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Aug 14, 2024 • 21min

WOJCICKI, Death Becomes Her: Turbo Karma Takes Another Technocratic Tyrant!

Vaccine death no.188,543,434,098 Here lies Susan Wojcicki Jewish “mother” of YouTube, Wife of Dennis and mother of Marco, who died suddenly just months before satan clawed back one of its best enforcers and propagandists in the biggest genocide in history. Her accomplishments were plentiful: Susan played a major role in Google's purchase of YouTube in 2006 and was YouTube's CEO and hate speech, misinformation and inappropriate content tzar during the Covaids plandemic. Under her leadership, YouTube aggressively censored information related to the fake Covaids pandemic and the clot shot’s side effects, including the turbo-cancer phenomenon. Not only did she manage to silence some of the greatest immunologists in the world, she also successfully exterminated the channels of white extremists like Jeff Berwick and Stew Peters, James Corbett and Max Igan like the truth-telling anarchist vermin they are. Always striving for excellence, Susan also ensured that YouTube remains a safe space for pedophilia and self-mutilation. And, in the ultimate sacrifice, she brought early death on herself by believing her own propaganda and taking her own medicine. Her death wasn’t in vain. In 2019, she was recognized as one of the most influential Jews in the world, and praised for her dedication to her Jewish heritage, deeply rooted in her maternal AshkeNAZI grandparents, who were Russian Jewish immigrants.Susan Wojcicki, RIHWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post WOJCICKI, Death Becomes Her: Turbo Karma Takes Another Technocratic Tyrant! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 12, 2024 • 1h 10min

Jeff Berwick Travels To The Epicenter Of The Insane Freak Show, Decodes The Agenda

“The new business model for America is clearly recognizable. Its dominant feature is the merger of government, real estate, and commerce into a single structure, tightly controlled at the top. It is the same model used in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist China.”In 1994, G. Edward Griffin wrote The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. It’s a massive book, both in size (it’s about 200 pages longer than The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire!) and impact… revealing the biggest scam in history…up until September 9, 2001. At that stage, there was no YouTube or X or FBI-Book and I got my news about the planes crashing on CNN like everyone else. I remember thinking it was weirdly convenient that they just picked up one of these terrorists’ passports and how a guy in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrated this incredible attack.In the meanwhile, I met Doug Casey, someone I see as a mentor, and he helped me to define myself as a libertarian and an anarchist. I left that meeting, read the Market for Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehill and recognized myself in it.  Then I watched the documentary Loose Change by Dylan Avery and my life changed completely. I was stumped. I realized that NONE of it is real, and everything they say on television and mainstream media is fake. I started looking into other things like the moon landing and anything to do with WW1 and WW2. (Most wars, really) I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t a complete lie. This realization spun me into the rabbit hole that I’m still digging into 25 years later and I discover more lies almost on a daily basis, some of which I talk about in today’s video. The world is heading to a One World Technocrat Tyranny… fast! All the signs are there. Banks, fiat currencies, and markets are all heading to a massive collapse. And WW3, which started decades ago with 9/11, is speeding up. It will look like no war you have ever seen, and the only way you will maybe be able to escape the agenda will be to: Secure yourself and your family Secure your water supply  Grow your own food, or buy from a nearby farmer you trust  Get rid of attachments and addictions  Build your physical, mental, and emotional strength  Focus on your spirituality  Forget about banks, fiat currencies and government services – none of it will exist anymoreFinally, whatever you do, wherever you are, do not accept a donut in exchange for a Kill Gates lethal injection.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Jeff Berwick Travels To The Epicenter Of The Insane Freak Show, Decodes The Agenda appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 10, 2024 • 1h 43min

The UK Kalergi Plan Replacement Theory 1984 Big Brother Take Over Done By… You Know Who

David Icke, a long-time advocate against totalitarianism, sounds the alarm on the UK’s rapid descent into a surveillance state. He connects current events to Orwell’s '1984', highlighting oppressive laws that stifle free speech and target social media users for expressing dissent. Icke calls for personal empowerment through alternative currencies and emphasizes the need for individual privacy amid growing government control. The discussion also touches on societal divisions fuelled by fear and conspiracy, urging listeners to seek their inner peace in these tumultuous times.
Aug 8, 2024 • 58min

Jeff Berwick On Having The Most Fun Ever In The Giant 3D Apocalypse Video Game

I haven’t watched a movie or played a video game in years. But the intrinsic ingredient of a dystopian world is the same: A society that might look ideal on the surface but in reality is heavily flawed or anarchic. It has bizarre rules and customs that the citizens are supposed to abide by, and the government makes sure they do. Our current game world is set in a world where governments and privateers uniformly loath individualism, privacy and independence. These controllers and elitists have three goals: Obstruct autonomy. Blow up self-sovereignty. And destroy the free market. Sound familiar? In a recent interview on Outer Limits of the Inner Truth, I shared my take on the giant 3D video game we find ourselves in, and why I’m having tremendous fun being the star in my own game, which means I can do anything I want to. WITHOUT FEAR! How does this work? First, you have to ask yourself what is real. Extreme government tyranny, inflation, lockdowns, lethal injections – none of that has affected me at all over the past few years, so is it even real? Or, am I just living a different reality because I did the work on myself to level up and get closer to reaching Christ/Creator consciousness? Is it really possible to change your own reality? Here’s an example: Two people are living in a city, one is super happy and loves living in that city. The other is super unhappy living in the same city. Why? Because they’re creating their own reality, and everything they do has an effect on that reality. I’ve realized that you can be in this world but not of this world, which is why I can observe everything that’s going on, but not live in fear or let it affect me negatively anymore. Four years ago when the world went completely cooked I was angry a lot. Now I’m mostly laughing and having fun with it all because there are only two ways to look at it: Super hilarious Super horrible So what can you do to enjoy it? First, you have to get away from all the systems and understand it’s not real. People are creating it themselves by obeying the system over and over again in a neverending doom loop. All the crazy stuff that’s going on is pushing people to change. Everything in the Game is put there for a reason, to test you, to make you grow and improve. And, level up. Because every time you reach a new level, new wonderful things appear. I’ve said before that you need to do all this work to get connected to source so you can get outside the Matrix and can see all the signs and signals that the Creator of the video game gives you but most people cannot see or hear.My job now is to figure out my role in the Game.And, having fun while doing so.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Jeff Berwick On Having The Most Fun Ever In The Giant 3D Apocalypse Video Game appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 6, 2024 • 1h 38min

HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Massive Stock and Crypto Crash, WWII On The Verge And Immigrant Invasion in England

If you’ve been a Dollar Vigilante follower or subscriber for a while, nothing I’m saying today should surprise you. First, there’s the massive stock crash and crypto bloodbath I’ve been warning of for the past few years. Fears of a US recession have gripped global markets, triggering a share market rout that prompted investors across Asia, Europe and North America to all unwind their positions – at the same time. Suddenly, the mainstream media are asking if investors are facing a historic share market crash – similar to the global financial crisis or 1987’s Black Monday. (Although Jim Kramer has assured us that it’s not the end of the world, which should put you on high alert that armageddon is imminent) In fact, if you’ll remember, just a few months ago, I chatted with Ed Bugos, fellow founder and chief analyst of The Dollar Vigilante, who said markets will probably drop by more than 50% before fall. And, he said when that happens Bitcoin will likely fall to around $40k. Which is part of the reason I warned TDV subscribers just A FEW DAYS AGO that my personal strategy would be to get out of everything and have at least 50% in cash in various forms when the financial collapse red button is pushed. The only thing going up, dramatically, is war/terrorism stocks. And, you can’t say I haven’t warned you about that, either. Golan Heights, which is an Israeli-occupied part of Syria, was bombed by what eyewitnesses described as an Iron Dome missile, killing 12 Druze children playing on a soccer field. Aided and abetted by US secretary of defense Tony Blinken and the ‘biggest terrorist army in the world’, Israhell declared it was Hezbollah and Hamas and proceeded to bomb the crap out of Beirut and Tehran. Everyone is shuffling into position now, as we wait for WW3 to kick off, and, when it does, you can bet a billion real people will die.  Or more, if the Christian/Islam race war driven by the Khazarian Mafia is successful, which it will be… going by the massive civil unrest between the immigrant imports, the far-right extremists, the far-left wokeists, and the police-state government in the UK at the moment. (Much more on this in today’s video) The immigrant armies are in position, ready to be let loose on Western civilization. It’s called “Replacement Migration”. Simply put, it translates as an invitation to immigrants to invade Europe and produce (by force if necessary) the “the children of Kalergi” –  a new mixed-race slave race to serve an elitist master race. Let me remind you of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, a Jewish writer financed by Jewish bankers, who in his book Praktischer Idealismus, proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration. He indicates that the residents of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality easily controlled by the ruling elite.Who is this elite, however? Kalergi is particularly illuminating on this:“The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process.”Financial collapse and WW3, combined with cyber attacks and the bird flu/Covaids 2.0 plandemic… It's all part of the one-world government agenda, as Western countries find new reasons to implement police state martial law, complete with surveillance and facial recognition cameras everywhere. Those who complain will face a Covid-style lockdown and travel ban. Or death by lethal injection. The storm is rolling in very fast. It has begun. And, it’s just the beginning.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Twitter | Telegram | InstagramThe post HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Massive Stock and Crypto Crash, WWII On The Verge And Immigrant Invasion in England appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 5, 2024 • 1h 3min

More Massive Psyops Run By Elite Controllers Designed To Enslave You To The System

Let the Psyop (but mainly Death) Games begin! Man, I’m enjoying this video game. There’s never a dull moment. Well, January maybe. When the globalists’ are making plans designed to enslave you to the system somewhere between Xmas hedonism and Davos ritual sacrifice. In this video, I reveal yet more plot twists about the ‘Gunfight at the PA Corral’; the real Covaids lethal injection pandemic; the fake Bird Flu plandemic; Israhell’s psyop war with the “Axis of Evil”; and the fact that men beating up women is now a competitive sport. I can tell you that I never thought the world would be run by transgender men… or women…? (I’m never quite sure how it works)Robots, okay. Aliens, very possible.Zombies, maybe. Trannies, never. In my day, a man who enjoyed dressing up like a woman was a transvestite. And, we called a man who enjoys thrashing the living daylights out of women an abusive misogynist thug. Boy, has that changed! Assaulting women is now a competitive sport and you can get a gold medal for really pulverizing your female opponent to the point of them withdrawing from the fight. And, then apologizing for crying about it afterward. The transpocalypse doesn’t end there. While the Vatican (not the Pope) has belatedly expressed its “sadness” about the mockery of Christ at the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris, Even Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò says it's “no coincidence” that the ceremonies were presided over by French President Emanuel Macron, an 'emissary of the World Economic Forum,' who ‘passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.'Of course His Eminence was excommunicated three weeks ago for his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Moloch.Maybe I can interest him in a beach paradise home in Nicaragua for less than $135,000 or a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in one of the world's most renowned hospitality brands with ECI Development. Because the net is tightening and pretty soon there’ll be very few places to go and no way to get there, as proven by the European Union’s roll-out of its Vaxx Card pilot in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal. This is just one of the reasons why it’s incredibly important for people who currently live in Europe to pay attention and come join me and the rest of an incredible speaker line-up at Liberpulco, Serbia from 5 – 7 September, 2024. You snooze, you’re screwed… Destined to stay forever in District 12: Where you can starve to death in safety. Watch on: | Odysee | Bitchute | Rumble | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post More Massive Psyops Run By Elite Controllers Designed To Enslave You To The System appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 2, 2024 • 17min

SHOTS FIRED: Decoding The Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony Ritual

Dancing drag queens and fat lesbian Jesus and the plandemic 2.0 collapsing dance. Even the Pale Horse from Script-ure galloped into The Capitol as the 33rd Hunger Games went fully woke dystopian.Tune in for an excerpt from the Shots Fired show with DeAnna Lorraine as we talk about the signs and symbols of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony. First, let me say I did not watch the opening ceremony live. Super Bowl halftime “entertainment”, Eurovision, the Olympics… I never watch any of these show live, if at all. It’s all ritual spellcasting. The same people, with the same rituals, are literally broadcasting evil into the living rooms of tens of millions of families watching whatever show is on the menu. They haven’t bothered to hide it for years, because they don’t have to. There's even a Children's Book of Demons; sample passage: “Summoning demons has never been so fun!” If you remember, the 2012 London Olympic Games ceremony featured a giant figure of death holding a needle, with doctors and nurses dancing like zombies around children in hospital beds. Some believe the figure is the Grim Reaper, while others think the scene is a satanic ritual in preparation of the mass culling of the Covaids vaccine rollout. Of course, according to the “fact checkers”, all of those theories would be WRONG! Because the figure was actually Harry Potter’s nemesis, Voldemort, and the “needle” is the Dark Lord’s wand. (You can’t make up this shit) The Olympic predictive programming and ritual spellcasting didn’t disappoint this year, either. Lady Gaga was there. So was Celine Dion. And the ceremony, which was designed by a gay Jewish man, re-enacted The Last Supper with a morbidly obese queer Jewish woman as Jesus, surrounded by her trannie disciples, including one that looks almost exactly like me!  Another one of the trannies had his balls hanging out as he looked at the child beside him and made the throat-cutting motion.I’m not really a Bible guy but I do pay attention to the Script-ure and it’s pointed out in Revelation 6:8, ‘And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed after him, and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with beasts of the earth.’All perfectly normal to start off a sporting competition!  And, a sporting competition that includes men beating women senseless in the boxing competition to cheers from the crowd.We’re not nearing the apocalypse, we’re in it already. And, as we get deeper into this apocalypse, just know that it is all to make you better and stronger.  All you need to do is pass the tests you are given. Apocalypse means revelation: seeing something which has been hidden. It comes from the Greek word, Apokálypsis, which means “lifting of the veil”,  uncovering what is previously concealed.So, if you happen to be going through any tough times right now, which I think many people are as, remember that it’s not about death, it’s about enlightenment. It’s a state of mind and heart that helps us see the truth. ***“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” – BuddhaWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post SHOTS FIRED: Decoding The Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony Ritual appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jul 28, 2024 • 1h 27min

The 33rd Ozempic Hunger Games Opening Ceremonies, Trump Hoax and Mileikowski Ovation

Here we go again! Trump’s ear had miracle healing, and, a brand new Joe Biden and cringe-cringier-Cackles meet with Bibi to discuss bom-bom-bom bomb-bomb Iran. Plus, the 33rd Olympic Hunger Games ceremony kicked off with more genius-level psychological programming. Wow! ‘Tis the season for psyops. First, there’s the Trump hoax, where the plot continues to sicken as the FBI now agrees that maybe Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet at all, but that the bullet hit the teleprompter, changed direction in the air, and the shrapnel nicked his ear causing it to bleed. It’s just unbelievable. Almost like the time the whole SEALTeam 16 died in a helicopter crash 3 months after “killing” Osama Bin Laden who managed to single-handedly direct the destruction of 3 buildings by 2 planes from his cave in Afghanistan. And, the time America put men on the moon but could never repeat it because they “lost” the technology and stuff. And we’re the crazy conspiracy theorists! You must be a super NPC, a mind-controlled robot, to believe any of these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Back to The Apprentice…after all the hooah, this is all we know: People appear to be shot (you can’t be certain, because there somehow aren’t any cellphone videos)  Trump may or may not have used a ketchup packet on his ear to simulate the “blood pouring everywhere”. And, that’s it, that’s the whole operation. That’s how quickly they flipped the whole narrative from Trump as the evil villain to Trump the Hero, Trump the Messiah, Trump the Saviour… come to rescue us all from the giant border mess Biden created, bringing in tons and tons of foreign fighting-age men who are in cells all across the country. Of course Trump should roll out a massive police state and digital IDs – “It’s for your safety and ours”. And, if you have to get a vaccine passport to travel, well, it’s okay, because Trump said so. And, the NPC’s will loyally continue to pay their taxes and continue voting because… “democracy”. And it all started with a few shots and Donald Trump falling to the ground with a ketchup packet on his ear… In today’s show, I also speak about Kackles Harris and the new, improved NBA-Joe who grew at least 4 inches since his last proof-of-life appearance. Not having the (s)election stress worked wonders for PedoPete v14, as he even grew taller than his good friend Bibi Mileikowski. Who, by the way, received 55 standing ovations at the US CONgress for being the most prolific anti-Semitic mass murderer of all time. Preferably women and children. And, preferably in the most heinous ways they can think of, like starving them to death, or slaughtering them in front of their kids. Then, to put the proverbial cherry on top of the absurd circus of a month, the Pedolympic Games in Paris kicked off with some arson attacks on the French railway (IRAN!) and a total lock-down of the city as residents and tourists enjoyed it all under chemtrail skies that eerily resembled a pentagram. Including the morbidly obese woman surrounded by trannies having the last supper and the Blue Smurf guy singing which broke out into a tranny drag show featuring my tranny twin. Oh, and the Covaids collapsing dance which is either a past prologue or predictive programming for the upcoming bird flu pandemic. Not least, did you behold the pale horse galloping all over the place? Whoever is writing this script is GENIUS! Speaking of locked-down cities… first, Acapulco (my home town) was attacked with a stealth category 5 hurricane, and now they’ve burnt down half of Jasper in Canada, less than 2 months after I went there and said it’s my favorite part of the country. And, it very much seems like a Lahaina 2.0 situation, with melted cars but green trees. And, of course, Deadmonton, where I was born, is targeted as a 15-minute Smart City. I’ll say it again. Will you please watch The Jones Plantation? Nothing I say could explain what’s happening right now any better. “You can control a man for a period with brute violence, but you cannot truly OWN a man unless he thinks your word is law, and that he must obey–and is virtuous for doing so.”  – Tobias Smith, The Jones PlantationWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post The 33rd Ozempic Hunger Games Opening Ceremonies, Trump Hoax and Mileikowski Ovation appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jul 25, 2024 • 1h 12min

Psyop Season Has Begun: Trump Staged Assasination, Bill Gates’ Cyber Attacks and Pedo Pete Drops Out For Kamala

“It's a Big Club, and you ain’t in it.”Everyone knows George Carlin’s Big Club one-liner, but when last have you read the rest of his skit? Here it is… You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think, and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people — white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on — good honest hard-working people continue — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all – at all – at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white, and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes every day. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”It’s impossible to find a better description if you tried. In today’s Jeff and Bruce Lee Show (yes, Bruce is back from his travels and feistier than ever), we talk about the Zionists’ red & blue team of death, and Kill Gates’ blue screen of death. In my last video, I said there could be one piece of real evidence that it wasn’t just a PSYOP and that Trump wasn’t in on his planned assassination i.e. the massive $12 million short position on DJT stock. Tune in to see what the numbers say… and the Illuminati cards… and The Simpsons. (Sensitive viewer warning: There’ll be some talk of Matt Groening's crusty toenails and Kamala Harris EXPOSED)All the versions of Pedo Pete (including Cadaver Joe). All the men behind vice-president Kackles. Bill & Killary. The Dronebombers… they all report to Israhell. So does Captain Courageous… The American hero… Intrepid Leader of the People. As does Elon Muskerade, free speech champion, father of the canceled and censored, and just an all-around blue chip kind of guy. And, all the controlled opposition who seed and feed Company Approved messages to the unsuspecting masses. THEY’RE ALL IN THE SAME CLUB! And, they won’t let up on their promises. War is coming, and so is famine and plague. Part of the world just had a tiny taste of what would happen in the event of a real cyber pandemic that Satan Klaus has been promising. Ask yourself, once the real event happens, and all flights and everything just immediately stop and you don’t have a chance to get out of where you are, will you be happy?  Don’t miss today’s video as I talk about the new $SOL meme coin taking the world by storm. Check out Liberpulco if you’re in Europe in September. And, don’t forget to have fun with the World Wide Federation’s apocalypse entertainment.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Psyop Season Has Begun: Trump Staged Assasination, Bill Gates’ Cyber Attacks and Pedo Pete Drops Out For Kamala appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Jul 24, 2024 • 43min

Trump Psychological Operation Exposed with Jeff Berwick on ‘Shots Fired”

The SHOT. Where did it come from? Who did it come from? Was it even real? Or was it about as real as the moon landing? Or 9/11? Or the Covid plandemic? I can go on… In today’s video, I talk about the ‘assassination attempt’ on Trump with DeAnna Lorraine on her show, ‘Shots Fired’I’ve now completely ruled out one of my first scenario options, that it all happened exactly the way they say it happened. The official story of slopes and ladders and fumbling SS agents is just too ridiculous to pay even a fraction of attention to. So, 1) we’re left with a CIA assassination that somehow missed its target, because that’s highly believable. Or, 2) it’s another super psychological operation (PSYOP) with a designated patsy, several crisis actors in supporting roles, and a bona fide Hollyweird actor in the lead. Let’s look at aaaaall the evidence that it wasn’t, in fact, completely staged: Someone died!! (someone always does, it’s called human collateral) Trump had a bloody ear (so he was nicked by a high-caliber bullet that was supposed to take his ear off or at least deafen him, but didn’t. Also, coincidentally, he’s a former wrestler who’s used to sleight-of-hand blood packs, because the show must go on) And, let’s not even talk about the guy who SHOT the SHOT, photographer Doug Mills, who just happens to have been at his first Trump rally, in Butler, Pennsylvania of all places. Along with half the Western world’s mainstream media (MSM) reporters who rocked up in Nowheresville to see Trump get shot (at). As described in NY Times, “Most cameras used to capture images of bullets in flight are using extremely high-speed specialty cameras not normally utilized for regular photography, so catching a bullet on a side trajectory as seen in that photo would be a one in a million shot and nearly impossible to catch even if one knew the bullet was coming.” In the back of my head, I hear the half-awake asking “why would they lie about something like this, Jeff? How could they? Do you know how many people would have to be in on a hoax/inside job this big? Surely, you are wrong this time. President Trump is a hero.” Yeah. It’s amazing how they keep doing these PSYOPS, over and over again, and people just keep falling for it. And, that’s why they keep getting away with fake wars, and fake plandemics and cyber attacks, and real lethal injections.Democracy is a system of enslavement set up with ingenious people who desperately want to kill, enslave, and impoverish everyone on earth. And, the MSM is their propaganda machine. You can either keep watching, keep voting, and keep paying taxes… OR… learn how to get away from the craziness at Anarchapulco 2025 – presale tickets NOW AVAILABLE! Don’t be the patsy.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Trump Psychological Operation Exposed with Jeff Berwick on ‘Shots Fired” appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.

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