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The Model Health Show

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Oct 19, 2022 • 1h 20min

TMHS 627: New Studies Reveal the Statin Drug Industry Is Failing to Reduce Heart Disease – with Dr. Jonny Bowden

Statins are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. In fact, more than a quarter of Americans over the age of 40 are taking this popular drug class. You might think this is rational since cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death, and statins are often touted by providers for their ability to reduce risks of heart attacks and strokes. However, this is a massive oversimplification of human biology and the implications of long-term prescription medication use.  Today’s guest, Dr. Jonny Bowden, is a board-certified nutritionist, a repeat bestselling author, and one of the biggest proponents of reducing statin usage for a large portion of the population. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Bowden is back to share the truth about cholesterol levels, how statins actually work, and when they are an appropriate treatment plan.  You’re going to learn powerful information on which biomarkers predict cardiovascular outcomes, and how to make a thorough risk-benefit analysis for any medication. We’re diving into the side effects of statin drugs, the connection between metabolism and heart disease, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this interview with the one and only, Dr. Jonny Bowden!   In this episode you’ll discover: A simple ratio you can use to determine your risk of cardiovascular events. Why statin prescriptions are based on outdated science.  What population does not benefit from using statins.  Why statins were developed, and what type of patient they are meant to treat. The side effects of taking statins.  An important distinction between healthcare and sickcare.  How the pharmaceutical industry dominates our health outcomes.  Why there’s no such thing as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.  A critical biomarker that can be used to predict risk of cardiovascular events.  The difference between lowering cholesterol and lowering heart disease. What the main goal of pharmaceutical companies is.  The connection between statins and insulin resistance.  What percentage of Americans have some degree of insulin resistance.  The relationship between diabetes and heart disease.  How sleep deprivation impacts insulin sensitivity.  The easiest way to improve your triglyceride levels.  Why drug interactions are often overlooked. How statins actually work.  What the awesome foursome is.  Why the heart needs CoQ10, and how statins interfere with its levels. The role of statins in erectile dysfunction.  How mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to disease.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use the coupon code model15 for 15% off organic bedding! -- Save an exclusive 10% on performance supplements & tools! Living Low Carb by Dr. Jonny Bowden The Great Cholesterol Myth by Dr. Jonny Bowden Dopesick on Hulu Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Healthcare by Dr. John Abramson The Crime of the Century on HBO Max 5-Day Intro to Intermittent Fasting Connect with Dr. Jonny Bowden Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram   Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation  Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
Oct 17, 2022 • 1h 23min

TMHS 626: The Anti-Viral Gut – with Dr. Robynne Chutkan

Your gut is responsible for some of the most integral functions of your body like digestion and nutrient absorption. But did you know your gut also contains some of your body’s most powerful defenses against pathogens? When we gain a better understanding of how our microbiome and immune system work in tandem, we can make empowered choices that protect us from a myriad of infections and diseases.  On this episode of The Model Health Show, integrative gastroenterologist, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, is back to share cutting-edge science from her new book, The Anti-Viral Gut. You’re going to learn about the important link between gut health and immunity, including the innate defense systems inside your gut that protect you from viral illnesses. Dr. Chutkan is sharing empowering information on how some of the most commonly prescribed medications can destroy your gut, and the role nutrition plays in supporting your microbial health.  We’re diving into specific details on the function of the gut, and how our microbial health can impact our susceptibility to illnesses like COVID-19. Not only is Dr. Chutkan extremely knowledgeable about strengthening your health and immunity through gut health, but she also shares realistic, sustainable changes you can make, no matter your starting point. I hope you enjoy this empowering conversation with Dr. Robynne Chutkan!  In this episode you’ll discover: The top three drugs that reduce our resilience against viruses.  How the GI tract and the immune system are connected.  What your gut microbes are and how they function.  How your microbiome population can impact your body’s immune response. The main difference between germ theory and terrain theory.  Why eating plant fiber is critical for microbial health.  An interesting statistic about the microbiome predicting health outcomes.  What we can learn about our health from our stool. How consistent lifestyle changes can impact the health of your microbiome. The connection between obesity and COVID-19 outcomes. Why obesity is a societal issue.  How frequent antibiotic use affects the microbiome. One key question to ask your doctor before taking antibiotics. The connection between taking proton-pump inhibitors and susceptibility to COVID-19.  Why acid reflux occurs, and simple strategies to reduce its symptoms. The shocking statistics on unnecessary prescriptions for acid blockers.  How the vaginal microbiome works to protect against viruses. Why mucus is a key defense system in the body.  The two ways that mucus can destroy pathogens.  How to promote healthy mucus production. The problem with taking a cough suppressant. What percentage of the human genome is viral.  The power of incorporating fermented foods into your diet.  Real, sustainable tips for replacing or reducing medications that harm your gut.  The relationship between nature and the microbiome. Questions to ask your doctor about your medications.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use the coupon code MODEL for 20% off!  -- Use code MODEL at checkout for 15% off! The Anti-Viral Gut by Dr. Robynne Chutkan -- Preorder today to claim your bonuses! Gutbliss by Dr. Robynne Chutkan The Microbiome Solution by Dr. Robynne Chutkan  The Bloat Cure by Dr. Robynne Chutkan  Connect with Dr. Robynne Chutkan Website / Podcast / Facebook / Instagram  Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation  Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript
Oct 12, 2022 • 1h 20min

TMHS 625: The Truth About The U.S. Healthcare System & How To Personalize Your Intermittent Fasting Program – with Cynthia Thurlow

Medical interventions, including prescription medications, can be effective solutions in the right context. But in our current healthcare system, we’re simply treating symptoms and overlooking the powerful lifestyle tools we have at our disposal. There is an undeniable connection between our health outcomes and our daily practices, including diet, sleep, and movement.  Today’s guest, Cynthia Thurlow, is passionate about empowering folks to live vibrant and healthy lives through nutrition. She is a nurse practitioner, international speaker, and a thought leader in the space of intermittent fasting and women’s health. In her bestselling book, Intermittent Fasting Transformation, Cynthia outlines an individualized approach to weight loss and hormone balance through intermittent fasting.  On this episode of The Model Health Show, Cynthia is sharing incredible insights into her experience in the U.S. healthcare system, both as a provider and a patient. We’ll talk about the numerous health benefits of intermittent fasting, and how to find an approach that works for you. This episode contains conversations on gut health, fasting for women, how to hit your nutritional goals, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this interview with the amazing Cynthia Thurlow!  In this episode you’ll discover: The effects that intermittent fasting has on insulin resistance. Why breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. How blood sugar levels impact metabolic health.  What autophagy is.  The difference between acute and chronic inflammation.  How low insulin levels can improve mental clarity. The problem with industrial seed oils in our food supply. How gut health and the microbiome are influenced by intermittent fasting. The two groups that typically have the easiest adjustment to fasting. When women should fast (& when they should not).  Cynthia’s personal experience with illness, hospitalization, and surgery. Why patient advocacy is so critical. What true informed consent is.  The difference between digestive rest and fasting.  Why eating sufficient protein is important for metabolic health and longevity. The problem with the OMAD fasting schedule. An important conversation on animal protein vs. plant protein.  Why you shouldn’t be dogmatic about your diet. The holes in our healthcare system, and how providers can truly help patients. Details of Cynthia’s 45-day Intermittent Fasting Transformation.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use code MODEL at checkout for 10% off! -- Get a FREE sample pack with any order!  Intermittent Fasting Transformation by Cynthia Thurlow NP  Surviving to Thriving – TEDxTalk by Cynthia Thurlow Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique – TEDxTalk by Cynthia Thurlow Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss  Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Facebook Group Connect with Cynthia Thurlow Website / Podcast / Instagram / Twitter Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
Oct 10, 2022 • 1h 8min

TMHS 624: Transform Fitness Setbacks Into Unstoppable Comebacks – with Shaun T

“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant, and to face the challenge of change.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Adversity is one of life’s certainties. No matter who you are or what your goals are, at some point you’re going to fall on hard times. But it’s in these moments when push comes to shove, you get to decide how to react. It’s in your power to decide how to show up, and that’s truly what shapes your character and contributes to your resiliency. Today’s guest, Shaun T., is here to share his story of turning setbacks into comebacks.  Shaun T. is a world-renowned fitness and transformation coach, a bestselling author, and the creator of some of the most popular home fitness programs ever. He has helped millions of folks get in shape, but what I really admire about Shaun is that his passion for transformation goes beyond physical appearance alone. His mission is to help folks unlock their potential and live their best lives.  In this interview, you’re going to hear Shaun’s experience healing from shoulder surgery and the lessons he learned along the way. We’re diving into important conversations on embracing change and discomfort, how to handle judgment and negativity, and what it truly takes to rebound from life’s challenges. Enjoy!  In this episode you’ll discover: The lessons Shaun learned from his shoulder surgery.  Why therapy can be helpful when you’re already content. What it takes to sustain happiness.  How having the audacity to be uncomfortable can help you grow. Why being flexible is a superpower. The importance of embracing change.  How to overcome the fear of judgment.  What it means to lighten the load in your life.  Three changes Shaun implemented to recover from his surgery. An important conversation on aging and longevity.  Why you should aim to become a decathlete of life. The life lessons Shaun learned from playing tennis.  Shaun’s approach to handling negativity online. How being authentic has a positive impact on others. Why it’s your duty to live your best life.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Save an exclusive 10% on performance supplements & tools! -- Use the coupon code MODEL for 20% off! T is for Transformation by Shaun T.  Connect with Shaun T. Website / Podcast / Facebook / Instagram  Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation  Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript
Oct 5, 2022 • 1h 13min

TMHS 623: Why Mismanagement Of The Human Mind Is Creating A New Mental Health Epidemic - With Dr. Caroline Leaf

We’ve come a long way when it comes to understanding mental health, but just like many other areas of science and biology, we still have a lot to learn. As rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide skyrocket, it’s more important than ever to have conversations about mental health. It’s even more imperative that those conversations are centered around knowledge and empowerment, and that’s what I love about today’s guest.  Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist and bestselling author who specializes in mind management. Today she’s back on The Model Health Show to share the importance of managing your mind, and specific details on how the human mind actually works. You’ll learn why mental health is a prerequisite for overall health, how toxic thoughts create inflammation, and the interesting science behind how your environment influences your mind.  This episode is full of enlightening conversations like the concept of human consciousness and biofield, polypharmacy and what’s behind Americans’ declining life expectancy, and how managing our emotions can increase immune function. You’ll learn about the epigenetic controllers of mental health, and the five-step process you can use to change the way you think. I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Caroline Leaf!   In this episode you’ll discover: An important distinction between the brain and the mind. How the mind-brain-body connection works. The three parts of the mind. What percentage of the mind is your consciousness.  How the non-conscious mind works.  The impact your environment has on your non-conscious mind. How your mind can affect the way your body absorbs nutrition. Why reframing how you define success is critical. How toxic thoughts can upset your body’s balance.  An important conversation on human lifespan & increasing rates of disease. The role environment plays in mental health. How to change your brain and immune function.  What influence genetics has on depression.  The connection between inflammation, stress hormones, & thoughts. How our compartmentalized healthcare system isolates the mind. Five steps of the Neurocycle. The power of utilizing instinctive elaboration intentionally. Why failure is a misnomer.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Get a FREE sample pack with any order! -- Get an exclusive 10% discount on your daily health elixirs! Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf  Think & Eat Yourself Smart by Dr. Caroline Leaf  How to Reprogram Your Brain to Make Healthy Choices – Episode 616 Connect with Dr. Caroline Leaf Website / Podcast /Facebook / Instagram Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
Oct 3, 2022 • 1h 10min

TMHS 622: The Truth About Stem Cells & The Future of Precision Medicine – with Dr. Robert Hariri

The emerging field of stem cell therapy offers hope for the future of medicine as we know it. Under the umbrella of regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy aims to repair damaged cells in a process that lowers levels of inflammation and modulating the immune system. Unfortunately, at this point in time, very few stem cell therapies are accessible to the general public, but the body of evidence is growing to support regenerative therapies to improve a myriad of ailments and diseases.  On today’s show, you’re going to hear from one of the pioneers in the space of regenerative and precision medicine, Dr. Robert Hariri. Dr. Hariri is a surgeon, biomedical scientist, and entrepreneur. He also co-authored the #1 New York Times bestselling book, Life Force, alongside Tony Robbins. His knowledge and expertise in the field of stem cell therapy is unmatched.  In this interview, you’re going to hear the science behind placental stem cell therapies, and the multiple benefits of regenerative medicine. We’re diving into the function of the immune system, stem cells, natural killer cells, and so much more. Get ready to take notes, because this episode is loaded with invaluable information on the future of healthcare and enhancing your body’s natural healing capabilities.  In this episode you’ll discover: The role of stem cells in embryology. What the process of differentiation is.  Why stem cells are like a master boot disc.  How your environment can influence your DNA. The history of stem cell therapy.  Why replacement stem cell therapy is not scalable.  How Dr. Hariri began researching placental stem cells.  Specific roles and functions of the placenta. Why the placenta is like a 3D printer. How Tony Robbins used regenerative strategies to repair his joints. Why the immune system is an intelligence system.  How the body’s inflammatory response works.  Why our healing capabilities slow as we age.  The role regenerative strategies play in immune health. How immunomodulation works.  The important duty of natural killer cells in the placenta.  How stem cell therapy performs against infectious diseases.  Why autoimmune diseases often improve during pregnancy.  The importance of considering the safety profile of a treatment plan.  Why many patients do not benefit from the standard of care.  What the main tenets of precision medicine are.  An interesting comparison between aviation and healthcare.  The power of becoming the chief executive officer of your health. Four prerequisites for living to 100.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use the coupon code MODEL for 20% off! -- Save 25% on raw honey & other natural remedies! Life Force by Tony Robbins, Dr. Peter Diamandis, & Dr. Robert Hariri DLP Capital Health, Wellness, & Longevity Event Fountain Life  Celularity Connect with Dr. Robert Hariri Website / Twitter / Instagram Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation  Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
Sep 28, 2022 • 1h 52min

TMHS 621: How Your Brain Health Controls Your Mental Health – with Dr. Daniel Amen

The human brain is an incredibly complex and dynamic organ. It controls so much of who we are and how we operate, including everything from memory and emotion to vision and hunger. And with an increased prevalence in mental illnesses and neurodegenerative diseases, it’s more important than ever that we understand how our brain works so we can optimize its function and longevity.  Today you’re going to hear a compilation of two of my previous interviews with Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen is a leading brain health expert and double board-certified psychiatrist, and the founder of Amen Clinics, home to the world’s largest database of brain scans. If you’re interested in improving your brain health, there’s no one better to learn from than Dr. Amen. You’re going to hear about how brain health influences mental health, the state of psychiatry and mental health in the US, and how we can begin to take a root-cause approach to improving mental health. We’ll talk about specific strategies you can use to lower brain inflammation, improve brain blood flow, and so much more. Dr. Amen is also sharing powerful information about cultivating happiness and empowerment. Enjoy!  In this episode you’ll discover: What percentage of Americans have been diagnosed with a mental illness.  The connection between mental health and brain health. How deprivation can lead to imbalances in the brain.  What SPECT imaging is, and the three things it can tell you about your brain. How improving brain health can increase the efficacy of therapy. Why fame is horrible for the brain. How understanding your brain type can help you make better decisions.  The importance of having adequate blood flow to the brain. Why improving your health should be based in love.  How to improve your omega 3 levels and reduce inflammation. What PTSD looks like on a brain scan. The connection between body weight and blood flow to the brain. How leaky gut contributes to leaky brain.  The importance of high-quality sleep for brain health. Critical health factors to check before beginning psychiatric medications.  How improving brain health can reduce rates of incarceration and addiction.  What part of the brain feels pleasure.  How brain scans of the prefrontal cortex can indicate happiness levels. Why a healthy brain is the key to happiness. The different brain types, and how they view the world. An important connection between low-quality food and inflammation.  The relationship between the amygdala and fear.  How the American government contributes to mental illnesses.  Why prolonged use of technology is unhealthy for the brain. Dr. Amen’s nighttime ritual for happiness and gratitude.  A silver lining of families being home during the pandemic.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Use code MODEL at checkout for 10% off! -- Save 25% on raw honey & other natural remedies! How Neuroscience is Transforming Psychiatry with Dr. Daniel Amen – Episode 400 How to Discover Your Brain Type with Dr. Daniel Amen – Episode 568 Justin Bieber: Seasons Healing ADD by Dr. Daniel Amen Change Your Brain, Change Your Body by Dr. Daniel Amen  The Daniel Plan by Dr. Daniel Amen  Why Be Happy? by Dennis Prager  Change Your Brain Foundation  The End of Mental Illness by Dr. Daniel Amen  The Brain Warrior’s Way by Dr. Daniel Amen  Amen University Connect with Dr. Daniel Amen Website / Facebook / Instagram / TikTok  Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript
Sep 26, 2022 • 1h 13min

TMHS 620: The Truth About Menopause, Andropause, & Optimizing Hormone Health – with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Throughout our lives, our hormones are constantly fluctuating. Specifically, as we age, our hormone levels tend to dramatically change. And while these shifts are a natural part of our life cycle, it doesn’t mean we’re destined to live with symptoms like poor mood or decreased energy forever.  On today’s show, you’re going to learn from hormone expert and triple board-certified OBGYN, Dr. Anna Cabeca. In her new book, MenuPause, she shares how to use food as medicine to reduce the symptoms of menopause like weight gain, brain fog, and hot flashes. Dr. Anna takes a well-rounded, holistic approach to healing, and she has helped thousands of folks reach optimal health through improved hormone levels.  No matter what stage of life you’re in, understanding how your hormones work is critical. This episode is full of key insights and actionable steps you can take to balance your hormones and feel your best. You’re going to learn about the relationship between some of our most important hormones, specific foods to eat to support hormone health, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode with the amazing Dr. Anna Cabeca!  In this episode you’ll discover: Why our hormones are energetic molecules.  What the hormone hierarchy is and how it works.  The most important hormone in the human body. How oxytocin operates in the body.  The effects stress can have on our hormones.  Dr. Anna’s personal journey of undergoing menopause twice. The relationship between cortisol and our reproductive hormones. Why cortisol impacts oxytocin.  What your urine pH can tell you about your overall health. The connection between nutrient-rich foods, the microbiome, and health. One of the first dietary changes Dr. Anna implements in her patients. The relationship between aging and insulin resistance.  How insulin resistance can contribute to hot flashes.  The problem with replacing testosterone.  Why intermittent fasting is helpful for optimal brain function.  How menopause symptoms can be alleviated with a ketogenic diet. What the side effects of hormone replacement therapy are.  The best foods to support hormone health.  Why alkalinizing the body is the key to optimal health.  What andropause is.  Items mentioned in this episode include:  -- Use code MODEL at checkout for 15% off! -- Use the coupon code MODEL for 20% off! MenuPause by Dr. Anna Cabeca The Hormone Fix by Dr. Anna Cabeca Keto-Green 16 by Dr. Anna Cabeca  Receive 10% off all Dr. Anna Cabeca's supplements and products right here Connect with Dr. Anna Cabeca Website / Podcast / Instagram / Facebook   Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
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Sep 21, 2022 • 1h 23min

TMHS 619: The Remarkable Benefits Of Light Therapy & The Truth About Rising Infertility Rates - With Dave Asprey

Did you know that light therapy can improve your sleep, promote healing, and reduce inflammation? Humans are deeply influenced and shaped by our environment, and light is an important factor in maintaining optimal health. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the numerous benefits of light therapy.  Our guest today is Dave Asprey. He is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, the host of The Human Upgrade Podcast, and the founder of Upgrade Labs. For the last two decades, Dave has worked to discover the best ways to improve human functionality and performance. As the creator of TrueLight, Dave is a leading voice in the space of light therapy for optimizing overall health.  On today’s show, you’re going to learn how light impacts mitochondrial function, energy levels, inflammation, and so much more. We’re also going to discuss the link between circadian rhythms and fertility, and how factors like modern farming and birth control can impact human health long-term. This conversation is full of information you can use to restore your health; I hope you enjoy this interview with Dave Asprey!  In this episode you’ll discover: How the circadian clocks in your bodywork. What the suprachiasmatic nucleus is, and its main function.  The history of red light therapy.  How red light has an anti-inflammatory effect.  Five components of light exposure that can impact your health. How food timing impacts your circadian clocks. The way having sex changes your hormones.  How circadian rhythm impacts fertility.  The dangers of using hormonal birth control.  How glyphosate impacts human health. The restorative power of minerals.  How your cells’ mitochondria function.  What to eat for better fertility.  How mycotoxins can impact your metabolism.  The main purpose of testosterone, and how it affects men & women. Why thyroid health is integral for overall health.   What it means to be dangerous.  The fastest fix for optimizing your brain health. How processed seed oils contribute to obesity.  The best fats to eat.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Get 20% off every box plus an additional $15 off! -- Get a FREE sample pack with any order! TrueLight Light Therapy TrueDark Blue Light Glasses Game Changers by Dave Asprey  The Better Baby Book by Dave Asprey  Danger Coffee  Moldy Movie  Homebiotic  40 Years of Zen  Upgrade Cafe Santa Monica   Biohacking Conference  Connect with Dave Asprey Website / Podcast / Instagram  Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript  
Sep 19, 2022 • 1h 35min

TMHS 618: The Powerful Connection Between Food & Mental Health - With Dr. Uma Naidoo

Modern medicine tends to divide the human body into separate, distinct systems but our bodies are complex entities that are intricately connected. The field of gut health is constantly evolving, and the more we learn, the more we understand about the body’s expansive interconnectedness. Our gut health impacts a myriad of functions in the body, including metabolism, immune health, and even our mental health.  One of the leading experts in dissecting the relationship between food and mood is Dr. Uma Naidoo. She is a Harvard psychiatrist, professional chef, and a nutritional specialist. Her specialty is Nutritional Psychology—a field that approaches mental health in a holistic and integrated way. On this episode of The Model Health Show, Dr. Naidoo is back to share powerful insights on how what we eat affects our mental health.  You’re going to hear key insights on the gut-brain connection, and how taking a wider perspective on mental illnesses can facilitate healing. You’re going to learn what to eat for better mental health, including specific nutrients and foods you can incorporate into your diet. Dr. Naidoo is a true expert in all things psychiatry, and I think you’re going to love her realistic and balanced approach to boosting your mood through diet. Enjoy!  In this episode you’ll discover: The connection between mental health and physical health. How your diet impacts your mental well-being.  What the gut-brain connection is, and how it influences mental health. The definition of Nutritional Psychiatry.  Why taking a holistic approach to mental health is so important.  The role that therapy and medication plays in Nutritional Psychiatry.  Why the standard practice of diagnosing mental illnesses is antiquated. How nutrition can impact the symptoms of anxiety. The connection between serotonin and gut health.  Why SSRIs can cause gastrointestinal distress.  How leaky gut is initiated.  Why your gut microbes need fiber. How optimizing your fatty acid ratio can improve gut dysbiosis. The problem with food wars and strict food rules.  What to look for when reading food labels. The role that balance, moderation, and inclusivity should play in your diet. What resistant starches are.  The connection between inflammation and trauma.  How our bodies can carry trauma on a long-term basis. The mental health benefits of drinking coffee. How dehydration can present as anxiety symptoms.  The power of healing your mind.  Specific foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.  Items mentioned in this episode include: -- Get an exclusive 10% discount on your daily health elixirs! -- Save an exclusive 10% on performance supplements & tools! This Is Your Brain on Food by Dr. Uma Naidoo Connect with Dr. Uma Naidoo Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram  Join TMHS Facebook community - Model Nation  Be sure you are subscribed to this podcast to automatically receive your episodes:  Apple Podcasts Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud *Download Transcript

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