In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack play another game where they try to test their knowledge about each other.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we're going to do one more topic talk game edition. How well do you know your podcasting partner?00:00:20JackAnd #1 the first question, social is what kind of music?00:00:28JackDo I enjoy the most?00:00:36XochitlSorry. What was that, Jack? I didn't hear you.00:00:38JackWhat kind of music do I enjoy the most? What do you think? What's what music? What kind of music? What genre do you think that I enjoy the most?00:00:46발표자Right.00:00:49XochitlSome variation of rock.00:00:52JackOK, OK. I'll give it to you. I'll give it.00:00:53JackTo you, I'll give it to you. I grew up in the 90s, so grunt.00:00:58JackYeah, that's my, you know, Nirvana program.00:01:01XochitlYeah, I was going to think that's what I was going to say like so. But I just wanted to.00:01:05XochitlBe more broad just in.00:01:06XochitlCase because.00:01:07JackYeah, you covered your bases. Yeah, cause I love Pink Floyd. I love Led Zeppelin. I love The Rolling Stones. I love The Beatles. I mean, it's it's not just that, but, but my the the music that defines my my high school years, you know, and college years is definitely.00:01:26Jack90s grunge rock Stone Temple Pilots Alice In Chains Earl Jam, Nirvana.00:01:35JackThe Pixies. I those. That's the music that I loved the most. Now I'm going to try to answer this for you.00:01:45JackOK.00:01:47JackUM.00:01:49JackLatin pop like Shakira.00:01:54XochitlYeah, uh, well, no.00:02:00XochitlIt's it's not really Latin pop. It's uh.00:02:05XochitlBoletos, which is like traditional Latin American music genre.00:02:11JackOK, OK.00:02:13JackSo it's not.00:02:14XochitlMore like 1950s Latin American music.00:02:18JackOhh, OK, OK.00:02:21JackUM.00:02:23JackOK. OK. So so that's your, that's your favorite genre then? So that's more, you're more in the traditional type of Latin music than the more modern kind of version of it or whatever like the, OK.00:02:40JackOh, interesting. OK, all right. All right. So one point for you 0 for me.00:02:46JackI was I.00:02:47JackWas only off by like 60 years so.00:02:50XochitlYeah, only though only.00:02:52JackShe's been only 60 years.00:02:53XochitlYou're in the right vein though, because present.00:02:58Jack#2, can you recall a specific goal or aspiration your friend mentioned recently?00:03:07JackOK, so something.00:03:08JackA goal that you have recently, a goal I feel like you've talked about this.00:03:14JackUM.00:03:18JackI want to say that you aspire to create some music like record something, because I know that you're a very talented musician. In particular, you have a an excellent singing voice because I've heard you sing on your Facebook.00:03:38JackYou've posted some of your compositions and stuff.00:03:42JackAnd I feel like like one of your goals is to is to do it more seriously, you know, maybe not professionally, but to take it more seriously, am I. Am I on the?00:03:56JackRight to track here.00:03:57XochitlYes, that is, that is the right track. Yeah, I I'm giving that to you for sure.00:04:03JackOK. OK. OK.00:04:05JackAnd what about?00:04:06JackWhat the question was, yeah, can you recall a specific goal or aspiration your friend mentioned recently?00:04:15XochitlOK, I was confused about the recently part OK recently.00:04:23XochitlI believe that one of your goals for this new year.00:04:27XochitlWas to.00:04:30XochitlImprove your health overall. Is that correct?00:04:34JackYeah, lose weight.00:04:35JackYeah, exactly, exactly.00:04:39JackBut I I started with my New Year's resolution was to lose lose weight.00:04:46JackTake a cold shower every day, like 30 seconds ice ice shower and not drink coffee for the first hour and I failed. I did 3 days of cold showers. I did it and it is brutal.00:05:06JackIn the winter.00:05:08JackOh man.00:05:09XochitlIs your how warm in the winter is like the thing I'm curious about? Because in Korea a lot of times it's windows, right, floor heating.00:05:18JackBut the bathrooms are not heated, though.00:05:21XochitlSo the bathroom is cold.00:05:23JackYeah. So when you walk in the?00:05:24JackBathroom. It's kind.00:05:25JackOf like walking outside, it's so weird, you know?00:05:28XochitlRight. Well, that was my question.00:05:29XochitlBecause I find that.00:05:30XochitlA lot of people don't turn though I I might be saying that wrong on the.00:05:34XochitlOn the floor heating.00:05:35JackYeah, floor heating, right? Right. Yep.00:05:37XochitlIt don't turn a lot of people don't turn it on that much during the winter or only for like a limited time, because it's quite expensive, right? So that's why I was like, is your house like actually warmer? Like, is it probably kind of on the cooler side, right.00:05:43JackYes, yes.00:05:52JackYou know, it's not like like.00:05:54JackThe American system everything is goes through event right? So so it warms the air and the the air in the room gets warm. Here they warm the floor and it kind of trickles up. But it's never really like.00:06:07JackIf you lie on the floor, it feels fantastic. If you could find a hot spot on the floor. I used to do that in my old apartment when I was single. I would find a hot spot and I would just sleep there at night. Put a blanket.00:06:17JackDown and sleep on a hot spot like a.00:06:21JackLike a dog, you.00:06:23JackKnow finding a like a warm spot. But now we kind of keep it at a certain level where it's just enough to be comfortable but we but conserve energy because it's very expensive.00:06:42JackBut uh yeah, I I I failed on two of those, but I'm. I'm still exercising every day, so I figured but make 3 New Year's resolutions and then, you know, throw two of them away. You still got one. You're doing all right.00:06:57XochitlRight. Yeah, I think you're doing OK. I.00:07:01XochitlI honestly kind of ohh right? I do remember what my resolution was but I I want to.00:07:08XochitlI want to kick him up a notch like I'm trying to to actually have a little more direction, but actually remember, Jack, I I think we might have to rewatch the episode, remember?00:07:14발표자What was your New Year's?00:07:15JackResolution again, I forgot.00:07:22XochitlI think it.00:07:23XochitlWas I I think I wanted, I think.00:07:27XochitlUh, I don't remember Jack. Maybe I want to be more assertive or some.00:07:30XochitlSaying that, I can't really remember.00:07:33XochitlOr maybe like stop?00:07:33발표자I think you.00:07:34JackWanted to win a Grammy, wasn't it? Something like that.00:07:36XochitlHa ha, I wish that would be resolution.00:07:40XochitlI better get on that then.00:07:42JackYou got it. Very yeah, yeah.00:07:44XochitlTo win the Grammy so.00:07:47JackOK, #3, what is your friend's or podcasting partners? Favorite book or author?00:07:56XochitlI don't think you've told me this about yourself.00:07:59JackI know and I don't.00:08:00JackThink I.00:08:01XochitlWait, wait. Uh.00:08:03XochitlI know you.00:08:03XochitlLike, Oh my God. Howard then.00:08:07JackOhh I do like how.00:08:08JackIt's in, yeah, yeah.00:08:08발표자I know you. Yeah, I know.00:08:10XochitlYou like him? I don't think. I don't think he's a favorite, but I know you.00:08:14XochitlLike him and then?00:08:14XochitlI know you like God was.00:08:17XochitlIt Warren peace or it was one of those long books.00:08:23XochitlThat's like classic literature.00:08:25JackYeah, I think you're thinking a farewell to arms.00:08:28XochitlYes, they're well, the arms. That's the one, yes.00:08:32JackThat's maybe my favorite book, one of my.00:08:34JackFavorite books by Ernest.00:08:36JackHemingway. Yeah, he's my favorite author. I.00:08:38JackWould say.00:08:39XochitlWhat you have?00:08:39XochitlTold me your favorite author is yes.00:08:41JackYeah, yeah, you're close, though. I mean, like, war and peace farewelled arms, there's this, this similar, you know, genre.00:08:49XochitlKind of, yeah, I suppose.00:08:52JackWar and peace was more of a that. That's that's a tough one to get through. That's like.00:08:56Jack500 pieces or something. Yeah, yeah.00:08:56XochitlYeah, it's 500.00:08:58XochitlIt's OK.00:09:00발표자How about you?00:09:00JackWith all those with.00:09:01JackAll those Russian names in there too, you know, so.00:09:04XochitlI know. Yeah. Throwing you off. Gosh.00:09:08JackI'm. I'm gonna say.00:09:12JackI have no idea. You're in. You're an English lit major, but I'm thinking like.00:09:18JackPaulo Carlo Paulo kilo.00:09:20JackI don't know if I'm saying his name right.00:09:22XochitlI don't know who that is, Jack, I'll.00:09:23XochitlBe honest.00:09:25JackThe Alchemist no.00:09:29JackNo. OK, OK. I'm. I'm sorry.00:09:32XochitlYou're fine. You're fine.00:09:33JackI have no idea.00:09:35XochitlUMI don't really.00:09:38XochitlKnow about.00:09:38JackOhh JK Rowling.00:09:40JackJust kidding.00:09:40XochitlNo, definitely.00:09:41XochitlNot, I don't know if I.00:09:43XochitlWould have a favorite author. How about a favorite book? One favorite do.00:09:46JackYeah, sure.00:09:48XochitlYou know any?00:09:49JackOhh favorite book such as Favorite Book.00:09:53XochitlShort story.00:09:59JackI mean.00:10:02JackYeah, I could say, like Don Quixote. But I mean that was that's such a lame guess, you know.00:10:06XochitlThis is that is a pretty bad guess. I'm not going to lie, that's a bad one. I mean, I'm so bad. All right, well, I'll tell you, I have a like, three kind of favorites off top of my head. Do you see? Says Quintos acting on Mexicanos, which are, like 16 Latin American shorter stories. That's what, that's.00:10:06JackWhat I mean?00:10:09JackYeah, yeah, yeah.00:10:24XochitlAnd then a couple in.00:10:25XochitlEnglish, which is the yellow wallpaper by Charlotte Gillmans Perkins.00:10:32XochitlThe bell drive by Sylvia Platt.00:10:35JackOhh. OK, OK. OK wow. Alright, alright. I you know it would. We could have been here all day and all night. And I I wouldn't have even gotten close to that Sylvia Plath. Yeah. I've never read any Sylvia Plath, but I've I've I've, you know, there's so many like references to her.00:10:54JackIn pop culture, you know what I mean.00:10:57JackRight.00:10:58JackBut uh, OK, the the yellow wallpaper. I've heard of it, but I have never read.00:11:03JackIt before so.00:11:04XochitlYou need to get on that you. You should read both of these because I think they're really interesting.00:11:12JackYeah, I'm thinking.00:11:13XochitlBut with the.00:11:13XochitlThe bell jar by Sylvia Platt.00:11:17XochitlIt is pretty depressing as a book. I mean the the yellow wallpaper is also depressing. They're both depressing. They're both kind of. They're both kind of like feminist core. Deep depression for feminist intellectuals that are caged kind of by social expectations.00:11:35JackYeah, that's right. In my right in my.00:11:37XochitlWheelhouse. Yeah, it's like early 1900s kind of American literature, which is where, I mean, not early, but early to mid 1900s, so like 1950s and before and that.00:11:41JackYeah, yeah.00:11:51XochitlKind of wheelhouse, I want to say. For Sylvia. Pup, I'm not super sure when the bell jar came out, but it was somewhere in that time frame where women were pretty limited.00:12:02JackRight, right.00:12:03XochitlAnd she kind of wants more for herself. And she's a brilliant woman, and the novel is, I guess, partially autobiographical, or at least.00:12:13XochitlLoosely. Yeah. I don't know. I do really recommend it. I think it's a great piece for anyone, but just for our listeners, do be warned. There is some like mature and depressing content, I would say.00:12:27JackYeah, but that's what makes a novel.00:12:31JackYou know that's that's good.00:12:32XochitlSend send.00:12:33XochitlYeah, it makes you think, makes you really think so.00:12:36JackRight, OK, OK. So we're.00:12:40JackYou, you. You.00:12:41JackGot that? But I was, uh, I wasn't even in the right planet. Yeah, I was. I wasn't. I wasn't in the right Galaxy.00:12:45XochitlYou have.00:12:51JackOK.00:12:52JackDo you know?00:12:52XochitlI think that.00:12:53XochitlWe meeting you today and last time you.00:12:55XochitlDefinitely beat me soundly so.00:12:57JackOK, OK. Yeah, today you are. You're you're crushing it. Do you know your podcasting partners, pet peeves or something that annoys them?00:13:10XochitlI know one for you.00:13:12JackOK.00:13:13XochitlI think when.00:13:13XochitlPeople like ask you to borrow certain stuff.00:13:18JackOhh yeah, that's pretty good. I would agree with that. Yeah, like UM.00:13:23JackLike something that's really.00:13:24XochitlLike it's.00:13:25JackSomething that's like really sentimental or something like that.00:13:28XochitlYeah, or like something that you really value or that's like really expensive, whatever. And you know, that person's not really like the type to take care of it.00:13:36JackYes, that is a huge pet peeve of mine. I would I'll give you that point because.00:13:42JackAnd again, don't lend it to don't never lend something that that you're that you can't accept losing or having broken, you know. And boundaries are OK. It's OK to say no to someone you know? Yeah, I think so many people. Sometimes they get like kind of.00:13:57발표자Right.00:14:02JackThey can't say no.00:14:04JackYou know.00:14:05XochitlAnd they're, like, afraid to say no.00:14:07JackAnd then and then they borrow, they lend it to somebody and it gets damaged. And they really are upset. And it's like, hey, man, that's on you and not on the other person, you know.00:14:19XochitlRight, because you can't you put yourself in that situation and ultimately.00:14:24JackExactly, exactly. Boundaries are OK. It's OK to make boundaries.00:14:31JackWhat bothers you?00:14:35JackI think I mean this one, I know.00:14:36JackIs is going to be like.00:14:40JackI know you're gonna agree with it, but I'm not sure if it's like your your biggest pet peeve, but it's like, I think you hate like being like gaslit, you know, gaslighting.00:14:48XochitlYeah, that one gets me that. How did you know that? Because I guess maybe we talked about it at some point, but yeah, it it's it's. I don't like being invalidated. It really bothers me.00:15:00JackYeah, yeah, yeah, I think, yeah, because it's like, especially when, you know.00:15:07JackThe right thing and someone is telling you when when someone's telling you, you know, left is right. Black is white, up is down and you know that they're wrong it it really irks you, I think.00:15:20XochitlYeah. Yeah, it really grinds my gears and and.00:15:27XochitlI think they used to argue more with people like this, and then I realize like that's like.00:15:32XochitlThey're baiting you, you know.00:15:33XochitlAnd like going around like they're just baiting, they want this reaction. They're trying to fight because they get, like, a they get.00:15:42XochitlSatisfaction. Yeah. They get satisfaction. They get, like, emotional energy from you, which is what they want. They want to suck the joy.00:15:50XochitlThings for you and they like thrive on the chaos of of intense emotional reactions that they provoke in other people. And they may not even be aware of it. They're just, that's like how they're wired to operate, kind of like in the chaos. And they enjoy.00:15:51JackRight.00:16:04XochitlThat and I. So as I've gotten older, I've just kind of learned to be like, OK, that person's like that, but it still gets.00:16:09XochitlOn my nerves.00:16:10XochitlSo I'll give.00:16:11XochitlYou that one, I'll give that.00:16:11JackRight, OK, OK, alright. Alright. And I would say advice like life advice. Avoid those people. Like cut those people out.00:16:19JackOf your life.00:16:19XochitlYes. Yeah, you don't need those people because.00:16:19JackYou know, whenever you can.00:16:22XochitlThey they're not your real one either. They.00:16:28XochitlEnjoy actually of seeing you suffer, which definitely.00:16:31XochitlMakes them not a good person to be around or.00:16:33JackThat's the opposite of a.00:16:34JackFriend, you know.00:16:36XochitlLiterally the opposite of a friend they enjoy seeing you supper or two. They just don't know how to relate to people.00:16:41XochitlIn a healthy way.00:16:42JackRight.00:16:43XochitlUM, and you don't really want those people in your life either, because when you need like support or you need things in your life that a normal friendship or relationship should be able to offer, those people can't offer that because they don't. They're not wired to operate that way.00:16:57JackThey don't have it and I think what they're doing is testing you all the time. It's like, how far can I push you and you'll still be my friend and.00:17:06JackAnd there but.00:17:07JackIt's it comes from a very deep insecurity in their own self esteem. Like they're they they don't have any self esteem and they're they're basically.00:17:19JackVampires. You know, they're gonna they're gonna suck yours away. And, yeah, avoid those people. Life is too short.00:17:31XochitlYeah, that's true. To be around people 100% happy people. Sorry around happy people. Yes, I agree.00:17:35발표자There you go.00:17:36JackYeah, and.00:17:40XochitlAll right, click over 50. Sorry, go ahead.00:17:42XochitlDid I cut you off?00:17:43JackOh, sorry. OK. Our last one is, what is your podcasting partner's most cherished, cherished possession or item?00:17:54XochitlJack you.00:17:58JackDo you want to go first?00:18:00XochitlUM, I don't really know for you. Like, just you, like, not counting things that belong to your family or or are were given to you by your family or anything. I remember you saying.00:18:13XochitlI remember you talking about like a leather jacket or something.00:18:18JackNo, I I have a lot of jackets, but it's not a real leather jacket. But I I just bought that off of like a a cheap website.00:18:27JackWell, I did have one that I, but it I found it at a A.00:18:32JackA thrift store.00:18:33JackMany years ago, but I lost it. But my most prized possession is my guitar and it was given to me by my father when I was 18. Yeah, and I still have it. It's a Yamaha acoustic guitar.00:18:41XochitlHey, honey.00:18:43발표자Go ahead.00:18:49JackOhh it's black. It's kind of a Johnny Cash vibe to it and and that is my you know, the one if my house is on fire, forget the passport. I'm grabbing my guitar and well and and my wife and my dog. But you know, if if there's time.00:19:09JackI'm grabbing that.00:19:10JackGuitar and yeah, absolutely for you that that you your your mom gave?00:19:18JackYou a necklace?00:19:19JackI believe or your grandmother gave you a necklace and but you you you placed it somewhere so special that you can't find it and.00:19:28XochitlNo, actually, my mom is the one who put it somewhere that she can't find.00:19:34JackOhh OK, it's not yours.00:19:36XochitlIt is mine. It's my necklace. But she put it away. I got it when I was 15 because of my quinceanera. So my.00:19:43JackRight, right, right, right.00:19:44XochitlPut it away.00:19:45XochitlFor me, because of that and now she can't find it. But it's fine. Yeah. Yeah. This is not my most prized possession.00:19:48JackShe put it away so well.00:19:54JackOh, OK, this is not your most part.00:19:56XochitlNo, it's like to the point where I'm like, that's OK. If she never finds it. I mean, I kind of hope she does, but it's she.00:20:01XochitlDoesn't. I'm not crying. I'm not losing sleep though.00:20:02JackOK.00:20:04JackUM that I also know that you have a duct tape wallet.00:20:12JackThat a friend needs for you.00:20:12XochitlYeah, some friend made for me, but that's also not.00:20:16XochitlStrive to that.00:20:16JackYeah, you seem like a you're you're like a a.00:20:22JackYou you you seem like a person who's got like, like, collects things with memories, you know. And so.00:20:30XochitlI do have a most prized possession. That's.00:20:32XochitlReally funny. Do you want?00:20:33XochitlDo you want to just give up?00:20:34JackIs yours your guitar?00:20:38XochitlIt's also my guitar. My dad gave me my guitar and he was gifted to him by my grandfather on my mom's side. So actually his father-in-law and it was handmade by my grandfather's father. So that's like his best friend.00:20:51JackThat's right, yes.00:20:54XochitlAnd he they gave that they gave to that to my father as a present. And I hear that I think when he was pregnant with my mom was pregnant with me, they were pregnant with me that he used to try to play that guitar.00:21:05XochitlAre, but he kind of.00:21:10XochitlI'm pretty sure he has, like ADHD or something. He he stopped playing. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's where I get it.00:21:16XochitlFrom at this point.00:21:17JackHe learned he learned like like 1 clear. Clear what? Creedence Clearwater Revival song. And he he that was it. He's like I got this.00:21:28XochitlRight up, he learned some like weird jazz chords or something. And then he gave up.00:21:32XochitlOn it I.00:21:32XochitlGuess and when I was 16, I really wanted to learn the guitar. I came back from a trip from China with the guitar.00:21:40XochitlAnd and.00:21:42XochitlAnd because I really wanted to learn guitar and my dad saw that, I guess. And.00:21:49XochitlHe gifted me his guitar because he had gifted his.00:21:51XochitlSaxophone to my sister and I never played or had any interest.00:21:55JackOhh man, I would so much rather have.00:21:56JackThe guitar.00:21:58XochitlYeah. Same same. Yeah. So, yeah, he he gifted me the guitar and I'm very happy about it. It's still my most prized possession. OK. And it's a beautiful guitar. Yeah.00:22:08JackYeah, that's awesome. OK, so both of us have the same prized possession guitars from our fathers. Wow. And this is this is like the dads week right here.00:22:17JackOK.00:22:18XochitlYeah, this is very that's just such a weird, like, kind of coincidence. It's like a glitch in the matrix. Coincidence. The creepy.00:22:28JackWell, that's. Yeah, that's.00:22:29JackWe make good, good podcasting partners, I guess.00:22:32XochitlYeah, it's interesting. Yeah. All right, listen, we'll tell us what you thought about this episode. If you like these game episodes, please let us know in a comment down below at A-Z, and let us know what your most prized possession is. Shoot us an e-mail at AZ Leave us a comment down below or join our WhatsApp and WeChat.00:22:34JackYou know, OK.00:22:53XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: