that. That's that's a tough one to get through. That's like.00:08:56Jack500 pieces or something. Yeah, yeah.00:08:56XochitlYeah, it's 500.00:08:58XochitlIt's OK.00:09:00발표자How about you?00:09:00JackWith all those with.00:09:01JackAll those Russian names in there too, you know, so.00:09:04XochitlI know. Yeah. Throwing you off. Gosh.00:09:08JackI'm. I'm gonna say.00:09:12JackI have no idea. You're in. You're an English lit major, but I'm thinking like.00:09:18JackPaulo Carlo Paulo kilo.00:09:20JackI don't know if I'm saying his name right.00:09:22XochitlI don't know who that is, Jack, I'll.00:09:23XochitlBe honest.00:09:25JackThe Alchemist no.00:09:29JackNo. OK, OK. I'm. I'm sorry.00:09:32XochitlYou're fine. You're fine.00:09:33JackI have no idea.00:09:35XochitlUMI don't really.00:09:38XochitlKnow about.00:09:38JackOhh JK Rowling.00:09:40JackJust kidding.00:09:40XochitlNo, definitely.00:09:41XochitlNot, I don't know if I.00:09:43XochitlWould have a favorite author. How about a favorite book? One favorite do.00:09:46JackYeah, sure.00:09:48XochitlYou know any?00:09:49JackOhh favorite book such as Favorite Book.00:09:53XochitlShort story.00:09:59JackI mean.00:10:02JackYeah, I could say, like Don Quixote. But I mean that was that's such a lame guess, you know.00:10:06XochitlThis is that is a pretty bad guess. I'm not going to lie, that's a bad one. I mean, I'm so bad. All right, well, I'll tell you, I have a like, three kind of favorites off top of my head. Do you see? Says Quintos acting on Mexicanos, which are, like 16 Latin American shorter stories. That's what, that's.00:10:06JackWhat I mean?00:10:09JackYeah, yeah, yeah.00:10:24XochitlAnd then a couple in.00:10:25XochitlEnglish, which is the yellow wallpaper by Charlotte Gillmans Perkins.00:10:32XochitlThe bell drive by Sylvia Platt.00:10:35JackOhh. OK, OK. OK wow. Alright, alright. I you know it would. We could have been here all day and all night. And I I wouldn't have even gotten close to that Sylvia Plath. Yeah. I've never read any Sylvia Plath, but I've I've I've, you know, there's so many like references to her.00:10:54JackIn pop culture, you know what I mean.00:10:57JackRight.00:10:58JackBut uh, OK, the the yellow wallpaper. I've heard of it, but I have never read.00:11:03JackIt before so.00:11:04XochitlYou need to get on that you. You should read both of these because I think they're really interesting.00:11:12JackYeah, I'm thinking.00:11:13XochitlBut with the.00:11:13XochitlThe bell jar by Sylvia Platt.00:11:17XochitlIt is pretty depressing as a book. I mean the the yellow wallpaper is also depressing. They're both depressing. They're both kind of. They're both kind of like feminist core. Deep depression for feminist intellectuals that are caged kind of by social expectations.00:11:35JackYeah, that's right. In my right in my.00:11:37XochitlWheelhouse. Yeah, it's like early 1900s kind of American literature, which is where, I mean, not early, but early to mid 1900s, so like 1950s and before and that.00:11:41JackYeah, yeah.00:11:51XochitlKind of wheelhouse, I want to say. For Sylvia. Pup, I'm not super sure when the bell jar came out, but it was somewhere in that time frame where women were pretty limited.00:12:02JackRight, right.00:12:03XochitlAnd she kind of wants more for herself. And she's a brilliant woman, and the novel is, I guess, partially autobiographical, or at least.00:12:13XochitlLoosely. Yeah. I don't know. I do really recommend it. I think it's a great piece for anyone, but just for our listeners, do be warned. There is some like mature and depressing content, I would say.00:12:27JackYeah, but that's what makes a novel.00:12:31JackYou know that's that's good.00:12:32XochitlSend send.00:12:33XochitlYeah, it makes you think, makes you really think so.00:12:36JackRight, OK, OK. So we're.00:12:40JackYou, you. You.00:12:41JackGot that? But I was, uh, I wasn't even in the right planet. Yeah, I was. I wasn't. I wasn't in the right Galaxy.00:12:45XochitlYou have.00:12:51JackOK.00:12:52JackDo you know?00:12:52XochitlI think that.00:12:53XochitlWe meeting you today and last time you.00:12:55XochitlDefinitely beat me soundly so.00:12:57JackOK, OK. Yeah, today you are. You're you're crushing it. Do you know your podcasting partners, pet peeves or something that annoys them?00:13:10XochitlI know one for you.00:13:12JackOK.00:13:13XochitlI think when.00:13:13XochitlPeople like ask you to borrow certain stuff.00:13:18JackOhh yeah, that's pretty good. I would agree with that. Yeah, like UM.00:13:23JackLike something that's really.00:13:24XochitlLike it's.00:13:25JackSomething that's like really sentimental or something like that.00:13:28XochitlYeah, or like something that you really value or that's like really expensive, whatever. And you know, that person's not really like the type to take care of it.00:13:36JackYes, that is a huge pet peeve of mine. I would I'll give you that point because.00:13:42JackAnd again, don't lend it to don't never lend something that that you're that you can't accept losing or having broken, you know. And boundaries are OK. It's OK to say no to someone you know? Yeah, I think so many people. Sometimes they get like kind of.00:13:57발표자Right.00:14:02JackThey can't say no.00:14:04JackYou know.00:14:05XochitlAnd they're, like, afraid to say no.00:14:07JackAnd then and then they borrow, they lend it to somebody and it gets damaged. And they really are upset. And it's like, hey, man, that's on you and not on the other person, you know.00:14:19XochitlRight, because you can't you put yourself in that situation and ultimately.00:14:24JackExactly, exactly. Boundaries are OK. It's OK to make boundaries.00:14:31JackWhat bothers you?00:14:35JackI think I mean this one, I know.00:14:36JackIs is going to be like.00:14:40JackI know you're gonna agree with it, but I'm not sure if it's like your your biggest pet peeve, but it's like, I think you hate like being like gaslit, you know, gaslighting.00:14:48XochitlYeah, that one gets me that. How did you know that? Because I guess maybe we talked about it at some point, but yeah, it it's it's. I don't like being invalidated. It really bothers me.00:15:00JackYeah, yeah, yeah, I think, yeah, because it's like, especially when, you know.00:15:07JackThe right thing and someone is telling you when when someone's telling you, you know, left is right. Black is white, up is down and you know that they're wrong it it really irks you, I think.00:15:20XochitlYeah. Yeah, it really grinds my gears and and.00:15:27XochitlI think they used to argue more with people like this, and then I realize like that's like.00:15:32XochitlThey're baiting you, you know.00:15:33XochitlAnd like going around like they're just baiting, they want this reaction. They're trying to fight because they get, like, a they get.00:15:42XochitlSatisfaction. Yeah. They get satisfaction. They get, like, emotional energy from you, which is what they want. They want to suck the joy.00:15:50XochitlThings for you and they like thrive on the chaos of of intense emotional reactions that they provoke in other people. And they may not even be aware of it. They're just, that's like how they're wired to operate, kind of like in the chaos. And they enjoy.00:15:51JackRight.00:16:04XochitlThat and I. So as I've gotten older, I've just kind of learned to be like, OK, that person's like that, but it still gets.00:16:09XochitlOn my nerves.00:16:10XochitlSo I'll give.00:16:11XochitlYou that one, I'll give that.00:16:11JackRight, OK, OK, alright. Alright. And I would say advice like life advice. Avoid those people. Like cut those people out.00:16:19JackOf your life.00:16:19XochitlYes. Yeah, you don't need those people because.00:16:19JackYou know, whenever you can.00:16:22XochitlThey they're not your real one either. They.00:16:28XochitlEnjoy actually of seeing you suffer, which definitely.00:16:31XochitlMakes them not a good person to be around or.00:16:33JackThat's the opposite of a.00:16:34JackFriend, you know.00:16:36XochitlLiterally the opposite of a friend they enjoy seeing you supper or two. They just don't know how to relate to people.00:16:41XochitlIn a healthy way.00:16:42JackRight.00:16:43XochitlUM, and you don't really want those people in your life either, because when you need like support or you need things in your life that a normal friendship or relationship should be able to offer, those people can't offer that because they don't. They're not wired to operate that way.00:16:57JackThey don't have it and I think what they're doing is testing you all the time. It's like, how far can I push you and you'll still be my friend and.00:17:06JackAnd there but.00:17:07JackIt's it comes from a very deep insecurity in their own self esteem. Like they're they they don't have any self esteem and they're they're basically.00:17:19JackVampires. You know, they're gonna they're gonna suck yours away. And, yeah, avoid those people. Life is too short.00:17:31XochitlYeah, that's true. To be around people 100% happy people. Sorry around happy people. Yes, I agree.00:17:35발표자There you go.00:17:36JackYeah, and.00:17:40XochitlAll right, click over 50. Sorry, go ahead.00:17:42XochitlDid I cut you off?00:17:43JackOh, sorry. OK. Our last one is, what is your podcasting partner's most cherished, cherished possession or item?00:17:54XochitlJack you.00:17:58JackDo you want to go first?00:18:00XochitlUM, I don't really know for you. Like, just you, like, not counting things that belong to your family or or are were given to you by your family or anything. I remember you saying.00:18:13XochitlI remember you talking about like a leather jacket or something.00:18:18JackNo, I I have a lot of jackets, but it's not a real leather jacket. But I I just bought that off of like a a cheap website.00:18:27JackWell, I did have one that I, but it I found it at a A.00:18:32JackA thrift store.00:18:33JackMany years ago, but I lost it. But my most prized possession is my guitar and it was given to me by my father when I was 18. Yeah, and I still have it. It's a Yamaha acoustic guitar.00:18:41XochitlHey, honey.00:18:43발표자Go ahead.00:18:49JackOhh it's black. It's kind of a Johnny Cash vibe to it and and that is my you know, the one if my house is on fire, forget the passport. I'm grabbing my guitar and well and and my wife and my dog. But you know, if if there's time.00:19:09JackI'm grabbing that.00:19:10JackGuitar and yeah, absolutely for you that that you your your mom gave?00:19:18JackYou a necklace?00:19:19JackI believe or your grandmother gave you a necklace and but you you you placed it somewhere so special that you can't find it and.00:19:28XochitlNo, actually, my mom is the one who put it somewhere that she can't find.00:19:34JackOhh OK, it's not yours.00:19:36XochitlIt is mine. It's my necklace. But she put it away. I got it when I was 15 because of my quinceanera. So my.00:19:43JackRight, right, right, right.00:19:44XochitlPut it away.00:19:45XochitlFor me, because of that and now she can't find it. But it's fine. Yeah. Yeah. This is not my most prized possession.00:19:48JackShe put it away so well.00:19:54JackOh, OK, this is not your most part.00:19:56XochitlNo, it's like to the point where I'm like, that's OK. If she never finds it. I mean, I kind of hope she does, but it's she.00:20:01XochitlDoesn't. I'm not crying. I'm not losing sleep though.00:20:02JackOK.00:20:04JackUM that I also know that you have a duct tape wallet.00:20:12JackThat a friend needs for you.00:20:12XochitlYeah, some friend made for me, but that's also not.00:20:16XochitlStrive to that.00:20:16JackYeah, you seem like a you're you're like a a.00:20:22JackYou you you seem like a person who's got like, like, collects things with memories, you know. And so.00:20:30XochitlI do have a most prized possession. That's.00:20:32XochitlReally funny. Do you want?00:20:33XochitlDo you want to just give up?00:20:34JackIs yours your guitar?00:20:38XochitlIt's also my guitar. My dad gave me my guitar and he was gifted to him by my grandfather on my mom's side. So actually his father-in-law and it was handmade by my grandfather's father. So that's like his best friend.00:20:51JackThat's right, yes.00:20:54XochitlAnd he they gave that they gave to that to my father as a present. And I hear that I think when he was pregnant with my mom was pregnant with me, they were pregnant with me that he used to try to play that guitar.00:21:05XochitlAre, but he kind of.00:21:10XochitlI'm pretty sure he has, like ADHD or something. He he stopped playing. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's where I get it.00:21:16XochitlFrom at this point.00:21:17JackHe learned he learned like like 1 clear. Clear what? Creedence Clearwater Revival song. And he he that was it. He's like I got this.00:21:28XochitlRight up, he learned some like weird jazz chords or something. And then he gave up.00:21:32XochitlOn it I.00:21:32XochitlGuess and when I was 16, I really wanted to learn the guitar. I came back from a trip from China with the guitar.00:21:40XochitlAnd and.00:21:42XochitlAnd because I really wanted to learn guitar and my dad saw that, I guess. And.00:21:49XochitlHe gifted me his guitar because he had gifted his.00:21:51XochitlSaxophone to my sister and I never played or had any interest.00:21:55JackOhh man, I would so much rather have.00:21:56JackThe guitar.00:21:58XochitlYeah. Same same. Yeah. So, yeah, he he gifted me the guitar and I'm very happy about it. It's still my most prized possession. OK. And it's a beautiful guitar. Yeah.00:22:08JackYeah, that's awesome. OK, so both of us have the same prized possession guitars from our fathers. Wow. And this is this is like the dads week right here.00:22:17JackOK.00:22:18XochitlYeah, this is very that's just such a weird, like, kind of coincidence. It's like a glitch in the matrix. Coincidence. The creepy.00:22:28JackWell, that's. Yeah, that's.00:22:29JackWe make good, good podcasting partners, I guess.00:22:32XochitlYeah, it's interesting. Yeah. All right, listen, we'll tell us what you thought about this episode. If you like these game episodes, please let us know in a comment down below at A-Z, and let us know what your most prized possession is. Shoot us an e-mail at AZ Leave us a comment down below or join our WhatsApp and WeChat.00:22:34JackYou know, OK.00:22:53XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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