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Get Your Hopes Up with Christy Wright

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Oct 2, 2018 • 1h 9min

BB Ep 57: Standing Out From Your Competition With Your Unique Selling Proposition with Megan Tamte

One of my favorite things about business is marketing, and I'm so excited because this week we're diving into a marketing concept known as the unique selling proposition. What is a Unique Selling Proposition? It is one feature or benefit you want to highlight about your product or service. This concept dates back to the 1940s and was used to get people to switch from one brand to another. For examples of this, just Google "1940s soap advertisements," and you'll see some brands touting "lovelier skin" and others promising to "stop BO!" Don't most soaps do both? Yes, but each brand chose to highlight a different feature of its soap. I've taught y'all about this before in many places, including my Business Boutique book, where I call it your unique position. It's the angle you want to take in all of your marketing that lets your customers know why they need to buy from you. In Reality in Advertising, author Rosser Reeves explains the purpose of your unique selling proposition so well. He says, "Each advertisement must say to each reader: 'Buy this product, for this specific benefit.'" He also says, "The proposition must be strong enough to move the masses." Related: Ep. 52-Market Research: How to Know What Your Customers Want So focus on just one feature or benefit of your product-something you want to be known for that is strong enough to move the masses-and highlight that in all your marketing, even if that thing seems obvious. In fact, in this episode, I'll tell you how my college professor taught our class how to sell a toaster by highlighting a feature as basic as its electric cord. But here's another example. FedEx has an advertising campaign right now that grabs my attention every time I see the commercial. In the ad, you see a woman standing in her art studio waiting on a delivery. In another scene, a package is hand-delivered to an elderly man sitting in a nursing home cafeteria. Then there's a little boy peering with wonder at a FedEx box in his living room. A voice-over asks, "What's inside?" Then you see the artist, the senior and the little boy light up as they open their boxes-and the answer comes: "Possibilities." Here FedEx reminds us that receiving a package in the mail is exciting! And if they've done their job right, maybe they've even convinced you that when you send or receive a parcel via FedEx, anything is possible. Doesn't UPS offer a very similar service? Yep. If you use UPS for your shipping and handling, can you send and receive the same things and have it done in the same amount of time? Probably. But FedEx hooked me with their commercial because they chose to highlight the excitement that comes with anticipating a package. What result can you highlight about your business that will make your potential customers feel something? In this episode, I'll challenge you to answer these questions about your business: What makes your product unique? What makes your services unique? Why should someone buy from you instead of your competition? If you don't know the answers to these questions, you're missing out on sales. You're missing sales because if you don't answer these questions in your marketing, your customers sure won't know the answers, either! Claiming Your Unique Value Proposition Now, your unique selling proposition doesn't have to be something unique to only you-in fact, it probably won't be. My guest this week understands that and has marketed her business brilliantly. Megan Tamte is the co-founder and co-CEO of Evereve, a retail fashion and styling company and one of my favorite stores. Evereve's tagline is "Dress like a mom." Just think about that for a minute. How many stores and boutiques and online clothing companies sell clothes for women? How many sell for moms, specifically? There are probably thousands or even millions, right? But Megan chose to claim it. Her marketing lets people know that...
Sep 18, 2018 • 1h 17min

BB Ep 56: How to Be Intentional in Your Life and Business with Dave Ramsey

This week we're going to talk about being intentional. Y'all, it's easier said than done. So many people just go through life without doing things on purpose. What Happened When I Got Intentional I need to tell you about a time that I was not so intentional. When I graduated from high school, I very excitedly got out of the state of Tennessee where I had grown up and attended the University of Central Florida. I went for the great business school and the beautiful campus, but I didn't really participate with the school side of things. Let's just say, I loved the beach more than I did class. And my grades showed it. I wasn't intentional with my time or my studying, and at the end of my first semester of my sophomore year, I had a 1.4 GPA. YIKES! Y'all, it wasn't that I wasn't smart and willing to work hard-I just didn't focus. But here comes the good news. When I decided to transfer to the University of Tennessee-to spare my mother the out of state tuition and because I realized I wanted to return to Tennessee after college-something amazing happened! They accepted my credits but didn't carry my GPA over from UCF. I got a clean slate. And I ran with it! I got really serious. I stayed late, I did extra credit, and I went the extra mile. At the end of my sophomore year, my first semester at UT, I got a 4.0. All because I was intentional. It's so easy to just get by. It's so easy to let life happen and just spend our time reacting instead of acting. I want us to do something different. I want us to be intentional and do things on purpose. Things will not happen for you in life; you have to make things happen. 5 Areas of Your Life to Be Intentional 1. Be Intentional With Your Marriage I read this a few weeks ago on Twitter: "If you want what you used to have, you have to do what you used to do." What did you used to do in your marriage? It is so easy for our marriages to become businesses. You and your spouse did not fall in love over the cable bill, or kid's schedules, or determining who was going to pick up the dry cleaning. Before the busyness of kids and errands and all the to-do lists, you and your spouse probably just had fun together. In my life, there are things that Matt and I used to love to do. We still do those things, because we schedule time to do them. We put it on the calendar. If you wait for those things to happen, they will never happen, because life will get in the way. What do you and your spouse love to do together? Those things don't have to slip away. Life gets busy, but don't let your marriage become an afterthought. Be intentional with your marriage and see how it changes things for you, your spouse and even your kids! Related: Ep. 49 - How to Get Your Husband on Board With Your Business 2. Be Intentional With Your Parenting In any area of our lives, it's easy to be reactive instead of proactive, but this seems particularly tempting with kids. Admittedly, I have two kids and they are fairly young, and I'm learning with many of you. But I've noticed that we, as moms, spend a lot of time reacting. We react to school and sport schedules. We react to what other parents are doing. We react to handling their behavior. We react to dealing with tough situations. Trust me, I know parenting is hard. But we're going to spend the energy regardless, so we might as well spend it on the front end, shaping our kids proactively, rather than always reacting to whatever life throws at us. Being intentional with what you want your kids to know, feel, do and experience doesn't have to look like holding yourself to an impossible standard of perfection. Just do things on purpose; it's amazing how our kids will get it. Related: Ep. 8 - How to Deal with Mom Guilt 3. Be Intentional With Your Business You can't float by in your business and wonder why you didn't reach your goals. Success won't happen if you don't do things on purpose....
Sep 4, 2018 • 1h 3min

BB Ep 55: Making a Social Media Strategy That Works with Amy Jo Martin

It's time to talk about building a social media strategy that works. No matter the type or size of your business, having a strong social media strategy is important. You don't have to be an expert to find success on social media. Getting People to the Party With an Effective Social Media Strategy I want you to think of your social media profiles like a party! And people can't come to your party and have a great time if they don't know about it or show up. I'm going to break this down into seven ways for you to step up your social media strategy to attract more followers. Seven Ways to Step Up Your Social Media Strategy 1. Be Visual If your social media page is a party, think about how you signify to real-life guests where to find your party. You put out balloons and maybe a sign. You want to make it really clear: THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE! Do the same thing when you post content on your social media page: make it visual whenever possible. This will instantly set your content and posts apart. Can you add a photo or video? Is there a graphic you can create? There are tons of apps and tools to help you create visual content in less than a minute. I've got a list of a few of my favorites on my Social Media Cheat Sheet. 2. Be Interesting The human brain is designed to ignore anything that is familiar. It's constantly scanning its environment and labeling, categorizing and discarding anything that isn't necessary for survival. It's crazy. It's the reason that I can say, "If at first you don't succeed . . . " and you instantly know how to finish that sentence. Your brain finishes it for you and moves on. But if I say, "If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving probably isn't for you," then that stands out because it's interesting. Related: Ep 31: Branding the Look and Tone of Your Busines 3. Be Varied When you add variety to your content on your social media strategy, it keeps people coming back for more because you've added an element of surprise and delight. It's the same reason that I could go into T.J. Maxx twice a week but I won't go into a department store more than twice a year. Department stores don't have as much variety as T.J. Maxx! The variety is addicting and it draws you in again and again. Mix up the types of post you're putting out into the world to keep your follower's attention. Related: Get the Most Out of Your Content 4. Be Engaging If you want to grow your impact on social media, you need to increase your engagement. Engagement indicates how many people acted on your post-they didn't just view it or scroll past it; they responded in some way. They liked it, shared it, retweeted it, left a comment, etc.  Any of these are great things because the more people that engage with your posts, the more "successful" the platform views that post and the more likely they are to show it to even more people. When it comes to your social media strategy, pay attention to what types of your posts get people to do something. 5. Be Responsive In life and on social media, one-way conversations are not fun. That's why you should set aside a few minutes each day to respond to comments and feedback you receive. Your customers are more likely to respond to your content (remember: engage!) when you respond to them and engage. Treat others how you want to be treated, right? So if you want more responses, be more responsive. Related: 3 Ways to Connect With Your Tribe Using Social Media Content 6. Be Consistent If your social media followers see you four times a day for months, and then you choose to go off the grid, they'll be confused. You have to show up when you say you're going to and be consistent! You get to choose what your consistency is, but then stick to it! Your content should have variety, but your frequency should have consistency. Teach people what to expect from you and then follow through. Consistency is so key in building...
Aug 21, 2018 • 1h 3min

BB Ep 54: How to Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress with Emily Ley

This week's podcast episode is going to help you simply your life and business. The stress of chaotic schedules and spaces keeps us from living effectively. I know for me a few practical tips can make all the difference. Our guest this week has personally helped me simplify my own life through simple, easy-to-do daily changes. One small change got me thinking beyond my personal life to business. I can't wait to share a few tips to simplify your business today! Five Ways to Simplify Your Business 1. Simplify Your Paperwork In addition to a laundry mountain, I have mail mountain. It piles up high for weeks or months until I finally address it and sort it into neat stacks. What if we had permanent stacks? What if there were permanent places where those things go? What if we created, like my friend April Perry calls it, a Command Center? You probably already know the main categories of paperwork you encounter throughout the month in your business. Just start there. Do a little bit of work on the front end, and create spaces to sort your paperwork as it comes in! Whether it's your email inbox, your computer desktop, or a few literal spaces, this strategy is going to help reduce stress in the long run. 2. Simplify Your Workspace When my husband Matt and I were planning our wedding and had a larger invitation list than our budget would allow, our wedding planner provided us with a challenge: cut 10%. We eliminated 10% of our list by eliminating from each category. The same challenge can be applied to your workspace. What if you cut a percentage of what was there? Let's say 30%. Go into your work space and choose 30% of the items taking up space to sort, store, or throw away. Junk, clutter, and the seventeen pieces of artwork from your children are overwhelming your space. It's time to approach your workspace with an elimination mindset. Imagine creating a workspace you actually want to work in. You'll enjoy your work more when you've created a space that you love. Related: How to Have More Time 3. Simplify Your Product or Service Offerings When it comes to your customers, less is more. In products, design, and content, it's important to create clarity. If it's complicated to you, it's even more complicated to your customers. You want to make sure you have a clear path for your customers. A million options with a million varieties is not clear for your customers. It's overwhelming. Research shows the more options you give people, the less likely they are to buy. People do better with limited options. Get rid of anything in your product offerings that wastes space, doesn't sell, you don't enjoy making, or has a horrible profit margin. You'll leave more space and fewer options for your customers to actually buy what they want. 4. Simplify Your Website Just like with your product offerings, your website needs to be simple and clear for your customers. My friend Donald Miller says, "People don't buy the best products and services; they buy those they understand the quickest." People understand the fastest when you give them a few simple words. Everything needs to have a purpose and a point-every tab, landing page, and product description. If it doesn't, it doesn't need to be there. When I'm writing a talk, I challenge myself to write the "one sentence." What's the one thing I want people to know? Then everything I say points back to that one thing. Your website should be just like that! Your website is a source of communication with your customers. Make it as clear as possible. What landing page, words, or images are not the most important things you want your customer to know? What words are confusing? What words are a distraction? 5. Simplify Your Schedule Similar to your workspace, you can approach your schedule with an elimination mindset. Set a goal and take a percentage right off the top. It's time to find some margin, and the best way...
Aug 7, 2018 • 57min

BB Ep 53: How to Push Past Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New with Sarah Jakes Roberts

Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone If you want to go anywhere in business or life, you're going to need to get outside your comfort zone and try something new. How I Got Outside My Comfort Zone and Started the Business Boutique Podcast In 2016, when Business Boutique was just starting, my team and I decided to try something new. We knew we wanted another format outside of our event to share the message of Business Boutique. We decided to start a podcast. And to be honest, it wasn't my first choice. I would have much rather focused my attention and efforts on creating more video content. There were a few things that factored into our decision to pursue an audio format over video format, but one large factor was that I was pregnant with my second son, Conley. We knew that it would be difficult to record videos and maintain a consistent production schedule through my pregnancy and my maternity leave. So we decided to try something new with this whole podcast thing. Luckily it's worked. But when we first started recording the podcast, the format was hard for me. It was recorded. It wasn't live. There was no audience for me to interact with. It was just me. With a giant microphone in my face. Alone in a room with my podcast producer, Chris. To put it plainly, it was outside my comfort zone. I'm comfortable speaking to a live audience or on video. I felt limited with the audio format. I didn't know how to translate my emotions and my facial features over an audio podcast. I was afraid that my energy and excitement wouldn't translate. It was something I'd never done before. The Results of Trying Something New Despite my hesitation, I trusted my team. And I'm so glad I did. We tried something new and we've seen an incredible impact. We've reached over 2 million downloads and recorded 54 episodes. We've heard so many stories from listeners who have taken what they've learned and started businesses, grown beyond their wildest dreams, and made money doing what they love. Think of all the people who have been inspired because we chose to communicate information in a way that could be listened to in the car, on a run or while doing the dishes. It was all possible because we tried something outside my comfort zone. What does that look like for you? Related: Ep. 46-Use Your Gifts to Make a Difference Rethinking Your Comfort Zone We think of our comfort zone as something scary. But it's not just that. Pursing something outside your comfort zone doesn't mean that you always have to do something scary. It doesn't have to always be bigger or involve more risk; it might just be something that you've never done before-something that you're not comfortable with. That's why we call it a comfort zone. The Limits Your Comfort Zone Puts On You When we choose to live inside our comfort zones, we make statements about ourselves. I'm not a writer. I'm not business minded. I can't do it. I don't have enough time. We put limitations and labels on ourselves and then we live within them. But what if God doesn't agree with your labels? What if God wants to do something new in you-something outside your comfort zone? What if He doesn't have those same limitations for you? Related: Don't Let Fear Stop You From Starting What Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone When you choose to step outside your comfort zone, the thing that used to scare you actually becomes a part of your comfort zone. One day you look up and think, I can't believe I'm doing this. It all happens one baby step at a time as you learn, grow and become your new self. But it only happens outside your comfort zone. As you become more you can do more, and as you do more you can go after more things! In this episode I'm going to teach you: The three best things that happen when you step outside your comfort zone. How to embrace growth, learning and change. The importance of pushing past the limitations you...
Jul 24, 2018 • 56min

BB Ep 52: Market Research: How to Know What Your Customers Want with Jessica Principie

How to Know What Your Customers Want by Doing Market Research Today we're talking all about how to know what your customers want. When it comes to determining what our customers really want, we have the temptation to return to our middle school days of fortune telling. Stay with me here. Do you remember the origami cootie catchers that told us where we would live and who we would marry? Did you ever pick the pedals off flowers, "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me!" Raise your hand if you've ever asked a Magic 8-Ball a question. Y'all, we love to predict the future. We all want to know how things will turn out, and if we're honest, we'd all love to read our customer's minds. Related: Communicating Clearly with Your Customers Using Market Research to Determine What Our Customer Wants Wouldn't it be incredible to figure out exactly what our customers want? To determine exactly what they need? To know the words they use, so we can use those words and reach them directly? We can. We can know those things-what they think, how they feel, and what they need. We can learn all that and a whole lot more. And here's the good news: You don't need a Magic 8-Ball to tell you. How do you find out?  You just ask. The simplest things are the things that are most often overlooked. Instead of doing the most logical and effective thing, we tend to just guess what our customers want. We overlook asking them what they feel, want, need, think. We can demystify the whole thing by simply asking our customers directly. We're all great at asking questions, but many of us have just never thought to apply it to our business. There's a fancy term for asking your customers what they want: Market Research. Related: The Two Things You Need to Know About People Two Methods of Market Research There are two methods of research you can use to ask your customers what they want: quantitative research and qualitative research. Both methods are going to help you understand your market, learn, and grow. By asking your customers the right questions, you can gain a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and needs surrounding your product. A helpful hint to understand the difference between quantitative research and qualitative research is to remember the root of the word. Quantitative research is all about quantity. Qualitative research is all about quality. Understanding Quantitative Market Research In quantitative research, you ask questions that can be quantified and produce a metric for you to measure. You might do this through yes or no questions, multiple choice, ratings, or another method. Quantitative research is helpful in your business to not only understand your market, but to supplement your marketing, branding and promotions. Have you seen those commercials that say 9 out of 10 dentists recommend this toothpaste? They did a quantitative market research study to find that number. Understanding Qualitative Market Research Qualitative research can't be quantified. This type of research takes exponentially more time to sort through results, analyze and identify themes. But that doesn't mean you should avoid it! Qualitative research provides open-ended, non-leading questions that will allow your customers to provide answers in their own words. That's the reason it's so valuable! You really can understand your customer, their motivation, their mindset, and their language. Qualitative research can also be used in marketing in the form of marketing copy, testimonials, endorsements, and quotes. Lots of the words that we use in Business Boutique are things you've told us. We love to hear what sticks out to you so that we can improve, grow and get better. I love market research! It is such a simple and direct way to get feedback from your customers. Related: Ep 20: How to Create Engaging Content for Your Business In this episode I'll talk about: The different...
Jul 10, 2018 • 1h 19min

BB Ep 51: How to Build Trust With Your Social Media Followers with Jennifer Allwood and Cathy Heller

The Importance of Social Media Followers  I recently read that over 50 million businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with their customers.(1) 50 million?! These business are tapping into something powerful. They understand the value of connecting with their customers directly and using social media followers to build and expand their brand. In essence, they understand the importance of a building a tribe-a group of people who love you, are loyal to your brand, and who trust you. Your tribe is made up of the people who buy your product when you launch a pre-sale. They are the first people to mention your name (or better yet, give someone your business card) to refer your service. Your tribe is bought into your business because they're bought into you and what you stand for. One of the best ways to build a tribe is to provide a place for them to connect and engage with you and your brand. Social media provides you with the space to build a relationship with your customers, make a personal impact, and ultimately make money. This isn't strictly a numbers game. My friend Rachel Hollis once said, "5,000 dedicated social media followers are way better than having millions and millions." It doesn't matter how many social media followers you have-if they don't trust you, they aren't going to buy from you. Successful Brands Build Trust People buy from those they know, like and trust. So, it's pretty important to build trust with your tribe of social media followers. Related : How to Sell Without Feeling Slimy But how do we get people to trust our brand or business? One of my favorite examples of a brand that has built trust is our company, Ramsey Solutions. Dave Ramsey grew this business and brand over decades through personal connection. About six years ago, he realized he needed to start thinking about the future and the succession of his company. From the very beginning, it had been just him. But he realized that if he wanted to take it to the next level and scale beyond himself, he needed to make a few changes. He knew that the best brands build trust. And the best way to build trust is through people. Brands don't change people, people change people. He realized we needed more people who could take more messages into more markets. That's how the Ramsey Personalities were born! For more than 25 years, Dave Ramsey has been building trust with his tribe-one person at a time. The same can be true for you and me. If you want to make an impact, and if you want to make money, you need to build trust. Building a Social Media Following That Trusts You  I personally feel so connected to all of my social media followers. We may have never met, but I pride myself on the fact that I know you trust me. I have read so many comments on my social media posts and met so many people in grocery stores, airports, and book signings who say, "I feel like we're best friends." Y'all, that's important to me. I want you to feel like you know me. That you relate with me. That I get you. (Because I do!) Business Boutique has grown as I've expanded the number of people in our tribe who genuinely know, like and trust me. In this episode, I want to help you connect and engage with your social media followers in a way that builds trust. We're going to discuss: How to inspire people with your success and connect through your struggles. When to tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Why being consistent is one of the most crucial things you can do in your business. How to stop being a doormat and still be generous with what you have to offer. The ultimate way to lean into your gifts and be YOU! Building trust with your social media followers is no different than building trust with any other person in your life. That's why I'm going to give you five tips to help you build trust that will impact your social media followers and, ultimately,...
Jun 26, 2018 • 1h 6min

BB Ep 50: How to Grow a Side Hustle While Working Full-Time with Jake Vehyl and Kristin Ostrander

I heard a statistic recently that absolutely shocked me: seven out of every ten Americans say they don't like their jobs. Um, what? I don't know about you, but that number floored me. I mean, let's think about it. Seventy percent of us show up day in and day out-like for at least eight hours at a time-to a job that we don't even enjoy? That's a whole lot of unhappy people, working a whole lot of hours, doing something they hate. Ya'll, I don't get it. That makes no sense to me. None. But maybe you're in that place right now. Or maybe you're wanting to make some extra money. Or maybe you just need a creative outlet. Regardless of your motivation, I've got a great solution. Have you ever considered starting a side hustle? Related: 27 Ways to Make Extra Money from Home Is It Possible to Grow a Side Hustle If I Work a Full-Time Job? What you probably don't realize is that what you know today as Business Boutique actually started as a side hustle-while I was working a full-time job! Let's just say, necessity is truly the mother of invention. When I was first pursing my passion as a coach, in order to get my coaching credential, I had to fulfill a certain number of hours, well, coaching. I wasn't a Ramsey Personality yet. In fact, I was only speaking on a part-time basis for our company. So I thought, why not start a little business on the side coaching others? That way, I could earn my business coach certification and earn some extra income. A win-win, right? Fast forward a few years and that side business has now evolved into Business Boutique. So no matter your schedule, obligations, and commitments, it's possible to start a side hustle and also work full-time. And with enough passion and determination, I know you can do it too. Related: How to Take Your Side Hustle Full Time How Do I Start a Side Hustle When I'm Already So Busy With My Full-time Job? I'm going to be completely honest. Working two jobs at the same time is not easy. You will be doing a lot of juggling. But side businesses are a great way to help you reach your goals. And finding work you're passionate about-work that is fulfilling and challenging and exhilarating-is worth every sacrifice along the way. Work can be fun, y'all! You can do something you love and get paid for it! Don't forget that. In this episode, we'll talk about: How to define the objectives of your side hustle The importance of setting goals Creative ways to find time When to ask for help Why to celebrate milestones When to turn a side hustle into a full-time gig Related: How to Have More Time My Guest This Week Is Jake Vehyl! My guest this week is Jake Vehyl, founder of Nashville-based cookie company Jake's Bakes! Five years ago, Jake had a full-time job-and a big dream of starting his own business. But like many of you, he didn't know how to do it or have a lot of money to sink into a new venture. That's when Jake made a very smart decision: to start small. Instead of going into crazy debt purchasing expensive commercial grade baking equipment, he found a restaurant to lease space from during off hours. That decision not only saved a ton of cash, but it allowed Jake to work his day job and then head to the restaurant afterwards to bake until midnight. Yes, the hours were insanely long-and his social life definitely took a backseat-but Jake is the first to tell you that all of that hard work paid off. In less than two years, Jake's Bakes expanded from a delivery-only business to their first retail storefront. And you won't believe how this story ends! Even Jake didn't see this coming. In this episode, Jake and I will talk about: How to figure out what kind of side hustle to start What to do when faced with initial obstacles How to manage inevitable risks Why a "perfect" plan does not exist How to know when to quit your full-time job Related: Ep. 44 How to Know If Your Business Idea Will Work  Success...
Jun 12, 2018 • 1h 5min

BB Ep 49: How to Get Your Husband on Board With Your Business with Matt Wright

Over the past three years, one of my most favorite things has been meeting women at Business Boutique events all across the country who are there for one reason: Their husbands bought them a ticket. Y'all, let's take a second. How amazing is that? This crazy, wonderful, exhilarating journey of chasing their dream started because someone-an incredibly supportive husband, in this case-believed in them. That right there is a dream in and of itself. And believe me, I know. I have one of those rock star husbands too. Is Your Husband on Board With Your Business? My husband is my confidant, my teammate, my number one fan-but even he can get overwhelmed by yet another one of my big ideas. Any dreamers out there? Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about. But you know what I've discovered? Usually when that happens, it's because I simply didn't give him enough information or enough time to process it all. Or, let's be honest, maybe in my excitement, I jumped all the way from A to Z and just plain scared him! The good news is it's possible to get even the most hesitant husband interested and on board with your business. (Really!) The best place to start? Take a look at the way you talk to him about your business. What Is the Best Way to Talk to My Husband About My Business? Here's the deal: A big dream calls for one heck of a powerful communication strategy, whether you're talking to your customers or your very own spouse. If you want to get your husband on board with your business, you have to first help him understand the meaning behind your work. And I've got three tips to help you do just that. In this episode, I'll talk about the importance of: Explaining your why Asking your husband what he needs Showing him the ways your business brings you joy Related: Ep. 7-How to Build Your Business and Still Have a Life at the Same Time My Guest This Week Is My Husband, Matt Wright! My guest this week is my very own husband, Matt Wright-also known as my biggest cheerleader. There's nothing I can't accomplish with that man by my side. I'm so proud of him, and I'm so proud he's mine. I am so excited for you all to get to know him a little better-and I'm excited for Matt to tell you what it's like being married to a woman who is chasing a big business dream. So, Matt and I have been married for six years now, and in all that time, he's never left me speechless-until a few weeks ago. Now, anyone who knows me or has ever listened to this podcast knows that I'm a talker. I am not what you'd call quiet. Or shy-at all. One could say that I have a lot to say, a lot of the time. Shocking, I know! I recently asked Matt what he thinks is the best way for a woman to get her husband on board with her business. Y'all, his answer blew me away. Without hesitation, he explained, "I think husbands should support our wives because that's our responsibility. If you're married, it's your responsibility to support one another." What?! He totally called out men to do the right thing. And I love him for it. I also love that he offered a completely different perspective that had never occurred to me. That's invaluable. But let's be honest: Actions speak louder than words. And sometimes competing responsibilities, other commitments, kids, and everyday life just get in the way. That's why I wanted Matt to share his thoughts on specific ways for your spouse to become more interested-more personally invested-in your business. In this podcast, Matt and I will talk about: Looking for common threads in both your businesses so you can help one another Respecting your husband's feelings as they relate to your business The best ways to manage expectations and become a true team How to make your husband still feel like a priority in your life Thinking about your business from your husband's perspective What Do I Do If My Husband Doesn't Support My Dream? In a perfect world, every...
May 29, 2018 • 1h 12min

BB Ep 48: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business This Summer with Rachel Hollis and Rachel Cruze

I've been coaching business leaders for about a decade now, and over the years I've noticed an unfortunate theme pop up again and again. It's something that holds people back in both business and in life: People want something to change, but they don't want to make a change. You know what I'm talking about! You've probably been there yourself. Maybe you've wanted to lose weight, get out of debt, or make new friends, but you don't want to eat healthier, spend less money, or leave your house! You want to see different results without actually doing anything differently. Maybe this applies to your business right now. Maybe your sales have been stalled or your profits have plummeted, and you just feel stuck. Friend, this episode is for you-because I'm going to give you five ways to grow your business. Related: Assume You Can But-spoiler alert!-it's going to take trying some new things. Because if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. But not this summer. This is going to be the summer you tried something different to get different results! Everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone. So if you want to grow your business, it might mean being uncomfortable and doing things that scare you. But that's okay, because if you know that going in, you can do it anyway. Overcoming the Lies That Hold You and Your Business Back With Rachel Hollis Rachel Hollis is an author, speaker, and the founder and CEO of Chic Media. She and I are kindred spirits because we are both absolutely on fire for women who want to grow their businesses. Her new book, Girl, Wash Your Face, addresses the lies Rachel found herself believing throughout her life. You've probably heard some of them playing on a loop in your head, too: "I'm not enough." "I'm defined by my weight." "I'm not a good mom." Wherever these lies stem from-whether it's society, your mother-in-law, or the devil himself-Rachel realized they define so much about how we live our lives, and she's made it her goal to confront them head on. In this episode, Rachel Hollis and I talk about: Why women sometimes make ourselves seem small to make others feel more comfortable-and how we're hurting our potential in the process How she gained traction with a blog and grew that into a content and marketing business Making your followers, fans and customers feel known, seen and loved Getting the nerve to raise your rates and charge at the high end of whatever industry you're in Dealing with mom guilt and the very real insecurities we feel as working moms Rachel Cruze on Growing Your Business Dream This is the episode with my favorite Rachels! Rachel Cruze is a #1 New York Times best-selling author and host of The Rachel Cruze Show. She's also one of my best friends and I love watching her shine in her gifts-which, in her case, looks like helping women all over the country live their best life on a budget! Related: Ep. 3-How to Stop Feeling Guilty for Making Money In this episode, Rachel Cruze and I talk about: The secret to getting your spouse on board with your business and your budget How our upbringing shapes the way we view money and business The benefits of positive thinking and dreaming and how that can affect and grow your business Plus, I'll answer some of the questions you asked using our brand-new Business Boutique call-in line: 844.944.1074. 1:19 5 Ways to Grow Your Business This Summer 14:55 Interview with Rachel Hollis 39:40 #ASKCHRISTYWRIGHT 48:58 Interview with Rachel Cruze 65:24 Homework Get Christy's Goal Setting Tool by filling out the form here! To save $10 on any Business Boutique Nashville ticket, use the code BBWRIGHT. Sign up for the Business Idea Bootcamp at Use the code BOOTCAMP to receive the Business Boutique audiobook for free! If you have a success story you would like to share with...

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